HARNESS 1 Set Heavy Back Band Team Harn- ness, braSS mounted 1 Set heavy Breccmng Team Har- ness, brass mounted 1 Se: heavy Single Harness 3 hood High Top Collars Number 01 Odd Bridles_ HORSES 1 Imported Reg. Black Percheron Stallion, HARMONY (16635) 221570; sire, Heritage 208538; bred by T. R. Plank & Son, Ash- land. Ohio, U.S.A. 1 Canadian Bred Dapple Grey Reg. Percheron Stallion, EATO HALL SAUTEUR (17267); Sire. Fletan (13672) (180690) 1 Grey Percheron Gelding, 9 yrs. old 1 Bay Part Belgian Filly, rising 3 years ' 1 Bay Mare, I'I.D., 7 yrs. old HHIâ€"‘H HH HIâ€"‘HH r-uâ€"l IMPLEMENTS Robt. Bell Threshing Machine, 254x40, good, complete with blowâ€" er, sell. feeder, chatf blower, 18 It. grain elevator, and clover cleaner Case 'lractor, Model C, in gOOd order McUormick Deering one-way Disc, 5 ft., new Cocksnutt a Furrow Tractor Plow, narrow bottom, good as new International Stirf Tooth Cultivat~ or, 16 tooth, good as new, trac- tor hitch, power lift 'l‘ructor ‘l'andem Disc Harrow, Cockshutt FIcui‘y-ï¬lssel Grain Grinder, 9% in. plate Cutting Box McCormick Deering Binder, 7 ft. truck and carrier, new Frost & Wood Mower, 5 ft. M-ll Horse Rake, 12 ft. M-H Side Delivery Rake, 300d May Tedder ED. KYLE, Clerk Termszâ€"Cash. No Reserve as Farm is Sold KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, AVAILABLE IN MARCH BARRED ROCKS - NEW HAMPS WHITE LEGHORNS L.S. x N.H. CROSSBREEDS N.H. x B.R. CROSSBREEDS NOW AVAILABLE â€" STARTED CHICKS CHEK-R-CHIX Newmarket HATCHERY 15 . - Iimstein Heifer, 18 months old mack and w [1ch lieher, 15 months of sale ___ Holstcm Cow, bred Dec. 8 holstcul Cow, fun 110w, bred Sept of sale Holstein Cow, due time Holstein Cow, due time Holstein Cow, due time Black and White Cow, old I'Iomtcin Heifers, yearlings ~ EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY CATTLE, REG. PERCHERONS, :FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS but .Uo'ozi ‘Sirniglre Driving Harness Black Cow, fresh Black and White Estate of the LATE ROBERT SUTTON Lot 8, Concession 5, Vaughan Township, At Edgeley, 1/2 mile north .of No. 7 Hgy. ' SATURDAY, MARCH 16th, 1946 A FINANCIAL AGENCY ’w I CHER-fl-CHIX l Chek-R-Chix Richmond Hill, 'Ont. REAL ESTATE CONVEYANCING Money to Loan on First Mortgages GENERAL INSURANCE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FOWL 14 Mixed Hens PAGE SIX We draw Deeds, Mortgages. Discharge of Mortgages, Wills and other legal documents. Public Liability, Property Damage. Coll'sion. Fire and The“. Special rates on cars used for pleasure only. For a small additional premium you may include a “Medical Expense Coverage" to the owner and other occupants of car. Plate Glass, Farm Properties, Private Dwellings, chse- hold Contents, etc. Floater or “All-Risk" Policies covering personal property at. any 10cation against fire, theft, mys- terious disappearance, etc. - Phone 479 CATTLE collect rents and ~interest payments on mortgages. PROPERTY BELONGING TO THE FARM SOLD Cow, due time ROY HERRINGTON NOTARY PUBLIC .f sale ’f sale ’f sale due time Milliken P.0., phone Agincourt ézw near new, complete wun mom: 1 Sec r‘latIorm bcagcs, 1200 lbs. cap. 1 bet. btewarr. Electric clippers 1 bet \bLewart hunu Bower puppch 1 bircular haw Name and blade J. Liectro Pail, new .1 hoot. Pulpers l banning lulu complete with bagg- er l5 SLeel Fence Posts 5 bLeel U11 Urums, 45‘ gal. 1 Draw hope, 150 ft. 1 bet Sling Hopes l 1 J ‘ -‘ _.-Lâ€"A bement Mixer nay row 1 Wheelbarrow L- Timbers 12x12 by 2.0 ft. long l lVecKyokes .: bLCCl Luivcrls 5 Sets Uouuletrees Spades, Shovels, noes, Rakes, Chains Perks and numerous mucr urn- icles HAY AND GRAIN 1 Now 01 Mixed Hay About. 250 bus. mued Grain {)0 L05. herbageum 10): homes 00 Lbs. nerbageum 101~ tattle FURNITURE L Pandora Cook Stove 1 Sideboard I 1 box Stove L Pontiac Kitchen Range 1 Dresser 1 Quebec Healer L bteel Bed and Springs 3 Small Tables 1 homing Chair L Writing Desk 1 Aladdin Lamp L Victrom Cabinet Number of Gramophone Records L Pullâ€"Our. Coucn 1 Singer Sewing Machine, good 1. liitcnen Cabinet, Number of Fruit Sealers 1 Kitchen Tabiel thension Table l DeForest Crosley Llectric Radio Number 01 other articles too numâ€" erous to mention FOR MORE EGGS AND BETTER MEAT mun lo and null met-1 Lana “onâ€, 3 drums but Ul'dg‘ 11aA1'0\VS, 4 sec. but 11mg narrow:, 3 sac. ocunler 1 Lurmy Drill Lochmmtt Manure bpl'tmsdel, goou Lucasnuu no. u Wammg rmw bucm‘uuw z ruu‘ow hang mow “ouster Wagon Low rénn Muck Wagon Gear, M-h Hay Loader good 1mm: Wagon Gears, good buuer ’ 1 bum/mat ha: Hay Racks on 1301) 611313415 MCCOrlmcu uccrlug Lulming Ma- cmnc, z umts, new, In guuu snape h.r. Electric Motor for abovg \mimg meant beparator lntcruauouax l\‘_um homer, 4 can, Sale at 1pm. sharp Alex. Hill, Manager Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS Telephone 87 Mr. Walter ICralg was in Water- loo last week, the guest of the Mu- tual Lite Insurance Company of Uanada. mr. and Mrs. J. Joyce of Agin- coul‘t and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker VlSlDed “uh .vns. uoyce of Monte 011 bunday. H mrs. Wm. Boynton, Miss O. Bur‘r and Miss M. sanuel'son 01 Rlchmond nul spent Sunday attemoon at me Home 01' Mr. and Mrs. (J. burr. Ionto. #103 .Mr. and Mrs. A. vShenfield and family visited at the home of Mrs. Ridge of Toronto on Sunday. Mr. and' Mrs. E. Walton attended the twentyâ€"fifth wedding annivers- ary oi Mr. and Mrs. Honsberger on baturday, Fe‘m'uary 23rd. _ World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 8th. Brown‘s Corners W.M.S. will observe this special session at the home of Mrs. J. Brown on the above date at _2.307 p.m. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -P. Bassingcr on Sunday were Mrs. Bl‘ownhill and daughter Irene and Mr. and IMI‘S. Atkinson of T0- 1‘onto. 3420' Brown's Corners United Church Young People’s Society were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Newson at their home on Friday, March 1st. The evening was spent happily in games and contests and a large numnoer of members were on hand to share the fun. Lunch was provided by the hostess at the close of the evening. The president, Miss A. Summers. thanked the host and hostess on be‘ half of the members. The “Davidson ‘Mission Band will meet at the home of Mrs. N. Reid on Saturday. March 9th. U11 briday, Maren 15th, we W.I. are sponsormg a dance L0 be held in me null when men. Rose’s ‘Urchestra w‘u supply the music. The W.I. held an all day quilting on Tuesday, February 26th at, the home of Mrs. K. 'Stots. A number of people from Gonnâ€" ley enJoyed the pommencement 19x- u'cises presented by the .Stouffville mgn Scnom students. last brmay eV- emng. mm. Margaret, Haig and Mr. Perry Edwaius nad supper bunday ’evenmg with Mr. and nus. Harry u'ennett. ‘1ms week‘ apparently is “congra~ tulations" ween. we are pleaSea to congraLulate Mr. and Mrs. David rims wno celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary on Monday of this Week. Quite a number 01' Iliends shared in me anniversary supper. barbs Agnes Sider of Fort Erie Buble School spent last week-end at ner home nel‘e. Congratulations to Mr. and.Mrs. Morrls r‘alquharson wno were mar- ned a week ago last \baturaay. We extend our must \Vlshes Ior their nappmess. . we are very sorry that MiSS vShir- ley Uoner, daugmer 01‘ Mr. and Mrs. narold boner, buttered slight injury and night, w-uen sne was mckea by a cow. he also wish to extend the con- gratulanons 0; our commumty to Aur. and Mrs. Uharue hoover, Iormer reSIdents, who W111 celebrate their 25th weuding anmversary tms Sat- urday. m1: and Mrs. A. L. Brown and Mr. and Mrs. M. N. Weatheriu were v15- uors an me home 0; 1V11‘. and Mrs. r‘lumsteaa, Toronto, on Saturday ev- smng. ‘ m was M. Warne attended the an- nual meL-Ling 01 the Unwrio Girls work boaru held 111 Emmanuel bob .ege Saturday and Sunday. Miss Urace boner and Mr. and Mrs. Allan noner spent Sunday vis- Hing Mrs. rl'dnms Hisey, Mrs. mauha Lumonas and MI‘. Douglas u.sey of Toronto. ‘Un l‘riday auel'noon, March 8, in the Heise nill Church, four congre- gationsâ€"Mount, risgan, Mennomte, mum-1m bquare and Brethren in Unristâ€"wiu umte 101- the Women's world Day OI Frayer. This service will begin at, 2.30 and all ladle: snould participaLe in this nation- wide enterprise. umonvme nocney team eliminated the Markham team 1n the bush ‘eague last. '1nursuay_ thh a scorgpi o-u. Agmcourt euminated the Miill- Ken team. ’1'nu1'sday (tonight) Ag- mcuurt and Unionville begin the play-qu series or two out OI three z,ali.es.. ban the boys count on your support? ' ..... and Mrs. Charles Kennedy and famuy 01 (new oersey are visiting imam-es in me district. A very line servwe oi worship was neiu in me United Church when ulgflt members w the loung reo- yies buion became members of the eungregauun w cumessxun of lawn. Mme: Deul ul‘Own, Nancy \veir, ‘vlaVls Tnomson, Nancy ï¬a’e, Corrine uanvuy, messrs. Uean r‘ululay, (10rd- on .31an anu Leswr Weatnen’ll. AI- cer Lne servxce the loung People’s union sponsored a rireaide nour mm speaners 11")!“ the University ul '1‘oiumo. Mr. all]! beunarme m llilllu'du, a candidate 101‘ me min- isu'y, spoke 01 ms summer in.a work camp “.1 Welland, Miss vr'eari Kan- cnamn on \my sue came to ballaflu .0 Lane a course m mnuergarcen “on, emu “11.35 Clzue moaneâ€"oeale Ju me hvl’lu mum-nu Lihnsuan red- uLdUUIl. Mr. M. 1001c sang nw .euor 3010:. heiresnments wrought .ms evening to a close. loung reo- pie 11-0111 nulltkiell mere gueus 01 me evening. Uu iriday, March 8th at 3 pm. Wul'ld Uay uI rruyer :ervnce in me uutneran Chum-n, uniunvme. Mem- new mom me Lui'ee cnurcnes will be .amng part. _ 1m- a5mpathy of the communlty is extenueu 1.0 Mr. J. A. rlemmg whose uromer was. kllled last ween an, reterboro in an accident. BUTTONVILLE UNION V lLLE GORMLEY, THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Lot 21, Con. 8. Markham Twp. 1 Mile North of Markham Village TUESDAY, MAR. 12 HORSES Chestnut Gelding, Belgian, 6 years Chestnut Gelding, Belgian, 6 years A‘bove team well matched and weigh about 3500 pounds Black M-al'e, 7 years old Black Mare, 8 years old‘ A'bove are a well matched: outstand mg team, about, 2800 lib-s. DAIRY CATTLE Real Estate, Choice Dairy Herd, Farm Stock, Implements, Farm Machinery, etc. side 5â€"Holstein- Cow, due sale time ~6â€"Holstein. 00w, due April 9 7â€"Hol‘stein Cow, due April 1 8â€"Ho‘ls-tein' Cow, due April 17 9â€"Holstein Cow, xdue May 1 10â€"Holstein' Cow, fresh sale time 11â€"Holstein» Crow, due May 7 12â€"Red- & White Cow, due by sali 1‘3â€"H‘olstein‘ Cow, full flow, Ibred Sept. 23 14â€"Red' and White Heifer, full f10lSâ€"Holstein Heifer, milking 16â€"Holstein Heifer, imil‘king 17â€"Holstein- Heifer, full flow, bre- 14â€"Red' and White Heifer, full flow lSâ€"Holstein Heifer, milking 16â€"Holstein Heifer, imil‘king 17â€"Holstein- Heifer, full flow, bred January ‘24 1 ‘Fat Heifer 18â€"Holstem Heifer, 125 months 5 Holstein Heifers, 1 year old 2 Holstein Heifers, 5 months old Holstein Bull, 21/2 Vea‘rs 01d W‘hite Sow, {bred Feb. 7 3 Fat Hogs Whi-te About 40 Chunks ' .FARM MACHINERY - Ford Ferguson Tractor on rubber, with lights and starter 2 f-urrow Case Tractor Plow, good McCormick Deering 11 tooth Trac- tor Cultivator ‘ De‘Laval Magnetic Milking: Machine. 12 outlets \v.t‘n 2 units, complete with 3/4 horse power motor Mâ€"H iNo‘ 2‘1 Mower, 5 ft. cut M-H No. 20 Mower, 5 ft. cut Steel Land Keller, 3 drum M-H Transplanter, with rollers and HARNESS Set Tealm' Breeching Harness with brass mountings Set Team Back Band Harness with brass mountings Set Team Carriage Light Harness, nickel mounted. with collars Number of Horse Collars MISCELLANEOUS Gasoline Pump and Hose 2 'Steel Gas Barrels Log- Chain Kitchen Range, Master, reservoir and warming closet. good Large Brass Kettle. other articles REAL ESTATE No. 1 Parcelâ€"'20 acres of choice Garden .Land situated on the corner of Lot 20, Con. 8 Markham. N0. '3 Parcelâ€"17 acres of choice garden land with never failing drill- ed well. paved road, bus service. one mile north of Village of Markham on highway. ,.:II 1â€"H‘o‘lstein‘ 2â€"Holstein 3#Holstein Above mentioned real estate will be sold subject to reserve lbid. Terms: 10 per cent on day of sale. Temns for balance made knOWn on day of sale. Real Estate Offered between 2.30 and 3 p.m. For fur- ther particulars apply to the auc- tioneers or owner. .- ï¬lm-r AUCTION SALE of Albert R. Wideman side 4â€"‘Holstein TERMS 0n Chattels. CASH. Sale at 1 p.m. Sharp No Reserve. proprietor is giving up farming Ken and Clarke Prentice. Aucts. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Alimken, Pnone Agllluul't 0.1“;5. ALVIN “lDbMAN, uerk. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK A Township Public Health Centre in Ontario The above is the title df a 2- page article appearing in the Januarv 1946 issue of the Can- adian Journal of Public Health. It refers to our P. H. Centre here at \Villowdale and the article is interesting and in- formative. Readers who are interested in a fuller report of the activities of the NY. Health Department have been invited to write for a copy of the 1944 Report and already requests have come in; the most distant request to date being from Regina. It is very gratifying to the Board of Health and Municipal Council to learn that the Public Health Centre is fulfilling a very worthy place in the life of this municipality and in the protecâ€" tion of the pu‘blic health of its citizens. ' v CARL E. HILL. M.D.. M.O.H. The Property of Cow, fres-h sale tinne Cow, d‘ue sale time Heifer, fresh, calf ‘by Heifer, fresh, PIGS White Brood Sow due sale time due April 9 due April 1 due April 17 due May 1 fresh sale time due May 7 Cow, due by sale Machine. complete motor cut cut calf by THURSDAY, MAR. 14 Lot 27. (on. 5. Markham Twp. Number of Hens 1 Renvfrew Cook Stove, good 3‘ Kitchen ‘Chairs 1 Quebec Heater 1 3-Piece Che<terfie1d Suite 2 Kitchen Cabinets 1 Dining Room Table and 5 Chairs 1 Large Kitdhen Table 1 Day Bed 1 Babv Carriage 1 Couch Nanv other articles 3 Iron Beds and Springs 3 Dressers Mir 1 Washsband 1 Kitchen Cupboard Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. No Reserve J I M SM 11‘“. Clei'k Quantity of Hay Quantity of Mixed Grain- POULTRY “Was your husband badly hurt when he was struck by a car, Liza?" “Yessuh, he suffered from conclu~ sion of the brain.†- “You mean goncussion of the brain don’t you?†“No suh,- ah means conclusion He’s dald!†AUCTION SALE of Public Auction Sale of Dairy Herd, HOI‘SCS, Farm Stock, Imple- Implements, ments, Hay, Harness, Tractor, Hay, Gram, Furniture, Etc. Furniture, Etc. The Property of Bay Gelding, rising Belgian Mare, risine Blue Cow, calf ‘by side Hol-stei-n Cow, calf by side Holstein 00w. calf 'by side *Holstein Cow. fresh 2 months Blue Cow, due March «21 Holstein Cow, due March 25 Holstein Cow, due April 15 Holstein Cow, clue May 1 ‘Hols-tein Cow, due May 5 Holstein Cow, due May 22 Holstein C-ow, due May 27 Holstein (low, due May 31 Holstein Cow, due May 13 Blue Heifer, due June 25 Blue Cow, due June 13 Holstein Heifers, bred IMPLEMEN’I'S , I.I{.C. Tractor, 10-20, in good con- (lition I.l-I.C. oneâ€"wary Disc, 6 ft. I.H.C. Binder. 6 ft. cut, 5 years, tooth Oliver Stiff Tooth tooth McCormick Deering Iti'oned Rubber Tired: Wagon, good Hay Tedd‘er, McCormick Deering Trench Wagon 1 Root Pulper Corn Cultivator, good Set Double Disc, 32 plate M-H 'Masn‘ure Spreader Set Diamond Barrows, 4 section I.H.C. Roller. 3 drum-s, good M~H 13 Disc Drilll 3-Fur1‘otw Tractor Disc 2-Fu1'row >Pl'o«w, Little Wonder, 8’ Gress fitting Frost & Wood' Mower, 5 ft. cut, M-H Spring Toobh Cultivator, 1‘ ft., 5 years old ' Otto Tractor, good _ I.HA.C. Cutting Box, 12A, l'econdn bottom Set 3100;) Sleighs and Flat Rack Set Lig‘ht Sleighs and Box, good Set Stewart Hand Clippers Set Soa‘les, 2000 lbs. capacity Fleury Grain Grinder, 10†Bag Truck 1 Walking Scuffler Brooder Stove, coal oil, 500 chick Set Team Harness, twin, ne Set Breeching Harness ‘H-orsé Colll‘ars, good Gormdey. On‘t.Y pjhone .Stoluff. 7312 capacity Brood‘er House, 10x12, good' Sung-e Milking Machine, 2 units, in good condition Line Shaft and‘ Pulley, complete Electric Motor, 1 H.P. Electric MotOr, 1/2 HP. I.H.C. Cream Separator, large. electric driven and motor, com- plete Draw Rope 1 Gasoline Engine 'Chatlhvam Fanning Mill Wooden Silo, 14x24 ft. HARNESS arms Cash; Sale at 1 p.m. No Reserve ALVIN S. FARMER, Auct. PULLAN BROS. Langstaff, Ontario HAY AND GRAIN :l‘lgg Property‘ of Langstaff Feed Service It isn't enough to know the analy- sis of a feedâ€"«you must know how that analysis is made up. You must know how many pounds of the expensive ingredients like pow- dered milk, meat meal and cereal grass are in the feed. And you get this information, right down to the pound, of every in- gredient in CAFETERIA Chick Starter. We can’t invite you to compare the ingredients of CAFETERIA Chick Starter with other chick starters for no other feed gives you full formula information. We invite you to visit your nearest MONARCH and (.‘.\I“ETERIA feed dealer to check over the complete list of ingredients in CAFETERIA CHICK STARTER. ELIMINATE the feed hazard in chick raising CAFETERIA POULTRY FEEDS MONARGH lIVESTOOK FEEDS FURNITURE The only "open formula†feeds on the markef. Made by Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited and sold by HORSES CATTLE Hay Rake, Cultivator, 5 yrs‘ 4 yrs THURSDAY, MARCH 7th. 194-6. new At HEADFORD Wednesday, March 13 HERB. SMITH Lot 21. Con. 3. Markham Twp. 1 Light, Bay Gel-ding _ 1 Bay Gelding ‘ 1 Brown- Mare The above team are ‘big, clean legng and- :good‘ to work Telephone Thornhill 172W 1 1 3 2 1 1 l 1 2 l 1 tires, good 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Cockshutt Walking Plow 1 Rolling Coulter and :Beam Clip 1 International Walking Plow 1 Hay Rack, 16 It†.gOOd 1 Open Buggy 1 Cutter 1 Electric Fencer, new 1 Extension Ladder, 32 ft, new 1 .Plah’orm Scale, 1200 lbs. capacity 1 Scacld'insg Barrel and Pot 1 Pig Crate 3 Logging Chains 3 Doz. Good Cotton Grain Bags Number of Good Jute .Sacllcs Pick 1 Spade Crowbar “l Straw Knife Galvanized Sta'ble Pails Balls Twine, 650 ft. Cyclone Seeder, near new Roort Pulper ] Drain 'Cruymmer Melotte Cream Sepavat-or Platform Spring Wa‘gOn' Sets Hand Clippers, good Fleury Cutting .Box Wood-en qumlphead with porcelain 1 Set Team Harness, long tug 1 Pair Horse Blankets 1 Set Single Harness 1 Set ‘Heavy Breech'ing‘s HAY About 20 Tons of ‘V vay Trio of Yellow Geese 60 Hens. Ilatyi~mg well Forks, Rakes, S‘hovel's, Douiblctrces and‘ other articles too numerous to mention 1 Dining Room Table 4 Chairs 1 Arm Chair 1 Fall Leaf' Table 1 Iron 'Bed 1 0a": Sideboard 1 Wardroï¬e ‘1 Daisrv Churn 1 Butter .‘Bowl, La-d'le and Print 1 Meat Grinder l Washsfand 1 Fat Press and‘ Sausage Stuffer 1 Bedstead' andr Sprin 1 Settee 1 Sofa 1 Upholsteredl Rocket 1 Upholstered Chair ‘- R‘oclci'nvg- Chair 1 Electric Lamp 1 Set Curtein Stretchers 1 Electric Toaster 1 Floor Polisher, 15 pounds .25 Fruit Jars 1 50 Lb. Crock 1 Lantern 1 Mirror Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. Positively No Reserve A. S; FARMER, Auctioneer, Govmrl‘ey. Ont. phone Stouff. 7312 JAS. SMITH, Clerk. about: March 30th Holstein Cow, due to freshen about CATTLE Holstein Cow, fresh, calf by side Black Cow, fresh, calf by Sld'e Part Ayrshire Cow, due to freshen April 22nd Holstein Cow, fultl flow Part Ayrshire 00w, fulJl fl‘ow Young Holstein Cow. tfulrl flow Holstein ‘Heifer, rising 2 years Holstein Heifer, 1 year Holistein- Bull. 1 vear IMPLEMENTS Frost & Wood Binder, 7 ft. cut, vator Spring Tooth Cultivator Set Disc Harrows, i‘nthrow 'Codkshutt Grain Grinder Cockshutt Manure Spreader, No. 4 M-H Corn Binder Iron Scuffler 1 Horse Rake, 9 ft. M-H ‘Seedi Drill, 13 ‘s-polut, good Set Drag H‘arrctws, 4 section Set Light, Harl‘ows, 4 section Lland' Roller, 3 drums Low Wheel‘Earm Wagon, 3 inch sheaf carrie‘r and truck Frcst ‘82: Wood Mower Frost & Wood Stiff Tootih Cul~ti- cy-lilnder Brood‘er Steve and Hover, 500 chick ca.p. Necykyoke FURNITURE HORSES 1 Stone Boa-t HARNESS FOWL