Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1946, p. 7

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Lumbe Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario Successor forCorporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice. formerly (Prentice & Prentice‘ Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken Phone Azincourt 53w3 THE WL$E§T DO'LLAR EVER SPENTâ€"JO Tms ‘LUMBERYARD‘ \‘S SENT This is where the_wise lumâ€" her money is spent, This is the yard that the experienced builder-visits when he wants desirable lumber. Take a tip froin' 'his experience and avail yourselves of our stock of reliable woods. LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Specializing in Farm Sto’Ek, Furni- ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared and Posted Prompt Service â€" Reasonable Rates Phone: Agin. 20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill 21w (former sale clerk fOr the late Carl Sa-igeon) ' 26 Years Experlence Iork County, Uxbndge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furmture Sale: a Specxalty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley RU. Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Sheppard &: Gill THURSDAY, JANUARY 10th, 1946. WELL & CISTERN DIGGIN G 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Telephone Aurora 205 Pumps Concrete C1 Sellers & Atkinson Thistletown - Ont Phone Weston 703r12 Woodbridge 64r23 TOM J ERRETT Gordon Phillips Clarke Prentice Licensed Auctioneér Richmond Hill RR. 1 RICHMOND /fiiLL FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN A. S. Farmer g5 Year§ Expeglence Ken Love AUCTIONEER Phone Agincoui-t 53w3 Ontario Cribs The -installing board was headed by V.W. Bro. R. W. Ellison in the chair, assisted by R.W. Bro. T. 'R. Black, R.W. Bro. Morley Kinnee, R. W. Bro. I. B. Musselman and V.W. Investiture and Installation of Officers The investiture and installation of the officers of Robertson Lodge, A.F. & A;M. was held in King Ma- sonic Hall on Dec. 27th with 100 present from the local and several visiting lodges. Schomberg will observe the annual week of prayer meetings falling on Jan. 8th, in the Anglican Church, Jan. 9th, the -United Church and Jan. 10th in the Presbyterian Church with local clergy, Rev. ‘F. V. Abbott and Rev. John McEwen in charge. prleton Guild. of .St. Alban’s Ang- lican Church met at Mrs. George Marsh's home. The sudden death of Ronald Blackburn, 14, son of Mr. David Blackburn, Kettleby, acouued at his home on Saturday evening. Burial took place in Kettleby cemetery on Tuesday.‘ Ronald had fallen on ice some two weeks earlier and it is Wm results caused an early th. Miss Dorothy Ball spent a day in Toronto last week. Mrs. Fred D-ew has been ill in York County Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bill 'Young and daughter Darlene visited Mrs. Harry McBride. The Youngs reside in Toâ€" ronto. Mr. Morgan Baker addiessed Kin"' W.I. meeting this week. A son was horn to Mr. anr‘. E'I‘ H. S. Smith, 3rd con. Vaughan. 0‘ Dec. 29th Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jamieson, Ket- tleby visited their daughter, Mrs. A1- fred Bayliss, Jr. on Sunday. Eversley W.M.S. will be held at Mrs. R. Farrell’s home on January 15th with Rev. M. Jenkinson as the speaker. Mr. Robt. Rayburn, Toronto, and Mrs. H. Kennett, Long Branch were week-end visitors of Staff ’Sgt. and Mrs. IStanley Rule. ers. Kennett is remaining with her sister for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Aubrey Campbell and her father, Mr. A. Gerrard of Manitoba spent a day in Toronto last week. Mr. Gerrard expects his son Roy Gerrard, R.C.A.F., to return here. Mr. Emanual Wood was suddenly taken ill at the home of his son, Mr. Bert Wood of Strange. He is 88 years old and has always enjoyed good health. Mrs. Lorna Williams Patton is now enjoying the return home of her soldier husband, George Patton who came back recently. IMr. H. E. Ross has also been quite ill at his home. Mrs. J. S. Lawson also took a nasty fall on the street at King, landing on the road pavement in an unceremoniously and quick manner. It took a few hard tumbles to per- suade the weatherman to change the ice over to mud and running water. Recovered from a recent il'lness is Mr. B. J. Ross. One of the first casualties on the King link was Miss Lenore Robb who suffered a cut on her chin from a fall, requiring attention by Dr. J. L. Urquhart, Aurora. Mr. Andrew McClure is serving jury, York County Spring Assizes. Eversley school enjoys a modern lighting system, turning on the electric power at their annual Xmas entertainment. ' To Mr. and Mrs. :Roy Minton, Ev- ersley, a, daughter was born on Dec 28th at York County Hospital. We have learned that Gordon In- gram, son of Wm. Ingram of Maple is reported ill in the service in Jamaica. His wife resides at Maple. Earl Wellesley has been posted to Perth, Ont. with the Provincial Po- lice Force. This should prove an interesting centre for Earl, as there are already King folk residing there. Ted Kerr, son of Albert Kerr also came home on Monday; Howard Broome, Gordon Rumble, Bill Sutton of \Schomberg are also among the recent arrivals. They will be sur- prised to find the Canadian winter for the moment taking on the sem- blance of Spring. Granted by family and friends from service overseas George (Nip) Armstrong of- King arrived on Mon- day morning after three years ab- sence with the Ordnance Corp. Nip landed in England on Dieppe Day. He looks well and on reaching To- ronto called at St. Joseph’s Hospital to see his sister, Miss Dorothy Arm- strong who underwent an appendix operation last Thursday and is pro- gressing favourably. Bob Norris, Canadian Postal Corp, arrived home last week and is with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Norris. I King City District News Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Espey on hav- ing their son Jim return to them safe and sound. Also we welcome Jim himself. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ Humphrey attended the funeral of their cousin, Mr. Jack Calhoun on Monday. Mr. Calhoun was killed when a train struck him while he was walking on the track. Apparently unaware that it was train time he did not give himself an opportunity to reach for safety. Attention, everyrone! ere is to be a congregational meetin in the hall on Jam‘ary 18th. A pot supper will be served by the ladies and everyone interested is urged to attend. A quilting took place at the home of Mrs. Paul ISnider last week under the auspices of the Women’s Insti- tute. I Farmers A rumour has spread to the effect that there is to _be an oyster supper before too long. A furâ€" ther evidence that the war is over. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boys, Mrs. W. Boys and Miss Winnifred Boys were New Year’s guests of Mrs. thursa McAlIister. King railway station is undergoing decoration and interior appearance is \ery pleasing. ‘ We note that Flt. Lieut. Roy Lunau, enlisted from Richmond Hill has been awarded the honour of “Mention in Dispatches” in the King’s New Year's honor list. Two brothers are also serving overseas. Mrs. Waldyuff at an advanced age does not enjoy good health. ‘Mrs. Emerson Thorpe of Wood- ville, formerly of King, is a daugh- ter and Mrs. Bob ,Riddell, King a granddaughter. Orin Thorpe of Malartic Goldfields, Quebec, is a grandson. The funeral of the late Mr. Wald- ruff of Bradford was held last week from his residence. He was in his 90th year and was for many earlier years an employee of the railway company. With his wife who surv vives him, he was an esteemed citi- zen of Bradford and the home was known as one of hospitality and good will. ‘ The family are all doing well and the parents are now able to enjoy their home comings and their ex- periences. Mr. Wellesley has beehi secretary-treasurer of King school board for a number of years, and is district attendance Bfficer of schools. 'Misses Anna and Aileen Robb, Weston, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Robb during the .\ew Year’s holiday. After a honeymoon spent at Barrie the couple settled at Strange and later moved to King village where they have resided for a number of years. They have six children, Douglas of King; Herbert of Toron- to and Earl' of Perth, the two latter recently disoharged from the R.C. A.F.; Mrs. Eleanor Berger of Bar- rie; Mrs. Gilbert Folliott of Mon- treal and.Blanche at home. There are six grandchildren. The toast. to the visitors was pro- posed by Arthur Wells and replied to by Rev. A. E. Thompson, W. Bro. Fred Graham of Toronto West End “Y”, R.W. Bro. John G. McDonald and Bro. M. Jenkinson. Wellesley-Archibald Thirty-five years ago, Dec. 27th, Hazel Archibald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Archibald of Strange became the bride of Arthur Welles- ley, King, formerly of England, with Rev. Frank‘Kean perfOrming the ceremony. The wedding was held at the home of the bride’s parents with 50 guests present. Attending the bride was Miss Lena Cousins, now‘ residing in Vancouver, and the groom was supported by Herbert Archibald. Bro. W. T. Elliott. A. McCallum ‘was installed as Worshipful Master of the lodge. Other officers were: I.P.M., W. ‘Bro. Arthur Wells; S.W., Bro. A. J. Gordon; J.W., Bro. W. G. Jennings; Chaplain, W. Bro. George Hatley; Treasurer, W. Bro. Wilbert Br-rns; Secretary, V.W. Bro, Fred Boys; S.D., Bro. Marvin Hunter; J. D., Bro. M. Beynon; I.G., Bro. Ray Jennings; VS.S., Bro. Harry McBride; J.S., Bro. Roy Bowen; Tyler, W. Bro. Robt. Hollingsworth; D. of C., W.‘ Bro. Wm. E. Barker. EDGELEY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIC ‘ at Ottawa, Province of Ontario, this 2nd day of January, 1946. a Notice is here garet Penelope ‘Brown, 0 of Montreal, in the Prov' ce of Queâ€" bec, and-presently re ding at the City of OttaWa, in e County of Carleton and Prov' ce of Ontario, will apply to the arliament of Can- ada at the ne session thereof for a Bill of D' orce form her husband Norman Crosby Brown of the City of Montreal, in the Province of Que- bec, Esquire, "on the ground of adultery. rm Q. Our home is in the north coun- try and we are seven miles from the nearest town. My wife is ill and I work in the bush and cannot get to town very often. It is im- possible for us to buy fresh mill and I would like to know if their is any way we can get a supply of canned milk. A. Yes...go to the Local Ration Board in your nearest town giving them all details. From the inform- ation contained in your letter we are quite sure you will be able to obâ€" tain coupons for the purchase of a supply of canned milk, asthere is no fresh milk available in your dis- trict. ORDER. HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS F0 11 Occasions Phone orde elivere any- where in Nort ge St. A. There is no Board regulation prohibiting bakers from requesting the customer to bring in extra sugar if they want an iced cake. Sugar is rationed for bakers and very of- ten their quotas are not sufficient to allow for special icing such as you wanted on this birthday cake. Q. I telephoned a bakery to make arrangements to have a birthday cake made. When I had completed arrangements regarding the name, etc. to be iced on the cake they told me I would have to bring in a pound of sugar from my own rations. Are they allowed to do this? A. Yes, there certainly is a ceil- ing price on furniture. Furniture dealers must not charge more for the same type of furniture'than was charged by them in 1941. Prices for such articles have always varied slightly from store to store and, of course, the same thing applies to- day. $2.55 does seem quite a diff- erence in price on one article and as you have given us the name and address of the store where you made this purchase we will check prices there. ' Q. Is there a ceiling price on furn- iture? I paid $17.50 for a chair a week ago and since then have seen the same chair priced at $14.95 in another store. A. In reply to the numerous en- quiries received about exchanging gifts we repeat once again...there are no WPTB regulations governing exchanges. Each individual store has its own policy regarding the making of exchanges and refunding money. Most shops are glad to make reasonable exchanges as they are anxious to satisfy all custom- ers. Perhaps they would allow you a credit slip and you would then be able to buy some other item when they have further supplies in. Q. I received a Christmas gift which is not the correct size. The store where it was purchased will not refund the money and they are unable to give, me the correct size. Are they allowed to do this? A. In reply to the numerous en- quiries received about exchanging Price Control And Rationing Information Spring. There Was a good attend- ance of members. The meeting was crnducted by Mrs. Langford who made it very interesting with lit candles, a map of Africa in the back- ground and the open Bible, symbol- izing “Light in Africa”. After the meeting a social half hour was en- :foyed with the usual refreshments by the hostess. ~‘ 'We wish Mrs. Harry Smith a speedy recovery. The Sunday School which has been losed Several weeks owing to the xecent fire will open next Sunday, January 13th at 10 a.m. The W.M;S. was held this month at the home of Mrs. M. Campbell Tuesday, January 8th. .The weather man favored us with a day like D'~ ct ‘“ 2518 M??? STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145's NOTICE OF APPLICATI' N FOR DIVORCE J. M. McPHERSON, 56 Sparks -St., Ottawa, Solicitor for the Applicant. NEWTONBROOK x H. P. Matthews / J. F. Gardner i WOOWOMNWQM A FINANCIAL AGENCY Richmond Hill, Ont. REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING INVESTMENT SECURITIE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Money to Loan ’on First Mortgages GENERAL INSURANCE Power and Lighting pecialists Write Box Richmond Hill 1951'3 «, and Municipal Bonds, also carefully selected first mor gage bonds of leading indus- trial co-mpanies. We exec e orders for any listed stocksâ€" including mining stocks. Public Liability, Property Damage, Collision, Fire arid \Theft. Special rates on cars used for pleasure 'only. For a small additional premium you m include a “Medical Expense Coverage” to the owner and er occupants of ear. We draw Deeds, Mortgages, Discyfige of Mortgages, Wills and other legal documents. '1 We collect rents and )‘fiterest payments on mortgage: Plate Glass, Farm Properties, Private Dwellings, House- hold Contents, etc. Floater or “All-Risk" Policies covering personal property at any location against fire, theft, mys- terious disappearance, etc. J. ROY/HERRINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC V. Electric PA GE Telephone 87

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