PAGE FOUR WWWâ€" VICTORIA SQUARE On Sunday, Dec. 16 White Gift service will be observed in the Sun- day School. Please be as generous ‘as possible. The need is great.‘ Messrs. Alvin and Richard Fl'isby were in Toronto Thursday and Fri- day of last week attending the Fa‘. Stock Show where they had thrr'c :entries in the swine division. They lwon two prizes, a fifth and a ninth and the prize pork sold for 36c. a pound. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Frisby and Richard visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Huggins and family in Newmarke‘. on Sunday. To the Electors of Maple Police Village I wish to thank all who sup- ported me in the election on Monday last and to the elect- ed Trustees I offer my sincer- est congratulations. Frank Robson, Maple To the Electors of Maple Police Village We, the Trustees-elect of Maple Police Vill- age, wish to thank all who supported us in our recent election. We will try to serve to the best of our knowledge. WM. NOBLE W. COUSINS ARTHUR LAWRIE Christmas Gifts ____ATi____ - BRATHWAITE‘S Here you will find useful gifts for every person on your list. as: it an it i CHINA ‘AND GLASSWARE SKIS AND SKI EQUIPMENT SKATING OUTFITS, SLEIGHS, Etc. Shop as early as you can for best'selec- tion. ,We will hold any article for you until Christmas. \, RALPH W. PARIS, Manager - \.. '1“ W9§WWW9§WE§E€ THE LIBERAL, RICIIMOND JOHN HOSTRAWSER Rc-electcd to the office of Deputy- Reeve on Monday in Vaughan Town- ship .by a margin of 681 over his opponent, J. Albert Dick. 7COMRADES,OLD7 AND YOUNG The Vaughan and Richmond Hill Branch of the York County Veterans Association held their regular month- ly meeting Tuesday evening last in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill. with Com. president Henry Hall pre- siding. A resolution was paSSed to be forâ€" warded to the municipal councils of Vaughan, Markham and Richmond Hill, endorsing the proposal of‘ a Mcâ€" morial Hospital to be erected in Richmond Hill as a fitting tribute to those who fell, a memorial to those who died, that would provide facilities for Others to live. Central Executive Officer James Butler Sr. gave a resume of work done by the 13 branches of the coun- ty organization and their County Executive. ’ The convenor of the Poppy Fund, Com. J. Varley, told of how everyâ€" one had co-operated to make this year one of the finest in the history of the Organization. It was decided to hold a Poultry Christmas draw in conjunction with the women’s branch, A Christmas party will be gixen for children of the members, the enter- tainment committee of men and \v0- men‘s association being the hosts. The Women’s Auxiliary met Tues- day afternoon and reported boxes were sent to boys still overseas this Christmas, and a present provided for those serving in Canada. A Christmas box was provided for a veteran who has been confined to Newmarket hospital for the past five years. These organizations meet the first Tuesday of every month and mem- bership is open to all who have worn the King’s uniform. ,, I FOOD MARKETS Hawes Floor Wax - - 45c H. P. Sauce - - 31c QUICK Quaker O'ats- 3â€â€œ 19¢ BETTER KRUST 7LBS‘ Pastry F Iour2 4m 750 Carnation Milk 6 57c ZEBRA LIQUID 'I'INS (1 Coupon required) MONARCH BABY Cheddar Cheese 1 37 AYLMER i Chocol Kellogg’s BAG Vegetable Soup . - 53,; Old York Nahoh Coffee 43c Rolled MOTHER’S HOME Premium Tea - - 1m 79c Cup and Saucer free with each pound CHAMPION Dog Food - 2 W 19c Kellogg’s Variety pkg. 25c Chicke NUGGET Shoe Polish _ _ _ 12c V-8 VEGETABLE LONDONDERRY Dessert Powder- 15c Vegetables at Market Prices Full Line of Baked Goods Bread, Cakes, Pies Mixed Why be a Pack Horse? Phone 77 (PEARSON BROS.) . ..*.. . Stove Polish - - BOWES SWEETEN ED CLARK’S CREAM 0F Tomato Soup - ~2F°Rl7c CLARK’S CREAM OF Mushroom soup 2F0R19c Juice Cocktails . 2F0R25c . Walnuts. Pecans, Almonds and Filberts Full Line of Meat and Fish Pork, Beef, Lamb KERR BROTHERS 17¢ ate - - - “0- 5c Bran Flakes 17c Cereal - - 25c Oats - Ems-29c STYLE 11 Dinner 39c Nuts 1 “3- 55¢ We Deliver .41le -94?‘ SUPERIOR5CARIOAD HILL. ONTARIO Classified Advertising , 'l‘l.l.\' IS THE DAY ill†AllVFRTl ll.\Tr..\' for call rlllht'tlllt‘lll llhcl‘iviiill. Over 5 lines. 5 cents ply l.e txtn czicll insertion. IF CHARGED NINE CENTS I’I‘Ill LINE. PEA STRAW' ENSIIACF. .-\'\ " FOR SALE 1 STICKNEY PUMP JACK: phone Markham 74M. xilAs TREES. Apply J. Bi illi:i;1or, Markham St., Richmond Hill, phonel 79. c1w23 GIRL'S TUBE SKATES, size 6, nearly new. Apply The Liberal Office. 3 GEESE, 1 gander; 1 healer, large size. Apply Mr. \Valter Paxton, Oak Ridges. *1w23 1 SINGER electric sewingr machine in good condition. Telephone Maple 371‘23. c1w23 CAR TRAILER, 1 ton, new. good tires. Apply C. West, Garden Ave., Langstaft'. "'1w23 14 CIIUNKS. A. Hansen, Bathurst St., 1/2 mile south of Wilson Ave., phone Hy. 5970. c1w23 UPRI‘GHT PIANO, Mason & Rlsch. Evenings, 39% Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill. c1w23 C.‘CM. BICYCLE, man’S, in ‘l‘Dorl running Older, reasonable. ' Apply Liberal Office. CHOICEwTABLE TURNIPS, 99c. bus. Lco Burton, Cari-ville Road, phone Maple 6412. c1w28 25 AND 30 FT. HYDRO POLES, de- livered. Lines built on pr.v'ate pi‘bp- erty, and wiring. Phone Markham 741‘4. " ‘tTW‘ZI. GIRL’S MAROON FUR' TRIMMED WINTER COAT, gool 'condith, size 12-14, price $5, Apply Liberal Office. ' . CHOICE YOUNG GEESE. Ordel‘s taken .now for Xmas and New Year. Freeman Barker, Headforll. plioï¬c 4713 Richmond Hill. ' chB3 GRAY MARE, 9 yrs; HD, blag-k mare, G.P., 6 years‘; 2"Holsteir_r bulls ready for service, dams havei‘vggf’od R.O.P.~»records. Accredited and list- ed. Apply Ross Anderson, Weston R.R. 2. *1w23 FIGS, 8 chunks, around 50 lb. each. Apply Walter Reaman, phone Maple 28r11. *1w22 S-ROOM HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls and SUnI‘OOI‘Ii, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street 117., Richmond Hill. tfc. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Woods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milkers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio & Sports, 241 Yonge St, Toronto. tfc. KI’DCHENER Big-4 "Approved" Chicks, breeders pullorum tested. “A fine strong bunch, and no bother whatever,†writes one customer. They're the kind you need to meet your markets for eggs or meat. Save time, order through agent, Wesley Clark, R.R. 2 Gormley. c1w23 COUGHS, BROKEN WIND, colds, distemper, etc., quickly mastered by Zev where everything else fails. Try this great remely, made by the mak- ers of Buckley‘s Mixture, if you ' have an animal suffering from any, $1.00 a bottle c4w21. respiratory malady. at F. G. Scotchmer‘s. BOY’S OVERCOAT, cap and legg- ings, brown, size 6A, in good condi- tion, price $4. Apply Box 41 Thorn- hill or phone 1812 Thornhill. c1w23 DAD SAYS: Aunt Sophia you make me mad, your cooking tastes bad; says Aunt Sophia: Get me. Baker’s Sweetner, I’ll make you glad. You people make a mistake not using Baker’s Sweetner for your tea, cof- fee, pie and cake. Christmas is near- ly here, get Baker’s Sweetner, make things tasty. You’ll hear them cheer. j ‘Aunt SOphia says: Baker's Sweetner is cheaper than sugar. Why $5.00 worth Baker’s Sweetner is as sweet as $14.00 worth sugar. Guaranteed as represented or money back. 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 350., 1/2 gal. 650., 1 gal. $1.25, 5 gal. $5, 110 gal. $9.50 (containers extra); 25 oz. 1c., 40 oz. 10c., 1/2 gal. 15c., gal. jugs and calls 250. each extra. than $1.50. money order accompanies order for 6 or more gallons (no cheques). Geo. E. Baker, th.B., Maliut’actuiing chemist, Stouffville, Ont. TO RENT 2 ROOM HOUSE at $6 per month. Garage for car can be supplied for $4 extra. Apply Norman McKin- non, Teston, Maple RR. 1, telephone (5515 Maple. c2w2l. SINGâ€" MARI-I llll') .\l 151' Hr ll‘. Five llllc> or loss. 515 cents for ills: .nsel'iori and _.i to its Tell-i _ * 1w2.l ‘ NO shipment lessl We pay express. when| c1w23: Johll Shcal'down, Centre Stl'tc: l‘. .i, Richmond Hill. ..’w'." i ) .\l.ll s1 TRACTOâ€"RAml loin-r. 'n .x- ]HLRSDAY, DECEMBER 6th. 1945. iSl.l-..\'I)I£lt ccllent condition. Apply phan- 53 Richmond llill. llv23l AL'STRALIAN HARP. nll mall: ideal Xmas gift, reasonable. l'hone Thornhill 511‘3. c1w21§ *1w23 1â€"5â€"GEESEJVApply W.â€" \Yiisin, 6 Oliver Blvd, R.R. 1 York Milk, CDT- ner Steele's and Duffxrin. 1w23 MISCELLANEOUS “1.4, DO “TILL DIUGING. Frank York. RR. 1 Maple. «1:111. Diurnxo Phone Richmond Hill Apply tfc. excavating. *1w2‘; and 24814. TABLETS are effective. _' preks' sulp.y $1; 12 weeks’ :55, a; ScotcllnlCI"s Drug: Store. c4w21. .l'..-\_\l.\"l‘l<ll\‘, ploughing, grading and -\ ring. Apply bt‘l‘L, phone ll.«'lllllotl'l lIill 134rll. tfc- l’tll‘. ltAlill), re.rigerator, washing Illill'illlli‘ ant electrical uppiiancs 1‘84: pairs pllollc (ixo. A. Ktlson 73 I'hol‘nliill 1l7. t I, r. 1.\'GI.ES & slxs. general ‘=~ tractors, Jeff.l‘sOll, (‘11.. All kinds cim.nt work, barns rcmodtllcd. Teleâ€" phone Richmond Hill 1961‘12. tfc. FOR RADIO, reflzlgtratos, washing machine and eleCtI‘ll..l appliance re- pairs phone Geo. A. nelson Co, Thornhill 177. Mill. XMAS TREES. Order by telephone 134r3 Richmond Hill. Spruce and Scotch Pine 75c. up. Delivery Dec. 20th and 2lst. *1w23 1 HOLSTEIN COW, fresh; 1 H01- stein cow, springer; both cmvs negaâ€" tive to blood test. Mrs. M. C. Jackâ€" son, Teston Rd., Maple. c1w23 TOYS,=streffg-ly ibuilt, wooden toys, hobby"jhorses, robkhg horses, pull toys, trucks} etc. ".1410 Yonge Street, directlyii.opposite_,.thc Mill. *6w2l. i ROOM HOUSE with garage, hcn house, hydro, good well and 2 acres of land at,Ri.-chrn' nd Hill. Apply Melvin. Bake: '1 ‘o e 4522 Richmond Hill. ‘5" "1.5.â€" . *3w22 1 JERSEYS,†W; 1 large heater, coal or wot‘f'dgz ‘uantity barn timbers. Apply Woodl’e'a Farms, (ask for manager) west of Yonge St. on N». 7 hgy., corner. con. c1w23 BOY’S SKATES and boots, size 7, giprice $1.005'Ialso small girl’s skates,i=w,hite.l_'boot§i,‘ size 12, excel- lent condition} ptig’j'e $2. Apply Mrs. R. Mansbrl‘dgé, 75 Yonge St. *1w23 BEDROOM‘ FURNITTJRE; hospital bed; crutches; tru as; Morris chair; hall stag; " :ran ’- ‘ ï¬ercoat. size 33‘ and mark? oi: e‘ a les. Apply 5422‘ Yonge Sti‘reet, Wil owdale, Stop 9. " 1w23 TOY POLO PONY; baby's play pen; boy's bicycle; bob sled, 6 TL; hick- ory skis, 6 ft. 9 in. complete with harness and poles. McLean Trading Co., D. H. McLean, 12 John Street, Thornhill, phone 79. *1w23 DON'T LET YOUR DOG DIE from distemper, or let hm suffer from coughs, colds, intestinal flu. A few doses of Zev, made by the makers of Buckley's Mixture, gives quick relief. 50c. and $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer’s. c4w21. WE ARE NOW taking orders for R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn chicks. First hatch in January. We have been blood testing and trap nesting under R.O.P. since 1935. F01 reâ€" turned men and others starting in the chicken business we advise n01; to buy too many chicks until you have learned something about the business. But come in and talk it! over. No obligation. We will give you honest advice. Or write to Leo Bevan, Bevans Poultry Farm, Thornr hill, Ont. *7w21. ? LOST CHILD’S WAGON with rubber tires, "Road‘kingâ€. phone 167 Richmond Hill. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS ‘IN THE ESTAâ€"TE_OF MARGARET JANE FARRANTS, Deceased. i All ersons having claims against the Estate of Margaret Jane Far- rants, late of the City of Toronto and Village of Richvale, in the Counâ€" ty of York, Widow, who died on or about August 2nd, 1943, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned on or before the 3lst (lay of December, 1945, after which date the Estate will be disâ€" tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the un- dersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. Dated at Toronto, this 6th day of December, 1945. R. B. GRAVLIN, J. S. HILL, Executors. By their solicitor Ross Kennedy, 465 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. red disc Apply c1w23 l l JERSEY MAKES RECORD Another Don Head cow has been awarded a Silver Medal Certificate by the Canadian Jersey Cattle Club. This time it is Don Head Favorite Royalty, 120722, a junior four year old and in 305 days has won a Sil- ver Medal Certificate with a record of 8,8“) lbs. of milk, 541 lbs. of fat with all average test of 6.159. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM ELECTION 7 RESULTS FOR 1946 Couperth- Polling Subdivision Reesor Rumney waite McQuav Stivcr Timbers No. 1 and 2. Thornhill . 19 so 24 40 ‘ as 17 ' No. :3. Iangstaff . . . . . . . 5 17 15 14 6 3 No. 4, Elgin Mills . . . . . . 4 49 17 23 12 0.3 NC. 5. Buttonville _ _ . . . . I5 56 4x 33 25 34 No. (5. Victoria Square .. 27 48 5&9 25 3: 50 No. 7. Hagelman . , . . . . 18 3:3 50 12 14 2% .\'~ .Lnionville . _ . . . . . 2:; 4:» 5.5 41 ' 3.; 44 NO. 'J. tashel . , . . . . . . . . Ill 15 21 8 2T :2 No, 10. ('owic‘s . . . . , . . . 133 4 l4 7 11 11 X1». 11. Mt. Joy . , . . . . . . 4.x 4 ll} 20 3-31 :1 ’.\'o. 12. Dickson's IIlll ‘\‘ ‘J 17 X 29 94 g.\'u. 13‘. r‘ulai- (ill‘VC Ill s 11; 11 2%. 2:0 N4. ‘ .‘liiriu‘li.;i . , . . . . Ii†ii 113 I; l2 351 ,p'l) 337 all 24.3 2'5 43’ L'ORNS instantly relieved with Lloyd’s Corn and Callous Salveâ€"the ctl'ictivc corn remedy. 50c. at Scotchmcr‘s Drug Slo.e. c4w21. SURGE SERVICE and milkers. Gen- uine Surge parts, 2.1 Iv‘LlI‘ service. Writs or phone H. Elliott, 160 King St., Weston, phone 1015.]. "10w21. SAND AND GRAVEL delijt where in district. E. Charity, ‘_ , Street and Brookslde Roaidï¬'gq Richmond Hill 1021‘14. ' WILL EXCHANGE small nine room home in North Toronto for old house ' in or near RichmOna Hill. Apply ‘ I57 Al'bertus Ave., Toronto or phone Mayfair 4160. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Il:ll. tfc. SPRAY PAINTING, all .kinds 0.! paint. work. Experienced: ' ’ sh p. Estimates cheerfuII _ Dahl, Maple RR. 1, props 31r32. FURS REI‘AIRED TO'QMQ‘DEL, make new coats to ordeng antigwe have all kinds of neck scaï¬fs,_'§6hn Donald, Elgin Mills, phone Maple 49r22. *9vg21. ELECTRICAL WIRING, hopSeA. farm buildings, specializing in=scijiiiol,",, wiring. Territory includes 1%;me, ' Hill and vicin.ty. Apply F0 ,gflleqm trlc, Schomberg, phone 69 c‘hqmngill' 7 berg. COUrGHS, 'COLDS, DIST mastered in less time than you ever thought possible with Zev, the re- markable veterinary remedy that works on nose, throat, bronchial tract. Zev, made by the makers_of Buckley’s Mixture, gives amazmg results in the most stubborn cases. $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotch- mer’s. c4w‘21. WANTED ACRE OR TWO OF LAND. Apply Thornhill 511'2. *1w23 WOMAN for housework, twice week- ly. Apply Liberal Office. lKITCHEN CUPBOARD, glass top, ifor farm. Apply Box 6 The Lib- c1w23 [ era]. 2 MEN to put on asphalt shingles. [Apply No. 1 Yonge St., Richmond lHIII, phone 211. c1w23 lCARPENTER wanting work, alterâ€" ations and general repairs. Phone Richmond Hill 134r31. *10w23 PAIR MEN’S SKIS with poles, good condition, about 7% ft. Apply P.0. Box 213 Richmond Hill. *1W23 HELP for general housework, mod-l ern conveniences, 2 in family. Apply Fred Dew, King, phone 37. c2w23 HOU‘SE REQUIRED for spring possession, in good repair. Good ,cash payment. Apply Box 61 The Liberal. *3w21. CAPABLE WOMAN to help mother lof three small boys one day weekly. [Stop 13 Yonge St., phone Thornhill ‘ 158R ‘v‘1w23 [TRANSPORTATION wanted from idowntown Toronto to Thornhill, leav- ing the city at 6 p.m. Phone Thorn- hill 168. c1w23 CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sizes) at Troyer Natural Science Service, Oak Ridges. Phone King 591‘32. tfc. EXPERIENCED OPERATORS on blouses, 2 smart girls for finishing dept. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co., 31 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w23 HOR‘SES to kill, highest prices paid, Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Oxford St., Elgin Mills. DEAD IIORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RIGH- MOND HILL 7 or KING 241'4 Or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. tfc. ANY INFORMATION leading to the arrest or conviction of person or persons in taking trees from the premises of the Roselawn Farms, get in touch with S. T. Stephens, Richâ€" mond Hill. phone 54. Reward. c1w23 You’ve Tried the Rest, NOW try the Best. Watkins Fly Spray Kills and Repells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quality. Also full line of HOg & Stock Minerals. Delivered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all t;me~, For delivery call ERNIE DURIE RICI‘IVHIC IKO. Phone Maple 64r4