’ OPEN E'VENINGS Residence, Mark??? St., Richmond 1 MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Hos. Rabinowitch, BA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonze Strï¬et Immediatelv North of Masonic Fan Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hi1] Tar‘ontgpfficejl? Toronto Street 100 Main St. Phone 126 Barristerso Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron’Macnauqhton, K.C., Alex-;.‘M.1".'M:ar‘nau2‘hton Mckinnon Buiiding 19 Melinda' Streeta‘ Toronto, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Residence ~-â€" 18 Povntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Mom 66. 18 TorontokStq Toronto Phone AD. 5877â€"8â€"9 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 014 Confederation Life Bids†Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 2866 Alexanier MacGrean KC. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945. Wm. Cook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson. K.C. J. A. Gibson Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate BARRIRTER SO‘LXCjTOR. NOTARY PUBLIC ' BARRISTER. SO‘LICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Telephogle 7 Richmond 711311 229 Harold W. Mortson Farm Implements and Repairs Massey-Harris Rim-Way MilKers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers S‘ur- Gain Fertilizer Com King Mineral “Gem†Mill: (“r ..ers and Electric Fencera Yonge St. MASSEY-HARRIS Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries N. L. MATHEWS. K.C. K. M. R. STIVER. B.A. M acN auqhton & M acN aughton Walter S. Jenkins Mathews. Stiver, Lyons & Vale B. LYONS. RA. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES Barristers, Solicitqr; etc. T. C; Newman Phone Adplaide 5877 Richmond Hill Even? Cook & Gibson t. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 (On Active Service) 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 Prime Minister King was given a rousing reception as he rose to in- troduce the distinguished visitor. He referred to his long record of public service and his great interest in so- cial problems. Mr. Attlee has been a member of the House of Commons for some 25 'years. One of a well- to-do family he is well educated, but Mr. Attlee spoke more about Brit- ain in explainin something of her present-day trou Ies in converting from war to peace. He spoke of some of the aims and aspirations of the Labor government and the British people in getting back to pre-war times. He cited, with justifiable pride, the spirit of energy of the British people in facing the future. He mentioned a new Parliament there with youthful drive and ideal- ism and readiness to embark on new experiments. The Labor party, he stressed, believes in an expansionist economy with a steadily increasing standard of living for the masses of the people throughout the world. He was loudly applauded as he declared that there was a worldâ€"wide deter- mination never to return to the dark days of the thirties when there was hunger and want amidst plenty in abundance. Canada he found to be pulsating with life and vigor, but he assured his audience that Britain, and Europe, are neither 01d nor effete. Monday at three o’clock the House of Commons galleries were crowded to capacity to hear the British Prime Minister address the members of the Senate and the House of Commons. Mr. Attlee is small of stature, mild mannered and soft-spoken. He has neither the colour nor oratorfcal gifts of Churchill, but he spoke with a simplicity and sincerity which greatly impressed his audience. No strangerhto Canada this was how- ever‘ hi'sffirst visit'as Prime Min- ister. In a half hour address which was broadcast here and overseas. Mr. Attlee_ paid glowing tribute to Canada’s war effort, to the cooper- ation of Canada's wartime govern- ment, and to Prime Minister King whose wise counsel and long experi- ence are valued highly in Empire and World Conferences. He referred to the recent election which made him Prime Minister and to the many problems facing governments all over the world. When last he visit- ed Ottawa officially he said our problem was mobilizing our people for war and war production. Now we both face the problem of demob- ilization: Of conditions in Britain he reminded us that food rationing was still severe and provided barely enough to maintain health. Housing was a big problem and newly-mar- ried couples found extreme diffi- culty in finding a place to live and in furnishing and equipping a home if they found one. The highlight of the week here in Ottawa was the visit of Prime Min- ister Clement R. Attlee of Great Britain and the return of Prime Min- ister King after an absence of seven weeks in Britain and United States. The two statesmen received an en- thusiastic welcome to Ottawa 'Satur- day, and were loudly cheered as they were “piped†from the station to the Chateau Laurier. OTTAWA LET 1‘ ER By Jack Smith. M.P., North York Specializing in Farm Stock, Furni- ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared and Posted Prompt Service â€" Reasonable: Rates Phone: Agin. 20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill 21w (former sale clerk for the late Carl Saigeon) ' The House by a vote of 187 to 2 decided in favour of Canada having a distinctive national flag, and ap- pointed a committee to recommend a suitable design. The' recommenda- tion of the committee may be ac- cepted or rejected by Parliament. ‘Tprontofs Tommy Church and Nor- man Jacques, a Social Credit Mem- ber from Alberta, were the two who voted against Canada having a dis- tinctive flag. ‘O'u'i‘ guess still is that when all the shouting dies Canada’s new national flag will be very close to the Red Ensign which has been recognized as our unofficial flag for many years. Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE Parliament is now progressing rapidly with the nation’s business. With the days before proroguing counted and numbered time for con- sideration of all bills and measures is rationed and scheduled, and from now on there will be more business and less oratory. It is expected Parliament will promgue December 15th, and that the 1946 session will commence late in February. Perhaps the most momentous de- cision affecting the future of man- kind was that made in Washington at the meeting of President Truman with Mr. Attlee and Mr. King. The future and security of every man, woman and childiihrough the years to come depends in large measure on What use is to be made of the discovery of atomic energy. The safety and continuance of our civil- ization depends on the success of the decisions made at this conference. We look forward With keen inter- est to Prime Minister King’s report to the House and to caucus of his impressions of this and other world problems. The plight of millions of people in Europe this coming Win- ter, and trouble clouds in skies over many countries combine to make a world picture far from comforting to those charged with the responsibil- ity of government. 26 Years Experience fork County, Uxbrid%e and Picker: ing Towns ips Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley P.0. Ucensed Auctioneer for the Countiel of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.'F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice‘ Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken Phone Agincourt 53w8 \ Joining in the welcome to Mr. Attâ€" lee here on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Chanmey and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charles of Richmond Hill. My wife was an interested spectator to Mon- day’s historic proceedings from a front seat in the Members’ Gallery and with her as a guest was Mrs. Bryan Sharpless, the former Marion ‘Smellie of Thornhill and once a member of “The Liberal†staff. She has been a resident of Ottawa for some three years, her husband Squadron Leader Bryan Sharpless being stationed here at R.C.A.F. headquarters where he occupies an important post with responsibility for the transportation of Air Force personnel. Another of our guests on this occasion was “Dick†Ed- munds of Richmond 'Hill, and we managed to secure him a seat on thel floor of the House with the Govern- ment Members. Some of “Dick’s†friends in His Majesty‘s Loyal Op- position across the House took some surprised looks on seeing “Dick†on the Government benches. Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Speaker J. H. King of the Senate and Speaker Gaspard Fauteux of the Commons officially expressed the thanks of the two Houses to the British Prime Minister. Hon. Ian Mackenzie, Government House Lead- er moved that the address be in- cluded in the official records of the Canadian House of Commons. In seconding this motion, C.'C.F. Leader Coldwell expressed appreciation of Mr. Attlee’s speech. Opposition Leader Bracken and Social Credit Leader Lowe added their words of congratulations. If was an historic occasion in the life of Canadian Parliament and all prgscnï¬ wcre deeply impressed. has Ibng been associated with the Labor Party and repreSents in Par- liament the constituency of Limeâ€" house. definitely a workingman's district. Sellers & thihï¬son 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Thistletown - Ont Phone Weston 7031'12 Woodbridge 641‘23 AUCTION EERS Telephone Aurora 205 Gordon Phillips Licensed Auctioneer Clarke Prentice A. S. Farmer g5 Yearg Expeljepce Ken Love AUCTIONEER THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Ontario Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28: There will be a Euchre in the hall Monday night, November 26 at 8.30 sharp. Come and bring your friends. Everyone welcome. We are sorry to repor‘t that Mr. J. Couperthwaite has been ill with pleuricy lately. A very pleasant evening was held at the home of Mrs. C. Burr when two W.I. members, Mrs. A. Newson and Mrs. Johnson gave a demon- stration on salads the year around. There were 27 ladies present and lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs. 'C. Burr, Mrs. A. Newson and Mrs. L. Johnson. Richmond ‘ï¬in ’Pï¬Jné‘siâ€"x's 'aâ€"nd 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at Mis. Carswell of Toronto visitéd get mother Mrs. E. L. Padget Sun- ay. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Millen (Myrtle Giles) returned home from Halifax where Mr. Millen was stationed. A Sunday guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Shenfield was Mr. Gilbert of Carsland, Alberta. Mr. Gilbert enlisted on September 10th, 1939 and served with the British 8th Army and the Ameriéan 5th Army: We are glad to report that Mr. Henry Hooper is feeling much bet- teli'ï¬now and is around again. Mr. F. Houlihan visited his moth- eLip LindAsa‘yi overr the wegk-end. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig and family, accompanied by ‘Miss Lena Fraser visited at the home of Mrs. Craig’s brother, Mr. T. Fraser in Cookstown. The bus seems to be quite popu- lar with our 10ca1 ladies. Almost every day one or more may be seen boarding the bus for Toronto and all admit that it is a very conven- ient Vyay to travel. 15 Elizabeth Street Phone 162 Richmond Hill ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? Mfrs. Shenfield had luncheon on Thursday with Mrs. Watson of Vic- togiga. Squarretr Mr. 5nd Mrs. F. Tennyson and Lloyd spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Parker. Save Time, Money and Disap- pointment by having plans drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Building Consultant Mrs. Brown Sr. spent a few days with her daughter Mrs. Ash at Shar- on and while there attended com- mencement exercises of her grand- daughter Doreen. 6 Walder Ave THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Mrs. Oscar Brook is spending a few days in Toronto. Mrs. J. McQuay visited her sister Mgs: Scott of Oshawa on Friday. Mr. Chas. HEoper Clark are attending th§§e days. Phone Mohawk 9508 or 137 Yonge St. Richml Attention Red Cross workers! All day quiltings will be held on Tues- day, November 27th and Tuesday, December 10th at the Hall. All workers are urged to attend please. A very pleasant evening’s enter- tainment was held at the Hall on Friday when movies were shown. The educational film, “White Magiz’ was very interesting. “From Moo to Fée†and “Sunshine Makers†both in technicolor were popular with both young and old. Mrs. Stephen- son and Mr. Bruce favored us with solos and the evening’s entertain- ment was brought to a close by the singing of the National Anthem. We Repair Radios, Toasters, Irons, Heaters, Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Motors, Lamps, etc. Last week being ‘Education Week’ the parents of pupils of 8.8. No. 5 were invited by Miss McConnell to attend ‘open house’ on Thursday ev- ening. Quite a number of parents were present and after inspecting the children’s work they were served refreshments by .grades 7 and 8. Mrs. Milford Stots was a week- end guest with Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Stots. ' Radio and Electrical Repairs heirsal there in the evening. The church service was Well at- tended last Sunday. Mr. MacKay introduced the Crusade for Christ, and will be following it up this com- ing Sunday. The choir sang Shanks’ beautiful anthem, “0 Love that will not let me go." Misses Ann Summers and Hazel Clark spent Tuesday in Toronto. The W‘.M.S. heid a quilting at the home of Miss Mary Rodick Wednes- da_. The choir also met for re- Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Official and Accredited Veterinarian Wright & Taylor FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE VETERINARY BUTTONVILLE Harvey Bell and Mr.- Wm. county council Richmond Hill Toronto WOâ€ONNM“â€NOWWWâ€OOW g3§ï¬ï¬vlw¢wmwgflgï¬m Hi'w‘.‘ A. BATTERY CLIPSâ€"Bean duty 50 a Toronto, Ont. Estimates Free WINDSHIELD DEFBOSTERS â€" Glass smelt wlth electrical “mean. Four motion cnpl. Dc Lun . . . . . . Now's- fhe Time to Equip For Fall and Winter Driving Venetian Blinds Ask For Your Copy of Our 24-Puge FALL AND WINTER FOLDER Early Deliveries . By Return Soldier Here’s a new. improved, individual bal- te†charger with 0.1in improved umpere outnui and general performance. Plugs in- to any uo-v circnii [or charging radio or ~aim) batteries. Charging rates 3 and 5 ‘amps. with automatic inner to eliminair danger oi overcharging ColePlr with card. plugs and battery clips to permit charging blurry while In 8 5 .. , .8 car Ii desired WHEEL COVERS .39 For Fall and Winn†nn'm‘na I. REFER Fut For For For Chcvrolat 4 and 6 0!]. II] «the: 6 cyl. can Ford V 8 can . all och" 3 cyl. car: Fit ova clutch and brake pedal: 0! III Ford models. Chevrolels, Olsmobile and many others. pair , . .V . . _5‘ W For Fall and Winter Driving Thev take the chill on the wheel these cold mornings. Made of so" warm velour wool cloth and other materials in 3 choice of colors. W; Phone Hy. 7611 Abundant iner Supply All Times Install a BATTERY CHARGER No Obligation PAGE For Safe Driving PEDAL PADS