Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1945, p. 4

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"’ PAGE FOUR CHUM The Sunday Morning Service of The Peoples Church, 100 Bloor East, Toronto, is broadcast over the world’s newest Radio Sta- tion, CHUM, every Sunday from 11 until 12.15 noon. Bright gos- pel preaching. Inspiring singing. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES mencing at 3 p.m. and will continue into the evening. The groups will be pleased to serve you at the diff- erent booths, namely, novelty and fish pond, miscellaneous, food, sew- ing, slightly used article, and snack bar. Everybody is invited to come and bring your friends. Mr. and Mrs. Willows and -Mrs. Mclllmurray spent Sunday visiting friends in Uxhridge. Mrs. Plunkett and her two daugh- ters, the Misses Plunkett of Forest Hill were guests at Rev. and Mrs. MacKay's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avison, Mrs. Mcâ€" Miss Marion Boynton was a sup- per guest of Mrs. W. Brumweli and Mrs. Harrington Sunday. The Women's Missionary Society have charge of the church service Sunday, December 2 when the guest speaker will be Mrs. A. Roger Self, president of the W.M.S. Dominion Board. Special music is being ar- ranged for and further particulars will be in next week’s issue. The November meeting of the W. MS. was held on the 14th at the home of Mrs. Stanley Boynton. 18 ladies were present. Mrs. McCague was in charge of the meeting, who with Miss Mabel Sandersm review- Eachern and Mrs. Wellman and ed the first chapters of the study Murray visited Monday with Mr. books, “Angola Sow” and “Currie of Avison’s uncle and aunt, the Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Fitzpatrick of To- ronto. The men of Victoria Square and surrounding districts are enjoying a season of shooting this fall. Mr. Clare Sanderson~has returned from a trip to Clear Lake, east of Braceâ€" bridge. He was with a party of 12 and they came home with seven deer. Also Mr. Heber McCague and Mr. Dalton Rumney, accompanied by Mr. Chas. Hooper and Mr. Russel Boyington of Buttonville joined with eight from the Laskay Hunt Club, journeyed to South Magnetawan and returned with eight of the big game, not bad. In the early hours of Monday morning of this week, Messrs. Frank and Reid Brumwell, Fraser Gee, Floyd Perkins and Harry Forester travelled to the tall timbers to see what Lady Luck has in store for them. Mr. Ross MacKay of Toronto spent last week-end \isiting With his par- ents, Rev. and Mrs. MacKay. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. A. Vallâ€" iere of North Markham will be sorry to hear of the death of Mrs. Starling of Newtonbrook, who was a sister of Mr. 'Valliere. It is the first break in a family of 12. Mrs. Morgan Hudson and little girl of Toronto are visiting for a few days with Mrs. Hudson’s mother Mrs. F. W. Watson. Ladies, be ready for a quilting in the near future as the War Work Unit has a number of quilts to be done. The day will be published at an early date. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Boynton of Port Perry had dinner Wednesday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton and family. Some of our children were thrilled at the sight of Santa arriving in Toronto last Saturday morning. Those attending the parade included Kenneth, Neil and Caroline Picker- ing, George Collard, and Marion, Lillian, Fay and Frankie Nichols who went to the city with Mr. and Mrs. Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Beatty mot- ored to Kitchener last week-end and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dales. Miss Rosie Heise enjoyed a visit from her brother Mr. Ivan Shear- down, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Bonneral of Vaughan Township last Thursday. About 20 attended Y.P.U. services last Sunday evening when Mr. Ewart Stiver of Unionville gave a very in- ‘ teresting and beneficial talk on - ‘ “What a Christian Ought to Know”. Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson of Button- ville rendered two lovely vocal solos to the audience. Miss Viola Avison read the scripture. It was regrettâ€" ed that a larger attendance was not present at this inspiring service. Mr. O. L. Heise attended a meet- ing of Board of Trustees at Ontario Bible School. Fort Erie North, Ont, on Monday. Chissamka". Mrs. S. Boynton read the scripture and Mrs. Avisc-n and Mrs. McEachem each led in prayer. The offering amounted to $9. The treasurer reported that the Fall Thankoffering exceeded $90. At the close of the meeting Mrs. McCague and Mrs. Boynton served dainty re- freshments and a social half hour was spent. The Thankoffering meeting of the Mission Band which met Saturday afternoon was a success with 30 in attendance with Mrs. R. Boynton and Mrs. H. Wellman in charge. The COTPOI‘all “1 know ,I’m just a pebble offering was $7.00. in Your 139-" Don’t forget the date of the W.A. She: “You might try being a little Bazaar Wednesday of next week, the bOUIder-" [28th, in the church basement com- COLLECTION Next Wednesday, November 28 will be last day for Garbage Collection for the season. ‘ RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk. I 7 O 6 O I Enjoy Christmas With Mus1c * * * 3|! * IF * * * LATEST SELECTIONS 0N VICTOR, DECCA AND BLUEBIRD RECORDS Chickery-Chick â€" S. Kaye As Long As I Live â€" D. Shore Drip, Drip, Drip â€" S. Jones Whose Dream Are You â€"B. Crosby A FEW CHOICE SELECTIONS IN ALBUMS Dickens’ Christmas Carol Peter and the Wolf â€" Koussevitsky Nutcracker Suite â€" Stokowski The Happy Gang Children’s and Christmas Recordings Y‘EREX ELECTRIC Yonge Street Telephone 242 Watt’s Welding & Fender Shop ELGIN MILLS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS l Electric and Acetylene Welding ********* Mobile Unit for Field Work ********* Fender Repairs and Duco Refinishing «memo «999mm !â€"~â€" â€"â€" ~ â€"â€" -â€" O O 0 S o : NORTHMOUNT y g z The Earl Haig students will he 3 able to attend the final rugby game 9 of the season between the uncliminâ€" aled teams, as they will be given a half day holiday on Friday, Nov. 23 partly for that purpose. Also on Friday night the sixteenth annual commencement exercises will be held at Earl Haig Collegiate. Prizes. medals and diplomas will be presented to these students who have earned them" A surprise shower was held for Bernice Glass at the home of hel‘ mother in Willowdale on Monday Nov. 19th. Many of her friends were present and she received many gifts. A lunch was served. Mrs. Trivett, a friend of the bride-elect. arranged the party. Miss Glass will marry Mr. David Scott on Dec. Isl. Ronny Clink, Ralph Brown. MuI‘die Campbell and John Campbell, young men from Willowdale and Lansing went. on a short hunting trip on Sat- urday with the expectation of shootâ€" ing deer. Unfortunately the total result of the hunt was one jack rabbit. We hope that the luck of these young men has improved by the next deer season. A Home and School Association has been formed at Earl Haig Col- legiate. The second meeting was held on Tuesday evening, Nov. 13th. Many parents were there and they enjoyed an interesting talk by Mr. Ingrahm. a member of the school board. Plans were discussed on the much needed enlargement of Earl Haig Collegiate. The membership i= . over 80, which is very encouraging . .for a beginning. Mrs. Pobson was ‘the soloist. Her selections ,wel'e much appreciated. RICHVALE Prize winners 3. the euchre held under the auspices of the Richvale Somal Clu‘o Wednesday evening, No- Gillies Airport Buttonville PHONE STOUFFVILLE 9120 Learn to fly Now and keep up with the times. Lowest Rates. Passenger Flights See the Country from the air. i E i 3 l WWMOWWO”OW OGOOG-OWNO Prepare for Chilly Days BUY THOSE STOVE & FURNACE PIPES NOW Furnace Cement, Asbestos Paper, etc. FINDLAY RANGES, HEATERS & CIRCULATORS Have Your Storm Windows Repaired N ow Good Stock of Quality Glass now on hand We have Bronze, Rubber and Felt Weather Strip in stock 9 vumher 21 were 1F follows: Ladies. I>I. Mrs. M. .Iarvxs: ‘an, Mrs. R. F Y w Bentley; 3rd. Mrs. I. Hudson: con- . . O sulaticn. Mrs. \V. Adams: travelling. Mrs. R. Renter. Gents t. Mr. R. PHONE 18 WE DELIVER Ball: 2nd. in. B. Blaziei‘; 3rd. Mr. G. 1111; f‘t‘distiizlllk‘ll. Mr. D. ‘ ‘ " Beeiii‘; .I‘ZH'eiiillz. Mr. Scarlett. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF 11‘. RATECâ€"â€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first insert.on and 25 cent; for each subsequent insertion. each insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per lire txtia IF CHARGED NINE CENTS PER LINE. FOR SALE 8 CHUNK'S. Walter Reaman, phone Maple 28r11. c1W21. QUEBEC COOK STOVE. Agny Charles Baker, 70 Edgar Ave., Rich- vale. c1w21. NO. lâ€"POTVATOESYany amount. Ap: ply W. H. Burns, Brookside Road, Elgin Mills. *1w21. MAN'Sâ€"VWINTER OVERCOAT, size 40, in good condition, $5.00. Apply Liberal Office. 100 LEGHORN HENS; also 1 car trailer. Apply J. D. Stephenson, phone 4502 Richmond Hill. c1w21. 12 CHUNKs. Apply A. Hansgh, Bathurst St., 1/2 mile south of Wil- son Ave., phone HY. 5970. c1w21. 8 FIGS, 9 weeks old; 1 bob calf. Apply Albert Burns, lot 34, con 2 Vaughan, phone King 111'11. c1w21. GRAY MARE, 1600 lbs., sound, good worker, $30. Apply Leo Burton, ‘Carrville Rd., Stop 23 Yonge St. c1w21. T. HYDRO POLES, de- 25 AND 30 F livered. Lines built on private prop- erty, and wiring. Phone Markham 74r4. *7w21. 100 BARRED ROCK ROO‘STERS, ready for market. Apply E. A. Radâ€" ford, con. 3 Markham, lst farm north of No. 7 Highway, phone Unionville 30r3. c1w21. ___________.____. YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred, some due to farrow, also youn pigs from reg- istered boar. Ayrs ire Bulls, serv- iceable age and younger. Apply Geo. Sp‘ing, Stop 14A Yonge St., phone Thornhill 149. *1w21. 8-ROOM HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls and sunroom, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street E., Richmond Hill. tfc. 200 PULLETS, B.R. x N.H., 5 mos. old. These pullets are Murray Fish- er Stock. 1 Angora doe, 2 Angora bucks, good stock. Apply Saturday to Harold Hill, lot 32, con. 4 Mark- ham, phone Stouff. 1520. c1w21. ROLLS RAZOR, never used; Eng- lish baby carriage, good condition; large wicker bassinette; set of exâ€" cellent bronze electrical fixtures, two candle and ceiling type. McLean Trading Co., David H. McLean, 12 John St., Thornhill, phone 79. "‘2w21 __________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Woods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milkers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio .& Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. tfc. COUGHS, BROKEN WIND, colds, distemper, etc., quickly mastered by Zev where everything else fails. Try this great remedy, made by the mak- ers of Buckley's Mixture, if you have an animal suffering from any respiratory malady. $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer's. c4w21. M-H 101 “JUNIOR” TRACTOR on rubber, in excellent condition truck wagon; hand cutting box; new Beatty water pressure systems on hand (no permit required); prCSsure tanks; litter carrier tubs. Also M-If Rite-\Vay milkers on hand Harold W. Mortson, Richmond H'll, phone BSVV. Ciwll. Monâ€"gsconEs AGAIN with Bakiâ€" er's Sweetner. Dad says it’s scrumpg tious in tea and coffee, Mary says it's wonderful for baking, Jack says» it‘s dandy on cereals; Hannah says it gives cakes a wonderful smooth flavor, Harry says I use it on my grapefluit, UUUMM; Junior OOPS Mom made some Baker's Sweetner jelly. Our weekly standâ€" ing orders are increasing especially for restaurants and bakeries. When we move to our new plant about the first of the month we will be equipp- ed to process about 700 gals. daily. Baker's Swaetner is so handy, so easy to use, no coupons, no bitter taste, sugary taste, diabetics use it. Guaranteed as represented or money back. 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 35c., 1/2 gal. 65c., gal. $1.25, 5 gal. 915.00, 10 gal. $0.50. Containers extra, 25 oz. 10., 40 oz. 10c., 1/2 gal. 15c., gallon jug or can 25c. each extra. No ship- ment less than gallon @ $1.50. \‘I'e pay express up to 100 miles if cash accompanies order for 6 or more gallons (no cheques). Geo. E. Bak- er, th.B., Manufacturing chemist, Stouffville, Ont. clw‘ZI. STRAYED 1 BROOD SOW. Anyone knowing whereabouts please notify Allan Smith, Maple RR. 1 or phone Maple 301132. =:‘1w21. TO RENT .. ROOM HOUSE at $6 per month. Garage for car can be supplied for $4 extra. Apply Norman McKin- non, Teston, Maple RR. 1, telephone 6515 Maple. c2w21. Turner’s Welding Service Electric & Acetylene Welding of all kinds. Portable Equipment Les. Turner Markham Road Box 118 Richmond Hill says. 40 BAGS POTATOES, Kathadins. Apply John Nigh, Headford, after 5 p.m. *1w21. 3-PIECE CHESTERFIELD SUITE in good condition. Apply Mrs. Ed. Warren, phone Aurora 63. c1w21. MAN'S C.C.M. Bierâ€"'cfi‘ in “gen condition. Phone Maple 72:2. *1w2i, 6» RABBITS. Apply phone Richmond Hill 4. c1w21. 1 CHUNK about 60 lbs. or will ex- change for poultry. Mrs. H. Steph- ens, Yongehurst Rd, Step 24 Rich- mond Hill. *1w21. FOR RADIO, refrigerator, washing machine and electrical appliance re- pairs phone Geo. A. Kelson Co., Thornhill 177. tf21. 6 ROOMED HOUSE, large lot, all conveniences, garage, hen house, pos- session Dec. 1. Owner. 138 Rich- mond St., Richmond Hill. c1w21. TOYS, strongly built, wooden toys, hobby horses, rocking horses, pull toys, trucks, etc. 140 Yonge Street, directly opposite the Mill. *6w21. .M~.~_M ._._....râ€" 1 CLYDE HORSE, about 1600 lbs.; also 1 set single harness; 1 single Lowry wagon. Apply Heintzman Farms, Stop 17 Yonge St. Ask for Pope. *1w21. 4 ROOM HOUSE, with garage, hen house, hydro, good well and 2 acres of land at Richmond Hill. Apply Melvin Baker, phone 4522 Richmond Hill. *1w21. 1 WOODEN DOUBLE BED an spring mattress; special non sag spring; 2-burner electric plate; elec- tric iron; small food copper. Phone Richmond Hill 226.]. *1w21. ‘SMALL RADIO, Philco console, in excellent condition, price $36. Apply Joseph Coutts, Gormley, 4th farm north of Townline on west side of con. 3 Whitchurch Twp. *1w21. DON’T LET YOUR DOG DIE from distemper, or let him suffer from coughs, colds, intestinal flu. A few doses of Zev, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture, gives quick relief. 50c. and $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer's. c4w21. WE ARE NOW taking orders for R.0.P. Sired White Leghorn chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nesting under R.0.P. since 1935. F01 re- turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise not to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thorn. hill, Ont. *7w21. MISCELLANEOUS WILL [)0 WELL DIGGING. Apply Frank York, RR. 1 Maple. tfc. GOOD CLEAN EARTH, free for the hauling. Apply phone Hudson 7616. *1w21. SLENDER TABLETS are effectin 32 weeks’ supply $1; 12 weeks’ $5, at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. c4w21. ‘TEAMSTER, ploughing, grading and ,cellais dug. Apply Bert Smith, phone Richmond Hill 1341'12. tfc. REST HOME, accommodation and care for elderly persons, tray Ser- vice. reasonable. Apply phone Thorn- ihill 16r21. *2w21. FOR RADIO, refrigerator, washng 'machine and electrical appliance re- pairs phone Geo. A. Kelson Co, Thornhill 177. tf21. P. INGLES & SONS, general con- All kinds icement work, barns remodelled. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 196r12. tfc. CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the effective corn remedy. 50c. at Scotchmer’s Drug Store. c4w21. SURGE SERVICE and milkers. Gen. uine Surge parts, 24 hour service. ‘Write or phone H. Elliott, 160 King St., lVeston, phone 1015J. *10w21. “SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any. {where in district. E. Charlty, Yonge ‘Street and BI‘OOkSlde Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tfc. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc. SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds of paint work. Experienced workman- ship. Estimates cheerfully given. G. Dahl, Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 31r32. ‘ ‘ tfc. FURS REPAIRED TO MODEL, make new coats to order and we ytractors, Jefferson, Ont. have all kinds of neck scarfs. John Donald, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 491‘22. *9w2l. ELECTRICAL WIRING, housez farm buildings, specializing in schoo. wiring. Territory includes Richmond Hill and vicin'ty. Apply Forth Elec- tric, Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- berg. "’4w21. COUGHS, COLDS. DISTEMPER mastered in less time than you ever thought possible with Zev. the re- markable vetirinary leniedy that works on llO>€. thrmt. bronchial ‘tract. Zev. made by the makers of Buckley’s Mixture. gives amazing" Jrcsnlu in the nio.~t stubborn L‘£i>(‘\’.l $1.01) a bottle at F. G. Scotch- mer's. c4w‘21. l THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945 Classified Advertising WANTED CLEANING WOMAN, half day weekly, $2. Telephone Thornhill . 28W. clw21. CARETAKER for Trinity Church, Thornhill. Apply W. C. L. Ball, 4 Thornhill. c2w21. DOY‘S WAGON; also girl’s doll carriage, preferably wicker. Phone Richmond Hill 100. clw21. Tu BUY DOLL‘S TRUNK in good condition, substantial construction. Apply phone 168W Richmond Hill. *1w21. spring repair. Good HOU'SE REQUIRED possession, in good cash payment. Apply Box 6‘ inc Liberal. *3w21. CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sizes) at Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone King 59r32. tfc. LADY WANTED first week of De- cember, live in or out, 2 school chil- for dren, 1 child 4 yrs. old. Apply Box 69, The Liberal. c1w21. GIRL for general housework, no farm work, good wages, comfort- able surroundings. Write Mrs. Jack Fraser, Concord, or telephone Maple 17W. c1w21. FEATHERS WANTED â€" Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., Toronto. tfc. TRANSPORTATION from Stop 20 arriving Leaside 8 a.m., returning 1 5.30 p.m. Apply by letter to S. Warsdale, Langstaff. *1w21. TO RENT HOUSE or 3 or more rooms by couple and 10 year old son in new year or as soon as pessible. Apply by letter to S. Warsdale, L: ngstaff. *1w21. 6, 7 OR 8 ROOMS on Yonge St. for a chiropractor‘s office and dwelling. Will rent or buy. Apply Dr. Watson, 32 Tranley Ave., Toronto or phone Randolph 7856. *1w21. _____â€"â€"â€"â€" FARM HAND for poultry and beef cattle, all conveniences. Consider middle-aged or elderly man. Harold lHill, lot 32, con. 4 Markham, phone l Stouffville 1520. c1w21. R‘ADIO‘S, bicycles, electrical appli- ances and good used toys wanted for cash. McLean Trading Co., David H. McLean, 12 John St., Thornhill, phone 79. *2w21. __â€"______â€"_â€"â€" DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RIC/H- MOND HILL 7 or KING 241‘4 0r MAPLE 2937. We ay telephone charges. GORDON Y UNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD.3636. tfc. ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"’â€"_ WOMAN to help with housework on farm, must be able to cook, hours 9 am. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, wages $2.00 per day. Apply by let- ter to Mrs. D. Rumney, RR. 2 Gorm- ley, Ont. *1w21. I AXES The Third instalment of the current year’s Taxes is due on NOVEMBER 15th Pay promptly and avoid the“ penalty which must be imposed after DECEMBER 5th. Richmond Hill, Nov. 12th, 1945. RUSSELL LYNETT, Treasurer. \. RADIO REPAIRS PICK UP AND DELIVERY FAST SERVICE H. W. OWEN Telephone King 43r12 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Nov. 25th 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Baptismal Service Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. and RICHII 0ND HILL PRESBYTE IAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A.. minister Sunday, Nov. 25th 10.30 a.m.â€"Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"â€"Public Worship. A welcome to all. ST.a/[ARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL , 1 Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., Rector . Miss Bernice Lightbody, A..\Iu:., L.T.C.L., Organist Sun, Nov. 25, Sunday before Advent 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon; All are welcome. ,â€" LANGSTAFF BAPTIST (‘HI‘RCH Pastorâ€"Dr. M. H. Blandin Friday, Nov. 23, K p.m. â€"R(t\‘, P, B. Loney will present :1 fcfr-uraph picture. “Br-gi‘lu (lie Sea of Cali- lee". I‘:\‘~1'_\‘Ulle welcome. Sunday. Nov. 25. ' lidfir-Tlié Gid- i-om will have i':;' charge of the >L‘l".'i\'(‘. .\ln-.<- 1;. the Ritchie Sis« tcrs' Gospel Trio.

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