Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1945, p. 8

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EQUI PMEENT w FOR ‘ SALE v M0 MWWO”MOOOOOONOWWOW Body and Fender Work MASTER Dairy Feeds JERSEYS and J. D. STOREY Bond Lake Garage Phone King 43r11 DR. J. A. SULLIVAN, Wwfil. Auctioneer: L. E. Frafrkfin. 17. DR. J. A. SULLIVAN, Owner Rural Route N0. 1 - Richmond Hill, Ont. 40 HEAD SELLING AT THE FARM Rural Route N0. 1 - Richmond Hill, Ont. fiéy McLaughlin. The 5 “Blarney Stone.” A number of these Jerse shortly. s Avc v- lluvl-n of noted Montvic Mono yr.-olds, average 12,365 males bred by Broyn granâ€"11,17,7nwhdse 30 déughteré 6n 2X; as 2- 1b. milk1 465 1b. fat. Included are feâ€" Qorpogatimé R. Nonpan Hogg apd R. 7â€".” -Aâ€"...‘- a... GEORGE WHITE SEPARATOR, N0. 26 â€" 24 Cylinder by 42'Body (New) LETZ MILL (PORTABLE) No. 340 (New) TWO JOHN DEERE TRA'CTORS, MODEL A. R. and ' MODEL H (New) COCKSHUTT THREE FURROWED PLOW (New) OLIVER TWO FURROWED PLOW (New) MANURE SPREADER, JOHN DEERE, Large (New) MASSEYâ€"HARRIS GRAIN BINDER MCCORMICK DEERING ELECTRIC MILKING OUTFIT (Four Complete Units) MASSEY-HARRIS MOWER MASSEY-HARRIS HAY RAKE TWO HAY WAGONS MANURE CARRIER COMPLETE THREE-QUARTER TON ARMY TRUCK 20 JERSEYSâ€"15 of them cows and bred heifers that feature the service of Edgeley Noble Basil (selling), by the $1,500 Brampton Tidy Basil, son of famous Brampton Basileus, Super- ior d Preferential sire with 30 tested daughters. NOBLE BAS L’S dam is Brampton Noble Beauty, with a 3-yr.-old record of 7,381 lb. milk, 500 lb. fat, 6.79% test. A few females carry the service of the richly bred young bull, Don Head Pinn’s Aim, by Standard Aim Lad and from an “Excellent” daughter of the superior sire, Pinnacle. This is a young herd consisting of daughters and granddaughters of such sires as Brampton Jester’s Standard 2nd, Volunteer of Oaklands, Brampton Tulip’s Royalist, Valiant of Oaklands, Won- derful Stuff, Brampton Standard Heir 2nd, Brampton Sporting Standard, Beechlands Marquis and Brampton Wonderful Gang- ster‘ For highest milk production feed either of these con- centrates mixed with your own grain: Mix 100 LBS. 24% DAIRY FEED WITH 200 LBS. GRAIN or 100 LBS. 32% DAIRY CONCENTRATE WITH 400 LBS. GRAIN Begin feeding a balanced ration this fall when the cows are stabled for the winter and make sure of a steady supply of milk during the winter months. FOR PRICES AND DELIVERY CALL PHONE 54 COLD SPRINGS FARM DISPERSAL YAGE EIGHT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24th Herd under Federal Supervision for TB. and Blood Acetylene Welding Work on All Makes of Automobiles Gainmaker 24% Dairy Feed Master 32% Dairy Concentrate HOLSTEINS these Jersey am Holstein cows . R. DEAN THORNHILL iae cow's all carryiéervice to RICHMOND HILL, Ont. Mbirch Ave., Toronto WE DELIVER are fresh or due The W.M.S. of Brown’s Corners United Church held their Autumn Thanksgiving meeting in the church on N6vember 7th with Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. Wm. Rodick in charge. The meeting was well at- tentied with visitors from Unionville, Victoria'Square and Headford. The devotional was led by Miss Mary Rodick and Mrs. Art Newson and gave thanks for past blessings and deliverance and was a prayer for the future. Mrs. Egerton Young;r of Toronto was the guest speaker. She spoke of her work and experiences around God’s Lake, a settlement four hundred miles north and east of Win- nipeg, where we (ast lap of tile jour- ney is completed by plane. Mrs. Young gave a vivid word picture of the work carried on by her husband and herself as missionaries to the Indians of that area. Her pictures were especially pleasing as they il- lustrated the life led by the Indians and gave an idea of the marvellous scenery of thearea. Miss Dum‘ele- ton sang two selections, “By the Waters of Babylon” and “The Lord’s Prayer”. She was accompanied on the piano by Mrs. J. Russell of Un- ionville. Lunch was served anda pleasant social half hour followed. There was a splendid attendance at the YJP.U. held in Brown’s Corn- ers church on Sunday evening. This meeting was convened by the Chris- tian Culture committee and opened with a sing song. After the scrip- ture reading by George Kelly and prayer by Lloyd Tennyson a hymn guessing contest was held. Miss Ann Summers was winner by a narrow margin. An inspiring address by Mr. MacKay whose subject was “Youth’s Place in the Crusade for Christ” was of special interest and was en- joyed by all. On Sunday Brown’s Corners Unit- ed Church held Armistice service in the morning. Rev. MacKa ’s mess- age was in keeping with th s solemn occasion and music suitable to this Day of Remembrance was chosen. Mr. Edwin Bruce gave a beautiful rendition of Geoffrey O’Hara’s “There is no Death”. The Hallowe’en party sponsored by the Young Peoplef§ Un_ion of Brpyvn’s Mr. and Mrs. Dfivid Fuller and Jim were supper guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller. » Corners Unitea Church was held Friday, November 2nd and not stated on Sunday.” Mr. and Mrs. G. Dalton celebrated the 7th anniversary of their mar- riage on Saturday, November 10th. Twelve guests spent a very pleasaat evening. Mrs. H. Harding and son are spend- ing a few days with little Roy’s grandparents at Peterborough. .. Mr. and Mrs. F. Houlihan held a small party on Monday, November 5th to celebrate their joint birth- days. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harding and Roy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Walton, 1m. McGee and Miss Mc- Connell. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed a very pleasant ev- ening. We eiemsiorrry ihdeed to” hear of the illness of Mr. Henry Hooper and wish him a speedy 13mg} to health. P. Basinger and her three children spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. P. Basinger Sr_. Several of our young hunters had a try at deer hunting but the deer were too shy to come out and look at; them. Among the hunters recently re- turned from the north country are L. A. Hood, D. J. Hood, N. Burr, T. Paterson and Chas. H00per. A reception was held on Saturday, November 10th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Houlihan in honor of the latter's brother, Mr. Earl Murtha and his bride who were married at St. Vincent’s Church, Toronto. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. T. Murtha, Leo and Paul Murtha, Mr. J. Guiry of Lindsay; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Downey of Clyde; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hewlett, Jim and Don of Galt; Mr. J. and B. Fountain and Miss P. Fountain of Upzer Grove; Mr. and Mrs. Jack McElroy of Mim- ico, and Mr. Joseph McElroy of 01‘- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs- Clifford Burr on the birth of another little daughter. A very pleasant evening was spent at the euchre held at Buttonville Hall on Friday, November 9th. lst prize for ladies went to Mrs. Ada Hood, 2nd to Mrs. madell, and Mrs. Baker received the consolation prize. Dr. Kelly captured lst prize for men with Mr. Adam Brown 2nd and Mr. Cline Burr winning the consolation prize. In the freeze-out the winners were Mrs. A. Hood, Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mr. Cline Burt and Mr. Matt Davis. "Mitzind Mrs. F. W. Baker were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Stifii of_ '_I'or9nto._ Miss Doreen and Miss Joan Ste- phenson were guests on Sunday of Miss Barbara and Miss Eunice Bruce of Langstaff. -- . A n Mrs. Russell Burr and Mrs. John Brown attended afternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Winches of Agincourt on Thursday, November 15th. Mrs. Winches was the former Dorothea Brown. illia. Mrs. Sylvester Reynolds, Mrs. Stratford, Mrs. M. Wrosseter, all of Toronto, were guests on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Burr. Whiliirfibod left at the week-end for a hunting trip. Jack Young has also gone fox; 3 f§}v_days huptjxlg. ‘- u Mrs. Padget who suffered a fall over a week ago is slightly improved. We all wish her a speedy recovery. Don’t forget the moving pictures in Buttonville Hall on Friday even- We all wish her a speedy recovery. Don't forget the moving pictures in Buttonville Hall on Friday even- ing, Nov. 16th. The films are to be presented by Zilthea Manton of Bor- den Milk Co. They are “White Magic” and “From Moo to You". A1- 50 “Sunshine Makers” with added musical attractions under the aus- pices of Brown’s Corners United Church. on... u- .. :1‘he many BaitgxiQ-iilefifriends of BUTTONVILLE NEWS ITEMS ’I‘IIE LIBERAL, RICHMUND HILL. ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson extend congratulations and best wishes on the arriVal of a second son. Few farms are held by one family for over 150 years, but this is the case of the Ira S. Reesor farm at Cedar Grove. It was over 150 years‘ ago that Samuel Reesor (grandfather of Ira) acquired the land from the Crown and upon which land he erected a grist mill and saw mill powered by water, which served the community for many years. Colin VRéesor inherited the farm from his father aqd in turn passed i; on to his son Ira who ha.s sold the property to Mr. Croucher of To- ronto. ' On Thursday, November 22n2i, Mr. Reesor is holding an extensive -anc- tion sale which will bring to a close the name Reesor as owner, which has held this historical place for over 150 years. After the sale Mr. and Mrs. Rees- or will move to their new home in Orillia. FRIDAY, NOV. 23rd Property of the Estate of the Late Pure Bred Jersey Cow, calf by side Reg. Jersey Cow, Donhollow Sweeping Blondie, freshened Sept. 9th Jersey Cow, just freshened, calf at foot Holstein Cow, calf by side ‘Pure Bred Jersey Cow, in full flow Good Grade Jersey Cow, in full flow Holstein Cow, in full flow Holstein Heifer. 5 months old Lot 2, Con. 5, Markham Twp.. 1% Mi‘es West of Milliken and 1,4 Mile North of Townline Approximately 100 Hybrid Light Sussex Pullets, bying' Approximately 100 Hybrid Leghorn and Rock Pullets, laying Approximately 300 White Roeks Number Mixed Capons and Pullets ApprOX. 50 Yearling Leghorn Hens Approx. 120 Good Roc_k Capons Approx. 12 tons of Cut Hay 1 Stock of Clover Hay About 6 tons Mangels Quantity of Wheat and Chick Feed Quantity Corn Ensilage in Silo, to be sold by foot 100 lb. bag of Stock Mineral 1 Allis-Chalmers Tractor, model B, oversized rubber tires, complete with combination power take-off and Pulley; also Swinging Draw Bar, good as new 1 No. 8A 2-furrow Tractor Plow, Cockshutt, 10 in., good 1 Cutting Box, Fleury-Bissell, 7B, 12 in., complete with pipes, new Sold After 150 Years M-H, 13 Disc Drill, good M-H Mower, 5 ft. Deering Horse Rake, 10 ft. Set Iron Drag Harrows. 4 sec. IHC 13 Spring Tooth Cultivator Set Spring Tooth Harrows. ‘3 sec. M-H Hay Loader Set Inthx'ow Disc Harrows 2~whee1 Farm Tractor Trailer, com- HI-AHHHr-‘D-l The farm of 50 acres, more or less, of good clay loam. 2 frame barns; good cow stables; drive shed and garage. New brick house, 7 rooms, with bath. Property will be offered subject to a reserve bid; Terms mode known on day of sale. Farm off- ered at 3.15 pm. Sale at 1 p.111. sharp Terms on Chattels Cash No Reserve Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts., Millikan, phone Agincourt 52w3. plete with racks 1 Chatham Fanning Mill with bazgsr 50 Ft. Endless Rubber Drive Belt, rungs, DHUVELB'. LLUCa, Away“, yvu‘lAv trees and numerous other articles Quantity of Household Effects THE PROPERTY POULTRY EQUIPMENT 5 Range Shelters with steel roofs Number Chicken Feed Troughs and Fountains 1 Colony House, 15x12’. steel roof 1 Jamesway Electric Brooder, 500 chick capacity 1 Jamesway Coal Burner Broader, with hopper 1 Electric Incubator, 300 chick cap. 2 other Incubators. 300 chick cap. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES 1 Post Hole Digger 1-man Crosscut Saw 1 Good Logging Chain Milk Cart Odd .Steel Wheels 1 Steel Wheelbarrow 1 Steel Water Barrel Number of Cedar Posts 1 Part Toronto Windmill Tower Lawn Table 1 Electric Fence 1 Steel Oil Drum and Pumps 2 Step Ladders 1 Straight Ladder 1 Lawn Mower, rubber tires 1 M-H Cream Separator, 500 lb. Number of Feed Barrels 1 Electric Motor, 1/4 h.p., 25 cycle Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, Double- new 1 Fleury Grain Grinder' Rear Wagoh Gear 2-whee1 Trailer, good, complete with stock rack 1 Grindstone Swede Saw 1 Buick Sedan, good shape, with good tires Farm Stock, Tractor, Hay, Grain, Poultry Equipment, Etc. Reg. Yorkshire Hog, 27X-2’i3654, Burnview A1 8 Good Shoats Reg. Yorkshire Sow, bred Young Pigs, 8 weeks old Important Auction Sale of 50 ACRE FARM STANLEY HILL FA‘RM MACHINERY HAY, GRAIN CATTLE SWINE HENS In the care of house plants in the winter time. the chief points to con- sider are atmosphere, heat. drainage. drafts. and the varying effects of sunlight on the different plants. A dry atmosphere is to be avoided be- cause it not only stunts the plants but helps to increase certain insect pests, such as red spider and thrips. Moisture in the air around the plants may be increased by standing the pots in shallow trays filled with pebbles, gravel, or moss and keep- ing them moist. Normal moisture is also dependent on good drainage. This can best be arranged by using soil in the pot that will allow both air and water to pass through easily. A mixture of two parts good garden loam soil, one part rotted manure, and one part sand will generally ful- fil the soil requirements of potted plants. To prevent the surface of the soil from caking and thus pre- vent the access of air, stir the sur- face gently from time to time. Fur- ther drainage may be obtained by placing pebbles or small stones or ‘broken parts of an old pot at the bottom of the pot, so as to help draw off excess water. The placing of the plants to their best advantage calls for some con- sideration. A11 plants will not flour- ish anywhere, and care should be taken to put the plant where it will not stand in a draft. Concerning sunlight. different plants apparently have different preferences. For exâ€" ample, ferns should not ‘be placed in direct sunlight but where there is an‘abundance of light all round. On the other hand, flowering plants as a rule require all the sunlight they can get, particularly iniwinter time. Foliage plants can thrive all right in 'dim light but in winter time they should be placed in. direct sunlight. Useful Hints On Care House Plants However, the great secret-of hav- ing fresh-looking plants in the home in winter is to avoid the over-heat- ing of rooms. Itg'is a good plan to commence the winter care of the plants as soon as the heat is turned No. 566265, born Feb. 16, 1943 16aâ€"Heifer Calf 17â€"Aywon Rag Apple Keyes, No. 566264, born Mar. 10, 1943, bred on pasture 18â€"Aywon Rag Apple Colantha, No. 576097, born June 22, 1943, due Nov. 13 19â€"Pabst Rag Apple Montrose Co- lantha, No. 576098, born June 28, 1943, bred on pasture 20â€"Aywon Pabst Pontiac, No. 578- 054, bom June 30, 1943, bred on pasture 21â€"Aywon Montrose Colantha, No. 584040, born Oct. 12, 1943 22â€"Aywon Rag Apple Keyes Burke, No. 584039, born Oct. 13, 1943, bred Oct. 28, 1945 23â€"Aywon Rag Apple Montrose, No. 587238, born Nov. 17, 1943, not bred 24â€"Aywon Orndyke Calantha, No. 595224, born Jan. 17, 1944, bred Oct. 13 25â€"Aywon Walker Dekol Colautha, No. 595225, born Feb. 23, 1944, bred Nov. 1 26â€"Aywon Stonybrook Colantha, No. 602533, born Mar. 18, 1944 Sale Starts at 11.30 a.m. Steel Wheel Truck Wagon Wooden Wheel Truck Wagon Buggy Cutter 2 Root Pulpers Trailer 2 Flat Hay Racks, with sliding racks 2 Sets Sloop Sleighs, flat bottoms Grain Grinder, Vessot Chatham Fanning Mill with bagger Hay Fork Bag T1110“ Line Shaft and Pulleys 160 feet of Draw Rope Grindstone 8 Sling Ropes Stock Rack Wagon Box Fleury Cutting Box Scales, 2000 lbs. Cattle Dehomers Colony House, 10x14 Set Backhand Harness Set Single Harness Number of Horse Collars Brooder Stove and Rover, 500 chick DAIRY EQUIPMENT DeLaval Ma'gnetic Milker, 2 units, stainless steel pails Woods Milk Cooler, 8 can Moffat Electro Pail Milk Pails, Strainers This machinery is all in a. good st? ' of repair and the Dairy Herd iapT Tested and will be sold subject the blood test if purcb"'=er desi' NS \‘1\;.‘ER‘ ‘ A. B. BRUBACKER and A. S. FARMER, Auctioneers REGISTERED HOLSTEINS 1â€"â€"Senior Herd Sire, Pabst Rag Apple Colanthus, No. 148134, born April 5, 1941. Sireâ€"Bethany Rag Apple Joe, No. 131108, Damâ€" Lizzie P.M.P. Colantha No. 350244. This bull sells with 30 of his "heif- ers. His Sire is a double grand- son of Montvic Rag Apple Nether- land and is now being used by the Maple Breeders Club. 2â€"Junior Herd Sire, Diplomat Gun- ner, No. 176469, born March 27th, 1944. Sireâ€"jSpring Bank Diplomat No. 128950. Damâ€"Polly Bessie Rag Apple, No. 445048. His five nearest Dams averaging over 25,- 000 lbs. milk, testing over 4%. 3â€"SStony-Brook Keyes, No.. 309507. born Aug. 25, 1934, due Mar. 10 4â€"Aywon Walker Pontiac, No. 367-. 401, born Jan. 5, 1937, fresh 4aâ€"Heifer Calf, born Noy. 22, 1944‘ 5â€"Aywon Pluto Montrose Dekol,‘ No. 400884, born Aug. 22, 1937, due in Feb. " 5aâ€"Heifer Calf, born Feb. 7, 1945 6â€"Aywon Walker Dekol, No. 400â€" 885, due Feb. 17 7â€"Rag Apple Montrose Dekol, No 475392, born Sept. 28, 1940, bred Sept. 4 8â€"Rag Apple Pontiac Dekol Beautv, No. 478832, born Nov. 15, 1940 bred Aug. 23, 1945 9â€"Aywon Pontiac Alcartra. No. 482354, born Dec. 24, 1940 1»0-â€"Aywon Hengerveld Alcartra Deâ€" kol, No. 486470, born Feb. 14, 1941, bred Sept. 16, 1945 11â€"Aywon W‘alker Hengerveld Pon- tiac, No. 497183, born April 28 1941, due Dec. 11 12*Aywon Sylvia Pontiac Montrcse, No. 513201, born Sept. 16. 1941, due Dec. 13â€"Aywon Alcartra Pontiac, No. 513202, born Nov. 15, 1941, bred Oct. 6, 1945 13aâ€"Heifer Calf 14â€"Aywon Bos. Alcartra Orrdyke, No. 515547, born Dec. 12, 1941, bred Aug. 23, 1945 14aâ€"Heifer Calf 15â€"Aywon Walker Alcartra Pontiac, No.’521029, born Jan. 25, 1942 15aâ€"Heifer Calf 16â€"Aywon rWarlker P_or_1tiap_ qukaprtha LLOYD TURNER, Clerk. Lot 35. Con. 3, Markham Twp., GORMLEY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 218T HERD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS Also Grade Cattle, Swine, Farm Implements, Etc. Will be offered by Public Auction at H. DONER The Property of THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th. 1945, Scarborough Chapter No. 231 V.D., Order of the Eastern Star are hold- ing a Friendship Dance in Heather Hall, Agincourt, on Friday evening, November 16th. Modern and old time dancing with Bill Smith and his Melody Boys. Buffet lunch. Admis- sion tickets at $1.00 each also en- titles you to the lucky draw. The main endeavour in horticul- tural research and experimental work by the Dominion Experimental Farms Service is conducted at the Central Farm, Ottawa, with special profects at the experimental farms at Kentville in the Annapolis and Cornwallis Volleys of Nova Scotia; Fredericton, N.B.; Morden, Man.; and at ‘Summerland and Agassiz,, B.C. Research in Muck soils is car- ried on at the Sub-station at Ste. Clothilde, P.Q.; and orchard work at Smithfield, Ont. At the same time, horticultural experimental work is conducted at all the other branch farms on the service. on in the fall. More house plants have been killed by heat than by cold. Plants should never be placed too near radiators. The ideal tem- perature for house plants is about 65 degrees, or better still from 66 to 65 degrees F., three degrees less than the recommended house temp- erature from the health point of View. If one desires to have the plants in the living rooms, the best thing to do is to keep the rooms as cool as possible consistent with per- sonal comfort. Many, or large plants should not be kept in bed- rooms at night, or for preference none at all in winter when all the wlndows are closed. sponsored by the WA. of St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges, will be held at the home of Mrs. Archie Carlisle, Oak Ridges on Wednesday, Novem- ber let at 3 pm. 27â€"Aywon Rag Apple Dekol, No. 616948, born June 24, 1944 28â€"Aywon Rag Apple Beauty, No. 616946, born June 26, 1944 29â€"Aywon Calantha Alca‘rtra, No. 618415, born June 27, 1944 BIOâ€"Aywon Bos. Orndyke Calantha, No. 616947, born June 29, 1944 31â€"Aywon Rag Apple Dorothy, No. 619020, born July 22, 1944 32â€"Aywon Walker Pontiac Rag Apple, No. 621409, born Aug. 25, 1944 33â€"Aywon Rag Apple Pontiac Peg, No. 641273, born Feb. 26, 1944 34â€"Aywon Pabst Rag Apple Sussie, No. 641272, born Feb. 26, 1945 GRADE HOLSTEINS 35â€"B1ack Cow, bred Sept. 20 36â€"Holstein Cow, 5 yrs., bred June 16th 37â€"Holstein Heifer, Oct. 6 38â€"Holstein Heifer, open 39â€"B1ack Holstein, bred Nov. 1 40â€"Black Heifer, open 47â€"Holstein Heifer, 18 mos. 42â€"Black Heifer, 14 mos. 43â€"Holstein Heifer SWINE 67 Chunks, 60-100 lbs. 60 Shoats 9 Suckers 12 Brood Sows, bred about 2 mos. Boar, 14 months Tractor, 1‘0-20, M.D. Stiff Tooth Tractor Cultivator, M.D. Spring Tooth Harrows, 3 sec., M.D. Grain Drill, 13 disc, M.-H 14-p1ate Disc, Cockshutt Land Roller. 3 drum Grain Binder, 8 'ft., M.D., near new Corn Binder Mower. M.D., 6 ft. Hay Tedder, 6 fork, M.D. Hay Rake, 10 ft., M-H Hay Loader, No. 3 Cockshutt, near new Potato Planter, Hoover Potato Digger, M.D. Potato Grader Potato Cutter Potato Duster, 4-row, Niagara Corn Souffler, 2 row Spring Tooth Scuffler, M-H 2â€"Furrow Riding Plow, M.D. Walking Plow, No. 2] Fleury Walking Plow, 121, M.D Turnip Drill Wagon and Rack Diamond Harrows, 8 section 8-6-4 Section Doubletrees Manure Spreader, No. 3 Cockshutt Steel Wheel Truck Wagon Wooden Wheel Truck Wagon Buggy Cutter 2 Root Pulpers Trailer 2 Flat Hay Racks, with sliding racks 2 Sets Sloop Sleighs, flat bottoms Grain Grinder, Vessot Chatham Fanning Mill with bag-get Hay Fork Bag Truck Line Shaft and Pulleys 160 feet of Draw Rope Grindstone 8 Sling Ropes Stock Rack Wagon Box Fleury Cutting Box Scales, 2000 lbs. Cattle Dehorners Colony House, 10x14 Set Backhand Harness Set Single Harness Number of Horse Collars Brooder Stove and Hover, 500 chick stainless steel pails Woods Milk Cooler, 8 can Moffat Electro Pail Milk Pails, Strainers This machinery is all in a good 51:? of repair and the Dairy Herd is_'l' Tested and will be sold subjecg the blood test if pgrek‘fieggejl A rummage sale, bazararhangfieAa Gormley, 0nt., phofie Stouff. 7312 HORTICULTU RAL WORK OAR RIDGES IMPLEMENTS DANCE

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