Mr. and Mrs. Norman MacPher-F son of Toronto and Mr. Vic Bloug-h‘ and Miss Phyllis Roberts visited with‘ Mrs. Minton and family on Sunday‘ evgning. Anniversary services will be held in Central United Church on Sunday morning and evening. Rev. H. G. Salton of Bellefair United will be guest. speaker at the morning ser- vice and Rev. 1. G. Perkins of Don- lands United Church in the evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all to Worshipi with us. _ Mr. Harry Boadway reports hav- ing seen no deer while on his short three day hunting trip. Perhaps next week we will be able to report more ‘success for the several parties now on the hunt. ViMr. and Mrs. Wm. Nob-Ive and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Brown visited in Brampton on Monday. "Rev." A. E. Owen of Cooksville visited in town on Tuesday. ty, Albert Titshall, John Titshall, and in Thornhill Mrs. W. Adams, Anna Sanderson, Rose Churchill,‘ Jean Sims, Betty Rouxel, Joyce Forâ€" ayth and.Daphne_ Titshall. Thanks, -J ___ too, to the teachers and pupils of the schools in Richmond Hill, Thorn- hill and Vaughan township for their efforts on behalf of the Fund. l The Poppy Fund committee wish Thanks Taggers to thank the citizens of Maple for , , ‘their donations to the Poppy Fund The POPPY Fund Comm'ttï¬ee W‘Sh and also the girls who tagged. to thank the citizens of.R1chmond SL Stephen’s Church WA. and Bill and Thornhill for their Splemhd friends held a very delightful arty response to their appeal on POPPY on Wednesday evening at. the ome Day, Saturday, November 10th: 31.50 of Mrs. H. Bryan when Miss Helen the members .of the Women’s Amul' Cooper whose coming marriage takes iary who “metal In any Way, and place on November 24th was pm- the following girls _and ,boys wno .50 sented with a beautiful table lamp Cheerfuuy tagged, m,R1¢hm°nd H1†and a. picture by the W.A. The ev- PatriCia DeVlnS. Diane Andrewsr‘ening was spent in games and cards Marjorie Paterson, 199191 Layzellyiand a very delicious lunch was Ruth Layzell, Carol Hunter, 'Joan served_ Bowen, Shirley Bowen, Betty Wilson,‘ Mrs. Carl Black and small daughâ€" BeaU‘ice WilSOY}, Rum Harding, June ter Carol of Kettleby are visiting Harding, Jmflm? édal’lsz Bllbj__B,eaf;' with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fund Committee 1 Thanks Taggers Farm«‘ and village property for sale anu exchange Telephone 92~R Richmond Hill Toronto - Mount Aibert Winterize Your Home Have Your Storm Windows Repaired Now Good Stock of Quality Glass now on hand Bus Leaves Mt 7.00 a.m. 1.30 pm. 5.30 11.1“. R. H. KANE UN ION VILLE PHONE 18 F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE BUY THOSE STOVE & FURNACE PIPES NOW Furnace Cement, Asbestos Paper, etc. Commencing Saturday, Nov. 17th, 1945 FINDLAY RANGES, HEATERS & ' CIRCULATORS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE We have Bronze, Rubber and Felt Weather Strip in stock 10.00 3.111. 8.00 p.m. PAGE FOUR NOTICE OF CHANGE IN SATURDAY ONLY . Albert B SCHEDULE SUNDAY ONLY 'Sunday, Nov‘ 18 Trinity 25 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion. i10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. 7 p.m.â€"Evenin'g Prayer. LOrganistâ€"Miss Bernice Lightbody, [25th Trinity Nov. 18th ‘Bethesda, Unionville 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"T.he Service. Zion, Shemood 1.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"â€"The Service. Sermon themeâ€"“God’s Dayâ€. How shall we keep it holy? ‘ RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. ‘Hirtle, ‘B.A., minister Sunday, Nov. 18th 10.30 a.m.-â€"â€"Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Pub1ic Worship. lA welcome to all. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister , Sunday, Nov. 18th ‘10 a.m.â€"«Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. .7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. |A11 are welcome. All cordially welcome. Mrs. Carl Black and small daugh- ter Carol of Kettleby are visiting with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ingram this week. ST. MARY'S ANGL-ICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector KMusq LIT.'C.L‘ THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sherwoodâ€"Unionville Parish . Copper, pastor, R..R I‘Mapl‘e Bus Leaves Toronto 9.15 a.m. 1.45 p.m. 11.00 [3.111. MAPLE WE DELIVER 10.00 a.m. 8.00 p.m. Nov: 18th Youth Council members witnessed one of the most interesting and en- tertaining social evenings yet to be held last Tuesday in the Municipal Hall when a box social was the main feature of the meeting. Dancing to records was enjoyed before and af- ter the auctioning and lun‘h period. Dunc Gillard acted as auctioneer and with his demanding hammer knocked down the boxes at excellent prices. Bidding was high throughou: the sale. The hidden delicacies proved worth the price in beautifully decor- ated boxes. Another box social is hoped for in the not too distant future. Youth Council will sponsor :1 No- vember Ball near the end of the month and a good crowd is hoped for. Watch this column for further particulars next week. All illustrations of the Youth Council Badge are asked to be handâ€" ed to any of the councillors not lat- er than Saturday, November 17th. Come on members, and avoid disap- pointment in not winning the prize for the best Youth Council Badge illustration. Youth Council-Plan For November Ball A11 young people and young mar- ried couples are urged to attend the meetings“ A meeting will be held next Tues- day evening, November 20th, same time, same place. A good program is in the maklng Plan to attend. TEACHER RESIGNS Mrs. Mary Winn of the teaching staff of the Public School, this week tendered her resignation to the Board to take effect January 1. Mrs. Winn has been a teacher here for the past two years and will be great- ly missed on the staff. The Dominion and Provincial govâ€" ernments have carried out experi- mental work extensively fer dry farming and livestcck operations, and also for irrigation farming. The first Irrigation Act in Canada dates from July 231d, 1894, in which year the Canadian Irrigation Surveys were commenced by the then Department of the Interior of the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture. Since then much has been done, particularly in Saskatchewan and Alberta under the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Water Development Program. The next item concerns ourselves. The revolts down this way are over thanks to Uncle Sam. Refereeing a revolution is a little excitement. But I’ll tell you more abaut that when I get back. The last time in Balboa all navy boys and merchant men were taken off the ship only the wards of the U.S.C.G. Rumors went that the ship was being turned into pri- vate hands for peacetime, trade and we wondered if that meant dis- charges for us as well. But how wrong some rumors can be! Right now we are better equipped and more heavily supplied than ever before. Tonight we learned our destination. I can‘t name port or country or con- tinent but if you look into history a few years back you may find out where trouble is and where we go to. While there I’m positive of see- ing the Tower of Belei and in fact hope to make a thorough tour of it and the city nearby. More than likely Claude can tell you all about it. I had previously hoped to be home for my birthday but now that is im- possible. Now I expect it may be New Years or shortly afterward. So here is hoping Santa Claus is good toiyou. I ‘am going 1n have to be this letter so please excuse scribbles. I have plenty that I am allowed to tell will try to let you in on as I can. The first bit of news concerns the ship that Stu was on before (West- banks Pk.). Well, when on the run I made on the T: I told you about we also became a rescue party. Durâ€" ing the ’big‘ hurricane that swept the ‘Carribean 'the Westb‘anks went down and we happened tw pick up their 8.0.8. and were able to pick up all survivors, but somehuw I couldn‘t get it out of my huad that Stu should be on her despite your tell- ing me differently quite some time ago. Needless to say that for some time afterwards I smoked Winchest- ers exclusively. I must close now as time is short and a temperature of 94 degrees F‘. which I am in at present doesn’t make writing any more pleasant. Give my best regards to everyone around and say Merry Xmas to Tyn- dalls and Teetzels for me. It is goâ€" ing to be about 20â€"23 days before I can write again so don't expect any mail for a while. Perhaps I can save paper at that.~ time and be home before my mail would reach you be- cause I am assured of leave in U.S.A. but for how long depends upon some- one else’s generosity. As yet Pappy hasn’t written. Did he break his arm or is he too busy scaring people to death with those papers and then digging holes to put them in? I wish him the best, of everything. Even better quality chewing. Perhaps I can get a rare plug for him at one of the arenas I hope to attend. , Well for now au revoir. Tell The following is a letter received by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clement, Centre St. E. from their son Roy Who is serving with the Canadian Navy: Wilemstaad, Curacao, November 8th, 1945. Have you heard any more from Stu lately? I hope he is home when I do manage to get back. Dear Mom and Dad:â€" Letters From Overseas THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO LAND RECLAMATION ever iron eed fast with blots and of news now and as much 25 AND 30 FT. HYDRO POLES, de- C.C.M. BICY'CLE, new. Apply Hor- ace Middleton, Gormley, telephone 40,’in good condition, $5.00. Apply Liberal Office. MAfI’S WINTER OVE‘RCOAT, size 40, in good condition, $5.00. Apply 1 BROOLD' SOW due to farr’ow Sat- urday; 3 young sows. v"glint, half mile south of water to r on Bayâ€" view. YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred, some due to farrow, also young pig's from reg- istered boar. Ayrshire Bulls, serv- iceable age and younger. Apply Geo. Sp "mg, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone Thornhill 149. Stoufvalle 1520. livered. Lines built on prAvate prop- erty, and wiring. 'Phone Markham 74M. DARWIN TULIP BULBS, small size, will give a lot of bloom, 10c. doz. to clear. N. J. Smellie, Thorn- hill, phone 42.1. 1 YOUNG HOLS‘TEIN COW, due Nov. 8, negative blood test. Apply M. C. Jackson, Maple, Teston Road. 8-ROOM HOUSE. stucco, 2 large halls and sunroom, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street E., Richmond Hill. or wood stove, white enamel, in new condition, $40; also 1 pair of boys’ Dunn’s tube skates and boots, size 9, $4; 1 pair of girl’s figure skates with white boots and guards, size 1, $6.50. Phone 20 Thornhill. MOFFAT MODERN ANNEX, coal 100 B.R. x N.H. PULLET’S, ready to lay, some laying now; 100 RR. x N.H. pullets about 5 months old. These pullets are Murray Fisher stock. 1 Angora doe, 2 Angora bucks, good stock. Apply Saturday, Harold Hill, lot 32, con. 4 Markham, phone Stouffville 1520. A HIT that’s hot, Baker’s Sweetner in the cofree pot sure hits the spot. Things had never been So had before thought the Marshall as he para- chuted into a neighborhood without food, gun or shelter. But he dis- covered the people had plenty of food; but the meals hadn't any taste. You should have seen the kiddies open their eyes when the Marshall took out a little bottle and spr.nkled some on his pie and cake, then put about a teaspoonful in his tea. The: Marshall gave them a taste which nearly sent them wild to learn what he did to the meal. Mother and Dad immediately sent for a shipment of Baker’s Sweetner. No coupons, no bitterness, easy to use, diabetiCs use it, smooth sugary taste. $5.00 worth Baker's Sweetner is as sweet at 3.14 worth sugar. Guaranteed as repre- sented or money back. 25 oz. 25¢, 40 oz. 35c., 1/2 gal. 65c., 5 gal. $5.00; 10 gal. $9.50. Containers extra, 25 oz. 1c., 40 oz. 10c., 1/‘2 gal. 15c., gal- lon jugs or cans 25c. each extra. No shipment less than gallon @ $1.50. We pay express up to 100 miles when cash accompanies order for 6 or more ; gallons. No cheques. Geo. E. Bak- er, th.B., Manufacturing chemist, Stouffville, Ont. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Wogds & This contest is sponsored by the York County Junior Farmers’ Asso- ciation and is a preliminary to a Provincial contest to be held in To- ronto, January 9 during the Annual Convention of the Ontario Federa- tion of Agriculture. Each Junior Farmer club in York County is allowed to enter two con- testants, one boy and one girl, ;n the contest on Friday evening. The contestants will have prepared a ten minute speech from one of twenty- five topics given them previously. Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milkers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio .& Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 1 TRACTOR, McCormick Deering 10-20, in good shape; 1 Fairbank Morse gas engine, 2 hp, used; 1 De Laval magnetic milker, good as new; 1 Clean Easy portable milker, used; 1 Duro electric pump and tank, 360 gal. per hour; 1 Beatty electric pump and tank, 250 gal. per hour; 1 Fair- bank Morse electric pump and tank, 250 gal. per hour; 1 Gilson auto- matic milk cooler, 6 can, used; 1 Oil Bath pump jack, new; Woods elec- tric grinders, new. A good stock of Moffat electric pails for immediate installation. All electric equipment installed and serviced. E. J. Steck- ley, Victoria Square, phone Stouff- ville 7313. A Public Speaking and Amateur Entertainment Contest will be held in the High ASchpo] Auditorium, Au- rora, on Friday, November 16m at 8.15 p.m. Jr. Farmers Public Speaking Contest Enterâ€"tainï¬ent will be ï¬rovidéd by the Junior Farmers and the general public is invited to attend. The maiden aunt was vise her mece as to w] she should marry her 5 about to go overseas. S moment, then adwsed, if I had my time over married before I was have the sense not to! THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for ï¬rst inseruon and :3 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 liness5 cents per line (XLB each insertion. IF CHARGED NINE CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advertising FOR SALE : was asked to ac- to whether or not her soldier fiance, :as. She thought a yam ked to ad- t0 POTATOES. Apply W. H. Burns, Brookside Rd. 1 SHED suitable for build ng dO'H) gagage. Phone evenings Wood-briige 3r . OUT DOOR TOILET and mantle for fireplace. Apply 8 Mill S't., Rich- mond Hill. CEDAR POSTS and poles for sale. Apply Harry Woods, Oxmrd Street. Elgin Mills. 50 NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS. Apply Claude Morrison, Doncastor, Thomhill. ELECTRICAL WIRING, housel farm buildings, specializing in schoo. wiring. Territory includes RiChmond Hill and vicinity. Apply Forth EleC- kEric, Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- erg. 20 FIGS 7 weeks old. Also 6 small chunks. Walter Reaman, telephone Maple 28r11. QUEBEC HEATER wirh oil burner. Mrs. Bailey, Spruce Ave., Richvale, phone 136r3. TRACTOR PLOW, International, 2- furrow ace bottom, nearly new. Ap- ply H. McQuarrie, Maple RR. 1, GIRIJS’ SKATES, white, size 4; also girls’ skates, blacld, size 1; boy’s skates, size 5. Apply 35 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. bhone 60r21. all conveniences, furnace, Vlarig'e lbt, many extras. Owner. 8 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. 7 ROOM BRICK HOUISE, garage, 200 LEGHORN PULLETS, crOSSed with Barred Rocks, started to lay; 6 pigs, 10 weeks old. Apply Harry Burns, King, phone 2712. TOYS, strongly built, wooden toys, hobby horses, rocking horses, pull toys, trucks, etc. 146 Yonge Street, directly opposite the Mill. | 11 PIGS 2 months old; also 200 Spruceleigh White Leghorn pallets. Apply Wesley Palmer, con. 2 Mark- ham, phone Richmond Hill 46r32. P. INGLES & SONS, general conâ€" tractors, Jefferson, Ont. All kinds cement work, barns remodelled. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 196112. ready for market. Apply E. A. Radâ€" ford, con. 3 Markham, lst farm north of No. 7 Highway, pKone Unionvifle 301'3. REST HOME, accommodation and care for elderly persons, tray ser- vice, reasonable. Apply phone Thorn- hill 16r21. MRS. W. BAILEY will be at her home every evening, Essex Avenue, Langstaff, from 6 to 9 for Telepathy Fortune Telling. SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charxty, Yonge Street. and Brooksde Road. Phone Rxchmond Hill 1021'14. 100 BA‘RRED ROCK ROOSTERS. CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the effective corn remedy. 50c. at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. WE ARE NOW taking orders for R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nesting under R.0.P. since 1935. F01 re- turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise not to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thornâ€" hill, Ont. TEAMSTER, ploughing, grading and cellars dug. Apply Bert Smith, phone Ricnmond Hill 134r12. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet werk, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue, GAS STOVE, 4 burner, modern, in perfect condition, $20. Acoustican hearing aid, bone conductor, reason- able. Apply Mrs. Lewis, 50 Yonge- hurst Rd., Richvale. 6 ROOM FRAME HOU‘SE, all in- GOOD CLEAN EARTH, free for the haulmg. Apply phone Hudson 7616. SLENDER TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. SURGE SERVICE and milkers. Genâ€" uine Surge parts, 24 hour service. Write or phone H. Elliott, 160 King ‘St., Weston, phone 1015.]. sulated, 1/2 acre land with fruit trees. Owner’s home. Apply Mrs. Baker, Carrville Rd., Stop 23 Yonge Street. brank SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds 0! paint work. Experienced workman- ship. Estimates cheerfully given. G. Dahl, Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 31r3‘2. WE‘LL DI‘GGING and excavating. Phcne R.chmond Hill 248r4. V» ILL FURS REPAIRED TO MODEL, 49r22 make new coats to order and we have all kinds of neck scarfs. John Donald, Elgin Mills, phone Maple MISCELLANEOUS DO WELL DIGGING. Apply York RR. 1 Maple. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1945. WOMAN or girl for housework one or two days. weekly .(or man to do floors). Phone 212w. HOL‘STEIN BULL, serviceable age Telephone Maple 28r11. A WHATNOT, not. less than five shelves. Telephone Mo. 1821, or wule Box 45 Liberal Uffice. CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (varxous sizes) at Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone 1mm; 091M. RADIOS, bicycles, appli- Imâ€"‘es, wanted for cash. David H. McLean, 12 John St, Thornhill, tele- phane '19. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN to live in to take care of invalid woman, light housework. Appiy 10 Mill St, Rich- mond Hill. 2 MEN would like work, carpenter- ing, cementing and wrecking done. Apply 96 Yonge‘St. or write Box 228 Rlchmond Hill. HORSES to kill, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.0. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. WOMAN for general housework, 2 days a WeekLApRlyusgonR 20A Yon'g‘e. RADIOS, bicycles, electrical appli- ances, wanted for cash. Apply Mc- Lean Trading Co., D. H. McLean, 12 John St, Thornhill, phone 79. St; {hone Thoi'ï¬hvill 16â€"3w or write PO. Box 14, Langstaff. 7 OR 8 ROOM HOUSE with one or two acres, reasonable, conveniences. Will pay up to $4,500 cash. Princi- pals only. J. H. Bolan, 264 Howland Ave., Toronto, Lo. 4392. W;‘_NTED T0 RENT or BUY, small collage on about 1 acre, or would like to rent rooms, south of Rich- mond Hill. Box 35 The Liberal. MIDDLE AGE-D COUPLE for small farm, good living and working con- ditions, small herd of Jerseys and gqqltry. Apply Box 40 The Liberal FEATHERS WANTED â€"- Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather (10., 23 Baldwin St., Office: Tofonto. FARM HAND for poultry and beef cattle, all conveniences. Consider middle-aged or elderly man. Harold Hill, lot 32, con. 4 Markham, phone DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. Fof-"fEéâ€"Eicki-uï¬ phone RICH- MOND HILL 7 or KING 241'4 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. SWAPS, specials this week. Lady’s bicycle, 28†wheels; Philco car radio; ice soft drink cooler; General Elec- tric floor model radio; 110 volt elec- tric iron. Anything useful accepted as trade or part payment on our stock. McLean Trading Co., David H. McLean, 12 John St., Thornhill, Stoï¬ffville 1520. The Third instalment of the current year’s Taxes is due on Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be imposed after DECEMBER 5th With 127 teams from 40 counties of the Province taking part, the in- ter-county championship boys’ and girls’ club competitions, held at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph this year reached the largest propor- tions experienced since before the war, and gave the large force of judges a difficult task in determin- ing the winners of the Provincial championship trophies. The con- tests kept the boys and judges busy from 9.30 in the forenoon until after six o’clock in the afternoon, with the dairy cattle class heading the list In numbers with 39 teams. Seven competitions were held, these being in dairy cattle, beef cattle, horses, swine, poultry, grain and potatoes. and five counties figured in the awards of trophies, with two of them, Durham and Middlesex, taking two trophies each. phone 79. Richmond Hill, Nov. 12th, 1945. 127 Teams Compete In Club Contests RADIO REPAIRS Electric & Acetylene Welding of all kinds. Portable Equipment Les. Turner Markham Road PICK UP AND DELIVERY FAST SERVICE TAXES NOVEMBER 15th Turner’s Welding Service Telephone King 43r12 118 H. W. OWEN WANTED RUSSELL LYNETT. Richmond Hill Treasurer.