Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1945, p. 6

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Hwy/$2; HILL VICTORY BONDS WWO§M“OOWWWW MOOOOMO. OOOOOOOOWOWO 0°. 0 .090. mmwomo This time one loan must do the work of two. There will not be another Victory Loan for a year. We must buy bonds this time -â€" double the amount we bought last time. That will not be hard to do because the same rate of savings as in previous loans will pay for twice as many bonds over the 12-month period. F W. R. DEAN Dairy F ee Telephone 86 PHONE 54 Begin feeding a balanced ration this fall when the cows are stabied for the winter and make sure of a steady supply of milk during the winter months. FOR PRICES AND DELIVERY CALL For highest milk production feed either of these con- centrates mixed with your own grain: Mix 100 LBS. 24"? DAIRY FEED WITH 200 LBS. GRAIN or 100 LBS. 323i DAIRY CONCENTRATE WITH 400 LBS. GRAIN PAGE SIX RAYBESTOS MASTER S A lot of win- expenses remain to be paid. Other expenses connected with our war effort are still going on. So â€" Canada needs money to meet these bills. Fighting has ended . . . but having laid down the tools of war we can’t fold our arms and consider the job done. A lot of things have to be attended to. That’s why we’re having another Victory Loan. And it’s just as necmry that we buy 9th VictOry Bonds as the bonds we bought while the war Gainmaker 24"» Dairy Feed Master 32% Dairy Concentrate PARIS AUTO SUPPLY SCHOCK ABSORBER EXCHANGE SERVICE BRAKE LIN ING SETS â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" ASBESTONAS THORNHILL WE DELIVER Richmond Hill Prayer” End “The King of Love". Mrs. A. Stephenson sang the lovely 5010 “I shall not pass this way again", ‘ V ‘ Evening service was in charge of Rev. D. H. Gallagher of Runnymede United Church who chose as his sub- ject “Crusade for Christ”. The an- thems were “Praise Ye the Father" (Gounod) and “Evening and Morn- Brown’s Corners Church was beauâ€" tifully decorated with flowers and plants for their anniversary services on Sunday. The choir under the leadership of Mrs. English are to be congratulated on their service of song which was beautifully rendered. Mrs. English presided at the piano assisted by Miss Georgina Padget at the organ. Rev. T. W. F. G. And~ rews of Christie Street [Hospital took as his topic “The Church” and the choir sang the anthems “The Perfect Mr. and ‘Mrs. K. C. Gray of Kirk- land Lake were visitors at their farm, Braedoon last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacGregor of Owen Sound spent a few days with the former’s sister, Mrs. Sidney English iaftrBraedoon. A home. seas. The Women's Institute held a quilting on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Ken Stots. Mr. and Mrs. Langley of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowntree were visltcrs at Mr. and Mrs. Cline Burr’s homo, on Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Clark of Perrys~ burg, N.Y. flew to Malton on Sunday on her way to visit her brother Mr. Wm. Clark. Miss Clark who is a nurse, was accompanied by the Misses Joyce and Joe Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burr and Mr. and Mrs. John Brown motored to Orangeville on Saturday where they were guests at the Galbraith- Houston wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Clark and fam- ily had tea on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Felga-te and George. A Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tennyson was Mr. Walter Stonehouse. Pte. Preston Arsenault returned home on Sunday after over 3 years overseas servxce. Mrs. ‘Sidney English motored to ‘Coldwater Sunday, Oct. 21 with Mrs. F. M. Gray of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Bush of Trenton were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Milner of Unicnvillé and Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Basinger motâ€" ored to Sprucedale on Monday. Miss Vina Sharland of Agincourt was a week-end visitor at the home of Mrs, Russell Burr. C.Q.M.S J. R. HERRINGTON Our fighting men must be re-established in civil life and those sick and wounded returned to health. That is their due. Canada needs money to do this. The 9th Victory Loan, therefore, is a challenge to every Canadian to help Finish the Job! Our allies look to us to help provide food and other necessities which liberated people sorely re- quire. Canadian farms and Canadian factories must furnish these things. Canada needs money to pro- vide credits so that needy countries may buy from us. last . W. A. TRENCH Gordon Topping returned week after service over~ BUTTONVILLE NEWS ITEMS THE LIBEBAQLIEIQHMUND HILL, ONTARIO TELEPHONE 214-J TELEPHONE 87 A. G. SAVAGE, Agent Rev. D. 'H. Gallagher and Mrs. Gallagher were guests at the home of Mrs. English on Sunday. Rev. Gallagher was pastor at Lundy’s Lane while the late Mr. English was choirmaster. The Court of Revision for the Vil~ lage of Richmond Hill will hold its First Sitting for the current year on The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’clock p.m., and all whom it may concern are requested to govern themselves accordingly. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk. Richmond Hill, Oct. 18, 1945 ing" (Oakley). Mr. Edwin Bruce gave a solo, the sacred setting. “Think On Me". Miss Ruth Gohn was in charge of the meeting of the Young People’s Union of Brown's Corners on Mon- day. After the meeting a discus- sion on various forms of entertain- ment possible for the younger set was held. Mrs. S. Oldham of Mount Albert was a guest at the home of Mrs. Glendenning the past week. Unexpected but very welcome vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shenfield on Monday were Mrs. W. Buchanan, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Robin- son and daughter Patricia and Mrs. James Buchanan, all of Toronto. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1945. for the purpose of hearing complaints and appeals against the.assessment of t_he said village, Don’t forget the Young People’s Masquerade Party to be held at Brown’s Corners United Church un- der the auspices of the Young Peo- ple’s Union on’ Friday, November 2. Come in costume and bring refresh- ments. Mr. and Mrs. K. Stots and Mrs. Milford Stots visited at Simcoe over the week-end. COURT OF REVISION See A. G. Savage and ask to have the new Personal Property Floater shown tb you. Covers all your Personal Property against fire, pmperty damage, theftâ€"a com- plete coverage for all your belongings. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS PUBLIC NOTICE The meeting of the Women’s Assoâ€" ciation took the form of a bazaar and tea at the home of Mrs. Elmer ‘Stong last Thursday afternoon. There was a splendid attendance and the finances of the “CA. were increased to the extent of $15.70. Much credit is due’to Mrs. Frank Newton and her daughter, Mrs. Elmer Stong, and to any others who contributed art- icles for the bazaar, their kindness was much appreciated. The tea table was presided over by Mrs. Charles Fockler and Mrs. C. S. Stong, and the assistants were Miss Bernice Usher and Miss Evelyn Espey. 7 r Mrs. Wellingtrn Mortson. with her daughter Mrs. Farquhar McLeod of Latchford is visiting at the home of her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. ‘C. S. Stong‘. A Hallowe'en party was held in the Hall on Monday evening under the auspices of the Young People's So- ciety. The costumes were good and a splendid time was reported. The list of prize Winners will be given next week. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Agnew on the birth of a little son, William Alex- ander (Sandy). a brother for Jimmy. next week. The sympathy of the whole com- munity is extended to Mrs. Sutton and family in the loss of a lov1ng husband and father. Mr. Sutton suff- ered a heart attack on Wednesday morning but recovered sufficiently to go about his usual work. During the afternoon he had another attack and his wife found him lying face down in the creek. The funeral took place in Newmarket on Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have moved into the house lately occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Watson and family. We welcome them and their family into our community. Eighteen years ago Normén Rob- son’s father, Ed Robson won the ‘Silver Cup. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Stone»; and Terry. accompanied by Mrs. Mortson and Mrs. McLeod, had tea with Mr. and Mrs. lHarold Mortson of Rich- mond Hill on Sunday evening and attended the special cervice in the United Church there. Building Consultant 6 Walder Ave. ’1' Youngest boy plowing, Jimmy Thgmas, 8, Maple. _ Youngest gii'l plowing, Kathleen Gibbons, Gilford. Judges were George Hostrawser, Malton and Noxman McLeod, Galt. Maynard Fdrd Special, Kathleen Gibbons, Gilford. ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? (Continued from Page 1) ings proved a boon to spectators. Inspection of the plant added to the interest of the event and the food was excellent. A whole community of Kettleby ladies divided proceeds from refreshment booth and hot meals among the Women’s Institute and three churches, the Baptist, Ang- lican and United. At a ceremony in Kettleby Parish Hall in the evening. president Percy Forrester presented prizes. Hill? Best team and eqdipment in Match, Don Head Farms, Richmond Hill; Walter Woods, Aurora. Phone Mohawk 0508 or 137 Yongg_St. Richm Class 1, open, ,jointer in sod, Floyd Steckley, Stouffville; Ed. Timbers, Milliken. Class 2, jointer in sod, Morley Haynes, Goodwood; Clifford Storey, Caledon. Class 3, sod, open to all 20 years and over. Ed. Ballantyne, Ida; Allan Watson, Brampton. Class 4, stubble, Gordon Orr, Maple; Jack Balsdon, Queensville. Class 5, stubble, King and Vaubhan residents only, Roy Richards, King; Wm. Crane, lSchomberg'. Class 6, stubble, open, boys 18 and under. Bob Timbers, Stouffville; Carl Timbers, Milliken. Class 7, stubble, boys of King and Vaughan 14 and under, Beverley Neill, King; Jimmy Thomas, Maple. Class 10, stubble, tractor, open to boys 16 and under, women and girls any age, the Eaton Hall Silver Cup, Norman Robscn, Maple; Ken Richâ€" ards, King. Class 11, stubble, tractor, open to boys 15 and under, women and girls any age, Bruce Timbers, Stouffville; GIant Wells, 'Stouffville. Salada Special, Douglas Clubine Maple. Elton Armstrong special prizesâ€" Best plowing equipment, Herbert Simpson, Ballantrae; best going team in sod, J. S. McLean, Streetsville; Ed. Timbers, Milliken; best going team in stubble, Beverley Neill, King; Don Head Farms, Richmond Save Time, Money and Disap- pointment by having plans drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Class 8,Vdpen, tr'actor in god, IQai McLaughlin, Stouffville; Jack Bea- ton. Blackwater. Class 9. tractor in sod, Don Keffer Mayle; Jack Campbell, Churchill; Phone 162 Repalrs We Repair Radios, Toasters, Irons, Heaters, Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Motors, Lamps, etc. Radio and Electrical Plowman Winners Harvey Bell 15 Elizabeth Street EDGELEY Phone 126J in Kettleby Parish ng. president Percy :ed prizes. .. ointer in sod. Floyd Richmond Hill Richmond Hifl Toronto THURSDAY, NOVEMBER lst. 1945 Part Lot 2. Con. 5, Markham Twp., 1% miles west of Milliken and '/4 Mile North of T0wnline Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of 3 Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 11th day of August, 1945 and to me directed, command- ing me to proceed with the collec- tion of arrears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being published in the “Ontario Gazette” under the dates of Septem- ber 4th, October 2nd and November 6th, 1945, and that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 7th day of De- cember 1945 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of fitaxesiand the charges thereon. to be sold by the fooé Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. No Reserve, owner forced to sell Farm Stock. Near New A.C. Tractor on Rubber, Implements, Hogs, Hay, Roots. Etc. The Property of Approximately 12 tons of out in Hay 1 Snack of Clover Hay About 6 Tons of Mangolds Quantity of Com rEnsiIage in silo owing to his ill health. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Milliken. Ont., phone Agincour: 52w3 The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of__Ricbm0m_1 I-lill. "Copies ofvsaid list may be had at my office. RUBSEEE LYN_ETT, CATTLE V- 1 Pure Bred Jersey Cow, calf by side 1 Reg. Jersey Cow, Don Hollow Sweeping Blondie, freshened on Sept. 8th 1 Holstein Cow, calf by side 1 Jeysgy Cow, just freshened, calf by 82W Dated at Richmond Hilâ€"l September 6, 1945. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Order Fall Fertilizer early on account of strike delay. That will secure you well cured ‘ goods. AUCTION SALE of FRIDAY, NOV. 9th side Pure Bred Jersey Cow, in full flow Gc_>_od Grade Jersey Cow, in full Reg.’ Yorkshire Hog, No. 27X-273- 654, Burnview AI. Young Pigs, 8 weeks old TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS Allisâ€"Chalmer Tractor, model B an oversized rubber tires, complete with combination power takeâ€"off and pulley also swinging draw bar, good as new M-H Grain Drill Brooder Stove Milk Cart Barrel Churn ‘Set Stewart Stock Clippers FEED flow Holstein ‘Cow, in full flow Holstein Heifer. 5 months old FEEDS FOR FARM AND POULTRYMAN. Kills and Kepells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quality. Also full line of Hog & Stock Minerals. Delivered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. For delivery cal] Watkins Fly Spray You’ve Tried the Rest, NOW try the Best. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. STANLEY HILL THE MILL Wright & Taylor ERNIE DURIE In Stock: DDT BARN SPRAY FOR FIR! OR ROIIINO YOUR OWN Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 641'4 Phones: PIGS Yil'lgrge Treas’urer. 139

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