Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1946, p. 3

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- DENTIST FCRMERLY OF THORNHILL Announces .that his office is n0w located at the City Limits. North Toronto, directly oppbsite the Term- inal. over Liggctt’s Drug Store. Phone Office: HLland 9300 A. G. SAVAGE, Agent from thg Toronto Conservatory 9! Hum wzll accept _a number of pupda m PIANO. ORGAN and THEORY For information phone Mrs. Mylka. 108 )‘onge Street Phone Rlchmond Hill 58J 'Jos. Rabinowitch, B.A. OPEN EVENINGS Residence, Markfiqfix St., Richmond ] MORTGAGE LOANS ARRANGED Richmond Hill 'pfiSne’sAs him 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at 93 Yonge Street immediatelv Norih of Masonic Hall Phpne 87 â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronta Of’iceâ€"l? Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Barr’sters, Solicitors, Etc. A. Cameron Macnaughton. K.C., Alex. M. Macnamrhton McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street. Toronto, Ontar Alexander MacGregor K. C. Banister. Solicitor, Notary Public Residence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing, Ont. Willowdule 398 Room 66. 18 Toronto- St.. Toronto Phone AD.‘15877-8â€"9 Willowdale, Zone 8-288 ‘ (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator'Lâ€"Messagc Charge) BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 014 Confederauon Life Bldgm Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Res. MO. 2866 Phone 126 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1946. See A. G. Savage and ask in have the new Personal Property Floater shown to you. Covers all your Personal Properly against fire, property damage, theftâ€"a com- plete coverage for all your belongings. THORNHILL AND ’UNI'ONVILLE DENTIST . PHONE 70 YONGE' AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE Alice Mecredy PIANO TEACHER Phone Richmond Hill 1021'13 Thornhiil 7r4 Also hog livercd to bug at; a Richvalc l‘.0. l‘hollc Maple (Hr-l Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Wm. Cook, K.C. Ralph B. Gibson, K.C. J. A. Gibson 'oronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West Richmond Hill, Thursday. forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate Barristers. Soh'citors. Notaries N. L. MATHEWS. KC. K. M. R. STIVER. B.A. '(On Active Service) B. E. LYONS. BA. ‘ JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. ’hone 126 Phone 120 BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NQTARX PUBLIC A full line of well known house. hold necessities in stock Sucéeésor to B. B. Jordan 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill Telephone Richmond Hill 229 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Ex‘cntually Watkins Products I N S U R A N C E OF ALL KINDS Dr. M. J. Quigley THURSDAY AFTERNOON :o hog and stock minerals dc- :red to your farm, one or more _:s at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Dr. W. J. Mason Walter S. Jenkins BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Wright 8: Taylor ERNIE DURIE MacNaughton & M ac-N aughton Adelmo M olecci Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Richmond Hill Every ually! Why not. now For, delivery call MUSICAL DENTAL Ontario Office Hours 9â€"â€"1‘0 3.13., 12â€"2. & 6â€"8 mm. and by appointment MAPLE â€"â€" Phon Office Hours: 9 to 11 11.111. daily except Sunday 6 to 8 11.111. daily ‘except Wednesday Saturday and Sunday. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS Office Hours: 3.30 Drs. Langstaff DR. ROLPH L. LANGS'I‘AFF 1m. JAMES" R." "LKNGSTAFF Miss Betty: Rae who holds the 111-" door Ontario Skating Championship com-petcd' in_ the Senior Girls Outdoor Skating Champion Meet held in»Sud7 bury on February 11th and 12th.' Betty came rim fourth place with competitors from the US. and Winn- ipeg who are runners up in the North American Skating Champiom ship. This is the first such meet held- since the beginning of the war. Betty travelled with six other girls and one boy from Toronto under Coach Duke Willoughby'who hopes to see outdoor competitions started in Toronto on Varsity for the prov- igce and compeittors from the sout 0 us. * ’40 am. Centre St. E. OFFICE HOURS: [00 - 11.00 am. â€" 1.30 - 3.30 13.111. Except Sunday Telephone 24 Richmond Hill On Feb. 14th the W.M.S. of Cen- tral United Church held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. A. L. Brown with a good at- tendance of its members and a few visitors. Miss M. Miller resigned her office as secretary owing to ill health and Mrs. Feir was appointed to replace her. The Easter Family party was discussed and it was planned to have a 6 o’clock supper to be followed by an evening meet- ing with a. guest speaker. A com- mittee was formed to make one or two layettes to have in readinesgior a needy mother. Mrs. Newton gave a report on the annual meeting which was held in Hepe United Church on February 5th. The Devo- tional'period was led by Mrs. E. Young. Mrs. McKinley read the scripture lesson and- Mrs. Braith- waite led in prayer. . In the absence of Miss Miller, Mrs. and Mrs. Newton very ably gave“the study chapter on “The Master Builder”. Mrs. Young closed with prayer. Mrs. Brown served a Valentine Tea. Members of the Scout Committee, Messrs. Howard Stiver, A. 1(.'}131T'j ington. A. M. Hill and Earl B'ratton with Scout Leader Bill Sheam atâ€" tended the Scout Group Committeq Banquet held- in Thornhill on Sat- urday. This past week has" been Scout and Girl Guide Week and many. groups across Canada have began building their programmes around the' work done by these groups jnij their communities. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. D. Harrington had a visit from their nephew this pnstfi| week, Mr. Orson Hemingway whoy hasmcturned afterufour years in Eu- rope and Great Britain. Orson has served in the army for 13 years. no is the eldest son of Mr. Fer Hemâ€" ingway. formerly of Hagerman' and: Unionville and now living in Malik' ham. Othlcr visitors at the Bar). ington home on Sunday were Mr.‘ and. Mrs. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Wallacc‘i Harrington and Grace Harrington, all of Toronto. Dr. J. Sheppard With Dr. s. w. Armrt‘age, Maple Small and Large Animals Mrs. Elgin Barker. Oneonta, NY. has returned home after visiting- her mother Mrs-“Frank Boadway. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Boadway is feeling better. . ‘ We hoqpe Mrs. W. Coulson who has been laid- up in bed for some time will soon be out and around again. Mrs. N. Ogden is visiting daughter Mrs. Conlv in Orillia and by appointment Langit‘aff, §_top gluYAonghe St_reet J. Rny Herrington NOTARi" fiUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE SAND GRAVEL HA ULAGE DruR. A. Bigford Dr. J. F. McQuay OFFICE HOURS (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 Official and Accredited ’ Veterinarian Hone, Thdl'nhill 6 Ring Dr. J. P. Wilson VETERINARY Phone Thornhill 30-R UN IONVILLE L. W. REID by appointment only. MEDICAL rs: 3.30 to 4.30 pm. daiLy 939.913: Suydsir ______._a__‘ APPLY Richmond Hill 7.30-8.30 Phone 3 The February meeting- of Maple Women’s Institute was held on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 13 at the home of Mrs. Milt Palmer. At this meet- ing the W.I. ladies voted one hun- dred dollars‘to be given to the Young Men's Club for their'proposed rink. Hqu of this donation is :i 350 bond bought some time ago. Another $50 bond is being: purchased and the total $100 will he held in trust until such time as the new rink becomes a reality. An interesting: paper (in total $100 will he held in trust until such time as the new rink becomes a reality. An interesting paper 011 Historical Research prepared by the convenor, Mrs. P. White, .was read at. this meeting. Last Thursday evening- at the Ramsay's the choir of Maple Unit,- o-d Church presented their organist, Mrs. Roy Clegg, (nee Miss Minnie Line). with two lovely white pottery table lamps. The, lamps were exact- ly alike, with gilt bases. vase shaped body and rose colored shades. Minnie was married on January Roy Clegg‘, recently returned from over four years service averscas with the Royal Canadian Engineers. The newly appointed fire chief of Maple Fire Brigade, Donald Allen, and the members of his crew are to be' congratulated on their" {'61‘3?"'1<‘UCâ€" cess‘ful dance last Friday; evgling. Aboug 350 attended ' andkigthe‘i'fi‘ )oys realized approximately $150 from this function. The 7-311'im‘gf‘or“ the most recently returned” S‘enfiisiéemen were awarded to Cpl. Charlie Ingram and Pie. Leonard Lunau of Richmond Hill. The “spot” dance winner was Mish- Bernice Anderson. The eli‘mâ€" ination dance prize was won bylek- (‘1? Billie Lawrie. .. The Firemqn wish to thank all those \x’iifi'fimtfbnized their dance and alko the ladies who baked for the boolh. 'Thc United Cliil'l‘eh .Y..P.p..,enjoy- cd an evening in ,‘Richmondyll ll rink on Monday of this week aftergwhieh the)" had lunch at, the home of their president. Miss Helen Cousins. ’ _‘Don‘t forget the Young Men’s Club dance in aid of thd‘i‘illlkébllflvpdl‘cll ls't in Maple Confid’rt‘W’IaH. Tllé’ music will be supplied by Dyer's Rhythm- aires” from Mount Dennisw} ‘ Mr. and Mrs, Reyndldzilififl'er and small daughter Sandra 'W’isitcd [in Maple this week. -' r'l Yonge Street Mrs. Howard Manning of Guelph was a guest at the home" of Mrs. Les'Laver ‘for several days last week. Last Thursday Mrs. Ernie Brock entertained Miss Rilla Kyle and sev- eral girl friends at a lonelieon. Rilla who is being‘ married on Saturday, February 23rd to Jack -Saigeon, son of the late Carl and Mrs. _Saig.eon was given a shower of) personal gifts by the girls. The villagers extand< ed- a welcome to the future Mrs. J'ack Saigeon to our village. St. Andrew's Gulldeeld a Valen- tine Party and Box Social on Mon- day evening’. February 18th at the home of Mr. and Mrs.‘ 'ArthurLaw- rie. After a short devqtional per- iod a social hour of games and, music was enjoyed by all. Music by Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Hodge, Ann 'vLaWrie and Marilyn Snider contributed much to- ward making the evening a very pleasant_ one. Mrs. Chas. Bowman wont to Belle- ville this week to be with'her Sis- ter Miss Catharine McQuarrie of the teaching- staff of Tweed! Public School who is in hospital in Belle- ville. Miss McQuarrie had an opera- tion for appendicitis on Monday and is convalescing very favorably. cStoker Bill Lawric who has signed up for 19 months? s’ei'VideVomSS. “York” in Toronto enjoyed a visit recently from his pal Jas. Ruhn, R.C. N.V.R. of Prestc.n.~ The lads were in training: together in Halifax. Congratulations to Fockler's moLhol', Mrs. of Markham who was last Friday. On Tuesday. February 13th Mrs. Brumby, one of our oldest residents in Maple, passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. Bryan. Mrs. Brumby' whose maiden name was Adelia Jane Spring. “'21s in her 89th year and had .made hCl‘JIO'me for some years past with her daughâ€" ter Mrs. Bryan. Interment was held on Saturday in Mount, Pleasant cemetery. We are pleased to. see Jim Jones out again after his car accident a month ago. A month doesn’t seem long to most of us but to Jim it musfi have been a “long, long timej‘. YEREX ELECTRIC Farm Implements and Repair! Massey-Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipmentgand Repairs Beatty Washers bum-Gain Fertilizer Com Ring Mlnernl “Gem” Mill; Cruets and Electric Fencera Harold W. Mortso‘n MASSEY-HARRIS Yonge St Radio & Electrical Service, ~ THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO MAPLE t. Richmondr-Hill Telephone 93 Mrs. C. E. Phillip Jones 96 years old i116}? 2'12 Theu- mine the most interesting part of our first aid course, the\26 pressure points of the body 21ml each and every one there was able to feel the pulsation at the places. And your writer is» quite sure that after that lecture there is going to be boys that. will remember how to aid in first aid'. After our lesson we noticed the time had flown around to 9.45 pm, so closed our meeting. 'Organizersr: W. J. Foxley, Thorn- hill 713; F. Morris, Thornhill (39. Then we were shown the St. John's Sling. How it is madeâ€"cloth 40 in. square eut diagonally across making two, explaining the special features of the same. Point (1) Sides» (2) Base (1) Ends (2); The large, small and the broad bandages, how to pin: on same and‘ also the injuries that they Wel‘é" used for. Palm of hand; fracture of collar bone, fracture 69‘ shoulder 'blade. “How 0, place the, St. John's Sling and tie same. The first annual party of the Earl Haig Collegiate Home and School As- sociation was held on Friday, Febâ€" ruuny 15th. This is an effort on the partot' the officers of the associaâ€" tion to provide an opportunity for the parents to become acquainted with each other and with the teach- ers. Progressive cuchre was carried on in one ‘room- and bridge in anoth- er, after \vhichnthe crowd gathered in the gymnasium for the rest of the program. The guest speaker was Mr. T. R. Deacon, K.C., a member of the school board for the past' 11 years and chairman last year. He stressed the necessity of enlarging Earl Haig Collegiate. This town ship. which is bordering the city is building very fast. .He mentioned in the inspector's report, Mr. G. A. Preston, B.A., principal. was to be congratulated on arranging to suc- ccssfully educate 590 students in 21 building; that was .made to accommo- date 300. There will be a E.II.G.I. Building I’lebiscite March 11th. Dainty refreshments were served and unany lucky draw prizes were given out. These were donated by many merchants in this district. Basketball News. Langstaff Branch, Canadian Naval Cadet Corps Times have changed. yes, when boys from the ages of 12 to 20 will take homework and learn and/memâ€" orize it in their own time before the next meeting. Either .the work is more interesting or times have changed. You may not know just what we are talking about. but it is the art of tying a St. John’s Sling. How, where, and' Why. and if you should ask any one of the 23 boys that, were at our lastinccting, you would know. Just how many of us adults know all‘about First Aid for instance? , well in this day and age with our boys coming 'back from the far flung The Earl Haig teams visited the Scarboro Collegiate to play their last, games of the season. The Scar- boro juniors and seniors defeated the Earl‘ Haig teams but the Earl Haig Midgets were victorious. , Well in this day and age with our boys coming back from the far flung fields of battle, with talks of speed and more speed, fires and accidents â€"there will be at least one or two qualificd‘ lads that will know just what to do if there is- a crash out; sido your door. Yes, they are the boys who are turning out week after week to the Langstaff Branch of the Naval Cadet Coops. Why, you may ask. Well, how about having your SOi‘I. or your next door neighbour’s boy come out and he will tell you. Our last meeting we had five new boys come in- andhjoin and believe me they all said that they would be back to hear our guest. speaker next, week. ' We reviewed the previous, meet- ings and addedi our next four letters of‘the alphabet and“ we are now up to the letter L in the Morse Code. Our next talk was on the compass and its uses. We were shown eight of the points, N.E.S.W. and N.E.. Earl lIaig students are now sell- ing tickets for their opereua which will be' held in March. A thumb nail sketch of our meet- ing just to let you know how inter- esting our meetings are: Sgt-Major Connor as Lecturer and Mr. Foxley in- the 'chair, we chose by secret bal- lot our treasurer, ‘S.C. Dan Madalino and .our Secretary, S.C. Clarence Greenfield. Sgt-Major Connor took ever and swore in five new mem- bers in a touching ceremony. Next, we went up on the Quarter Deck for our ship’s routine of fall- ing in, Divisions, Prayers, Colors, S.E., NW. and SW. Next, we went up on the Quarter Deck for our ship’s routine of fall- ing in, Divisions, Prayers, Colors, National Anthem, Roll Call and dis- miss to class. Owing to the existence in Scotland of foot and mouth disease all por- niits for the importation of cattle, sheep, goats, other ruminants, and swine into Canada direct from Scotâ€" land are cancelled with the excep- tion of 'those covering shipments ac- tually embarked on vessels en route to Canada, as from February 1, 1946. BAR SCOTS LIVE STOCK NORTHMOUNT O I] 0 Place YourOrder‘d I] Now For Your 0=0=°=0==O=0=0=0=0=J °=0==0=050=0=0=0==0fli “COOWOOWWMOOW. 0.9M WWMWWWOWM C.T.C. SYNTHETIC TIRES 4 igsS’oCJA‘TE, 51 u ’ f. RWEHI‘IILL, P " > '- "EV'EKY‘fH‘IfiG "(Ow-"YOUR Do not be misledâ€"All Syntheticsfor tires are identicalâ€"but with C.T.C. you save 20%. FOR PASSENGER CARS 440â€"450/21 ................ 4 ply $11.15 450â€"475-500/20 ply 12.20 475-500/19 ....... ply 11.75 525.550/17 .. ply 15.50 525-550/13 .. ply 14.10 (500/16 ............ .. ply 17.25 600/16 ............ 'ply 21.55 625-650/16 ply 21.25 / TUBES FUR CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS 440-450/21 .................. $2.35 450 to 500/20 . 3.00 525-550/ 17 ....... 3.30 525-550/18 8.30 475-500/19 2.85 600/16 ............ 3.25 625-650/16 4.00 32:13-700/20 34x7â€"750/20 825/20 .......... All Sizes 20% Discount TIRESE FOR TRUCKS IL-thi-dâ€"wâ€"Ja ply ply ply Ply P1)" ply ply 12.20 11.75 15.50 14.10 17.25 21.55 21.25 ply $43.90 ply 54.40 ply (53.75 440-450/21 .................. ’ sz.‘ 450 to 500/20 ..... 3.‘ 535-550/17 .............. 3. 525-550/18 . . . . . . . . . . . 8.‘ 475-500/19 . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 600/16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. 625-650/16 .. ..... 4.‘ 700/16 .......................... 4. TUBES FOR TRUCKS 32x6â€"â€"700/20 34x7â€"â€"750/20 825/20 .......... PAGE THREE

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