NOTICE TO TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MEMBERS OF THE ARMED FORCES AND THEIR FRIENDS Winterize Your Home DANCE SPECIAL ANNIVERSARYLSERVICES Have Your Storm Windows Repaired Now Good Stock of Quality Glass now on hand It is the intention of Council to prepare an Honour Roll containing these names and to present some form of recognition. In order to obtain as full a list as possible, members of the armed forces and their friends are requested to supply the committee in preparing this list the fol- lowing iniormation. Name in Full ...................................................................................... Rank ........................................................................................................ \Vhere enlisted .......... I ......................................................................... Date enlisted ...................................................................................... Present Address ................................................................................ Home Address .................................................................................... Vouched by .......................................................................................... Clip this notice and mail to:â€" ’ REV. C. H. BOWMAN, Maple, Ont., or to any of the following members of the Committee in your district :â€"Messrs. Gordon McGillivray, Elder Mills; W. E. Watson, Woodbridge; W. J. Whitten, El- gin Mills; P. W. Waters, Maple; Geo. Lake, Langstaff. Dated at Maple this 15th day of October, 1945. J. M. MCDONALD, Township Clerk. The Council of the Township of Vaughan wishes to proâ€" cure the names of all members of the armed forces who were residents of the Township 30 days prior to en- listment. EVERYONE WELCOME Guest Speaker will be the Rev. Robert Manning, M.A., S.T.M., of High Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto Ilis Choir will also accompany him and will render the music morning and evening. Robert is one of our Maple boys and he is sure to have a good message. Try and be present. EVERYBODY WELCOME SERVICES AT 11 A.M. AND 7 RM. PHONE 18 BUY THOSE STOVE & FURNACE PIPES NOW Furnace Cement, Asbestos Paper, etc. FINDLAY RANGES, HEATERS & CIRCULATORS ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, MAPLE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21st PAGE FOUR . Y. W. BRATHWAITE Under auspices of Vellore Jr. Farmers VELLORE AN HALL TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30th have Bronze, Rubber and Felt Weather Strip in stock Max Boag’s Orchestra ERNIE EVANS, Floor Manager Will be held in ADMISSION 50c. WE DELIVER The October meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held last Wedâ€" nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. F. S. Rumble. Plans were made for a welcome home party for local returned service men in November and Xmas boxes to be sent to those still overseas. The ditty bags for the Navy League are to be filled as usual. The W.I. are buying drinkâ€" ing cups and suitable racks to hold them for uSe of the village school. The program consisted of a piano solo by Mrs. Wade and a most in teresting and instructive talk by Mrs. Ohas. Bowman on “Home Econ- omicsâ€. The district officers, Miss Hambly and Mrs. 'Vanderburgh, were present and spoke briefly to the members. Miss Hambly said she was pleased to see that with all the stress of making money the W.I. of Maple was not neglecting the 'lnstiâ€" tute program. At the close Mrs. Rumble served a very dainty lunch. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. A. J. Wells, at present in Toronto Western H0spital, is improving fav- orably after a major operation. She wishes to express her deepest..appre- ciation to the many friends and re- latives who have been so kind, sendâ€" ing flowers, cards, books, etc. The 75th anniversary of the Unit- ed Church will be held on Sunday, November 11th. At the morning ser- vice the guest speaker will be Dr. Jesse H. Arnup, Moderator of the United Church of Canada. At the evening service a men’s choir of 25 voices from Toronto will sing. We understand the grocery busi- ness owned by Mr. Earl Palmer has been sold to Mr. John McGinnis of Midhurst and Barrie who takes pos- session early >in quember. The Women’s Institute annual “At Home†dance will be held on Novem- ber 7th and will take the form of a “Welcome Home†party for our 10- cal returned men from oveseas. COm~ plimentary tickets are being sent to each returned service man. Carl Black’s orchestra will be in attend- Pte. George Metc‘alfe has secured a six months’ “industrial leave†and has gone into his pre-war job with Davis. tannery inflNewmarket. If you haven’t yet sent your bundTe of good clean used clothing to the school or post office, do so before Saturday. The need. is very great. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL O’Brien of Ki-ng' who is ill is being cared for at the home of her daughter! Mrs. Chas. Ball: ance Miss Irene'McKinnon of Toronto spent Thankkgï¬ving holiday week- end with her mgther in Maple. nMrrignd Mrs. Elmer Rayburn and family of Orangeville spent Sunday with the Palmer familya Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Sunday, Oct. let 8 a.m.â€"â€"*Communion. 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"~Morning Prayer. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. All welcome. Mrs. Donald Allen and baby Brian have returned from a three weeks’ visit in Detroit with her sister Mrs. Tom Bateman. The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill will hold its First Sitting for the current year on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1945, for Mrs. M. J. Houck of Cashel has been spending a few Gays with her daughter Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. B. Myers of Cashel had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. P. Puterbaugh on October 16th, it be- ing their second wedding anniversâ€" ary. 7 Miss Marion Smith of Oshawa spent the week-end with ‘Miss Rhoda Pollock. the purpose of hearing bomplaints and appeals against the assessment of7t_he §aid village, 7 ‘ COURT OF REVISION The Court will sit in the Chamber on the above date o’clock p.m., and all whom concern‘ are requested to themselves a_c_cordingly. Miss Irene Puterbaugh entertain- ed the Nova ‘-Scotia bank staff of Weston at a cbrn roast at Centre View farm with her sisters and par- ents. Richmond Hill, Oct. 18, 1945. BROWN “PARKER†pen and pencil set in brown leather case, initials M.E.R. engraved on set. ’Finder please phone Richmond Hill 53. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL FULLER BRUSHES One Day Service New Equipment. New Tires ' Batteries, Rentals Main St. E. Stouffville Telephone 6502 SALES and SERVICE For Markham, Pickering, Uxbridge and Scott Townships. V. PENNANEN VULCANIZING Bourne’s Service 5643 Yonge Street RUSSELL 'L'YNETT, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE MAPLE LOST Council at 7.30 it may govern 4 H‘O‘DSTEIN YEARLING HEIF- EIRJS, fully accredited, registered, Jackson-.Boake Rag Apple breeding. E. ‘H. Redman, Concord. 8â€"ROOM HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls and sunroom, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street E., Richmond H211. 1 DINING ROOM SIDEBOARD, solid Oak with bevelled mirror; 1 kitchen cupboard; 1 kitchen range, Climax, with warmer and reservoir, 1 ice box, holds 75 lbs. ice. Apply Mrs. J. H. Bull, opposite Jefferson DARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colors, 3 doz. $1.00 and up. All good bulbs. J. Smellie, Thorn- hands, good worker, $40. Will trade for light mare suitable for riding and light farm work. Apply phone Mr. Clarkson, Maple 28r13. YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred, some due to farrow, also young pigs from reg- istered boar. Ayrshire Bulls, serv- iceable age and younger. Apply Geo. Sp“ing_,fl_StopA 14A Yonge St., phone MJH ‘B‘INDER, 5 ft. cut, excellent condition, $75.00. McGuire Farm, Wexford, phone [Hudson 8787. ANTIQUE BEDROOM SUITE over 100 years old, marble tops. Apply 48 Church St, Richmond Hill, after 6 EATON A'CME KI'I‘CHEN RANGE, 6 holes, wood or coal, complete with hot water coil, in good condition, $15. Apply phone Thornhill 28W. ME‘DIUM PER‘OHERON HORSE, 13 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Woods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milxers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio Kn Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. WE ARE NOW taking orders for R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nesting under R.O.P. since 1935. For re- turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise not to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thorn- hill, Ont. BRUNSWICK CABINET GRAMO- PHONE, good condition. Apply 12 Centre St. E. 45 WHITE ROCK PULLETS 6 mes. old, ready to lay. Apply Frank Rolfe, King P.0., phone 54r12. H111, phone 42J. TEorn‘hill 149 side watei heater. A. Hudson, Lang- staff. 1 REG. SHORTHORN BULL, pure- bred dual purpOSE, 2 years old. Phone Zone 8-132. 2 GEESE, 1 gander. Apply Mr‘ Deans, Brookside Road. AvCME QUEBEC COOK STUVE, HOW I LUST ‘MY HUSBAND: I suppose I was really to blame. Bill started paying attention to other women. It wasn’t that I didn’t know how to bake and cook and make things tasty; but housekeeping got to be a. bore to me and I naturally got careless. Yes I found out the hard way. I was having a good time and ‘Bill would come home and the meals wouldn’t be ready which made him storm. Mom warned me and said I shouldn’t be so neglectful. However I changed my tactics, I could see the way I was going wasn’t getting me anywhere. I won hubby back again. Our romance started all over again. I procured a Bakers Sweetner chart and baked, cooked, canned, pickled and made the loveli- est dainties which appealed to Bill and the youngsters and we now are a very happy family. Bill says, Mom you’re the best woman in the world. (Secret) I put a cup of sugar in a clean quart jar (no mustiness) and fill the jar with Bakers Sweetner and use this mixture for baking, cooking, pies, cakes, puddings, cer- eals, it’s so simple, “it’s goodâ€. Tea, coffee, drinks need no sugar. It's cheaper than sugar, $5 worth Bakers Sweetner is as sweet at $14 worth sugar. There isn’t any waste, Bak- ers Sweetner has the sugar taste. No coupons, easy to use, no bitter- ness, guaranteed as represented or money‘ back. 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 350., 1/2 gal. 65c., gallon $1.25, 5 gal. $5. 10 gal. $9.60. Containers extra, 25 oz. btl. 1c., 40 oz. btl. 10c., 1/2 gal. btl. 15c., gallon jug or can 250. each. No shipment made less than gallon @ $1.50. We pay express up to 100 miles when money order accompanies order for 6 gallons or more. Geo. E. Baker, th.B., manufacturing chemist, Stouffville, Ont. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertxon and lb cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. 80 Church St., Richmond Hill FOR SALE Johnson’s Electric Floor Polisher F OR RENT GERAL D PARIS CHILD’S BROWN OXF‘ORJD’S, size 25-0 lbs., just like new. Apply 80 Mill Road, Stop 23B Yonge St. SMALL DINING TAIBLE, fancy legs, $7.00; large Quebec heater, like new, $10. W. Elliott, Markham Road. COOK STOVE, white and green ena- mel, good condition. Apply J. Dex- ter, 24 Benson Ave., Richmond Hill. EATONIA CREAM SEPARATOR, “MODERNE†circulating heater, like new, porcelain enamel outer cas- ing, Walnut and Maple finish, cast iron firepot 15" x 10â€, price $40. tPhone 35M, Richmond 1Hll, 47 Mill St. NEW STOVE, never used, white enamel front and back. Apply Box 40, The Liberal. 7, worn 2 hours, $1.25. Phoné 35M Richmond Hill, 47 Mill St. OOLT 1% years old. G. Beelich, Richmond Hill. 2 GRADE AYRSHIRE COWS, 4 yrs old. Phone Maple 69r12 SMALL QUANTITY OF MANGEL‘S ABOUT 1150 BU‘S. OLD OATS. Ap- ply 6043 Yonge St., phone ‘ï¬llow- dale 682. THOROUGHBRED IRISH SETTE‘R, SAW MANDRIL, complete with 30 inch saw, new; pipe for posts for barns and houses; rails for concrete. Langstaff Supply, Langstaff. YELLOW GOLD WRIST WATCH, 15 jewel, Swiss movement, young lady’s, would make nice gift for young girl. Price $15. Apply The leeral Ofâ€"fice. PIANO & BENCH, $85.0J. Apply phone Richmond Hill 2491'32. ready foi- delivery. Bedford Park Floral Co. § nlonths old, will sell cheap. Apply Mr. Higgs, Doncaster Gardens, Thornhill. BEDROOM DRESSER, in very good condition. Apply phone Thorn'nill 631124 or call after 6 p.m. at Mrs. Bailey’s, Essex.Ave. 1 Y-O‘UN‘G HO‘LIS‘TEIN COW. fresh, and 1 young Guernsey cow, fresh. Apply Herman Mortson, Victoria Square, phone Stouffville 4013. 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, garage, hen house, all modern conveniences, hardwood floors, furnace, large cor- ner lot. Terms and possession ar- 1anged, owner. Apply 138 Richmond St, Richmond Hill. 1 coal oil oven, large size; 1 3/4 bed with springs; 1 lamp table; 1 wash- stand; 1 sewing machine, New Will- iams. Apply 222 Oak St, Richvale. $3,000, or best offer, warm 6 room house, good garden, water and light in, and stove heated. Phone Rich- mond Hill 149R. 1 COOK STOVE, good baker. Apply 16 Arnold St., Richmond Hill. 1 DOUBLE STEEL BED, $5; two occasional chairs, $2.50 each. Apply Mrs. Geo. Marshall, box 158 Rich- mond Hill P.0‘. 1 ROUND DINING ROOM TABLE! TO BUY SMALL BU'I'IJD‘IN‘G, suit- :pllle for garage. Phone 6113 Thorn- ) . PASSENGER to travel to city leave Richmond Hill at 7 a.m. and leave York and Wellington Sts. at 5 Apply Box 6 Liberal Office. ’ SMALL HOME, apartment, or light housekeeping rooms. Apply phone Richmond Hill 260. HOR’SES to kill, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. 50 TO 100 ACRES, on or near good road, medium or light soil, fair build- ings, hydro and water. Apply Box 262 The Liberal Office. WANTED (For essential research) â€"â€"â€"cats (full-grown) and dogs (small adults). Troye: Natural Science' Ser- vice. Oak Ridges, phone King 3132. TRANSPORTATION from Spruce Ave., Richvale to T. Eaton Co. Would like to arrive at Eaton's 8.30 a.m. and returning 5.30 p.m. Apply 44 Spruce Ave., Richvale. FEATHERS WANTED -â€" Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co.,' 23 Baldwin St... Toronto. TO RENT SMALL HOUSE or apart- ment consisting of 4 or 5 rooms in Richmond Hill by Prov. Constable. Urgently needed. Please notify The Liberal Office. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phene RIGH- MOND HILL 7 or KING 241'4 or MAPLE 293]. AWe pay telephone gigrgg EGï¬DQN 'Yéide Vifï¬ii‘? EDJorontLphone AD. 3636 WANTED Phone 133 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1945. WELL DIGGING and excavating Phone R chmond Hill 2481‘4. for dry cisterns and wells. Gibson Transport, phone Agincourt. 44.112. SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yong. Street and Brooksxde Road. Phone Richmend Hill 102r14. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue, w 1LL Frank SLENDER TABLETS are effective. WATER HAULED. We haul water IEAMSTER, ploughing, grading and cellars dug. Apply Bert Smith, phone mcnmond Hill 1341'12. SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds of paint work. Experienced workman- ship. Estimates cheerfully given. G. Dahl, Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 31r32. ELECTRICAL WIRING, hous farm buildings, specializing in schoo wu-ing. Territory includes Richmond Hill and vicinity. Apply Forth Elec- tric, Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- I’. INGLES & SONS, genel‘alucon- tractors, Jetferson, Uht.‘ All kinds cement work, barns remodelled. MRS. W. BAILEY will be at her home every evening, Essex Avenue, Langstaff, from 6 to 9 for Telepathy Fortune 'l‘ellmg. CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the effective corn remedy. 5°C. at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. 3 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at acmchmer’s Drug Store. GOAT wandered on the premises of C. S. Stung, 11/; miles south Edge- ley. Owner may have same by pay- ing expenses and proving property. Phone Maple 461‘13. AUCTION SALE of Registered and Grade DAIRY CATTLE and Farm Implements MRS. J. W. MILLER Lot 9, C013. 4, Scarboro Twp., 1 Mile south of Markham and Scarboro Townline REG. HOLSTEIN CATTLE lâ€"Dora May Pabst, No. 557749, born Mar. 2, 1943, fresh - 2â€"Viamede Marigold, No. 573884, born May 14, 1943, due 3â€"Viamede Tensen Aristocrat, No. 546332, born Oct. 29, 1942 4â€"Viamede June, No. 578167, born June 30, 1943, fresh 5â€"V1'amede Pansy, No. 573885, born May 5, 1945, fresh 6â€"lDixie Molly, No. 275331, born Feb. 27, 1932, bred Sept. 28th, full flow 7â€"Viamede Corntassel, No. 353191, born Sept. 16, 1936, bred Aug. 24, full flow Hladys Echo Mercedes, No. 397- 768, born Aug. 15, 1938; due March 10 9â€"Male, No. 167283, Homey Acme Dew Drop Apple, born April 7, 1943; Sire, homey Frank Rag Apple Baron; Dam, Homey Rag Apple REG. JERSEYS & GRADE CQWS ifle§sey£ Byogdvievq Bftgy. Aim, No, 109730, born April 14, 1935, bred 11â€"Jersey, No. 97622, born June 8, 1936, due 12â€"Jersey, daughter of above cow, eligible to register, ‘2 years old, due Nov. 10 13â€"Jersey Heifer, 16 months, elig- ible to register 14â€"Holstein 15â€"â€"Holstein 16â€"Holstein 17â€"â€"â€"Holstein 18â€"Holstein 19â€"Holstein 20â€"Holstein 2} â€"â€"Holstein 22â€"Holstein 21â€"Holstein 22â€"Holstein March 14 23â€"Holstein Cow, 8 years, due Dec. 18th 24â€"Holstein Cow, 8 years, due Mar. 13th 25â€"Holstein Cow, 5 years, bred 26â€"Holstein Cow, 7 years, bred 27â€"Holstein Heifer, 2 years, bred 28â€"Holstein Heifer, 2 years, bred 29â€"Holstein Heifer, 2 years, bred (SOâ€"Holstein Heifer, 2 years, bred 31â€":Holste'in Heifer, 2 years, bred Above cattle TB. and blood tested FARM IMPLEMENTS, ETC. 1 Double Disc, Tractor, M-H 1 M-«H Hoe Drill, 13 spout 1 Steel Roller, 3 drum M-H Corn Binder 1 Mellot Cream Separator, 350 lbs. 1 Double Mouldboard Drill New 1 Tin Water Tank, about 700 gals. Set Drag Harrows Triumph Churn 8 Large Beehives, complete 1 Milk Strainer and Plunger 1 Portable Surf Milker, complete 1 Sjcewgu‘t_ hanchower Clippers FRIDAY, OCT. 26th 1 Milk Strainer and Plunger 1 Portable Surf Milker, complete 1 Stewart hand power Clippers 2 Hand Corn Planters, new 15 Ft. Hay Rake 2â€"Furrow Gang Plow Set Single Harness 1 Compressed Air Sprayer 2 Chicken Shelters 2 Brooder Stoves and Pipes 1 Buckeye Incubator Milk Strainer, Plunger Termsâ€"Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. No Reserve as Mrs. Miller is giving up the milk businessr MISCELLANEOUS A. S.’ FARMER, Auctioneer, 1)0 VWEQL DI_(}GING. Apply York RR. 1 Maple. mley, phone OFFEN, Cle The Property of FOUND Cow, 6 years, bred COW, 8 years, bred I Cow, 4 years, due Cow, 8 years, bred Cow, 4 years, bred (Heifer, 2% years, due Cow, 6 years, bred Heifer, 2% years, due Cow, 6 years, due EJbe frésh, riot bred Heifer, 2 years, due 7312