nunwu m Luann DEL! Terms: Cash. No Reserve as Farm is Sold KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers, and springs Brett Farm Wagon, 3/4 height Hay Rack, 16 ft. Low Farm Truck Wagon Gravel Box 1 Set Bob Sleighs Stone Boat, good Cutter 1 Top Buggy Steel Water Trough McLaughlin Cutter Grass Seed Sower, 'Cyclone Extension Ladder, 32 ft. Step Ladder 1 Ladder, 14 ft. DeLaval Cream Separator. N0. 10 International Cream Separator, complete with power attachment Quantity of Galvanized Water Pip- ing Number of Pulleys 1 _Louden Horse Fork Track, 70 ft. HHHHHHHHHHHHH ED. KYLE, Clerk Iâ€"Ihâ€"lpâ€"lbâ€"Ahâ€"AOâ€"l “Hgâ€"AHH... McCormick Deering Binder. 7 ft. McCormick Deering Mower, 5 ft. Cockshutt Disc Drill, 11 hoes Deering‘ Rake, 1-0 ft. Bissell Roller, 3 drums. 9 ft. Frost & Wood Stiff Tooth Culti. valor, 9 tooth Fanning Mill, Kline Stock Rack 1 Fleury Scuffler Platform Scales, 2000 lbs. Beam Scales, 600 lbs. Set; Iron Barrows. 3 sec. Tinl‘cler Plow, Fleury No. 21, with Newmarket Draw Rope 2 Post Hole Auger 1 Bag Truck ‘ yumber of Grain fl Norman E. Bone Louden Haywv‘FJrk’C Set Slings and R0: wheels Walking Plow, Wilkinson No. 1 Potato Plow, Wilkinson Bain Farm Wagon Gear with box (‘UO ALFREï¬â€˜HCVZâ€"WS-IVIELSER Lot 35, Concession 5, Vaughan. Township, on Vaughan and King Townline 23rd, 1946 F A R M S 0 L D IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS, HARNESS AND FURNITURE J. Carl Saigeon Agency MAPLE, ONTARIO E R N I E B R O C K auxâ€"J ’ T w CHER-R-CHIX l Chek-R-Chix Phone 259J Box 210 Richmond Hill PAGE SIX A complete line of farm and chicken fencing, steel posts and farm gates in stock. Also cedar posts, all sizes. Erection done on all types of fencing All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. Phone 479 EXPERIENCED ELECTRICIANS AND LINESMEN. Apply M. & G. ELECTRIC IMPLEMENTS WHITE LEGHORNS L.S. x N.H. CROSSBREEDS N.H. x B.R. CROSSBREEDS NOW AVAILABLE â€" STARTED CHICKS ORDER YOUR FENCING MATERIAL NOW and Ropes AVAILABLE IN MARCH BARRED ROCKS - NEW HAMPS FENCING CONTRACTOR ATTENTION FARMERS WANTED Some Hand Saws Cross Cut Saws Telephone Maple 1 1 [HE PROPERTY OF 0:0 OED Milliken ness 2 Ha I Set Single Harness 2 Good Horse Collars Number of Odd Bridle Harness 1 Wringer, new 1 Rocking 'Chair 2 Wash Tubs 2 Dressers 2 Washstands 4 Beds 3 Mattresses Carpets Quantity of Linoleum 2 Lamps 2 Daisy Chums 1 Large Iron Kettle 3 Iron Pots 1 Ironing Board 2 Toilet Sets 1 Clothes Horse 2 Butter Bowls 1 Set Butter Scales Quantity of Dishes, Cooking Uten sils and numerous other house hold articles Number of Sacks Number of Logging Chains Number of Binding IChains Number of Water Barrels Number of Apple Barrels 1 Cider Barrel 1 Rural Mail Box 2 Axes 1 Sask. Knee Robe 200 or more Fence Rails to be sold by the rail Neckyokes, 2 and 3-Horse Eveners. Whiffletrees, Forks, Shovels, Spade, Hoes and numerous other articles Also a. Number of Tools FURNITURE Electric Fixtures 1 ‘Kitchen Table 2 Dining Room Extension Tables 1 Leather Davenport, Oak 1 Lounge 2 Coal Heaters Kitchen Chairs 1 Oxford Stove FOR MORE EGGS AND BETTER MEAT Set Double Harness, nickle plate mounting Set IBreechings for Double Har Alex. Hill, Manager N'ewmarket CHEKâ€"R-CHIX HATCHERY Telephone 19513 HARNESS 5 Harness. nickle plated 0:0 Sale at 1 pm. Richmond Hill one 2 Coal Heaters 1 Oxford Stove 1 Rocking Chair 2 Dressers 4 Beds Carpets 1 Ironing Board 1 Clothes Horse Set Butter Scales Halters acourt 52w3 and other 0:6 OED Number of Jars Articles ton numerous to mention Over 12 Cords Hardwood. stove length ' Terms Cash. Sale at 12 noon No Reserve as Farm Sold F. N. SMITH. Au‘ctioneer vamarket, Ont. 400 Bus 50 Bus. 600 Bus 10 Tons 2 Sets Team Harness 2 Sets Driving Harnes: Number of Collars Corn Rack 1 Fanning- Mill Cutting Box 2 Hay Racks Set Sloop Sleighs Farm Wag-0115 2 Wagon Boxes Set Steel Farm Trucks ‘ Bug": 1 'Stone Boat 40 Rods 9 Wire Fence. new 150 Ft. Draw Rope. new Iâ€"Apâ€"llQpâ€"‘pâ€"‘râ€"I 2 Dining Room 3 Beds 1 Hat Rack 2 Aladdin Lamp 1 Box Stove 5 Milk Pails l Strainer 1 Milk Cart 1 Se Number of 2 Inch P13 1 Wheelbarrow, woode 1 Gem Electric Fencer 1 Wheelbarrow, steel 1 Hay Knife ] Gr 1 Cutter 100 1 1 Brood Sow 11 Weaned I 100 Laying P 100 Laying Pullets, Barred Rocks Ford Tractor on Rubber, IMI’LEMENTS Ferguson System with 12 inch plow M-H Binder, nearly new 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l. 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 1 1 l l l l l l M-H Cprn Binder International Cultivator Ottaco Manure Spreader McCormick Deering Potato Digger McCormick Deeringr Disc Harrow M-H Disc Drill, 15 spout M-H Disc Drill. 13 snout Sulky Rake, Frost & Wood Cockshutt Double Riding- Plow Fleury Single Plow, No. 21 M-H Single Scuffler Fleury Turnip Drill Hoe Drill, 33 spout Fairbanks Gas Engine, 6 HP. Fairbanks Gas Engine, 3 HF. GE. Motor, 3/4 H.P., new Roller, 3 drum Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity Cylinder Type Root Pulper, M-H Root Pulper, Eaton's Set Steel Harrows, 3 section‘ Set Wooden Barron‘s, 4 section Set Stewart Clippers ‘Eatonia Cream Separator Melottf Cream Separator Lot 26. Con. 5. Whilchurch twp. 1H; Miles South Pine Orchard Gas Station Mrs. George Crook has sold her farm recently to Mr. Housten of To- ronto. The new owner‘s father was for several years an implement agent in 'Kleinburg'. Mrs. Crook ha's pur- chased the brick house on Richmond Street. the home of the late Thomas and Mrs. Cousins and Mr. Thomas McCormack. We extend a sincere welcome to the Crook family to Mrs. Reg. Bice is to ‘be new relief girl on Maple switchboard of Wood- bl'idge and Vaughan Telephone Co. Dr. Fred W. Routlcv and Mrs. Routley have returned from the Paâ€" cific Coast. Dr. Archer Wallace will preach in Maple United Church next Sunday; March 17th at 7 pm. . Mr. and Mrs. James McDermid (nee Eleanor Miller) have an eight pound baby =h0y, born Saturday. Mar. 9 in Nurse Hoover‘s Nursing Home. Mother and baby both doing well. Miss Kate McNaughtOn of Toron- to is visiting her cousin Mrs. Agnes Witherspoon this week. Marilyn &iider and Anne Lawrie. Mrs. Julia Al'lett and Miss Susan Evans, both of Toronto, were week- end visitors with Mr. and,M1‘s. Wm. Oliver. We extend congratulations to Cpl W. C. Ingram who has been decor- ated for gallant distinguished ser- vice overseas with awards of men- tion in dispatches. the meeting W. Hodge read the sc lowed with Campbell S] on Africa Matheson a paper on th stone was g The ladies “ of the meeti WEDNES., MAR. 20 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Furniture, Etc. rew’s W of Mrs. >Matched Team 0 and 9 yrs. old Bay Mare, 8 yrs Chestnut Gelding: CATTLE Ayrshire, 5 yrs. old, bred Aug. 7 Jersey, 7 yrs. old, due Mar. 15 Holstein, 9 yrs. old. bred Mar. 14 Ayrshire, 6 yrs. old, bred Jan. ’5 Durham, 3 yrs. old, bred Nov. 21 Ayrshire, 3 yrs. old, 'bred Dec. 21 Holstein, 5 yrs. old, due April 4 Ayrshire, 5 yrs. old, bred Oct. 7 Holstein, 6 yrs. old, due May 30 Durham, 8 yrs. old, full flow Holstein, 10 yrs. old, bred Jan. 23 Ayrshire, 7 yrs. old, full flow Jersey, 3 yrs. old. ‘bred Feb. 7 Holstein, 3 yrs. old, due Mar. 30 Holstein, 6 yrs. old, due May 28 Ayrshire, aged, May 15 ,_ Jersey Heifer, 2 yrs. old, :bred Nov. 24 Ayrshire Heifer, 2 yrs. old Holstein Bull, 2 yrs. old Holstein Bull. 8 months old HORSES Maths Washing Machi 9; Room Tables D. KMET PIGS AND FOWL The Property of FL’RNI'l‘l'RP was introduced 'by Mrs. and a very interesting the life of David Living- given by Mrs. Jasi Ross. were favored at the close Iting' with a piano duet by Sni Team of Mares, Roan 6 yrs. old, due May .3 3 yrs. old, full flow [0 yrs. old, bred Jan. 2 7 yrs. old, full flow yrs. old. ‘bred Feb. 7 3 yrs. old, due Mar. 30 6 yrs. old, due May 28 aged, May 15 w. eifer, 2 yrs. old, :bred t} 1 Set Slings Inch Planks :, wooden awrie n, the with [11‘ THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 1 Kitchen Cabinc 2 Sideboards 2 Cook Stoves 2 Coal Oil Lamp Number of Chair MAPLE NEWSY NOTES . The introdu 3 Chunks 3.11 Grind Stonc hefd ‘ on M ’otatoes .ld g yrs. old due Mar. 15 I, bred Mar. 14 d, bred Jan. ’5 ‘, bred Nov. 21 .1, 'bred Dec. 21 (I, dug April 4 :1, bred Oct. 7 d, due May 30 , full flow approximately uche nm 3 in pr T} a 1‘ arch ient tudy lay Posts St. And the homt Mill ope Mrs ,n ..x. 1 Drop Leaf Table? 1 Couch 4 Kitchen Ch; 1 Kitchen Cupboard Quantity of Concrete 1 Hall Rack 2 Wash Tu-bs 1 Lantern 2 Oil Lamps 1 Small Round Heater 1 Boiler 1 Rocking- Ch; Number of Water Pails 1 Single Bed Some Sirall R 1 Wring'er 1 Lawn Mowu‘ Number of other articles - Terms Cash. Sale at 2 r No Reserve, Property-I Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Milliken, Ont., phone Agincourt 52w3 1 Panet Junior Wheel Hoe 1 Set Single Driving Harness Quantity of Other Harness 1 Buck Saw 1 Buggy 1 Pitch Fork 1 Gallon Oil Can 1 Shovel 1 Digging Spade 1 Rake 1 Digging Fork Quantity of Tar Paper 1 Democrat 3 Glass Doors 1 Panel Door and Frame complete 1 Madicator 1 .Scuffler, good 2 Rolls Chick'en Wire INetting Quantity of Window Sash 1 Wheelbarrow, good 1 Ladder 1 Harrow Section Quantity of Lath suitable for lattice . work Number of Cedar Fence Posts' Quantity of Lumber, all sizes 2 Steel Water Barrels 1 Whiffletree Number of Boxes Number of Window Sash Quantitv of other articles such as tools for the garden, etc. 1 Quebec Heater 1 Steel Bed 1 Set Springs and Mattress Number of Stove Pipes 1 Kitchen Table. zinc top GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Aumobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 3. Specialty King City Telephone 28 FURNITURE and GARDEN TOOLS Late John Osborn ESSEX AVE., LANGSTAFF Off N0. 7 Highway, Half Mile East of Yonge St. TUESDAY, MAR. 19 Comers in a joint meeting with Rich- mond Hill Young People in the Sun- day School room in Richmond Hill United Church on Monday of this week. They had a very enjoyable evening of games and contests. These “get-togethers†are a good thing an_d should be encouraged. Mi's. Robert Jones isï¬ son’ Arthur and. family this week. The Women’s World's Dav of Prayer was held in Maple United Church auditorium on Friday, March Rth,‘ the first Friday in Lent. Mrs. H. Bryan explained the meaning of the program very clearly which add- ed a great deal to the enjoyment and understanding of the prayer ser- vice. Mrs. Wm. McCullough sang “Open Mine Eyes†and Mrs. Austin Robinson sang “Sweet Peace, the .Gift of God’s Loveâ€. The entire ser- vice was very beautiful and all those who attended went awav with the feeling that they were glad to have been there. Maple United Church Y.P.U. join {d with Victoria Square and Brown’: recent bride. with a pair of beautir ful crystal 'boudoir lamps, with pale blue silk shades. Of the 15 mem- bers of the club 12 were present. We are glad to learn that M1" Charles Hadlow is 'improving in health after suffering a slight stroke some weeks ago. The evenir Miller ublic Auction L\\V chk Walkington to pr bride 1e R.C.A Knit-Wit : at the Jennin ï¬zz Seamless, easy to clean, xemov- able guard, all metal. FOUNTAIN Always keep feed clean Purina Flock METAL FEEDERS Slut hon‘ Mr l‘R'o‘cking- Chair 4 Kitchen Chairs Some Swall Rugs mm! home QUALITY SUPPLIES See Us For These met visiting her in Toronto Sale of , on 1- Mrs‘ 3y Cle harge Frida I. D. Ramer 85 Son a1 It Takes Good Feed For The Right Start Phone 10, The Elevator More health and vigor by feed- ing Chick Startena. A supply of Field Seeds, Clovers and Pasture Mixtures, Seed Oats and Barley. Advisable to have a good supply of Chick Startena on hand. Langstaff, Ontario Langstaff Feed Service FOR A FLYING START CAFETERIA POULTRY FEEDS MONAROH LIVESTOCK FEEDS The only "open formula†feeds on the marker. Made by Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited and sold by ELIMINATE the feed hazard in chick raising ingredients of CAFETERIA Chick-Starter with other chick starters for no other feed gives you full formula information. We invite you to visit your nearest MONARCH and (‘AFETERIA feed dealer to check over the complete list of ingredients in CAFETERIA CHICK STARTER. EllllVD this half-joking suggestion is one of the most serious of all causes of dissatisfaction on the part of rural telephone subscribers . . . the “listening-in†habit. If you ï¬nd someone already on the line, please make it your rule always to hang up immediately. Your neighbours will appre- ciate it...aud are more likely to grant you privacy when )ou have occasion to call. Order Early! One Customer Writes: “Devise some means so that if must listen in, they can of le correctly What they heard." It isn‘t enough to know the analy- sis of a feedâ€"you must know how that analysis is made up. You must know how many pounds of the expensive ingredients like pow- dered milk, meat meal and cereal grass are in the feed. . And you get this information, right I. .. down to the pound, of every in- gredient in CAFETERIA Chick Starter. We can‘t invite you to compare the CAFETERIA Chick Starter with other for no other feed gives you full formula Recommend THURSDAY, MARCH l-lth. 1046 Telephone Thornhill 172W Richmond Hill Broiler cm, Fox foa‘ growth, low feed consumption, livability, and top maxket quality. Rely on plum“ .tlgEPNONE See Us Ioday For Rural Telephone Service neighbours (151' repeat