MWWWWWW“ ELGIN MILLS, 75 Yards West of Yonge Stree Phone Richmond Hill 134-7r-4 Orange Pekoe Tea Nabnb Coffee . . Diced Beets . Bird Seed . . . Baby Foods . . MOTHER PA RK ER'S Whole Wheat Ceraal 25 Javex Floor Wax. . 59c Odex Soap . 2 cakes 11c Chicken NoodleSoup 2 Diced Carrots LIBBY'S SHRFDDIES CA MPBELL'S AYLM ER‘S AYLMER'S CHAN SPEED COAT BROCK'S RADIO, REFRIGERATOR, WASHING MACHINE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE SERVICE GUARANTEED PARTS AND WORKMANSHIP Pick Up and Delivery Service Phone Mr. Margeson Thornhill 122 Phone 1 77 Thornhi‘ll Thornhill Amateur Athletic Association Ken Rose’s Orchestra PLUMBING â€" HEATING â€" EAVEST’ROUGHIN G HOT AIR FURNACES ROOFING AND INSUL BRICK PUMPS -â€" SOFTENERS -'â€"-'SEPTIC TANKS â€" SIDING INSULATION -â€" TILE WE REBUILD ANY PUMPS All Work Guaranteed IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Installed and Serviced PAGE EIGHT Specialist in General Motors Products QUEE’S General Store In Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill THURSDAY, MARCH 14TH Baker’s Garage Open Evenings except Wednesday and Saturday .lJ APPLIANCE AND SALES AUTHORIZED DEALERS CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES CANADIAN .MARCONI RADIOS Lucky Draw â€" 1946 Mantel Radio Admission 50 Cents SALES St. Patrick’s Dance BLéglï¬ï¬gï¬lï¬â€™s Stop 22, Yonge Street, Richvale First House South of Imperial Oil Station REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS. TELEPHONE THORNHILL 63r13 GEO. A. KELSON CO. THORNHILL Sponsored by Specia‘lists in §l7c 11c 15 Years Experience SERVICE After Hours 89.! Head Lettuce m Waxed Turnips . . Oranges Carrots Junket Tablets . 2 23c Mustard . . . . Potatoes 501-3 $1.40 Cooking Onions . 3§19c Green Celery - 2:5 23c Neilson’s Cocoa Potatoes . . 15 49¢: JERSEY BRAND SL'NKIS’I‘ FRENCH'S PREPARED RENNE'I‘ U.S..r\. N0. 1 LARGE .S.A. No. 1 “B†SIZE rest Following- the meeting an excell- ent dinner was served by the Ladies Auxiliary of the lst Thornhill Troop. A vote of thanks on behalf of all those attending was moved to the ladies for the fine manner in which they took care of their part in the day's activities. The Thornhill Group committee was well represented and took a live- ly part in the discussion throughout the meeting. Several very import- ant phases of Boy Scout work were discussed at length and the opinion generally prevailed that, 1946 will see many things take place that will (eep the, District in the forefront 0f Boy Scout activities. During the meeting the District Commissioner announced that Harry G. Swabey, one of the guiding lights in the original formation of the lst Thornhill Boy Scout Troop, and at present Honorary Scoutmaster of the Troop had been appointed District Cubmastcr. This is a. singular honor for Harry Swabey, and officially re- cognizes the valuable work and great interest Mr. Swabey has shown in boys’ work in the Thornhill area. An event of considerable import- ance to the lst Thornhill Boy Scout Troop and Cub Pack took place on February 1601 when the Annual Meeting of the York Central Dig- trict Association was held in Thorn- hill United Church. Groups representing York Mills, Lansing, Willowdale, Unionville, Richmond Hill, Carrville, Stouffville, and Thornhill attended and it was generally agreed that the meeting was the most successful held for some time. Senior officials of the Boy Scouts Association were present including Frank Irwin, Executive Provincial Commissioner; Clarke Locke, District Commissioner; Richard Edmunds, Asst. District Commissioner; Jack Atkinson, Provincial Field Commis- sioner. The election of officers for the District Association was held and c successful candidates were Eugene . Sparrow, Chairman: Reg. Williams. Viceâ€"Chairman; Frank Worth, Treas- urcr. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thornhill District News We Deliver Bunc [IN hes 350 9c Men‘s Club be held in reuce Mem suing, Feb respons member vassed ‘ ance an organiz: Plans organizz Trinity Anglican Church recently held its annual Vestry meeting. All organizations reported a most Suc- cessful year financially and in every other way. Mr. W. A. Cameron, the auditor, giving the wardens" finan- cial report, showed that in spite, of the large amount spent on the Rec- tory during the year, the finances of the parish are in a, healthy con- dition. Mr. Geo.'Lake, the Rector’s warden, and Mr. W. C. L. Ball, Peoâ€" ple‘s waran for many years, both felt. it necessary to refuse reappoint- ment, and Mr. R. Heale and Mr. R. W. Fitzgerald were appointed Rec- tor's and People‘s warden respect- ively. The Fortnite Club met at. the home of Miss E. Francis on February 7. The election of officers was the main item of business, and the fol- lowing were elected for 1946. Hon. Bras, Miss H. Welsh; pres., Ada Mizen; vice-p1‘es., Jean Hooke; sec.. Jessie HOoke; treas, Jean Hooke. The next meeting, which is to be a work meeting. is to be held at the home of the Misses Welsh on Thurs- day- morning, February 21st. Lawrence Memorial Hall was The Parish Council of Church met this week to di question of a new heating for the church and to ma for the Anglican Advance Rededication and Thankng immediate objective of tlli is a revived interest in the responsibility 01' the cllul‘ Lawrence Memorial Hall was beautifully decorated for the Valen- tine Dance held last Thursday even- ing sponsored by the Year-Up Club. Su‘bdued lighting produced a lovely setting for the costumed dancers who thronged the floor. There were prizes for costumes, special spots- light dances, and plenty of refresh- ments to satisfy the record attend- ance. The dance was voted a huge success. Prior to the affair, nine teams were organized in a race to see who could sell the most tickets. Bill McDonald’s team won the prize, theatre tickets. .Miss Ada Mizen was soloist with Mrs. Hirtle at the organ. Mrs. Hirtle has been playing the organ in the absence of Mrs. Chapman who has been ill. Our congratulations to Betty Bone on her direction of the play “A Pet- fect Gentleman†and to the cast who gave such a splendid performance at Lawrence Memorial Hall last Friday evening. In spite of the stormy weather, the hall was well filled and a nice sum of money realized, which the young people plan to use for the work of the church. Guest tal- ent was outstanding. Miss Barbara Petch, whistler. gave an excellent. exhibition of whistling; Miss Gladys Houghton is a remarkable elocutionâ€" ist and was enthusiastically receiv- ed:y while Miss Gloria Minghelia as accordionist was splendid. Dr. Dunâ€" can was chairman. The stage was tastefully arranged to represent a living room, as a setting for the play, and- during the performance, a table was laid- with real salads’ and roast chicken, giving a most real- istic touch to'the scene. After the evening's entertainment. the young people served refreshments to the talent and their friends. Plans have been made to repeat the play in or- der to compete in a Festival at T0- ronto in April. Our young people will be competing against other Young People’s Unions in the City. and the festival will most likely be held in Carlton St. United Church. 'Thornhill Public School trustees will hold their regular monthly meetâ€" ing in the school. on Monday even- ing, February 25th at 8 p.111. Any- one interested is invited to attend. The. W.A. and W.M.S. of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church held their regular monthly meeting at the home 'of Mrs. C. Harper, Toronto, last Thursday afternoon, Feb. 14. There was an especially good attendance, and after the WA. had concluded its business, Mrs. Hirtle read a report on mission work which was given at Toronto Presbyterial annual meetâ€" ing held in Parkdale Presbyterian Church on January 31‘st and Febru- ary 1st. Incidentally, this paper was written by Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt 01' Richmond: Hill. World day of prayer will be held this year on the 8th of March in Thornhill Presbyterian Church. A meeting of the group of ladies tak- ing part, representing the churches in the district, will he held on Wed- nesday evening, Feb. 20th at the home of the Misses Welsh, Centre St. This service is for the entire community, and all are urged to be present. If ever we needed a day of prayer, it, is now, when moment- ous decisions have to be made, when strikes threaten‘ and confusion reigns, so plan to lend the weight of your presence to this most; im- portant meeting. ill in a Toronto hospital. ‘The Valentine tea and home baking sale planned by the Evening Auxil- iary, and which had to be postponed due to a previous engagement by the Boy Scouts Committee for the use of Thornhill United Church Sun- day School rooms. will be held this Saturday, February 23rd, commencl ing at 3 pm. No urging to keep this date open will be needed. Thornhill United Church annual Sunday School supper and program will be held on Friday evening, Feb. 22nd, ‘with the awarding of prizes for attendance and memorization during the past year. .Rev. Neil G. Smith, M.A., editor of Presbyterian Publications, Toronto, and brother of Jack Smith, M.P. took the service in Thornhiil Presbyter- ian Church last Sunday afternoon. Mr. John Greer ill in a Toronto ho Latina] Club ati are be lily of the of the church 1‘ improved c) for greater 5! ons of the Chi ,l‘ish Council of Trinity at this week to discuss the if a new heating system lurch and to make plans iglican Advance Appeal for 311 and Thanksgiving. The objective of this appeal ed interest in the life and Trinit first 111 ll of this in the chute :11 will church supper ‘hurch. for the 1 by Chur neeting w llday e um. A Iif< atte the 3.11 All mgs each week in Lawrence Memor- ial Hall. The Sr. W.A. of Trinity Church met last week at the Rectory. Memâ€" bers were glad to hear that the con- dition of the president, Mrs. Tassie. who has been seriously ill, has great- ly improved. The next, meeting is to be at the home of Mrs. Thomp- son, Langstaff. on Thursday, Febru- ary 28th. Mrs. Wood served after~ noon tea to the members present. tensive auction sale of 30 liea Holstein cattle (including 50 fresh cows and springers, hc pig's, hay and implements, the 1 erty of Wm. B. Miller, lot; 22, 10 Markham, 2 miles south of St ville. Noteâ€"This herd was T.B. ed last. week and all passed givi clean test. See bills for detail. reserve, owner giving; up {an Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.111. I Turner, clerk. Sellers & Atki auctioneers. of farm stock and implement property of Joseph Ball, wos lot 1, con. 4 King. Sale at 1 Sharp. Terms cash. F. N. : auctioneer. vitcd to be present. Badminton entlmsi ed of a revival of game in Thornhfll or WEDNESDAY, FEBRUAI Important auction sale of 1' dairy cattle, horses, near tractor on rubber, milker, t1 horse implements, hay, gr age, clover seed, etc., the sale of reg. hose cattle ments, h-uy, 0f Ernest 5 ing M chine, tional ments; Holstci pigs; 2 Mannin of Mrs: J. Markham just south at _1 13.111. T H U RSI)A Y, M A R sale of dairy cattle. horses, pi}: plemelrts, household furniture property of Henry Johnson, con. 6 Whi-tchurch. No reserve, rented. Terms cash. Sale at, Sellers .& Atkinson. auctioneer WEDNESDAY. MAI cleri- SATURDAY, FEB TUESD cash nonc SATURDAY TU ES'D‘A Y. M A R 3 Eyia‘swikéï¬ï¬Ã©'a: hia‘s'éévs‘ï¬iiéu F-L- LOWRIE, ' OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY. FEB. 27th and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON C81“ and TYUCk e in Thornhfll each week in EYESIGHT SPECIALIST YONGE ST. Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write Box 60, The Liberal or E. J. HINSON, 4 Lucas St. ' PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW Prescriptimm for Glasses FiL'ed For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 STEERING CORRECTION WHEEL ALIGNING Front End Rebdilding by the famous Manbee Equipment = Skilled Operator. m. sharp. N0 Ken and Clarll s. Millikcn, p Sale Register 8 MOTOR ASSEMBLIES EXCHANGE Batteries charged while you wait by modern charging equipment. Stout’s, Aurora AY . Clyde horsc 3. 10-20 tru , grain, etc" Snowball, lot DECORATOR â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Personal attention to all orders FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP wp Smith FEBRUARY er, millzer 1ts, hay, 2d, ctc., ‘ Teetzcl, l< ., I on Richm HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING this fasci on Tuesday Lawrence 1‘ ph m truc J‘vâ€"Auction sale 0, the property Catherine and Terms cash. N. Smith, auc- Yonge md lï¬H reserve. nearly meshing ma 10-20 Interna t farm imple 1C Auction thc nerve‘ rentl trac ram «Audion dual pur- 1', imple- property A‘gincoum (ioulding‘ 30 pl‘( zivin tkm arming. Lloyd -\ucti cad of several horses, H inc THURSDAY. FEBRUARY let, 1946 ] p.111 Smith lot ‘1‘ and (111511- rperty mm :ven mor M-H Lh 'arnl p.111. rop sale the half 1-ms auc- ourt ut'f :lde im‘ Llu Nc tor, household furnitl erLy of Albert R. Wi con. 8 Markham Twp from Markham villug p.m.rsharp. Terms 01 without. reserve. ’1‘ con. 5 Markham Twp., 1 mile north from Markham village. Sale at 1_ [3.111. sharp. Terms on chattels cash without reserve. Terms on real estate made known on day of sale. Owner quitting- farming. Ken and Clzukc Prentice, auctioneers. hor: mcx SATURDAY, MARCH Iiiâ€"Extens- ive auction sale of Case tractor, threshing machine, high grade dairy cattle. 13 reg. Percheron stallions, other good horses, farm stock, im- plements, hay, grain, roots, furni- ture. om, the property of the estate 01‘ the late Robert Sutton, lot 8, con. farm 501d. Sale at 1 p.111. shrarrbi. Ken and Clarke PrCllti‘ize, auction- cers. be SATURDAY, MA 12011 5 Vaughan Twp., 1/2 mile north of No. 7 Highway, Edgeley. Terms cash. ,No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at 12.30 noon sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEI‘N E‘S‘DAY, MAR. 27â€"Important auction sale of farm stock, imple- menth hay, grain, {oqtstfurniturm vale: Tefm-s c farm sold. Ke ice, auctloneers FRIDAY. MARCH 22 â€" Important auction sale of Allis Chalmers trac- tor, dairy cattle, farm stock, imple- ments. hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of Murray Richardson, lot 33. con. 1) Scarboro ’I‘wp., 1/2 mile east of We'xford and 1/2 mile south of Wexl‘cnl. Sale at 1 p.111. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers, phone Agincourt 52W3. TU ESDA Y, MA RCH WI‘JDNIJSDAY, \IAR. {lo-Extensive auction sale of high grade dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, household furniture, including elec- tric stove. refrigerator, vacuum, hay, graim roots. cm. the property of J. W. Brownridge, lot 27, con. 5 Pick- ering Twp., 1 mile east of White- auction sale mcnts. inclu‘ SATURDAY. MAR. 23â€"Important auction sale of complete line of farm implements. furniture, tools, etc., the property of Alfred C. Smelser, lot 55. con. 5 Vaughan TwprTerms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at 1 p.111. Ken and Clarke Prent< Np reserve at 1 pm. lcc. auctlou I‘II U‘RISDAY, MAR kh‘a m Ile property of J. Gray, 10 ‘ Scurbm‘o T\vp., 1/2 mile :incourt, 3/4 mile south. Llll. sharp. Terms Cash. larkc Prentice, auctioneers )wm‘idgc, 10‘ Twp., 1 mil Term-s cash SDAY, MAR. {llâ€"Important sale of farm stock, imple~ includng Ford‘ Ferguson trac- 11' new on rubber. hay, grain, silage. household furmture, 0 property of J. Gi‘ay, lot 22, : cash. No reserve as Ken and Clarke Prent- PHONE 154W \HCH 12â€"1n’1portant 37 acres real estate, 1 grade Dairy Cattle, matched teams of , hogs, farm imple- Ford Ferguson trac- j‘urniture, etc., prop~ R. Wideman, lot 21. east Sale Ken