V NEW METHODS NEW MATERIALS ' will help to extend TELEPHONE SERVICE Quebec and Ontario farms will benefit from the new telephone materials and construction methods to be put into use as soon as men and supplies are avail- able. A type of insulated wire. for instance. can. be ploughed directly into the ground. Then there Is a steel wire. which allows for increased spacing of poles thus reducing construction time and cost. These are. two of many telephone. developments A, which will help bring the telephone to more farm . families who want It. ,1 \‘i . um“ . ' It!“ ‘ ,wct'c lint" (IllilfcM‘P‘m‘W: slur? ' . it!" ~a cc~ IC‘I’IH‘ ll~"m\1\\ “ “ Q\l‘3\’.“1cusc 1 in“ 3““ otw “" “to '\‘\\"S H t t\\° ti ' . u ' I. ~I“\\\cr\ H‘- G 0‘ ‘ (“U‘I‘a ‘ “g “‘5 \iCIiinu‘u‘r‘ \\\‘““‘\i( ‘ FEE“ r.‘ . , ~ , I T“. ~r\* \ c. ‘ kw“) \ CF94" “Ah I m was “\flmo . wre‘ “ DISTANCE__ {VICE I“ _IEL[pK§riE’. bt‘ . We wish to advise our clients that news of importance concerning Convoy Red > v Lake Mine will be forthcoming i . * . shortly. ' WILLIS & BICK Toronto THE , . GREEN LIGHT , 0. Buy... ‘ Chek-R-Chixw AVAILABLE IN EARLY FEBRUARY Barred Recks - - New Humps White Leghorns__ LS. x NJI. Crossbrceds N.H. x B.R. Crossbreeds PRICE LISTS MAILEI) AT YOUR REQUEST We make every effort to turn out good chicks Baby chick supplies and sanitation C HEK-R-CHIX HATCHERY Alex. Hill. Manager Ncwmarkct Newmarket Phone 479 . wee-W Vx - h...._ l "‘7‘": {AMT/AM {761 I}. no. trint'raiiirslfl‘flnmnf ON YOUR FIRE, WINSTORM. INSURANCE RISES. TELEPHONE MAPLE .y t t'nl‘fa‘ï¬t‘h‘. , . tilt‘ in ~ ~ “77" ’~ J". 'W’. ’ W. . W: a ~- , g~_ .-_v »\-;. . . e a- ‘ -. ~ ~ It hummm'xuautum IT‘iï¬iii'nxaim flaunt it nmrimmumu mm? Iiietffï¬hm In. Q}. r. :I )1 :namtmmmnr irii‘mtm'inur‘ ndrew E. Snider WILL TAKE CARE OF YOUR IN SURAN I HE IS QUALIFIED AND READY TO GIVE SERVICE AUTO AND PERSONAL THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND» HILL. ONTARIO EDGELEY flu: Lime?“ l‘arm l‘eriin arm at ' mo of Mr. and Mrs. (ieï¬rfle Land oz. Mimiiy nIgltt ‘.\lIll an at- tt‘ltt’lancc or it. The subject for dis- ct.~sioh was "Will the consumer pay for quality?" Thi» sublevt hrrught up “pradii a wold we hear used it lfl'tlll deal these day». Many :lllil varied were the opinions offered. When thi: subject had been well threshed out the meeting’ concluded with a dainty lunch. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Downs, To- ronto. \'l.‘ll(‘(l with their sister and ln‘othcr-indaw. Mr. and Mrs. George Lund on Sunday and through the week their daughter and family. Mrs. Clifford Stephenson and Donald and Gail spent a couple of (lays with them. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Perkins, Toronâ€" to, had dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider. The l‘idtreley Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snider on Monday night. with about 23 present. Of course the subject for Farm Forums is the same all over anl the discussion was quite as interesting and enlightening as the one that took place in the Emery Forum. Several young people availed themselves of the opportunity of a good skate on the Rag-g Rink on Monday night and enjoyed the usual good time. Hot dogs and hot. coffee certainly added to the fun.. Next Monday blu‘lll the Young People's meeting will he held in the hall. the program under the super- vision of Alls~ Marion Stevenson and Mr. Lolloy Phillips. (‘hristian Fel» lowship convcnors. The usual interâ€" t‘rllltt: time is expected and :I cordial lll\'lIHIltll is extended to all. Miss Mary Middlebrook, Reg. sptnt Sunday at, her home here. Mr. and Mrs. llun Forth spent the weekend at the home of Mrs. Fovhcs' parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Stong. Mr. John Stanley and Miss Jean Milne and Mr. Henry Price spent Sunday afternoon ot. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Rroadbclt. Mr. and Mrs. (K S. Stong had din- ner on Sunday evenini: at the home of Mrs. Florence Bruce, Toronto. Mrs. Elmer Stuns and Miss Eve- lyn have been confined to their bed the past week with very bad,eold$. The Edgelcy Women's N'.. on Thursday afternoon with an 3v- crage attendance. Mrs. N. Lewis mayo :1 paper on “Home. Relation- ships" and the motto “Worthless Reading Makes Worthless People". was taken by Mrs. ('. S. Stung. Probâ€" ably in the near future a speaker on Health Education will be visiting: the Institute. Further notice lager. The next. meeting: will be held at. the home of Mrs. Alvin Aieheson, the program under the supervision of Mrs. W. Dalziel. «HE-n ‘With ubout_‘/2llthe_l_weight end ‘bulktv'fof, most hedring didd age/2m? "to (louver-I. flooring A†no strum siiiiri my no BAHth Willi" 25 years 0! QIKIIOHIC experience are behind Beltone. the electronic hearing sic] of watchdike precision and highest quality. Enjoy remukably lite-like tone With in greater wearing comlort. You war only ONE compact unit, including earpiece and cord! Fully guaranteed. The Beltane Monopac has been accepted by the Dept. of Physical Therapy of the American Medical Association after a thor- ough test of its construc- tion and performance. The Beltone Monopao is the latest. and best for clarity and smoothness of tone. with speclal features (patents applied for). Call or write [or particulars. POTTER EABPHONE ca. 229 YONGE 51.. Iononro l Phone EL. 5505 L'slablishcd ol‘l‘r a quarter a! a century in, 4' kiwi: U. “WWW FLOATER (E? 23 Institute met at the. home of Mrs. C. S. Stong VICTORIA SQUARE Mus Doreen lx'l'nck of Toronto :l‘rt‘llL the work-em} at her home with her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Klznck. Mr. and Mrs. G. Morzson. Wayne. Bruce and Mrs. J. Morison had Tues- day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. Ii. Perkins and Coral. Miss Kathleen Mathcson and friend. Mr. and Mrs. (lillman and Roy of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I). Mathesou and fam- ily. Congratulations and best \\'l.\ll(‘.-‘ to Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Boynton who celebrated their Ililrd wedding anni- versary on Wednesday. Feb. 20th. Mr. and Mrs. F. WI-Ilman and Murray had dinner Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. I). (See and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. L. Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. N. lloynttn and family. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wellnran and Murray llltl Mr. and Mrs. (l. Wellman had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. E. Avison. Iuby and Viola. Mr. and Mrs. N. Roynton and fam- ily had supper Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Klinck and Doreen. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. loynton. Mrs. Ella Ran-lift and Mr. John Holms of Stouffville had Tuesday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sanderson and Mabel. Congratulations are in order to Capt. and Mrs. Bruce McCausland on the arrival of their son. Mr. and Mrs. S. Iloynton and fain- ily entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Roynton. Margare‘ and Doctors Maurice and Jane llilyca of Toronto to Sunday dinner. The Young People's meeting will be in charge of Miss Juno Collard next, Sunday. All the convenors and their helpers should be there in or- der to plan for future mectinzs. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson, Mrs. J. Morison. Rruee and \Vayne spent Sunday with Mrs. J. Lunau of Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Fred Dcnnie is visiting with his brother Mr. Eli llennie. Mr. and Mrs. E. Avison entertain- ed a number of guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Wellman on Tuesday even- ing. the former who has just re- turned from overseas duty. BUTTON VILLE Brown's Corners United Chllt‘t‘h W.M.S. held a quilting on Thursday. February l-lth at the home of Miss M. Rodick. Eighteen ladies attend- ed and three quilts were. completed. A pot. luck supper was served which was much enjoyed by all present. A number of members of Brown's Corners church attended the service at. Victoria Square church on Sun- day when the Rev. J. W. Wilkinson of Pipcstone, Manitoba, conducted the service. Services at Brown’s Corners Unite ed Church will be held in the base- ment of the ohurch while the church is beint redecorated. On Tuesday. February 12. Button- ville Red Cross held their final meet- ing. Organized in the fall of 19:19 as a unit of Markham Township Red Cross Society the group have carried on successfully during the war years under the leadership of Mrs. A. Newson. president, and Mrs. N. Reid. secretary. The financial rcpan showed a hal- auce of $10.00 which was voted sent. to Markham Township Red (‘i-oss. Mrs. Reid also reported the contri- bution of 4 quilts and the gift. of a mattress and clothing: to the family of a war veteran. the upstairs of whose home was gutted by fire a short time ago. Among the quilts which were quilted was the autograph quilt. This quil't had been used to raise money for Red Cross purposes during the war. After some discussion the names of all ladies who had worked or contributed to this unit during the last five years were put. In 11 box. Mrs. C. Bovnton was the lucky winner of the quilt. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. A. Newson and Mrs. N. Reid for their faithful leadâ€" ership. The Mile of Pennies Fund which had been raised to send boxes to the boys overseas was discussed. It. was decided to use the remaining; $100.00 to tender a banquet and concert to all the boys" to whom they had sent parcels when all have arrived home. Any money remaining will be divid- ed between the Community Hall and Christie Street Hospital. Mrs. Walt: or Craig. Mrs. J. S. Snglisb. Mrs. Jas. McQuay. Mrs. R. Boyinizton. Mrs. H. Patterson and Mrs. D. Hood are the committee in charge. GORMLEY Miss Hilda Hilts had supper Sunâ€" day evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raker. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Henderson and John spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hoisc. Mr. and Mrs. lde [toner and John spent. Suudav \‘lrltJllg‘ her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Timbers, Mrs. J. (‘berry of llarric is visit- in: her daughter. Mrs. Ayhncr Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Frank (ioforth and friends of Toronto bad supper Sun- day evening)r with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ilcnnclt. Murray and Mar- garct. Mr. and Mrs. Biddlecombe were entertained for supper on Sunday evening by Mrs. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hunt. Ruth and Marion and Mr. .lns. Hunt had sup- per Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey. Mr. .los, Hunt leaves for his home in Leacross. Sask.. on Wednesday night of this week. SALARY FOR COL'NI'H. For the first. time in Aurora's history. councillors will be paid for their services. The mayor will rc- ceive $230 a year. Councillors will receive $5 for each council meeting attended and S3 for each cuunnittec meeting attended. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21st. l946. l H. P. Matthews J. F. Gardner M. & G. Electric LICENSED ELECTRICIANS POWER & LIGHTING SPECIALISTS New wiring and alterations. Repairs to all electrical appliances. Phone Richmond Hill 195r3 PROMPT SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK OWWWWâ€9Mâ€O ; §W009â€â€0W t l J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K Telephone Maple 11 Oï¬tiï¬tï¬ï¬‚ï¬. All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service.- ._._.._â€"___.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo‘ Heavy Duty Trailer Hitch Assemblies .. . .. . . . . . . . $5.25 $11.95 Saw and Grinding Stone Mandrels $3.95 up (Cars Wanted For Wrecking) Hydraulic Jacks . . . . . . . PARIS AUTO SUPPLY PHONE RICHMOND HILL 86 OR 270 O“OO“â€WOOOO"WO IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE of GRADE DAIRY CATTLE, NEAR NEW .M-H TRACTOR, HORSE & TRACTOR IM- PLEMENTS, HORSES, HAY, GRAIN ‘ ENSILAGE, ELECTRIC MILKER AND COOLER 'rur. PROPERTY or MRS. J. E. TEETZEL Lot 44, Con. 1, Markham Twp., on Yonge Street just south of Richmond Hill WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH TRACTOR. MILKINH M \(‘IIINE IMI‘LEMENTS AND MILK (‘OOLER 1 Mâ€"ll Z‘furrow Tractor I‘low, nar- 1 Mâ€"H 10’: J.G. Junior Tractor. on row bottom. near new In in. rubber, complete with Tractor Tandem Disc Harrow starter. good as new Spring Tooth Harrow. 3 see. I McCormick ltecring Milking Maâ€" M-Il Binder. 7 ft.. good chine, complete with 2 single M-II Corn Binder. good units and fittings and head lint Fertilizer attachment for 13 drill, piping for is head and rack near new 1 Steel Roller Electric Motor. '35 cycle. ‘; 1I.P.. No. 21 I’lcury Walking Plow ,_.,_.,_.,..,_- I for use with any milker M-H Mower. 5 It. 1 Gem Electric Milk Cooler. -1 can M-H Hay Rake. 10 ft. near new Disc Harrow, outthrow CATTLE Set Ilarrows. 4 see. I Grade Holstein Cow, fresh, calf M‘" 500d Drllb 13 hoe Spring Tooth Cultivator, If)“ tooth Manure Spreader Single Horse Plow No. It ('ocksliutt Plow (lain; Plow 2 Scufflers Rubber Tired Wagon Flat Rack 1 Fanning Mill Root Pulpcr 1 Turnip Drill Set Stewart Electric Clippers Gem Electric It‘eneer Darrel Churn 1 Milk Strainer Milk I’lunecr I Cream Separator by side I Grade Holstein Cow 1 Grade Holstein Cow. [reshencd Ilcc. rith Red Cow. fresheued Nov. 15 Roan Heifer. frcslicned Nov. 10 Holstein t‘ow. due time of sale Holstein Cow, supposed to calf March 7 I Part Guernsey calf March I 1 White ('ow. full flow:- bred Oct. It‘ . . 1 Red Cow, full flow. hred Oct. 11 U'tjl‘f‘l‘ otMllk Pulls , I .\)’I‘>lll['(‘ ('ow. SUPPOSQd to calf l \‘dlllt; as‘h Bal‘l‘Cl bpl‘fl)'(‘l‘ April 30 '2 Fig Self l‘Ct‘dcrs I I I I I I I l I I I l I I Cow, supposed tc } I N lns If] (‘t\\'. Nun‘s. .. Number of Pig Troughs l lAlpiilulll ( Ht U1 to “If I Wagon Wheels 4 Wagon Sltcius I Holstein Cow, ,s'ltpliusm] lo L.ulf 1 Oil Drum 2 wooden Barrels May ‘3 [0 Rods of Poultry Vt Ire v t Holstein llcil'cr, broil sopt, 1 Number of txb and 4x6 Hardwood l Holstein Heifer. bred Km; ;; Timbers ' l Holstein Heifer, bun] (let, 13 Number ol ".3. inch Planks, l Holstein Heifer. bred (lot, 19 Number of Grant bags l Holstein Heifer. yearling I (.ross tut. Saw l llolstciu Heifer. in months old 3 l'fjét llolc‘Augers l Holstein Heifer, to months old 2 (‘ll‘cul‘au Saw Blades 1 Holstein Heifer. it months old I Set blemhs l Wagon'Box l Holstein Heifer, 3 mmllh‘s 01d .’ Hay Forks I Sling Lhain l Holstein Ilull .’ Sets Sling Ropes ' llF S'I'OltMl' \\’p‘,,\'r)H.-Ԡ(XI-“LE 1 (,utter 1 Draw hope, new “ill. or: soap trying]; Covrzit) “0†Bum“. 'Jl “.9145?†,, , I Really Litter turner tar and HORSES . Buckt‘t 1 Grey Marc tGrcy tik‘ldllita' Number of Forks, Slimels, .Ilocs. HARNESS Doublctrecs. Neckyokcs and numerous other articles HAY AND GRAIN 1 Set llrecching 'l‘cam Harness 1 Set. Heavy Harness 1 Set Heavy Single Harness Quantity of Mixed “rain it (inwl Horse t'nllars Quantity of Mixed Hay Number of Hood Brile Quantity of Red Clover Seed Also Other Harness Quantity ol‘ Soya lleans Quantity of I‘intilagc 'l‘crmstash. Sale starts at 1 pint. sharp - Positively No Reserve _ ,lx' EN & CLARKE PREN’I‘ICE. Aucts. Millikcu, Phouc Agincourt 53M}. FIGS ‘10 Figs l0 weeks old . JAE. SMITH and I). GULLDIING, CleIIts.