Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Feb 1946, p. 3

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1946. 708. Rabinowifrh. BA. BARRISTER. KOTJCTTOR. NOTARY PUBLIC TmchnAv AwwvwnnN 0?? V0712“? .Qh'nm‘ Immediafiph' Nov”: 0" "acnnin Wu" Wont: 9" .. D‘nhmnnd Hm Tm‘hntn ("Cwâ€"1? Tornn‘n Street p‘mnp AdplnMn F977 Residence: 7 Miarkhaffi St; Richmond Announces that his office is now located at the City Limihe. Nor-W Toronto. direct‘v nnnmhn thn Term- inal. fiver Tfiggotf'c Dru" Sfm‘t, Phnnn nff‘nn‘ HTlanr‘ “900 Alexan’lnr Wacqreqm KC. BARRISTEP & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC M4 Confederation fife Bldg" Toronto Phone: Office EL. 50°9 Res. MO. 286’: Barri<tnr Colici'ovx "Mar" Pnhlic Residenca â€" 18 Pm'nfz AW. Lansing. Ont Wiflnwd'fle 30‘ Room 6R 18 ;annnrn,_ Qt, Torontn Phone AD. $977-84) A. G». SAVAGE, Agent Barr'sferg §~1;(~Hnra_ 131-0 A. Cnmnrn" MNM'mh‘n". K.C.. A1°v M. Mammwmnn McV‘nnon Rni‘dine‘ l9 Melinda Sheet anov‘fn. Ontario Phone 1?“ Richmond Hill Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylks. 108 Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 58.! iron; the Toronto Conservatory of Music will accept .a number of nupds m Hill MORTGA GE LOA NS ARRANGED Bamstcrs. Sum-,nr-rs. Wm. Cook. K17. Ralph B. Gibson. K.( J. A. Gibson .‘omto Office 9!" F‘mlera‘ Hid: 85 Richmond St. West Richmnnd PM] Thl'r<d9\' forennor Map1e. Thursday afternoon Money to loan a! Current Rate Willowdale. Zone 8-298 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator”â€"â€"Messa,qo Charge) See A. G. Savage and ask to haw the new Personal Property Floater shown to you. Covers all your Persona-l Property against fire, property damage, theftâ€"a com. plete coverage for all your belongings. DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO THORNHILL AND UNIONVILLE Phone Richmond Hill 1021-13 Thornhiil 7r4 Also hog and stock minerals de- livered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a _fresh supply at all times. Richvale P.O. A full line of well known house- hold necessities in stock n Avnrcvwn 3m11r~rwnn \m'r‘ A pv bTTRf To SANITARY (‘ONTR A CTORS TANKS (‘LEANF‘D OUT OF TO‘VN QWQVN‘E Successor to B. B. Jordan 84 Yonge Street. Rir-hmnnd Hill Telephone Rir'hmnnd Fm] 229 DENTIST FORMERLY 0F THORNHILL 29 Wmhnrst Ave" Lancing W. J. ALDRTDGE Bani-“PPS. gnfir‘i'nre \‘ntqfle; N‘ T. MATH‘I‘WQ ‘Kr‘ K M 1? q'T‘IVWR RA (On Act‘vo Stu-vim“ R F Yvnwg 11A JOSEPH VHF NEWMARKFT (W‘FTFF‘R 0 “MM m r! Rn+anwI Sf. me 1?“ Phnnn 120 Eventually! Why not now For ddivery Call Watkins Products Waltpr R, Jvnkine Dr. M. J. Ouigley Wright & Taylor Dr. W. J. Mason Mun Nmuwh hm & MacNauahton ERNIE DURIE Mnfht-"I's‘. cffnor Lnnns- 19- Vn’p Bamstcrs. Sum SEPTIC T A NK SYSTEMS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Adelmo Melecci Cook & Gibson ’I‘. (7'. Nommnn Alice M ecredy PIANO TEACHER P‘nhmnnfl H‘n F‘vprv OPEN FI'VENTNGS M U SICAL DENTAL Phone Maple 641'4 Langstaff Branch, Canadian Naval Cadet Corps Well another week has rolled bf and some have benefitted bv it and °0me havo not has“ co Hackv, but the bovs that attendgd ‘he meetin'! had the chance 0’ ‘vrnsning that were of elusive knowledgeâ€"and they r-erfainlv rememberrd wha-t went on before. 'T‘hM'e were memnrv feefs on the Rlnwline and fi¢2"=1‘o eie‘w knots. as well a: what tho 1eir-et ’our letters of the Morce Cndp woveâ€"and we warn “lam->4 fn no‘r‘ “mt withow‘ pyront‘on. all remembord‘ Lntér on our innfructw S‘I-t.â€"Maj Connor crave 11° nu»- Mv‘ four 19?- Mr= in Morsn (‘nde Hm" went infn First Aid. Wi‘“ " s‘mIMnn. of tho "find Mlumn ha d”mnn<“rafpd the. ~11inlr wav ’m ~pf rn‘tm‘s’hmflderm’ ""4 hum'rhaflrml {N'L h" “:1”an H!“ wan “'nv govtâ€"Ma; "nfinan 91m kronwht “vim WW. a 11:" five chart in nn‘nnv 97v “re c1301v14 3 an ha nvfl‘"; “ranfkhvnjlv “re ckmv‘l'l hrn'W‘a H‘nn‘v Ha WP“+ an ha nv-qhfiv‘ 14w) nrlxi‘“+nn-oe of Hon“ kromfkfivmâ€"JHF‘V 41" 131‘”; civcula‘Fes wfl‘a punk fun 111*" n” fi'Psh airâ€"â€" and +39" nywflninnfl +kn yniwnr use: of fhn fnnrninvn‘ ~“4 in-* Vvhv and “thn qux- c'hmw'lA Ra nvwfliod. A 10?: NF Mm Fawn wow: Q0 en- n‘rnegofl thpv ("4 rm" “0*:"0 fhaf we Earl +wvn viq”n~‘c chm" ‘7“ +0 hear HM 10"“111‘0 'T'Vn" wvwn ‘M’y' T. A. urpgvpr pnnnro‘nl “HLL Radar at nnqpm.n'k wwhav-nfiape T,+H_ and MW“ “7‘ (‘ pnnwfiua‘nw nwmonhari wifh 4-1“: Thnq‘ ‘Pnp‘k‘l‘nn‘fnn r‘n WIQTIVY‘FZVH “1",.” n4.- guwmvmw "WA guinnFififl Tnefvflmantg 91am Smhw Compass “Inbnrq Wn wow: Hum +mm1~+ +119 Twang, va tn knist 9 'Uyfinvv Tan-[r and “7mm e‘srmm +ha+ Hm Wm,” WM, meant Meh-pw We WM.” “my: 1m On two "ian Hm nnr+ run aw] {ha Star_ “"9": "'3" PW‘ fno’vw Hm flag “7‘: “Wfi'hpd it h";“" 1‘95an and at. flap find of mvr 8%"! anfl P'F wahhn,‘ it 1nwernd urhi‘le We reneated the T,nvd’c Pravpr Them. mne+inm are wal‘v inenirâ€" ‘ne‘ f0 wa’rr'h 0': won "s eflnr‘a‘rinnfl w'n nvprv derrroe aw! Q11 narentc are invi+°fl *0 come and sit in any Tues- I’a" night. Our newt gues+ Inchwnr win he Cn‘hf'fin 'Fl'avenv nf +he Warns of '[m_ nerial Vrnnfinrcmen. Fanfnin Hav- sev wi" infirm“ 0“ the» Characfer of Hm Madam Youth 0nd some im- nrnvemcnte- fhat we con” do with. ‘So remember bowâ€""bring vnnr had and Mother +0 heav- thi: +a11r. The place. Lanna“ Public School. Stan 191 Vonge mwet 2f 7.20 nm‘ sham Tuesda". Fehruavv 19%. 1946. Orosnhers: W. Fox1ev. telephone 'T‘hornhfi‘ 7r? and F. Morris, phone Thornhill 69. Dre. Lnnnmfnff DR. POLPH L. TIANGSTAFF Office HOUR: R 3‘0 M 4 R0 p.m. dailv ewmnf Star‘di D". JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Office Hmws: 9 +n 11 mm. daily excent Sunldav 6 to 8 um. dailv ox"f"‘t Wednesday, Qah‘lrdav and anflfiv. Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. S. W. Armitage, Maple Small and Large Animals hi 0 DFF‘TFE HOURS: [00 - 11.00 am. â€" 1,30 - 3.30 pm. Except Sundav Telephone 24 Richmond Hill erv 7m tre Sf P and MI apnointmpnt Lanzctaff. Won ‘71 Yrmtre Street ‘PHrme Thnmhm 6 Ring 2 Harold W. Mortson Farm Implements and Repair! Massey-Harris Rite-Way MilKers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers b .u Gain Fertilizer Com Kin: Mineral “Gem” MiH‘. " .ers and Electric Fencers Yonge St. SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE Office Hours (LA-‘0 a‘n.. 12â€"? XI F MA SSEY-HARRIS Dr. .R, A. Riaford SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS by appointment only. Dr. J. F. MrOuay OFFICE HfiTTPQ Official and Accredited Veterinarian Dr. J. P. Wilson VETERINARY Phone Thomhill 30-R L. W. REID and I'm qmminfmonf “vim Wm » we. and pump W. ., '1 BrI-‘mu‘ than“ flrfiv‘ +130 nr‘xr'wai" ~__'hn“v ‘kn bI-v h fun hwnn‘ n‘ MEDICAL t. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 APPLY mnhmond Hill 7.20-830 +n11. Phone 3 a “matchmaker” could be 'found in every second house. “It could be," she answered, show- ing- surprising familiarity with mod- ern phraseology. “But a girl has a thousand and one ways of letting a man know she loves him without boldly coming out and telling him so, and once a man knows that if he reciprocates his lady’s affection, the question of the proposal a: d engage- ment becomes very simple. “‘Do you expect wedding bells to ring in Richmond Hill for many couples this year?” she was asked. “I do, I reallv do," she replied. ‘It may be on towards Autumn, but it will come. It always does." “Do you think anything would be gained by sending Russell Lynett over to Kilkee in the County Clare, Ireland, to study the subject?” she was asked. “It’s said they are mak- ing progress over there in marrying off the marriageable girls.” The Queen Victoria of the village church laughed. “No,” she said, “I don’t think it would do any good. 'Russell Lynett is a ver" charming and able man, and I like him, but I don’t believe sendintt him to Ire- land on such a mission would be worth while. Men are necessary, of course, to romarce, but none of them understand romance. and he or any other man would just mess things up. n Fl‘ight Lieut. Ken House, RCIAF, recently rsturned from overseas, spent several davs last week visit- ing friends in Mable. Ken has ac- oep‘red a po=ifion in the Bank of Commerce in Waterloo where he be- gins his dufies in a few weeks. Stoker Billie Lawrie has been transferred frrm Halifax to Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Harvev Jackson of Gadsby. Alta. arrived on Mondav for a three months visit. Thev a‘l‘e stayingr with Mrs. Ja-r‘kson’s sister. Mrs. Roberts. and her father. John T. Saivgeon in King. Mrs. Jackson will see many sad changes since her last visit east. the passing of her mother, Mrs. John T. Saizeon, also her brother Carl and sister-in-law Mrs. Carl Saigeon. The United Church Y.P.U. held a Valentine party on Monday evening in the Snndav School room. They are planning a sleigh ride party verv soon. Vu.‘v Plafiyjc’c; attend the annual dance of Maple Fire Brigade on February 15th. ‘ Lu We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Brumby has su‘ferevi a stroke last week and is verv ill at her daugh- ter’lr. Mrs. H. Rrvan‘ We are pleased that The sick are recovering verv favourablv. Mrs: Emerv Mathewsnn is out again af- ter her attar-V of pneumonia. A1=0 Mrs. Grace Ramon is m9king gnod hrogress towards recoverv. MN. Jones is cr‘nfined to H1? house with an iniured f0M mused bv a large can of paint falling on- her foot re- cen+1v. The lad?“ of St. Andrew’s Pres- }‘vterian “PMS. met af fhe homo of Mrs. A. Rnbinsnn f0“ their Febru- arv meefing. Mm. (190. Matheson, the president. nve<ided operfing the meeting: wifh hvmn 391. Mrs. M. McDonald Hum 19d in praver and Mrs. E‘ Machuqhtm read Pfialm 97 as a scrinture norfion. A solo. “The Whole Widn Work! for Jesus” was given by MW. Robinson. The ladies were es'oeci'mv favoured hv having as their quest weaker Mrs. Bass, :1 m‘ssionarv’s wife from India, who 0wave a verv impirafi'onal addre<s on her work and nersonal exneriences in India. A short devntional paper wa: then given by Mrs. Campbell Sn‘fler. Yonge Street Flight Lieutenant Ken House spent a few davs last week atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Snider while renewing- acqvaintances in the Vill- age. Ken exnects to return to his banking dutie: soon, this time in the Bank of Commerce at Waterloo, Ont. The Comrade Class of the Maple United Sundav School held their regâ€" ular meeting last Fridav evening at the home of Agnes Kinnee. The girls are knitting squares for an afghan which will be donated to mis- si'ons The monthlv mpetinv of the W.A. and W.M.S. of the Uni‘ed Church will he held on Wednesdav. Febru- arv ?0th at 9.20 1mm. 3+ the home of Mrs. F. P. Rumble. Please note ch'mrrn of nlace. J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLK) ! CONVEYANCER .~ GENERAL INSURANCE YEREX ELECTRIC Radio & Electrical Service Village’s flueen (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 (Continued from Page 1) HE LIBERAL. RIC'HiviQND HILL. ONTARIO MAPLE Phone 242 1873 that Richmond Hill was incor- porated as a village. ‘ Today it is a thriving community of over 1500 people and. is surround- ed by a prosperous farming country nd thousands of suburban dwellers have attractive homes and beautiful .ui'dens in this district where they vsnjcy the freedom of country life .sn_l yet are within a few minutes of .he advantages of the city. We have been happy to welcome many new citizens here in recent "cars and it is a source of much ntisfaction to us that they all are happy and contented and after a spell of living here are unanimous ‘n voicing: approval of suburban life. In fact the remark by most of them is “why didn’t I come to Richmond Hill years ago.” Ve are now most happy in wel- :on‘ing back from overseas a large number of our young men and wo- men who served in 'he armed forces, We are justly proud of the record of our young peop'e in the hour of our country’s need, and like all oth- er communities we mourn the lo=s of many of our bravest and best who paid the supreme sacrifice. Durinar the war an active branch of the Red Cross made a noteworthy contribution to the relief of the suffâ€" ering throughout the world. We are fortunate in having“ an active and aggressive Lions Club, always to the forefront in every branch of pub- lic welfare work, and always work- ing: on behalf of every good cause. The home of three nationally known rose growingr establishments, Richmond Hill is known far and wide for its choice roses which for quality and rare beauty cannot be excelled anywhere. They are grown here under many aores of glass and the industry gives employment to Here we have splendid modern schools, attractive churches, modern conveniences provided by publicly owned utilities and a very moderate tax rate. many of our citizens. The industry is particularly successful here we- cause tests have proven that in a year this suburban centre ranks very high in hours of sunshine. In our municipal history the vill- age has been Well served by many able and public spirited citizens. It is a notable fact that in the 73 years since incorporation our municipality has had but twelve reeves, one reeve, the late W. H. Pugsley, having serv- ed for a period of 80 years. Reeve Neal Speaks Many attractively situated subâ€" divisions are new onening‘ in our village, and some excellent home sites, in this most desirable residen- t'ial community are now available. We have also an industrial section with splendid shi-pning facilities on the Canadian National Railway, also with the advantage of being within One of the advantages' of which we are proud to boas: and which was the envy of manv municipalities especially during: the davs of gas and tire shortage, is a radial trans- portation system. This system, own- ed by the four municipalities, North York, Markham, 'Vaurrhan and Rich- mond Hill, and operated. by the T.T. 0., gives us here a half hour service to Toronto at a moderate scale of fares. This system we hope to im- prove in the coming years, as we an- preciate that a good transportation system is one of the most desirable assets of a suburban community. All in all. these features I have mentioned, add up to make Richmond Hill a very desirable place to live. We‘re proud of our village, we’re optimistic for its future, and we are glad of this opportunity of extend- ing to others an invitation to come to Richmond Hill and make their home here, and share with us the genuine pleasure and satisfaction of living in Toronto’s Highest , and Healthiest suburb. a few feet of Yonge Street, a main artery for motbr t*'ansport. The Community Chest wishes to thank all those who participated in and gave donations to the fund for Christmas overseas boxes from Richvale community. Thirty excell- ent boxes were sent, valued at $5.34 each. All business has been finish- ed and the books were audited by Miss June Cooney, Richvale P.O. Mr. Wm. Adams, chairman; Mrs. Mildred Gillies, sec.-treas.; Mrs. Harriet Adams, buyer; Mrs. Reitta Alexander, buyer; Mrs. Mary Jarvis, cashier; Mr. Ben Brazier, caller. if 7 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in Ngorf‘fi Yonge St. Drstrict 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements), Telephone MAyfair 1145c6 (Continued from Page 1) RICHV ALE 09099000¢00609ooooooooooooooooooooo+wa+~a+¢¢A Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write Box 60. The Liberal DECORATOR -â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP Personal attention to all orders or E. J. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW E THREE

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