Opposite Orange Winter keeping Masonic Hali Studios _ 7 a'V (Graduate of the Owen Smin Studio) ELOCU’I‘ION, PUBLIC SPEAKING. DRAMATIC ‘ART CL...“ A _ Mrs. Riley and EVIES M. E. Harri- son, Richmond Hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Line. We v- "V... an AVI- Jan. 7-17 Iinclus‘iveâ€"Belhaven Jan. ‘14-18 inclusiveâ€"Sharon Jan. 21-25 inclusiveâ€"Unionville Jan. 28 - Feb. :2 inclusiveâ€"‘Vellore Feb. 5-9 inclusiveâ€"ASchomvbex-g , These courses will cover most phases of Agriculture and while pri- marily for Junior Farmers, they will be open to all ages. Regular -cour$es of one menth discontinued at the outbreak of the war will perhaps be revived by next year but these classes should prove popular in the meantime. RICHMOND HILL Saturday, Dec. ESth Certified N.B. Green Five one week shor: Agriculture will be he County dur‘ing 'January ary, 1946. These will lu “Homewood Hallâ€, '. Phone 89W Bank of Commerce 2896 Dundas St. W.. Short Courses For Junior Farmers Thornhill £1th _ ‘â€" â€" “THE cfsï¬ï¬ KID RETURNS †With DUNCAN RENALDO .m. .w. wLLu uuulplete name con- hol . . . handy front dial control . . .»special waste stopper. See the new DUO-THERM heaters today! The :newiDuo-Therm ROYAL heater is equipped with Radiant Doors, patented Dual-Chamber Burner with complete flame con- n01 . . . handv frnnf (1;n‘nnn‘-" Margutgritei Boyle That's how simple it is to .‘have perfect heating comfort with this efficient new Duo- fl‘herm ROYAL heater. And talk about beauty! New, modern styling, new rounded contours, new Duo-Tone ï¬nish, make the Duo-Therm ROYAL ‘the hand- asomest heater ever made! POTATOES AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR T NIGHT . . . just set your Duo-Therm at lowfor just enough heat to keep the chill off. A twist of the handy dia’l when you get up . . . and Duo- Therm floods your house with warm, clean, odorless heat. AMAZING POWER-AIR UNIT SAVES UP TO 25%! Matinee for Children Saturd Commencing at 2.30 ( 2 Evening Shows starting at 6‘ ATTENTION GROWERS 7-1.? iinclus’iveâ€"Belhaven ‘14-18 inclusiVCESharon 21-25 inclusiveâ€"Unionville 28 - Feb. :2 inclusivp_'vnn. THE EAST SIDE KIDS in COME OUT FIGHTING †' MOM/Ne ro [way/r €0MF01P7W/r/I A w MAPLE DOUBLE FEATURE 'mg January and Febru- These will be held as fol- SHOWING AT THE week short courses in will" be held in York THURSDAY, DEQEMBER 13th, 1945 ing. Delivered in Richmond Hill or vicinity. Orphanage III] -THERM ce Building W., Toronto 'rreen Mountain Seed Potatoes Orders taken. ‘â€"'Schomvberg _ *ill cover most '6 and while pri-' NORGE APPLIANCES 'I‘hornhill FUEL OIL HEATER ‘. GRIFFIN ALSO Saturday Afternoon t 2.30 o’clock Mr. and Mrs. Hoad were present- ed with a beautiful new radio and table by their family, and friends and neighbors brought flowers and gifts and good wishes to the happy couple. Their daughter Laura Weav- ers who had been planning the party since last autumn, supervised the serving of a delicious supper. _-,_-... "-mue-v, uwm, .uubcuw, 0nt.; Vera, recently discharged from the C.W.A.C.; Mrs. Frank Cockbain, Toronto, and Mrs. A. Weaver (whose husband is still overseas) at home. Eight in-laws and 19 grandchildren complete a family circle of 36 mem- bers. 0f the children only Gordon was unable to be present. He has been in Ottawa Civic Hospital since last July as the result of painful injuries sustained when he was crushed by falling logs. Church, Toronto, on Dec. 11th, 1895. They moved to a farm in Thornhill 28 years ago and for the past six years have lived in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Hoad have nine sons and daughters, Mrs. Roy Jamieson, Humber Bay; George, Queenston; Charlie, Guelph; Ali, Ellesmere; Gordon, Renfrew; Irwin, Moscow. Last Sunday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Road, John St., re- turned from an overnight visit in Toronto, they were surprised and tmxched to find the house decorated and a large party of relatives and friends waiting to offer congratula- tions, and to help them celebrate their golden wedding anniversary. Joseph Alfred Head and Ellen Mor- ris were married in St. Clement’s Church, Toronto, on Dec. 11th. 1895. 7 and 9 p.m. $59.59 Elgin Mills gOLpEN VWEDDING Phone 13 t MISS Sunda 8 am 11 am mon B001 7 pm.- Subj .A“ an rum... Fred Victor Mission is now broad casting Sundays at. 3.30 pm. ove: station C.H.U.M. Broadcast cor: ducted by the Rev. Wesley A. Hunni‘ 's'ett. mmo, LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Pastorâ€"Dr. M. H. Blandin Sunday. Dec. 16th 11 a.m.â€"Bi-b1e School. 7 p.m.â€"Gospel Service. Guest speak- er._ Mr. W. H. Layzell. A Christian welcome awaits day, Dec. Candlelight Dec. 23rd 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer and Sermon_ Subject, “The Unpopular Themeâ€. All are welcome. Chjldrerl‘s Ch§i§tmas Tree Wednes- v-°...uou Sunday, D_ec. ‘16â€"" Ad8 a.m.â€"'Holy Communion. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer and men. Subject, “The Un Bookâ€. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Miss Bernice Lightbody, A.Mus., L.T.C.L., Organist n,,,, 1 Visitors welcome RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rcv.. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, Dec. 16th 10.30 a.m.â€"The (Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Pub]ic Worship. Thursday. Dec. 20th 3 p.m.â€"The Annual Meeting of the Women’s Association at the home of Mrs. K. Blanchard, Centre St. West. 7 p.m.â€"Eveninngdr§h_i§I All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Dec. 16th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.flMorning Worship. The Hope will be held camber 20th at 8 pm. The Richmond Hill Lions Club on Thursday, December 6th at their, regular business meeting were host to ten members of the Armed Serâ€" vices Personnel of the Village who recently returned from fields of ac- tion. This is an event which the Lions are sponsoring to all members of the forces when they return to the Village. HOPE AND TESTON Lions Host Tb Returning Personnel Miss Bessie MoMurchy. R.N., at present home on furlough frmi India was guest speaker last Sunday even- ing at the annual Thank-Offering meeting of the Presbyterian W.M.S. Miss McMurchy also conducted the installation of officers for the year 1946. Mrs. O. M. MacKiIIOp is pres- ident. We welcome home from overseas Squadron Leader W. J. Wilson who has served overseas the past year with the RJC.A.F. and whose name was mentioned in dispatches. S./L. Wils‘on will enter the Hospital for Sick Children in the near future. He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Wilson, Centre St. E. v Fun I .1; Sunday Schoolr {65:11 Par'éht; am friends of the Cradle R01] and Prim ary Department are cordmlly in vited. Primary Department of the Richmond Hill United Church Sunday Schoql will be held on Saturday afternoon, December 15th at 3 o'clock in the Sunday School room. Parents and V O: 1‘ The officers and teachers of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School are holding a Christ- mas party for the pupils in the Sun- day School room on Saturday, Deâ€" cember 15 at 3 pm. The pupils of the Sunday School are cordially rin- vited. come home boys Several boys of the district have returned from overseas the past week. They are Capt. Jake Koning, Sgt. Alf. Wright, Pte. Murray Blanchard and Pte. John Stong. We]- W.O. Clarence Fisher, recently re- turned from the Far East, will short- ly take up residence with his wife and daughter here. Clarence was formerly employed at the 5c. to $1.00 Store. The regular meeting of S: Anglican Church W.A. wi_l on Tuesday next, December 2.30 p.m. in the Parish Hall election of officers and sew The annual Christmas party of the Don’t forget the Festival of Xmas Carols being presented tonight and Friday night by the chCirs of the Richmond Hill schools in the high school gym. at 8 pm. NOTICE The byteria Thursd at the TUE LIBERAL,- RICHMOND HILL N-‘ Socml and Personal 19th at 7.30 gm": W " Carol Service Sunday at 7.30 pm. ‘entre Public School Concert Thursday evening, De- in Maple Concert Hall nual meeting Church W.A. December ï¬at}; me of Mrs. K. “The Undying Advent 3 you Ser- the Pres ll be he]: at 3 pm Blanchard Mal'y’; be held 18th at fdr the ng. Oranges FANCY Pascal Celery SIZE 288’s DOZ. LGE. HEAD 350 170 ,s. -V .n. “u 5:“- erous as possible. Monday, December 17 is the date set for the annual Sunday School Xmas entertainment. Movie pic- tures, recitations, Christmas Carols and sing songs will be some of the main features of the evening, and last, but not least, a visit from Santa. Plan to attend. CALIFORNIA White Gift Sunday will be observ- ed this Sunday, December 16th at 11 am. There is to be a joint ser- vice. Everyone is cordially invited Graï¬ï¬Ã©s -- RED EMPEROR S‘MELTZERâ€"Iln loving memory of a dear husband and father, Thomas B. Smeltzer, who passed away Decem- ber 20, 1944 at King, Ont. Just a thought of sweet remem- brance, Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet devotion Of those who think of you. â€"‘Wife and sons, Pearson and Scott. un..1 quALl l I (‘AMPBELL’S Tomato Juice 23%?5'196 I Tomato Soup"??? 10C Pastry FLOUR 2w840££§ 29c Kindness and sympathy extended to us during- our recent bereavement in the death and 1055 of a very dear friend, wife and mother, and also to thank them for the beautiful floral offeringsâ€"AMI. and Mrs. Caldwell, Thomas 'M. and Howard Baker. FANCY QUALITY CARD OF THANKS We take this means of notifying our many friends and relatives that we are deeply appreciative of the kindness and sympathy extended to “5 during 0111‘ recent bereavement in the death and inqc n? n ...... .1“... Cheese . $135190 BLUE MOL'NTAIN Peas - - [Need Beets 250 HALIJOWELLâ€"Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Hallowell of “Laradonâ€, Concord, Ont. are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Ellen, a sister for Nancy, on Dec. 6th, 1945, at the Private Patient’s Pavilion, Toronto General Hospital. CHATEAU CHOICE .......( A n: MIL As next week is the last week be- fore Christmas for the publishing of The Liberal several advertisers will be wanting to tell the readers of their last minute bargains. In order to accommodate all we are asking that advertisers and correspondents get their copy in as early in the week as pOSSibIe. Thank you. ARTIFICIAL ‘ "‘“W 'k fledRose Eeflee 41c HARRY HbRK'E's ALL-PURPOSE GRIND nubflflh‘ AND FOVVL DRAW The annual Christmas fowl euchre and lucky draw sponsored by St. Mary’s Catholic Church will be held in St. Mary’s Hall on Friday night, December let. All prizes for euchre will be fowl. ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHILDREN’S XMAS TREE The annual Christmas Tree for the children of the congregation of St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, will be held in me Parish Hall on Wednesday, December 19 at 7.30 pm. Carols, special musical num- bers and Santa Claus. EUCHREV AND FOWI HEADFORD Ianilla - , ONTARIO CHRISTMAS PAPER »I_N MEMORIAM ‘ wul be some of the of the evening, and least, a visit from 3 attend. BIRTH you 0 OZ. BTL. It has been decided that, beginn- ing the first of the New Year, the regular weekly meeting will be sche- duled for a Friday night, the same time and place. A Christmas party will feature next Tuesday’s programme when the one and only Santa Claus will visit the Youth Council. Each member is asked to bring a small gift, the price not exceeding 25c. This is your ad- mission fee. Don’t forget it. Games and a sing song will be supervised by the Council. Dancing to rec0rds Wil conclude the evening’s fun.. Young married couples are cordially invit- ed to attend this meeting. Many new ideas and presented to the coun day evening when a of members were pr business meeting. Skating carnivals, skiing boggan parties â€" that’s w store for members of the 1 ’Hill Youth Council. Youth Plan For fl Christmas Party on .. The following officers were in- stalled for 1946 at the meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church held on Tuesday: Hon. Pres, Mrs. W. Coo'k; Pres., Mrs. R. Endean; lst Vice-Pres, Mrs. J. Pollard; 2nd Vi:e»Pres., Mrs. H. Sanderson; Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. R. Herrington; Cor. 839., Mrs. R. Lynâ€" ett; Treas., Mrs. A. Eden; Floral‘ Convenor, Mrs. A. G. Savage; Pian- ist, Mrs. R. S. Cooper; Asst. Pianist, Mrs. W. Mylks. Wednesday and Thursday, ANN SHERIDAN, ALEXIS SI United Church WA. Installs Ofï¬cers Friday and Saturday, December GEORGE SANDERS, GENE ’I‘I been decided that, beginn- rst of the New Year, the zekly meeting will be sche- a Friday night, the same _l_,A Monday and Tuesday, December 17, 18 GARY COOPER, TERESA WRIGHT “ CASANOVA BROWN †the couthIâ€"vl‘ F LORI DA Tangarines - 39C EASY TO PEEL Split Peas - Cereal - YELLOW OLD YORK INTERLAKE DIAMOND BUDDED '. 839., Mrs. R. Lynâ€" s. A. Eden; Floral A. G. Savage; Pian- boper; Asst. Pianist. FANCY m, auu ulur‘aay, December 19, 20 )AN. ALEXIS SMITH. JACK CARSON “ DOUGH GIRLS †that’s {ivthé‘ES in of the Richmond a large present “ SUN DOWN †Spbjects were ast Tues- 9 number t at the and to- In accordance with By-law sidewalks cleaned within 5 l snow fall and any obeying this by-law will have walks cl charged against the of the dwelling. This by-law will be : forced. POUND December 14, 15 GENE TIERNE‘Y Phone now We.........°....;ï¬..'_ Afternoon Tea and Cup Reading at the Fireside Tea Room 101 Yonge St., Richmond Hil Monday, December 17 NOTICE RE SNOW REMOVAL December 19‘ SIZE Dinner Reservations. Phone 159W Richmond Hill SIZE ‘rice including reading R. LYNETI‘, Clerk and Treasurer 140 nce with the Viilage idewalks must be ithin 5 hours after and any person disn is by-law the Villagc walks cleaned and PA GE F IVE will be strictly en. for Your Christmas. occupancy ON“ 50c.