Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1945, p. 4

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ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector All persons having claims against the estate of the late Jessie McKin- non-g'Spinster, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, Ontario, who died on October Ist, 1945 must ‘submit the same in writing to the undersigned not later than December 10th, 1945 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Morley Smith, K.C., Sunday, Nov. 11 Trinity 24 REMEMBRANCE DAY 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"-Remembrance Service. Re- latives and friends of those who gave their lives or are missing in- vited to be present. Special hymns and prayers. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. 330 Bay’Stree’t, Toronto, Solicitor for Mrs. Jean Smith, Executrix. RADIO REPAIRS PICK UP AND DELIVERY FAST SERVICE Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Winterize Your Home Have Your Stbrm Windows Ré’paired N 0w Good Stock of Quality Glass now on hand Telephone King 431'12 The 75th Anniversary Olde Tyme Hoedown Friday, November 16 PHONE 18 Under the auspices of the Young People’s Branch of Woodbridge and District Memorial Committee Address: Peoples Church. 100 Bloor St. E., Toronto H. W. OWEN FREE: BUY STOVE & FURNACE ' PIPES NOW Furnace Cement, Asbestos Paper, etc. At 11 am. Rev. S. Wesley Dean, D.D., a former minister will preach. A newly installed stained glass window will be unveiled and dedicated. At the 7.30 pm. service the guest speaker will be Rev. R. R. McMath of Newmarket. Music will be furnished by the choir of Walmer Road Baptist Church Men’s Club. 'lhe Sunday Morning Service of The Peoples Church is broadcast over Radio Station C H U M from 11.00 to 12.15 noon, 1050 on Your Dial. Listen in. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. PAGE FOUR FINDLAY RANGES, HEATERS & CIRCULATORS ORANGE HALL, WOODBRIDGE . Y. W. BRATHWAITE We have Bronze, RubBer and Felt Weather Strip in stock There’ll be barrels of fun for everyone at the SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11th MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Ab. Wylie’s Orchestra ADMISSION 50 Cents Dr. Smith’s new booklet, “The Only Way”, will be mailed free to all those writing for it. of the dedication of the lepity 24 TORONTO will be held TENDERS will be received up to Nov. 17th, 1945, for the purchase of the property known as the George McCormack farm at Vivian, situat- ed on the 8th concession of Whit- church four miles south of Mt. Al- bert on paved road. Hydro available. This property consists of 336 acres of land more or less and is made up of approximately 170 acres of hard- wood bush and the remainder open land. The barn is 60x110 on stone fbotnidation and the house of grey rlc . For further particulars write to C. R. Smith, Box 98 Thornbury, Ont., Executor, or to F. ‘L. Button, K.C., Stouffville, Ont., Solicitor. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister Sunday, Nov. 11th 10 a.m.â€"-The Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"tPubeic Worship. Everyone invited. Highest or any tender not necess- arily ac‘ceptfid. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, .B.A., minister Sunday, Nov. 11th REMEMBRANCE DAY 10 a.m.â€"~Sunday School. 10.55 a.m.â€"â€"Public worship. At 11 am. a two minutes silence will be observed throughout Canada in Re- membrance of those who died while serving in the first and sec- ond Great War. Please assemble at five minutes to eleven o'clock. 7 p.m.â€"~Evening Worship. All are welcome. TENDERS FOR FARM WE DELIVER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Over 50 ladies attended the Au- tumn Thankoffering meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the Women’s Missionary Society held on Navember lst in the newly decorated school room of the United Church. The president, Mrs. H. E. Wellwood welâ€" comed the members and visitors and conducted a brief worship service. Two 59105, “Just as I am” and “Jesus Lover of My Saul”, beautifully rend- ered by Miss Lola Jones, added in- spiration to this service. ,__ ‘1; An-» e, __ ,, The guest spsaker was Miss Caro- line Wellwood, R.N.. a retired mis- sionary who has given 36 years Of service to the work in West China. Miss Wellwood graphically described conditions as she found them on her first visit to Chinese villages when uau 'Agnv .v y ....... all the women had bound feet and the men wore their hair in long queues, comparing conditions then with those same villages today where there are no bqund feet and no pigtails and a foreign woman is not a curiosity. Thus she traced the progl‘eSs that has followed the years of Christian teaching. Today sons and daughters of the first graduate nurses under her training in Chengâ€" tu hospital are leaders in various forms of Christian work as doctors, dentists, teachers, nurses and Bible women. It has been proven that Christ is the answer to China’s need and also the world’s need. Miss C. Wellwood Addresses Ladies The thanks of the ladies to Miss Wellwood for her inspiring address were voiced by Mrs. Rivers, a friend of many years. The benediction 0‘.’ the pastqr, Rev. C. B. Brethen, closed _ .:-1 Mrs. Wm. Mason celebrated her 95th birthday on November 4th and has many things to remember from the occasion. She received a large bouquet of mums from her son Percy in Winnipeg, three birthday cakes from her hostesses, Mrs. Tena Wil- son, Mrs. W. Carson of King and Mrs. J. E. Burns of Beeton. There were cheques, cards, messages and other gifts and there were callers who were served tea and dainties. Her pastor, Rev. H. Wilson with Mrs Wilson were among the guests. Mrs. Mason as Elizabeth Nixon came from England to Canada and 77 years ago married Wm. Mason. She spent some time in Vaughan but has lived at King more than 50 years. She was an expert needleo woman and many the skilful piece of tatting found its way to a friend. She spends time in reading and enâ€" joys the latest books. Her choice is religious books and always she keeps informed on the progress 01‘ her own church, the Baptist. She is a consistent supporter of this church. Good health adds to her enjoyment and she values her friendships very highly. Her sons Percy and Ed of Winnipeg write her very frequently. u.» yawn, u-.. v ,V , , 7 a. very helpful service. A social hour was much‘ enjoyed. Mrs. Wm. Mason Sees Her 95th Birthday The Maple Women’s Institute had a very delightful welcome home dance on Wednesday evening, Nov. 7th for ,28 of our local lads home from the war. A small gift of a pair of gold tie and collar bar pins was given to each service man. Mr. James McDonald on behalf of the W.I. interviewed the boys who were lined up on the concert platform. Mr. McDonald explained that the gift was in no way a reward for services but a welcome home good will m0- mento from the W.I. to the boys of their safe home-coming. Lorne Wells, R.C.A.F., spoke for the lads and offered a vote of thanks to the members of the W.I. for their boxes of eats, smokes and socks sent to them regularly while in the service and for the gift of tie pins. The W.I. members are planning another Welcome Home in a few months time when they hope the rest of the boys are home. Some 15 boys are still “over there”. With the gift goes the best wishes of Maple W.I. fir their rehabilitation into civilian i e. The‘ executive of St. Andrew’s W.M.S. were guests at a lecture and demonstration by Mrs. Lorraine Bal- lantyne of the Robin Hood F10u1‘ Mills Co. at the home of Mrs. Jack McNeil last Wednesday afternoon. Bryan. Mrs. Andrew Snider and her fat er Mr. Sharpe left on Wednesd for a visit in Syracuse. N.Y. Canadian Red Cross, has been ap- pointed to represent Canada at the International Red Cross Council which meets in Geneva, Switzerland. Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelph spent a few days recently visiting relatives and friends in Maple and vicinity. Sgt. Mabel HOId of the Canadian Legation, Washington, D.C., spent the weekâ€"end at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods. ° Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rumble had their infant son William Francis, baptized last Sunday evening by Rev. C. E. Fockler. Miss Nellie Cunningham of Milton is spending this week with Mrs. D. Mrs. Wm. McCullough spent a few days last week in Mount F91'est._ A euchre party sponsored by Maple W.I. will be held in the Masonic Hall Thursday, November 22nd at 8.15 pm. Lucky tickets on a Christmas cake will be drawn. ugfiréffivoliilv-Ahfi- zinilr défighter left this week for Florida where they will spend the winter. -. 1 "fir. Routley of our Vill- age, the Natiionial Conflmis§ioner of Mr M 11 1t 1n Wome MAPLE M wi 25 AND 30 FT. HYDRO PO‘LES, deâ€" livered. Lines built on private prop- erty, and wiring. Phone Markham 741'4. 11 CHUN-Igs._ Apply _Mr. (3: E Clarkson, Bathurs-t,‘ -phone Maple 28113. 3 OXFORD R‘AM LAMBS, well bred. Apply Geo. McNair, Maple RR. 2, pnone King 11r4. NEW SNOW FENCE, steel posts, 4 and 5 ft.; chicken fence, a large quantity of 8 and 9 line. Norman Bone, phone 259J Richmond Hill. NUMBER OF PULLET’S, Barred Rock, ready to lay. Apply Cecil Mortson, Jefferson, phone 43113 King. 3 BROODERS,-1 Chatham 50 chick size; 2 150-chick size, $15 quick sale. Also 1 Samuel ash Sifter $4.50. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 78. 1 GOOD JERSEY COW, springer; also 10 pure bred Southdown ewes; 1 pure bred Southdown ram. Apply D. Mathews, Mill St., Richmond Hill. new, with 35 gal. galvanized tank; 1 new Dominion Washweil gasoline, washing machine. Apply Yerex Elfilctric, 26 Yonge St., Richmond YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred; some due to farrow, also young pigs from reg: istered boar. Ayrshire Eull‘s, serv- iceable age and younger. Aphlj-Geo. Sp ‘ing, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone- Thornhill 149. ‘ 8-RO0M HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls and sunroom, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street E., Richmond Hill. ELECTRIC RAN‘GETTE in perfect condition; kitchen cupboard and buf- fet; boy’s overcoat, siz: 7-8; girl’s winter coat and hat, size 6X, blue with gray fur trimming. Apply phone Thornhill 471‘22. WE ARE NOW taking orders for R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nestizig under R.O.P. since 1935. F01 re- turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise not to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thorn- hill, Ont IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Woods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milkers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio ‘& Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 1 TRACTOR, McCormick Deering 10-20, in gool shape; 1 Fairbank Morse gas engine, 2 h.p., used; 1 De Laval magnetic milker, good as new; 1 Clean Easy portable milker, used; 1 Duro electric pump and tank, 360 gal. per hour; 1 Beatty electric pump and tank, 250 gal. per hour; 1 Fair- bank Morse electric pump and tank, 25-0 gal. per hour; 1 Gilson auto- matic milk cecler, b‘ can, used; 1 Oil Bath pump jack, new; Woods elec- tric grinders, new. A good stock of Moffat electric pails for immediate installation. All electric equipment installed and serviced. E. J. Steck- ley, Victoria Square, phone Stouff- ville 7313. LOLA GOT A GOOD START, her boy friend thinks she's smart, she knows how to cook and bake, she makes good coffee, tea and cake. She uses a Baker’s Sweetner chart, she has it memorized. Lola has it all off by heart what she serves him for lunch, Baker’s Sweetner to sweeten the tasty dainties, cookies that crunch. He calls her ‘fis Honey Bunch. No coupons, no bitter taste, handy and easy to use. “It’s good”, a real sugar taste. Cheaper than sugar “why” $5.00 worth Baker's Sweetner is as sweet as $14 worth sugar. Guaranteed as represented or money back. 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 35c., 1/2 gal. 650., 1 gal. $41.25, 5 gal. $5, 10 gal. $9.50, containers extra each 25 oz. 1c., 40 oz. 10c., 1/2 gal. 15c., 1 gal. jugs or cans 25¢. each. No shipments less than gallon @ $1.50. We pay express up to 100 miles when cash accompanies order for 6 gallon or more. No cheques. Geo, E. Bak- er, th.B., manufacturing chemist, Stouffville, Ont. The 75th anniVersa'ry of the Unit- ed Church will be held Sunday, Nov. 11th. At 11 a.m. Rev. S. Wesley Dean, D.D., a former minister, will preach. A new window will be dedi- cated. Sunday with Mrs, Isaac Watson and Mr. Chas. Jacksé’m At the 7.30 p.m. service the guest speaker will be Rev. R. R. McMath of Newmarket. The choir of the Walmer Road Baptist Church Men’s Club will sing. BO‘VLING CLUB BRIDGE AND EUCHRE The Richmond Hill Bowling Clu" The Richmond round out the RATESâ€"Five lii'les or less, 35 cents for first inseytiqn and 25 cents forreach subsequgmt jn§egtipn. ngl: 5 lings 5 cents p§1:_1ine extra Classified Advertising each insertion: IF CHARGED NINE CENTS PER .LINE THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING MAKE THE MOST OF IT BEATTY ELECTRIC PUMPS, zherv )ld FOR SALE re am Wedx is ope sea Bowling Club on’s activities bridge in the zsday, Novem- and the pub- ‘ter 16 PIGS 8 weeks old. Walter Rea- man, phone Maple 28ml. 28 CHUNKS. Apgly E. A. Buch anan, phone Stoufrnlle 5209. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, good condition. Apply 59 Yonge St. FIREPLACE MANTLE, also out gouse in excellent condition. 8 Mill ‘ t. condition: $12. Apply 3 Oak Ave., Richvale. LARGE QUEBEC HEATER, Vin good CEDAR POS’DS and poles for sale. Apply Harry Woods, Uonrd~Street, Elgin Mills. QUANTITY No. 1 TIMOTHY HAY. Apply Norman Payne, Maple RR. 1, phone 51231. 7 HEAVY PIGS; also 10 pigs four months old. Belmor Farms, lot 24, con. 2 Markham Twp. FINDLAY QUEBEC COOK STOVE, new fire bibx, goo'd 'cOndition. Apply 36 Sherwobd Ave., _T_oronto. _ , MUISKRAT'=COAT, size 14, $15.00; abo small metwl doll carriage $1.50. Phone Willowdale 2459. TWO PAIR matching lined windoiv; drapes, good as new. 5 Arnold St; Richmond Hill,.telephone 93W.e=_. " TRICYCLE, Inearly new; 1 rocking horse, bamby style. Mrs. Thomas Woods, Richvale, Stop 22A. 1 YOUrNG HOLSTEIN COW“ due Nov. 8', negative to blood test. Apply M. C. Johnson, Maple, Teston Rd. ELECTRIC McCLARY RANGE, in ,§plendid condition, reliable oven. Ap- ply Box 111, Liberal Office. 1930 HUDuSON-It‘COUPE inizgood running ordeg'. Best, offer. G; E. Brfwn, Church St. south, Riéhrfiond Hi 1. h. - fiARWIN TULIP BULBS, mixed, good colors, 3 doz. $1.00 and up. All gogd bulbs. A_l‘\I. J. Smellie, Thorn- 1934 DeLUZE CHEV. SEHA-N, Sé‘rial No. 636297, good agndition, fair tires. Call evenings, 46 ‘Centre Street W., Richmond Hill. Hill, phone 42J TOYS, strongly built, wooden toys, hobby horses, rocking horses, pull toys, trucks, etc. 146 Yonge Street, directly opposlte the Mill. 6 ROOMED FRAME HOUSELgar- age, all conveniences, furnace, large lot, immediate possession, owner. 138 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. éiie, Ernie} spring mattress and box spring good as new, $70; bOOkCEb: or china cabinet, $15. Phone Thorn- hill 162. PARTS for 1938 Dodge clutch, and fly wheel, housing, manifold, cylinder head, timing chain, oil pan. H. Hughes, Garden Avenue, Langstaff, phone Thornhill 47r4. LPOS’I'ER MAHOGANY BED, full TRACTOR PLOW, International, 3 furrows, ace bottom, nearly new. Apply H. La Rose, lot 12, con. 7 Markham, lst gate north of No. 7 highway. Lighting Specialists, home and com- mercial wiring by licensefl electric- 1931 FORD SPORT ROADSTER, cheap for cash, good condition, serial No. 4201; 2 brood sows 5 months old; 1 brood sow house; 1 large brooder house; 1 motor pump without motor. Apply J. S. Walter, Green Lane, Thornhill. M. & G. ELECTRIC POWER and YORKSHIRE BOAR 11/; years old, select type, 6 pigs recently sold of the same breed, all graded premium A; 1 horse, 1600 lbs., cheap. John H. Hill, Oriole, con. 3 North York Twp. 2 brood sows, 5 honths 01d, perfect condition. Also 1 brood sow house. J. S. Walters, Green Lane, Thorn- hill, Ont WINTER COAT, girl’s, 100% wool Val Dur, light maroon color with grey fur trim, well lined, in good condition, suitable for 12 or 14 year old girl, price $7. Apply Liberal Office. 1931 FORD SPORT ROADSTER, 1 KITCHEN RANGE; 1 Quebec heater; 1 wardrobe; 1 bed; 1 studio couch and 2 chairs; 1 small bed; 1 kitchen table and 4 chairs; 1 black and white goat. 5th house north side Brookside Rd., opposite Orange Home. Serial No. 4201, good condition; also BEATTY Pressure Water Systems, 'Supply Tanks, Litter Carrier Tubs, on hand. Also Magse‘y-Hal‘ris Rite- Way Milkers on hand. Used Feed Cutting Box (hand driven). Repair parts for Beatty stabling, pumps and litter carriers always on hand. Har- old W. Mortson, 5 Arnold St., Rich- mond Hill, telephone 93W. ans. Write on .210 or phone even 1125 Richmond Hill 1951‘12. One acre, suitable for three building lots on paved hith way, 200 yards from Yonge St., together with 2000' cement blocks for quick cash sale. See Mr. Needhar'ri. STOP 30 YONGE ST. Notice to Builders NEEDHAM, DRAPER & CO. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1945. GOOD CLEAN EARTH, free for the hauling. Apply phone Hudson 7616. WELL DIGGING and excavating. Ph'cne Rchmorrd Hi1} >248??? WILL Frank SLENDER TABLETS are effective. 2. weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks' $5, at .5c;tchmer’s Drug Store. IEAMSTER, ploughing, grading and cellars dug. Apply Bert Smith, phone Richmond Hill 134112. P. INGLES & SONS, general con- tractors, Jeffu'son, Ont. All kinds cement work, barns remodelled. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 196r12. WATER HAULED. We haul water for dry cisterns and wells Gibson Transport, phone :JIZ. REST HOME, accommodation and care for elderly persons, tray ser- vice, reasonable. Apply phone Thorn- hill 16r21. MRS. W. BAILEY will be at her home every evening, Essex Avenue, Langstaff, from 6 to 9 for Telepathy Fortune Telling. SAND AND GRAVÂ¥1L wxveréagany- where in district. Skiinty, ’Yongo Street and Brooksid H ' hone Ru‘hmofid Hill 1021‘1 CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the effective corn remedy. 50c. at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. ALL. KINDS FURNITURE repairs, dphqlstéi‘ing, cabinet ‘ ‘k id-wood ciarv'i'ng‘éfi Estimatg ‘é‘anDy'iié, 33 Hunt“? SPRAY“ PAINTING, - , paint Work. Experienceflflifworkman- sh‘gi. Estimates cheerfully given. G. Daglz, ‘Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 311' - - '2- ' r ‘ ELEC'IZBICAL WIRINQ, ‘Zgousel, farm buildings, s “'czializiij’g inf chool w1r'ing»._',; Territory“:nc1ydqs ,Ei‘ mond Hill anii vicinity. Fix"- Elec- tric, Séhomberg, phone 69 Schem- 6N HALLOWEEN, green iron and wire ga‘te. Reward. Miss Stewart, 24 Mill St., Richmond Hill, phone 27W. ed. For free pick-up phene RIGH‘ MOND HILL 7 or KING 241‘4 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOQNG LIMIT- CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sizes) at Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone King 591'32 HOR‘SES to killyhighest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.0. or (Jourtland Mink Ranch, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. FEATHERS WANTED â€" Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- EDUToronto. phone AD. 3636 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers’ List Act and that I haVu posted up in my office at Maple, on the 315?; day of October, 1945, the List of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality for Members of Parliament and at Municipal Elecé tions and that such list remains there for inspection. ' And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected according to law. The last day for filing appeals is November 2lst, 1945. Dated at Maple Oct. 31‘, 19g5. Clerk’s notige of First Posting of Voters' List. Township 70f Vaughan VOTERS’ LIST, 1945 MISCELLANEOUS Bingo ! FRIDAY, NOV. 9th MASONIC HALL. Proceeds f0r Mexnorial Park Fund DO WELL DIGGING. Apply York RR. 1 Maple. KING J‘. M. McDONALD, - Clerk of Vaughan Township. WANTED County of York" OAK RIDGES in the

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