Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1945, p. 7

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OED I 2% MRS. JERRY SMITH g; agwwgzawwwwa 9&QfiWfiéWfi’fié 9:0 Christmas Time Is Gift Time The family of the late Mrs. Hop- kins wish to express to their many friends of Richmond Hill their ap- preciation for floral tributes, sym- pathy, and assistance which proved so comforting in their recent be- reavement. WW§3§3§3§3§3§ W%§a§a§a§a§a§a§a§z§fi Jack Saigeon and grandmother‘ Mrs. Watson wish to thank their‘ many friends for their kind expres-‘ sions of sympathy curing their re- cent bereavement. Mr. Noxman Gifien and family wish to thank their many friends for their thoughtful interest and gym. pathy, also the kind neighbours for their assistance at the time of the recent loss cf their wife and mother.‘ ‘ Mrs. O. L. Wright has returned AIGNEWâ€"Mr. and Mrs. David Ag- after spending six weeks with her neW, Concord, wish to announce the‘son Dr. A. J. Laverne Wright, Parry birth of their son, David Alexander,‘Sound. She was accompanied by her on Tuesday, November 20, 1945, at‘granddaughter. Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home, Maple_l m “ ‘__â€" p E LL BIRTHS ELLIOTTâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Elliott, Oak Ave., Rfchvale, wish to announce the birth of their daughtfir Christine Mary, a sister for Eliza- beth, on Wednesday, November 14, 1945 at Mrs. Hoover’s Nursing Home, Maple. Masonic Hall THE SATURDAY, DECEMBER _1st .AT 3 RM. in the Sunday School Room HOME BAKING ‘ HOME-MADE CANDY TOUCH-AND-TAKE BRIDGE PARTIES TEA CUP READING AT LATER DATES WHICH WILL BE ANNOUNCED FANCY WORK Under the auspices of the Women’s Association Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church RICHMOND HILL Saturday, Dec. lst THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29th, 1945. CHINAWARE and the nicest gifts naturally come from the Gift Shoppe, so if you are wise you will be an early shopper and get the best choice from a wide variety of CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Matinee for Children Saturday Afternoon Commencing at 2.30 o'clock 2 Evening Shows starting at 7 and 9 pm. ADDED ATTRACTION ‘â€" “DAME SHY For information call Richmond Hill 159W OPEN WEEK DAYS 11 A.M. TO 7 RM. SUNDAYS 5 RM. T0 8 RM. FULL COURSE DINNERS At 28 and 30 Yonge St., Richmond Hill COME AND BRING YOUR FRIENDS EVERYBODY WELCOME ‘6 IT’S CHAN’S NEWEST MYSTERY BAZAAR 0:0 0:10 THE CHINESE CAT SHOWING AT THE 101 YONGE , STREET MRS. I. HOOVER, Proprietor THE GIFT SHOPPE AFTERNOON TEA â€"-â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" CHARLIE CHAN in ._ xRE GLASSWARE STATIONERY on' display in ODD 0E0 WI“ 1 The W.M.S. of the United Church will meet in the SS. room Thurs- day, December 6th at 3 p.m. A spe- cial Xmas programme has been prE- pared. The election of officers will take place. The December meeting of the W.C. T.U. will be held at the home of Mrs. I. D. Ramer on Tuesday, Dec. 4th at 3 p.m. A11 ladies of the com- munity are cordially invited to at- tend this meeting. The members of St. Mary’s Ang- lican W.A. are urgently requested to attend the business and devotional meeting on Tuesday next, December 4th in the Parish Hall. Nominations for the election of officers for the ensuing year will be held The December meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. will be held at the manse on Thursday, December 6 at 3 pm. Everyone is cordially invited. Capt. G. A. and Mrs. Graham have returned to Cornwallis after spend- ing the week-end with Dr. R. K. and Mrs. Young, Church St. AFTERNOON TEAS HOUSE PLANTS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J” TEA ROOM OED N Sherwood-Unionville Parish- S. Cooper, Pastor, Maple December 2nd lst Advent Bethesda, Unionville 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"The Service. Zion, Sherwood 1.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.â€"â€"The Service. 7.30 p.m.â€"The Young People, showing missionary pictures. lSermon theme â€" “God’s Manifold Grace.” All are welcxte. ing, D.D., Bishop of the Arctic. 7.30 -p.m.â€"The Most Rev. D. T. Owen, D;D., D.C.L., Archbishop of Toronto and Primate of Canada. The public cordially invited to cele- brate the anniversary with us. Special Thank Offering for Steeple Repair Fund. '73RD ANNIVERSARY 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"The Right Rev. A. L. Flem- ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL The Land of the Midnight Sun Rev. D. Hackett will give an inter- esting, educational and instructive lecture, using coloured Slides. Friday, Nov. 30th, 8 pm. FREE ALL WELCOME Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Miss Bernice Lightbody, A.Mus., L.T.C.L., Organist Sunday, Dec. 2nd Advent Sunday Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Dec. 2nd 10 a.m.â€"+Sunaay School. 11 a.m.â€"Communion Service. 7 pZfii.â€"â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. The home coming for A./B. Stuart Clement, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clement was a happy occasion for the family as well as neighbors and friends. Stuart arrived home last Monday morning after two years and eight months active service. As a gunner on a Defensive Equipped Merchant Ship of the Canadian Navy Stuart has travelled fairly well around the world including such places as Africa, India, Australia, New Zealand and South America. After his furlough he expects to re- ceive his discharge. We are pleased to report that Alf. Elliott is now attending the Ontario College of Art, Toronto. Alf. was in the army five years, 53 months overseas. Although only 23 years old, he already has‘ a picture hung in the Royal Art Academy in Ott- awa. This picture was painted while he was convalescing in hospital in England. Before his enlistment he attended Northern Vocational Art Dept. for two years in View of ent- ering the advertising world. His many friends wish him every suc- cess. ple’s Society. Thurs., Dec. 6,7 3 p.m.â€"The annual Sunday, Dec. 2nd 10.30 a.m.â€"The Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"â€"Public Worship. Prepar- atory service. Mon., Dec. 3, 8 p.m.â€"Young Peo- ‘IIIAINGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastorâ€"DruM. H. Blandin meeiing of {he W.M.S. All are welcome. At a recent meeting of horticul- turists held at Thornhill R. D. Little of Richmond Hill was elected Dire."â€" tor of District No. 5 of Ontario Hort- icultural Association succeed'_ng Mr. Lionel Godson of Toronto. District No. 5 covers the czunties of York and Ontario in which there are 31 active horticultural societies. The Toy Fair is to he held on Sat- urday afternoon, December 8th next, in the Parish Hall of St. Mary’s Anglican Church. There will be a good assortment of children’s toys such as 's‘tuffed animals and Wooden toys to choose from, so come and do your Christmas shopping then. Will you please remember the sale of home-made baking and miscellan- eous articles to be held in the Unit- ed Church Sunday School room on Saturday, December 8th, beginning at 3 pm. Remember Saturday, December 1 is the day you go to the Bazaar at the Presbyterian Church. There you will find good things to eat, pretty things to wear, and attractive things for Christmas gifts. Richmond Hill High School and Public School wish to announce the forthcoming Christmas musical to be held Thursday and Friday, Decem- ber 13 and 14. TlIE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The Rumble Avenue Ratepayers’ Association will hold their regular meeting on Friday, December 7 at the home of Mrs. Glenn, Rumble Ave. RW‘ Mrs. R. D. Little, Vaughan Road, attended the anniversary services of St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Lind- say, held last Sunday. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Wm. Neal upon the passing of her brother J. F. McCallum last Saturday. St. Mary’s Evening Guild will hold its next. meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday evening next at 8.30.' Mrs. Stuart Parker of Toronto will open the Bazaar on Saturday at the Pzesbyterian Church at 3 pm. THE LUTHERAN CHL' RCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH ELOCUTION, PUBL’IC SPEAKING DRAMATIC ART Studios WE‘LCHâ€"In loving? mé1fiory of Our darling mother and Gran, Adeline Welch, who passed away Nov. 27th, 1944. â€"A1ways remembered by daugh ter Evelyne and Grandsons. The death occurred recently in St. Michael’s hospital, Toronto, of Thomas Henry (Harry) Glover in his 69th year. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Glover and moved to Richmond Hill with his parents at the age of five years. He is survived by Miss Lizzie Glover of Richmond Hill, George and Bever- ley of Toronto, and Mrs. Margaret Lappin of Toronto. He was buried with Requiem Mass, the funeral be- ing from St. Mary Immaculate church to St. Luke’s cemetery, Thornhill. Pallbearers were A: Eden, Wm. Cos- grove, Vincent McCullough, Wm. Mc- Quillen, A. Savage and W. Heydon. The late Mr. Glover was well known to sport fans of Richmond Hill as ticket seller at the Arena. The congregation of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, is fortunate in having as guest preach- ers for the 73rd anniversary serv- ices on Sunday next, two of Can- ada’s outstanding lhurdh leaders. Bishop Fleming is one of the leaders in missionary work. Known as “The Flying Bishop” of the Arrtic. Bish«‘p Fleming was the first to make use of the aeroplane in travelling about his diocese. The Diocese of the Arctic covers a territorial area of two and a quarter million square miles, a land area of 1,204,697 Square miles, or one-third of the Dominion of Canada. Dr. Fleming is a forcâ€" ible speaker with many romantic stories to tell of the land of "The Midnight Sun". He will preach at the 11 a.m. service. Archbishop Owen, the beloved Primate of Can- ada is~fond of, Richmond Hill. His work of Primate takes him to many parts of the Dominion, and in addi- tion he has to administer the great Diocese of Toronto. Dr. Owen is president of the Canadian Council of Churches. He will preach at th= 7.30 pm. service. Arena Ticket Man Harry Glover Passes Church Leaders To Visit St. Mary’s “Homewood Hall”, ‘I‘hornhill Phone 89W Bank of Commerce Building 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto Celery Hearts (Graduate of the Owen émily §tggio> Cbbk‘iig” 0ni0ns3LBS'15C Waxed Turnips NO. 1 GRADE CRISP GREEN 01- WHITE NO. 1 GRADE JUICY FLORIDA lceCreamPowderg 14c ‘ Saro‘iir Corn Flakes - FRUIT - VEGETABLES MON ARCH Pastry Flour Marguerite Boyle Célatine - 5 19C Coffee - - DAVIS Cheese -- Ji$§§§é§dge 1:8 17c Kam - - 290 KRAFT or CHATEAU RED ROSE LONDONDERRY DR. JACKSON’S IN MEMORIAM DUUUDD‘) gag-5170 | craggrmn .. 5§25c ORANGES == 39C LBS. TELEPHONE 119 RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR Solve Your Gift Problem with a g 7 J a £22 “PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY APPLIANCE AND SALES Complete Guaranteed Repairs Radio ~-- Furniture â€" Refrigeration Telephone Thornhill 63r13 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 HURD HATFIELD, GEORGE SANDERS, DONNA REED Wednesday and Thursday, December 5, 6 JACK HALEY, JEAN PARKER “ONE BODY TOO MANY” DONALD DUCK - AURORA MIRANDA CARMEN MOLINA - PANCHITA THE THREE CABALEROS” â€" _ â€" ALSO _ _ _~ JOAN DAVIS, LEON ERROL Monday and Tuesday, December 3, 4 GIFT THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED â€"â€" â€"- â€" AND -â€"- â€" â€" GLORIA JEAN, ERIC BLORE “EASY TO LOOK AT ” SHE GETS HER MAN” BLACKBURN’S Mifiéfimam Soup 3% 25¢: Séuce - 29C MAXWELL HOUSE Coffee - - $123430 BABY Chedder Cheese v9? 39c Jévex - - Tbiiet Soap. 25C FAIR HAVEN Sarciines 7C €£ééh°‘i§é§£§. 25¢ SWlezf‘ulu’otaloes 2g; 2 1 C TENDER STRINGLESS NO. 1 GRADE MARSH SEEDLESS PKGS. PAGE SEVEN

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