THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th. 1945. PAGE TWO THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO “THE LIBERAL†An Independent Weekly â€"â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year; To the United States $2.00 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1945. BUYING IN RICHMOND HILL A representative of The Liberal has been making an interesting survey of the possibilities of Christmas shopp- ing in Toronto and Richmond Hill. He has discovered that the village stores have a variety of merchandise suitable for gifts as tempting as anything to be obtained in the city, just as reasonably priced, and purchasable without the energy-spending effort of pushing through crowds. A moment or so of reflection will show that not only is this representation of conditions factual, but that it creates a certain responsibility for the resident of Rich- mond Hill. The merchants of this village buy the same goods as do the merchants of Toronto, from the same manufacturers - and wholesalers, and at the same prices. Hence, they are able to compete in every way with the city stores. One does at times hear tales of how large Toronto stores will gobble up merchandise from small manufacturers at enor- mous price concessions and thus put themselves in a posi- tion to undersell all competitors. That may be true Once in a while with a manufacturer in financial difficulties, but even he will not take less than he can get for his goods. And buying in exceptional quantities, an element involved in ‘factory-output’ sacrifice sales, is no longer the preroga- tive of the retailer who does business on an extraordinary large scale. Retail buying grOups have given the small retailer an advantage in that particular as complete as any enjoyed by a merchant prince. So in his own self interest, the Richmond Hill resi- dent should patronize the stores of his village for many of the articles he requires for Christmas. By so doing, he is favoring himself as much as the local stores. And even when he helps the Richmond Hill merchants stay in business by confining his purchases to the stores here, he is also helping himself maintain establishments where at any time he can make what may be called “convenience†purchases, and he is furthermore, keeping down his own taxes by sharing the tax burden with Yonge Street store owners instead of having to defray it all himself. GOOD GOVERNMENT’S BIRTH Prof. Howard Mumford Jones of Harvard University contributes a striking article to the New York Times Book Review in which he holds that Democracy begins at hOme. It is the professor’s opinion that the fundamental error of those who take broad and progressive Views is that they fix their eyes too rigidly upon the “great†questions and never face the “little’ questions which are really the more fundamental. ‘Richmond Hill held its annual municipal election a few days ago, and in view of the number of persons who voted out of the possible number, as set forth in the election l‘CcOI‘iiS, the Harvard man’s views should be of special interest. He points out that it is more stimulating to plan for the disposal of billions of dollars of national revenue, or to deal With general problems of political seieiice than it is to inquire into the needs of the village School board or into the policies of the local council. But. says he, the great plans and dreams will never be realized until someâ€" thing of the vision is brought into the minds of the “little†local people in whom the democratic power in fact resides. “We dream of ‘difficult ways to magnificent hopes’ and witness the steady decay of village government,†says Prof. Jones. “We expect our legislators to legislate with the wisdom of Plato and the science of Aristotle, and con~ tinue to allow small groups of voters to pick our repreâ€" sentatives for any and all public offices.†“It is plain from Prof. Jones’ words,†says one critic, “that the tendency to draw away from the immediate and particular, and to fix the mind wholly upon the remote and the abstract is really a form of undemocratic exclusâ€" iveness which eludes actual responsibility. “It is urgently necessary that the utmost thought should be directed towards good government. But it would be well to remember the political reality that good govern- ment begins with the lowest office in the smallest hamlet. The tower may be higher, but it will never be stronger than its foundation.†' * =F=F**s‘=$*:‘=* THE FIRST SNOW The first snow of winter reminds us, of course, of slushy streets and the need of overshoes. But such mun- dane considerations do not close our eyes to the fact that the snow gives something of an ethereal whiteness to the whole village. The trees, left in black outlines by the Au- tumn, are now once more given a beauty lighter, more transient and more fragrant than even the green leaves of summer. g Perhaps, indeed, the first snow shows winter in its most wistful and delicate mood. The confident severity of the deep cold and the aggressive blustering of the rough blizzard are yet absent. The Winter is coming. But it is approaching in a tentative and hesitating way. It does not yet submerge and command the community, but out- lines its buildings with whimsical tracery. An interesting thought suggested to us at such a time is contained in the old saying that the earth and heavens, always seemingly so far apart, are joined in the first fall of snow, so that something of the sky‘s white remoteness comes softly to earth. * * *7 it iI *1 Ill *‘ * OUR CHURCH CENSUS One of the men engaged in the Richmond Hill church census said to us the other day:â€" “If we showed anything like the enthusiasm for church membership that we have for our everyday business and hobbies, our village churches would be crowded at every service.†One of several interesting facts the census revealed was that a surprisingly large number of people have a church connection in name only, and that they seldom if ever enter a church. “With waywardness and crime so prevalent," said our friend, “we can hardly escape the conclusion that par- ents are grossly indifferent or careless about the welfare of their children. They do not give their offspring a good example by going to church themselves, and so how can they expect the young ones to go? Boys and girls interâ€" ested in church and church organizations benefit by enterâ€" ing adult life with greater strength of character than they can possibly develop under other influences." We agree fully with this criticism, and we wonder whether the use of the churches is anything proportionate e at present to the amount of money spent upon them. If we expend money on the churches should we not also spend a little more time in them? It is well to consider the purpose of the churches. We know that people can pray at home, where they should begin, and if we have a little corner or sanctuary for the purpose so much the better. But, after all, it is not quite the same thing as praying in a church. We know we can pray in the street or at work or wherever we are, but the more we do that the more we should be inclined to take part in the public services held in the hallowed surround- ings of a building set aside for Divine worship. LA NGSTAFF An enjoyable evening was spent last Saturday, December 1st, when the members and adherents of Lang- staff Baptist Church made a sur- prise visit to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marritt of 140 Richmond St. Don has recently been given an honor- able discharge from the R.C.A.F. so the friends gathered together and gave them a pantry shower. The ev- ening was spent first by singing led by Mr. Coffin, then a very good game and then Dr. Blandin, pastor of'the church said in a few well chosen words how glad all were to have Mr. and Mrs. Marritt back in their midst after having been away in the air force for two and a half years. A heaping clothes basket of gifts for the pantry was then brought in along with several baskets and boxes. Many and varied were the gifts, just everything one could think of that would be needed for a long, long time. Mr. and Mrs. Marritt both suit- ably replied in a few words of thanks saying how glad they were to be back again. A very tasty lunch was served by the ladies of the church and a very nice evening brought to a close. Mr. Floyd Pratt of the R.-C.A.F. recently returned from overseas went NEWTON BROOK A welcome home service for the young mer. of the ch rob and com- munity who served n the armed foices during the war was held in Newtonbrook United Church on Sun- day evening, December 2nd. Many young men were in attendanc", re- presenting :ill branches of the ser- vice. Hon. Major Rev. E. G. Steele of Stanley Ban‘acks, Toronto, conâ€" ducted an inspiring service and the choir sang appropriate selections. A large congregation was present. At the close of the service a rcception was held in the Sunday School loom, Mr. J. R. Smith on behalf of the congregation, and Mr. W. I‘. New on behalf of the Sunday School extend- ed a cordial velceme to the young men and assured them of the good Wishes and co~operation of the people of the church. A dainty lunch was served by the ladies. On Sunday morning, Dec. 9 New- tonbrook United Church will be hon- ored by the Junior ChOIr of Trinity United Church under the direction of Mrs. W. H. Bouck. December 6th the WA. ladies are holding a Christmas Bazaar at 2.30 pm. Afternoon tea will be served. The basketball season Will open at Earl Haig when the senior basket- ball team is schedulcd to play the Richmond Hill seniors at Richmond to Vancouver, BC. for his leave and Hill next Wednesday, Dec. 12th. brought back his wife and son Doug- cumin. las. Pratt intend to settle in this district. Mr. and Mrs. ORDER Mr. Albert Rawlinson is expected HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS home almost any day. . Mr. and Mrs. Parrott are visiting in Haliburton for a few weeks holi- days. FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN . ;.-<uv.t,,.:.r,». a“. -..:-’v: . .. . ’ gmnay‘n . n'l'rï¬-I . NOTARY PUBLIC ! ‘ CONVEYANCER 1 l | l l l l l 3 GENERAL INSURANCE :l (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) 2, Richmond Hill, om. l i , Telephone 87 Jl l. -_ Qm-nxhiw Mn' T , m . 1W, J. Roy Herrington One t/Jing YOU can doâ€" make your greeting calls as far abead of C/Jristmm Day as possible! For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) 'i‘clephone MAyfair 1145-6 DENTAL . ‘/ v . 1);. Br. J. Mason DENTIST l’llUlVlL IU YONCL‘ ANO .â€"\l<.\".)l.lfl STREET thiliAlUA‘ D HILL. UN'l‘ARlU Ur. 151. J. ngley DENTIST FCRMERLI Ul" l'llOl’NlIILL .lllllULlllt‘L‘S that his eizice is now .OCtiLL'Ll at the City LlllllES, toronto, directly UppOHLL’ the Term- inal, over Liggctt’s Drug Store. Phone Ofiicc: llLlnrz' 9300 , SEPTIC TAle SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willowdalc, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operat0râ€-â€"Messag': Charge) . " ____â€"_ 9 '3 f 90000 emmoowomoowoeooooooowoeowm c-I, Norm “ To the Electors of Richmond Hill ********Â¥ We wish to take this opportunity to thank the electors of Richmond Hill who returned us to office for the year 1946 at the polls last Monday, December 3rd. We have endeavoured to administer your af- fairs in an efficient manner, and to inaugur- ate policies designed to contribute to the we]- fare of the Village. We _will continue to give our best in your SerVIce. Your suggestions for improvements Will be welcomed at all times. R. W. PARIS WES. MIDDLETON J. A. BALES P. C. HILL Your Council for 1946 To the Electors of Richmond Hill **>l<>l<* We wish to take this opportunity to thank all the voters who supported us in the recent election for Village C0uncil. , Our best wishes and every success to the 1946 Council. ‘Cec.’ C. Mabley and Capt. ‘Jim’ McLean “00000000000000000000 l l @ TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. © 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 INSUmï¬NCE SERVICE DlSTRlCT R, REPRESENTATIVE are? its GENERAL REPAIRS, GAS & OIL (Firestone Tires, Batteries and Fan Belts McColl Frontenac Oils and Greases COMPLETE WINTERIZING‘ A SPECIALTY SUPER PYRO ANTI FREEZE North End of Car Line Richmond Hill M. dz G. Electric Power and Lighting Specialists HOME AND COMMERCIAL WIRING BY LICENSED ELECTRICIANS Write Box 210 or phone Richmond Hill 195r3 0 0000000000‘90009Q0'F‘S‘0 0 § : z i 3 000000006 000 600900004 006476009606%«90904:<‘r¢000®000§ 0†___â€"_â€"â€"___â€"â€"___â€"-__â€"_â€"_ ,' C? THIS YEAR F" E E D MASTER BREEDER MASH OR MASTER BREEDER CONCENTRATE Actual 1945 records from 109 different flocks show 74.7 per cent hatchability Total number of eggs set . . . . . . . . . . 2,280,413 Saleable chicks hatched . . . . . . . . . . . 1,703,267 Average batch of all eggs set . . . . . . . . 74.7% If you sell your eggs to a hatchery or operate your your own you will make more money during the 1946 hatching season by changing your flock to Master Breeder Feeds now. 1: a a: * * * t at :0- W. R. DEAN PHONE 54 THORNHILL WE DELIVER