Comfort 3 YONGE STREET RICHMOND HILL 000mm...owowuoooooonoowomouow '. 0.1 BONOOOOOOOONOOOOOOOOOOOOO0OOâ€COOOOOOOO»OOOOVOO†Vegetable Soup, 3 10 oz, tins 25c Glenwood Sauce, 6 oz. bti. . . 100 .»‘.l‘.\"l‘ JEMIM . Pancake Flour, reg. pkg. ROYAL YORK PLAIN Cheese, 1/2 lb. pkg. JELLO (‘I'STARD Powder, 4 oz. tin, .\Y L)! ER Diced Beets, 2 20 oz. tins QUICK Quaker Oats, lge. pkg. O'CEDAR SCRATCH 'l‘OL'CH-l'l’ Polish, 4 oz. btl. \YYLER Rice Dinner, pkg. I’RlOR‘S (‘ ['1‘ )l I X ED Peel, 8 oz. pkg. (PEARSON BROS.) WE DELIVER â€" PHONE 77 COUR'I HEAVY Wax Paper, 100 ft. r011 »\YL.\1F_R FULL LINE of BAKED GOODS FULL LINE 0f MEAT & FISH We invite the people of Richmond Hill and surround- ing district to shop here for their requirements in Men's and Boys†Wear, Boots and Shoes. etc. Despite Shortages we have a fine stock to meet your needs. and you can rest assured that the quality is good and the price right. You can shop in comfort and with confidence at your home store for men and lmvs. RALPH W. PARIS, M TELEPHONE 18 Presto Cookers F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE YOUR BEST KITCHEN HELPER Get Your’s Today! For Lifetime Satisfaction use Super Health Aluminum Utensils Come in and see them now. Good stock of Pyrex Ovenware now on hand. A special invitation is extended to next of kin of those men who paid the §upreme sacrifice. Lieut. (fol. S. Lambert. (‘anadian (‘haplain Service, will hold a special Memorial Service. Provincial Presi- dent. Woman's Auxiliary. Mrs. Pege and Provin- cial Officers will be present. The (‘harter and colours will he presented to the Richmond Hill Branch No. 375. Refreshments will he served. Doors open at 7.45 p.m. LEGION NIGHT CANADIAN LEGION MEETING The Richmond Hill Branch N0. 2175 of the (‘anutl- inn Lemon B.E.S.l.. will hold OPEN HOUSE in the general public of Richmond Hill. Vaughan and Mn rkhum ’l‘wps. on FRIDAY, MARCH 8TH PAGE FOUR Hardware FRUIT & VEGETABLES AT MARKET PRICES KERR BROTHERS HIGH SCHOOL “GYM†R. J. CRAIGIE MEN’S & BOYS’ WEAR PRUNES, RAISINS, FIGS, CURRANTS WE HAVE At S pm. in the Bread, Cakes and Buns 2 for 19c Richmond Hill H"? .. 25c anag‘er . 25c 19c 14c 21c 19c 16c 17c WE DELIVER (‘ULVERHOUSE GOLDEN BAN'I‘AM Corn, 20 oz. tin MOTHER CHICKEN Dinner, 15 oz‘ CLARK’S Tomato Soup, 3 10 oz. tins . . 23c (‘A'I‘ELLI A YLMER N0. 3 Peas, 20 oz. tin . . . . . . . 14c SMART’S Sauerkraut, 28 oz. tin . . . . . 14c AYLMER Wax Beans, 20 oz. tin Beans, 20 oz. tin Spaghetti, 20 oz. tin Vegetable Salad, 20 oz. tin . 14c OGILVIE‘S Wheat Hearts, lb. LIHBY‘S DEEP BROWN COURTESY AND SERVICE LIMITED QUANTITY .90 v Duncan. the president. gave her a beautiful china plate; Mrs. Lund expressed her appreciation of the gifts after which she solved a dainty lunch. Mi. and Mrs. Alf. ‘Bagg' and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keffor attended a very interesting- affair on Monday even- ing when they attended the first wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrsi Jack Giffin. Toronto. Mr. Giffin spent almost five years overseas and on his return married Miss Margaret Scott of \Voodln‘idge. . ~ Mrs. Bill Watson and her son John and his bride called on Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Bag]: on Sunday John, one Of Edgelev’s old boys, married Miss Doris Bell of Klein‘btn'g' on Saturday afternoon. February 23rd. His many friends of Edg‘elev wish him and his bride every happiness. - Tenders will .be received 'by-‘the undelsigned Solicitors for Seneca Banker Estate up to the 16th of March 1946 for the purchase of: HARCEL 1-â€"â€"The westerly 30 acres of the north east quarter of lot N0. 26 in the 18th concession of the Town- ship of Whitchurch being 30 acres of good hardwood timber lands. . PARCEL Zâ€"The east half of the west half of lot No. 7 in the said 8th concession of the Township of Whitchurcli being 45 acres of pas.- tme lands and five acres of swamp. Terms cash. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. McCullough & But-ton, Stouffville, 0nt., Solicitors for the Executors of Seneca Baker Estate. Emery W.A. met_at the home of Mn. Geo. Lund on Monday, after- noon. Twenty‘five ladies were pref sent. At thew-lose of the’ program they plesented Mrs. Lund. who is leaving“ the neighborhood shortly. with-uh] dresser lamps, and Mrs. “THE BEST . . . . . anywhereâ€, says Lorne Campbell, Mt. Mi'ydges of his Big-4 Chicks...“0nly lost 3 out of 20-0...laid goqd.;.not a sick hen among themâ€. But then Big-4 Chicks are noted for livability and health. We’re agents here. Variety bieeds, mosses. Breeders Govern- ment inspected and bloodtested for both strains ullQI-um. _Qi}‘_der now. Wes. Clark, .R. ‘2 Gorm ey, phone Richmond Hill 4704, (‘l\\'36 CALLING ALL LIVESTOCK MEN to stop caughs. colds, distemper, in less time than you ever thought p955- ible with ZEV, the remarkable vet- erinary iemedy that» works on nose, thloat. and bronchial tract" ZEV, made by the makers of Buckley’s Mixture, gives amazing results in the most stubbom cases. $1.00 a bottle at F. G. Scotchmer’s. > c1w36 ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any~ where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 FOR SALE BY TENDER .tin.. FOR SALE EDGELEY THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO . 39c the home of . 14c . 14c . 14c 14c 10c CONCRETE BLOCKS. Apply A. Vulcourt, 248 Oak St.. Stop Richvale. t (‘INDE-RS. Will deliver 753581131313}! HOGS, different ages. Cullen & Son, Richview .Sideroad, Weston, phone Weston 108w2. c1w36 ELECTRIC RANGE, four plate, Eaton’s Acme. good condition,--$48. Annly 39 Church Street. Richmond Hill. *1w36 WHITE PEKIN ‘DU‘C‘KS and drakes, also Bovens and Muscovy’s, Indian Runners. Mrs. F. Johnston, phone Stouffville 51220. *6w36 Poms and FENCE POSTS 30 ft. hydro poles delivered. Markham 741'4. Bo BREEDING EWES, choice, duo in May. Cullen & Son, Richview sideroad. Weston, phone, Weston 108w2. clw36 Fisher BAY MARE, real good worker bt single and double. Apply Red 3 Green Barn, Mill Road, ‘StOp 233 ELECT-RIC BRIOODEIR. Warner De- luxe. 350 chick capacity. practically new. Apply Mrs. Hugh Wilson, RR. 2 Maple, phone vMaple 2‘8r14. *IWSG SKI B‘OO'I‘S. for girl or ‘boy, black, size 8, in excellent condition, price $3.00. Mrs. E. Taylor, 10 May Ave., Stop 24A Yonge St., phone Rich- moï¬d Hill 23714 3 YEARLING HEIFERS; 7 3-year- nM ewes, bred to reg. Suffolk ram, due to lamb first half of April. AD- nh' Do La Salle Farm, o'pmsite C.F. RB. station on Yonge St. *lw36 CHICK STARTER, $2.90 per 100 1b. delivered. The famous line of Sun Ray buttermilk fortified feeds now available from Langs‘taff Feed Ser- vice, phone Thm‘nhill 172w. c4w35 1942 MOTORCYCLE, Hayley David- son, in A‘ shape. good tires, motor recently ovelhauled, windshield and Buddy seat, price $285. Apply to Wm. Benfield. Cities Service Garage, Richmond Hill. FORDSON TRACTOR, 1927. with fenders and pulley complete, in good running condition, will sell cheap. make me an offer. E. Klinck, Vic- toria Square, phone Stouffville 4011. ’ c1w36 1 STOVE COVALA parlor heater; 1 store display counter, all Oak: 1 show case, round' front, 5 ft. The abuve are all good. F. E. Sims. 10 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill, phone 122W. v 1w36 R.O.P. ‘SfRED BARREDHROCKS GR-AN'DMA: Do you know, Poo that next Thursday we’ll be married fifty years? Grandpa; Well do I know it; how hard we worked to get the little we have. Grandma: Pop, you ought to :be ashamed to talk li'ke that when we raise a nice family and have enough to keep us even if we live to ‘Je 100. Grandpa: I guess you’re right iMa. Grandma: How about celebrating? Grandpa: What you mean- eh? Glandma: Get all the family home and have a real time. Grandpa: That whole gang, ten of them and their kids. Thev will eat us out of house and home. Grandma: Now Pop, don’t take that attitude. Each and everyone will help. Grand- na: How? Grandma: My Pop, you’re dumb. We’ll call a gathering of the clan and let each person do and! bring something. Grandpa: How about sugar and things? Grandma: Silly; you know we've been using Bakeis Sweetner right along and we don’t need coupons for that. By the way, Pop, you’d better get 10 gal- lons Bakers Sweetner, it goes a lot farther than sugar and it’s cheaper than sugar. Grandpa: I guess you’re right Ma. Well we’ll get the bunch together and get things fixed up right. Grandma: Henry is in Los Angeles, I’ll wire him. Mary lives in Hamilton. I’-11 phone her. Tom is in Alberta so I’ll wire him. Jim can be reached in Timmins by wire. Laura is in New York so a wire will get her. Susan will he out from Tm ronto as soon' as I phone her. John can be reached‘ at Victoria‘ Square by phone and he and Zella will be right up. George is in Duluth and will have a hard job getting off but if I wire him, he’ll be here. Lizzie will come from B.C. if 1 wire her. Sam, the only bachelor in the hunch is down in Texas but I’ll wire him a"! he’ll he here. Next week we will relate the Happy Anniversary. $5.00 worth Bakers Sweetner F as S""‘°t as $14 worth of suar. 25 02.250†40 02. 35c.. ‘/2 221]. 650., 1 gal. $1.24.), BEVIAN’S R.O;P. White Leghorns. For more eggs. Larger eggs. We offer for sale R.O.P. sired chicks for the farmer and poultryman. R.O.P. \vingbanded cockerels for the hatchâ€" eryman and flock owner. Also hatch- ing eggs. Write for free catalogue. Bevan’s Poultry Farm, Thernhill, Ont. *6w30 40 oz as $14 worth of suar. ' 25 oz.-25c., 40 oz. 35c.. ‘-./2 gal. 65¢. 1 gal. $1.20, 5 gals. $5.00. 10 gals. $9.50 (con- tainers extra) :25 oz. 1c., 40 02. 10c., 1/2 gal. 15c.. gal. jug or can 25c. each extra. No shipment less than $1.50. We pay expregg changes on 6 or more gallons if money order acâ€" companies order for 6 or more gal‘ lons. No cheques. Try a gallon of Bakers Sweetner. give it a fair trial and if you do~not like it come and get your money back. George E. Baker, P-l'Im.B., manufacturing c'hem- ist, Stouffville, Ont. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 35 cents for first insertion and for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per 1 each insertion. IF CHARGED NINE CENTS PER LINE Classified Advertising THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVFRTISINCâ€"MAKB THE MOST OI“ 1'1" phone Richmond FOR SALE rod worker both Apply Red and Apply G00 um 71-22. Apply MI) 25 and Phone *SWSO c1w36 clw36 tfc v 4w36 5 cents for first insertion and 25 cent 093:5 lmes 55 cents per line extxï¬ 16 PIGS, is man. phone 3. GREY SANDER. Apply Mr Woods. Oxford St, Elg'in 'MiH 19 PIGS 8 to 10 weeks old. Bermor Falms ‘Ltd., lot'24, con. 2 Markham Township. . .‘ l GREY HORSE good worker. C. Maple 461'13. 40 YEARLING HENS. heavx UIPRIGHT PIANO, good condition. phone Richmond Hill 154R. Clw36 1 COOK STOVE with reservoir. good baker, good condition. $20. leone Maple 3‘5J. c1w36 GOOD WORK TEAM, price I'easOn- a‘ble. Apply R. Hal‘binson, lot 27, con. '3 Markham Twp. *1w36 7 INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS (Makes, have started to lay. Bagg, phone Maple 741-3. BOY'S C.C.M. BI‘OYC'LE new TWO 50 EGG CYCLE CHICK HATCHERS, like new, reasonable. Phone Thm'nhill 1351'21. c1w36 laying good. Apply Ave., Richmond Hill. 1 QUEBEC STYLE COOK STOVE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, Thorn- hill, 100'x3-00’, $6 to $9 per foot. Apâ€" ply J. E. Francis, Thomhill. c4w36 “C‘Eatmpionâ€, with reservoir. Apply 9 Lucas St., Richmond Hill. *1w36 5'00 (THICK BROODER ST‘OVE, 34 Apply Mrs. M. Savage, Ba-thurst St. Richmond Hill, phone Maple 491'5. MATCHED TEAM, black Percheron horses, 6 and 7 years old. Leo Bur- ton, Carrville Road, phone Maple 64112. c) w36 SEED GRAIIN, ‘Reg. No. 1 and Com- mercial No. 1 Ajax oats; Commer- cial No. 1 Galore barley. Clark Young, Milliken. phone Agincourt 45w11. c4w36 NEW VBEATTY Vacuum Cleaner with attachments. Harold W. Mort- son, 5 Arnold St.. Richmond Hill, phone 93W. tfc KITCHEN ANNEX three sidesz like ne jacket. heater, $9.00. Morgan Ave., The†COAL STOKER, prominent make, good condition; also approximately 7 tons stoker coal. Apply 130 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w35 RECORD PLAYERS, General Elec- tric and Marconi, on hand now at Yerek Electric, 25 Yonge St., Rich- mond Hill, phone 242. *1w36 ELECTRIC T'OASTE‘R, like new; also} pr. girl’s ski pants, navy wool, never worn, size 16. $2.00. Apply Box 404 Liberal Office. 1 MC. CASE 'SILO FILLER on rub- bar, 2 sets of knives, pipes and el- bows, in A1 conidtion, $275.00. W. G. Cooper, Maple R.R. 1. c‘1w3G DUCK EGGS, Mammoth and White Pekin duck eggs, available now, 81 per settingl Ducklings every week from April on, 25c. each. Please order early. Burwood Farms, phone Maple 39J. ' \ c2w36 'BvOYlS ICE SKATES AND BOOTS, size 9, $5.00; boy’s roller skates and :boots, size 9!, price SilOO. Apply Cecil Espey, Elgin Mills, telephone Maple 4914. c1w36 and oat straw, baled. Hardwood, by the cord, stove length if preferred, will deliver. Apply Percy Cc‘ber, Gormley, phone Stouff. 7313. *3w36 1/2 ACRE LAND with good chicken house in vicinity of Lang-staff. Terms can be arranged. Apply Mrs. Wm. Bailey, Essex Ave., Lang-staff. *1w36 F‘O‘U‘R. 8-PLY" TIRES AND RIMS. size 24x1114, suita‘ble for farm trac- tors. Apply W. J. Maxwell, Road Supelintendent. Markham Township. QUANTITY M Ix ED BEATTY SUMIP PUMPS. Install one now and don’t worry about the usual water in the basement in the Spring. Harold W. Mortson, ‘5 Arn- old Street, Richmond Hill, telephone 93W. ffc stands; armed rocking chair; armed swivel desk chair; a few pictures, dishes, cracks and sealers. Phone 16LW Richmond Hill. c1w3‘6 warming closet and resérvoir, S45; studio couch, with arms, lblue, ex- cellent condition. $35; windows and doors. reasonable; washstand. Apply 7 Richmond ~St._, Richmond Hill. tele- phone 68. c2w36 MOFFAT RANGE, 4 elements; small ACME COAL OR w‘oou‘) RANGE, 20 HORSES, Percherons and Clydes- dales, mares and geldings, 4 to 7 years old; also saddle horses. Se“ reasonable; 15 fresh Holstein COWS and springers, real good; Holstein bull. 11 months 01d; quantity of g0°d celtified Ajax seed oats. Apply Ed- gar Thomnson. Oak Ridges. Phone King 39113. DU‘RO ELECTRIC shallow and deep well pump; Fairbank Morse oil bath pump jao‘k; hand pump: jacket heat- ers: Moffat electro pail heaters; ers; Muffat electi‘o pail heaters; cast iron float tanks with float and valve; buckets for Beatty litter car- riers; drinking bowls for cattle; Wi -C. Wood Co. electric grinders and oat. rollers; 1 Clean Easy portable milking machine; 3 only, tractor double disc, 7 and 8 feet for spring del'Wery; 1 only, Waterloo thresh- ing machine. 24x42†for June de- ing 1nigchine. 24x42" for Jur livery. Apply J. E. Steckley toria Square. phone Stouffville C.C.M. BICYCLE, good as Apply H. Middleton, Gormley , phone Stouff. 1520. *1w36 weeks old. Walter Rea- Maple 281-11. clw36 Thornhill EX, white enamel new, $28.00. Also l0. W. C. Code. 85 31'nhi11. *1w36 about 15 ‘ Stung; CLOVER HAY 9.9 THURSDAY. MARCH T’r'h. 1946 y breed, {oseview years, phone clw35 and 2 James clw36 04w WOMAN for Apply Box 1. G 00D SERVICEA‘B-LE CAI 1‘0 BOARD L’. ("HIL tier 1 year and um Phone ’l‘hornhill 141': DOUBLE SPOOL BEI mattress not necessary son. Maple, phone 65v: Hill SINGLE M‘AN for farm worl- m H 1v [‘0‘ UPRIG'HT PIANO. apartment size, i3 good condition. at a reasonable price. Phone ‘Stouff. 2507. *lw36 TWIN BEDS with EXPERIENCED YOUNG WOMAN desires position as clerk in store, some knowledge of tvning. Apply Box 12, The Liberal Office. r’1w3ï¬ TRANSPORTATION from Richmond Hill to Leaside to arrive 7.30 amn. returning 5.30 pm. Apply Box 2 The Liberal. clw36 RR Apply sttï¬'ingqii'urniture, ground flom- pre- ferred. Apply Radial Station, Rich- mond Hill. *lwflï¬ 1‘ LARGE OR 2 SMALL ROOMS fot HORSES TO KILL, highest FARM HEILP. at once, capable man for general farm work, good wag-es. Apply Lester Esppey, phone Wood- hridg'e 110th. *lwflG WOMAN for general housework, 2 or 3 days weekly near Stop 20A Yonge St. Write Box 14. Langstaff. phone Thornhill 163W. - cleG HORSES TO KILL, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill PD. 01' Courtlaml Mink Ranch, Ox- ford St., Elg‘in Mills. *SWIH for three veniences PO. Box HAY AND S'DRAW. taken in tlilde on Woods: and Frigidaire Milk C001â€" elws or DeLaval Milkers. Toronto Radio 8:. Sports, 241 Yonge St, To- 1'ont.o. CONTRACTOR to give estimate on clearing, raising and to cement block cellar on small house, 18’x21’. Apply 72 Edgar Ave., Ric‘hvale, Ont., Stop 22 Yonge St. *2w36 'inLrle MIDDLE man wishes to make himself useful around gentleman’s residence, day or week, gardening, painting, etc. Box 4, The Liberal. FOR SUMMER MONTHS, handy BUSIiNESS MAN' wishes transportaâ€" tion to city daily, leaving Richmond Hill 8 a.m., returning 'fi'om vicinity of Queen and Yonge 6 pm. Phone Richmond Hill 1-3J. c1w36 ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc. DEAD HORSES 8: CATTLE want- ed. For free nick-up hhene RIGH- MON‘D HILL 7 or KING 241‘4 or MAPLE 2937. We Dav telenhnne charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. Toronto, phone AD.3636. tfc. POULTRY WANTED â€"â€" We pay highest cash prices for live poultry. We also custom pick at 8 cents per bird. Sohomberg- Poultry Process- ing Plant, phone Schomberg 78. tf30 RESTHAVEN offers warm. comfort- able accommodation for elderly lad- ies and gentlemen. Chronic'invalids and senile persons cared for. Phone 'I‘hornhill 16121. *9w35 MRS. WM. BAI‘LEY, Essex Avenue‘ Langstaff, will be at home every Wed’nesday from 2 until 10 pm. for Telepathy \Fortune Telling: *5w34 HYIDRO LINES BUILT on private property complete, and wiring done. Phone Markham 741-4. *8w36 FISHER AUTO BODY repair shop. Spraying, welding, lettering, truck body repairing. For dependable ser- vice phone Thornhill 76. W. M. W. Fisher, Prop. tfc POULTRY CAPONIZER. Dick Bul- gess now ton, able year fa_rm buildings, specializing in schoc‘ Wiring. Territory includes Richmond Hill and vicinity. Apply Forth Elec- fric. Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- berg. *8w29 ELECTRICAL WIRING, _ hoqsevy AUCTION SALE ADVERTIQING. Advertise your auction sale in the Woodbridge Advertiser. This paper has a large farm circulation in Peel, York and South Simcoe. The charge for advertising a full list is a flat rate charge of five dollars per in- sertion. Send copy and remittance to the publisher, R. M. Lavery, Pal- sertion. to the pu grave. Adam apd contented in Atrleast Eve mm: MISCELLANEOUS 61' phone phone lsh Hill formerly of Newtonbrodk. is located at 1804 Jane St.. Wes- phone 569M Weston. Will be to handle your ca'ponizing this *8w36 BNCED FARM HAND, J. W. Stephenson, Gormley phone Richmond Hill :50}; WANTED â€" AGED HOUSEKEEPER Colin adults, small house, all cen- liberal time off. Apply 36, Richmond Hill. *1w36 Apply phone ‘1 A. Hood incourt 51w nyl general housework he Liberal. clwï¬l Eve should h the Garden wasn’t runnin HILDREN BED ‘hould have be mattresses. Richmond c1w36 one 1111- ') yours. "1w36 MilliL 1w36 11 m Eder roun