TT‘WÂ¥* wan-v :. _. .l -1... . ‘0- PAGE EIGHT 090000909000990.0006990900090909004 i ST. PATRICK’S O EUCHRE. a. DANCE In Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill THURSDAY, MARCH 14TH Sponsored by ' ThornhilIAmateur Athletic Association , KenRose’s Orchestra Lucky Draw â€"â€" 1946 Mantel Radio Admission 50 Cents OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ '00000009000 BLACKBURN’S ‘ APPLIANCE AND SALES AUTHORIZED DEALERS CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES CANADIAN MARCONI RADIOS SALES 'â€" SERVICE i TELEPHONE THORNHILL 631‘13 Chrysler 'Air Temp Oil Burners The Geo. A. Kelson Co. wish to announce that they are agents for the CHRYSLER AIR TEMP OIL BURNERS Due to a shortage of oil burners- we would advise you to get your order in now. We will have a limited quantity of Chrysler Air Temp Oil Burn- ers for installation in the coming season. Order now and be sure of yours. GEO. A. KELSON CO. PHONE 177 THORNHILL ï¬ctional Wayward Secure . benefits THE WHOLE community Regular employment and pay envelopes make fcr carefree families-for prosperous communitiesâ€"for ‘ "good times†for employer and employee alike. The National Employment Service, with offices in more than 200 cities and towns across Canada, serves the needs of both employers and employeesâ€"and the local N. E. S. office takes its place in importance to the community among the time honoured com- munity institutionsâ€"the Post Office, the Court House, theCityHall......... ' Without National Employment Service, the worker is left to his own initiative to find a job to support himself and his family. The employer may be un- able to reach workers he requires. National Employ- ment Service is the clearing house through which employer and employee are brought together, so that both may have their free choice of the entire employment market. National Employment Service has 5 main functions: 1â€"-0rganization of the whole employment market, and bringing together employers and employees; 2â€"ACollection of information on employment prob- lems for the use of Government, Management and Labour; 3~Administration of Reinstatement in Civil Em- ployment Act; 47ADealing with Unemployment Insurance Benefits; 5â€"-Dealing with Out-of-INork Benefits for Ex-Service Personnel. Make full use of the Local Office of National Employment Service. It is there to serve your needs, and those of the entire Community. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thornhill District News The final meeting of the Red Cross will be held in Lawrence Me- morial Ilall on Tuesday. March lBth at I} p.m. All interested are invited to attend. and those having knittingr or wool are requested to bring it in. This will be good news for those who have been waiting for wool. Mrs. Blackburn of LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts reports that she 1‘0- eeived a shipment of wool last week and is now in a position to supply her customers. In addition. she is now carrying a line of ribbons for all purposes. both narrow and wider widths. This is the final reminder of the World Day of Prayer, to be held in Thornhill Presbyterian Church Friâ€" day. March Sth at 3 pm. This iS YOUR meeting and YOU are invit- ed to attend. Each of the local churches and Langstaff Baptist will be taking part. and there will be special music. Mrs. Frank Findlay of Centre St. has been confined to bed for the past two weeks, but her friends will be glad to hear she is improving now and may be allowed up this weekâ€"end. Mrs. Findlay’s daughter, Velma. of Unionvillc. has been nurs- ing her mother. Mr. John Greer of Centre St. is in Toronto East General Hospital where he is under observation. In spite of the stormy day, quite a number of members of the Junior W.A. of Trinity Anglican Church met on Tuesday afternoon, February 26th. They are busy working on a quilt and are gradually getting their Spring bale together. Trinity Anglican Choir has begun work on special music for Good Friâ€" day and Easter Sunday. We can con- fidently expect the same high qual- ity that we have always experienced in their Christmas music. Mr. Howâ€" ard, the organist and choir master. needs more men. Those interested will be made very welcome at choir practice anv Fridav evening. The Anglican [Advance Appeal is already showing results in increased church attendance. It is the confi- dent hope of the church that the movement will give increased vital- ity and spiritual power, as the church prepares to play her part in mending a broken world. At a meeting of the Parish COunâ€" cil of Trinity Anglican Church held on Monday night last, the need was expressed for a sidewalk running along Yonge St. from one end of the district to the other. The church and Sunday School attendance of all our churches is adversely affected by traffic conditions, and the danger to pedestrians. It was hoped that all denominations would add the weight of church needs to see if something cannot ‘be done to improve the situ- ation. . Mr. Gordon Walker who was in- jured when struck by a car on Sat- urday. February 23rd, is improving gradually and the special nurses asâ€" signed to his case have been re- moved. Gordon has both legs in casts and will be in Christie Street hospital until around May lst. The United Church Young People are planning a special week-end for March 16th and 17th. A feature of the occasion will be the Sunday morning service of .March 17th in which Capt. Eldridge Currie, a for- mer pastor, will be guest preacher. Lt. Tom Duncan of Sault Ste. Marie spent the week-end with his father and mother'at the United Church parsonage. Mrs. W. Wesley Sr. has been pl‘e- sented with a life membership in the United Church Women’s Missionary Societv. The membership comes from her fellow members of the Thornhill Auxiliary. On Sunday morning last, Mr. N L. Morton and Mr. Herbert Banting were ordained to the eldership in Thornhill United Church. The “CA. and W.M.S. of Thornâ€" hill United Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Johns, Yonge St. on Thurs- dav afternoon. March 7th, What Thornhill needs is a good shoe repair man. Mr. Bignall filled this position at one time but he left Thornhill some time ago. Here is a opportunity f0“ a returned vet- eran. A course could be taken at the Rehab. Centre and an important need in the community filled. Trinity Church Men’s Club was 1'»- organized on Monday evening, Feb- ruary 25th, after several years of inactivity. The men met in the men’s room of Lawrence Memorial Hall and had an exciting game of carpet bowls. Thornhill defeated Langstaff by a fair margin, due partly to Billy Howard and his lucky bowl with a chip Out Of-it. Many of the old members were present and found that hand and eye had not entiiely lost their cunning. After the game. a short meeting was held when it was decided to postpone the election of officers till more memâ€" bers could be present. The second meeting of the Men‘s Club was held on Monday evening last at 8 o'eloek. It is hoped that the election of officers will take place next Monday night, and all members and prospective members are asked to attend. The “CA. of Trinity Anglican t‘hurch met last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thompson. Langstaft'. with a large number of the ‘ members present. Both the president. Mrs. Tassie, and the 1st vice-president. Mrs. Fratcr. were ill. and in their absence Mrs. Ball preâ€" e' led. Plans were made to adopt some person in England. and to send a parcel of food each momh_ It was also agreed that the “IA. should sponsor a Handicraft Exhibition to take place in Lawrence Memorial Hall on June 8th. Everyone enjoyed the refreshments kindly provided by the hostess. The next meeting will be held on March 11th at the home c5 Mrs. (opp. Sunday las: was observed by Tl’i‘l- ity Anglican (‘hurch as a day of con- tinuous prayer in connection with the All‘lit‘dl‘. Advanci- Appeal. In met:- I miinitc periods. one or more per- :i‘ "lt‘ t‘ll ll'cll \\ itiiiittr a wreak t‘iom T.-lo a.m. until after the evening service. The evening ser- _,..‘\ up“. vice was attended by a large i‘On- gregation including many members of the Thornhill Year-up Club. The pulpit of Trinity Anglican Church will be occupied by two guest preachers next Sunday. At the morning service the Rev. F. Y. Ahâ€" bott of Schombcrg will speak, while in the evening.r the Rev. G. A. Stone of Newmarkct will be the preacher. There will be an evening service each Sunday from now until Easter. A southbound radial car left. the tracks at Steele's Ave. on Sunday afternoon and plowed its way across Yonge St. Although it caused some excitement, no damage was reportâ€" ed. and a bus service between Steele's Ave. and Thornhill augmentâ€" ed thc service from Toronto to Rich- inond I’Iill. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bone and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hcslop are out of town for a few days in order to attend the Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion Convention being- held at Niag- ara Falls. Mrs. Bone and Mrs, Hesâ€" lop were appointed delegates to this convention which is to be held on the 7th and 8th, Thursday and Friâ€" day. Mr. Bone has a part in the program. A professor from Cornell University is to be guest speaker. Premafurely springlike weather last weekâ€"end caused some discomâ€" fort to pedestrians and motorists alike when waters covered a section of No. 7 highway in Thornhill to a depth of a foot in some places. Thornhill Amateur Athletic Asso- ciation is sponsoring a St. Patrick‘s Euchre and Dance in Lawrence Me- morial Hall on Thursday, March 14. The Yearâ€"up Club is decorating the Hall and putting on the entertain- ment. A contest for ticketâ€"selling between the Year-up Club and the Amateur Association is being stag- ed, and on the night of the dance. the losing team must push peanuts with their noses the length of the hall. Besides the 1946 Stewart- Warner radio \being given for a lucky draw, there will be prizes for dances, and refreshments, and an- other record-breaking attendance is expected. ' A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss. Kay Heming- way last Thursday evening in honor of Miss Marg. Longley, formerly of Thornhill. The wedding is to take place early in March. Handicraft Show in the Offing As everyone is interested in handiâ€" crafts these days it seems high time that we had another exhibition to discover what the many talented members of our community have been doing lately. The Women's Auxiliary of Trinity Church is there- fore planning to hold a Handicraft Fair. The date has been tentatively set for Saturday, June 8th. That is three months awayâ€"plenty of time in which to get together some of the very best examples of your paint- ings. photography, weaving, wood carvings, cakinet making. hooked rugs, quilts, knitting, needle work, or what have you. Besides the work on view there will be some very in- teresting demonstrations in weaving, wood carving, etc. Music and re- freshments will round out what it is hoped will be a very happy and memorable affair. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Mar. 10th 10 ;i.lll.-â€"~Stllltla)' School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. i p.m.'â€"E\'ening Worship. Special Music'. The choir will be assisted by MISS Loretta Dickenson, so- prano, radio artist and prize win- ner at the Kiwanis Musical Fest~ ival. All are welcome. ST.‘ MARY’S ANGLICAN CIIURCII RICHMOND HILL Rev. \V. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Sunday, March 10th LENT 11 antâ€"Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. Series on “‘God's Call to His Church.†1. To Conversion. 2.30 p.m. Sunday School. 7 punâ€"Evening Prayer and Sermon. Series on “The Revival of Faith.†1. In God. lev. H. C. Blake, Bradford. - Wed, Mar. 13}. b‘ p.m.#l)evotions and Address. Series on “Our Heritage". ‘1. The Old Church Comes to Canada. All cordially invited to worship with us. SHREDDIES WHOLE Soup, 10 oz. tin . . . . . H A R RY HORN E’S GRAVEE . . . . . . . . . . AYLMER Baby Food, 5 oz. tin . COWAN'S Cocoa, 1,4; lb. tin . . . . . ORANGE I’EKOE meiid-Mmum; may.“ . 's . r ' ..A . .,.. ELGIN WEEK-END SP Wheat Cereal, 2 10 oz. pkgs. 23c Campbell‘s; Chicken Noodle and Vegetable Salada Tea, 3?; lb. pkg. . . . . . 36c QUEE’S General Store MILLS, 75 Yards ‘West of Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 131»- TIIURSDAY. MARCH 7th. 1946. Sale Register Tl‘liSllAY. M.\ll('ll Illslinporzaii auction sale of 37 acres real while. also choice high grade Dairy Cattle. 2 outstanding thatched teams of hoiscs. harness, hogs. farm imple~ mcnt.s intlnd ng Ford Ferguson truc- tnr. llllllst'lliiltl furniture. ctt'., prop- erty ot' :\liel't R. Wideman, lot :31. con. .‘s’ Markham Twp†1 mile north from Markham village. Sale at 1 sharp. Ttrm. on chattels caï¬ii without reserve. Terms on real estate made l\'llO\\"l on day of sale. ()wncr quitting farming. Ken and Claike Prentice. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY. MAR. flea-\nction sale of farm stock. implements, hay, harness. fzrniture. etc., the property of Her: Smith. lot :11. con. i} Mark~ ham Twp., at lleadt'ord. Terms pus-h. No reserve. Sale starts 1 p.m. A. S. Farmer. (tormley, auctioneer. THURSDAY, MARt'll Iii Anction sale of llolstcin critic, farm impleâ€" ments. 10-20 I.II.C. tractor. hay. grain and furniture, the property of Pullan Brcs., lot 27. con. 5 Mark- ham. Terms cas‘h. Sale at 1 pan. sharp. No IEEQIVL‘. A. S. Farmer. auctioneer". FRIDAY, MARCH 15â€"Auctioni sale merits. furniture. etc., the property of Wm. O.Sulli\'an, lot :35, con. 3 Searbcro, at O’Sullivan's Corners. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.nt. No rcâ€" tserve as farm is sold. .Ias. Smith. clerk. Sellers. & Atkinson, auction- ecrs. SATURDAY, MARCH Iiiâ€"Extens- ive auction sale of Case tractor. threshingr machine. high grade dairy cattle. 2 reg. Percheron stallions. other good horses, i'arm stock. imâ€" plements, hay, grain, roots, furni- ture, etc., the property of the estate of the late Robert Sutton. lot 8, con. 5 Vaughan Twp, 1/2 mile north of No. T Highway, Edgeley. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at, 12.30 noon sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 20â€"Extensive auction sale of high grade dairy cattle, farm stock, implements, household furniture, including elecâ€" tric stove, refrigerator, vacuum, hay, grain, roots. etc., the property oi~ J. W. Brownridge, lot 27, con. 5 Pitk- ering Twp, 1 mile east of “hire vale. Terms cash. No reserve as farm sold. Ken and Clarke Prentâ€" ice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MARCII 20â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, furnâ€" iture, etc., the property of D. Kinct. lot 26. con. 5 Whitchurch. Terms cash. Sale at 12 o‘clock. See full list in this paper March 11th. F. N. Smith, Auctioneer. . h THURSDAY. MAR. 21â€"Important auction sale of farm stock, imple- ntcnls. including Ford Ferguson trac- tor. near new on rubber, hay, grain, roots, silage. household furniture, etc., the property of J. Gray, lot 22, con. 2 Scarboro Twp., 1/2 mile east of Agincuurt. 3.1 mile south. Sale at 1 p.1n. sharp. Terms Cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SATURDAY, MAR. Bilâ€"Important. auction sale of complete line of farm implements. furniture, tools, etc., the property of Alfred C. Smelser, lot; :iï¬. con. 5 Vaughan TWp. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale at 1 p.m. Ken and Clarke Prent- ice. auctioneers. FRIDAY, MARCH 22 â€" Important. auction sale of Allis Chalmers tracâ€" tor, dairy cattle, farm stoek, implev mcuts. hay, grain. furniture, etc., the property of Murray Richardson, lot :13}. con. 1) Searboro Twp., l/L’. mile east of \cht'ord and 1/2 mile south of \cht‘ord. Sale at 1 pin. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve, quitting farming. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers, phone Agincourt 52w3. 'l‘llURSlD'AY, MARJCI'I 28â€"Auction sale of reg. Holstein cattle, horses, harness, McCormick Deering milk- ing‘ machine, hay, grain, implements, furniture, the property of Sisters of St. Joseph. lots 5-1 and 55, con. 1. Markham Twp., 2 miles north of Richmond Hill on Yonge St. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is sold. Sale starts at 12.30 noon. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, MAR. ZTâ€"Important auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments. hay, grain, roots, furniture, etc., the property of Archie Camp- bell. lot (3, con. 5 King Twp. at King- horn. Terms cash. No reserve as farm sold. Sale at 1 p.111. sharp. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. FRIDAY, MARCH 29â€"â€"Auction sale of fully accredited and listed Hol- stein cattle, Percheron horses, Oliver tractor, implements, hay, grain, the property of Wm. J. Badger, lot 4, con. 4, King Twp. Terms cash. No reserve as farm is'sold. Sale starts at 12 o’clock sharp. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. 'J. Roy Herrington NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER - . GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone 87 ouo===iouo==zouor==o=o=o a LA GROVE 0 dairy cattle. horseï¬ pigs. impleâ€" Yonge St.. Thornhill l i GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS Now in New Quarters lst door south of BA. Service Station At THORNHILL ‘ Full line of Gifts including China, Linens and Handicraft Products (TOUTTS GREETING CARDS °=O=°=O=. Telephone 102 i l l l i, l i-it. LOWRIE, 12.0. EY’ESIGIâ€"IT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT ] AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, MAR. 13th i and the Second and FOurth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled OPTICAL REPAIRS For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 lE=EEi=EEE=hâ€"-i;=====;=======iii;â€" (‘()LG_\TI‘Z‘S LEEDS . 2 for 23c . . . . . . . 24c ()l.l) ENGLISH . . . . . . . 7c r I l.\‘() . . . . . . . 16c. r~i ECIALS Laundry Soap, 4 bars . . . . . . 25c Soap Flakes, 4 lb. pkg. . . . . . ' 65c Lifebuoy Soap, 2 bars . . . . . . 11c Floor Wax, tin . . . . . . . . . . . . 47c Silver Polish . . . . . . 25c. and 15c _ Celery. 2 stalks . . . . . . . . . . . . 23c Oranges, size 252’s, doz. . . . . 35c We Deliver