Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1945, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR RED CROSS NOTES A business meeting of the mem- bers of the Red Cross will be held Wednesday, December 5 in the work room at 3 p.m. At this meeting it will be discussed as to the length of time the work room will remain 0 en. It is hoped a large number of ladies will be present to take part in this important discussion. Junior O.H.A. Team Practices Saturday The Richmond Hill Jr. O.H.A. team will take to the ice Saturday after- noon for their third practice of the season. At this practice this year’s team might be picked and by next week we will be able to give more definite information on who will be on the line-up. MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR THE LATE JOHN STANNERS A memorial service was held last Sunday morning in West United Church, Toronto, in memory of the late John Sitanners, who with his wife resided with his daughter Mrs. O. L. Wright, Richmond Hill, for seven years. A special missionary fund is being raised to be known as the John Stanners Fund as a memor- ial to his life long activity and in- terest in church work. CHUM The Sunday Morning Service of The Peoples Church, 100 Bloor East, Toronto, is broadcast over the world’s newest Radio Staâ€" tion, CHUM, every Sunday from 11 ‘until 12.15 noon. Bright gosâ€" pel preaching. Inspiring singing. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. Rigigtétgi’éiélgiétéigiéig This Christmas delight the whole family with recordings. HIT PARADE It’s been a long, long timeâ€"Spivak But I Didâ€"Dinah Shore Holiday F01"St1‘ing‘Sâ€"Spike Jones At The Fat Man’sâ€"Tommy Dorsey Chloeâ€"Tommy Dorsey Come To Me Baby, Dolâ€"Ellington Along the Navajo Trailâ€"Roy Rogers It might as wellbe spring S. Kaye I Got Rhythmâ€"Benny Goodman Symphonyâ€"Freddy Martin No Can DoTFour King Sisters Chickery Chickâ€"Sammy Kaye POPULAR ALBUMS Benny Goodman’s Sextet Moonlight Sonata ’OIgy and Bessâ€"Spivak Dickens’ Clnistmas Carol 31ues On Paradeâ€"Woody Herman Musical Americanaâ€"Raymond Paige Christmas and Children’s Records YEREX ELECTRIC YONGE ST. RICHMOND HILL TELEPHONE 242 ,- THE Voters’ Open Forum (Continued frOm Page 1) behalf“ of Capt. McLean. His conâ€" tribution is as follows:â€" “Richmond Hill, along with all other communities, is confronting a new educational problem, the prob- lem of channeling instruction to per- sons no longer attending school. The boy or girl who was obliged to leave school with education unfinished should not be denied the right to further instruction. Usually, he is looking for and requires technical training, [but whether that is his need or whether he wishes to ad- vance his general education, he should be given the chance to do so. We have the buildings and we have the equipment, and the student, now earning an income, be it ever so small, could and would want to spare the trivial cost of tuition. There- fore, there would be no reason what- ever to worry over the possibility of community education increasing taxes so long as “Jimmie” McLean and his like are in council to direct the enterprise. “ ‘Jim’ McLean would not be the son of a father who gave to the village of his best as councillor if he was given to rash promises. Instead of so committing himself or of con- fining his representations to glitt- ering generalities, he does promise a well organized attempt to attract progressive industrial concerns that will afford employment for people of the village, and by sharing the cost of municipal government and expan-r sion, keep dowu the tax rate while at the same time affording us any needed improvements. He proposes also that council plan for the reha- bilitation of local veterans in civic life, and he promises to give careful thought to the various proposals for a war memorial in keeping with the self' respect of the citizens, but not on the extravagant side. Costs, upâ€" keep and public disposition towards any such project will certainly re- ceive his best attention.” Wes. Middleton My policy as a councillor has been always to run the affairs of the village as you would your own busi- ness. A man wouldn’t put a debt on his home that would be a burden to him if he was sensible. Then why should he do such a thing with other people’s money in village affairs? I have always tried to serve the villâ€" age in a'practical way. Progress? Sure, but. in a sens- ible way. I believe in being out- spoken if it is in the interest of the municipality to let people know how I stand. That, of course, is not al- ways a good way to get votes, but it is my way of doing things. Of the 27 years I have lived in Richmond Hill, I have served almost half that time on the council. I’ll never be a pussy-footer on or off the council and I think the majority of the people do not want a councillor to be one. . Ralph W. Paris I wish to thank The Liberal for the opportunity of presenting: First, a brief review of some of the work accomplished by the council this year; secondly, an expression of my own aims and aspirations for Richâ€" mond Hill in 1946 should I he elect~ ed as councillor. Though their efforts have been necessarily curtailed due to wartime exigencies, several worthwhile meaâ€" sures have been inaugurated. The collection of garbage (1113‘ng the summer months has meant the elim- ination of an unsanitary condition vaVOOOONOOOWOOOOWOWOQMQOOVMOOW 3 . o o o o .3 Gillies Flying SerVIce Gillie-s Airport â€" Buttonville PHONE STOUFFVILLE 9120 Learn to fly Now and keep up with the times. Lowest Rates. ‘5 Passenger Flights See the Country from the air. ¢OOOOOOMOWMMOOOOQOOOOOOOO MOOOOWOOOOOOOWOWOWMOMW smWasassmsg Christmas Gifts __AT__ BRATHWAITE’S Here you will find useful gifts for every person on your list. r CHINA AND SKIS AND SKI EQUIPMENT SKATING OUTFITS, SLEIGHS, Etc. Shop as early as you can for best selec- tion. ,We will hold any article for you until Christmas. RALPH W. PARIS, Manager (In all 5i F m iii GLASSWARE . 5‘3 ' swewsasezstasess WWWW Which was an annoyance to all. The weekly gathering of ashes in the Winter does away with those un- sightly piles which, with the dcâ€" parture of snow loomed up in every garden. Thc new amplifying system in the arena provides a public address hook- up, plus a much improved sound sys- tem for the playing of music on skating nights (Monday, Wednesday burg. M and Saturday). The enlarged club room in the park will permit many more men of our village to take advantage of the pridlcges offered at the Curling Club. This room will also DI'IPV'IJC appropriate quarters for the display of handicraft, etc. on Fair day. The opening up of new roads has facilitated travel on our streets. These and other works accomp- lished, show that your council has been alive to the needs of til; com- munity. During the year the council has given considerable thought to the preparation of plans for the install- ation of a sewage system. This we have planned as our major post-war undertaking. The year 194p should see the commencement of this work. As I stated at the nomination meeting I have in mind the im- provement of our town pa-fik. At a moderate cost the old track, which is no longer used, could be tilled in. When drained and graded the entire park area would be available for use. Proper playing field: for sports could be established, plus a picnic area perhaps at the castein end. As a long range programme (upon ,the~completion of the sewage sys- tem) I would like to see the con- struction of permanent ioadways {or iour town, designated sections to he completed each year. I In the council you elect on Monliy next, will be vested the power to shape a post-war Richmond Hill. Careful planning and sound judg- ment will required, this in order that the i'atepayer may receive full value for money expended. Having, I feel, merited the confi- dence you havcx placed in me for the last three years, I am again seekâ€" ing election as councillor and would therefore bespcak your support on election day. OMITTED LAST WEEK Last week in the article of Thanks to all who helped in the collection of clothing the names of Little Bros. and Paris Auto Supply were omitted, EDGELEY Attention, ladies! The Edgcley W'omen’s Institute will meet at the home of Mrs. Edgar Phillips Thursâ€" day afternoon, December Gth at 2.30. The roll call is to be answered by a gift for a child. The motto, “Life's greatest happiness is found in makâ€" ing others happj.”. The subject. “Christmas customs in other lands” will be taken by Miss Evelyn Espcy. A very interesting part of the pro- gram is a pot luck supper to which everybody is kindly asked to contri- bute and to which every lady in the community is heartily invited. A very interesting farm meeting and showing of films was held in the Edgeley hall on Monday even- ing, November 23rd. Many new and easy ways to save much work and trouble in farming were shown he- sides some very entertaining films as well. The wearing qualities of Fll'iâ€" stone tires and what they could a:- complish on the diffeient machines were well demonstrated. Mr. Earl Williams, the agent, was there to answer questions and he gave a little extra information as well. Of course in order to have this wonder» ful machinery do the work they must have the proper lubricants. They have the product and Mr. Joe Keffâ€" er, the representative, can supply you at Keffer’s Service Station. Mrs. Annie Mortson of Victoria Square is spending a week with her daughter Mrs. C. S. Stoug. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Topper and Mary had tea with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Broadbelt on Sunday. Mr. Donald Elliott, accompanied by his mother of Toronto, are spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives in Chatham and London. The Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider Mon- day evening with a fair attendance. The Young People’s Choir were in- vited to officiate at the Maple Young People’s installation service Sunday evening. Afterward they were onâ€" tertained by them at the United Church parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bagg spent Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Giffen, Toronto. Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Dalziel and Chas. Agnew, Mrs. Alf. Bagg, Don- ald and Mrs. Frank Locke attended the funeral of the late Jack McCal- lum, a former school teacher here. Mr. McCallum made many friends while living in this community alnd his wife and family \have their deepâ€" est sympathy in their very sad be- reavement. Mrs. Norman Lewis, Mrs. Joseph Keffer and Mrs. Alf. Bagg attended the bazaar and tea at Mrs. White’s, Maple, held under the auspices of the Lutheran Church. INSURANCE. OF ALL KINDS See A. G. Savage and ask to have the new Personal Property Floater shown to you. Covers all your Personal Property against fire, property damage, theftâ€"a com- plete coverage for all your belongings. A. G. SAVAGE, Agent LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO __‘â€"____â€"â€" Classified Advertising TIIIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST Oi“ l'l‘. RA‘I‘ESvrivc lines or less, :15 cents for liist inserion and .1.) to .L4 for each subsequent inserzion. cach insertion. IF CHARGED N FOR SALE STOVE, air ciiculatoi‘.-J. Vande-nâ€"A ill Rd., Richvale. c1w22 25 OR 30 TON BALED-HAY. April? Thos. Mashinter, Maple RR. 2. *1w22 BABYlS CRIB, ivory, goodicondi- tion. Apply telephone 32w Richmond Hill. *1w22 1 RED cow, just freshened, heifer calf. J. Vandenberg, Mill Rd., Rich- vale. c1w22 MAN'S WINTER OVERCOAT, size 40, in good condition, $5.00. Apply Liberal Office. BICYCLE, man’s, in good running- cider, reasonable. Apply Liberal Office. 100 LEGHORN HENS; also 1 car trailer. Apply J. W. Stephenson, phone Richmond Hill 4502. c1w22 25 AND 30 FT. HYDRO POLES, de- livered. Line; built on pr.vate prop- erty, and wiring. Phone Markham 741‘4. *7w21. PAIR OF HOCKEY SKATES, ERG. C.C.M., in excellent shape, size Tl/i. price $4.00. Telephone Thornhill 511‘15. c1w22 FURNACETTE, brOWn enamel, lge. size, like new, will burn coal or wood. Apply G. W. Keffer, phone Maple 63124. clw22 45 BARRED‘RD’CK COCKERRLS, INE CENTS PER LINE. BRICKS, face. 257. Aiip'y M be iodnar, RR. '1 Richmond Hill, con- ccssion 2. “lw22 GASOLINE ENGINE. Briggs and Stratton, 12' h.p. Bartcr's Service Station, Richy-ale. *1w22 2 COCKER SPANIELS, male and female. Apply Mrs. Edwards, Spruce Ave., Richvale. *lw22 CONCRETRTDXER. ncw, hand or can be used with l/«l hp. motor. Langstaff Supply, La~ig<tiiff. ’-"1w23 GIRL’S MAROON FUR I‘RIMMED WINTER COAT, goal condition, size 12-14, price $5. Apply Liberal Office. 1 CHUNK about 60 lbs. or will ex- change for poultry. Mrs. H. Steph- ens, Yongchurst Rd., StOp 24 Rich- mond Hill. *1w21. FOR RADIO, refrigerator, washing machine and electriral appliance re- pairs phone Gco. A. Kelson Co., Thornhill 177. tf21. TOYS, strongly built, wooden toys, hobby horses, rocking horses, pull toys, trucks, etc. 146 Yonge Street, directly opposite the Mill. *6w21. ANGORA RABBITS,20; Hutches, 16, lst class stock; dining room suite; Maple bookcases and tables, and range. Stouffville, phone 73105. cleg BABY SWIN for car; electric bottle warmer; baby’s crib and matâ€" tress, small .~ize. Appiy N. D. Hick, good weight, ready for market. Apâ€"l Langstaff, phone Thomhill my ply Mrs. Taylor, 10 May Ave., Stop 24A Yonge St., Richmond Hill. *1w22 ELECTRIC RANGE. McClai'y, three elements and reliable oven, splendid condition. Inspection, Richmond Hill. Owner, 79 Walker Ave., Toronto, phone Midway 1560 evening. 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE, garage, all conveniences, furnace, large lot, many extras, owner, 8 Ruseview Ave., Richmond Hill, immediate pos- session. Plionc Lloydbrook 908-1. c1w22 GIRL'S WINTER COAT, fur trimmâ€" ed, size 17, price 310; also 2 \vhccl trailer, price .335; 7" bench saw, in- cluding motor and stand, piice 835. Apply telephone 4612.} lichznond Hill. "iliv22 1932 FORD COACH, 4 cylinder, in first class condition. Apply Arthur Jackson, RR. 1 Downsview. *1w22 PIGS, 8 chunks, around 50 lb. each. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 281‘11. *1w22 S-ROOM HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls ai.d suni'oOn., garage, large lei. This house has all conveniences, 10» cated in Richmond hid. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street E.. Richmond Hill. ’ tfc. POTATOES, No. 1’s, any amount, 100 1b. bags or 75 lb. bags. No or- der too large or too small. Let me quote you a price on a car lot. See me before you buy. Apply W. H. Burns, Brookside Road. *1w22 PONY CART, 2 wheel,“ good condi- tion, also complete harness, bridle and western saddle. Tricycle, small size, good condition. McLean Trad- ing Co., David H. McLean, 12 John St., Thornhill, phone 79. "1w22 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, \Voods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milncrs, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Motâ€" ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St, Toronto. tfc. .COUGHS, BROKEN WIND, colds, distemper, etc., quickly mastered by Zev where everything else fails. Try this great remeiy, made by the mak- ers of Buckley's Mixture, if you have an animal suffering from any respiratory malady. $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer’s. c4w21. M-H 101 “JUNIOR” TRACTOR on rubber, in excellent condition, truck wagon; hand cutting box; new Beatty water pressure systems on hand (no permit required); pressure, tanks; litter carrier tubs. Also Mâ€"HI Harold Rite-“lay milkers on hand phone W. Mortson, Richmond H'll, 93W. c‘_‘w21. NEED ANYTHING HERE? Chick brooder, large size, coil burning, S12; stanchion, $3.50; Oak barrel, $3; cross cut saw, new, one man size, 41/; ft., $7; sledge hammer, new, 6 1b., $3; box stove, new. $9; post hole auger, 10 inch,'$4; post hole digger, new, $4; toilet bowl in crate. R. S. Mason, 3rd house south of Richmond Hill on Yonge St., east side, phone 236. *1w22 HERE IT IS MOM, the sweetest of gifts for the dream home this Xmas, You can always hook a stream line date with Baker’s Sweetner, it’s nev- er too late. Feed him tasty pie and cake. You will always do your part if you possess a Baker’s Sweetner chart, you know the way to a man’s heart, feed the brute, he‘ll do the part. 233 gallons Baker’s Sweetner sold over the week-end. People like it, “it’s good". $5.00 worth Baker’s Sweetncr is as sweet at 814 north of sugar. Guaranteed as represent- ed or money back. No coupons, no bitter taste, sugary taste. 25 Oz. 25c., 40 oz. 85C, 112 gal. 65c., 1 gal. $1.25. 5 gals. $5.00, 10 gals. $9.50 (containers extra) 25 02. 1c., 40 OZ. 10c., 1 4 gal. 15c., gallon jugs and cans 25c. NO shipment less than $1.50. We pay express up to 100 miles if money order accompanies order for 6 or more gallons (no cheques). Geo. E. Baker. Plim.B.. manufacturing chemist, Stouffville. '1‘ 1w22 4 ROOM HOUSE wi.h garage, hcn house, hydro, good well and 2 acres of land at Richmond Hill. Apply Melvin Baker, pizorie 4522 Richmond Hill. “3w’12 DON‘T LET YOUR DOG DIE from distemper, or let h'm suffer from coughs, colds, intestinal flu. A few doses of Zev, made by the makers of Buckley’s Mixture, gives quick relief. 50c. and $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer‘s. c4w21. ‘v'E ARE NOW taking orders for R.O.P. Sii'ed White I,€gh01‘n chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nesting under R.O.I’. since 1035. For 1'8- turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise not to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thorn. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 29m, 1945 â€" - V MISCELLANEOUS WILL DO WELL DIGGING. Apply Frank York, RR. 1 Maple. tfc. SLENDER TABLETS are effective. _ . 2 \'>eks' su l' 1' 12 wee“s’ at ()ver 0 lines 5 cents per life 1.1 :i l u pp) $ ' A $5, l Scotchmer’s Drug Store. c4w21. ' lti.~\)ISI‘ER, ploughing, grading and icliars dug. Apply Bert Smith, phone Richmond Hill 1341‘12. tfc. REST lIOME, accommodation and caie for elderly persons, tray serâ€" Vite, reasonablg. Apply phone Thornâ€" hill 16r21. *2w21. FOR RADIO, refrigerator, washing machine and electrical appliance re- pairs phone Gco. A. Kclson Co., 'fihornhill 177. tf21. 2 MEN would like work, carpenter- ing, cementing and wrecking done. Apply 96 Yonge St. or write Box 228 Richmond Hill. P. INGLES & SONS, general con- tractors, Jefferson, Ont. All kinds ccment work, barns remodelled. Tele- phone Richmond Hill 196r12. tfc. CORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the effcctive corn remedy. 50c. at. Scotchmer's Drug StOie. c4w21. SURGE SERVICE and milkers. Gen- uine Surge parts, 24 hour service. Write 01' phone H. Elliott, 160 King St., Weston, phone 1015J. *10w21. , SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charzty, Yonge Street and Brookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tfc. .____â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood cniving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond .r H11. tfc. SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds of paint work. Experienced workman- sh.p. Estimates cheerfully given. G. Dahl, Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 31r32. . tfc. FURS REP/ TRED T0 MODEL, make new c r, 0 order and we have all kinds J1 llLCK. scarfs. John Donald, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 49r22. *9w2]. iwiLL THE PARTY who picked up a Pine board 9 ft. by 20% inches between Aurora and Richmond Hill kindly notify N. G. VanDyke, Rich- mond Hill. Reward. *1w22 ELECTRICAL WIRING, houses, arm buildings, specializing in school wiring. Territory includes Richmond Hill and vicinity. Apply Forth Elec- tric, Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- berg. , *4w21. COUGHS, COLD‘S, DISTEMPER mastered in less time than you ever thought possible with Zev, the re- markable veterinary remedy that; works on nose, throat, bronchial tract. Zev, made by the makers of hill, Ont. *7w21. ‘iVAN’l‘ED WOMAN for IIOUSQW'U'IC, twice week. ly. Apply Liberal Office. ’1' DOLL DRESSER, not too small. Phone 78 Richmond Hill. c1w22 ray RENEE» Xmas gif‘; for litrlc ~ ;ii. , Apply telephone. 151 Richmond Hill. c1w22 1 BABY‘S GOâ€"CART, reasonable. Apply 138 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. c1w22 CARETAKER for Trinity Church, Thornhill. Apply W. C. L. Ball, Thornhill. c2w21. 2 COLONY HOUSES in or around vicinity of Edgeley. Mrs.’Ne1son Buckley's Mixture, gives amazing results in the most stubborn cases. $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotch- mer’s. c4w21. LOST GOLD BRACELET with locket with inset of pearls. Reward. Apply Mrs, iCasement, 12 Wright St., Richmond Hill. ‘ "1w22. TO RENT 2 ROOM HOUSE at $6 per 'month. Garage for car can be supplied for $4 extra. Apply Norman McKinâ€" non, Teston, Maple RR. 1, telephone 6515 Maple. c2w21. Pcelar, phonc Maple ’.1r:3‘_’. c1w22 ELDERLY LADY for 3 adults, all city conveniences, radio in bedroom. iApply P.O. Box 36 Richmond Hill. ch22 HOU‘SE REQUIRED for spring possession, in good repair. Good , cash payment. Apply Box 61 The Liberal. ’5‘3w21. CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sizes) at Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone King 591‘32. tfc. HOR‘SES to kill, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. iBOY CLERK for butcher Shop in Willowdale district, age 17â€"20, full ltime. no experience neczssary. Apply 'Selcctive Service T753. c1\v22 RADIOS, bicycles, electrical appli- ances and good used toys wanted for cash. McLean Trading Co., David H. McLean, 1‘2 John St., Thornhill, phone 79. *2w21. TRANSPORTATION, both ways, leaving Richmoid Hill at 7.15 to 7.40 a.m., leaving Toronto 4.30 to GHQ 01' 4J5 p.m. Kindly telephone Rich- mond Hill 227. "1w22 TRANSPORTATION to and from in order to be at Spddina and King St. about ten at 5.30 p.m. Richmond Hill. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RICH- MOND HILL or KING 24r4 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. to eight; returning Apply Liberal Office, 7 tfc. Turner’s Welding Service Electric & Acetylene Welding of all kinds. Portable Equipment Les. Turner Markham Road he city, leaving Step 22 Yonge St. 1 BOX 118 Richmond Hill Prompt Specialized Radio & Electrical ~ Service YEREX ELECTRIC Yonge Street Phone 242 ‘b TAXES The Third instalment of the current year’s Taxes is due on NOVEMBER 15th Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be imposed after DECEMBER 5th Richmond Hill, Nov. 12th, 1945. RUSSELL LYNETT, Treasurer. RADIO REPAIRS - PICK UP AND DELIVERY FAST SERVICE ____.._. H. W. OWEN Telephone King 43r12 Vaughan Council The regular meeting of Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Council Chamber, Maple TUESDAY, DEC. 4th AT 1.00 P.M. for the transaction of general busi- ness. Dated at Maple this 20th day of lNovember, 1045. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk.

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