Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 21 Feb 1946, p. 4

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ALL TY PIES REPAIRS M A DE PHONE OF RICHMOND HILL TI-J °=°=l0=0m0fl00fl0==0fl3 KEN. PRENTICE Cauing an DON E onry 7j 28 Years Experience in .-\uclioneering‘ is pleased to announce his return from Active Service with E now associated with (‘larke Prentice. auctioneer. AUCTION SALES OF ANY 1] II 0 H The Royal Canadian Engineers ((‘.A.O.) E o SOLICITED 0 At Fair and Reasonable Rates l]: Prentice‘s have been established and licensed auc- fi 7 tioneers since 1891 in York and Ontario Counties. ii MILLIKEN P.O. PHONE AGINCOURT 52w3 o I] o=6==lo=xo===o=o===o=o==ono WE HAVE YOUR BEST KITCHEN Get Your’s Today! on hand. Hardware RALPH W. PARIS, Mana ‘e' TELEPHONE 18 " g l MONARCH BABY ROLI. CHEESE .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 lb. 39c RET'I‘Y‘S APPLE & STRAWBERRY JAM . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 oz. jar 25c JORDAN'S Grape Juice . . . . . 32 oz. btl. 45c SNOW FLAKE AMMONIA . . . . . AYLMER Vegetable Soup . . 10 oz. tin ,08c fl MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE . . . . . 1 lb. pkg. 43c ROYAL YORK CHOICE QUALITY PEAS . . . . . . . . . . . 20 oz. tin 14c AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY ’* PEAS . . . . . . . . . . . 20 oz. tin 14c .________________ AYLMER FANCY QUALITY JUMBO PEAS .. 20 oz. tin 170 W COUNTRY KIS'I‘ STANDARD PEAS . . . . . '20 oz. tin 14c DEWKIS’I‘ caoqumurv PEAS 20 oz. tin 14c BETTY‘S PEACH JAM . . . 24 oz. jar 33c Free pkg.05c WE DELIVER â€" PHONE 77 Presto Cookers HELPER __ For Lifetime Satisfaction use Super Health Aluminum Utensils Come in and see them now. . Good stock of Pyrex Ovenware now F. Y. W.BRATHWA1TE Richmond Hill WE DELIVER .Eir' :- ‘r. ‘h - .~."‘. Attractive Sturdy Flute with purchase of one 1/2 lb. Royal York Tea or one . lb. Royal York C and Is 0 KIND I Illi'I‘TY‘S Raspberry BE'I‘TY‘S ORANGE. LEMON & GRAI’EFRI‘IT Marmalade . . . . . 24 oz. jar 31c SHERRIFF‘S Orange Marmalade, 12 oz. 250 a AYLMER GRAPE JAM . . . 12 oz. jar 23c A YLMER Bramble Jelly WEAHEY PI'RE Gooseberry Jam . 12 oz. jar 22c I PEACH JAM .. 12 oz. jar 22¢ CRO-SSE & BLA Orange Marmalade, 12 oz. 23c R DELICIOUS AND NL'TRITIOUS VI-TON E a EVERYONE LOVES IT Cow & Gate Chox, 16 oz. tin 36c H SWEETENED BORDEN‘S Malted Mi TODDY . . FULL LINE OF BAKED GOODS â€" Bread, Cakes, Pies & Buns FULL LINE OF MEAT AND FISHâ€"Fresh Lake Simcoe White Fish, Cod Fillets, Silverbright Salmon Fille dock Fillets, Kippers mam (PEARSON BROS.) COURTE A Christian welcome awaits you. Telephone 93.]. (1 Glass Tumbler, 9 oz. size. ts, Salmon Fillets, Had- I’RESDYTERIAN (‘III'RCII .‘liirzday. l’r-‘r. filth Rev. .\'. \\'. IIiL'ile, Il.;\.. liiitli~lf‘l' l INS: ;i.ltl.*.\'1tl‘il'\illlt School. ll tf- .1.‘l‘.. .l‘ri‘r'ir‘ \Yni'lip. MI min}. t pm Miss" u Raid. \I'lii..‘\. ‘ twr. Yrriin'g l’r'opii's .\‘ll‘ .ir i~ l':.l‘t\i - arr iii 111'. l NI'I‘ICI) (‘lll Rt’II R.‘.. I'. ll. lilr'tllf‘ll. l’..-\.. minister Sunday. I‘ ell. ‘3 lllr Ill :i.ll.. Stiiiiny School, ll Mir‘i'iri-r \I'i‘r-liip. lr|\'_ .l, 'l'. 'l.;t.\iit. ll.ll.. '\it' ll't':lt'll_ T p.iii. l-I'rt-ning \\iit\ll|!'. llrr inin- istr-r will preach. All arc \i'elccrne. ST. .\I\RY'S .\.\'t-‘I.I(‘.\‘.\' (‘III'RCII RIt‘Il‘lttNI) IIIl.I. Rev. W. I“. \Yrixon. l,.'l‘h.. R.D.. Rector Mrs. P. C. Doneff. A.Mrrs.. Omani»! Sunday. Feb. 21 11<-.\Iornirig- I‘rayr‘r. I..T.C..I... Sexaoesima ".flt) p.rn.â€"â€".\'tinday School, 7 i\.tri.-rlil\'r*iiiilg Prayer. All are welcome. I.\NGST,\FI-‘ Il \I‘TIST (‘III'RCII Dr. M. II. Blandirr. Pastor Sunday. Fcl‘. Bltlr ll<Rible School. 7 ll.111.-*(i0.<p(‘l Service. Guest SpeakerAMr. .l. A. Henderson. Subject: “It' (iod he {or us.“ “m‘n SALa MASSEY-HARRIS “102 Super" Tractor. completely reconditionâ€" ed. New ("ream Separators and Grain lrinders on hand. BEATTY Pressure Systems, Sump Pumps Litter Carrier Tubs. Barn Door Tracking and Travellers. Hay and Sling Car Tracking and Cars. A good sup- ply of Beatty Stable and Pump Repairs on hand. Used Cock- shutt Grain Grinder. Farmersâ€"Now is the time to have your implements repaired. We're prepared to do it for you. Harold W. Mortson Richmond Hill NOTICE RE WOODLOTS Purchasers of woodlots at the Brodie bush on the second of Markham are reminded they have-only until April 1. 1946 to remove wood. An extension cannot be given. as sale of the property is contemplated. C. J. BRODIE. Stouffville. Jam . . 24 oz. jar 35c .. 12 oz. jar 24c mi... CKWELL . . . . . . . 12 oz. tin 47c lk . 16 oz. jar 43c . . . . . . . 16 oz. tin 45c offee, 37c. SY AND SERVICE ‘ tional ‘ manufacturers in Toronto. MOVIES FOR “'OMICN IN FARMING AREAS tlm‘ iii the chief :rim- oi the Nzi lturt‘Jtl l‘tilll Ili'riiirl's Ili‘ri‘nl (llit‘ttii ir ti’ l.t'il> >i'l‘.L‘ Iilt‘ ]tliilrlt‘t‘.li .rt. t':ii~ :iriizrn t':.i'iii \\iilllt't. _\s p:i.". Ui- tli pint-grant ;i new film. Kitchen ('ome l‘rue .: lit'lll‘." shown ll'. thrr rm“: areas of Canada to tit-irinirs‘truip lino. :hr- rili»I:r~.liirrrr-rl t':ii'iir lxlit‘llClt irr::_r m- trair'sforrrred into an :tttrzti'tth‘ arrl cor \‘i-nii-izt centre for lrer'sruork kitchen Come True >l'(r\\'.\' that on l':'rrin~ marry where the l'fIl'l‘.> and .4‘ii.nlitir:rl machinery :rro rip-to- datc and efficient the honsewit'e is still carryier on her domestic work I with the methods and equipment or her urandiriothcr. In this film th.x drawbacks of a t}'l‘i(‘:tl t)ltl~>t_\‘lt' kil- clrcir are poiirii'd out. and ways of ['liltllllillllltf them are described in tie. |::il. Stip‘u‘estii‘rw :rre ghen for the arrangement of I'tll'tiitl‘l‘t' steps. for the provision at aileritint” cupboard space and for getting rid of the common sources of dirt and catch-all for rubbish. Several of the improvements shown to \11\'i" ' in this film «depend on the availm power. Films on. rural electrification sin-h as Valley Of The Tennessee. which the Na- Ir‘ihn Board has also shown on all its Rural Circuits are conse- quently being: distributed to enconru acre this first step towards better living‘ conditions on the farm. The ideas demonstrated in most of the films shown on the Rural Cir- cuits. however. may be more easily adopted than these large scale plans. Canning methods. meal planning and the preparation of school lunches are among the subjects covered. District Home Economists frequently speak at showings of films connected with their special interests. Besides bring-int: information and new ideas to the individual trouse- wit'e, the Rural Circuits are making a contribution to the social life of women in farming districts. Women's Institutes in many communities are sponsoring the film showing-s. which have become a monthly feature of their programs. Special showings are also arranged on request for Home and School Associations and other organizations in which women play an important part. Lility of hydro DDT FORMI'LATIONS In processed publication No. 37 the Division of, Entomology makes tenta- tive recommendations for the agri- cultural uses of‘DDT. They were discussed at a recent meeting of In harm- ony with them and in pursuance of the policy of simplicity and econ- omy in the number of formulations of DDT offered to the public. the Pesticides Administration recommend the following" basis for consideration of registrations under the Pest Con- trol Products Act:â€"- 1. “Agricultural Insecticides" means insecticides for use on crops of any kind bitt not on live stock. 2. A DDT spray powder contain a dispersal agent. It. The amounts of DDT permiss- ible as the sole insecticidal agent in an agricultural insecticide should be the following only: 3 per cent. 25 per cent, 50 per cent and the amount present should form part of the brand name. Slltl trld Hall’s Service Station PHONE RICHMOND HILL 191 AI'THORIZED DEALERS L LRUIJJYII J. ILD'ruCtml. Llhl. .LTFFOI - â€" Classified Advertising 'l'lllr' IS'l‘lll“. t'\‘r til" ~.l'\l til‘l li\l‘l‘.9 l'i.~.r ‘i' t’ K . . i" ll". r‘:-rli \.tli\i'ilr.<‘li, ’ i It ran". .r‘.~..‘1'.'.r\i‘. ll' I‘ll\liirt l‘ FOR SALE ' (fin.-"énwri.’iT..J.r...'i“ii ..‘i>'.~‘~'.i Oxford sr.. rig... \l'..‘~. , - ._t ONE DINING ROOM i-;,\'i‘i-1.\'><io,\i | POLICS :lll\l I'll‘th'IC l‘IlN‘IS, :3 mail .ltl t'i, hydro ltOli‘s deiiver-.-.t. l‘‘ Markham Tirt. swan 'i‘.\i<i.ic. I’lzr‘ne Kim:- tar-.31. l\\'7il t'lrk‘i'ilii'i‘I-I ltl.ilr‘l\'.\. \..,.iy 1n. A. \':ilrioirri. ‘_‘t.\ (lat. .\".._ Stop 2'1. lili‘llYitli'. [TC-J: STI'I‘II) (‘Ill't'lh iiezrily new; 1tl\ii dressing- tal‘lc. Walrrri finish. Apply Box :1. The Liberal. c'lufll 10331] TRACTOR. International. in good condition. on l'lllil't'l and .icr-t. price reasonable. I‘ln'irc Sll‘llllIKlllt‘ Illâ€"ill”. t'l\\?‘.l EI.E(‘TRI<' RICIt‘thiICRA'l‘l)R. Ilosi. ess Scrvidor. ar‘toniatic defrosting. Apply 3:12} Sheppard St. \\',. Lans- ine'. r-tiiilt l RADIO. N‘Ul'tltOl‘ti l‘llOcll'li‘. L'tMHl running- order. price Static. (L E. Brown. Church St. South. liclrinnnrl IIill. 'lwii-l PLANO; radio: also 1 rug; l paroles table in very good condition. Apply Sill Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. phone "372i clwtl-l ALADDIN LAMP; also (‘olciriari iron; Stewart clippers; ] root prrlp- er. Apply E. Clarke. Concord. phone Maple 8714. ‘-t‘\ ii \l\l'i 'I‘ltli \li‘Sl' 01 it. - ‘r 'l ;..ii film-1.! {r .w.‘ it" lire .v\":i , . l\’.'. i ll.\ to Phil llNl-i. at r .i.- l .l \l til“ I‘ III“. \ 1 till ml as .N'\\n. . l. ll.-i .r-rnr,:_ if. ‘.on:c 8L. 1: now. H L, in: ttitl..\i‘I-'_l\ t'ii\\,\‘. ms}: .t- some i‘ . ltt‘ ll‘itit'i‘ l".il'ir'.. will, ii Alttl'k- “It’i.. t ‘r w soul. I". ll“. 7 liiu'll' an). . il'i‘ Z.‘ ‘.l.\.\l l‘?.“\\ .\\ l..-\\ thi Il.\'l“lll“.l:~ IlnS. si'.:r- t3”. I‘l'Ittilt'Iiii_\ new. t‘. 'l'. .\i.-,\l 'lii-n. l‘ilu‘n: Attila pin in. liii‘ll- lilt‘l it ll.ll DEVI. Qt l‘llil‘il‘ ('(ll)I\' N'l‘ilYl'I with warm- no; i-losr' :rizrl lt\(‘l'\'|‘ll. reasonable, .\i:r»t_\ 'I\ \\':‘i'.{l.t $1.. Rirlrrnrnd Hill. «twat ~â€"â€"â€",â€"â€"“_ iii \I. it. \\‘iri.tii R.\\'tilil.\'. r: inurirts. to rlroo-‘e from. $17.30 to 5129.311. Immediate ilclivert. ’l'rrorrto Radio rk' Sucrls l.trl.. Ill Volun- Nt.. 'I‘O- lento. tl't' .__â€"_“ ROLLED RIMMICI) SINK. 20x30 in.. \\'llllt‘ enamel. cast iron. complete with trap and trickle plated swine" taps; alsoNo. Atil jacket hr-nter'. furnâ€" ace mil pipes. in irood condition. I’lioni- Richmond Hill Kill. clwill MISCELLANEOUS HYDRO LINl-ZS l‘lI'IIXI' on private pruperty corrrplcie. and wiring; done. Phone Markham Til't. ‘5w3t‘, \VICII ORIGIN“ done year around. Apply .lanrcs Bales. l-i2 Richmond St.. iiclrirrond Ilill. twill 1928 CHEV. CANOPY TRUCK. exâ€" cellent condition. good tires. Stimuli. C. T. ‘McMullen, Elgin Mills. Richmond Hill 221-1. I’. thtLE'S & SONS, general con- tractors, Jefferson. Ont. All kinds phone cement work, barns remodelled. Tele~ phone Richmond Hill 196112. tfc. Râ€"EG. BELGIAN MARE. 7 yrs. old. SAND Ann GRAVEI. delivered any- scund and good to work sinu'le m' W'hel't‘ ‘11 (llfill'li't- E- Cllal‘ityy Yonge Ont .. " twill double. Roht. Rirldcll. King". phone King :l6r'2. Street and Brooksrde Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tfc. SMALL JACKET HEATER: hutttrl AIRS- WM. BAILEY. Essex Avenue. churn; 2 incubators. Buckeye; Prair. ie State hrooder. Richmond Ilil‘ Market. Stop 24A Yonge St. “twill RADIO. 9 tube Rogers: 1 baby ('ar~ riage; 1 screen door: 2 ring electric plate; 1 pr. child‘s shoes; 1 ice box: number of garden tools. Apply .92 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill. YALL‘A‘BLE BUSINESS SITE on Yonge Street in heart of Richmond Hill known as the Rustic Inn. 87 ft. frontage, 150 ft. deep. Apply Floyd R. Perkins. 10 Church St. Richmond Hill, phone 21W. cZwS-t BEVAN’S R.O.P. White Leghorns. For more eggs. Larger eggs. We offer for sale R.O.P. sired chicks, for the farmer and poultryman. R.O.P. wingbanded cockerels for the hatch- eryman and flock owner. Also hatch- ing- eggs. Write for free catalogue. Bevan's Poultry Farm. Thornhill. Ont. "itiwflll KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS can ‘ee ordered here. Wide choice of breeds and crosses. Heavy bookings make early ordering". especially for Februâ€" ary-March. very necessary. Breedâ€" ers Governnrent inspected and bleed tested for both strains of pullorum. Satisfied customers everywhere. Agent. Wes. Clark. (lo-rinley RR. 2. phone Richmond Hill 476-1. clwil There are many legends about the discovery of tea and coffee. One Great Ruler of the East became weary, tired and taint after a long“ walk and sat down 10 rest. To his surprise rig-ht clOse to him in a small bush a gorgeous lookirrg'_hirtl startâ€" ed warbling a wonderful song: This Great Ruler of the East was so t'as- cinated with this bird that ire tried to catch it and in doing- so he noticed some berries on this hush which he brewed. The brew had a lovely aroma and the taste was marvell- ous, appetizing- and stimulating. Many materials have become quite scarce recently due to many causes and research work considerably. Sugar has been a world wide scarcity. noticeable to all. Havingr done a lot of research work iir a humble way. Mrs. Baker said, “George, get busy and work out something." to take the place of sugar.” George scratched his head and started in to try. He knows that when his wife tells him to do something he may as well get busy. because a woman does net rely on alibis. Well our first concoctions were not too hot, but we kept im- proving); until we eliminated a great portion of the bitter principles. Then to get. the sugary taste was tough but we kept on until we succeeded. Then the filtering process was an expensive problem which took a lot of time. However. today we can process around 300 gallons a day and by summer hope to be able .0 process around 1000 gallons Bakers Sweetner at a time. The demand for Bakers Sweetner has g-rown im- mensely, so much so that we have shipped Bakers Sweetner to many parts of the Dominion and some has crossed the border. Practically speak- ing Bakers Sweetner can he used for sweetening for airy purpose that sugar can be used. Bakers Sweet- ner requires no coupons: Bakers Sweetner is easy to use; Baker- Sweetner is not injurious; Bakers Sweetner is cheaper than sugar. 9.7 worth Bakers Sweetner i.â€" as }\\'t‘.'. as $14 worth sugar. (inc party tell~ us tliat a quart of Bakers Sweethci' takes the place of >4 pi‘tllltl.\ of site Guarantccd as lt‘lllt’rttlltVl or n: ‘i<'.‘-' back. 23 oz. 25.x. to oz, :;.‘.;,. gal. 65c.. 1 gal. 51.2.3. .3 gal. 57-. 1. gal. $9.60 (containers extra). ‘2.) 1c.. 4t) oz. 1‘Jc.. 12 gal. .113st or cans 25c. ezri'i: extra. shipment less than $1.50. W“ 1'“? express up to tilt! miles it nrr»i.c5 order accompanies order for t; or more gallons. No cheques. (ico. E. Baker. th.B.. nranut'actrwing chem; in, Stouft'ville. ()rri. Ix? Lane'stat'f. will he at home every Wednesday from 2 until 10 p.m. for 'I‘elcpathy Fortune Telling. "Swill WILL EXCHANGE bachelor apart- ment in Toronto for living accommoâ€" datiims in Zichinond Ilill or vicinity. Apply \Yrrtt's Welding- and Fender Shop. Iilnin Mills. ‘twfl-l ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, uplrolstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. YanDyke, 5:3 Hunt Ave, Richmond Hill. tt‘c. FISHER AUTO BODY repair shop. Spraying, welding, lettering, truck body repairing. For dependable ser- vice phone Thornhitl 76. \Y. M. W. Fisher, Prop. tfc ELECTRICAL WIRING, house! farm buildings, specializing in school wiring. Territory includes Richmond Ilill and vicinity. Apply Forth Elec- tric, Schomberg', phone (it) Schem- berg. “'o‘w29 AUCTION SALE ADVERTISING. Advertise your auction sale in the \thdbrirlg'e Advertiser. This paper has a large farm circulation in Peel. York and South Simcce. The charge for advertising;. a full list is a flat. rate charge of five dollars per in- scrtion. Send copy and remittance to the publisher. R. M. Lavery. Palâ€" grave. etwilil WANTED WOMAN to tic-and day Phone Richmond Hill 145R. MACHINE. state type KNITTING W and price. Apply Box 1 the Libâ€" clw34 eral Office. TO RENT OR BUY 5 or t} roomed house. possession April or May. Ap- l'i1.\' Box IT The Liberal. *twrri weekly. ‘= iii-3.1 has advanced CATS (full grown) and RABBITS (various sizes) at Troycr Natural. Science Service. Oak lidgres. Phone Ring 59132. tfc. ____________.â€"â€"â€"â€"- MAN to help operate feed mill, Tess ton. Maple RR. 1. Steady position if suitable. Apply Roy Cooper, phone Maple 65121. 'i'ZwIll HAY. loose or baled. clover and alf- alfa. Stacked hay will not hereon- sidered. Apply write or phone Kingfi- \'ille Farm. King. Ont. clwi’ni ___”_â€"_â€"â€"- MAN TO WORK ON FARM startâ€" ing: anytime lretween now and Match 1st. good wages. Robert Riddell. phenc thiri Kine: Ont. ’lwtlt _______________._.. HORSES TO KILL. highest prices paid. Apply Box 5-1 Richmond Hill P.O. or Cout‘tland Mink Ranch. 0» ford SL. lila‘in Mills. "Swill YOUNG SINGLE MAN to learn house decorating“ trade. hourly rate of pay. with car or >111‘dll truck. Ap- ply 1 Lucas foot of Benson Ave. lichrnertd I'Iill. ' lwIl-I _____.______ P017 LTRY \\' A N T If I) ~ We pay hie'lics: curl] l‘llL't‘> for live poultry. \Ye ttlrtl custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Stglromircrg Poultry Precessâ€" in: Plant. phone Schomberg 78. ttiltt DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RICHâ€" MOND HILL 7 or KING 241'4 0r MAPLE 21'537. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- Ell. TL i'oitto. phone AD. 336356. [it'- (‘ALLING ALI. LIYliS'l‘OCK Ml-IN sin.) corig-lr.-. c ids. riistezrrpcr. in lime you cur tlrouelrt “C: wit. ZIZV. tine remarkable tar"; 1313‘. works or. nose. llil‘iiu‘ :wn: irt‘itl‘rc‘litiil tract. ‘ZI'IY. math :zc makers of Buck- ley's Mixture- gives amazing: results . 31.00 {i jrflp rig cases. in. the li‘im' but!» :r' t-. H. Sco‘i-nrirer‘s Drug .Q‘Hi’i‘. cht'iil r...

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