Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1946, p. 1

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Since the Hon. Russell T. Kelly, M.P.P., of Hamilton was inVited‘ to address a gathering of Laymen in St. Mary’s Parish Hall on Monday, January 2lst next, he has been ap- pointed Minister of Health for On- tario. The Hon. Mr. Kelly comes to Richmond Hill not as a politician but as a churchman to talk about church matters to men of all de- nominations. Mr. Kelly has a wide range of public services. He was in charge of the Red Cross Blood Donor’s organization. He is presi- dent of the Russell T. Kelley Ltd. advertising agencv in Hamilton. He has been twice president of the Ham- ilton‘ Chamber of Commerce, past president of the-Ontario Associated Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce. Among a host of wide- lv varied interests he includes the Y.M.C.A., Red Cress and the Navy League. The Hon. Russell T. Kelly, busy though he is in many activi- ties, finds time to devote to the cause of Christ and the church. A leader in the Anglican Church he is vitally interested in the Canadian Council of Churches and the place of laymen in the church of the fu- ture. Supporting the Hon. Russell T. Kelly and introducing him will be Mr. E. B. Warriner of “Brookside Farms" in Markham Township. Like Mr. Kellv, Mr. Warriner has a wide range of public services. He is a member of the Executive of the Gen. eral Council of the United Church of Canada, Chairman of the Board of Governors of Albert College, New Minister Of Health, Hun. R. T. Kelly To Address Richmond Hill Men The third perimi neither team did anv scorim’ (which counted. both had eoals dieallowed). At this hour of the night the ice <hnwed the wear and water anneared in Several spots and the mick was hevond con- trol. Oshawa, however. did have the better of the nlav and it was onlv the miraculous Faves of Stunden in the Hill nets which saved the day for them. The first game between Toronto Chnnman’s and Varsitv ended in. 3 4-211 tie and due to the soft ice it Wis aereed between the two teams gist there would be no overtime. Mack ('Jernenf onpvmd thn scoring for the local feom in the first per- iod on a bemw‘fi'ul =n10 effort and took a shot whhh bad Cerwatz beat af all fimes. Bill Mundel] made it two earlv in the remnd neriod when he thangod in “Lorne Smith’s re- bound. It was 2+ this stave that Oshawa came to life and TonHV made it inteerino‘ for the Hm. Del] «cared for fhem on a pass from W91es and it looked a: if thAv miq-ht eae'ilv fie H, um 52: the Hill boys sewed f9 tiring. Scarboro vs Chapman’s, Richmond Hill' vs Markham In All Important Games Friday Night“ Hill Team Continues To Win Before Record Crowd of Fans Richmond Hill Juniors are still un- defeated in their group race and last Friday night handed the strong Oshawa Jr. B’s another set-back when they defeated them at the lo- cal arena bv thn score of 2-1 on verv bad ice. The ice conditions made it imnoss‘ihle for either teams to make anv team play and the game develnned into a real shinny battle. Referee Cy Kellv handled an excellent mime and in the first tum period: hpnderl out. several hen- alties am? in the final stanza neith- er team drew a penaltv which was Something unusua‘ for fhn condi- tion-s thev were plavinpr under. Mack ('Jemenf onpvmd thn scoring PHONE MO. 2172 VOL. LXVII. THE HOME PAPER “ Dwight MFR Glory ” A STAR IN THE N GHT OF THE DISTRYCT GREER GARSON, GREGORY PECK in “THE VALLEY OF DECISION ” SELECTED SHORTS Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 10, 11, 12 Wednesday and Thursday. J nuary 16, 17 IDA LUPINO. SYDNEY GRE NSTREET in “ PILLOW TO POST ” Added Attraction for Saturday Matlinee Cartoons and Man Hunt of Mystfry Island SINCE 1878 With LYNNE ROBERTS, WM. TERRY WAGON HEELS “ BEHIND CITY LIGHTS ” Monday and Tuesday, Janu ry 14, 15 JIMMY LYDON, SALLY ILERS i3 “ STRANGE ILL CAPITOL THEATRE a 300 Seats All Evening 25¢. â€"-â€"AND Local fans are in store for two real tussles this Friday night when i'Scarboro takes on the Chapman’s {and Richmond Hill will be hosts to their old opposition. Markham. Both ithese games will be worth driving fmiles to see and by all indications Richmond Hill Arena will be filled .to capacity. All that is necessary ‘is for the old Weather man to give us a few cold hours. Exactly 508 naid the admission fee to the arena .last Friday night so if you want a good spot come early and don’t miss {these games. First game commences at 7.30 pm. sharp. « Have you your gueSS in for the Bulova watch donated by Chapman Bros. Jewellers to the person who can guess the correct standing of ‘ the teams at the end of the schedule? F‘ntny forms are enclosed in the Lucky Number Program offered for sale at all Junior games. Make sure you secure your program this Fri- dav night and enter the contest. Contest closes on Saturday, January ‘ 19th. Treasurer of the Canadian Council of Churches. He has been promin- ent in connection with the Ontario Religious Education Council and other important services. All men interested in the welfare of the church are invited to be present at 8 pm. sharp and are promised an evening of inspiration and fellow- ship. Miss Marion MacKillop was the winner of the lucky number proâ€" grgm. V Chapman’s came to life in the second and really made it interest- ing for the boys in blue and they scored three times while Varsity bulged the twine for only one count- er. Ending the score for the game at 4-all. Neither team scored in the last period. This was the second tifi’fe that the Chapman’s had to come from behind detie the score and play overtime and before many games have gone they will break into the win column. Varsity had control of the play at all time in the first period and scored twice before Chapman’s came back with a counter. HON. RUSSELL T. KELLY Yon ge at Castlefield in Esspntiak‘rllnity: In Non-Essentlals. Elbertv: Ln All Things. Charity". RICHJVIOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1946 Wait And Keep Eye On City Says Weldrick On Radials In discussing the current increase in crime which is causing consider- able alarm throughout our land the speaker said it was unfortunate that while we spend millions of dollars and expend measureless energy try- ing to make good citizens of our youth, we sit calmly by and tolerate the existence of other influences which tend to nullify our efforts. He mentioned -a certain type of movie and some publications which had a demoralizing influence and were pro- ductive of poor citizenship. We must seek to provide new means of guid- ance and recreation for youth and we must at the same time seek to The question of improved public transportation from Toronto came before Vaughan township council this week at its first 1946 meeting. “Radial patrons are demanding a faster service," delcared Councillor Bert Phelps. “The complaints over the present service have become even more vigorous since Toronto approved its new rapid transit plan. If We are to benefit by the general improvement about to take place, it is high time we put in our oar and commenced to row. I propose a meeting with Markham, North York and Richmond Hill councils to try to plan some action.” Reeve Weldrick:â€"â€"â€"“What percent- age of people are complaining. Very few have come to this council to complain about the service, and we must not forget that the radials are a paying proposition. I think that as long as the cars are running and paying us a profit we should leave things alone. Let us wait and see What Toronto does." J. E. Smith, iMJP“ was the guest sneaker at the North York Lions Club which met at Willowdale Monâ€" day evening. The North York mem- ber was given a hearty reception by his fellow Lions and in his remarks gave some interesting highlights of the recent session of Parliament and discussed some current problems. Mr. Smith appealed especially to Lions and all public spirited citizens to take an active interest in the re- habilitation of our returning servicai personnel. “The government has provided extensive plans and made generous provisions for our return- ing service men,” he said, “in a re- habilitation program which We are proud to say is the most generous of any country in the world. How- ever there is always that extra mile which the interested individual can go beyond anything any government body or official agency can accomp- lish in really rehabilitating these boys who are returning after sev- eral years on the war fronts. Let’s not forget them after the enthusi- asm of the official welcome is over,” said the speaker. “Rather let’s keep in close touch with them, take them by the hand and work together with them in building the better world they’ve dreamed aboutâ€"the better world for which they fought and for which their comrades died.” Pine Grove school trustees asked for the appointment of a school nurse. “Several school districts have asked for a nurse and we should North York M. P. Guest Speaker At Willowdale lions Government Policy Defined 0n Aiding Public Projects “The government can follow no other policy and at the same time avoid inflation," pointed out The Liberal’s informant. “So far the government has steered clear of in- flation, and it is not likely to plunge into it now or to increase the public debt by expenditures, in themselves desirable, but nevertheless calculat- ed to check private enterprise by the maintenance of high business and (3) “’Time of unemployment” is notié term that will not be loosely interpreted when it comes to opening the public treasury to assist in public reconstruction projects. Idleness which results from industrial transition to a peace basis will not be regarded as sufficient to justify Dominion w expenditure. (2) The rapid transit system would also have to be undertaken at ‘a time of unemployment in Toronto to daalify for Dominion government assistance. I (1) A Dominion~0ntario agreement with respect to such financing must be arrived at before the ‘Dominion government could share the cost of Toronto’s new rapid transit system. By‘ Jack Marsh, special correspondent of The Liberal Ottawa, Jan. 9â€"Surprise was exprésaed in government circles today that there should be any confusion in Toronto over the Dominion’s plan ,0 help finance public projects for cities‘imd provinces. It is pointed out that:â€" Council learned that the provin- cial government pays no bounty on foxes during the winter months, and it was pointed out that withSno re- turns coming from the government and with the price of pelts down, farmers see no advantage in using gasoline in chasing foxes. Snow Plowing Gives Markham Headache certainly giVe them one,” said the reeve. eliminate those influences which new tend to lawlessness and poor citizenâ€" ship. The speaker was introduced by Lion Tom Wiltshire and was tend- ered a heartv vote of thanks by the members. Three new Lions were received at the meeting, one of the new members being Rev. L. 0. Sec- rett, formerly of Richmond Hill, n0w Rector of St. George’s and recently returned to his parish after serving as a padre with the armed forces. J‘ames McDona‘ldhvthe clerk, re- ported that 92% per cent of the 1945 taxes have been paid, leaving ar- rears of $2,212 is compared with $2,597 in 1944,L$3,791 in 1943 and $6,845 in 1942. In 1935, tgx arrears amounted to $33,980. ' “The case of Toronto transporta- tion is not an isolated one. If the government were inclined to be len- ient or indulgent and relax its pol- icy .fpr Toronto, what would- prevent every other municipality in the Do- minion fro-m expecting similar help for transportation, light plants, sewâ€" ers and anything else for which the residents might have a fancy? And what would that do to taxes?” Coup‘erthwaite. a new member of counci.‘ stated “there was no rea- son ~. .g the back farmers should not be'taken care of as well as the farmers on the paved highways and they should be able to get to the city and have their goods on the market as well as the next fellow.” The truck which did the plowing last year will not be available as it is at present on other road work. The tenders will be opened at a spe- cial meeting of the cbuncil Saturday afternoon at the council chambers. A committee will be formed from representatives of the Red Cross, Veterans, Junior Farmers, Women’s Institute, churches, Lions Club and the members of the council to find out what can be done, and what the most need of the boys returning home from the war is. The council is very anxious to see that the boys are taken care of and it is hoped that this committee will bring something worth while before them. The flecessary by-last appointing the township officials were passed. Markham Township Council in its first regular meeting on Monday af- ternoon decided to call for tenders for the plowing of snow for town- ship roads as the new snow plow and road maintainer ordered some time ago will not be available until the middle of April. Several members of council felt that for the time be- ing snow could be taken care of by the present road maintainer and what it could not take care of would just have to be let go. Councillor Les. Coup‘erthwaite. a new member of councfikstated “there was no rea- son ‘ the back farmers should rTénderr: for 2; new 'truck for the township are 3,159 being called for. Fence viewers, pound keepers, stock valiators and weed inspectors were appointed, and council an- nounced its decision of attending the good roads convention. The question of lights on Yonge St. was also briefly considered. “They are very necessary,” said Councillor Phelps. “The question is one for all municipalities and not for Vaughan alone,” replied Reeve Weldrick. “A price was obtained some time ago and it proved to be very high.” personal taxation RICHMOND HILL MUNICIPAL COUNCIL lNAUGURAL MEETING HELD MONDAY Reeve William Neal and all mem- bers of Richmond Hill council at- tended the inaugural session held in the Municipal Hall Monday morning. Rev. Father Duffy of St. Mary’s Catholic Church offered up prayers and delivered an inspiring message to the members of council embark- ing on a new municipal year. Reeve Neal was elected by acclamation for 1946 for his third term and Coun- cillors Ralph W. Paris, Wesley Middleton. Allan Bales and P. C. Hill were elected in the election held the first Monday in December. J. E. Smith, M.P., was present for the inaugural ceremonies and extended congratulations to the members 0f council. Dr. Frank S. Hogg Appointed To High School Boardâ€"Standing Committees Same As In 1945â€"Council Planning For Improved Street'Lightingâ€"Radial Revenue Soars Correspondence read included let- ters from supply houses which ad- vised that pipe for sewer construcâ€" tion still is in short supply and would not be readily available for some Ceremonial and routine business occupied the time of the morning session and the council adjourned unâ€" til eight o’clock. Reeve Neal con- gratulated the members on their re- election and appealed for their co- operation in handling the municipal business in the coming year. He drew attention to the fact that many lines of material are still in short supply which for some time to come would stand in the wav of some pro- jects planned for the future. All members spoke briefly and spoke optimistically of the future of Rich- mond Hill. Dr. Frank .S. Hogg was unani- mouslv appointed as a member of the High School Board succeeding James Skeele who expressed a de- sire to retire after many years ser- vice on the Board. Reeve Neal and members of the Board paid tribute to the retiring member for valuable and devoted service rendered during past years. James Stewart, High School Principal, was re-appointed as a member of the Public Library Board and Walker Hall was ap- pointed again as member of the Board of Health. Allan W. Walker was named again as auditor for 1946 and other appointments includ- ed, Councillo Wes l-Middletop as Building Insge‘ctor, Allison as Sheep Valuer and 'Fred Clark and T. Allison as Fence Viewers. After some discussion the stand- ing committees were named the same as last year. Councillor Paris sug- gested that there might be a reâ€" allotment of portfolios but the ma- jority opinion was in favor of carryâ€" ing on the same as last year. Com- mittee heads will be: Finance, Reeve William Neal, Hydro and Fire De- partment, Councillor P. '0. Hill; Parks and Buildings. Councillor Ralph W. Paris; Waterworks, Coun- cillor Allan Bales. In moving the re-appointment of W. S. Pocknell as assessor Council- 101' Middleton pointed out that this was a very important post and was worth more money than in the past. He moved that the salary be in- creased to $350 per annum. All members of council agreed that Mr. Pocknell was giving excellent ser- vice and unanimously supported the increase. \- uality You’ll Enjoy months. D. M. Chamney, local Hydro Sup- erintendent, was present on the in- vitation of Councillor P. C. Hill, Hydro committee chairman, to dis- cuss with council members plans for iinproved street lighting. Many phases of the question were discuss- ed, and while improved lighting for the village is definitely on the counâ€" all program, all members in conâ€" junction with Mr. Chamney will in- vestigate carefully all the newest dev velopments and will inspect new lighting installations in other cenâ€" tre: before making #3 decision._ Fire Chief Bert Cook and James Pollard appeared before the council and discussed the proposal to pur- chase a new fire truck for the villâ€" age. As Richmond Hill supplies fire protection to a considerable area in Markham and Vaughan Townships a meeting will be called shortly with representatives of these municipali- ties to discuss the whole fire proâ€" tection problem. A silent celery has been develop- ed, and now we need a muffler for the man who gobbles his soup. National Director of Physical Fit- ness, Ottawa, who is to address a general meeting in Thornhill United Church Sunday School room on Thursday, January 17th at 8 p.m. The ugual grant of $10 was voted to the Salvation Army on motion of Councillors Bales and Paris. The T.T.IC. statement on the oper- ation of the North Yonge Radials for November showed an operating profit of $6,510.58 compared with an operating profit for the correspond- ing month in the previous year of $95,015.45. Passenger revenue on the radials for the first 11 months of 1945 showed an increase of $11,- 841.15 or 6.79 per cent over the cor- responding period in 1944. The statement for the complete year 1945 is expected to be issued soon. Nowadays loose change doesn’t re- main loose for any length of time. ADVERTISING IN MAJOR IAN EISENHARDT GETS RESULTS THE LIBERAL N o. 28.

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