Dated at Richmond Hiï¬ September 6, 1945. The sale will be date at the hour the forenoon in t in the Village of Copies of said 1 r‘y office. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of 9. Warrant .issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 11th day of August, 1945 and to me directed, command- ing me to proceed with the collec- tion of arrears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being published in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of Septem- ber 4th, October 2nd and November 6th, 1945, and that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 7th day of De- cember 1945 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the‘- aid arrears of taxes and the char thereon. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said list may be had at 82W Phone 162 Order Fall Fertilizer early on account of strike delay. That will secure you well cured goods. Willowdale, Zoné 8-288 ' (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operatorâ€-â€"Messagu Charge) Kills and Kepells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quanty. Also full line of Hog & Stock Minerals. Delivered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assurmg you of a fresh supply at all times. For delivery call Repalrs We Repair Radios. Toasters, Irons, Heaters, Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Motors, Lamps, etc. Watkins Fly Spray You’ve Tried the Rest, NOW try the Best. Radio and Electrical 6 Walder Ave Phone Mohawk 0508 or 137 Yonge St. Richm< FEEDS FOR FARM AND POULTRYMAN. SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? Save Time, Money and Disap- pointment by having plans drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Building Consui‘tazut THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1945. Z9_E!gnhqr§t Ajeq Lansing SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE ERNIE DURIE THE MILL DDT BARN SPRAY Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 Phone Thomhill 30-R Harvey Bell 15 Elizabeth Street L. W. REID FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN RUSSELL LYNETT In Stock: Phones: Phone 126.] APPLY Richmond Hill age Treasurer Richmond Hill Toronto 139 Schomberg W.I. will visit King on November 13th. King W.I. will visit Kettleby Branch on November 14th. , St. Andrew’s Anniversary The 108th anniversary of the founding of St. Andrew's Presbyter- ian Church, Strange, was held with large congregations at both services. The preacher, Rev. M. E. Burch, Mimico, was warmly welcomed to his former charge and he in turn was delighted to-be among old friends again. Mr. Burch appears in excel- lent health and delivered outstand- The birthdzy be remembered intp practice. L./Cpl. Barker thanked the W.I. for letters, parcels, gifts Sent out to King boys in the forces. They were like pennies from heaven, filling a need which bolstered morale and made the lads feel it was all worth while. Present also at the banquet was Pte. Dave Glass, and happy re~ union meetings there were. The birthday occasion was one to be rememberedyits inspirations put Excellent musical numbers “'91-? rendered by vocalists, Dr. Jack Shep- pard, Maple; Miss L. Fierheller, Au- rora and L./Cpl. Alfred Barker. Miss Dorothy Armstrong accompanied at thg piano. movement will produce the typeve‘fi Canadian citizen needed to make an impact on the larger field of citi- zenship. The highlight of the occasion was the presence of Miss Ethel «Chapman, noted authoress_and lecturer. Long associated with rural problems and Women’s Institutes, she put fresh vigor into the minds of her nearer; and impetus to action. She explain ed how discussion groups could im- prove and stimulate knowledge. How thinking women may voice wise opi -- ion and help shape important pro- jects toward betterment of the local- ity in which they live. The field of agriculture, social welfare, citizen ship and health need the best brain power and intellect of its women. She spoke of group hospitalization as an unique opportunity for the W.I. Promotion of adult education A summary of war effort work was outlined by the secretary, Miss E. G. McClure and in remarks made by Mrs. C. W. Marchant, ‘Schomberg, district secretary-treasurer, she stated King W.I. was second to none in its war effort of the district. Mrs. Marchant also portrayed her experi- ence with a variety of friendly peo- ples who make up part of the ram; and file of today’s citizens. Let us extend the hospitality and genuine friendship that others would crave to find in us. There is a treasure in store for such. The toast to the Institute was giv- en by Mrs. H. Wilson with the re- ply by Mrs. J. Boak, district presi- dent who brought greetings fi'om 21 blanches. The tone of the birthday party was one of enjoyment and procedure manifested thought on the part of the executive. Following the toast to the King, in her opening address, the president, Mrs. D. Rawlings, pointed out some of the achievements or the branch with a challenge to embrace new vision, new ventures and fresh inspiration for the immedâ€" iate years that are coming. Organ- ized in 1939, chiefly for war work, the field of labor in the community points to worth while efforts along definite lines, A library club has been established; a dental service in the school set up and the Memorial Park project set up by the Athletic Association will provide ample acâ€" tivity for community endeavour. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Stewart, on the sick list, are improving in health. King W.I. Sixth Birthday Never has a six year old child seemed so healthy, remarks made by Rev. M. Jenkinson in reply to the visitors’ Coast made by Miss Dennis at the sixth birthday of King W.1., describes the form in which the In- stitute finds itself at the present time. It is not a matter of self congratulation but an expression of gratitude on the part of officers and members alike that war years have proven adequately t-hat unity of pur- pose can be readily converted into the peace time program lying ahead. More than 100 participated in the banquet, with most of the 65 mem- bers present. The supper tables and careful planning were convened by Mrs. Wells McDonald and a staff 01 live helpers. Laskay W.I. euchres will com- mence on Friday, November 2nd in the halL The first in a series of euchres to be run every other Wednesday beginning October 17 in Laskay Hall will be applied to the Memorial Park Fund for King City. The next date will be October 3151:. King and Vaughan Plowing Match shows indications of a big day, to be held October 26th at Kettleby on the farms-of Five Star Hatchery and Wilfred Sloan. W.-M.S. anniversary Sunday will be observed in Laskay United Church on October 29. At 2.30 p.m. Rev. Gordon Lapp and Laskay choir; at 7.30 p.m., Rev. S. Cooper, Sher- woogi, and ~Edgeley choir. - _ Dr. Hewse Kellam, recently re- turned from overseas, with his fath- er of Weston visited at G. H. Foll- iott’s on Sunday Wm. McKay, Inspector RS, and family of Toronto visited their uncle Peter Clark on Sunday. Roy 'Richards has _received his army discharge and will attend To- ronto rehabilitation school. Mrs. Wells McDonald was rushed to St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto on Saiurday_‘la»st for gm opal-apion: health and ;e1'mons. 1 1e choir was enterta of the church. ' Tl Ma Ma eave King City District News church pJe Presby ion Wade 2 The nemorle 1_V 3V at was 1b In the stock classes, horses were heavy and some new exhibitors showâ€" ed. Fair officials were pleased with the results considering the cold wea- Hal] exhibitions were good, scarce in vegetable and flower and friut classes but better that most fairs for domestic science and needlecraft. Children’s classes weré veï¬} esting. Blake Lloyd did outstanding wo_rk Ai_n penci} dgawings. The baby show attracted many spectators and the babies loved the whole event. Pretty Shiela ‘Lloyd, 8 months old, won the coveted first in under one year class. David Bate- man. Bradford, a real general in the baby line, won first in the 2 year old class. Georgetown Girls’ Pipe Band found ready applause from the crowd and a variety of midway attractions, maâ€" chine demonstrations and three re- freshment stands as well a minor cold drink booth increased ways of money spending. Two merry-goâ€" rounds brought the fair up to heyday order. Schombe'rg Fair Inclement weather, and a night‘s rain somewhat reduced attendance at Schomberg annual fair held on October 13th. Horse racing, riding and jumping events were not held but other leatures compensated part- ly. The innovation of a, bicycle race and exhibition by Schomberg Boys’ Calf 'Club interested many. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO People who buy Bonds now will have a Whole year to pay for them. \Vell, it has been announced that there will be only one Victory Loan in the next 12 months. So many times you hear people say "I Wish I could buy more Victory Bonds.†TWIGE AS [ONE 1'0 PAY Municipality of the Township of Markham, County of York Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of The Vot- ers’ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at UNIONVIDLE on the 1‘5th day of October, 1945, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 5th day of Noâ€" vember 1945. Dated at Unionville this 15th day of October 1945. CHAS. _ HOOVER, TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List A stenographer defines a wolf as a modern dry cleaner. He works fast and leaves no ring. The use of talent, time, the fran- chise and other gifts will increase the fruits and surprise ourselves if rightly applied. Addressing Laskay Institute Mrs. Ussher spoke on “Making the Most of What We Have†and by illustra- tion pointed out in vai'ious ways h0w an opportunity or even a handicap may prove a definite step forward. VOTERS’flLiS'T, 1945 ther‘ and .damg gyoundis, they séid Clerk, Township 6f Ma'rkham ers 1% years old, 5 heifers 1 year old. Termsâ€"â€"Cash. F. N. SMITH, Auctioneer Noteâ€"110 acre farm with solid brick house and good barn, situated on the Humber River, for sale. 1.30 RM. The Property of W. A. BENSON, Lots 6 and 7, Con- cession 4, King Townshiy, V4 mile north of King City. Eully accredited for 10 years. All negative to blood test on October 4th. 22 milk cows, herd sire, 8 heif- JERSEY Cattle The same rate of savings as in previous loans will pay for twice as many bonds over the 12-month period. So, buy double this time. Bear this in mind when the Victory Loan salesman calls on you. TWiGE AS MANY BONDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20TH Dispersal Sale Entire Herd of PAGE SEVEN