HIGHWAY AND ‘TRAMS’ Probably we are too optimistic, but we do think a de- cided improvement may be made within the next year in the system of public transportation provided for the people of the Thornhill and Richmond Hill district â€" and there is even a hope that the province will take steps to elim- inate the “bottle-neck†in the North Yonge St. highway, or at least in one way or another, remedy the conditions that make for hazardous travel. Reeve Neal of Richmond Hill has given the members of the York County council a vivid and realistic picture of our highway problem, and when York county petitions the provincial department of highways, as it surely will now, it should receive a hearing â€" and perhaps a little action. We can only wait and see. With respect to the radials, the situation is different. The radials have been making a profit and there is not only need on North Yonge St. for better service, but also for more modern and safer cars. The T.T.C. has ordered new equipment to a value of about $1,000,000, largely, of course, for city lines. But the T.T.C. cannot and does not want to escape the responsibilities of North Yonge St. op- eration, and perhaps if the municipal authorities of the district would confer with the management of the T.T.C. some highly interesting information could be obtained as to North York conditions and program. We have been told that the T.T.C. hopes to weather the coming winter with the present cars, and there have been rumors that buses would be used next year probably to supplement the rush hour car service and that newer cars will be put on North Yonge St. when they become available. We hope some such improvement is in store for us, and we would urge the reeves and councils of Richâ€" mond Hill, Vaughan and Markham to go into the subject with the operating company so we may have first hand data. The T.T.C. has undoubtedly tried to render as adequate a transportation service as War conditions would permit during the past five years, and we are confident the com- mission would have averted the unfortunate accidents in Toronto that occurred as a result of the unavoidable em- ployment of obsolete rolling stock or faulty track and switches. However, these accidents and the minor derail- ments reported from time to time on the North Yonge St. line suggest the advisability of an understanding between the public authority in this district and the heads of the T.T.C., the latter providing us with an accurate picture of just what condition our cars and tracks are in, and whether in winter weather especially they are safe. ADVICE TO COUNCILLORS Richmond Hill municipal council and the councils of neighboring municipalities will undoubtedly be interested in the first report of the recently formed Institute of Local Government, an organization linked with Queen‘s Uni- versity. The report sets forth information of use to counâ€" cils which could be obtained previously only by years of experience and the delving into a multitude of legal_books and political science texts. The authors point out that new councillors will almost inevitably get into fights with permanent officials, and they say also that, unusually at the instigation of some in- terested voter or voters, councillors sometimes discover a rule or regulation working hardship in an individual case and are then tempted to blast away at the entire munici- pal system of government. Officials, on the other hand, We have no doubt the T.T.C. would refuse to operate the line if equipment is not safe, but whether the T.T.C. has been able to find staff to make proper inspection and repairs to the North Yonge St. system is a question the answer to which should be an assurance to the public. RIGHT AND WRONG! WHAT ARE THEY? Maj.â€"Gen. Brock G. Chisholm, Canada’s deputy min- ister of health and welfare, has revealed a truly remark- able ability to say things that will attract public attention. In addresses throughout Canada and the United States re- cently, he has been developing a theme he enunciated some weeks ago, namely, that We are mistaken in our concep- tion of right and wrong. His view has been attacked in press and pulpit throughout the land, and has been dis- cussed in several Richmond Hill churches. ‘ J About as far as we care to go with Dr. Chisholm, is that he may be performing a useful role in stimulating people to think. But as for the case he attempts to make, we would ask whether our tragic difficulties have not come about because we have departed too far from allegiance to our traditional standards of right and wrong, rather than because our Divinely given intelligence, reason, con- science and faith have been deceiving us. v “While we talk logic we are unanswerable; but then, on the other hand, this universal scene of things is after all as little a logical world as it is a poetical; and, as it cannot without violence _be exalted into poetical perfec- tion, neither can it be attentuated into a ligical formula.†cusseu 111 SCVUlal LVILIHHUUU 1n“ uuuicuco. ‘) Dr. Chisholm holds that we have been so wrong in our definitions of right and wrong we should refrain from passing our ideas on to our children. “As long as children are given our rules to guide their living," says the doctor, “then so long are parents hastening the death of the human race . . . . . . . Our children must not have their thinking crippled by being taught the princ1ples of supposed right and wrong.†They must, he says, be brought up on the strict basis of reality, free from escapism. We doubt also the value of Dr. Chisholm’s further suggestion that “the strict basis of reality†requires an abandonment of all the fanciful teachings that have hith- erto accompanied childhood. Reality is a very big sub- ject and hardly capable of strict definition, and “the strict basis of reality†to which the doctor makes frequent re- ference may not be capable of the rigid approach he de- mands. The matter was put neatly more than half a cen- tury ago by John Henry Newman in the following words: We cannot accept the hypothesis that everyone is and has been out of step except our Jock, that our View of right and wrong revealed to us by faith and reason'is in error, that the moral code laid down by Christ which so appeals to our conscience and intelligence is leading us astray. True, we have failed to find the way to a peaceâ€" ful organization of society. But can we ascribe our fail- ure to false ideas of right and wrong? We have been escapists, indeed. But have we not been trying to_ escape, on a mass scale, from ideas of conduct which are right and which we know to be right, but which we are unwill- ing to make the effort or sacrifice to follow? PAGE 1‘ W0 Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year; To the United State: Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMiTH, Editor An THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945. Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 “THE LIBERAL†; To the United States $2.00 Maple Y.P.U. installation service will be held next, Sunday evening. Miss Margaret Fockler will speak to the congregation. Mrs. McMurchy and Mrs. Atkin- son of Richmond Hill visited on Sun- day with the Misses Walkington. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jennings spent Sunday in Toronto visiting Mr. ME and Mrs. R. Rumble of To- ronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Rumble. Miss Margaret Fockler spent the week-end with Miss Ina Forrest in Toronto. The W.M.S. of St. Paul’s Church, Vaughan, will hold an evening ser- vice next Sunday, November 25. Dr. Archer Wallace will be the guest speaker and the choir of St. And- rew’s Presbyterian Church will take charge of the mugic. Stoker Billie Lawrie who has had a 60-day leave at home with his par- ents Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Lawrie after being 18 months in Newfound- land left last week for Halifax. Billy Hodge of {he R.A.F. Ferry Command has returned to Montreal after a short leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred dege. At the monthly meeting of St. Ste- phen’s Church Women’s Auxiliary held at the home of Mrs. H. Bryan all final arrangements were made for the coming annual Bazaar to be held in the Masonic Hall, Maple on :Saturday, December lst. Bazaar will open at 4 p.m. and supper will be served until 7 p.m. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO are strongly in favor of adhering to the rule book. Says the Institute pamphlet:â€" vuv .._-_ r,, “Either view carried to the extreme would be unde- sirable. In practice the conflict of the two views brings about a compromise that is beneficial to the community. An understanding of why this difference of opinion exists should do much to eliminate any animosity which it might otherwise tend to arouse.†The institute also offers sound advice for local gov- ernments in dealing with the press. “The press is the only link between government and the people,†says the pamphlet. “Through the press government tells what it is doing, wants to do, won’t do. Through the press the public has its only continuing means of keeping the activi- ties of the elected representatives under scrutiny.†An agency, such -as the Institute, serving the needs of local or municipal government is serving a most timely and urgent need. YOUTH, TODAY AND TOMORROW It is undoubtedly true that the hopes of the world are centred now as never before in the youth of the world. Young men and women need to prepare themselves for taking over responsibility for the economical and spiritual changes which are undoubtedly stirring the nations, be- cause the strength and safety of communities and nations depend upon their virtue and intelligence. While steadi- ness will be required in the ranks of all countries, the next quarter century will see an increased demand for fire and initiative in their leaders. The first errors to be swept from the minds of young people are the ideas that days of opportunity are past, and that there is no longer a premium on effort. When execu- tives tell young people starting work that advancement depends upon their own efforts, it is a sincere and serious warning. If youth chooses to disregard the advice of suc- cessful businessmen, it must face the fact that the alter- native is a totalitarian state government, such as those the democracies have just defeated, or an industrial pa- ternalism. Either is calculated to relieve the worker of the necessity to think, and force him into the ranks of those who do nothing but obey orders and perform the tasks to which they are assigned? But youth cannot just sit and wait for the adult world to solve its problems. The war has disorganized the c0n- ventional way of life, and has given all ages and all parts of society unfamiliar situations. In times of peace cul- tural changes are slow, and can be taken in their stride by adults and youths alike, but war accelerates the speed of evolution, and makes broad-scale, combined-age plann- ing more difficult. A. . ‘ ,. ---0 Diagnosis and realization are the first needs of an appreciation of the problem, but it is necessary to pro- ceed toward 'a cure, which is a joint responsibility of youths and their elders. Training is not everything. It is neâ€" cessary to provide advice which will enable young people to choose the field for which they are best fitted. Em- ployers are well aware of the fact that while many youths appear fit for nothing except unskilled labour, because of poor education and lack of training, surprising results are attained through right environment, skilful supervision, and encouraging guidance. On the other hand, the mal- adjusted worker means, for industry waste, inefficiency, and high turnover of e'ï¬iployees. The Rri From the standpoint of society, it is obviously desirâ€" able that every youth should have the opportunity to be- come self-supporting, and from youth’s standpoint it is desirable to encourage and guide the girl and boy to learn and to work efficiently. This latter objective has become distorted by the work and wages condition of war time. Conversion from war to peace conditions of employment will include realization that war conditions are not normal. Work habits need to be better. Constant moving from one plant to another will not advance the youth in peace- time. He must learn to be reliable, and to avoid absentee- ism. He must have a plan, and guard against the danger of its taking him into an occupation remote from his abil- ity. He needs to place more emphasis on learning than on work, avoid dead-end type jobs, and prepare himself for more than routine. Youth is being aided by the increasing understanding of adults, wider interest of communities, more opportuni- ties for participation in organizations for their own wel- fare, greater attention by governments, constantly broad- ening scope of schools, training in private, government, and plant schools, and the guidance offered by unselfish citizens whose only objective is the good of youth and the betterment of society. 'These efforts and achievements, however, should not induce complacency, because in spite of them youth finds itself at a most critical stage in life. Even in a settled world, conflict marks all the years of growth toward adulthood, and the problems of today’s young people include, in addition, the let-down from pres- sures of war, the upsets of reconversion, the need for suitâ€" able jobs, and what to do with leisure. lay m sister MAPLE dea ldened on Sun Mrs. Carl Sai The Maple quartette consisting of Mrs. F. S. Rumble, soprano, Mrs. T. F. Jackson, alto, Mr. Wm. Oliver, tenor and Mr. Eldon Wade, bass, with Mrs. Wade leader and pianist, held their annual family chicken supper last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Rumble. Included among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hyde and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumble of Richmond Hill. geon just a little over two months after her husband the late Carl Saigeon who died September 2nd. Mrs. Saigeon, whose maiden name was Flossie Watson, daughter of the late John Watson and Mrs. Watson was in her 49th year and had been very ill for some months. The only son Jack returned from overseas in October. The sympathy of the en- tire community is extended to Jack in the death of both parents. The insurance business known as. John T. Saigeon & Son has been taken over by a cousin, Mr. Ernesb Brock who will move to Maple very soon. FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN †Phone 12 °=0=O=O ouo=o=o=o=oz==o=ox==o ={ “Skaâ€"1‘) H2u2VA,“rYonge St., Richvale Spruce Street (opposite school) (O‘COQOWMOMOOOO OOOOOOOW 06M. ‘WM Save your Coal for severe weather BURN WOOD Q7 :5) TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. Q 18 Elizabeth St. RECHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R E2) 6Pat’s’ Garage HAVE YOUR CAR LUBRICATED AND CHECKED FOR SAFE DRIVING We are able to do this properly on our__ Hydraulic car lift. _Heaâ€"dquarfer‘s-forâ€" Iéï¬itioï¬ Parts: Prattâ€" Mufflers, Tail Pipes and Accessories. Yes, we have a stock of batteries on hand. First Class Repair Shop in connection INSURANCE THE INSURANCE BUSINESS of the GENERAL REPAIRS, GAS & OIL Firestone Tires, Batteries and Fan Belts McColl Frontenac Oils and Greases COMPLETE WINTERIZING' A SPECIALTY SUPER PYRO ANTI FREEZE 12 Wellington St. 5.. Toronto North End of Car Line Richmond Hill DISTRICT REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS ACETYLENE WELDING TRACTORS AND FARM IMPLEMENTS REPAIRED Orders taken for all kinds of Roofing, Eathroughing and all sheet metal work. Estimates free. Broom’s Garage Cities Service Station MAPLE, ONTARIO ALL INSURANCE MATTERS WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE THE USUAL PROMPT ATTEN- T'ION AND SERVICE. Yard and Office Close at 12 Noon On Saturdays JONES COAL CO. Late J. Carl Saigeon AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT SERVECE HERBERT R. BUTT is being continued at his residence THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945 MEL. MALTBY Telephone 188 Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 Richmond Hill Ofl0=0=0 REPRBENTATIVE