Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1946, p. 5

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Miss Joy Mortson of Victéfié Col- lege has been at her home during the Christmas holiday. The annual meeting of the Sun- day School was held on Tuesday, Dec. 18th.’ Officers for 1946 are as follows: Suptq Mr. R. Boynton; Asst. Supt., Mr. D. Gee; sec., Mr. Alvin Caseley; asst. sec., James Boynton and Barry Collard; treas,, Mr. E. Caseley; pianist, Coral Per- kins; asst. pianists, Helen Boynton and Margaret Mortson; song leader, Mr. R. Perkins; asst. song leader, Mr. Sanderson; library com., Mr. F. Brumwell, Mr. F. Gee and Mrs. H. Collard. Mr. and Mrs. B. Sanderson and Mabel had dinner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and family entertained dinner guests on Tuesday evening. Those present were Mr. and ‘Mrs. G. Mortson, Wayne and Bruce, Mrs. J. Mortson, Miss C. Heise, Mrs. J. Lunau, Mr. and Mrs. F. Perkins, Joyce, Lois and John, Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins, Coral, Margaret Eby and Vera Bolnton. 'Mr . J. Lunau of Richmond Hill has assed another milestone. She celebrated her 80th bilthday Jan. 3. A number of relatives and friends gathered at the home of her grand- son, Floyd Perkins, to mark the occasion. Young People’s was held in the Sunday School with a very poor at- tendance for the first Sunday in the New Year. Miss Ruby Avison pre- sided over the meeting and was for- tunate in engaging Rev. MacKay to deliver the message. A piano solo was given by Coral Perkins. Welcome home Cpl. D. Matheson. After four years and three months of service overseas Mr. Matheson has returned safely to his wife and family. THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1946 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stansbury and family had dinner Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lyons and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pickering and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral had dinner orrSundav with Mr. and Mrs. R. Boynbri_and Vera, Miss Maiio‘n Smith bf Toronto qu‘n't. the week-end with her broth- er Mr. W. Smith, wife and family: anand Mrs. James Grainger of Ri-chmond H.ll visited and had din- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mort- son and family on_ Sunday. evcnmg I Rev. and Mrs. H. J. MacKay had( dinner ofléturday, January 5 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith! this being the occauon of Betty’s second birthday also the christening of the two children, Betty Irene and Barbara Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perk- ins and 1ami1y to dinner Saturday VICTORIA SQUARE FRIDAY, JA Y 25th, 1946 Weir’s Fi - iece rchestra / Modern and Old”l"ime Dancing Everybody welcome Saturday: Jan. 19th Sharp and Flat Shuffle William Smith’s Orchestra REFRESHMENT BOOTH ADMISSION 50 Cents HIGH EUCHRE AND DANC COMMENCING AT 8.30 P.M. Ken Rose’s Orchestra LUNCH SERVED ADMISSION 50 Cents A euc ill be he] ' St. Mary’s RC. Parish Friday, Janu- ary 11. Everyone cor ' 1y invited. G. Keffer, of Maple, will also re- port on the progress of the artifi- cial insemination work of the Maple Cattle Breeders which is gradually being extended to serve practically the whole of York County. The directors extend a cordial i'n- vitation to cattle owners of all breeds to attend the afternoon ses- sion to hear Dr. MacNabb discuss this subject which is arousing so much interest at present. Mr. W. to 'hear reports of the offfiers and salesman and enjoy lunch provided by the Club. Calfhood Vaccination will be the subject of an address by Dr. A. L. MacNabb, Principal of the Ontario Veterinary College at the annual meeting of the York County Hol- stein Club “being held at Richmond Hill on Wednesday next, January 16 at 1.30. All Holstein breeders are urged to attend the morning session The senior basketball team got right back into their winning ways after the holiday by beating Earl Haig 42â€"13 on Tuesday last in the school gym. Undefeated in exhibi- tion games this year, the boys start the regular North York schedule on Monday next against Newmarket in the local gym. Both the junior and senior teams are given good chances of topping the league. The juniors have their first game of the season when they tackle St. Andrew‘s in an exhibition tilt at Aurora this after- noon. The seniors meet U.T.S. on Friday in Toronto in another exhi- bition game. York Holstein Club Meet Here Wednesday What promises to be one of the biggest dances of the year comes up on Saturday, January 19th in the High School “Gym”. The event, sponsored by the Music Club, is apt- ly titled the “Sharp and Flat Shuf- fle”. Music is by Wm. Smith and his orchestra and everyone is cor- dially invited to attend. Records will be given away to winners of spe- cial dances so make it a must by marking it on the calendar now. It. was decided at the meeting held for that purpose Wednesday after- noon to carry on with the war time work committee until April. The work room will be open next Wed- nesday. January 16th and thereafter on the first and third Wednesdays of February and March. RED CROSS NOTES High School Notes EUCHRE 7/ ’ ill be hel ' St. Mary’s Friday, Janu- C E Hill BONEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bone (nee Edna Keffer) of Concord are ‘happy to announce the arrival of their son (Bruce Warren) on Satur- day, January 5th, 1946, at Mrs. Stanford’s Nursing Home, Richmond WESTâ€"0n Friday, January 4th, at York County Hospital; Newmarket, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wist (nee Marjory Pattenden) the gift of a son. HAMILTONâ€"At Richmond Hill on Monday, January 7th, to Mr. ‘and Mrs. James Hamilton, a daughter, Norma Reid. HALLâ€"On Sunday, December 23rd, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Hall, Scarboro, the gift of a son. FOR LIONS CLUB At the annual business meeting of the Lions Club last Thursday night four new members were initiated into the Club by International Diâ€" rector Ernie Houghton of Danforth Lions. The new Lions are J. Beres- ford, S. Ransom, K. Blanchard and L. Glass. GIRL GUIDE ATTENTION The next regular meeting of the Richmond Hill Company will be held in the high school on Saturday, Jan- uary 19th at 2 pm. and thereafter on Saturday at that time. The Wed- nesday evening meetings are dis- continued. Mrs. Whitten and Helen wish to e' ress their appreciatio and deep gratl for the man acts of kind- ness, expre 'ns 0 sympathy and for the beautifu al remembrances xeceived from fr' n neighbors at the time of eir recent bereave- ment. FOUR NEW MEMBERS The Evening Auxiliary of the United Church W.’M.‘S. will meet next Tuesday evening, January 15th at the home of Mrs. Harold Mortâ€" son, 5 Arnold St. The guest speak- er will be Miss Olive Sparling, reâ€" cently appointed Director of Child- ren’s Work of the United Church of Canada and former travelling secre- tary of the W.M.S. All ladies are cordially invited to attend. Meeting commences at 8 p.m. Two nights to set aside for your entertainment and enjoyment are Tuesday and Wednesday, February 5 and 6. These are the dates of the presentation by the United Church choir of the Operetta “The Gypsy Rover”. Further details will be anâ€" The next meeting of St. Mary’s Evening Guild will be held on Tues- day evening, January 15th at 8.30. There will be a short business meetâ€" ing: and a social evening. It is hoped that all members Will be present, and new members are invited to come. nounced later. The United Church Young People will meet on Monday evening, Januâ€" ary 14th at 7 o’clock. A skating party has been planned and refresh- ments will be served afterwards in the school room. We hope that as many members as possible will be present as a pleasant evening is an- ticipated. A “Sharp and Flat Shuffle" is the attraction billed for the High School “'Gym”, Richmond Hill on Saturday, January 19th. Music will be by William Smith’s Orchestra. There will be a refreshment booth and dancing will commence at 8.30 p.m. The Presbyterian Church will hold its Congregational Supper and an- nual church meeting on Monday, January 14th. Supper will be served at 6.3-0 p.m. All members of the church are urgently requested to be present. Pte. Dean Wellman. son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Wellman visited friends in the village this week. Dean has just returned after serv- ing more than three years overseas with the R.C.A. A euchre under the auspices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans will be held at the home of Sergt. and Mrs. G. Harding, 3-0 Wright St. on Tuesday, January 15th at 8 p.m. Good prizes. Everybody welcome. The January meeting of the Pres- byterian Women’s Association will be held on ThursdaytJ‘anuary 17th at 3 p.m. at the home of Mrs. G. Yerex. All ladies of the congrega- tion are cordially invited to attend. IMr. and Mrs. R. S. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark and family have returned to their respective homes in Evanston, 111. after spend- ing the holiday season with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore, Y_6nge St. Richmond Hill Youth Council will hold a meeting in the Masonic Hall Tuesday, January 15th at 8 pm. Everyone cordially invited. Meetings will be held every Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mis. W. H. IMylks, Monâ€" treal, i'et'c-rned .last week after spending the Christmas holiday with Kr. and Mrs. W. .H. Mylks Sr. Paratrooper Merlyn Graham sta- tioned as guard at Neys, Ont. intern- ment camp for prisoners of war spent New Year’s at his home, re- turning to camp January 4th. Congratulations to Mrs. J. Lunau, Church Strcet, who celebrated her eightieth birthday last Thursday. Somal and Personal Edna W. Izzard, Commissioner. CARD 0F THANKS BIRTH TUE LIBhlLAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MORLEY’S come, Not lost but gon God knows how He coun our loved o e is not d ~Sadfi; missed by your wife and spns. He coun e ars I shed And pers, h only sleeps, our loved o e is not dead. So I will be h ve dear Charlie And pray 0 God each day, That when e calls me home to you Your 5 e will guide me oh the come, Not lost but gon Gog knows hoyv I miss? you, ROBINSONâ€"In cherished memory of a devoted husband and father, Chas. E. Robinson, who was taken suddenly from our happy home Jan- uary 7th, 1945. Beside your grave I oftep staytd ALLENâ€"In fond re mbrance of my beloved husband, rederick Jas. Allen, who passed a ay at St. Mich- ael’s Hospital Jan ry 4, 1937, from inj "es received New Year’s Eve 1936. “His ordered 'e confessed, The bgauty q Thy preacei” We Wwe shall meet her thEre. â€"Ever remembered by sister Edna and brothers. -By the valley Some day, some me is do , PLEASAN‘CEâ€"In loving memory of a dear sister, Ada Gordon Pleasance, who passed away January 91th, 1945. And how I miss yo No one on earth ca Your willing ha ace, take your place, will toil no more. Faithful mot ‘ so true and kind, No friend earth like you I’ll find. â€"Sad‘ly missed by son Howard. IN MEMORIAM PLEASAN'CEâ€"In loving memory of m dear mother Ada Gordon Pleas- ance @3355“ away/Jan. 9, 1945. â€"~A1way'sfl1 m3} ihoughts, Cissie 6:33: Celery 5:; 19¢ I f‘éfifions. 25c BANANAS - 14c Cooking Onions 3g 17c 1&3an Lettuce 592% 10c: N0. 1 GRADE Steel Wool - Branston Pickle Meal JUS y Prunes ARRIVTED’ FRUIT - VEGETABLES Health Salts Wax Beans - Pufled Wheat SUPREME Palmolive - CHOICE CALIFORNIA Bafiy Foads PETER PAN BEAUTY SOAP A YLM ER CUT KKOVAH IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORI IN MEMORIAM - Zilifisls 4353250 3&18c TIN 2O TIN “'2 7c rr 25c PKG. The Maple W.I. are holding a euchre in the Masonic Hall on Thurs- day, January 17th at 8.30 p.m. Good prizes. Everyone welcome. ~50 With DEAN JAGGER, KIM HUNTER, BOB MITCHUM, NEIL HAMILTON “ SAILORS THREE ” With CLAUDE HULBERT, MICHAEL WILDING Masonic ' Hall Friday and Saturday. January 11, 12‘ WM. BENDIX, JOAN BLONDML. PHIL SILVBRS RICHMOND HELL Saturchy, Jan/YZth Monday, 'l‘ue’sday, Wednesday, January 14,7715_,- lfi ROBT. CUMMINGS, ELIZABETH SCOTT “ YOU CAME ALONG ” LLO D NOLA , MICHAEL O’SHEA, V A SHALL “ CIRCUM ANTIAL EVIDENCE ” lst Show starts 6 pm. 2nd Show starts 9 p.m. DOUBLE FEATURE “WHEN STRANGERS MARRY” We" .1»? Matinee for Children 1' Afternoon Commencing at 2 Evening Shows sta ng at 7 and 9 p.m. MAPLE DON JUAN IL‘LIGAN ” ___._ ,so___~ SHOWING AT THE Nénvlglmanges 29c Carrots SUNKIST Mifiifte Oats - @3190, Syée_diés_§RaisinsszS-35c Macaroni/ and Grated Cheese NO. 1 WASHED CHEM ir‘fif‘l9céi£229c Kifiulhonia - - 110 CAM PBELL’S Tomato Soup 100 2 LMER rune Plums 16C CHOX - 39c NEILSON’S OGILVIE HANDY HOT CHOCOLATE DRINK ‘QALIFORNIA i/nner - 17c “I"m~ not surprised been giving me a pie day for twenty years “I regret to inform you that W wifiefls~ mind is completgiy-gonn.‘ “I'm' not surprised,"fifth“.f She's been giving me a piece of it every PA-GE Fl-VE LB.

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