Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1945, p. 3

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Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals -- FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Successor to B. B. Jordan 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 229 OPEN E'VENINGS Residence, Mark}?qu St., Richmond 1 . MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED £703: [{qbinowitch, RARRIQTFT? SOLICT'I‘OR. NOTARV PUBLIC R?nhmn*1d Hi" Pverv THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonze Strnof Immediatelv North of Maconic Hall Phone R7 â€"â€" Phhmnnd Hi1] Torbntn Officeâ€"1? Tornnf'o Street Phone AdnlnSde 5877 Barr’sters. Sfih'citorfi, Ef(' A. Cameron Mamansrhfon. F Alpx. M. Mannan‘zh‘ron McKinnon BuiIding 19 Melinda Street. Toronto, 0 Barristers. Sr‘lir'ifnrs. Notaries N. L. MATHEWS. KC. K. M. R. QTTVWR. RA. (On Act‘vo Servicfl B. F. TVONS. RA. JOSEPH VA‘TF NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Rofcf‘nrd Sf. Phone 126 Phone 120 Barrister. Solicitor. NM'H'V Public Residence â€"- 18 anntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Wfllowdzde 309 Room 66. 18 Torontm St. Toronto Phone AD. 5877-51-9 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 014 Confederation Life Bldg" Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 3966 Harold W. M ortsm Alexan'ler 'Vlacfireqwr K. C. Farm Implements and Repair: Masseyâ€"Harris Rite-Way MilKers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers 5‘4” Gain Fertilizer Com Kin: Mineral “Gem” Mill: l7~ "era and Electric Fencers Yonge St. Toronto Office: 912 Fm’eral Bldg 85 R‘chmond St. West Richr-‘nnrl Hill. Thursdav forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Currant Rate MASSEY-HARRIS THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6th, 1945. Official and Accredited Veterinarian Wflgfit & Taylor WE ARE THE SPONSORS 0F CONVOY RED LAKE MINES LIMITED, AND STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE PURCHASE OF THESE SHARES AT THE CURRENT PRICE OF 25c. VETERINARY MacWauahfon ¢ M acN an ah ton ANNOUNCEMENT; Walter S. Jenkins Mathews. Stiver, Lyons & Vale 34 Adelaide St. W. 34 Adelaide St. W. T. C. Nmnman Berristcrs, Solicitors. etc Wm. Cook. K.(I Ralph E Gihenn. K.C. J. A. Gibson Cook & Gibson WILLIS & BICK SECURITIES We have pleasure in announcing that we have formed a partnership of Willis & Rick and have been granted a license by the On- tario Securities Commission to carry on a General Brokerage Businem We would consider it a pleasure to look after your business and endeavour to give- prompt service at all times. t- Richmond Hill Telephone 93 GODFREY G. Y. WILLIS ROY VICTOR BICK Telephone EL. 6783 Telephone EL. 6783 Ontario Canada’s growth in stature among other countries in the world, during the war years, is being shown in the steady increase of foreign representâ€" atives along the diplomatic row in Ottawa. From the farthermost cor- ners of the earth have comediplo- mats to establish embassies and le- “Controls” are rapidly disappear- ing and few are likely to remain in effect by spring is the general opin- ion here. That is controls as relat- ed to rubber, timber, motor vehicles, etc. There is no intention of rel-ax- ing as far as price control is con- cerned, as the considered view here is that we must continue at all cost the fight against inflation. “It is going to be an awful job because you will have to draw a disâ€" tinction between classes in the com- munity,” said Mr. Ilsley. “You can- not average everybody. If we are going to avoid charges of discrimin- ation we will have to go very slowly in this. The prOposed plan has some considerable merit but also presents many difficulties in administration. er. Ilsley said at best the system would be complicated and rigid, with farmers and fishermen not being al~ lowed to average sometimes and not at others. During finance estimates this week Hon. J. L. Ilsley let it be known that his department is trying to work out a system under which incomes of farmers and fishermen will :he aver- aged over a period of years for in- come t_ax purposes. Parliament is speeding along these days to the close of the session, and progress has been so satisfactory prorogation date may be December 12th. There is rumor here that Can- ada may be honoured by becoming the permanent home of the League of Nations organization, with Van- couver Island being the favoured site if this country is so honoured. The preparatory session of the U.N.0. is now on in London and Canada has four representatives over there. L. M'acdonald of Nova Scotia, Prem- ier McNair of New Brunswick, Prem- ier Duplessis of Quebec and Premier Stuart Garson of Manitoba. We were most impressed by McNair of New Brunswick and Carson of Manitoba. Both are young men of outstanding ability and I would not be surprised if We hear much from both of them in national politics in the coming years. Both have been mentioned as possible candidates for the National Liberal Leadership when the present Leader chooses to retire. All the provincial premiers wor in attendance at the conference. W didn’t have the opportunity of meet ing gill, but did meet Premier Angu credit of the Prime Minister’s go judgment in holding the conferer this fall, rather than last winter spring when the country was on t eve of a general election. “The meeting was characterized by the most harmonious proceedings throughout and I could not imagine better meetings.” A splendid spirit has been evident throughout the pro- ceedings which augurs well in the future. The success of Canada’s post war prbgram including the extensitn and broadening of social services deâ€" pends a great deal on the establish- ing of a complete understanding and a spirit of co-Operation between p1‘0- vinci-al governments and the national government. The success of the con- ference thus farronce again reflects There is general satisfaction here with the success of the conference last week of Provincial Premiers with members of the Federal Gov- ernment. Commenting in the House pn‘ the conference Mr. King said: It’s real winter here in Ottawa now, and quite some charge from the sweltering September 6th when the first session of the 20th Parlia- ment was form'ally opened. There is considerably more snow here than in North York and here on Parlia- ment Hill the cold December breezes ge£_a ’wide open sweep. OTTAWA LETTER Toronto Toronto By Jack Smith, M.P., North York on the Thirty-eight bags of Xmas candy have been sent to Capt. Wfil‘rall by St. Stephen’s Church W.A. for dis- tribution among children in England- who have not seen candy for six years. At the election of the trustees for Maple Police Village on Monday, De- cember 3rd Mr. Wilbur Cousins was returned to the board. Two new trustees were elected, Mr. Arthur Layrie'iand Mr. Wm. Noble. Mrs. Neil McLean, a former resi- dent for many years in Maple, died in Toronto and was buried in Maple cemetery on Thursday. Sapper Roy Clegg has returned from Montreal where he obtained his discharge from the Royal Canadian Engineers. Roy has secured his for- mer position in the rose gardens of Concord Floral Co. Each member of the Knit-Wit club received a pair of wooden shoes from Harris Mathewson, a souvenir of Belgium. “Mike” Miller and "Chuck" In- gram, both of Maple, met recently in Holland near .the town of Amheim where Mike’s camp is located. The two lads had breakfast tOgether in camp. This is the first they have seen one another since leaving Maple early in the war. We are. glad to learn that Mrs. Arthur Wells is steadily improving in health". f“ We are glad to know that Mr. Jack Ball who has been confined to bed with a. heart attack for some weeks is now favourably convalescing. Miss Hilda Patton of King was a visitor at the parsonage over the weekâ€"end. GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness ' Farm Insurance 21 Specialty King City Telephone 28 ‘Mr. and Mrs. Charles White and family have moved into their lovely new“ home on Richmond Street. Mr. John Bassant has moved into his house formerly occupied by Charlie White. ' Pte. Ross vason has obtained six months industriafll leave and is now employed at Miltofi'Palmer’s, coal merchant. Last Saturday afternoon a very successful bazaar was held 'in the Masonic Hall under the auspices of St. Stephen’s Church Women’s Aux- iliary. Everything sold rapidly. The lucky ticket on the beautiful quilt was held by Mr. George Taggart of Teston. The second draw, a‘ beau- tifully-dressed doll, went to little Miss Heather Miller, daughter of Mr. 1M Mrs. Cal Miller of Maple. Over 100 people enjoyed the salad plate supper and $165.00 was realized. ' Christmas 'cards have been iééeiv-' have beenv acclaimed rfrorvof‘ificfie ed by his congregation from Rev.‘the coming year. , Cagt. E“. W. _G.‘ Wor_rall in England,! A _v§r_yA finer White Gift service The House and the country are anxiously awaiting the pronounce- ment of Prime Minister King on Foreign Affairs expected every day in the House. WELL & CISTERN DIGGING Pumps and Piping Concrete Well Cribs1 From Rugsia, and China, Mexico and Peru they came. From Cuba, Argentina, Greece and Turkey came; their first envoys. From South! Africa, which had only had -an ac-‘ credited representative here, came the Union’s first commissioner. and Then Canada won for herself an identity of her OWn._ She was a coun- try in her own rightâ€"not just a daughter of the British. Empireâ€"- and recognizing this, other nalions began appointing diplomatic repreâ€" sentatives. gations, until today there is litsrally millions of dollars worth of property owned and leased by foreign givern- ments in and around the Capital. Canada had diplomats here from the British Commonwealth, France, the Netherlands and Belgium a num- ber of years ago. But it was not until the war years, when the world spotlight swung round to shine on Canada and the name of Ottawa was spoken as often as Washington, Lon- don, Moscow and Paris, that other countries began to take notice. TOM J ERRETT Jack Walkington Richmond Hill RR. 1 MAPLE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO was held' last Sunday byrthe Sunday School and congregation of Qentral United Church. Members of the [Young-:oPeople’s classes took active ! part with songs by the juniors and intermediates. Rev. McCormack gave the; message, wznggigwwg 15 Elizabeth Street Phone 162 Richmond Hill ARE YOUâ€"PLKNNING TO BUILD? The; C.‘G.I.T. cordially invite all of you 'fo their Christmas Vesper and Candlelight Service on Sunday even- ing gt 7.30. PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street Phene Richmond Hill 58J Save Time, Money and Disap- pointment by having plans drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Building Consultant ‘ On Thursday afternoon, Nov. 29th a fine turn out of ladies attended the meeting of the W.A. of Central United Church. This was held in the S.S. room. The president, Mrs. Milner, presided. The scripture les- son and Bible meSSage given by MIS. Stephenson and Mrs.'M. Cook were .well rendered. The theme was Na- tional Security and God’s Protective Care. The minutes of the last meet- ing were read with 38 members an- swering roll call. Thanks was tend- ered the committee who supervised the tea on Nov. 14th which was so successful. A letter from the speak- er, Mrs. Paytman, was read thank- ing this society for donation receiv- ed. Mrs. Newton gave several short interesting readings. These were taken from the book “Woven Frag- rance” by Wilhelmina Stitch. Then a poem on “The Johnstown Disas- ter” by Rev. J. Chant was read by M. Miller. Two lovely duets were given by Mrs. J. Russell and Mrs. H. Snowball entitled “Come Back to Bethlehem" and “Fairest Lord Jesus”, accompanist Mrs. McCorm- ack. The Mizpah benediction was repeated in unison. The hostesses, Mrs. W. Snowball, Mrs. M. H. Thompson, Mrs. LaiRose and Mrs. N. Ogden served a dainty tea and a social time was spent together. The village council have evidently been doing a satisfactory job and have been acclaimed for office for from Ithgz Toronto Conservatory 'of \Iusxc wzll accept ‘a number of pupds m Phone Mohawk 0508 or 137 Yonge St. Richm< 6 WV alder Ave We are now taking orders for Christmas Trees of all sizes. CHRISTMAS TREES Alice Mecredy PIANO TEACHER Phbne Richmond Hill 1021713 Thornhill 7r4 Repalrs We Repair Radios, Toasters, Irons, Heaters, Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Motors, Lamps, etc. Stop 24 Yonge Street Phone 195r4 Richmond Hill Mrs. McWhirter began hm" teach- ing duties on Monday in the school on the third south of Gormley. She takes the place of Mr. Harold Thompson who has been there since the opening of the fall "term. Radio and Electrical Mr. Bert Columbia months. On Tuesd pupils of S Much lovely vi] Mr. and Mrs. H. Moorby and Mrs. Sproule visited on Sunday with Mrs. mos. Moorby of Sunderland. Last Saturday afternoon at 3 o’- clock the wedding or Vernon Good- ing and Miss Beth Evans was 50‘]- emnized in the Streetsville United Church. Over 70 guests were pres- ent. The bride's dress Was ivory taffeta and she carried Talisman roses. She was also wearing a love‘ 1y,pearl necklace, the gift of the groom. ‘ The young couple were travelling to Buffalo for their honeymoon and‘ on their return will reside in Qty-pars- On Wednesday of this week ctle- brations took place at the home of *Mr. and Mrs. F. Harvey. The occa- sion was the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey and also the birthday of Mr. Clarence Doner. Congratulations! 0 Mr. Walter Newns has been en- gaged as night watchman at the hydro extension camp which has temporarily located here. Miss Marion Hunt of Toronto SupdaXAaftex-noon at her home Un Tuesday Mrs. Styrmo and lpils of 8.8. No. 7 held a baz uch lovely work was presented Mrs. Laura Drummond, sister r. Bert Leek, has gom to Bri ulumbia to spend the wi J. H. ROBERTS Adelmo Melecci UN EON VILLE Harvey Bell young couple were :"alo for their hone; 1‘ return will reside We wiéh them cw MUSICAL GORMLEY Richmond Hill Toronto British winter :reets hiippi ;pefit here. her .mmnEBBW. v {onawoeooeowéowoo OOOOOOQOOOWOOOéONOOWOW \YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 3 W96MWOO¢NO¢OOOOWWOOOOQOOOOOW Back to‘Ci‘vvieg’in Style 3022 LIVE TYPE and lump: wile: cl futon bee-use e! Is no I heat. T and In can I plelo cord Ind 1393 u III can $53} bln .063 u THE INSURANCE BUSINESS of the Late J. Carl Saigeon AGENCY SOME RESERVATIONS FOR CHRISTMAS PARTIES ARE ALREADY BOOKED. MAKE YOURS TODAY TO ENSURE ACCOMMODATION. TO RECEIVE THE USUAL PROMPT ATTEN- TION AND SERVICE. ALL INSURANCE MATTERS WILL CONTINUE i 'E‘S g every boy in his clothing requirements. To bays returning from overseas we will give our prompt attention and they will have the highest priority on all our goods. We are now equipped to take care of the need of Dinner â€" Luncheon â€" Private Dining Room ANNOUNCEMENT is being continued at his residence (my Crest Lodge R. J. CRAIGIE MAPLE, ONTARIO A nod. hnrdened steel set consistan of one etch 1%; and 1/2" chleell. end 3 popular punches. An exceedingly I"! price (or a general purpose set. No. A721 1 I A complete stock or Ind! fldual Punches Ind Chisels. 5-PIECE CHISEL AND PUNCH SET MEN’S & BOYS’ WEAR Just the thin: to keep out cold draft: 4nd dirt. For placlnx under from or rear sulo mats. Just received! A Quantity 0! rubber mats with thy (elk back: Will {it many makes and models of can. Very Hmltcd stocks. 38 l 4] ELGIN MILLS FELT UNDER MATS Plug-in Electric FLOOR MATS Order Now For Prompt Delivery Engine Heater Easy to install Economicll Permanent OVERNIGHT .60 40:50 4-WAY RIM WRENCH Genuine Forging PAGE THREE Tea

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