0:0] BAZKARQ EL'OCUTION, PUEBL'I‘C SPEAKING, DRAMATIC ART Whatever lands we view, Whatever joy or griefs be ours, We will always think of you. â€".Ever remembered by Mother and brother Jim. Studios: BALElSâ€"In loving memory of a dear son and brother, Rflm. George Eli Bales, who was killed in Eng- land November 18, 1942 and buried in Brookwood Cemetery, England. However long our lives may last, Nor ever shall you be; As long as life and memory last, We shall remember thee. â€"Ever remembered by sister Mar- garet, brother-in-law Fred, nieces bhirley and Beverley Thomas. IN MEMORIAM BALESâ€"ln lovmg‘ memory of a dear brother Rflm. George Eli Bales, who was killed in England November 18, 1942 and buried in Brookwood Ceme- tery, England. You’re not forgotten, brother, dear, RICHVALE SOCIAL CLUB The Rinhvale Soï¬a] Club are en- joying large attendance ax .the Eu- chres held every Wednesday night in the basement, of the school. The prize “(Annex-s last night were: Lad- ies, 15f, Mrs. M. ‘Jarvisfznd, Mrs. J. Hill; 3rd, Mrs. J. Bentley; conso- lation, Bessie H111; travelling: Mrs- M. Leech. Gents, lst, B. Brazier; 211d, l1. Web»; 3rd, Mrs. C. Hall; consolation, L. Hi1.; travelling. Wm- Adams. Masonic Hall "Homewood Hall", Thornhill Phone 89W Bank of Commerce Building 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto (Graduate of the Owen Smily Studio) Attention All Veterans Home Baking Fish Pond Touch-and-Take Table Novelty Table Marguerite Boyle 6‘ Shopping bags, tea cosies, stuffed toys, dressed dolls, children’s dresses and aprons, blouses, turbans, shoe bags, laundry bags, aprons, ski hoods, children’s mitts, towels, scarves, knitted articles, pillow slips, cushions, etc. RICHMOND HILL Saturday, Nov. 17th Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill District Veterans are cordially invited to attend. Meeting called at request of Veterans of this war and the first Great War. Chairman, Zone Commander H. A. Phelps of Zone 18C. District Commander staff and members of Pro- vincial Office will be present. A meeting will be held on Friday, November 23 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic Hall, Richmond Hill to outline aims and objects of the Canadian Legion and to form a branch. Saturday, Nov. 17th THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15th, 1945 “ THE UNKNOWN GUEST †THE SEASON’S ACE THRILLER With VICTOR JORY and PAMELA BLAKE â€" â€" â€" ALSO _ __ â€" Felix The Cat†and “Way Up Thar†and AFTERNOON TEA ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) PARISH HALL, 3 pm. â€" 6 pm. ALSO HANDMADE ARTICLES OF SUPERIOR MATERIALS, INCLUDING DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM IN MEMORIAM Matinee for Children Saturday Afternoon Commencing at 2.30 o’clock 2 Evening Shows starting at 7 and 9 pm. 10:0 I0=Ol SHOWING AT THE 0:0] »=Ol The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church W.M.S. will hold their meeting Tuesday evening, Nov. 20th at the home of Mrs. Bert Cook, 13 Roseview Ave. The meeting wil commence at 8 o’clock sharp as. the bale is to be packed. A mixed euchre under the aus- pices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Russell, 36 Centre St. W., on Tuesday evening, November 20th at 8 oclock. Every- body welcome. Miss Lillian Rivers of Centre St. Eést leaves this week-end to join the staff of the Windsor Vocational Training School for ex-members of the armed forces. Mr. Jas. Lamb of Woodstock and Mr. Peter Lamb of the University of Toronto visited over the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lamb, Church St. No public school children will be admitted to the high school comâ€" mencement Friday. evening, Novem- ber 16 without their parents. Would Captain Fraser Martens please call and see Mr. Louis de Roux, 156 Yonge Styeet, Toypnto, or telephone Elgin' 8616, or write Mr. and Mrs. R. Farr and daugh- ter Ola of Chatham visited with Mr. and Mrs. Secord Reaman over the week-end. Mrs. J. E. Smith is in Ottawa this week attending the annual conven- tion of the National Liberal Feiera» tion day last week Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young and Mrs. Sutton visited in Belleville one 10=0=°=° I0=IOI=O=9 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The bride is a graduate in la Toronto University and a memb Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity. the past three and a half years has been attached to the British sulate in Baltimore and the B1 Security Co-ordination in New ' and Boston. The bridegroom graduate of St. Andrew’s College the University of Toronto and served with the R.C.N‘V.R. early in 1942. During the toast list many csn- gratulatory telegrams, which had arâ€" rived during the afternoon, were read. They came from Toronto, Pet- erborough, Orillia, Parry Sound, Chapleau, Port Arthur, Edmonton, Boston, Washington and Fort Laud- erdale, Florida. Later, Lieut. and Mrs. Eakins left on an extended hOneymoon, the bride travelling in a costume of ming‘ coral wool, fashioned with a brown squirrel gird‘le, a matching squirrell jacket and brown alligator accessâ€" ories. I The reception following the cere- mony was held at the home of .he bride’s parents. Her mother rece‘ved, wearing an ensemble of wood-rose crepe with mink cape and corsage of mauve orchids. Mrs. Eakins had chosen a gown of teal blue with sto"e marten furs and bouquet of mulzi- colored rose buds. The bride’s attendants were charmâ€" ing figures wearing picture frccks of baroque ivory faille taffeta. Their watteau bonnets were of matching taffeta with sprays of gold, bronge and green ostrich tips and they‘ carr- ied colonial bouquets of bronze and yellow mums. Mrs. Herbert Jessop Nott was matron of honor, and the bridesmaids were Nora Jean Quigley, Nancy Elizabeth Hill, and Mary Alicia Eakins. Lieut. Commander Robert Eakins, brother of the groom, was best man and the ushers were Lieu‘t. Robert Hutchinson, Lieut. Os- wald Smith, Lieut. William Ramore and Mr. Harry Hill, brother of the bride. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a portrait gown of antique ivory satin, enhanced by bands of heirloom Venetian lace. Her full length veil was held with it calot of latticed satin, and as her only ornament she wore a gold necklet from which hung a pearl and aqua- marine drop which had belonged to her grandmother. Her ivory prayer book, which had been carried by her mother, was crested with a spray 'of Chartreuse orchids with a cascade of pinnochio petals and maiden hair fern, and she carried a Honiton lace handkerchief. Chrysanthemums, in a graduation of tone color, were used in the church decoration. Individual tall blooms marked the church aisle, while the chancel was beautiful with massed settings of yellow and white, shading to all white at the altar. A wedding of wide interest in On- tario took place in St. Mary’s Angliâ€" can Church, Riehmond Hill on Sat- urday, November 311d, when Shirley Havel-gal Legge Hill, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Clinton Hill of “Heathholmeâ€, Richmond Hill, beâ€" came the bride of Lieut. James War- ner Eakins, RJC.N.V.R., younger son of Dr. and Mrs. George Edwin Eak- ins of Port Arthur. Rural Dean Wrixon officiated at the ceremony and Mr. Adelmo Melecci presided at the organ rthroughout the service. RICHARDSâ€"Mr. and Mrs. William Richards, Elgin Mills, nee Vera Evi- son, are happy to announce the'birth of a. son Doriell Edwin George on November 7th at Mrs. Richards Nurs- ing Home, Elgin Mills, a baby bro- ther for Billy. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cooper, Maple, wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Helen Ruth, to Mr. Frederick H. Tay- lor, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, Maple, the wedding- to take place in St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple, Saturday, November 24th‘at 3.30 p.m. BIRTH HOPEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hope, Maple RR. 1, wish to announce the birth of their son, Leonard Ross on Monday, Ndvember 5 at Mrs. Hoov- er's Nursing Home, Maple. MOR'DSONâ€"Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson, announces the birth of his baby brother, Bruce Rolph, at Victoria Square, Novem- ber 9th. At the meeting of the Women's Association of the United Cxu'ch held on Tuesday, Mr. Brethen ex- plained the purpose of the church census now being taken, stressing our individual responsibility as Chris- tian citizens. Mrs. C. Mylks, presi- dent, extended a warm welcome to the unusually large number present and Miss Lola Jones sang. A social half hour was enjoyed at the close of the meeting. “Calling All Men†of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church to attend the first meeting in the Parish Hall, and en- joy 8 very interesting evening plann- ed for Monday, November 19th at 8 p.m. sharp. Do your Christmas shopping at the Toy Fair to be held on December 8th in St. Mary’s Anglican Parish Hall under the auspices of the Evening Guild. The next meeting of the Ev- ening Guild will be held on Tuesday, November 20th at 8.30 p.m. Mrs. G‘ Hislop and famiiy, 7 Rose- view Avenue, are moving to Toronto within the next week. The Liberal joins with the community in wish- ing Mrs. Hislop and her family every happiness in their new home. WEDDING EAKINSâ€"HILL ENGAGEMENT Britisl the I 1 New groom Bri law lber York For she has The family of the late Mrs. Walt- er Anderson wish to thank friends and neighbours for the flowers, fruit and cards sent during her ill- ness and for their kindness, messages of sympathy and floral offerings in their recent bereavement. Representatives from many parts of the Deanery of West York met in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill, last evening for the an- nual conference of the Religious Edu- cation Association. The meeting opened with prayer by Rev. W. F. Wrixon, Rural Dean. Dr. D. B. Rog- ers of the General Board of Religious Education took the first period dealâ€" ing with “Teaching 'by Religious Film†illustrating with mbtion pic- tures. Miss C. Fuller gave a demon- stration of how to teach a Junior ‘Class, St. Mary’s Sunday School sup- plying the class. This was followed by an address on how to teach a Primary Class by Mrs. D. B. Rogers. Clergy, Teachers and Officers of Sunday Schools spent a very profit- able evening, after which refresh- ments were served by the Evening Guild of St. Mary’s Church. At the election of officers, Mr. Fred C. Cook of Bradford was elected presi- dent of the Association, and Canon F. J. Fife of Aurora, secretary. Mrs. Wm. O’Brien and family wish to extend their grateful thanks for acts of appreciation, kindness, messages of sympathy and floral offâ€" erings received ï¬rom their friends and neighbours during their recent and sudden bereavement in the passing of a loving husband and father. At a recent meeting of the Advis- ory Council of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, the Church- wardens reported the resignation of tin.- organist. and asked support for their plan to appoint an Organist Choir Leader. They reported five ap- plications on hand for the position. The meeting voted support of the plan and the Wardens later reported that they had appointed Miss Ber. nice Lightbody, A.Mus., L.T.C.L., of Toronto. Miss Lightbody who comes from Nova Scotia, is continuing her studies at the Conservatory of Mu- sic in Toronto. She expects to take charge of the choir this evening, and will preside at the organ at ‘both services on Sunday. It is expected that Miss Lightbody will have a class in Organ, Piano and Vocal music. Deanery Education Assoc. Conference New Organist And Choir Leader For St. Mary’s Anglican NEW CROP NO. 1 GRADE Sunkist Orangesiggg 27c Parsnips 7C NO. 1 GRADE CALIFORNIA Seedless Raisins 2229c Jin‘y‘ma‘g‘e 1 7c Tomatd juice 19c CgiivFlakes â€" 3§250 FRUIT - VEGETABLES Kiw‘iS‘hB‘éiiolishm 15c BLUE CHOICE MOUNTAIN UNGRADED ééiiéai - :22: 24c AUSTRALIAN Pastry Ffeur 29c. 84c MOTHER JACKSON’S KELLOGG'S RED RIVER BROWN or BLACK FANCY QUALITY MONARCH CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS baioes ESE??? 49C - 3Y1 Florida Orangesiéï¬f 29c 7 1b. BAG 24 lb. BAG SIZE PEAS - =2 DANCE LANA TURNER, LARAINE DAY, SUSAN PETERS Educational film presented by the Borden Milk Co. on the production. processing and manufacturing of pasteurized milk and ice cream. COMICS FOR THE CHILDREN. Under auspices of Brown’s Corners United Church Children 150. Adults 250. MOVIES â€" MUSIC At BUTTONVILLE HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16 at 8 p.m. APPLIANCE AND SALES Complete Guaranteed Repairs Radio â€"- Furniture â€" Refrigeration “ KEEP YOUR POWDER DRY Wednesday and Thursday, November 21, 22 Under auspices of Jr. Farmers Association FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH Ken Rose and His Orchestra Monday and Tuesday, November 19, 20 Friday and Saturday, November 16, 17 JOHN WAYNE, ELLA RAINES LAIRD CREGAR, LINDA DARNELL “ HANG-OVER SQUARE †TALL IN THE SADDLE †BLACKBURN ’S Noodle Soup MixZ Telephone Thornhill 63r13 Dog Fdiid - 2;;‘3250 FIRST GRADE Butter - - 39C CA MPBELL’S Vegetable Soup 19%“ 1 10 LIPTON’S DUDLLDU Walnuts DR. BALLARD’S A ‘â€" Grapefruit 5 § 2.50 Sauce - - Eï¬Ã©Ã©Ã©Ã©m - 19c Iceburg Lettuce SHELLED MARSH SEEDLESS KRAFT or CHATEAU CALIFONIA Community Hall Victoria Square 20 oz TINS PAGE SEVEN ngzsc 29c 2%; 29 ’9