Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jan 1946, p. 8

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é Eves EXBWIassyo‘ Fittedi’i kill-MID nu 1U our]; u m... mm my “D. “1 c‘Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Duncan cele- Tele hone 86 ’ brated the 35th anniversary of their p Richmond Hm wedding on Saturday, January 5th. Included among their gifts was 8 beautxfuLbouquet of roses from the F.L. LOWRIE, R.O. and the Second and Fourth Wed sday of each month EYESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE], WEDNESDAY, JAN. 23m 9PTIL'AL REPAIRS ’ LENSES REP Prescriptions for G1 sea Fined For Appointme Phone Richmond Hill 33 RADIO, REFRIGERATOR, WASHING MACHINE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERVICE GUARANTEED PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP Pick Up and Delivery Ser 1ce Phone Mr. Margeson Thorahil 122 Phone 177 Thornhill Phone Richmofid Hill 9 or write\Box 60, The Liberal FROM 9230 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON HOT AIR NACES ROOFING INSUL BRICK PUMPS â€" SOFTENERS â€" SEPTIC TANKS â€"â€" SIDING INSULATION â€" TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced PLUMBING â€"â€" HEA::£,§ EWG APPLIANCE AND SALES Complete Guaranteed Repairs Radio â€" Furniture â€"â€" Refrigeration Telephone Thornhill 63r13 PAGE EIGHT DECORATOR â€"â€" 30 Y RS EXPERIENCE ’ e ion to all orders FIRST RKMANSHIP HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING GEQ. A. KELSO’N CO._ BLACKBURN’S Spec? QRNHI: i_LENSES REPLACED After Hours 891 or so. Watch for further annOunce- ments. This is an important meet- ing, when your officers for the comâ€" ing year will be elected, and we should all ‘be interested enough to turn out. Each of the flower shows and the banquet were very well at- tended, and this meeting merits just as much enthusiasm, so plan to keep that engagement when the date is released. ‘Miss Marjorie Jamieson visited her A t in New York during the Christ 3 holidays. An organization meeting of the Board of Trustees of Thorn‘hill Pub- lic School was held on Wednesday evening, January 2nd. Mr. Howett, School Insoector, was present at thiS‘ meeting. He is a man keenly inter-i ested in the activities of the schools under his jurisdiction, and enjoys at- tending these meetings, and then too his knowledge is often of value. Mr. Jackson was appointed Chairman of the Board. The Director of Art for the Province of Ontario has been invited to the February meeting to speak on Arts and Crafts, but so far his reply has not been received. If he can attend, this is to be a gen- eral meeting and the parents and friends are invited. More specific details will be included in a later edition. It has also been proposed that the Home and School Club which had to be abandoned during war years be reinstated. Further particulars of this too will have to be included in a later edition. This program can only be carried out when the necessary facilities are available. Every community should have a recreational building within easy access, and should be available for the entire community throughout the year. iMajor Eisenhardt has been re- sponsible for the establishment of community centres, especially among the sparsely settled communities of the Western Provinces, and he has a dynamic personality. As guest speaker ef Thornhill Women’s Insti- tute, the topic of his address will be “Women’s IPlace in National Fit- ness.” Miss 'Betty Bone is taking a new course of lectures at the Children’s Art Centre in Homecrafts and Art for children of preâ€"school age. She is, of course, still connected with nursery school work. Since the re- cent election of Mrs. Birchard and Mrs. Ross, the future looks very rosy insofar as nursery schools are concerned, for both of these ladies are strong supporters of this parti- cular branch of education. Thornhill United Church parson- age was quicklv and efficiently in- sulated at a “Bee”, held on Saturâ€" day afternoon, when half a dozen members of the church put the ma- terial in place in leSS than three hours. Extra wiring has been installed in Thornhill United Church as the wir- ing which has served has been in- sufficient to carry the load of the 1ig_hts am} _t}_1e 013311. a ,_1_ as their object physical, mental and moral development of youth. Great Britain became interested in this subject early, and on the first day of October. 1943, Canada’s National Physical Fitness Act was proclaim- ed, and a Council formed in 1944, at which time a specific sum was set aside by the Dominion to be dis- tributed among the Provinces. The policy of the Council is to bring to ‘he attention of the ICanadian people measures designed for the improve- ment of national physical fitness, and the Act/is to apply to all Can- adian citizens, boys and girls, men and women, old and young, crippled children and disabled veterans. The deep sympathy of the com- munity is ext-ended to Mr. John Greer of Centre St., in the passing of his wife early Thursday morning at Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. Greer had been ill since Christmas day and failed to recover from an operation last Wednesday. Funeral service took place in the chapel of A. W. Miles, Toronto, with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The chapel was filled with friends, and the numerous floral offerings testified to the esteem in which the late Mrs. Greer was held. For years European countries real- izing the need for the physical de- velopment of youth, have directed physical fitness actiVjitiES which 11an Mrs. Greer was born in Ireland, and she and her husband met in an Art School there. She was very in- terested in Art, particularly in cer- amics. She was a member of the Christian Science Church. Mr. and Mrs. Greer moved to Thornhill several years ago and were respected members of the commun- ity. Mrs. Greer was always willing to assist in any good cause in Thorn- hill, and was particularly interested in Thornhill Women’s Institute, of which she was a member, and her loss will be felt very keenly. of the roads and the fact that it was the night after Christmas, conâ€" tributed to the small attendance. In any event, there were very few pre- sent. This lack of interest on the part of the parents is not very en- couraging to your Board of Tr“â€" tees, who are responsible for "W educational welfare of our childrrn. and who welcome suggestions at a'lV time. At this particular meeting‘ Irene Banas repeated her speech and was presented-by the Board with two books. Mr. Bart Edwards was elected trustee for another three This is to remin’d the members and friends of Thomhill ‘Horticul- tural Society that the annual meet- ing will be held within ‘the next week years The annual board meeting of the Thornhill Public School was held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 26, in the school. Probably the icy conglitions Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO The monthly meeting of the Group Committee associated with the First Thornhill Boy Scouts and the First Thornhill Cub Pack, was held 0! January 7th. The following mem- bers attended: C. Jaeger, T. Jack- son, L. Jamieson, J. McNeill, H. Neil, A. Sumner and G. Giles. Reports from the various committees were heard, including that from the Build- ing Committee. This committee has been investigating the matter of se- curing permanent headquarters for the Troop. Considerable discussion followed the introduction of the Building Committee report, and it was decided that they should con- tinue their investigation and report back at a later meeting. Mr. Chattâ€" erton, the Scout Master, announced that the first meeting of the 1946 season for Boy Scouts would be held on Friday. January 11th, at 8 p.m. in Thornhill Public School. All Scouts are urged to turn out for this meeting. Mr. Chatterton is the new Scoutmaster, and he has many things planned. It was also announced that the First Thornhill Cub Pack will hold a party at'Lawrence Memorial Hall on Jan. 10th at 7.45 p.m. Women’s Assoc?ation and the W.M S. of the church. An executive meeting of Thorn- hill Women’s Institute was held on Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 9 at the home of Mrs. P. Bone. The meeting was called primarily to discuss de- tails of Major Eisenhardt’s visit, and it was decided to hold a general meeting in Thornhill United Church Sunday School room on Thursday evening, Jan. 17th at 8 o’cloak. Mrs. S. Findlay and Mrs. A. Brillinger were appointed program convenors for the occasion, and every adult in the community is invited to hear Major Eisenhardt. Mrs. Neil was then appointed con- venor of the Summary Day to be held in Agincourt in March. A rally is to be held in McGill Y.'M.C‘A. on Jan. 3lst with Publicitv and Press as the subject, and all members are invited. Harvey-Findlay On Saturday, December 29. 1945. at Thornhill, Ont., by the Rev. J. D. Cunningham, Eva Hilda. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Findlay, to David Warren, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harvey. A letter was received from Mrs. Kear of London, England, thanking the W.I. members for their kindness to her. Mrs. Brillinger had already sent her a parcel, and since Mrs. Kear had been asked to send the name of a friend, it was decided to send her a parcel too. The friend, Mrs. Brown, is an expectant mother. A “relative” shOWer was held for Mrs. Harvey, formerly Eva Findlay, at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Tal- bert Findlay of Centre St. on Mon- day evening. Jan. 7th. Eva received many beautiful and practical gifts. Best wishes of the community are extended to the happy couple. His many friends will be sorrv to hear of the death on Monday of Rev. J. Harvey Colclough. B.A., B.iD., for- mer rector of Trinity Anglican Church. He was stricken with a heart attack while attending a meet- ing. Born at Clinton, he was gradu- ated from the University of Toronto and Wycliffe College in 1910. For ten years he was rector of Scarboro parishes before coming- to Thornhill in 1938, and in 1944 he took charge of Christ Anglican Church, Oshawa. Funeral service was held in St. George’s Anglican Church, Oshawa. on Thursday, Jan. 10th, with inter- ment in St. Margaret’s Cemetery, Scarboro. He is survived by his widow, Adelaide Armstrong Colâ€" clourgh. ' The treasurer, Elizabeth Eaton, re- toitcd that the Auxiliary’s alloca- tion of fiftv dollars had been for- warded to the Presbyterial, and that a consideia‘nle bank balance would aid in purchasing supplies for 1946. Layettes and an afghan were among the work of the Auxiliary in 1946. Several new members were welcom- edflat this meeting. ELOCUTION, PUBL'IC SPEAKING, DRAMATIC ART Studios: lHer many friem'is will be glad to hear that Mrs. H. Rowswell is re- covering nicely form hEr recent ill- ness. Mrs. Blackburn wishes to an- nounce the removal of her stock of gifts and handicrafts from the pres- ent location to the building one door south of the B.A. station at the ant- ner of Yonge and Centre Streets, around the 17th of January. At that time, she also expects a new ship- ment of wool. Nowadays if a man refers to a pleasure ride the chances are he didn’t take it in a 1938 job. The regular monthly meeting of the Evening Auxiliary of the W.vM.S. of Thornhill United Church was held at the home of the Advisory Presi- dent, Mrs. Geo. Russell, on Thursâ€" day, January 3rd. Mrs. Lawrence Denby presided. The opening wor- ship service was conducted by Betty Sumner, and the topic “Education for the Living” was taken by Betty Bone. This concluded with a discus- sion on the kind of education that the youth of Africa, and particularly of O‘agola, need today. “Oh, thanks, thanks so much," he exclaimed. “You're the only honest store in town. All the others said they didn’t have it.” The absent-minded professor look- ed in most of the stores in town for his lost umbrella and finally located it. “Homewood Hall”, Tbotnhill Phone 89W Bank of Commerce Building 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto (Graduate of the Owen Smin Studio) M arguerité Boyle (Continued from Page 4) estate trends in Thornhill are any indication, within the next two or three years we can expect a marked increase in our school attendance. An increase of 25 or 30 pupils would re- sult in the over-crowding of our class rooms. Your board proposes to keep before it the possibility of hr-ilding requirements within the next two or three years. and are alâ€" ready visualizing the type of build- ing which will be required to meet our modern educational require- our ments In the past four or five years that I have been chairman of the board I have urged continuously the necessitv for close co-operation be- tween the teacher and parent. I can- not avoid using the hackneyed phrase “I view with alarm" the tend- ency of parents to shift the onus of child-training, from the home to the school. Every thinking indivi- dual realizes the importance that a teacher plays in building- up the "hara1‘ter of a child. but such influ- ence is infinitesimal _as compared "ith the influence of the home. The teacher has control of the child for about five hours a day. for five days a week. The parent is supposed'to have control for the remaining 19 hours. Important as is the influ- ence of the teacher, he or she can scarcely be expected to compete with the parent in moulding the child’s character for good or evil. The type of citizen which will develop from our small boys and girls depends in the final analysis on the influence of the parent. and not the teacher. It is with this in mind that your school board hopes to re-establish in the coming year, the Home and School Club. I know of no organ- ization that can keep both your teaching staff and your school board on its toes. as an enero‘etic and ag- gressive Home and School Associa- tion. You will recall at the out- break of war. that the Home and School Club simply changed its name to the Red Cross. The nucleus of the Home and School Club still re- mains. The Home and School Club is one phase of adult edueation, and in this country we are still in the horse and buggy days insofar as that part of education is concerned: I would also like to pay tribute to the excellent coâ€"operation of the Provincial Department of Educa- tion. Mr. Jackson will beat me out when I say that one is struck with the co-operative and competent type of officials in the Department who at all times are most willing and anxious to discuSS any problem which might arise in connection with the school. All of which is respectfully submitted. There continues to be scarcity in lumber. But we have the usual number of block-heads. At the beginning of our school year our former secretary-treasurer, Mr. Arthur Thompson, was compell- ed to retire, because of ill health, and we were most fortunate in 0b- bainine: the services of Mrs. Eaton. Ramifications of even a small school section are vastly different from that of a few years ago. Now, in- come taxes, superannuation funds. and complicated reports, have to be completed. Close check made of municipal and provincial grants for equipment, salaries paid, accounts paid and correspondence attended to make the duties of the secretary no sinecure. ‘ __ I desire to direct the attention of the ratepavers to the record of our school in the purchase of War Sav- ing-s Stamps. From Sentember 1944 to June 1945 the pupiis purchased stamps amounting to $553.75. In the same period the puoils purchased bonds totalling- $1,400. There is keen competition between the four rooms in respect of the purchase of stamps and bonds. This is a very commendable record. In closing I would like to pay tri- bute to my two colleaguea, Mr. Jack- son and our retiring trustee Mr. Ed- warls, who, of course. is eligible for re-election. The work which we do on the school board has many c0m- nensating features. one 0" which is being- the goodwill which casts amongst the members of the board? I feel sure that the ratepayers will understand that your trustees are busy men with only limited time to devote to the work of the board. I doubt if it would be possible for anv one of the three of us to hold office if we did not have at our dis- posal the assistance of a competent secretaryâ€"treasurer. Thurnhiii School SW13 PIPE ELBOWS, Etc. Findlay “Warm Morning” Heater fFOR INTERIOR PAINTING USE S.W.P. New Colors in Paint and Enamel now on hand Crosscut Saws, Axes, Handles, ech RALPH W. PARIS, Manager TELEPHONE 18 WI COMBINAiziON DOORS â€" 4 Sizes ' ' , â€" uns to rent At Your Hardware . Y. W. BRATHWAITE Richard H. Neil, Chairman. THURSDAY. JANUARY 10th, 1946 All SATURDAY,/IAN. T Phones : Evenings 82w The annual meeting of KING CITY CEMETER C0. will be held in MMall, ' g City SAVE FUEL, HEAT Boilers an ipes Cov P._G if 7‘ , g1"- BLA’fOHFORD‘S FEEDS PIONEER FEEDS GROUND FEEDS GRIT SHELLS Box 12, Ric ale 46 Silverthorne, ronto Telephone JU. 1 16 evenings only B ate ford' ’ £5.1'AILIIHID [IV 1800 Growing Mzs/kes g es f{Z30 p.m. 7) p16 olders urged to attend 24 Hom\ Service Standérd Rates North York WilloWdaTe 307 THE MILL How fat she isâ€" She used to wasn’t. The reason is She daily doesn’t. Charcoal, Baled Hay and Straw The Weldun Ingulators NOTICE Call or write WE DELIVER Day 139_ 1946

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