Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1946, p. 6

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Thornhill That’s how simple it is to have perfect heating comfort with this efficient new Duo- . harm ROYAL heater. And talk hbout beauty! New, modem styling, new round . . new Duo-Tone fimsh, make the Duo-Therm ROYAL the hand- somest heater ever made! / . . . special waste stopper. See the new DUO-THERM heaters today! The new Duo-Therm ROYTAL heater is equipped with Radiant Doors, patented Dud-Chamber Burner with complete flame con- trol . . . handy front dial control SHORT COURSES in AGRICULTURE '1‘ NIGHT . . . just set your Duo-Therm at low for just enough heat to keep the chifl off. A Mist of the handy dial when you get up . . . and Duoâ€" Therm floods your house with warm. clean, odorless heat. AMAZING POWER-AIR UNIT SAVES UP TO 25%! AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR PAGE SIX Sponsored by Ontario Department of Agriculture to be held at ' W. M. COCKBURN, Agricultural Representative TOWNSHIP HALL/ 7â€" Januar 2/1 - 25 28 - Feb. 1 d 100 p. RS‘ OF ALL AGES Unionvil Vellore â€" Janu 10.00 am. to 12.00 OPEN TO F V. W. GRIFFIN -TH EH M FUEL OIL HEATER NORGE APPLIANCES Phone 13 100 p.m. Rastus was coming home late at night, and started up the stairs, but much to his dismay, one of the steps creaked, and as he hesitated he heard his wife say, “Who dat?” He didn’t answer, but waited a few seconds, and then started up again and in two or three more steps, an- other one creaked. This time a male voice said: “Who dat?” This was *Ross Linton has been re-elected Mayor of Aurora by acclamation. A11 municipal offices were filled without an election, Stewart Patrick, ener- getic and hustling young business man of that town, being the new member of council. “Time” magazine, one of the world’s outstanding publications, last week featured on its coveted cover, Canada’s Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Mr. King has been mentioned as a possible president of the United Nations 01‘- ganizatiin and Chairman of the Peace Conference. Rev. J. H. 'Colclough, Rector of Christ Church, Oshawa, and former Rector at Thornhill, died Monday, January 7th at the age of 62 years. Rev. Colclough was widely known throughout the district as an ardent lawn bowler and was a popular fig- ure on the greens of the district for many years. The funeral was held Thursday and interment followed at Scarboro cemetery. Frank G. McLean, widely known throughout North York as a Fast District Deputy Grand Master of the Masonic Order, Toronto District C, died last Sunday. George Rodanz of Toronto and Stouffville purchased a two year old Hereford bull at Ada, Oklahoma, last week at the record price of $51,000. Have you something to sell? A classified “ad” in The Liberal will do the selling job for you. Whitchurch Township paid a total of $180 in bounties for 95 fox shot in that municipality in 1945. Reeve “Bill” Pugsley was re-elect- ed in Sutton,by acclamation and there were five contestants for the four seats on council. Miss Lillian Holburn topped the poll in Monday’s voting with 222 votes and other members elected were Frank Culver- well, Harvey Taylor and Charles Scott. Stouffville tax collector reported only $12.28 of the 1945 taxes un- paid at the end of the year. The proverbial January thaw has treated this section of Ontario to the mildest spell of weather in some years. J. D. Sibbald was re-elected Reeve of Georgina Township with a siim majority of eight votes over G. N. Graham. I have the honor to inform you that, by direction of the President, Buyers are paying $25 per ton for cabbage and 25 to 30 cents per bus. for turnips in the ‘Stouffville dis- trict. Mrs. Dolores E. Greene, 104 ‘Sherman Avenue, Mansfield. Ohio. Dear Mrs. Greener.» John J. A. Greene, 35534835, Tech- nician, Signal Corps. United States Army. For meritorious service in combat on 5 March 1945, near Cane- vaccia, Italy. While engaged in par- ticularly slow wire laying activities in an open valley. Te‘chnician Greene, aware of the fact that he was under enemy observation and that enemy artillery would soon be falling around him. and with high devotion to duty. continued his work. Be- cause of his willingness to perform tedious but necessary tasks and his display of courage in the performâ€" ance of his duties he will forever be admired and remembered by his comrades. Entered the military ser- vice from \Cleveland, Ohio. Next of kin: Mrs. Dolores E. Greene, (Wife), 1‘04 Sherman Ave., Mansfield, Ohio. By Command of Major General Hays: Citations That Accompanied Honors Of Late Fred Greene United States army citations ac- companying the Purple Heart and Bronze Medal awgu‘ded ‘Fred' Greene, formerly of Richmond Hill, and pictured in this issue, are as fol- lows:â€" Don’t forget to write it, 1946. H. F. Miller, Major, AGD, ‘Asst. Adjutant General. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS THE LIBERAL, RICHMUND HILL, ONTARIO GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3 Specialty King City Telephone 28 candidnxe: sought the four-council seat: prr’ the vote polled was 62 per cent of the possible. Toronto elect- ors please take note. ed, W. L. Clark of the Windsor Star observes that, as usual, they are all wives of wealthy men. It’s easy, he remarks, for a woman to dress well on a millionâ€"dollar income, but he says he much prefers these who can manage to look like a million doll- ars on a small income. Commenting on the annual' list of best-dressed women recently releas- Congratulations to John G. Mc- Donald", well known York County citizen and native of Vaughan Town- ship who this month commences his 37th year as principal of Aurora Public School. Aurora’s present school building which is 70 years old has had but two principals, ‘John *2.” and his predecessor, H. M. Thompson. John Black of Nashville celebrat- ed his 98th birthday recently at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Arthur Johnston. Born in Scotland Mr. Black came to Canada in a, sailing vessel at the age of four. Book-ends bearing the Town's crest will be presented to all re- turned service personnel in Aurora. Everything seems to be evened up in this life. The fellow with less hair to comb has more face to wash. Mandy: “I can’t come to work to- morrow, ma’am. My little boy is sick.” Ma’am: “Why, Mandy, I thought you said you were an old maid." Ma’am: “Why, Mandy, I thought you said you were an old maid." Mandy: “I is, ma’am; but I ain't one of them fussy kind." dat’? Lady; “Doesn't that little boy swear terribly?" Aurora Board of Trade Memorial ‘Site Fund now reports subscriptions totalling $2,530.90. The glances that over cocktails seem so sweet, May be less charming over shredded wheat. too much for Rastus and he called out, “Who dat say dat second ‘Who Little Boy: “Yes, he sure do. He don’t put no expression in it at all." Frank Burkholder was reâ€"elected reeve of IMarkham village in Monâ€" day’s election by the narrow margin of two votes over his opponent O. B. Ileisey. Councillors elected were C. W Recsor, William Payne, Edward Rem-e and Bob McDonald. Eight They say real love is remember- ing her birthday but not which one. “F‘or meritorious service in combat on 5 March 1945, near Canevaccia, Italy. While en- gaged in particularly slow wire laying activities inxan open V31- ley, Technician Greene, aware of the fact that he was under en- emy observation and that enemy artillery would soon be falling around him, and with high devo- tion to duty, continued his work. Because of his Willing- mess to perform tedious but ne- cessary tasks and his display of courage in the performance of his duties he will forever be adâ€" mired and remembered by his comrades.” The decoration will be forwarded to the Commanding Generral, Fifth Service Commandl Fort Hayes, Co- lumbus, Ohio, who will select an off- icer to make the presentation. The officer selected will communicate with you concerning your wishes in the matter. May I again express my deepest sympathy to you in your bereave- ment. the Bronze Star Medal has been posthumously awarded to your hus- band, Technician John J. Greene. Signal Corps. The citation is as fol- lows: Telephone 92-R Richmond Hill Farm and village property for sale and exchange. H)" Jack Walkington Sincerely yours, J. A. Ulio, Major General The Adjutant General BRONZE STAR MEDAL REAL ESTATE INSURANCE .‘HfKANE Tenders plainly marked will be re- ceived up to one o’clock pm. Janu- ary 21, 1946 to supply the munici- pality with on of the following new models: 1. Pickup truck, 2. Pickup truck, capacity. 3. Pic truck, one city. Quotations to include ing equipment, spare ti defroster and tire chains. ne ton capacity. ree quarter ton alf ton capa- heater, WTefidéi‘s rto be filed at the‘ Town- ship Office, Unig1_vill~e._ On Friday,‘\ December 21 Brown’s Corners Unite- ‘Church held their Sunday School oncert in the church. The pupils enacted plays and took part in recitations. Rev. MacKay was the chairman and Mrs. English was at the piano. ‘Carols were sung and Santa Claus appeared. He ex- celled himself this year and present- ed gifts to two of Our older “boys”, to a well known hunter 3 “rabbit” and to another “leader” a cigar with the comment here’s a “good” one. All in all it was a very satisfactory evening. Mr. Jim Clark spent Christmas Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. G. Dalton and fam- ily spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Banks and family of Uxbridge. for t wester y Markham. Mrs. Hazard of Harriston spent Christmas with Mr. and ‘Mrs. A. Stephenson. Our correspondent wishes to say thank you to all who have sent news to her for ‘fiButtonville News" and wishes one and an a Happy New Year. * Applications will be the undersigned until pm. Monday, Januall On Thursday, Dec. 20 the pupils of 8.8. No. 5 held their annual con- cert in Buttonville Hall. The main part of the program, “The Magic Rug", was a fascinating story with the King, Queen, Prince and Prin- Mrs. E. L. Padget wishes to thank all who sent cards and gifts to her at the «Christmas season and also for sympathy expressed at the time of her recent bereavement. Mrs. English spent Christmas Day with her sister Mrs. Gray of Kirk- land Lake. Unionville, Jan. 8th, 1946. and to Mi 5 ,McCon e11, Mrs. Eng- lish and the pupils Wh made it poss- ible. we sa “thanks or a lovely evening”. cess in their velvet and ermine robes. the ladies in waiting in beau- tiful evening dresses and 3 little fairies in sparkling gowns 8; crowns with jewelled wings and a fairy queen to watch over them. All gave a very good performance. The four bakers, beating a magnificent wedd- ing cake, the page, a herald, a wan- dering minstrel and last but by no means least the “Witch of Ender” added to an already impressive cast. A skit “Hec said it", caused much laughter and ohs and ahs greeted the participants in the Tom Thumb wedding, who were members of grades 1 and 2. It was the quietest wedding we ever attended. No words were spoken throughout the cere- mony but a 5010 “I love you truly" was sung during the signing of the register. The children sang carols in which they were joined by the audience. Mr. A. Stephenson was chairman. Presentations were made to 'M . English who gave much time and e ort towards making the con- cert a success, to Miss McConnell who c ached the children and to . ‘S enfield- for help in costum- children. A monologue by a young 3 from grade 6 was very ’ ' recitations by the TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Remember gm half your policy. For the best in Servic and Protection BUTTONVILLE Weston 7031'12 CHAS. OVER, Clerk, Town_shipr Markham. Are you satisfied with your Insurance Protection? NOTIC NOTICE ed until one o’clock January let, 1946, essor, for the 9f the Township of Road Superintendent \V. G. MAXWELL, KEN. LOVE received by Call or Phone Thistletown THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th. 1946. Phones: Food Supply Is A Special Meeting of the ratepay- ers of Union School Section No. 4 Markham and No. 21 Vaughan will be held in the school house of the section at eigh (8) o’clock in the evening of Janu 16th, 1946, for the purpose of se ting a site for a proposed new schoo building and for the purpose of auth izing the rd of Trustees of the eed with the on of a new schoo and for nacting any "-fig'ted at Jefferson, Ont rio, this 29th day of; December 194 . other school business hich arise. scfimd for Yet"! While there are still shortages of certain food items, the general food picture is somewhat brighter now than it was at this time last year. according to a recent Wartime Prices and Trade Board survey in the Central Ontario region. Surplus lamb, killed in the fall, are beginning to be used up and lamb will not be as plentiful as it was a month ago. Anyone wanting a chicken can get one whereas turkeys are becoming difficult to buy. In the field of vegetables, Canada has been able to import from the United States sufficient potatoes to take care of current needs and to« matoes have been coming in from Mexico and especially from the Bahamas. There is plenty of white Canadian cabbage and there are im- ported vegetables such as California cauliflower, Texas broccoli, brussels sprouts, and some imported green beans. Because this last group is all imported, the prices tend to be fairly high. There is a certain amount of spinach but it is beginn- ing to rise in price. Root vege- tables, such as carrots, turnips and parsnips, are readily available. Despite current rumors to the contrary, there is enough coffee in Canada to supply our needs for 10 to 12 months and there is_no pros- pect of this commodity being 'ra- tioned. There are also ample stocks of tea and cocoa on hand. NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Beef and sausage are probably the meat items most readily obtained at the present time. All cuts of beef are available, as are all kinds‘ of sausages. There are fair quantities of smoked and cooked meats, except perhaps cooked hams, and there is a limited amount of bacon on sale from time to time. There is enough butter to supply rationing requirements but other fats and oils, due to world short- ages, are still difficult to obtain. Corn syrups and honey can occasion- ally be bought but they are not by any means plentiful. Aside from Brazils, there are more nuts on sale than there were last year and the price is lower than it was then. Tenders fo snowplowing will be received up to he o’clock pm. Sat- urday, January th, next, for truck suitabl to handl present township equipme be inspected at the townshi ed, Unionville. Tenders plain rke to be filed at the Township Oflce, nionville. Road Superintendent. W. G. MAXWELL, Housewives can purchase various types of fish, although there is not as much halibut as other varieties. Eggs are changing from pullet to large and prices will likely continue lower until Easter. Few appleswan be found in coun- try areas but some boxed British Columbia Delicious apples are being sold by the dozen in city regions. Ontario apples can sometimes be ob- tained. Breakfast cereals may be readily purchased in all stores. Unionville Jan. 8th, 1946. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM Woodbridge 641'23 CLAYTON BEYN N, GEORGE T. MCNA R, FRED SADLIER, NOTICE Slightly Better Trustees. may

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