§E&%&&%%%%%%%a%%%%%%%%%hï¬g 5 .PAISLEY SHAWL mewwoomeomog FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted 01"HCAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Guaranteed Radio and Guaranteed Refrigeration Service Appliance Service Domestic and Commercial F.L. LOWRKE, R.0. ‘ EY‘ESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, DEC. 12th ms] the Second and Fourth Wednesda of each month FROM 9.30 AM. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitte and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON RADIO, REFRIGERATOR, WASHING MACHINE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERVICE SOME WOOL SOME ANTIQUES Phone M7 ThOrnhill Radio and Refrigeration Service @%%%%%%%%@%@%g Steele’s and Yonge St. Yonge Street LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts Yonge St., Thornhill Telephone 102 gmgga@g%@@%%%%%%%a%%wwn Full line of giftis including China, Linens. Toys and a] handicraft products. CHRISTMAS CARDS BY COUT’I‘S Now into Our New Quarters at 33 Yonge St. 33 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 5J PLUMBING â€"-’HEATING â€" EAVESTROUGHING HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS _ SOF’I‘ENERS â€" SEPTIC TANKS _ SIDING INSULATION â€"â€" TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS -IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced [AGE EIGHT rescrlptwns (or Ginsu-h FHch For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 GUARANTEED PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP Pick Up and Delivery Service Phone Mr. Margesou Thornhill 122 Eavestroughing‘ TINSMIN: GEO. A. KELSON CO. THORNHILL oughing, Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts on Farm Implements and Equipment PAUL DUBOIS LESLIE C. LINDSAY MEMBER PHILCO SERVICE Thornhill Hardware Specialists in Phone Thornhill 135r21 Phone Thornhill 33 After Hours 89.] if 2: The money received from former sales was used for the best purposes", as all who are familiar with the In- stitute’s work know. During the war years the funds were used mainly for war work, although local inter- ests were covered too, but now plans are centred on our own community, and by attending the sale you will not only be benefitting yourself but advancing the interests of the com- munity. Thornhill was the scene of another accident last week when Miss H. Holmes of this district received bruises and shock when in collision with a car. According to Constable A. Harrison, Miss Holmes was crossing Yonge St. at the time. Congratulations are in order to Mr. B. Weldrick on his re-election as Reeve of Vaughan Township. M1'. Weldrick has served the council since 1932. The recent snowfall and the pres- ent cold weather brings wmter sports into prominence once more, and last week-end saw many skiers treking north, and the hills around Thornhill were very popular. A hockey cushion has [been markul off in the skating rink in the Park, grading has been completed. and the hockey boards are in place with the exception of a small amOunt of lum‘ her whiph still has to be purchased. Ten lights are being installed down the centre 0f the ice and six new hydro poles Er reeessary. Present plans indicate _ ' ' be played continu‘ ion, but that it plegisure skating- e used for A1-.,_ Preparation'spsfor? Christmas concert anvd"‘Ch1-istmas†tree in the United Church Sunday School are going steadily forward. The date set is Friday evening, December 21. The beautiful Wmte Gift service which so long has been held in the Thornhill United Church and Sunday School at the Christmas season, will bé"‘obse,-rved on Sunday morning, De- cember 16th. The Evening Auxiliary of the Unitâ€" ed Church Woman’s Missionary So"- ciety held an interesting open evenâ€" ing on Tuesday last when Clayton Scott, foymeply with the RCAF, told| of his expei‘ie' in various parts of Africa. The‘ hpe room was beau- tifully decorated'wth’sgpine branches} cones and candles“ I singing was an enjoyableieature V Mrs. Lawrence Den? y . .3, I sided. Mrs. John Purdy condll ~ ’devotional period in which she â€' .ssistsd by Betty Bone, Geraldiï¬ï¬ï¬vesley and Helen Banting. _’ITh_ ' "aker of the evening was zintirdduc _ .Eaton.‘"' Daintygf'reft ments were segtved at the’c‘ld‘sj :rfMondayJ, ï¬tï¬n , aggoogh attend" Thornhill Pub- lio-Sclioolf-tjo me speakers from variou‘sï¬sranc es of the Bey Scouts organization. The meeti’lg was callâ€" ed primarily for the purpose of electâ€" ‘ing a group committee, and Mr. Sparrow, chairman of the York Cen- tral District, acted as chairman of the meeting, having been introduced l by 7 Mrs Edwards. ' eéember 3 saw District Commissioner Clarke Locke spoke of the fine things that had been done here and said that many good scouts had been turned out. Mr. Harry Swabey has been appointed Honorary Scoutmaster, and incidentally he is the first honorary scoutmaster in our district. Mr. J. Harwood, Field Commis- sioner who has made a professiOn of scouting, was then introduced by Mr. Locke. Mr. Harwood gave an intelligent address on the qualities 3 Scout must possess in order to become a good one, uhow their initi- ative is called into play, and of the position a parent should take in this regard. The necessity of a Group committee was then explained. Scouts and Cubs in any community should be under the guidance or con- trol of a group of senior people in the community, and it is their busi- ness to see that the boys have prop- er leaders as well as a place in which to meet. A senior scout group, called Rover Crew, and made up largely of Lans- ing and Willowdale boys, may have their headquarters at York Mills. Reports of the various committees were then given by Barbara Neil, Yvonne Swabey, Mrs. Broderick, Mr. Edwards and Mr. Jackson. Mr. .Swaibey expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him and Mr. Grainger explained why he has been unable to act as scoutmaster this season, which was on account of business. Mr. Edwards then spOke of the necessity of securing a meeting place for both the Cubs and Scouts. A small cottage has been offered for this purpose, the cost to be around $500. In this connection, Mr. Ed- wards has received some donations already. All donations to Scouts are exempt from income tax, and anyone wishing to contribute, please get in touch with Mr. Edwards. At the present time, the boys have no prop- er place to meet in and it is albso« luter necessary that some building should be made available in a cen- tral location. Tkornhiil District News THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARXO want to miss the bargains. will be articles for sale that 11d be impossible to procure are, as a glance}; the list on The A.Y.P.A. connected with Trin- ity Anglican Church have planned a Euchre for Tuesday, December 18th. Also a group of these young people intend ~to go down to Toronto on Sunday night next to see the Christ- mas Pageant at Holy Trinity church. Trinity Anglican Sunday School Christmas entertainment is to be held on December 27th in the Far- ish Hall. It was suggested that the leaders of certain groups in the Village be approached with regard to backing the Scouts, and the president of the W.I., Mrs. Swa-bey, and Mrs. Brod- erick as president of the women's auxiliary, are automatically included on the group committee. Pte. Sam Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Johnson of John St., ov- erseas for more than two years, is with the Army Service Corps near Amsterdam. Sam was an instructor of truck drivers at Camp Borden where he took two or three courses before going overseas. Although he does not expect to get home before Spring, Sam says they are very busy repairing in a garage, working in- side instead of out as formerly; they are living in cabins now instead of tents and are getting good food, so although he would like to be home for Christmas, he is content to stay. The election of a group committee was then conducted by ballot and t“e following names were selected: B. Edwards, G. Giles, R. H. Neil, L. Jamieson, J. McNeil], T. Jackson, C. Jaeger, A. Sumner, J. R. Sumner, F. Haines. A meevting_ of this Group Commit- tee has been called for Monday night next. It is most gratifying to know that Miss Gillian Watson who underwent an operation recently is coming along nicely, although still confined to hos- pital. _,, _ - . “u Watch your Japonica, or Flowerâ€" ing Quince, this winter. The rabbits are very fond of this particulai; shrub and will eat it in preference to any other. The following report was sent t0 the trustees of Thornhiil Public School by Dr. R. A. Bigford, M.0.H. Township of Vaughan, who examined therpupils there recently: There were 104 pupils and parents were present" the examinations. There cases of defective vision, one had been corrected 1) and 13 of the others are- defect. There were 8 ea rfective hearing. 31 pupil I their tonsils removed. (I » viii)" have large or diseased toniils. There were only 5 pupils with palpable glands, and 4 pupils with deviated septums. There were 8 pupils with wax in ears and 1 pupil with skin condition. There were 16 pupils with defective teeth. “I must say here thfltimhe ;,c0n(1iâ€" tion of the teeth on;t-E32._£’ng® was remarkably good, evidéitry‘aaï¬a re- sult of the dental surveys» which have been made." Number of pupils reported to havel had measles total 77; number of‘ pupils reported to have had Scarlet fever total 5; number of pupils re« ported to have had whooping cough‘ total 46; number of pupil's“;1fepj to have had chickenflpqutg. : p . and number of pu 3 éepé‘fted to‘ have had mumps t9. ' Number of pupils reported i ‘ whooping cough number of pupils 3215' received diphther A’ number of pupil received scarlet fe 63; and number of p . 4 have received smallpox-Va _ __e:;g,.t59_t_al 34. . -r-?:~*=‘s‘:~; “I hope to ' picture .03 immunizations 'Side anoth- er year.†To examining 50 pu iis from Township of Markham at $1.00 each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50.00 To examining 54 pupils from Township of Vaughan at 50c. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.00 The choir of Trinity Anglican Church are sending out notices this week announcing their annual Can- dlelight service on Wednesday, De- cember 19th at 8 pm. Make an efâ€" fort to attend this beautiful service and sing the grand old Christmas carols and hymns. The Township of Vaughan is pay- ing the balance of #SQc. per pupil. There are still Christmas cards available and also a few of last year’s printing (Trinity Church) for which the choir members have had many requests. Telephone W. R. Howard, Thornhill 31 for informa- tion and orders. 4 Price Control And Rationing Information Q. The grocer where I deal :h'as charged 38c. 3. lb. for butter tâ€. the last couple of weeks whq‘ï¬l price was raised to 40:. Is_'li lowed to do this? ‘ A. Yes, both prices mentioned are bciow the ceiling price...the price of butter has always been much 10w- er during the summer months when it is being pvoduced. From October on. the price goes up a few cents and in the spring it starts to come duvn again. The dealeh’ are allowed to charge a little extra in the winter mpnths to take care of storage and insurance charges. At the present time the ceiling price is 42:. or 43c. a lb. depenaing on the location. Q. Does the rent controller in a town of approximately 10,000 popu- lation receive a salary ‘2. A. Some Prices Beard officials serve without remuneration, others are on loan from various firms and are paid by such firms, and some are paid a straight salary by the Board for their servxces. If you will give us the name cf the town we will be glad to advise you by letter. $77.00 Antique Glass and China Violin , Candlesticks Pewter Silver Dishes Chinese Novelties I Pictures Books 1 Medical Books Skates and Boots ‘Costume Jewelry ; Hats ‘ Dresses Man’s Windbreaker I On Sunday, December 16th White ;Gi§t‘~ï¬se_rvice will be observed in the f’Slgï¬tigy‘iiï¬chool. Will the children and ’pareï¬tS‘be as generous as pCSSâ€" ible to help those who are in real Ineed. These gifts are sent to the lWeHare Department of the Toronto ' Home Mission Council, 139 Jarvis S . where they are distributed to the various centres where the need i‘: the grAeateet. _ . ‘....v Under Auspices Thornhill Women?“ Institute Man’s V‘ Shoes Curtains Dolls and Clothes Blocks Puzzles Dolls’ Beds Books Sled Ski _ nted Tin Bins 1 ‘ose Table Decoraii Sets L , s OveransY Pyjamas Stuffed Animals Lead Soldiers Bags of Alleys Christmas Stockingg lel Carriage wreisses .f ' Hotgsw ex Bot 'g Covers Hams: *_ ~ Hand ‘ Smocks â€" Novelties of Various Kinds A Large Selection of Gift Articles Painted Cookie Tins' Painted Kitchen Gadgets Men’s Pyjagnas #1115192; Christmas Cakes Candies ' Meat Dishes in Pottery CasseL'ales lbfglgeï¬u ‘ Cookies iEsk ' EU‘R‘KEY‘ DRAW RAFFLES AFTERNOON TEA .-.. . ‘ ronto, Eééig-ei‘ci"gu'€s't§Bf' Miss Mortsou,;§'i"chmond Hill, Gwen. Smith. _ I eran'd Mrs. Herb Smith attended Mr. and Mrs. W. Wellman visned the funeral of the late Mr. H. Gal- friendshin Creemore last week. |braith, Toronto, last Thursday. 1 MY. anï¬'Mf'sg-rNorman Brodie werei Miss Ruth Wellman spent the pï¬unday visi‘torsof Mr. and Mrs. H.]\\'eek-end at her home. Hoï¬ié ’Ma'ld‘é' 'Buns On Monday night, December 17th the Sunday School are having their annual Christmas entertainment and party. There will be Christmas slides, recitations and carols.fLet .all the children and parents of the com- munity be present and spend a happy evening. We should<all be very thankful to be living in a country where there is plenty when we hear of the appalling conditions in Euro- pean countries. ~ ' Mrs. C. Brodie returned to her home last week after visiting her daughter in Aurora where she cele- fbrated her 85th birthday on Nov. 25th with be: family. er. arrixid Mrs. Glén Metcalf, To- ronto,‘ were week-end guests of Miss Gwen Smith. T.B. SURVEY EH.C.I. 1945 Vollmer Patch Tests applied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Pupils showing positive reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Pupils showing doubtful reaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pupils receiving X-ray at school . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Pupils receiving X-ray at Dr. Shannon’s office .. 1 Pupils sent (24-11-45) for 2nd X-ray . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Pupils showing active tuberculosas . . . . . . . . . 0 Pupils showing healed tuberculosis . . . . . . . . . 3 Barents of above 3 notified by letter 5-11-45 CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. WOWOW? DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Saturday. Dec. 8th 2 TO 5.30 PM. .-.» WHITE ELEPHAN'I‘S Lawrence Memorial Hall, Stop 17, Thornhill BRADFORD Gormley RR. 1 HOME COOKING SALE! INâ€" TOYS THURSDAY. DECEMBER 6th, 1945. 17th Save Time. Money and Disap- pointment by having plans ’ drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Building Consultant 6 “'alder Ave. Toronto Phone Mohawk 05-08 or 137 Yonge St. Richmond Hill ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? m " {With 30 Other Stars SATURDAY, DEC. 15â€"Auction sale of 10 acres of standing Maple and Beech bush will be sold in 1/4 acre lots (more or less); also 2 frame buildings at lots 4 and 5. con. 5 UK- bridge, 2 miles north of Claremont, theiproperty 01$ng Brillinger. The purchasérs will-i’gi‘ifli until April 1, "" ï¬bood. All brush ‘wgrkmanlike man- ' a good bush to 'ck (come in from ï¬rms cash. Sale at ’and AtkinSOn, auc- SATURDAY, DEC. 8th â€"; Mimi rence Memorial Hall,-Th3¢£j1hi‘ll, 2.120 5.30 p.m., bazaar articles, antique Ch'na- and glassware, clothing, home taking“; etc. SATURDAY, DEC. 8â€"Auction Sale of cattle, horses, pigs, geese, pul- lets, hay, corn, implement“, etc., the property of Thos. W. Postill at Lot ‘5, Con. 7 Pickering, 1%. miles north No. 7 highway on townlint'. Terms h. Sale at; 1 pm. No reserve as n is sold; Sellers and Atkinson} “1313.â€, DEC. 12:5quigi a“; “1 sale of modern firmu'emi ment including tractors, power gar; horse driven implements, along ’ farm stock. etc., on lot .,-,.rc.91 Scarboro. pronerltvl beloiig ng to '.m estate of the late ’va. 1'.*Harri‘$_. Terms cash'. Sale at 1 pm. Posi I tively no resqrve. Ken and 018.21.?“ Prenrtice, auctioneers. 55.» FRIDAY, DEC. 14Auction sale." high grade Jersey cattle (23 heafl-i milking machine, ensilag‘e, the prop. erty of W. L. Clarke, lot 10, con. ‘ Markham on No. 7 Highway. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auc- tioneers FR‘ID-AY, DEC. 14â€"Auction sale of horses, cattle, pigs, implements, hay, grain and furniture, the property of Earl J. Bowes, lot 6, rear: concession 6 King township, 31/2 miles west of King City. No reserve‘ as farm is sold. Terms gash, V S'aletmstarts at 1 pm. sharp; Manningf1,,McEwan, auctioneer. ‘ H ' '- . *2 SATURDAY, ‘DEC. LEAâ€:fo of 138 ac1‘e.far_m,,1.:a.l‘sp_} ‘ implements. etc.. ’at‘“lo't' 3‘2 _ Vaughan Township. the property 0f O’Brien estate. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. ‘ tioneers; DECEMBER 7 & 8 North York Lions Club â€"ANDâ€"â€"A - The Uplift Girls" of Newto’nbrook AN ALL STAR VARIETY SHOW - THEL‘LION ‘_ CHORUS BOYS "“EARL HAIG COLLEGIATE ADMISSION 35 Cents Phone 126d Telephone Thomhill 177 Sale. Register .ij Féat'iii‘ing Presents “Scott, clerk.