THURSDAY, MARCH “in. 1946. Stouffvilr. Play (Continutd from Page 1‘! off Lindsay and are now waiting to play (iltl\(-llillll‘>l._ Whitby We“. 9.x“. tended to thr- linnt in defeat Stunti- \‘illc. winning the filial game by .371. Stouffville ‘.\iil have in their lint-â€" up a few boys who are known in the Richmond Ilill hockey circle. They are our own lhntgla. Moore who is keeping goal. Jack and (leorre {unrney of Victoria Square who are the leading scorers for- the team. also (It'ltl Minion, Lyle I’eit-li. and Pete Jewett. all of [fnionviiltn but all have played for the Ilill until this last year. Scarhoro ‘ltangtrs emerged group winners on Tuesday evening when they defeated Oshawa by the score of 44 at I.ini(illV’iIIt‘. This tirade it two straight victories for the Hang t'ls over Oshawa. winning the first game in Oshawa by the score of (5-5. Scaihoro are now waiting for other groups to complete their play-offs. Choral Group To Carry On In response to ntany requests the choral group featt'red at the recent Lions Show will carry on as a com- ruurritv organization and singers from Richmond Hill, Richvale. Maple, Tlrornhill. or any surrounding com- munity are invited to join. A meet- ing will be held in the Richmond Hill High School next Monday evening, March 11th and all interested are in. vited to attend. Monday’s meeting will be partly devoted to organiza- tion as well as practice. The Liberal would appreciate :t phrne cull telling of arctal events and personal ilt‘li‘.~ of interest, .. » V†.â€" . . . -.. the Richmond Hill Linus (lub win :told their regular meeting in tin- Iions lit-n tili.\ evening at tight p.1n. This will be .r business meeting. I‘r. llnuglas A, MucLiiiiil/l'uy. re- returncd from servnig ovr-rv t't-ntiy ‘ - '.\'ilit the (‘anzniian Ilrntal torps .ast week to take up practice in “Elihu-clung. The “'omeri's “\\‘n1'l.l lluy of Prayer" will he itt'ltl this year in St. \lary's t'i.nich l'lltiétt'. Anglican on All women of Mulch Nth at 3; p.m. ' i he tillage are cordially invited M tttend. Miss Loretta llickenson. recent )l'th‘ winner at the Kiwanis Musical Festival held in Toronto recently. ind a radio artist will be the guest soloist at the I'nited (‘hurch Sunday evening service. Mrs. Norman t‘hatterley has kind- ly invited the members of St. Mary's Anglican “LA. to a tea at her home. 2.3 Yonge St. on Tuesday next. March 12 at $3.30 p.m. Silver collection in aid of material for'bazaar work. Dr. George A. Thompson has cont- merit-ed general medical practice here with Dr. James R. ‘I.fllrgsttlff. Dr. Thompson is a graduate of the University of Toronto and after his internship served for three years with the R-CAF from which he was recently discharged. lie is married and has one son 14 months 01d. LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH Friday, March 8th, at 8.00 pm. Interesting lecture with coloured slides of misâ€" sion work in Northern Ontario. will be given by Miss Mae Brooks of Rural Life Mission. ALL WELCOME . t t Ken Rose’s Orchestra ‘ LUNCH SERVED i i. Sponsored by Buttonville W.I. r. lâ€â€" M_ “A ,. .. " i Dance REFRESHMENT BOOTH i i ouo=o=oaouoz==ouo===or=c desirable place in which to All householders are urged to make regular use of this service. and to refrain back yards. Householders are also asked to keep in mind the regu- lation which requires that garbage be placed in suit- able covered containers which can be handled by one man. The co-operation of all will be appreciated. VILLAGE .OF‘ RICHMOND HILL R. LYNETT. Clerk. SHOWING SATURDAY, “ HOT Drake. Robert Sidney Miller. With Dona Produced by Lindsley Parsons =o==onoaomogono===ouo VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, MARCH 8th Garbage Collection ' NOTICE The Council last year inaugurated a garbage collec- tion for the entire village with the aim of rendering a needed public service to householders and the hope of making Richmond Hill a cleaner, healthier and more Masonic Hall RICHMOND HILL 7.00 and 9.00 pm. Monogram Picture presents RHYTHM “ Story and Screen Play by Tim Ryan and Charles Marion i [I 0 Orchestra '1 0 II 0 II ADMISSION 50c. live. from dumping garbage in WILLIAM NEAL. Reeve. AT THE MARCH 9th Tim and Irene. Cooper - Directed by Wm. Beaudine Lowery. Jerry Municipal Hall. 'I‘hursday. March H at 2.30 p.m. sharp. There is to be a display of local handicraft or lrobl). ies and an invitation is given to members and friends to bring art- icics‘ for this display. Mrs. Stanton b’loriarity (nee I100 Eminerson) a bride of last week was the guest of honor at a miscellanâ€" eous shower prior to her wedding at the home of Mrs. Y. I. McCullough. Fiftyâ€"two guests were present and the britleâ€"to-be received good wishes and many beautiful gifts. Last Thursday evening the wedding party were guests of the bride‘s mother at 15 t‘entre St. West. Prize winners for the last Orange euchre March lst were as follows: Ladies. Mrs. J. Cook. Mrs. W. l‘lorn- er. Mrs. A. Leech; Gents. Fred Clark, R. (fr-owe. N. Malloy. Travelling prizes. Mrs. A. Leech. .Ias. Ellis. I‘Ioor prize. Mrs. Wallbridge. Next Orange Euchre will be on March 15 with good prizes offered and every- one welcome. These euchres will be carried on as long as the players desire. with worthwhile prizes offâ€" ered for the winners. On Sunday evening church goers to the United Church were favoured with a choral service sponsored by the Silver Toned singers of Toronto. This is a group of girls from the age of 14 to 18 and come front all sections of the city. They are under the direction of Mr. Ernest Stolls. well known to several residents of the Village. having lived here a few years ago. Several numbers by the chorus with duets and solos were capany rendered by the girls. Richmond Hill district this week extends a warm welcome to two war brides from Britain. Both made the crossing on the Aquatania and ar- rive.l in Richmond Hill Tuesday. They are Mrs. Bill Adams and Mrs. Len Hallowell. Mrs. Adams is in Canada ahead of her husband. Sgt. Bill Adams who was taken prisoner at Dieppe and spent some years in German Prison Camps. They were married in June 1945 after his reâ€" lease. Bill is expected home in two or three weeks. Len IIallowcll arâ€" rived home in December after nearly four years overseas. and has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of his wife. Mrs. Hallewell is a native of Surrey. England. and they were marâ€" ried April. 1944. Both brides report a delightful crossing, and are high in their praise of the treatment they received. and of the Red Cross for kind care and attention. “Yes. we're thrilled with Canada.†both said. “and we’re looking forward to see- ing more of it and meeting the peoâ€" ple.†The Liberal joins with the people of the district in saying “Welcome to Canadaâ€. WEDDING MORIARTY-EMERSON Spring flowers adorned the- altar and sanctuary of the Church of St. Mary Immaculate. Richmond Hill. for the wedding on Saturday morn- ing. March 2nd. of Martha Alicia (Lee) Emerson to Stanton John Mor- iarty. Rev. F. McGinn performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial high mass. Mrs. W. W. Oster pI‘e-- sided at the organ, and a number of Dr. .I. Ronan’s Cathedral Boy Chor- isters sang during the Mass and at the signing of the register. Given in marriage by Edwin J. Nye. the bride rwore a floor length gown of ice blue satin with sweet- heart neckline and‘ slightly gathered bodice. A small cap of matching satin held her finger-tip veil. She carried a white prayer book on which rested a small corsage of rosebuds. freesia, forgetâ€"me-nots, and lily of the valley. Blue satin streamers hung from the prayer Ibook showered with rosebuds. sweet peas, and baby’s breath. Her only ornament was a gold cross. the gift of the groom. Miss Veronica Oster was the bride's only attendant. She wore a floor length gown of pastel pink crepe made on similar lines to the bride's dress. matching cap. and shoulder length veil. She carried a cascade bouquet of roses. sweet peas. violets and forgetane-nots. Mr. Wallace Moriarty. brother of the groom. was .best man. and Mr. Vincent McCullough and Mr. Arthur Sauve were ushers. Mrs. Charles Grimwood. mother of the bride. and Mrs. .Ias. Murphy, cousin of the groom, received the guests at the Fireside Tea Room. Mrs. Grimwood was in black crepe with sequin trim. dusty pink access- ories. and corsage of roses. carna- tiuns. sweet peas and forget-me- nots. M rs. Murphy wore brown crepe with matching accessories arid a corsage of roses and frcesia. For a wedding trip to Niagara Falls the bride wore a striped \V'UOI dressmaker suit with matching hat. arr'i i‘rown accessories. and COI’SQC‘C‘ cl‘ first“. swee: peas and freeria. ' ticir return :h-- l‘ftpn‘: couple reside in Richmond Hill. The average taxpayer has been bled so much nowadays he needs :1 bloodâ€"transfusion. .. -.M Q.“- I um" LIBERAL. rtr’. LVIOIm HILL, Obi"? R13 R (I l SOCIAL AND PERSONAL iiiiib Membership 1 0 ‘ C ‘V V .\Ii>>' Lillian Rth'i‘r of the stuff Hi 1‘ 0‘ Red (1053 Wrrdsor- Rehabilitation s‘cluml \pcuii â€"â€"â€"- the \\eck»ciiti .\' tuotnei ;tl ll i’iilllt‘l l-ll" l'lh‘t \H‘r’ii. thi'utltil “Aâ€... Sp 1.:_ \.r:tw- t’ll:ll.lll‘:\ tt' pn‘diï¬ty we h:t\e itl‘it made aware of the lill\'t' for Tire North York llr‘atzch of the Hwnmr‘r irip by the t'arzmiiazr Itt-tl (image (lpcrators .-\~'><rci:ttl(tit \\i|il(““ Society. Trrr. is definitely rrrrt held their regular monthly meeting 3" Itlrlnali in) Tunis. htrt Hillier tilt at the i‘llt‘riik‘ Inn. Richmond llilE. ui‘l‘t'i‘ti 1“ 11W litml'it.‘ “1' Ulliill‘iw 1" on Monttztv night. Marc}: llth, .\lr. lrl‘twt their rrrt'irz‘rrrr'>iriir I'm" "Hit. l‘lri. Little. tri‘ Little iros. is pix-sir ii iil‘ti tir'oss is to continue to iii-u dent of thi: (itlgatzixation. i"""iti 1“ iii“ (lilliiltiiiill it"(ll‘h‘ 1†_ n< Ilt‘lit‘t‘ trnro. 11ml 1-» remain a <trone The l'urtetl ("hurx-h \Vomcn‘s :\.\"“- “H‘i l“"-'W filt'il‘l 331 tilt" Illiiiï¬'iliit‘ll ciat‘ion will hold their regular lit suffering lill‘t'tluimtli the world. monthly meeting next Tue-.lay, nu-rr.‘rcr-lrip llll|>i be maintairicd at :i Mart-h lith at 13.310 .-\t the his“ it'H‘i- _ close of the met-ting u stir-in] halt' The Richmond Hill llianch of the hp.â€- tt'jll 1,.» Hit-m, ._\ll li|tii(‘\ of Canadian Red (‘rnss will have com- thc congregation an» invited to irt- pictr-tl its wartime task by the end 3(xml_ ' ' ol' Marrli this year. but it is hopt-zl _ that the lrancli charter will still be The March meeting. of 1}“. “'0. retained with :t standing Red t‘ioss men‘s Institute will behheld in the t‘etllttiittee in charge, The Hit; membership fee of SUN) will be received and an official H‘- ccipt returned by any of the follow- ing officers of the Richmond Hill Ilranch: Mrs, .I. IC. Smith, secretary: Mrs. I“. Dolan. treasurer; Mrs. P. (I llill. president. High†School Notes A very successfrl Literary meeting was held last Friday in the gym. Third form was in charge of a very Wcil planned program. They pre- sented a one-act Irish comedy err- titled “Spreading the News" written by Lady Gregory. The play was thoroughly enjoyed by all. The cast included George Bailey. John Atkinâ€" son. Margaret Scott. Bob Hood. Ken IIirtx. Sally llogg. Bolford Panke. Violet Milrorean. June Butt and Shirâ€" ley IIeeley and was under the cap- able direction of Miss Izzard. Hilda Thibert favoured the audience with two solos accompanied at the piano by Mr. Tapscott. Recently eight new pictures were prrchased by the Literary Society and during the program they were on display. Each room received one new picture. During the program Gordon Clu- bine. president of the 1944â€"45 \Var Effort Society. presented the school with a new amplifying system which was dedicated to the boys of Rich- mond Ilill Iligh School who gave their lives in the recent conflict. IN MEMORIAM ROBERTSONâ€"In loving memory Of my dear mother. Florence May. who passed away February 21st. 1944. A wonderful mother. woman and aid. One who was better God never made. A wonderful worker. so loyal and true. One in a million. that mother, was you. Just in your judgment. always right. Honest and liberal. ever upright. Loved by your friends and all you knew, A wonderful mother, that mother was you. â€"Sa;lly missed and ever remem- bered by Bonnie. Charlie and family. RECORD PEAS . LAING’S C. C. Sauce . 8 27 “TL. PAGE run: _.._ MRS. (lift). PEARSON PASSES \T I‘thlAt-‘I-INIEN'I‘ At‘Mli. ALTA. The engagement is announced of The death OL't'tll‘l‘t‘ti at Acme. Ab Miss Pearl \'alieria Prentice \‘f TU~ ireita on Tuesday. February l‘_’th of i into. daughter of the late Mrs. Wm. )Il'>. (reu'ge Alhert l’carson. ft“ l’tcrtire of London. tlnturio to Mt: n‘.nl_\' 301.2: a resident trI‘ that rii*- izzmes Melvin l‘llius linker of Yf'l'ix' trim}. linin at Knkt'rclti. tint. \ilt Mills. son of Mrs. Lauretta Billirl‘. was married llccrmb-r :lst. 151': t. lllackwater. Ont, The marriage to (leerefe Al u-rt I’eiti'son Thutnlriii take place early in May at Newton« and lot Zil years have livel .n th. nook I‘lliit‘ti Church. .\.t-ntr district. Sire ix ~ur'\i\ctl by â€" 1ԠI'm‘iml‘i‘ “Iii “llt‘ ‘t‘b Siill‘ritï¬ In order to cut a figure. a woman - l '. . I » _ ’ , ' ' . ‘ -tr.t. tr\e g._ri.tlthrldreu. also two srsr mu“ 1m“. m. “nymph, ï¬gure. tel». Mrs. l-l. t'anrpiu‘ll. tilt-at halls "fl Chitiqu HM MI." ‘1“ m“ “"15" i‘t'lii- Science has solved most evcr)‘ kill“ W114“- nt' problem exr-ept how to mitlte 011“ CHICâ€. . .Vâ€" ‘7 “ .lullar do the werk of two. Int ( llRl'l ., L _L__ W..- The annual St. l’atrick's liuchre LANCS'I‘AICI" BAPTIST ('III'RCII :[rlndnllruu will be held in the l‘arisit Dr. M. II. l-Ilantlin Pastor a if St. M: t': l" ' W I “MIH‘ ‘ . fl“ ‘ “Iâ€: 1‘ Hullâ€) Sunday. Mar. lllth .A ettntng. Mart-h lath. Ill:t\\ ' i .r i I _ I , ll a.m. Bible School. pit/.ts .rre poultry. trootl cuehrc _ . . - prizes. livery'irttly' welcome, t‘on» ii‘m'mhosiwl scrum“ w'oloist. Mrs. A. (lilbert. A Christian welcome awaits you. venors for this eucln'e are Mrs. \\'nt Sheehan and Mrs. .Ias. t'hristian, TRUCKS LE’l’l‘EREl) snow (amps A. R. I’LEWMAN IGNS WOOD â€" METAL 21 Yonge St.. Richmond Hill â€" Phone 284J STORE DISPLAYS PRICE TAGS Two Shows Daily _â€" 7.30 and 9.30 1). Saturday Matinee 2 pm. Saturday Evenings 7 and 9 pm. Friday and Saturday, March 8. 9 JAMES CAGNEY, ANN SHERIDAN. PAT O‘BRIEN “ TORRID ZONE †Monday and Tuesday. March 11. 12 .IOHN CARROLL. RUTH HUSSEY. CHARLES RUGIGLES ' “ BEDSIDE MANNER I†â€" â€"- â€" AND â€"- â€" â€" PHYLLIS THAXTER. EDMUND GWENN “ BEWITCHED †Wednesday and Thursday. March 13. 14 LINDA DARNELL. BARBARA BRITTON. GREG. McCLURE “ THE GREAT JOHN L. †BLI'E RIBBON 25C Coffee . . 19c iiii‘id Rice 1 lb. JAR 2 U‘ 7 Dâ€"N 49c §210 OZ. a.) ......‘ hf LEALAND WHITE Sour Onions . SWAN’S DOWN lt‘) Cake Flour . . .l HYGRADE Pretzel Stix . FA NCY QUALITY Tomato Juice AYLMER Prune Plums AYI.MER Pumpkin . . i3 SI-IELLED Almonds . . 9 H 20 4 Marmalade . . TIN ancy uality PKG . AYLM ER 2-1 oz JAR 35 25 25 59 19 17c HARRY HORNE'S 290 Vanilla . . . EXTRA HEAVY ' 210 Waxed Paper . KEMP’S SALTED 5219c Mixed Nuts . 150 Soup 140 BA I' MER'I‘ 1t; 07. BTL. 100 FT. OZ Cream Cheese CALIFORNIA SeedlessRaisins†20C OZ. RIPE YELLOW FLORID A FRESH Green Beans MARSH SEEDLESS Grapefruit .' 5 25c CALIFORNIA Lemons . E S ..)- SWEET .1 l'lt't BANANAS . . . . .. LR. 14c 2 7c om 29C 100 WAXED m 29C Turnips . FIRM RIPE Tomatoes SELECTED FLORIDA 25C Green Celery . ORANGES . . . 33c