Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Dec 1945, p. 5

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HIGH SCHOQ'LepYMA: “5?;va a ” DECEMBER 12m “Tana ._ Seqéfsfih'25c. . egzatg‘z’giéigegegeagaguaegfii; ‘ 4:; . + .4 Ii' §a§i§7 mmw a . w §Let Your Chrzstmas List :5: Mrs. Agiair and sons Muir and Tom ofCannington visited last week at the‘ h'bmew- of Mr. and Mrs. W. Clukson.. ' We extend wedding congratula- tion: to Mr, and Mrs. John Rumble who celebrated their first wedding anniversaryon Sunday, Nov. 25th. “3A charivari party was held recentâ€" ‘12' in~‘Vello,re Hall in honor of Mr. 'arld Mrs: M. Weldnck and Mr. and Mrs. A. McNeil, Both couples reâ€" ceived a lovely floor lamp. g; MRS. JERRY SMITH 11‘? %%%%%%£@%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% M] mug; several da‘ -S‘ 1. in Teston. 'f Toronlo visited ‘eek with friends Mr. mama's}; Smilie and son W'ayne of‘ul'ofifiihft‘o spent the week- end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ge_0_. Taggart. 1:1...- :2 hesday, Nov. 21 with a of Over 40. The meétl .inpened with a hymn followed by yer bx Mrs. Magipn, and the Lord’s Prayer ,in unison. The scripture, Psalm 122, was read it; uniis'on followed by the secretary 'tre‘asurer’s reports. Mrs. A. Cons?" ad a short paP' er on “Peace” ' hich the guest speaker Mrs. ‘ ‘TE Brampton gave a very ' ‘ .â€" addreSS on education. Afl : .' ‘the meeting : 1 ' prayer by 38W: fenkifis :13 ' hostess and supper. 0mm . lunch The November WA. was held at théL president Mrs. W. _Ma g thrigtmag ((Earnlgflg §%%%%%%%&%&%§%§%§§W¢¢%%%%% FESTIVAL 01? fig .4 HOPE AN ffiiflLIS-TQN”; mum-13%;; fiECEBQBERfiflif 1945 MaSOnic Hall Be Our Problem GLICAN ALL No more need to worry over what to givp~ to‘so- and-so, that hard-to-buy-for person. No. one is hard to buy for after you see the many sugges- tions at RICHMOND HILL Saturday, Dec. 8th “ DETECTIVE KITTY O’DAY With JEAN PARKER, PETER COOKSON 2 Evening Shows starting at 7 and 9 pm. ArngON TEA _‘,ECEMBER 8th Matinee for Children Saturday Afternoon Commencing at 2.30 o’clock At 28 and 30 Yonge St.., Richmond Hill g presented by the choirs of SHOWING AT THE THE GIFT SHOPPE DOUBLE FEATURE “ RANGE LAW ” With RAYMOND HATTON ALSO â€" â€"â€" â€"â€" gesent Miss Emily Cofii‘h'fi purse and money on her" from Jefferson district. 'Sflfl‘h was an entire surprise for? “1, V szjan but she replied in a;=Nér-y ,tting manner. A delightfgl Wit was .‘dnr‘lvnfl .i Aqu; " V gatherééf‘if“thé"h§i$fié’fi£f$% a. Cos- gfiove .Sfit'lrda‘z, yovef g ti) :1 , _._ AL} A 1‘ sewed Miss Bessie -McMurchy, R.N.. will be guest speaker at the annual Thankâ€"offering meeting of the Pres- byterian W.M.S. Miss McMurchy, who is a gifted speaker, is at pres- ent home on furlougbwfmmvzagngiia; She has an interesting-3‘ 'tefl. Everyone invited to at His Grace the Archbishop and Mrs. Owen, Mrs. D. Owen JT., Rev. and Mrs. Wrixon, Mr. and Mrs. Bawden, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Paris had din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. W. Warriner at their farm preceding the evening: service on Sunday last. After their wedding on Situr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swan celeb ed at Brant Inn with Mr. and 1‘ Alfred Salsbury. The bride ' formerly Orpha Archibald. Fleming and Mrs vice on Right Rev. BishOp and > had lunch with the . Wlixon following the Sunday morning last. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL arat- Mrs. was Mrs. (Mrs. A. Kerr, a resident of this ' The 1945-46 basketball se Rev.village for the past 16 years. leaves off to a flying start as far ser- on Sunday for Scotlanl whei'e she mond Hill High School w will make her home. cerned when during the n: BIBLE SUNDAY 10 a.m.â€"Smday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and‘Ser- mon. Preacher, the Rector. 7 p.m.â€"â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon, Preacher, Rev. S. A. R. W00d1 B.A., of Thornhill. All are welcome to worship with us. CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Jefferson Public School Xmas Concert will be held at St. John’s Parish Hall on Thursday, December 20th at 7.45 p.m. Admission charge 25c. for adults and 15c. for children. The Palmer Memorial Windows over the altar of St. Mary’s Angli- can church were illuminated last Sunday evening. Until then their beauty could only be seen in day- light, and those attending the even- ing service could appreciate that beauty. The Archbishop of Toronto switched on the lights during the service on Sunday evening last, and the three figures representing our Lord, the Virgin Mary and St. John make a beautiful picture which can be seen and appreciated by night as well as by day. Sunday, Dec. 9th RICHMOND HILL HIGH AND PUBLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENT A festival of Christmas Carols, presented by the choirs of both the High and Public Schools and under the direction of Miss Maxwell and Mrs. MacGillivray will be held in the gymnasium of the high school on the evenings of December 13 and 14 at 8 o’clock. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Miss Bernice Lightbody, A.Mus., L.T.C.L., Organist Those students takin part in the program have first pregerence as re- gards tickets. The balance will be sold by the remaining students. Seats will be held for ticket holders until 7.50 pm. on each night. Ad- mission 25c. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Dec. 9th The Wider Work of the Church 10 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. Rev. A. A. Scott, M.A., BD., B.Paed., D.D. of India will preach. , 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Rev. E. R. Stanway, M.A., B.D., of China will preach. All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, Dec. 9th 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sabbath School. 10.40 a.m.â€"â€"The Kirk Session. 11 a.m.â€"â€"The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. U .....-.. .. __rr__. 7 p.m.â€"Public Missionary Thank Offering Service by the W.M.S. Guest. speaker, Miss Bessie M. Mc- Murchy, R.N., missionary on fur- lough. Guest soloist, Miss Ada Mizen. . Mom, 8 p.m.â€"Young People’s SOCI- ety. Visitors welcome The members of the United Church Women’s Association are asked £45}: remember the closing meeting of the... year next Tuesday afternoon, Deg? I‘lth at 2.30 in the school room. Thfi report of the nominating cemmittee will be presented, follCWed by in- stallation of officers for the coming1 year. A social half hour will be en-‘ joyed at the close. This is your meeting ladies, come and help make it a real success. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastorâ€"Dr. M. H. Blandin Sunday, Dec. 9th 11 a.m.â€"~‘Bi‘b1e School. 7 p.m.â€"Gospel Service. Guest speak- er, Rev. W. A. England. St. Mary’s Anglican Evening Guild are holding a Toy Fair and Tea on Saturday, December 8th at 3 pm. There should be many an- swers to your shopping problems for the young fry. A special feature will be the exhibition of an illumin- atea’doll’s house. See advertisement for further details. Come and hear and see_ _ r trated lecture on the “A.fln'gEleetric Home”, to be given at therilfi'fxt "meetâ€" ing of the Women’s Instith‘te Thurs- day evening, Dec. 13 o’clock. Please note time of me .; Mrs. O. L. Wright, hostess. ‘ ‘ ‘ l'des should prove interesting THE L11; Will anyone having work ‘fldo'na; tions for ditty bags, pleas ‘;,lfand it in to Mrs. Rivers, Mrs. Wellvie'od'or Mrs. Clement by Wednesday,‘"’lvD5e‘_c_. 12th, as the bags must be sent aw‘a‘y' very soon for the sailors to receive them at Christmas. Hand towels and wash cloths will be greatly ap- preciated. The Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday morning service will be: 10 a.m., Sunday School; 10.40 a.m., The Kirk Session; 11 a.m., The Sacrament of the Lord’s‘ Supper. Please note change of time. Will you please remember the sale (if home-made baking and miscellan- eous articles to be held in the Unit- ed Church Sunday School room on Saturday, December 8th, beginning at 3 pm. The Liberal joins with the people of the community in wishing Mr. J. A. Greene a speedy recovery after his misfortune in falling on the ice last Saturday night. Christian welcome awaits you ERAI lUCllMUND HILL, ONTARIO Advent Studios: The final 1meeting of the year of the Village Council will be held on ,‘Mond‘ay, might-in the council cham- PJS.’ ."L‘Plfa'ns "for the coming year iljfili‘kely be discussed. (Graduate of the Owen Smily Studio) ELOCUTION, PUBLIC SPEAKING, DRAMATIC ART Ihéfiecdnd game was played Mon- day 135? in the local gym against St. AndlréWfi‘s. Sec_onds. The Saints 'wfnfe noqnatchufpr the green and Mr. Marsh, Ontario Commissionen for the Canadian Red Cross, ad- dressed thel-,Red Cross Wednesday afternoon ngjforth the need 0f carrying 035 p are time unit in con- nection with the Richmond Hill Red CrOSS. A meeting to discuss this phase of Red Cross work will be called early in the New Year. m _ .~:‘ LEGION MEETS 1A mée‘fi .etgfé‘the Canadian Legion will be hel’ “hi-the Municipal Hall at 8 p.m. on Friday, December 14th for the nomination and installation of officers for 1946. A full attendance is requested. 40-66 in a hard fought battle as clase as the score indicated. Runnng up a 34â€"16 score early in the third per- iod the Hill boys tired badly and St. Andrew’s with a great scoring splurge just failed to tie up the game in the closing minutes. Neal, Moore and Collard stood out for Richmond Hill with Norm Alexander being a standout on defence. Err- ington, Malcolmson and Smith were bestfor St. Andrew’s. agathey piled up a 63-28 score. Th mm was never in doubt as the locals added basket after basket while a beWildered St. Andrew‘s team looked on. Clement, Collard and Stewart sparked the Hill team to victory while Edmunds. Martin and Hornesaved, St., Andrew’s from a vqorse drubbing. & COUNCIL MEETING MON. NIGHT RED CROSS NOT “Homewood Hall”, Thornhill Phone 89W Bank of Commerce Building 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto High School Notes Cabbage - - éé‘i‘efiuu‘SEAl'li‘s‘” - 15c GREEN or WHITE F6668; - - 10m35c CRISP GREEN or WHITE NO. 1 GRADE MARSH SEEDLESS Marguerite Boyle MKRWADE m2 1 c FOOD - 29C Wax - $33456 ALL PURPOSE QL'AKER FiveRosesFlour ia‘if‘ZSC Natural Bran $13130 SSKEEY Tomato Juice - 190 Soup 250 FRUIT - VEGETABLES C. & B. ORANGE Cheese $153170 LIPTON'S RIB-CLEANED BAUMERT DICED PARD ‘grrots LB uf‘lu'vants 7C 1: - 4c 1 Sfiuifiécuiil- 25c Grapefruit - - = 5 250 \V e 1' '1 got Rich- . BIRTHS BRILLINGERâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Jack) Brillinger, Richmond Hill, are happy to announce the birth of a son on Monday, December 3rd 1945 at Mrs. Stanford’s Nursing home, Richmond Hill. KELLYâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kelly of Gormley are happy to announce the birth of a son, Waltzr John, on Dec. lst. PHILIP DORN, MARY ASTOR, GLORIA GRAHAME “ BLONDE FEVER ” ‘ RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR WILLARD PARKER, ANITA LOUISE, JOHN LODER “THE FIGHTING GUARDSMAN ” Wednesday and Thursday, December 12, 13 A GIFT THAT WILL BE APPRECIATED ~â€" â€"- â€"- AND â€" â€" â€"- ROBERT LOWERY, PHYLLIS BROOKS “ HIGH POWERED ” Monday and Tuesday, December 10, 11 â€" â€" â€" ALSO â€" .â€" .â€" JIMMY LLOYD, JANE FRAZEE “TEN CENTS A DANCE ” ‘6 Friday and Saturday, December 7, 8 ROUGHLY SPEAKING ” Solve Your Gift Peanuts f31933-200 Elggnser 2;; 19C 3 CROWN SHELLER Almonds i3135-240 OLD DUTCH Oranges 45C TEXAS CL'RLY LEAF Spinach - 25c FRESH Méiél'sses £32150 figfiing Powder 15:3 228C MAGIC HAWES CALIFORNIA Grapes -- AUNT DINAH RED EMPEROR ROSALIND RUSSELL TELEPHONE ‘1 19 DIED THOMPSON, George â€" At Qua. Elizabeth Hospital, on Monday, De- cember 3, 1945, George Thompson, in his 7lst year, late of 107 Granby St. Toronto, beloved husband of Him Brown, dear father of Mrs. Irene Glover, Mrs. Arthur Crean (Murâ€" guerite). v '7 The funeral was held Thursday (today) with interment in Aural: Cemetery: PAGE FIVE

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