P’IiIUAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F .L. LOWRIE, Rï¬. nxrna‘rnrtm (inn/“11‘ A 1’ ram Complete repair service to radios. stoves, washing machines, irons, toasters, etc. Prompt and Guaranteed Service Modern Test Equipment and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVKE AU-‘STIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, NOV: 28t ‘ EYESIGHT SPECIALIST PAGE TEN Yonge Street Steele’s and Yonge St. FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON Phone 177 Thomhil] PLUMBING -â€" HEATING â€" EAVESTROUGHING HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS -â€" SOFTENERS â€" SEPTII‘ TANKS â€"â€" SIDING INSULATION â€" TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced AUTHORIZED MEMBER PHILCO SERVICE IFor Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 38 Monarch Entry [1003' 32' 29¢ 2:53;" 84¢ Red River 13kg. 13¢ 3202. 24¢ pkg. SALTED PEANUT S ii? 39¢ BAKING POWDER Fresh INFANT FOODS 3 i522 23c Domino DOMINO TEA Heinz (All Varieties) Delicious Flavour RICHMELLO COFFEE Ib~ 35¢ QUAKER OATS TDMATO JUICE 2 23:: 17¢ Freshly Ground DOMINION BREAD 2 Iow~J515¢ Fresh Daily Quick Heinz WILL BE AT GEO. A. KELSON CO. LESLIE C. LINDSAY Yonge St. Phone Thornhifl 1351'21 Thornhill Hardware THORNHILL Specialists in 16 oz‘ tin ’76 lb‘ pkg. 48 oz pkg. Phone Thornhill 33 15¢ 19¢ After Hours 89.! SAUCE NUTS In Shell MUSTARD Heinz Prepared MOLASSES Aunt Dinah PORK LOAF Kam Canned SOLEX LAMPS CLEANSER 25. 40, GO-W'att Classic MACARGNI 695011 Fry's CHERRIES Catelli Ready Cut Snxonin Maraschino Almonds, Pecans and Filbert: 8 oz tin Miss Betty Bone has been t“ans- ferred to Jesse Ketchum school. This is a new nursery school. just opened, and is a demonstration centre. Whe- ther these nursery schools will re- main as part of our post-war plans is still undecided, and there is no question as to their value and ne- cessity, particularly in these days of Some time around the end of Jane- ary, there will be a varirty niwht in T-hornhill United Churhi including a play. now 'in rehearsal, under the di- rection of Miss Betty Bone. The play. entitled “The Perfect Gentle- manâ€, is given by the permission of ISanquel French & Sons, and the pro- gram will also include assisting art- ists. At present a committee is \vquing on the details. Miss Marjorie Jamieson, Miss Ruth Hicks, Mrs. Jean Morton and Miss Betty Bone have been attend- ing the annual Youno: People’s win- ter school for the Toronto Presby- tery. This course takes about six or seven weeks, and Miss Jamieson has been taking part in some of the leadership. Thsizihill Horticultural Society held zn executive meeting at the home of Mr. P. Bone on Wednesday evening, November 7th. It was de- cided that a banquet would be held on November 22nd (Ti‘ursdayL at Lawrence Memorial Hal. The euest speaker is-tobe Rev. Dr. W. Harold Young. Entertainment will be under the direction of Mr. Bert Bett=. Owing to the increased member- ship of the Society. and'the limited accommodation. only those having tickets will be admitted. Members are being canvassed. Thr‘rnhill United Church Young People will be entertaining Lansing Young People on Monday evening, November 18th at 8 o’clock. A Ch'iz- tian Education worker of Parkdale United Church will be g"est sneak- er. This is to be an Oren session, and a good attendance is requested. The speaker is most interesting. Lansing' Young People have a splen- did zroun. and all the young people of the Village are asked to attend. At the clOSe of the meeting, there will be .a social time, rt creation and 21 Sing song“ 19¢ Thornhill District Nev.'s THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 8% oz. bottle 16 62'; bottlé‘ 12 oz tin 16 oz each 16 oz pkg. 1b. 49¢ 6 oz. jar tin 602 tins 29¢ 25¢ 29¢ 15¢ 10c 31¢ 9c All merchandise sold at your Domin- ion Store is unconditionally guar~ anteed to givev‘_‘100% satisfaction. SELECTED WASHED TURN IPS . . . . . . 2 lbs‘ SELECTED WASHED CARRO’I‘S . . . . . . 3 GREEN PASCAL CELERY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.'.' 2 for 25c. PINEAPPLE, Cuban, 3'63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each SUNKIST ORANGES, Cali. fomia, 288’s . . . . . . doz. 29¢. FLORIDA ORANGES for juice CRANBERRIES, Nova Scotia I A a u u . I . . . . . . .n.... Ib- 39c’ ICEBERG LETTUCE, Cali- foï¬iia, 60’s 2 heads 29c. TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT, 96’s 5 for 25c VALUE‘s EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING mm SATURDAY size 176’s .. Earl Haiqr Home and School Club held its revular month‘v meetinrr on Tuesday, November 1,3th. Mr. N. G! S. Ingram of York Mill°, manager of the Toronto branch of Ginn & 00., and alsb a member of the Collegiate Board. was guest sneaker. He spoke on the procedure adonted when ap- pointing a school board, and outlined nlans for enlarging the present bvilding, which is rather overcrowd- ed iust now. Mr. Preston spoke on health edu- cation; the introduction of the patch ‘Precbvterian W.A. aw! W.M.S. held their regular ~rm‘mthly me°ting 2+ the home of the Mi<<°s \Velsh on Thursday afternoon. Nâ€vember 8th. This was the Thank-n’ferine‘ meet- ing for the W.A., and results were moet gratif‘vine’. A special ceremony for Remem- hrance Dav was hell in Trinity An!!- lican Church on Sundav last. when the names of thoae who had fallen in the two world wars were read out. There was also unecial music, apnrorriate for the day Mr. L. K. Fletcher of Green Lane. has been ill for some time as the result of an injur‘r. He is imprnv- ing elowlv‘ but will be laid up for mother two or three weeks. Mr. Fletcher is staying in the city for the present. / The second in the series of local leader training schools was held in Thornhill United Church Sunday School room on Thursday of last week. Miss Gray, former instructor, retired from service in the Depart- ment of Agriculture ihe previous Saturday. and her place was ably ï¬lled bv Miss Abell, a former CWAC. This project is given fr’e. bv the De- n-artment and each Institute in the District is required to send two “leaders†to a‘hsorb the instruntion o'iven and return with it to their local Branch. Finally. a suvmmarv dav is put on, whm members are asked to nrenave cerfain dishes. in +his case “Saladsâ€. and nresent them for Show in order to "s'er‘a‘n what has been learned. This day is to be nut on at Agincnurt this vear. crowded living quarters, increased traffic and other hazards. Betty is extremely interested in her work. . doz. 45c. .. 3 lbs. 100. doz, 55c. :. 07c. te_s1: for TB} 9: new test in hearing which is tic b5 given this Thursday; the completg’ physical. examination which is given to grades ten and 1 twelve; and the new course in health education whi'cEL was inaugurated this year.. Guest soloist was Mrs. Dobson, and -her ,accompanist/ was Mrs. Johnson. Big news for women looking for- ward to Christmas and New Year‘s parties is found in a recent Prices Board statement that restrictions on the manufacture of evening dresses and evening skirts have been reâ€" moved. Back on the market, too, will be bridesmaids' gowns and dinner dresses. EVENING DRESSES LEGAL NOW Bart Edwards, chairman of the lst Thornhill Scout Troop committee wishes to call a meeting of all DEF cuts and adults igterasted in Seouc movements and activities, on Mon- day matings November 19th at 8 o’clock in Victoria Hall. This is for the pgrpose of nomingting a new growl committee and‘" iscuss other minortant matters. Two pi‘pils of Miss Marguer'te Boyle, Misses Gwen Newton and Hazel Campbell, were presented by the army last week with district de- pot pins. These were -awarded in appreciation of faithful service rend- ered with the Victory Entertain:rs at army camps and military hospitils throughout Ontario. A year ago Gwen received her pin for ha i'ig completed fifty shows with the troupe. Lady Windle and hgr‘niece, Miss Marjorie Nazer, have moved to To- ronto. The home has been sold to Mr. and Mrs. M. Bal’dwin of To- ronto, who are: now Orgupying it: _ A familiar sight on the Streets of Thornhill for many years, the Chinaâ€" man who owned the {sundry at Wil- Iowdale has sold his business and is returning; to China. Saturday, Novemï¬er I7 is a day to remember, for on that day the Fortniters are holding ‘their White ‘lephant sale and bazaar in the Sun‘â€" ay School room of the Presbyterian Church from 3 to 5 o’clock. M'rr Preston then introduced three of the teachers, Miss Burgess, Miss Brodie and Miss Schissler, who spoke on the rapid strides made in Arts and Languages, l'mw these stud- ies have been brought up to date 'by changes in setting: and methods elf teaching. Art has become asso- ciated with almost every phase of life, and languages have proven in- valuable in certain types of work and particularly during' these war years. Jack Watkins, formerly with the Navy, has started back with Trans- Canada Airlines. The public school teachers of Vaughan Township are holding a banquet in the Presbyterian Church, Woodbridge, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 27th. The chairmen of the various school ‘boards and their wives are cordially invited to be present. A series of car-‘téons by Miss Ruth Cbllins, local artist, is appearing in ‘Ch_aterlaine magazine.- Tea and cookies will be served; one table will’ he devoted to home- baking, and there will be a grand assortment of Christmas gifts and novelties, so plan to attend this sale and do your Chrispmas shopping early and in comfort, without havâ€" ing to 'leave your own community. Correction In last week’s write up on Thom- hill hockey team we regret that we inadvertently listed Oscar Smith and Frank Hooper as “the lateâ€. Mr. Smith is now living in Willowdale and Mr. Hooper in Toronto. Mr. Liv- ingstone was president of the Metro- politan Hockey League and Mr. Wil- son president of the Metropolitan Railway.â€"D.M.F. Rev. Albert Johnson of the On- tario Temperance Federation was a very interesting and inspiring- guest speaker at Thomhill and Carrville United Churches on S'umi'ay. The Battery to which Lieutenant Kenneth Duncan is attached is ex- pected to be transferred to England this week. Lt. Duncan has just com- pleted a very interesting- leave in Scotland. ' Her many friends will be glad to know that Miss Minerva Tweedie has returned from the nosnital, and is getting along very wail- ' A memorial service was held in Thornhill Presbyterian Church S‘un- day afternoon Iast, guest speaker being Rev. A. McLean of Willowdale~ Miss Russell, formerly of Hamilton and now of Toronto, was the guest soloist. 7 About one-fifth of the pupils of the school have been a'b'sent in the las_t’ week due_t_o ah epidemic of ’flu. THORNHILL, ONTARIO Phoneâ€"Office 177 Mr. I We are happy to announce that we have secured the services of Mr. Robert Margeson to take charge of 6i]? new radio and electrical appliances depart ment‘ Mr. Mafgésion is now prepared to give prompt, guaranteed repair service on all makes or radios, washing machines, refrigerators and other elec- trical appliances. Pick Up and Delivery Service GEO. A. KELSON CO. NOTICE THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15th,. 1945. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Auction sale of household furniture, cooking utensils, tools, etc., the property of Chas. E. Stiver, Unionville (first street north of No. 7 Highway). Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve, property sold. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, NOV. 24th â€" Auction sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, potetoes, roots, dairy herd, horses, swme, pigs and poultry, the prggerty of Bill Fuller, lot 2, con. 6 mg Twp. _Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Manning McEwen, auct. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28 .â€" Auction sale of cattle, horses, pigs, 67 sheep, 450 laying pullets, grain, hay, im- plements, 1936 Oldsmobile in A1 conâ€" dition, the property of Jerry Sibley at Lot 12, Con. 7 Whitchurch, 3/4 mile north of Lemonville. See large posters for details. Farm has been sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Aylmer Clarke, clerk. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. At a general meeting held in' the Public Library, Woodbridge, Thurs- day evening, November 8; a. young people’s branch of the Wbodb'ridge District Memorial Committee was organized. Its purpose will be to sponsor events in aid of the M'emor-‘ ial fund and to support the Memor- in] committee in its objective to establish a Reaeational Centre for the young people of Woodbridge dis. trict. All young people who are in- terested in seeing this project be- come a reality, and we all should be; fire invited to attend its next meet- mg. Tuesday, Nov. 13th, at the Pub- lic Library, at which time pI'Jns will be made for future activities. Watch the papers for further announce- ments. Its first dance is being Held in the Orange Han. Woodbridge, on Friday evening, Nov. 16th in the form of an “Olde Tyme Hoe-down", so if you can’t make the meeting on Tuesday evening. come and enjoy yourselves at this dance. sac of farm stock, implements, De- Inval Magnetic Milking Machine, Woods cooler, 1111.0. 10-20 tractor, 50 head of Reg. and grade Holsteins, 150 Yorkshire Hogs, 12 brood sowsAz bred 2 months. the property of C. H. Doner, lot 35. con. 3 Markham (Gormley). All cattle T.B. tested and sold subject to blood test on premises. All cattle bred and raised on premises. Sale at 11.30 sharp. Terms cash. Women's Institute will serve lunch. Lloyd Turner, cl‘erk. A. B. Brubacher, Bridgeport, and A. 8'. Farmer, Gormfley, auctioneera ’ THURSDAY. NOV. 22nd â€" Auction sale of 20 head of registered Hol- stein herd, also near new tractor on rubber, horse and tractor drawn imâ€" plements, hay, grain, ensil'age, etc.,. the property of J. H. Champion, lot. 8. con. 5. 1/2 mile south of highway No. 7 Markham Twp. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.111. No reserve, owner- giving up farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Auctioneers. “inson, auctioneers. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Auction sale of choice 50 acre farm, also farm stock, near new A.C. tractor on rubber, implements, hay, hogs, 400 pullets, poultry equipment, ensilage, etc., the property of' estate of late Santley Hill, at part of lot 2, con. 5 Mark- ham twp., 1% miles west from Milli- ken. Sale at 1 pm. No reserve on chattels. Farm offered at 3.15 p.m. rubject to reserve bid. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21 â€" Auction THURSDAY, NOV. 22 â€" Extensive auction sale of Holstein cattle, horses, poultry, grain, 35 ton baled hay, household furniture, imple- ments including Farmall “H†tractcr on rubber (new 1945) also 3-furrow M.D. (ace bottom) Plow (new 1945) at lots 3 and 4, con. 10 Markham, at Cedar Grove, the property of Ira S. Reesor. (See large posters. Terms cash. No reserve, farm is sold. Sale starts at 11 o’clock. Sellers and At- Young Peopfe Hack Woodbn'dge P’roj'ert THURSDAY, NOV. 22 â€" Auction sake, the property of John~C1ark, lot 14, con. 8. Albion, 3 miles north of Bolton, at 1 o‘clock. 4 horses; 7 cows: Shorthorn burl; 1'0 cattIe, 18 months; 5 spring calves; 24 pi‘gs; harness; Model L Case tractor; full set tractor implements; Rowell ham- mer mill; Goodison feed' mixer; Kline fanning mill; Bulld'og wild oat clean- er; hay loader; hay tedder; side-de- l‘ivery rake; com scuffler and full set of implements and tools; furniâ€" ture. See posters. Manning Mc~ Ewen, Auctioneer. Mr. Margesonâ€"l Sale Register