F0=0=0=°=0=0=0=0fl° Steele's Cors., phone Thornhill i35l‘21 Thornhill Hardware Yonge Street PHILLIPSâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phil- lips (nee Ileen Smart) of Jefferson are happy to announce the birth of a son, James Daniel Richard, on Saturday, October 6th at Mrs. Rich- ards Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. ‘ Authorized Member Philco Service Pick up and delivery, all work guaranteed. Record Players. Modern equipment, standard rates. ‘ BIRTH WRIGHTâ€"To Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Laverne Wright, Parry Sound, Ont., on Sunday, October 14, 1945, a son. EUCHRE A euchre will be held in St. Mary's Parish Hall Friday, October 26th. Prizes of fowl will be awarded to winners. The Richmond Hill Girl Guile company has resumed its meetings on Wednesday evenings at 6.30 In the high school. The board has again granted the use of the gymnasmm to the Guides. Captain Winnifred Haworth and Lieut. Rose Masters are planning an entertaining and in- structive programme for the coming wmter. One of the events is a na- ture study hike on the last week-end in October. The commissioner hOpes to go with the Guides. It is doubt- ful, however, that this hike will re? produce the special features of the spring hike. Come along, Guides.’ Autumn woodland trails should offer as much enjoyment as cooking sup- per on a sandy roan. 1n the mean- time there is that Second ClaSS Badge to win. After you have it,‘ you can develop your pet hobbies in‘ working for proficiency badges. That can be real fun. The Local Assu- eiation will be delighted to form :4 Badge, Committee and to help you secure instruction or assistance in your badge. work. l _..- _...._,. -_-._ .m, ............ mond Hill High School was held at the school grounds on Wednesday, October 10th. After the very suc- cessful day dancing to recorded mu- sic was held in the gym. The vari- ous champions are: Senior ‘Boys, champ, Bill M:o:‘e; runner-up, Barry Collard. Junior boys, champ, Norman Alexander; runner-up, John Atkinson. Juvenile boys, champ, Warren Hall; runner- up, Lennox Wilson. Senior girls, champ, Evelyn Bar- ber; runner-up, Mary Burnett. Jun- ior girls, champ, Margaret Mortson and Josephine- Moore, tie. Juvenile girls, champ, Doreen Horner; runn- er-up, Barbara Reardon. HORTICULTURAL NOTES A treat is in store for horticul- turists on Monday evening, October 29th at 8 o’clock in the Parish Hall of the Anglican Church when Prof. Leon Van Cleemput, chief Horticul- turist of the University of Toronto, will speak. Also, Mr. L. A. Trapp L_»_ L:, _.- :;__a Sunday, October 28th, 1945 11 a.m.â€"H’IS HONOR JUDGE H. S. MOTT of Toronto Juvenile Court will address a Combined Rally of Sunday School and Congregation. 7 p.m.â€"REV. C. A. MUSTARD. B.D.. D.D., of Toronto, will preach. SPECIAL MUSIC AT ALL SERVICES All Friends of the Church,‘Resident and Non-Resident, are cordially invited to all services. Sunday, October 21st, 1945 11 a.m.â€"’REV. A. P. ADDISON. B.A., B.D.. D.D., of Toronto will preach and be assisted by Rev. A. W. Dean. D.D., of Toronto. 7 p.m.â€"REV. GEORGE WOOD, B.A., B.D., of To- ronto, Chairman of Toronto Centre Pres- bytery will preach. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1945. Radio & Appliance Service Le_slie Lindsay The Auditorium of Richmond Hill United Church will be re-opened for services of worship follow- ing redecoration with special services as follows: Winterize Your Car NOW Motor Flushing a We carry a full line of Winter Oils & Lubrications Batteries Checked and Charged Cars Washed and Simonized Phone 153 and we will caii for and deliver your car Let us give your car that care it needs. Expat Chef? ‘â€" Shall Lubrication and Internal Girl Guide Notes -A Service Station RE-OPENING SERVICES Richmond Hill United Church Edna W. Izz‘ard, District Commissioner “AL.†WHITE Telephone 33 COMRADESâ€"OLD AND YOUNG A good time was had by all. ‘Where? At the Masonic Hall Satur- ‘day evening last when Comrade L. Zuefelt and his entertainment com- ]mittee put on a real evening for a good crowd of Veterans and their wives. After a closely contested game of euchre an interesting pro- gram was enjoyed by everyone pre- sent. We hope for more good get- togethers through the coming months. In unity is strength, so rally round exâ€"servicemen, come along to the Vets meeting Tuesday, November 6 at 8 p.m. Mothers and Wives, your meeting same date at 2 p.m. in the Municipal Hall, Richâ€" mond Hill. Poppy day just around the come: Order your wreath from J. Variey, Richmond Hill P.O. A treat is in store for horticul- turists on Monday evening, October 29th at 8 o’clock in the Parish Hall of the Anglican Church when Prof. Leon Van Cleemput, chief Horticulâ€" turist of the University of Toronto, ‘will speak. Also, Mr. L. A. Trapp of Toronto will show his very fine collection of flower pictures in color. Mr. Trapp visited some local gara- ens last summer and will show the pictures taken at that time. His collection includes pictures taken at the Blackmore and Langdon Delphinâ€" ium Gardens in England, whim should be of interest to local Del- phinium fans. It is hoped a large audience will enjoy tms entertainâ€" ment, so please reserve the date. :Senior girls, champ, Evelyn Bar- ber; runner-up, Mary Burnett. Jun- ior girls, champ, Margaret Mortson and Josephine- Moore, tie. Juvenile girls, champ, Doreen Homer; runn- er-up, Barbara Reardon. The annual field day of the Rich- mond Hill High School was held at the school’glounds on Wednesday, October 10th. After the very suc- cessful day dancing to recorded mu- sic was held in the gym. The vari- ous champions are: ATHLETIC CHAMPS R.H.H.S. FIELD DAY and Mrs." Herbert bridge; Mrs. Louise bridge; Mrs. Plums. To Mrs. P. W. Willows a murray. Please do not forget that Satur- day of this week will be the last day to donate to the used clothing drive for the relief of starving, naked Eu- ropeans. Your donation should be wrapped and tied securely and delivâ€" ered as soon as possible this week to either P. Willows store or at Mrs. H. F. Collard’s home, from which points Mr. D. Rumney will collect same and deliver them to the proper authorities for sorting and repack- ing. Please remember to tie the footwear in pairs. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigel were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ridley of Whitby, Mr. We are élad to report the safe reâ€" turn of Isaac Williamson from overâ€" seas. Welcome home Ike. Mr. AlberE Cameronflochï¬Ã©riï¬c‘drd visited with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nich- ols recently. Hariy Nichols of Lansing Sunday at his home. a Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Nichols Lisited Sunday with Mr. E. Britnell and Mr. an§_ Mrserighswander in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton Lawrence and Donald had tea Sun‘ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. E *Ca>s7eley. Mr. Beard and daughter Lynne, a]- so Mrs. Dugan spent Sunday with Mrs. Dugan’s sister Mrs. Ross Nich- ols. Miss Norma Biariiiey 6f Almira spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Coral Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Burnham have returned home from visiting relatives atiThistletown and Orillia. A splendid crowd attended Dr. Archer Wallace’s lecture last week. Mrs. Reid Brumwell and Miss Mabel Sanderson each sold the greatest number of tickets and will each re- ceive an autographed copy of Dr. Wallace’s book. There will be no church service next Sunday at Victoria Square ow- ing to the anniversary services at Headford when Rev. F. A. Robinson of Toronto will preach at 11 am. and in the evening service. Rendi- tion of special music by a ladies’ trio who were originally from the Island of Jamaica. Sunday School here will be held at 9.45 am. each Sunday for the next three weeks. The W.M.S. Harvest Thankoffer- ing meeting will be held Wednesday, October 24th at the church at 8 p.m. Mr. Allan Read will show slides of his mission work among the Indians in Western Canada. Master Don Dainty will be guest‘soloist. All the congregation are cordially invited to attend. For the next three weeks the Y. P.U. will hold their meetings during the week instead of Sunday nights as formerly, on account of the anni- versary services being held in the three churches on the Victoria Square circuit. Monday, October 22nd Miss June Collard will entertain the Y. P.U. at her home. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all the young people. W Mr. Wm. Paul, Richmond Hill. wishes to announce the engagement of his only daughter Mary Paul to Mr. Ivan Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Beach, Uxbridge, Ont., wedding to take place October 20. The Evening Guild of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, which is a newly formed organization of the yomg women of the church, met Ior their second meeting in the parish hall on Tueéday evening last, when plans were discussed for work for the comâ€" ing season. St. Mary’s Evening Guild is to meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month, the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, November 6th in the parish h.ll. VICTORIA SQUARE On Tuesday evening, October 2nd a meeting of the young women of St. Mary’s Anglican Church was held in the parish hall, at which St. Mary’s Evening Guild was formed. The next meeting will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening, October 16th at 8.30. The meeting of St. Mary’s Angli- can W.A. will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday, October 23rd and will take the form of a shower of aprons and gifts for fish pond for the bazaar to be held November 17. Miss Joyce Laraman attended the wedding of her brother Sibert A. Laraman to Miss Jean Coral Lans- dell. The marriage took place Sat- urday, October 13th. Miss Laraman assisted the bride. Sqdn. Leader R. Patrick, D.F.C. and bar, A.F.C., returned to San- diego after spending a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Patrick. Mrs. James C. Young is recuper- ating at her home after an operation for appendicitis at Toronto General Hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Milligan and daughter Shirley Jean were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bodnar over Thanksgiving week-end. Mrs. Paul Angle and Mrs. Pauline Bryers and Judy are returning toâ€" day after spending two weeks in Dunnville. Mrs. G. Yerex, Mrs. A. A. Eden, Miss Mabel Mackle and Miss Lucy Yerex are holidaying at Ottawa tnis week. Soaat and Personal Herbeth Attwooc‘ 5. Louise Broad ENGAGEMENT THE LIBERAL, RICIfl’IOND HILL, ONTARIO ,\Ir 1‘. an McIl The family of the late Mr. Joseph Grainger wish to thank their friends and neighbors for expressions of sympathy extended to them in the loss of a dear husband and father. The family of the late Mr. Harry Austin wish to thank the many kind friends and neighbors for their ex- pressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes during the illness am bereavement of a loving father. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. J. Harris wishes to express her sincere appreciation to friends and neighbors for their kind words of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- butes and assistance extended durâ€" ing our recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Ashford Wright wishes to thank the many friends and neighbours for their kindness and beautiful floral tri- butes during their recent bereave- The regular meeting of Richmond Hill Lions Club will be held in the Lions Den tonight at 6.30; This will be entertainment night and the guest .speaker will be Controller McCallum of the City of Toronto. His topic will be “Fundamentalism vs. Fun". Every member is urged to be pres- ent. Mr. Austin was the father of seven children, two sons and five daugh- ters. Henry, the eldest son, gave his life in France in 1915. Victor, from the effects of war overseas, died in 1931. He is survived by four daughters, Emma and Grace of Rich- mond Hill, MTs. Menzies (May) of Oshawa, and Mrs. Rankin (Lily) of r ,.A_.,, Lansing. Toronto Controller To Address Lions He was an imperial soldier and served most of his time in India. He was a well known figure in Rich- mond Hill and loved his home and garden. He was well known for his hooked rugs and quilt tops which he geyfrously .donates. to organizations. BC. The late Mr. Austin was born in Tanbridge, Surrey, England, in .““‘uary, 1865. He came to Canada in f912 residing in Toronto and Pickering before coming to Rich- mond Hill 24 years ago. He was predeceased by his wife by 11 years. He was a member of St. Mary’s Anglican Church and sang in the choir until about a year before his illness. After an illness of 2% years Mr. Barry Austin passed away at his residence, 64 Centre St. W., on Wed- nesday, October 10th at the age of 80. The late Mr. Austin was born in Tanbridge, Surrey, England, in Harry Austin Dies At Age of 80 Years - $190 Grapes 2 29C SEASON’S FLORIDA IVE'W CookingOnions 3g; 14c SNOW-WHITE NO. 1 GRADE FRUIT .VEGETABLE‘S Starch $931 100 STOKLEY’S EFéAd - 392:?‘10c flééï¬Ã©Ã©r - -2TW819C CHRISTIE’S Tiiiléth‘iiap 250 Tomato Soup 2g 19C OLD DUTCH DURHAM COCOA iï¬ï¬b'l9c 31c Rams"; Tea 31.34% FRY’S ORANGE PEKOE LUX or CAMAY CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS ; PEAS 37: 190 Waxed Turnips 7c 290 Sweet Potatoes 19c Grapefruit = 2m 19c EUR YOUR NEXT PERMANENT WAVE PHONE 119 Richmond Hill ’49:} Beauty Parlor a N Wéf Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, October 22, 23,_ 24 SPENCER TRACEY, KATHARINE HEPBURN “ WITHOUT LOVE †Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 25, 26, 27 JOAN BENNETT, PEGGY ANN GARNER, SALLY BLAINE, GEORGE RAFT ‘ “ NOB HILL †HONEY FANCY 20 oz POD QUALITY TIN â€" â€"- â€" AND â€" â€"- â€" EDWARD ARNOLD, SELENA ROYALE 'MAIN ST. AFTER DARK †Friday and Saturday, October; LAUREL AND HARDY “ THE BULL FIGHTERS †SELECTED QUALITY Grapés - @351 SEC BLUE CONCORD Mustard IIIIIII KEEN’S 250 Brex - - - 2% w. O°‘ PKG MONARCH Pastry Flour- £11: 290 Creaiï¬ofWheat 22:23c WHEAT GERM CEREAL 5.MINUTE NEWPORT Cï¬Ã©Ã©se - is: 690 MAPLE LEAF -16c PAGE FIVE