Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Nov 1945, p. 8

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I=0=01 EVERY FRIDAY STARTING FRIDAY, NOV. 23 Amonmt mo: J Trinity Anglican A.Y.P.A. are . A. Greene holding i euchre on Tuesday next. . , Nov. 27t . at 8 pm. in the Parish Yonge Street Rlchmond E Hall. Its purpose is to raise funds WWWchurch, including the Red Cross, etc. for different organizations in the {' EYESIGHT SPECIALIST 9' WILL BE AT 3g AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE ; WEDNESDAY, NOV. ZSt # $PTIUAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Fined Eyes Examined, Glasses fitted EL. LOWRIE, R.O. and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month RADIO and APPLIANCE SERVICE MEMBER PHILCO SERVICE Guaranteed Radio and Guaranteed Refrigeration Service Appliance Service Domestic and Commercial flGE EIGHT RADIO, REFRIGERATOR, WASHING MACHINE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERVICE FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Phone 1.77 Thornhill Steele’s and Yonge St. Yonge Street PL‘UMBING â€" HEATING â€" EAVESTROUGHING HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS â€"â€" SOFTENERS â€"- SEPTIC TANKS â€"- SIDING INSULATION â€"â€" TILE \VE REBUILD ANY PUMPS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced GUARANTEED PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP Pick Up and Delivery Service Phone Mr. MargeSOn Thornhiil 122 AT 8 RM. BUMPER PRIZES NORTH YORK VETERANS SOCIAL CLUB For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 ‘OEIO 01:0 GEO. A. KELSON CO. LESLIE C. LINDSAY Th0rn~hill Hardware THORNHILL Specialists in OED OI=IO Phone Thornhill 135r21 Phone Thornhill 33 After Hours 89.] 23rd Oflfi Dr. R. A. Bigford, Maple, Ont., the M.O.H. for Vaughan Township, gave the pupils of Thornhill Public School a medical examination on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 20th and let. He was assisted by Nurse Mrs. W. E. Soule. There has been an epidemic of in- fluenza in the neighbourhood. Sev- era] of the school pupils have been absent for a few days. Larry. son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lake, Yonge St., and winner of an honor graduation diploma, made the valedictory address at Richmond Hill High School’s 2lst annual Com- mencement last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sanderson and family moved from the village to Montreal on Monday last. The prop- erty occupied by the Sandersons' was purchased some time ago by Miss Ethel Sheppard, at one time a fam- ous musician, and formerlv of To- ronto. Miss Sheppard had a large farm at King which she sold prior to her Durchase of the property in Thornhill. Mrs. D. Dyer has had an attack of pneumonia since Tuesday, Novem- ber 13th. She is still confined to.her bed, but Dr. R. W. Wesley says that her condition is satisfactory. The board of trustees of Thorn- hill Public School will hold their regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, November 26th. Some time in June Mrs. Snack of Lansing is going to put on an even- ing of entertainment, the proceeds from which are to go toward the community hall. The regular monthly meeting of Thornhill Women’s Institute was held on Thursday afternoon, Novem- ber 15th at the home of Mrs. P. Maude. Roll call was “Suggestions for improving our Sale” and al- though most of the ladies were of the opinion that last year's sale could scarcely be improved upon, many good suggestions were vouch- safed, and the saying runs true that “there is always room for improve- ment". This year it has been pro- posed that a check room be added, and the sale gives every indication of being larger than ever. The re- sponse from the members, particu- larly some of the newer ones, was most gratifying. and many beautiful articles were brought to the meet- ing and displayed. Mrs. Brillinger gave a report on the work accomplished so far toâ€" wards the Bazaar. Several letters of thanks for gifts and cards received were read, and it was decided to send fruit and cut- outs to a youngster in the village who is ill. Mr. Edwards made a motion that we call a meeting for December 2nd (Monday) to which all the parents of scouts and cubs be invited, as well as all adults interested. In the meanâ€" time, it was decided that a group committee meeting take place this week-end for the purpose of compil- ing a program to be presented to this general meeting. A very poor representation of par- ents attended the meeting held on Monday night and it is to be hoped that this will be corrected at the next general meeting. It is getting very late in the year and it would be regrettable if such a splendid troop as the First Thornhill should pass into oblivion. One visitor remarked “If I lived nearer, I would certainly join your organizationâ€"I have never met a more congenial group of women any- where.” Incidentally, around forty ladies were present, including- some new members and two or three vis- itors. A report of the visiting commit- tee was given by Mrs. Cameron, Mrs, Sinclair and Mrs. Frater. Mrs. Mackintosh brought back a report on the Local Leader Train- ing School and it was decided to wirte Mrs. Kennedy to say that Thornhill would put on a skit at the Summary Day to be held at Agin- court in the early Spring. It was Mr. J'aeger’s that the present Group make up a slate of po pects both for the grou: and for the position of It was decided that the mitteé be composed of te and also that a woman be formed in conjunctiox committee. A r'eermz of all parents at scouts and all adults interested, was called on Monday evening, November 19th, ior the purpose of discussing the mat- ter of a new Scout master and nom< inating a groupvcommittee for the current year. Thornhill must definitely have a Scoutmaster, and several prospects were mentioned, but if anyone read- ing this column is interested, or knows of anyone who might be in- terested, will you please get in touch with Mr. Bart Edwards at Thorn- hill 1. To qualify as is necessary is manâ€"one who scouts at heart. needed ca'n be competent assis THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND IIILL, ONTARIO Thornhill District News present Group Ccmmith arslat_e of possible pro :‘y as Scoutmaster, all that ‘y is a capable, interested who has the interests of ueant. All the information I be given by letter and assistants can be assured. Mr. J‘aeger’s suggestion iresent Group Committee all parents of scouts p committee leadership. grcup comâ€" en members, 1’s auxiliary m with this A valuable member of CBC's To- ronto studio staff is away from her post in the corporation’s music li- brary this summer. Pretty Jean Gregory knows how to bring music from a keyboard as well as bring it from the stacks, and so she’s now on leave of absence as pianist with the Toronto Masquers, entertaining the Canadians stationed in England and Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gillies have recently returned to Thornhill from Patricia Bay, B.C., where Mr. Gill- ies received his discharge from the R.C.A.F. Prior to his service on the west coast, he served over two years on the east coast with the E.A.C. headquarters at Halifax. Mrs. Gill- ies is the former Pauline Lyons of Barrington Passage, N.S. where they were nfarried June 23 of this year. phone Stouffvili; :2. Buttonville, Mrs. E. Snenfield, phone Stouffville 9105. Uni‘onville, M-iss Marion Warne, tele- phone Gormley, Mrs. S. Doner, phone Stouffville. Phone Us Your Ad In The Evening If More Convenient As a convenience to the public. The Liberal will receive display and classified advertising over the tele- phone every evening from 6 to 9 o'clock;. In Richmond Hill phone No. 9. Outside the village the follow- ing correspondents may be contact- ed by phone: Thcrnhill, Mrs. K. Mackintosh, phone â€" Méple 46r13. King, Laura E. Rolling, phone 8. Victoria quareLMrs. E. McRoberts, Mrs. Nelson Findlay as president of the Fortniters Club, wishes to thank everyone who helped to make their bazaar of Saturday last the success it was. To those who c0n- tributed to the sale, to those who worked so hard to put it over, and to those who braved 'the wind and rain to patronize it, her sincere ap- preciation is extended. Their friends will be glad to know that the Club raised approximately $160. The Fort- niters is a new association formed in connection with the Presbyterian Church here, and this was their first bazaar. The pupils and teachers of Thorn- hill Public School gave a donation of $7.75 to the Salvation Army. Dona- tions to such worthv organizations are to be encouraged. Thornhill United Young People were hosts to a jolly group of Lans- ing Young People on Monday even- ing. After games and a sing song, an address on “Stories of Mission- aries" was given by Miss Betty Facey, Director of Religious. Educa- tion of ‘Parkdale United Church, To- ronto. Miss Betty Bone, who was in charge of the meeting, then gave a very interesting study of Copping’s picture “The Missionary Doctor”. A duet by Mrs Jean Morton and Miss Marjorie Jamieson Was greatly en- joyed. Miss Grace Johnson, of To- ronto, presided at the piano, and the sing song was directed by Marjorie Jamieson. Dainty refreshments brought a very happy evening to a close. The many friends of Trinity Church will be glad to know that the choir are keeping up those two Yuletide activities that for the past four years have contributed so much to the spirit of Christmas in our village. To help defray sundry ex- penses, the choir are again selling Christmas cards with local setting. This year’s card, designed by a well known resident artist, is an authori- tative drawing of a Christmas scene in Thornhill about 53 years ago. This is to be a limited printing of these historical cards so order early through any member of the choir. Then there' is coming the choir's Fifth Christmas Candlelight Service to be held Wednesday evening, Dec. 19th. As in the past this service will consist of carols of many naâ€" tions, four appropriate scripture passages and a short address by the Rector, Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A. Rev. Dr. J. S. Duncan of the United Church will assist in the service. Do plan to be there with your friends. Remember the date, Wed.. Dec. 19. 147. Maple, Mrs. T. F. Jackson. Edgeley,» Mrs. C. S. Srtong, phone Everyone in the village is cordially invited to attend. Admission fee is 25c. This Young People's organiza- tion was formed in the Fall, and un- der the supervision of Rev; Woods. the members have had mény good times and interesting meetings. Off- icer's are as follows: President, Beryl IVEI‘SOH; Vice-Presldent, Duncan Ball; Sec.-Treas., Kay Healey; Group Leaders, Yvonne Mackintosh," Stew Patterson, Jean Healey and Art Jenkins. TALENT ABROAD Mr. and Mrs. Earl Middlebrook entertained for their daughter. Kay, who was 16 years old that day. The young people of the community were the guests and they report a splen- did time. Last Wednesday two birthdays were celebrated in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Stong had a (lfnner party in honor of their twoâ€" yvar-old daughter, Evelyn Mac. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newton, Eulaline and Donald, and 11‘. and Mrs. C. S. Stong. A very impressive service wai held on Sunday evening, under the lead- ership of the Young People’s Society. Miss Rumble, president of the so- ciety, was in the chair. Mr. LeRoy Phillips tread the scripture and then followed short talks by the conven- crs of the different departments ex- plaining what their‘ departments stood for and their plans to make Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Dalziel attend- ed the annivgxfsary service held in the Presbyterian Church in Weston on Sunday and had dinner with their son andvhis wife, Captain Don Dal- ziel of Ottawa and Mrs. Dalziel, at the} Prince George Hotel in Toronto. Mr. Randall Page and his sisters, Alice and Nellie'had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. C._'S. Stbng on Sunday, and on Tuesday Mrs. Walter Ridley of Whitby and Mrs. Stevenson of Ott- awa dined with th‘em. them a success.. The convenors and their assistants areâ€"Miss Marion Stevenson and Mr..LeRoy Phillips, Christian Fellowship; Mr. Roy Avery and Miss Eulaline Newton, MiSsicns; Miss Kay Middlebrook and Mr. Don- ald Newton, Christian Citizenship; and Mr. Garth Bowes and Miss Mar- ion Poole, Christian Culture. Fol- lowing these brief talks, Rev. Mr. Fork‘er addressed the young people He (mphasized that to do goosl one pays in advance but to do evil- one pays ,and pays after. Bad habits dunlnate and distort one’s life, but to start on the right way means mvch, and tonight all those earnest young people are starting right. The meeting was closed with a Candle- light installation service conducted by Mr. Fockler. The main candle from which the first smaller candle was lighted represented the Light, of the World, and the smaller ones Were lit by the one lit before, and in this way they all received the noon. Mrs. Giffen had been in poor health for several years, but a few months ago suffered a slight stroke. For a while she seem1d to recover partially but last Monday night she has another heart attack and passed away Tuesday afternoon. She is survived by her husband, one son Donald and one daughter Marie (Mrs. Irvin Smith) of Toronto, one. sister Vide (Mrs. George Poole) of Edgeley,‘and three brothers, Wesley Whitmore. .of Toronto, Homer of Edgeley and Warren of Woodbridge. The funeral held last Friday after- noon was largely attended and the beautiful flowers were a mute tri- bute to the esteem in which she was held. Three brothers of the deceased and three)" of MILCGiffen’s brothers carried her1‘to the grave. Interment tools place in Brampton Cemetery. “Sunday gu'ests at'the home of Mr and Mr’sgSidney Broadbelt were Mrs Duck of‘Toronto .and Mr. and Mrs S. Stanley. A very successful meeting and quilting of the Edgeley W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. F. Hedges last Thursday afternoon with 13 lad- ies present. They decided, with the equal help of the Women’s Institute, to purchase an electric stove from Mr. Hedges for the Edgeleyr Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Forbes of Toronto spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Stung. light as was commanded‘ by Him. On Monday night the first Young People’s meeting of the season w-is held in the Hall with 27 young peoâ€" ple present. After the meeting an- pen: was concluded there was crokâ€" inoie and the girls served a daintv lunch. The next meeting will be held Monday evening, December 3w! in lhe Hall. The officers for the com- ing year were elected as follovs: President, Miss Rumble; lst Vice- President, .Miss Marion Stevenson; Secretary, Miss Bernice Usher; Treasurer, Mr. Jim Montgomery: l’ianists, Miss Violet Kef'fer and Miss Marion Poole. Dcath claimed another highly es- teemed citizen of Edgeley Inst w Eek in the person of Mrs. Nelman Giffon who passed away last Tuesday aftezâ€" WWWWWMMM Many happy returns, girls: Telephone 92-R Richmond Hill Farms and village property for sale and exchange. R. H. KANE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE EDGELEY THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 22nd, 1945. FIFTH CHURCH OF CHRIST. SCIENTIST. TORONTO ANNOUNCES A Free Lecture on Christian Science ENTITLED Scientific Prayer as Revealed by Christian Science By MARGARET MATTERS. C.S.B. of New York City, N.Y. Member of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts MASSEY HALL. Shuter Street Sunday, Nov. 25th, 1945 At 3.15 p.m. DOORS OPEN AT 2.30 RM. The Public is Cordially Invited sale of farm stock. implements, hay. grain, potatoes, roots, dairy herd, horses, swine, pigs and poultry, the property of Bill Fuller, lot 2, con. 6 King Twp. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Manning McEwen, auct. choice 50 acre farm, als’o farm stoek, near new A.‘C. tractor on rubber, implements, hay, hogs, 400 pullets, poultry equipment, ensilage, etc., the property of estate of late- Séntley Hill, at part of lot 2, con. 5 Mark- ham twp., 11/; miles west from Milli- ken. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve on chattels. Farm offered at 3.15 p.m. subject to reserve bid. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Auction sale of household furniture, cooking utenslj‘}. tools, etc, the property of Chas..'_E. Stiver, Unionville (first street noljth of No. 7 Highway). Sale at 1 Terms cash. No reserve,‘propé§gy, sold. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. " WEDNESDAY. Dec. ‘EflieAuction sale of 100 acre choice :dairy‘ and grain farm. also near newe-‘eFord- Ferguson tractor and tractOr and horse implements, Surge .milker, dairy cattle, horses, hay, "grain. household furniture, etc.,_;n_orth-balf lot 20, con. 2 Scarboro, east of Agin- court, property of Jno. D. McMichall. Sale at 1 pm. 'Terms cash. No re- serve on chattels. PrOperty offered at 3 pm. subject to reserve bid. F'ur~ ther particulars on dav of sale. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. DEC. 12â€"EXten‘sive auction sale of modern farxii equip: ment including tractors, power and horse driven implements, along with farm stock, etc., on lot 34, con. D Scarboro, property belonging to the estate of the late Wm. T. Harris. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Posi- tively no reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. FRIDAY, DEC. 14Auction sale 0f high grade Jersey cattle (23 head). milking machine, ensilage, the propâ€" erty of W; L. Clarke, lot 10, con. 4 Markham on No. 7 Highway. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28 â€" Auction sale of cattle, horses, pigs, 67 sheep, 450 laying pullets, grain, hay, im- plements, 1936 Oldsmobile in Al com dition, the property'of Jerry'Sibley at Lot 12, Con. 7 Whitchurch, 3/4 mile north of Lemonvilles See large posters for details. Farm has been sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Aylmet Clarke, clerk. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. SATURDAY. DEC. 1â€"Auction saleJ of near new poultry equipment, hig class and modern household fun“ ture, garden tools, etc., at part lot 29, con. 4 Scarboro Twp. on Kennedy Road, 1 mile south of Milliken, the property of Howard H. Kerr. S at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No 1' serve. Ken and Clarke Prenti auctioneers. All persons having claims against the estate of the late Jessie McKin- non, Spinster, late of the Village of Richmond Hill. Ontario, who died on October 1st, 1945 must submit the same in Writing to the undersigned not later than December 10th, 1945 after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed. Morley Smith, K.C., 'l 330 Bay. Street, Toronto, Solicitor for Mrs. Jean Smith, Executrix. FRIDAY, NOV. 23â€"Auction‘ shle of SATURDAY, NOV. 24th â€" Aucrtion Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS Sale Register

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