Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1945, p. 7

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a I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1945. -_â€"._. ‘ > ‘ 'REV. G. A. STONE, L.Tl‘.., FORMER NAVY CHAPLAIN, INDUCTEI) NEW RECTOR OF ST. PAL'L‘S The Xmas Box Committee of the ANGLICAN CHURCH. Richmond Hill Red Cross would 00 NEWMARKET ' glad to have the names of boyS re. On Wednesday evening of thls turning home before November 15. wem‘ a large mum-egation gathered Kindly phone the L‘OnVenorv Mrs- A- at St. Paul's Church, Newmarkct. 0- SHVHL’L’. 115. to Witness the I: stitution and Inducâ€" _ tioii of their new Rector, the Rev. Judge Holstelns A. Stone. Lib. Thn serum was in charge of the Right Rev. A. L. Beveiley, I).I)., buffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto, assisted by the Rev. W. I“. Wrixon, L.Th., Rural Dean of West York. The spec1al preacher for the occasion was Rev. Principal Ramsay Armitage, I).I)., In South America J. J. E. McCague of Alliston, Ont. has been inv.tcd to judge Holsteins at the Santiago Exhibition, premier cattle show in Chile. This is the I, ,' . . first time a Canadian has been asked pnnupalrff “_ {Clgfet Foél’egeija to officiate at a South American rqnto- 9. m“ .0“ 0‘. d‘ y "_“l Holstein show. Mr. McCague will “'Ide expenence‘ ‘I‘Clu‘lmg “elvmvdv visit the lead'ng herds in many years .35 9' Chaplm.“ to the N“.‘-" South American countries to check‘Fonowmg the serv‘ce a receptmn -was held in the Parish Hall, when ‘the new Rector and Mrs. Stone met lmany of their parishioners. Receivâ€" ,ing with them were the Bishop ang ~ Mrs. Beverley, the Rural can an M1. andEgggxalgzicENginton Hmers. Wrixon, and the Church Ward- of "Heathholme", Richmond Hill. ensv R S- Thompson and J- 0- thtle- announce the en a ement of their “â€" only daughter, gs irley Havergal IN MEMORIAM Legge, to Lieutenant James Warner SMIT‘Hâ€"-â€"In loving memory of a dear Eakins, R.C.N.V.R., younger son of daughter. Verna. who passed away Dr. and Mrs. George Edwin Eakins October 25th, 1938. . of Port Arthur, the marriage to take Borne away from sm and sorrow place early in November. To a better home above. â€"Sadly missed by Father, Mother The Readers Digest and Family. An Ideal Christmas Gift 3iva NICHOLSâ€"In loving memory of our Reduced rate; for Christmas now in effect. dcar son and brother Archie L. Nich- ols who passed away October 23rd. Special low rates for members of the armed services and those who 1941. Fond the tie that was broken, have been discharged and are back home. reception of Canad- have been sent on the breede;s' I ian Holsteins which there. Dear is the one who is gone. In memory we shall always keep you As long as the years roll on. Prompt “tent-“n to new and There's someone who misses yot. renewal subscriptions. dear1y In a home where you used to be. P. G. Savage Phone 118 Someone who tried to keep you 3 But God willed it not to be. â€"Ever iemembered by Mother. Dad. Brothers and SIsterdn-law. Richmond Hill =0=0=0=0=0==0=0l=0=1; to be held in o l] H O I] O o D A N C [3: COMMUNITY HALL VICTORIA SQUARE F‘RIDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND KEN ROSE AND HIS ORCHESTRA Under auspices of J.F.A. This is the first dance of a series to be held every two weeks during the earning season.. g l l n=o==ol=o===ouoaomo==on Hallowe’en Dance R. H. H. s. GYMNASIUM I Saturdayg39ftober 27 I Mussoffsiim FOR BEST C'OSTiiiiitm. 25.. ' SHOWING AT THE l Masonic Hall l . RICHMOND HILL Saturday, October 27?; l Matinee for Children Saturday Afternoon Commencing at 2.30 o’clock ,â€" l “ LADY LET’S DANCE ” With BELITA, JAMES ELLISON. WALTER CATLETT CARTOON â€"â€" “NON STOP FLIGHT” Children 1 5c. 2 Evening Shows starting at and 9 p.m. Admission â€" Adults 25c. Winterize Your Car NOW Let us give your car that care it needs. Expert Check â€" Chart Lubrication and Internal Motor Flushing a Specialty We Carry a full line of Winter Oils & Lubrications Batteries Checked and Charged Cars Washed and Simonized Phone 153 and we will call for and deliver your car B-A Service Station “VAL.” ‘VHITE =0=O=0m=0fl01==0u0=0=fi SOI==IOI=I o===omom=m=xo== 9=°=0=0=0=0=0=01=10=0 m =0 I=O=:=0=0=‘O= 0 'Thomas. Mrs. W. T. Cook. Mrs. N. Social and Personal Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Luiiau of Toâ€" ronto visited their darghter Mrs. A. Leech. Richmond St, last week. Bob Endean spent the wtek-end at his hrme here. Rob is a student at the O.A.C.. Guelph, Ont. chall One Cent Sale at Scotchâ€" mcr's I‘rug Store October 31st, Noâ€" vember l. 2 and 3. Ask for sale bill. You an- invited to attend a piano recital by piplls of Alice Mei-iedy to take place on Friday, Octohcr 26 in the Sunday School room of the United Church at 8.30 p.m. Miss Shirley Hill will spend the week-end in Montreal where she will be a guest at the Wedding of Miss Sybil Knowles and Lt. Cnidr. Eakins in St. Mathias Anglican Church. Westmount. Rev. S. W. Dean of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoiles. Nobleton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoilcs and Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Cook. Hope. were Sunâ€" day dinner guests of Mr, Len Cle- ment and son Mac. The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church will hold a Halloâ€" we'en Social at the home of Mrs. Endean, 14 Centre St. W. on Tues- day, October 50th at 8 pm. All ladies of the congregation are cor- dially invited. 'lhc proceeds will be used for supply woik. Mis. II. B. Stirling received word this week of the safe arrival in Texas of her nephew. Colonel M. F. Slaght from the China theater of war. Colonel Slaght was decorated with the Pcating Medal, one of the highest Chinese demiaticns, also with the Distinguished Flying Cross. After spending 20 years on the local hydro staff Clarence Mylks at- tended hydro classes in Toronto and was chosen as an instructor to teach at the new school the Hydro have opened on Royal York Rd, just out of Toronto. This school is to teach returned servicemen hydro work. St. Mary's Anglican Church are having a special missionary service under the auspices of the WA. on Sunday evening next. October 28th at 7 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to other denominations to come and hear MISs Greta Clark tell of her expeiience in war torn China. The draw for a quilt and two bas- kets of groceries under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Vet- erans will be held on Saturday, Ocâ€" tober 27th. Will members having tickets out please return them to Mis. W. Anderson, Apt. 2, Greene- holme Apts. by Saturday morning. Apron and Baking Sale is cancelled indefinitely. Lieut. (N.S.) Joa‘n Sliger return- ed from England on Tuesday last and is staying with her mother Mrs. H. G. Mecredy until Sgt. Sliger re- turns from overseas. Miss K. Mc- credy will be with the British Air Commission a while longer. She has been stationed at New York City for some months and is now being transferred back to Washington. The annual meeting of the L.T.B. & 0. Home Purity Club was held Tuesday evening, Oct. 23 at the Or- conducted the meeting. The clUlb was first organized about 15 years ago and now has a membership of 41. After an interesting meeting the following officers were elected for the year: President, Roberta Tracey; vice-president, Irwin Cart- mill; secretary, Madge Lloyd; cor- responding secretary, Mildred Hea- ton. The directors are past presi- dents Don and Robt. Mellor. On Sunday, November 4. Richmond Hill Presbyterians will commemorate the 128th Anniversary of the organâ€" ization of their congregation with special services. The guest speaker will be the Rev. S. C. Parker, M.A., B.D., D.D., of St. Andrew’s Presby- terian Church, Toronto, a Past Mod- erator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and a chaplain in the Im- perial Army in World War I. The widely known male choir of Knox, Vaughan will present special musical numbers. Among the visitors at the Anni- versary Services of the United Church last Sunday were Mrs. H. McMahon, Miss G. Derry, Mr. D. Derry, Inspector Denyes and Mrs. Denyes (Inspector Denyes is a for- mer teacher of Re\'. Brethen) and Mr. and Mrs. G. Cruickshank and family, all of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Morley Kinnee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woods and Mrs. and Miss Fockkr of Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hoiles of Nobleton: Mr. and Mrs. C. Diceman, Teston. Mr. and Mrs. C. Diceman. Tcston; .Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Parson o.” Fair-bank, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Boyiiton, Victoria Square. I‘NITED (‘HI'RCH W.M.S. The Autumn Thank-Offering meetâ€" ing of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W.M.S. of the United Church will be held in the Sunday School room on Thursday, November lst at 3 pm. Miss Caroline Wellwood, lately returned from Chengtu. China. will be guest speaker and special music will be provided. An iiiVita- tion is extended to all ladies to at- teiid this interesting service. t‘. G. I. 'l‘. _ The Canadian Girls In Training are holding an Initiation service on Thursday. October 25th. This 561‘- vice will ccmiiiencc at T.fill A special invitation is extended to cvâ€" ci‘yoiie. CARI) ()F THANKS V Mrs. Carl Saigon \\'l\'l‘.L‘> to thank her rt‘liOiil lilllit‘~ of Hope Pn'vlic School for the lowly I'U:&$ they scti: her. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO AYLMER PAGE SEVEN Local Youth Council Reeve Jim Butler asked at Tues- day evening's meeting that more co- operation be given to the councillors by the members. “Your, help is ucwled to maki- this Youth CounCil a success,” he stated. Something new has been added in the iorm of ideas. The COUHCZI feels sure that each youth who is a memâ€" l‘cr would be pix-uzl to wear a badge or pin signifying inlmbership in the . THEATRE; . ~ Thursday. Friday. Saturday, October 25, 26, 27 JOAN BENNETT. PEGGY ANN GARNER. Richmond Hill Youth Council. A SALLY BLAINE, GEORGE RAFT prize Will be given to the person “ ’9 making the best illustration of a badge. All drawings must be handed in before November 6th. Come on Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. October 29, 30, 31 you artists, let‘s see what you can do! .. Reeve Butler also asked that more young people join the Council. Any members up to 17 will be classified as one group and all members over 17 will be in another group. Diff- erent meetings will be arranged by the councillors for each group. A splendid program was featured at our last meeting. Mr. A. North and his group of entertainers from .V Toronto put on the show. The main ‘ features were tap dancing by little girls, waltzes, magic tricks and an acrobatic performance. An enjoy- l able evening was spent. l Margaret Ransom will be in 1' charge of Tuesday, October 30ml meeting and will direct the show. A } super evening is now in the making. JOAN BENNETT. EDWARD G. ROBINSON “ WOMAN IN THE WINDOW ” Thursday, Friday. Saturday. November 1, 2, 3 CORNEL WILDE. EVELYN KEYES. PHIL SILVERS Suggest Badge For i “A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS ” Hm mun NEXT PERlliliNENT wiAvil PHONE 119 Richmond Hill Beauty Parlor Lions Final Dance 1 Tomorrow Night Machine Perms . . $3.50, $5.00, $7.00 The final dance of the season sponsored by the Lions club will be held in the Arena tomorrow night, Friday, October 26th with the Wm. Smith orchestra, which has been popâ€" l ‘ ular with young and old, providing the music. Bingo will not be held this Friday night. “WOOWOOWOO. A HALLOWE’EN MASQUERADE â€"-ANDâ€" BIRTH CARRINGTONiMr. and Mrs. Nor- man Carrington. Gormley, Ont., are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Beverley Arlene, a sister for Betty Ann, on Tuesday, October 23rd. 1945, at Mrs. Stanford's Nurs- ing Home, Richmond Hill. RADFORDâ€"Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Radford of Headford are happy to announce the birth of a son Thomas Bertram on October 7th at the To- ronto General Hospital. CARLETONâ€"To Pte. and Mrs. W. Carleton of Oak Ridges a son, on October 13, 1945, a brother for Billy. both doing well at Mrs. Heeley's Nursing Home, Elgin Mills. SVTONEIH‘OUvSEâ€"To Pie. and Mrs. C. ‘G. Stonehouse of Oak Ridges, a son, will be held in Buttonville Hall _0N_ Wednesday, October Blst PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN FOR MOST ORIGINAL AND BEST COSTUMES. GOOD ORCHESTRA AND LUNCH WILL BE OONOOWMO”NONNW”W October 15, 1945. Both doing well PROVIDED. at Mrs. Heeley’s Nursing Home, Elâ€" gin Mills. ‘mmw 55?; 250 23c Pumpkin I30 I‘LOWERDAI.E 1.; lb. PKG. 1,2 lb. PKG. TEA - 24c. 45c Chateiu Clieése 10c: MONARCH Wheat Germ $in . SUPER FINE Snap Powder STAR or HANDY AMMONIA . 2g 2 Cleanser SHELLED CELLO Walnuts Bread - 2 if NEILSON'S Cocoa - - MAPLE LEAF GOLDEN CANE Tea-Risk 350 Roger “Syrup SOUP « 3 FRUIT lceburg Lettucei‘éi'o 17C A 65 25c OLD YORK Cereal; WOODBURY'S Toilet Soap Fancy '28 oz. _Quality TIN ‘13: lb. TIN 2 lb. TIN :3! .2" Egg! 10 oz. CLARK'S CREAM OF TINS MUSHROOM CALIFORNIA 252 SIZE LCxE. HEAD Lemons FLORIDA 3m 21c 190 CRISP GREEN or “'HITE NO. 1 GRADE Grapefruit - Cauliflower - Celery Hearts 15C WashedCarrots 4 " 15c Sunkist Orange - 27:9 SIZE 288's DOZ.

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