Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Oct 1945, p. 8

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SUNDAY, OCTOBER let 16 Cokborne Street Phone 177 Thornhill YAGE EIGHT 11 a.m.â€"Guest Speaker, Rev. T. B. McLennan. Manor Road United Church. 7 p.m.â€"Rev. H. A. Me110w of Leaside. Beautiful Decorations Inspiring Music PLUMBING â€" HEATING â€" EAVESTROUGHING HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS â€" SOFTENERS _â€" SEPTIC TANKS â€" SIDING INSULATION â€"- TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Radio Service NINETYâ€"THIRD ANNIVERSARY 1852 â€"â€" 1945 SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES OF RADIOS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES LARGE STOCK OF TUBES ON HAND GEO. A. KELSON C0. R. L. MARGESON :orations Inspiring Music Everyone Cordially Invited THORNHILL Specialists in Phone Thornhill 122 After Hours 89] Pepper Squash, 2 for 15c Blue Grapes .. 6 qt. 55c Green Celery . . 2 for 25c Parsnips . . . . . . 2 1b. 15c Sweet Potatoes, 3 lb. 25c Washed Carrots, 3 lb. 10c Cauliflower, large White . ., . . . . . each 15c Cooking Onions, 3 lb. 14c Al] merchandise sold at your Domin- ion Store is unconditionally guar- anteed to give 100% satisfaction. A thriving young people’s organ- ization has been inaugurated in con- nection with Trinity Anglican Church, and a list of officers will Sunday next, October let, will be Youth Sunday at Trinity Anglican Church and the Boy Scouts are ex- pected to turn out. This Sunday is being observed throughout the Ang- lican Churches in Canada and the Episcopal Churches in the United States. The service will be held in the morning at 11 o’clock. Plans are going forward to give the children a time to remember this Hallowe’en when a party will be given for them at Lawrence Memor- ial Hall. Already contributions have been received from various organiza- tions, to defray expenses, and an un- dercurrent of excitement may be felt amongst the children as costumes are discussed and false faces pur- chased. The Year Up Club is a new orâ€" ganization formed recently for the main purpose of organizing gocd times, not only for the youth of the Village, but for members up to 30 years of age. The officers were elected early in September and a corn roast was held. The Hallowe'en dance to be held in Lawrence Me- morial Hall at the conclusion of the children’s party will be one of their first ventures, but plans are going forward for a Sadie Hawkins dance later on. Then, for the winter months it is hoped that a Ski Club can be formed. This Club has the backing of older organizations of the Village. Earl Haig Collegiate have inaug- urated a Home and School club. The first meeting was held last Tuesday night, October 9th, and it must have been an unfortunate choice insofar as Thornhill is concerned, for there was a very poor showing of parents. This first meeting was for organiza- tion, and tation. i borne St Secretary are v151 Mrs. afid 9+ M: .‘inss Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO and Mrs. C. W. Mellish and Betty Mellish of Vancouvzr, siting their aunt and uncle, ad Mr. J. A. Pearson of Yonge d there W Mr. N. here whs a fair refiresen- r. N. L. Morton of Col- was appointed Recording Red Grapes, Tokay . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lb. 29c. Pears, Bartlett, 2 lb. 25c Oranges, Valencia 288’s . . . . . . . . . doz. 31c Lemons, California 300’s . . . . . . . . do: Grapefruit, Florida 80’s . . . . . . . . 2 for 19c Cantaloupes, California 45’s . . . . . . . . . each 19c VALUES mm um CLOSING TIME SATURDAY ' Mr. J. A. Thompson of Yonge St., who suffered a severe heart attack on September 30, is coming along as well as can be expected, and his doc- tor is pleased with his condition. Mr. Thompson is still confined to bed or c disc, and will be for some time to ome. ; The WA. and W.M.S. of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church met Ior their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Henry Harper on Bay- view Ave. last Thursday, Oct. 11. It was a Thank Offering meeting for the W.M.S. Mrs. Mizen gave 3 1e- port of the meeting at Richmond Hill when Mrs. Dixon was guest speaker, and a very nice offering was report- ed. A contest was held at the close of the meeting, the prize being won by Mrs. Mizen. Preparatory Services will be held Mr. E. Grainvger has resigned as Scout Master owing to pressure of business, so Mr. H. Swabey will be acting as Scout Master next Sunday when the Thornhill Scouts and Cubs march from Thornhill Public School to Trinity Anglican Church to take part. in Youth Sunday, bein-g observ- ed there. The boys are to meet at the school at 110.15 in the morning. Further interesting news of our local Scouts and Cubs may soon be re- leased. The 93rd anniversary‘of the Unit- ed Church will be held on Sunday, Oct. 2‘1, with Rev. G. B. McLennan of Manor Road United Church, To- ronto, and Rev. Chas. Mellow of Lea- side, as guest speakers. Special music and beautiful decorations will mark this important occasion. Thornhill Scouts and Cubs held their annual apple day on Saturday last, and Mr. Bart Edwards report- ed that they collected appproximateâ€" 1y $36, and that further donations amounting to $7 or $8 were handed to him. be included in next week's edition. So far, several successful evenings have been reported, and on Tuesday night, October 16th, a weiner roast was held at the rear of Mr. George Lake’s property on Yonge St. About 40 young people turned out for the good time. Rev. S. A. R. Wood is in ehai-ge of eaeh meeting. . . doz. 43c Well, again thanking ycu for your kindness and your interest in me, and I shall certainly look forward to hearing again from you. God bless you. We are allowed 24 coupons for six months. I have a boy of twelve, a little girl of four and the other ex- pected July 20th, and to keep them clothed is a problem. Never mind, as you say, we are glad the war with Europe is ove‘”. We had our place badlv knocked about and lost a good bit of our household goods, but our lives were spared, thank God. I am glad for your sakes you did not suffer like we did. ' Yours sincerely, D. Kean" A box of clothing has been sent this lady by Mrs. Brilling‘er for Thornhill Women’s Institute, tne articles for which were donated by Bayview Ladies’ Guild. This is only one phase of the post war work to be undertaken by the Institute, so when contributions are once more re- quested for our annual sale to be held early in- December, we know the cause will be found worthy. Mrs. Clayton Jaeger has been appointed ‘Convenor of this year’s sale, and contributions will be welcomed by her at her home on Yonge St. Stoker lst class David McLean R.C.N.'V.R., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Fitzgerald, John St., is home on a 14â€"day leave. He arrived on Sat- urday, Oct. 8th, and expects his dis- charge at the expiration of his leave. Unfortunately, we have been very unlucky this year. My husband was discharged from the forces on med:- cal grounds, and this year has been in hospital twice with an operatién on his head, and he has only been able to do a week’s work so far, so you can guess a little how I have been feeling. Your kindness in writing and your offer to send what I need, has cheereq me immenrsejy. I have enough first tiny baby things, but should be grateful for petticoats and dresses say for baby from three months onwards, or really I should be grateful for anything you will send, as I thin-k clothes ration- ing here in England will be for some time to come. “Thank you very much for your letter I received this afternoon. it was very kind of you to answer my letter. Yes, we have to give coupons for the things you sent. I had to give 20 coupons for a baby’s Iayette, everything is in coupons, even w‘ol to knit baby things, and then we cannot get white wool. It is a dirty yellow, and I am one of those people who do like a baby to look nice. The collection of used clothing in Thornhill is going forward by leaps and bounds. Mrs. Saunders Findlay who so generously opened up her home for this purpose, reports she can hardly get into the house. even. the veranda is full. There are beau- tiful suits, several overcoats just like new, fur coats, and lovely quilts and blankets. In fact, some of the things have never been worn- at all, and the condition of these articles is some- thing the Village can be proud of. Eleven large boxes are all ready packed to go, and there are still stacks of things to be sorted anc packed. Mrs. Findlay says the house will still be open for donations until Saturday night, and anyone wishing to add a last minute contribution may contact her at Thornhill 116. There is room for more. The following letter was received by Mrs. A. Brillinger, Yonge St., in answer to one she wrote a lady in Londpn, England: next Sunday, October 21 in Thorn- hill Presbytelian Church, and Com- mrnion will be observed the followâ€" ing Sunday. October 28th. The F-ortnite Club held a meeting last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Gordon Campbell on John St. This was a “Working” meeting, and sewing on- articles for the bazaar held a dominant place. The Club will be meeting every Thursday ev- ening until the Bazaar is over, this bazaar to be held in the Sunday School room of the Presbyterian School room of the Presbyterian Church on Saturday, November 17, and next week‘s meeting will be; at the home of the Misse‘s Welsh on Centre St. next Sunc hill Presb mrnion w ing Sunda Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. J. Ray Herrington “NOTARY PUBLIC CON VEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE OPTICAL REPAIRS F .L. LOWRIE, R.O. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Thistletown - Ont Phone Weston 703112 Woodbridge 641'23 (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted! AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEEI‘IESDAY; 0.91:- .24th and the Second and Fourth Wednesda: of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 38 Ken Love AUCTIONEER WILL BE ‘AT Ontario THURSDAY, OCTOBER 18th, 1945 BROKEN LENSES REPLACED SATURDAY, O'CT. 20â€"Auction sale of farm stock and implements, hay and grain, Fordson tractor, new, on rubber, 50 head Durham and Here- ford cattle, baby beef, 100 hogs, the property of A. Crowle, the last half of lot 32, con. 2, Scott, 1 mile north of Zephyr. Sale at 11.30 a.m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve as farm Is sold. A. S. Farmer, aucticneer. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24 â€" Auction sale of 30 head of milch cows and heifers, farm implements. near new, grain. the property of Robt. Harb< ison, lot 27, con. 3 Markham. Sale at ] pm. No reserve. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 24â€"Dispersal sale of registered and high grade Holstein dairy herd, (this herd have been blood tested and will be sold subject to same), Hinman milking machine. Woods 8-can cooler, elec- tric clippers, McCormick Deering hammer mill, the property of [Lloyd Reesor, lot 12, con. 10 Markham, 1/4 mile north of No. 7 Highway. No reserve, owner giving up milk busi- ness. Terms .cash. Sale at 1 pm. lSellers & Atkinson, Auctioneers. THURSDAY. OCT. 25â€"â€"Auction sale of farm stock. implements, furniture, hay. grain, etc., the property of A. D. Brodie, lot 4, con. 2, Old Survey, King: Twp., 2% miles west of Newâ€" markfi. No reserve as property has been sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12 noon. L. S. Mount and L. J. Harper, clerks. F. N. Smith, auctioneer. SATURDAY. OvCT. 27-«Auction sale of dairy cattle, horses. pigs, poul- try; hay, grain. implements, house- hold furniture, the property of Giles Kerswill, lot 33, con. 2 Vaughan Township, opposite Summit Golf Course on Bathurst St. Terms cash. Sale starts 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer, Gormley. SATURDAY, OCT. 27~â€"Annua1 fall combination sale of household furniâ€" ture including Chesterfield, dining and bedroom suites. all consignment listings, at Franklin House, Mark- ham. Anvone having good articles to sell will still be accepted until Oct. 19, BUT NO JUNK. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 pm. Clarke Prentice, auctioneer. SATURDAY, NOV. 10â€"Aucti0n sale of 5 to 6 acres standing hardwood bush in quarter acre lots consisting mostly of beech and maple, also some limbs, logs and cut hardwood, at part of lot 13, con. 2 Markham Twp., 3/4 mile north of No. 7 Hgy., entrance to bush by Briggs Ave., rear end of new sub-divisions, the prOperty of Sabiston (Bros. Terms cash. Sale at 2 pm. No reserve. In case of bad weather sale will be held the fOIlowâ€" ing Wednesday, November 14. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. 2 King Township, half way between Schomberg and King City, on paved county road. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. No reserve, owner is giving up farming. Ken and Clarke Prentxce, auctioneers. FRIDAY. OCT. 19â€"Auction sale of 40 head registered and high grade Holsteins. (These cattle all T.B. and blood tested am. sold subject to same). Horses, pigs. implements, etc, the property of Earl Brillinger at lot 4. con. 5 Uxbridge (known as Ross Evans farm), 2 miles north of Claremont. Sale at 12 noon. No reserve. Terms cash. Sellers and Atkinson. auctioneers. FRIDAY, OCT. 19â€"Auction sale 01 reg stered, listed and fully accreditâ€" ed herd of Hereford cattle, the prop- erty of late‘ T. R. buchanan estate, lot 26, con. 2 Vaughan,-just west of Elgin Mills. For full particulars as to sale conditions, terms, catalogues, etc., apply to Mr. R. Thompson, farm manager or the Hereford Breeders Association. Clarke Prentice, assist ing auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 20 â€" Auction sale of cattle. horses, farm imple- ments. household furniture, etc at lot 22, con. 1 North York Twp. on Yonge St. opposite the Algonquin House, Willowdale, the property of E. Dan Weldrick. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve, owner is forced. to sell owing to ill health. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY, NOV. 2â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hogs, hay. grain, roots, etc.. the prOperty of Lincoln Ferguson, lots 4 and 5, Con. FRIDAY, OCT. 19 Auction sale of farm stock, implements, household effects, etc, the property of Norman D. Rogers. west half lot 90, con. 1, Whitchurch (south of Mulock’s Corn- ers, Yonge St). Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. F. N. Smith, auct. WELL & CISTERN DIGGING Pumps and Piping Concrete Well Cribs TOM J ERRETT Richmond Hill RR. 1 Sale Register

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