FACE TWO WW “THE LIBERAL†An Independent Weekly -â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year; To the United States $2.00 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, i\I.I‘., Publisher THURSDAY. MARCH 7th. 1946. THE BUTTER SHORTAGE The production of creamei‘y butter in January dropp« ed nearly 16 per cent below the level of January 1945. ac- cording to a bulletin just issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. This shrinkage forced abnormal withdrawâ€" als of butter from storage, and by the first of February. butter holdings were 8.000.000 pounds behind those of the same date last, year. A continued decline in production is foreshadowed between now and May, and this in itself would justify a reduction of the amount allowed per person from six to four ouncps a week. But there are also other factors to consider which make the situation even more serious. Con- sumer demand, for one thing, is unusually heavy because of the high level of popular purchasing power. and for an- other thing. this purchasing power is being daily intensi- fied by the return from Europe of thousands of war vet- erans. =1<*:l£>i=*>1==l=$ TRUST YOURSELF, NOT THE ROBIN We seem to be getting to know more about ourselves all the time, and the more we learn the more false beliefs we have to shatter. For example, we have often heard that the appearance of the Robin was a sign of Spring. In fact, all over Ontario there was yearly a more or less spirited contest staged to get the news of the first robin into the columns of the old Toronto Globe, and the winner of the contest would be quite proud of his accomplishment. He had been able to tell the world that Spring was just around the corner. But now'an authority on the subject announces that the robin can’t be relied on, and he goes further and says that eve the first violet is not an infallible harbinger. He says that its early blooming, instead of being an indication of milder weather, may be due to its having been so shelt- ered during the chilly months that it responds with un- usual promptness to the sun's warmth. To what then is mortal man to turn when these signs have failed? One suggestion is that he turn to himself. Although ,he is neither 'a bird nor a‘flower,-the average man, it is said, is a far more reliable herald than either redbreast or violet. It is argued that the very fact that he is seek- ing signs of Spring is of itself a convincing indicatiori that warmer weather is on the way. Should he on a furnace- tending trip to the basement take the opportunity to get together his gardening gear, one can almost hear the rustle of Spring’s green garments if one has a bit of imagination. - 16,2: * HE WRITES OF RURAL DELIGHTS A belief growing in Toronto and other large centres of population, probably as a result of the shortage of houses, is that the rural and village dweller can lead a far better life than the city man. “A few fowl, a goat or cow and garden helps reduce the cost of living,†writes the author of a recent article on the subject, explaining that his views are based on personal interviews with former city residents who have moved to the country. “And,†he continues, “one with some leisure can put up wild berries, etc. from June to October, and possibly, too, can derive a great deal of pro- fitable pleasure out of fishing. I “For late Fall and early' winter there may be small game for one who can handle a gun, and fur to be trapped as a pastime“ A small house may be built, especially with a little friendly help, for a surprisingly modest outlay of cash, and home made furniture at practically no cost is in many ways preferable. If strength permits a little light farming might be possible or, in any event, a kitchen gar- den may be developed into something quite fascinating. “Radio and some books make winter evenings and bad days pleasant. Instead of gaping in shop windows one can explore, fish, climb or just idle amid nature’s charms. En- joyable and interesting work always is at hand changing with each season, and usually good health soon becOmes chronic.†. Now if we should this Spring discover car loads of city folks looking around for rural spots in which to live we will know we can ascribe their point of view to the writer of some such article as the foregoing. =i= =55 =1< =i< ri< FUN WITH A SETTER Wallace Findlay, secretary of the Ontario Bird-Dog association and an executive of the A. J. Denne Co., adver- tising agents of Toronto. has written a letter to a friend on the staff of The Liberal that has almost caused us to give up our interest in old fashioned barn cats and occupy ourselves with dogs, particularly dogs of the setter type. Mr. Findlay writes in part as follows :â€" “Ever notice how folks turn to take a second look when a Setter goes by? They do. A Setter is “all dog†and something more. A Setter commands attention. He is a natural shOWman with a dignity that no other dog seems to possess. an aristocratic bearing and an air of im- portance that always gets merited respect. If you have a Setter on a leash someone, usually several people, will stop you to ask some questions about himâ€"or her. And it you own a Setter you have a world of interest at yOur commandâ€"a good pal. a fine hunting companion and the best incentive in the world to take you out on long hikes, which will greatly benefit your health. and on which you will be entertained and interested every mile you travel. Yes, you’ll walk for miles when a Setter is your compan- ion. and you‘ll have no thought of the distance and no feeling of fatigue. “Seine one has said that a dog earns his keep if only for the reason that his owner has to take him for a walk. You don’t take a Setter for a walk. he takes you. You ‘know the incentive that a golf ball provides to make men take exercise. Well. a Setter has it over a golf ball in every way. Start taking a Setter out walkingâ€"and I mean out into the countryâ€"and note how he takes you. and where. and how much of interest he will uncover. “A Setter's natural interest is to hunt. and that is where the fun begins. If the country you walk in has pheasants. partridge. g‘l‘OUSe or quail a lot of fun is in store for you. You may not. own a gun; you may have no desire to own one or fire one. but you‘ll get a lot of fun watching a good Setter find birds. “You may walk through a field in which pheasants abound and never see a bird. but your dog will get them. Pheasants are wary birds. They run through the grass. almost as fast as a dog can run. dodge and turn and keep out of sight in a manner that is mOst uncanny. That is why pheasants are difficult birds for dogs to “handleâ€, which explains why in a field trial Setters and Pointers are judged on their ability to “handle birds" after they THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, onpinio * find them. When you own a Setter. or Pointer. you can have a field trial of your owu every tune you take your dog out. And what rare fun!" >': :‘z :': :': z" :i‘ ‘1’ THE LIBERAL’S FORUM Sock Darning Problem. Dear Sir: A writer in one of the large newspapers says that the way to darn socks is always to deal with the smallest hole first. ‘If you darn the smallest hole first.‘ she says. 'and then the smallest one remaining. you will always be darning the smallest hole, and that is good for morale.’ Do you think this writer is correct? All my life I have started on the largest holes first. and bcimf able to see how I was banishing the holes helped my morale, Ithink. Housewife. Reply:â€"We are experiencing real humiliation. We thought we knew just about everything worth knowing. but after pondering on housewife’s problem we feel that any reply we might make would simply be guess work and would probably make us look foolish. Won’t some reader who has actually darned socks and may know something about it from experience help us with the question? Ed. How Would You Like to Take a Walk? Editor Liberalzâ€"A friend of mine remarked last Sun- day afternoon that it would be a nice day to take a walk. I told him I much prefer riding. and one thing led to anâ€" other until he finally said that all physicians are agreed that walking is the best exercise of which they know. Is he i‘iglit'Zâ€"Reader. Replyzâ€"Someone recently recalled that the late U.S. Senator, Chauncey M. Depew, once said he took no exerâ€" cise other than that of acting as pall bearer for friends who had exercised faithfully all their lives. Physicians, of course, are not agreed that everybody should do some walking as an exercise any more than they are agreed that everybody should golf or bowl or chop wood for exer- cise. they explainâ€"Ed. It depends on the physical condition of the person, In Unison or It’s Just Too Bad. A Richmond Hill youth tells a story he heard over- seas. when the air warning sirens gunfire began and the shop‘ “Glad you had not the A barber had just finished shaving his customer sounded. and almost at once shook. razor round me when they started banging off,†said the customer. “Oh it would be quite all right. sir,†the barber re- assured him. We can finish off a shave in an air raid. You and the customer must jump the same way. That's all that’s needed.†MAPLE NEWSY NOTES Miss Faith Beatty, teacher in the junior room, spent the week-end with- hcr parents in ‘Lefroy. Gerald Warren Cave, infant son Of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cave, 7th con- cession of Vaughan, who was found accidentally smothered in his crib On Saturday was buried on Monday af- ternoon from Lawrie’s Funeral Home. We are pleased to learn that Miss Betty Kerswell. R.N., is convalescing favorably from her recent operation in the Western Hospital, Tor0nto. Those who heard and enjoyed the Barrie Collegiate Band at a garden party some few years ago On Dr. Bigford’s lawn, will be interested to know that this band Won the shield for the third time at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto. They also took part in the “All Star†con- cert given -by priz.e winners in Masâ€" sey Hall at the close of the Festival. One of the young star performers is a nephew of MI'S. Bigford. We are. indeed sorry that Claience Brown is suffering from another heart attack. Mrs. Brown was attending Sunday School In the United Church last Sunday when stricken. We sincerely hope she will soon [be restored to health. The Women's World Day of Prayer will be observed in the United Church. Maple. on Friday at 3 p.m. with Mrs. 1H. Bryan ‘key woman. Mr. Cal. Miller is home for a week’s rest under the dOctor’s care. Master Terry McCullough who is two years old, had a birthday party last Saturday afternoon, March 211d and had as guests little Misses Diane McInnis, Donna Bowen, Patricia Lund, :Norah Luud, Mary Lou Lund and Masters Garry and Clarence Palmer and Ray 'Rumble. The child- ren had a delightful time. ' The March meeting of Maple W0- men’s Institute will be held on Wed- nesday, March 13th at 8 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Lawrie will demonstrate the making of angel cakes. A gOod at- tendance is requested. ‘ Quick thinking on the part of Jim Watson averted what might easily have been a serious accident last Fri. day. Jim, driving a truck owned by Wm. Johnson 811. and accompanied by cher Cook, was returning- from Toronto when a truck, near Fair- banks, cut across directly in front of him without warning. Jim swerv- cd to avoid a broadside collision crashing into a tree, stripping off fenders and otherwise damaging the truck. Neither of the occupants were injured but both were badly shaken up. On Friday evening, February 22nd the Adult Bible Class of Maple Unit- ed Church were delightfully enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods. Billie Woods had the misfortune to cut his finger during a hockey game at school this week. The cut re- quired three stitches and his finger is in splints until the seVered muscle heals. Mrs. J. Manning wishes to thank her many friends andVi'elatives for their visits and kindness shown her during- her recent illness. ngu. Mike Miller left on \Ved- nos-day for Hamilton to receive his discharge from His Majesty's forces. Mrs. T. F. Jackson and family en» ,ioyed a three day visit from her bro- iher Jack Burgess and family Flor- ence. Mary and Stephen of Coilingâ€- wooi‘l. over the week~cnd. Maple Red Cross uni: met. in the work room on Monday at 2.30 pm. Reports of sewing and knitting- done by the unit in the past 14 months were read. Several articles of equip- ment belonging to the uni. were sold to the members and the Mrs. unit‘s} shelves cleaned off. The sale brought the sum of $3.20 which was turned over to Vaughan Township with other money, a total of $123.11 for the 14 months. Maple Unit has made a splendid contiibution to Vaughan Township [Red Cross war effort dur- ing the six years and over Of war both in quantity of articles and the quality of their woik. The members voted to disband the unit as of March 4th, 1946. ‘The president, Mrs. T. F. Jackson, and cx<president Mrs. Ramsay wish to publicly thank all the faithful workers who served, knitted, quilted or helped in any way to accomplish the unit’s war effort during their terms of office. The complete list of sewn, knitted or quilted articles and total sums of money turned in by the Maple unit to Vaughan Township Red Cross during the six years of war and over will :be published at a later date when the record is completed. The list for the past 14 months is as fol- lows: ‘Sewingâ€"JS diapers, 13 night- ies, 6 pairs overalls, 11 coats. 13 un- dersuits, 6 skirts, 12 pairs panties. '20 quilts, 2 cot quilts, 5 layettes. each layette containing the followâ€" ing, ‘3 gowns, 3 flannelette vests, 1 jacket, 1 blanket, ’1 wash cloth. 2 pairs bootees, 1 bonnet. 11 diapers. Knitting, 17 prs. men’s socks, 2 prs. women’s long stockings, 2 turtle neck sweaters, 2 lady‘s pullover-s, 3 lady's knickers, 8 prs. lady’s gloves. 8 ‘1)1‘5. boys’ socks, 10 boy’s pullovâ€" ci‘s, 3 boys’ suits, 1 boy’s pullover '10 yr. size, 8 boys’ sweaters 4 years, 5 baby’s sweaters, 12 baby’s Ibonnets, 15 baby’s bootees, 1 baby sweater donated, 1 afghan. Maple folk who attended the Vel- lore Euchre last Monday report a very enjoyable evening. First prize for men was brought home to Maple by Lloyd Palmer; 2nd prize, Alex Bishop; 3rd, Bruce Jones of Maple. Ladies, lst prize, Mrs. J. Brownlee; 2nd, Mrs. Witty. Mrs. T. F. Jackson who has been reporting “Maple Newsy Notes" for Maple Red Cross unit since October 1942 will continue to report the news although the unit. has disbanded. Any neWs contributions of interest will be greatly appreciated. Mr. Geo. Armstrong, recently disâ€" charged i'rom the Canadian Army, has re-‘issumed his duties as teller OWONWWMNMOMM†'i with the ank of Commerce in Maple and 'ing. Miss Ima Palmer who held this position for some years has resigned. E. H. “Ab†Stoltz of Aurora, live- stock editor of the Farmer’s Mag-a- zine, has an interesting feature story on Ray Marshall. Kettleby poultryman. in this month's issue of the magazine. It is entitled “Startâ€" ed with 100 Hens" and tells the 12- year success story of the young King township farmer who started from scratch and now plans 6,000- 7.000 laying hens for 1946 as well as expanding a hatchery program. Efficiency in all departments, labâ€" or saving devices such as an ele- vator. conservatiOn of space. plUs good business sense are the reasons for Mr. Marshall‘s success, the story MIXS. R. H. KANE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Telephone 92â€"13. Richmond Hill Farms and village property for sale and exchange. THURSDAY. MARCH 7th, 1046. © 'I’OMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD. ‘3 Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 DQENDABEE, INSURANCE 12 \N’ellington St. E.. Toronto SERVICE DISTRICT R, REPRESENTATIVE @ 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R © MWWWNOOOOOOOOWONOOWMW OMâ€OOOOOOOOO0099009009099 FRANK’S GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP i z i i l .....: GENERAL TIRE AGENT WELDING. IGNITION WORK AND TOWING All Kinds of Electrical Motors Repaired YONGEHURST ROAD Telephone Richmond Hill 1371-2 C B. Rooters Year round roofing of all kinds â€" asphalt. shingles, slate. tile. built-up roofs, tar and gravel. siding. EAVESTROUGHING. CHIMNEYS All Work Guaranteed ESTIMATES FREE Telephone Richmond Hill 248111 20 Years Experience O 0 n 0 fl :1 E omo=====o=o==omo==ouoâ€"o= noonowomomouomono ATTENTION FARMERS ORDER YOUR FENCING MATERIAL NOW/ A complete line of farm and chicken fencing, steel posts and farm gates in stock. Also cedar posts. all sizes. Erection done on all types of fencing Norman E. Bone f FENCING CONTRACTOR Phone 259.} Richmond Hill 00=0a0=0@0fl0= 3 9W wwowwoouomuoowm H. 1’. Matthews J. F. Gardner M. & G. Electric LICENSED ELECTRICIANS POWER & LIGHTING SPECIALISTS New wiring and alterations. Repairs to all electrical appliances. . Phone Richmond Hill 195r3 PROMPT SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES GUARANTEED WORK wwwwoomwwmum W l A . ~MmmMMMMMMMMMmMMMMM Use MASTER CHICK STARTER FOR SOUND GROWTH AND GOOD LIVABILITY Your profits next fall and winter depend on the start you give your chicks this spring. . -. .. .1. :5“. >'.- z- ’v Plan to attend the poultry short course March 26. 27 and 28, sponsored by the North York Poultry Association. W. R. Dean 3: Phone Thornhill 54 WE DELIVER 7:†a"; 3'": i ' ASTER j “ BALANCED ' ' . FEEDS t ‘ All cuxsszs of " POULTRY mm uv: STOCK FUR BEARING - ANIMALSSDOGS 37.133 '4 .~ 3‘ I :- “WOOWOONâ€OOâ€O 1