(Continued from Page 1) parade and play for the service. This band has travelled extensively throughout Canada and the United States and is recognized as one of Canada’s outstanding bands. A fea- ture of the parade this year will be. the march past of all veterans of this war in uniform under their own marshal. Another special feature feature will he the Richmond Hill High School Cadets marching for the first time in public in uniform. A squadron of Air Force Cadets will be taking part. Another feature will be the march past of Imperial Legion of Frcntiersmen, the York County Veterans under their presi- dent Col. W. P. Mulock, K.C., the Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veter- ans, veterans from Aurora, Schom- berg, Newmarket, Wocdbridge, King, Maple, Thornhill, Unionville, Mark- ham, North York Township and Canadian Legion from Toronto, Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, L.T.B. & 0. Home. The marshal of the parade will be Major A. G. Condie. E.D., of the York County Veterans Associa- ï¬on assisted by Com. W. Hall, presi- dent of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans. Jas. Butler SI‘., Director of Ceremonies. Brigadier Martin will take the salute at the Post Off- ice on the return march past. A very good crowd enjoyed a few games of euchre held in the school basement under the auspices of the Social Club. Prize winners were as follows: Ladies, lst, Mrs. P. Sparks; 2nd, Mrs. J. Broome; 3rd, Mrs. E. Rowden; consolation Mrs. R. Bent- ley; travelling, Mrs. J. Bentley. Gents, 1st, M. Bowen; 2nd, G. Wat- son; 3rd, Ed. Rowdsn; consolation, R. prev kille $13“ $15 A towa to 3 were eigh TE Fooley; travelling, Mrs. W. Adams,asked TAGE EIGHT Village To Honor RADIO and APPLlANCE SERVICE Prompt OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 38 F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. Phone 177 Thornhill Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14th and the Second aqd Foulfgh Wednesda PLUMBING â€" HEATING â€"â€" EAVESTROUGHING HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS __ SOFTENERS â€"â€" SEPTIC TANKS â€" SIDING « INSULATION _ TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced 16 Colborne Street Steele's WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Yonge Street EYESIGHT SPECIALIST THORNHILL, ONTARIO Phoneâ€"Office 177 Mr. F AUTHORIZED MEMBER PHiLCO SERVICE Complete repair sezvice to radios, stoves, washing machines, irons, toasters, etc. .mm and Guaranteed Service Modern Test Equipment of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON Radio Service We are happy to announce that we have secured the services of Mr. Robert Margeson to take charge of our new radio and electrical appliances depart- ment. Mr. Margeson is now prepared to give prompt, guaranteed repair service on all makes or radios, washing machines, refrigerators and other elec- trical appliances. RICHVALE SERVICE FOR ALL MAKES OF RADIOS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES LARGE STOCK OF TUBES ON HAND Pick Up and Delivery Service and Yonge St. GEO. A. KELSON CO. THORNHILL NOTICE GEO. A. KELSON CO. LESLIE C. LINDSAY Yâ€"oggfeiSt. Phone Thornhill 135r21 Thornhill Hardware . L. MARGESON Specialists in (Continued £10m Pa 0 1) made, and that, too, notwithstanding the fact that assessments are higher. Council approved the salary of the assessors at the present rate. Russ. Rowntree and Geo. Sheri-in of the 7th concession requested the township to hold a fox hunt, point- ing out that too many chickens are disappearing. Council approved, but u an mnnv hunters are away not - as so many hunters are away noth- ing will be dcne'for a few weeks It was pointed out that a bounty i; na'd on foxes. ~ m 1A,, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor 0 May Ave. asked that something I: done to relieve the floods on Ma Ave., pointing out that the ditche are not providing a remedy. A want of $25 was made to Ath A grant of $25 was made to the re-building of the King United Church parsonage on the petition of Wes. Clarkson of the 5th concession. The t-ownship’s fire truck was un- able to respond to the alarm. It was pointed out that the coun- ty's request for a hospital contribu- tion would involve one mill extra on the tax rate. The county is asking local councils whether they favor the project. Two sheep were killed and two in- jured at the farm of George McNair on the second concession last Mon- day, and sheep claims to date total $1,983. Reports presented Show the dog tax collections for the year total $1,856 compared with $1,700 for the previous year. Payments for sheep killed were made to H. Carberry, $13.50; Bert Witty, $84; E. Evans, $45 and H. Mordan, $39. A donation of $5 by the township towards Poppy Day Fund was raised to $10. Relief costs to the township were reported at 8143, there being eight persons on relief. " ‘ ‘ ‘ r 7‘ 7 ._.:1‘ Ln VWWMOTnhill District News 5..., 3-.--..“ -.. “Hm Tenders for snow plowing will b Phcne Thornhiil 122 Phone Thornhill 33 Mr. Margesonâ€"122 After Hours 891 remedy. is made to the King United the petition of 5th concession. perfec sale a succes members wh this sale 0‘ thanks is al: Tpr. Willi son of Mrs. 'St., was mar His bride w: .Sussex, dau W. Dowsett couple of a Twelve of the children from ‘Thornhill Public School including Melvin Code, Joan Wade, Lyn Giles, Marilyn Mackintosh, Ronny Griff‘n, Jacqueline Richardson, Audry Hiltz, Bobby Grainger, Richard Neil, Eddy Hopper, Lee Bishton and John Sand- erson canvassed from door to door last week-end and collected a total of $20.00 for the Poppy Fund. The School Board presented the senior boys with a football, and the senior girls with a volley ball, this n the The senior senior week. Two brush demonstra‘li'ns held re- cently at the homes of Mrs. C. Ridâ€" dell, Yonge St., and Mrs. L. Lindsay, Steele’s Corners, netted a total don- ation of approximately $8.00, to be given the Boy Scouts and Cubs of the Village. The children of the Village, Lang- staff and Thornlea, enjoyed the Hal- lowe’en party put on at Lawrence Memorial Hall last week to the utâ€" most. A great deal of interest was shown in the venture and the cos- tumes were really lovely. Prizes for best costumes were given to children from five years to twelve, and girl and one boy in each age group, and there were special prizes as well. Mr. P. Bcne put on movies for the children and Hap Walker’s orchestra donated their services free for the dance which followed the children’s party. Scarcely a child could be found on the streets, and young and old alike voted it the best Hallo- we’en ever. m1»: LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL,779N:I‘WARIO The Formiters hope you will keep in mind their bazaar which is to be held in the Sunday School room of Thornhill Presbyterian Church Sat- urday, November 7th. Many lovely things have been and are still being made for this event, and a unique feature will be the “touch and take†table with articles ranging from SC. By a strange coincidence, two neighbours have suffered broken bones within the past few days. Last week-end, Mrs. T. King of Seccomoe ‘St. fell and broke her leg, and on her return from Red Cross on Tuesday, Mrs. T. Mizen broke her anklel Both ladies have had their bones set and are resting comfortably. A delightful surprise party was held on Octoher 29th for Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dean of Centre St. A group of 32 neighbours met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin and proceeded from there as a group, to the Dean home. Mr. and Mrs. Dean were presented with a smart lamp, and the Rev. S. A. R. Wood made the presentation address. Games were playcd, refreshments were served and everyone agreed they had had a very good time. Mrs. Cecil Johnscn, Marie and Bob of Lakeview, Ohio, Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Tutt, Yonge St., last week. They also visited friends in Thornhfll and Langstaff. Mrs. M. Kellett and Miss Margaret Kellett of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bone and family last week-end. Thornhill Women’s Institute will Thornhill Women’s Institute will hold its regular monthly mee‘ing on Thursday next, November 15th, at the home of Mrs. P. Maude. The main topic of the meeting will, of course, be our sale which is to be held on Dec. 8th. Throughout the season’s work, this annual sale holds the spotlight for anticipation, inter- est and goodwill, and if you have spent a weary day downtown on a fruitless search for just the right gift at just the right price, a visit to this White Elephant sale and bazaar will convince you of the bar- gains our patrons are able to get and the fine quality of the goods off- ei'ed. Th Mr. Percy Bone was guest speak- er at the Women’s Auxiliary of St. Barnabas Anglican 'Church, Dan- forth Ave., Toronto, on Tuesday ev- ening last. Mr. Bone_spoke on flow- ers and‘gave a demonstration. In last week’s edition a very valu- able set of golf clubs in a brown bag was listed as lost. These clubs were greatly valued by both George and Mrs. Rowswell, as they belonged to George’s twin brother, Jack. Any information which might lead to their recovery would be greatly ap- preciated and rewarded. ‘ _ v The Nov. meeting of the Evening Auxiliary, W.M.S., Thornhill United Church, was held at the home of Mrs, Purdy on Thursday, Nov. lst. Owing to conflicting meetings, our date has been changed to the first Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 4, at the home of Mrs. Jacques, and the spe- cial guest speaker will be Sqdn. Ldr. C. R. Scott, who will speak on “Africaâ€. An executive meeting of Thornhill Horticultural Society will be held on Wednesday evening, Nov. 7 at the home of Mr. P. Bone, to discuss whether or not a banquet is to be held this year. 4....-. IAVKbaiuZO young people gathered at the home of Mrs. S. Findlay last Dowset lle 950 :ers who wol‘ke sale over, a lted ank )Wsett.‘ A picture of e appeared in a rec‘ local paper: aughter to say nopul also extended illiam E. R0 ‘5. H. E. Rou Ar \\ ith (1 held ied in s the of Br the many a Church will hold 3 on Sunday morn- England recently. former Miss Rose ighton and Hove, f Mr. and Mrs. G. :ture of the happy x a recent edition he baking table The Guild was receipts which $240.00 and wish ny friends and d in making the he convenors and sd so hard to put hearty vote of Rouxel R.C.D., Colborne and the and put The regular the W.A. and United Church of Mrs. Russell went Thurs from horse susta CC VJames Heslop, former in- structor, stationed at Pendleton. Ont received his discharge on Sept. 19 Both services at Teston United Church were well attended on Sun- day. Inspiring addresses were given by Rev. Jenkinson in the morning and Rev. R. Hicks of Aurora in the evening. We would like to convey our thanks to the members of the Schomberg choir and al‘o to those who took part in the choir Sunday morning. We wish also to thank Laskay, King and Hope United churches for wi'hdrawing their ser- vices. The October Red CrOSS meeting was held at the home of Mrs. E. Hadwin on Wednesday, October 31. Work was done on three quilts and knitted articles and sewing were turned in. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kyle were Mr. and Mrs. ‘C. Mitchell, Doris and Albert of Au- rora, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones, Joyce, Jim and Bruce of Maple. Other Sunday visitors were MT. and Mrs. Geo. Marshall of Toronto at Mr. and Mrs. E. West's. At Mrs. George Kerr's, Mr. and Mrs. D. Jul- ian, Vellore; at W. Clarkson’s, Mr. and Mrs. C. Heise and Murray; at Mr. E. Kyle’s, Rev. and Mrs. Jenk- inson; at C. Diesman’s, Mrs. Peter- man; at Mrs. J. Carley’s, Mr. and Mrs. E. Robson and family and Miss Irene Ezard; at Mr. E. Carson’s, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McDonald and Mr. and Mrs. A. Baxter of Newmarket. HOPE AND TESTON We extend belated birthday greet< ings to Mr. E. Kyle whose birthday was chember 3rd and to Mrs. D. Murray whose birthday was Novem- ber 5th. Miss Orphie Orr and Mr. Gordon Crr attended a joint meeting of Jr. Farmers and Youth D'rectors of the Federation of Agriculture held in the Dept. of Agriculture, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, on Tuesday, Qc- tober 30th. 'ï¬Ã©iold Kirby and Mr. Stan Patalas left Svnday for the deer hunt at Lakefield. Mrs. T. O. Nixon, Toronto, spent the week-end with Mrs. Geo. Crook. The November meeting of Hope W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. W. Crook on Thursday, November 1 with the president, Mrs. E. Orr, pre- siding. The m'e ing opened by sin-g- ing the hymn "‘Blest be the Tie that Binds†followed by the srripture les- son by Mrs. Geo. Thomas and prayer by Mrs. Fockler. Owing to the quilting of a Red Cross quilt a short business meeting was held. Meeting closed with Mizpah benediction. Col- lection $7.25. The hostess, Mrs. W. Crook and Mrs. Hutcheson and com- mittee Mrs. Geo. Thomas, Mrs. L. Kerswill, Mrs. W. Watson and Mrs. G. Jennings served a delicious sup- pey I‘Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas hac Sunday dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs. D. Dunning rof Aurprz}. “Ili’llrréhdiMrs. WiOrr and Anna and Mrs. G. Orr and Marlene visit- ed friends at Barrie and Mine_si1“1g._ S. Caldwell of Pbrt Hope visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thomas Wednesday._ Congratulations to the following winners at the King and Vaughan Plowing Match held October 26th. Gordon Orr, Gordon McQuarrie, Billy Thomas, Peter Lorretta, Jimmy Thomas. Jimmy, the youngest pIOW- man to enter, was 8 years old. Good work Jimmy. Gordon Orr was a prize Winner at the Halton County Plowing Match, Georgina, on October 29th. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Ireland were Mr. and Mrs. B. Weldrick and Mrs. C. Rob- inson of Thornhill. ‘66â€"!1g;ratu1ations to Allan Orr winning the scholarship of the Farmers Calf Club. The Farm home of Mr. day evening EUCHRE A euchre party will be held in Buttonville Hall, Friday, November 9th at 8 pm. Everybody welcome. EUCHRE A euchre will be held in St. Mary’s RE. Parish Hall on Friday, Nov. 9 at 8.30 p.m. Good prizes. Everyone welcome. was held at the and Mrs. W. Orr Mon- with 25 present. in Toronto she under- ration last had SATURDAY, NOV. 10â€"Auction sale' of 5 to 6 acres standing hardwood bush in quarter acre lots consisting mostly of beech and maple, also some limbs, logs and cut hardwood, at part of lot 13, con. 2 Markham Twp., 3/4 mile north of No. 7 Hgy., entrance to bush by Briggs Ave., rear end of new sub-divisions, the property of Sabiston Bros. Terms cash. Sale at 2 pm. No reserve. In case of bad weather sale will be held the follow- ing Wednesday, November 14. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, NOV. 10th -â€" Auction sale of antique dishes»a§‘d_ furgli’gure incl‘iding cut; glass am the property of Mrs. 8th Ave., Woodbridge Ken Love, auctioneer. SATURDAY, TO‘V. 10â€"Auction ‘sa'a of farm stock, implements, pigs, hay and grain, the prrperty of Earl Tate, lot 9, con. 8, Whitchurc’n. No re- serve, owner giving up farming. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. TUEiSlDAY, NOV. 13â€"Auction sale of household furi‘iiure, dishes, glass- ware, and many antique articles at the Summit Hotel, Oak Ridges, the property of John Thompson. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Auction sale of choice 50 acre farm, also farm stock, near new A.C. tractor on rubber, implements, hay, hogs, 400 pullets, poultry equipment, ensilage, etc., the property of estate of late Santley Hill, at part of lot 2, con. 5 Markâ€" ________’________ir 200.99MW®OQWWMNO¢QOQMO®9000OMWOOQOO. O Sale Register W W â€" GENERAL REPAIRS â€" AT NORTH END OF CAR LINE, RICHMOND HILL SPECIAL ATTENTION WILL BE GIVEN T0 LUBRICATION. OL'R LINE INCLUDES MARFAK, RED INDIAN AVIATION ' OIL AND SKY CHIEF GASOLINE. ' ' Gormley RR. 1 Notice to Farmers of King, Vaughan and North York Townships Being an auctioneer for 24 years in allâ€"11 years as apprentice â€" I am now offering my services to you. Owing to the passing of Mr. Saigeon you will want a man that has had a wide experience as this will count now and for the years that lie ahead. If I can be of any service to you I will appreciate it. All sales listed and looked after personally. Get your date in early as I have a large number of sales listed at present. 2% miles north L7 highway. No been sold. Terms m. sharp. A. S. ALVIN S. FARMER China dishes Emily Stotts Terms cash THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th. 1945. RED INDIAN STATION ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF THE Licensed Auctioneer (Pat) CLUBINE All Saints Anglican Celebrates 88 Years Called to worship in a spirit of thanksgiving and hope the congre- gation and friends met in holy com- munion service on Sunday, Novem‘ her 4th to ccmmemorate the 88th birthday of the founding of the first church erected in King City. known then as Springhill. All Saints Ang- lican Church was hewn from the virgin trees that covered the piece of land given by a James Pulforfil as the site for the building. Of “clear lumber" the frame structure was raised from subscriptions head- ed by John Thompson. Isaac Dennis, George Gordon and others. On No- vember lst, 1857, All Saints Day, the solemn opening ceremony took place. The door was unlocked with the same 6 inch key used today, by the Bishop of Toronto, the records state. Rev. Dr. Bevan preached the first sermon chosing the significant text, “Lo we heard of the same Ephrata and found it in the woods.†Dr. Bevan knev' full well the earnest desire of the congregation, who wor- shipped prior to this time in a small rocm in the Dennis hotel, to build a suitable sanctuary for worship of the increasing number of Anglicans in the district. At; a later date the edifice was bricked and its progress marked by many improvemen‘s now defining it as a well kept rural church. The installation of a pipe organ by the Watson family in memory of their parents and played by Miss Dorothy Armstrong acids to the beauty of the services. On Sunday tl‘e acting Rector, Rev. G. I. B. Johnson, gave a resume of the parish history. Preparation of a leather bound Book of Remem- barnce is being made to be preserved among the church records. The special service will be of great interest to Captain, the Rev. E. W. G. Worrall on service still in Eng- land, and Who will return to his flock at King, Maple and Oak Ridges when his service is ended in Eng‘ land. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Among the oldest members are Mrs. John Cull and Mrs. Alfred Gillham. The Lockhart family have also long been associated with the institution. Wardens are Messrs. Crawford Wells ard‘George Hately. ham twp? 1% miles west, from Milli- ken. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve on chattels. Farm offered at 3.15 pm. subject to reserve bid. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. IT MUST NOT HAPPEN HERE! The following news item ap- peared in the Globe and Mai October 17, 1945. l Ottawa, Oct. lic health auth ing a house-to the health of in the *Cathcarl awa following from diphther‘ past six week It lies within your power to prevent such a news item about this Township. Have your children protected not in 1947 nor 1946 but during November 1945. CARL E. HILL, M.1')., M.O.H. THREE DIE 0F Phone Stouffville 7312 Oct. 16 (CP)â€"Pub- authorities are mak- e~toâ€"house survey of of young children lial‘t St. area of Ott- .'ing the third death therla there in the DIPHTHERIA