_ Will be the final goal of ill. That nothing walks with aimless feet: That not one life shall be destroyed. Or cast as rubbish to the void, When God has made the pile complete. In somewhat the same strain is the groping thought of Cardinal Newman. unable to cope with intellectual wrestling, turning in faith to a Power believed rather than understood: F‘rom too much of living From hope and fear set free, We thank with brief thanksgiving Whatever gods may be That no life lives forever; That dead men rise up never: That even the weariest river Winds somewhere to the sea. Then, however, as the wheel of thought voices arise struggling spiritward. Comes tl _ A highly edifying selection of verse has been made by Miss Phyllis Campbell to illustrate the View that in fol- lowing literature down through the centuries one must be impressed with the View that thought revolves in cycles. Miss Campbell explains that one school cries out that there is no spiritual truth, that the material world is real and advocates in the words of Omar Khayyam: Ah, make the most of what we yet may spend. Before we, too, into the dust descend; Dust unto dust, and under dust to lie Sans wine. sans song, sans singer, Andâ€"sans end. World worship. Miss Campbell points out, inevitany brings with it inertia. desolation and a great wearincss. but lush sensuality spent, there arises from it a deadly nihilism: It only goes to Show. to our mind, that here in Rich- mond Hill we never know how the other half of the world is livimr. “A politician also advertises that he will distribute 150_pairs of nylons by dropping them over the city from a plane. How did he happen to be able to obtain 150 pairs of this scarce item? And will it not be interesting to watch the women scramble to the tree tops for a pair of this needed item,? Personally, I would say that the politician would be defeated. He is depriving merchants of the right to that merchandise; he is depriving women who‘ really need those stockings from obtaining them through regular channels." “Instead of selling butter through regular grocery channels you can get all you want at the local gas station if you happen to own a car. Butter takes on the odors of other commodities readily. Gasoline and butter should be a fine mixture. Who is responsible for such distribu- tion of this scarce item supposed to be under government control? Then, however, as the wheel of thought turns, new zoices arise struggling spiritward. Comes the faltering- 'aith of Tennyson who recognized a “larger hope":â€" Oh yet We trust that somehow good "We have price controls and such things in Canada, and there are folks in Richmond Hill who classify them as most unpopular even though necessary interferences with trade. But the Dominion is not having anything like the trouble some of our American cousins ap ar to be having with their system of controls. For example, a gentleman named Chester M. Way writes to the Wall St. Journal from St. Petersburg, Florida, as follows: “A local gas station advertises today that ‘if you buy your gas and oil from us, you can purchase one pound of butter for 55c.’ - And the regrettable thing about it is that no one in Richmond Hill or the surrounding district need fall into any get-rich-quick; trap in as much as one of the largest Canadian banks maintains an office in the village under the direction of a manager who is always Willing to help persons in doubt about investments or enterprises on which they may be asked to embark. “A sensible person wouldn‘t tap his sayings to shoot craps or bet on a horse, or play gin rummy, but as sound investments, craps, horses and cards are no sillier than the current get-rich-quick schemes.†“Right in this district I have met people who listen to soft song men who profess with no pain. no labor and in no time whatever to make them rich. They don't seem torealize that if these cheats had the secret of quick wealth, they wouldn’t be selling questionable propositions for a thin and precarious living. A correspondent of The Liberal asked in a recent issue that something be done to help safeguard the re- turned soldier from racketeers seeking to get the govern- nient allowances given a veteran on his discharge from active service. It was pointed out that a committee of’ the Lions Club of Richmond Hill was formed for that pur- pose and will be glad to help veterans decide the merits of any business proposal put before them. It would seem. however, that not only veterans but many others are also in need of some such service. In this connection. a Rich- mond Hill business man with wide contacts said to The Liberal a few days ago: A Western editor sees the success of the Alberta bill resting on insulating the Albel'tan economy from therest of Canada “by some form of import-export control. or possibly, by something in the nature of exchange control. He expresses the opinion that any plan which “contains within itself the seeds of such balkanization of the Can- adian economy“ must be a matter of concern to every father province. Members of the Alberta legislature acknowledge that they are a bit confused as to just what the bill means. To many of us in Richmond Hill it is reminiscent of the original promises of the late Mr. Aberhart who got the Social Credit Party into power with the rosy assurance that every man, woman and child was entitled to $25 a month in what he called social credit dividends. For example, a bill has been introduced at Edmonton called the “Alberta Bill of Rights Act," which is adver- tised as a plan to assure everyone over the age of 19 a minimum annual income of $600 plus certain other health. security and educational benefits. The business of getting something for nothingr is al- ways attractive. Hundreds. probably thousands of meth- ods of doing it, have been devised, and now even some political groups have taken the subject up and are con- cocting schemes on the hypothesis that Santa Claus and Christmas can be maderevery day occurrences. Lead, kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, An Independent WeekLy â€" Established 1878 Subncription Rate, $1.50 per Swear; To the United States $2.00 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher PAGE TWO BUTTER. NYLONS, CONTROLS. ETC. PUT IT UP TO THE BANKER T'HE TRIUMPH 0F FAITH CHRISTMAS EVERY DA \' THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1946 “THE LIBERAL†RICHMOND HILL FARMERS SUPPLY A party was held for Mr. E. Case- ley at his home on the occasion of his 64th Ibirthd y. The daughters and son, and teir families were present. We wish for Mr. Caseley mahy more happy birthdays. Mi's. Paul ffoiï¬ Ottawa-was visit- ing her daughter Joan and Mr. and Mrs. McRoberts on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton; ‘Revl Mrs. MacKay had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. H. Mortson celebrat- ed their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, March 23rd at their home. The celebration was a complete surâ€" prise to the bride and groom of 25 years. Friends and relatives num- berng about 60 joined in the occa- sion. Several gifts of silver were acknowledged by both Mr. and Mrs. Mortson. Flowers were sent by wire from Miss Sadie Gee of California. Miss 'Robinson of Toronto was a visitor at the Nichols home over the week-end. - t thn Hinch R.C.N.(R.) on Tuesday, March 2-6th. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and Donnie, M1; and Mrs. LOuis Nichols, "Vera and Emma Warden motored to Creemore and were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Helmkay. A. large number of people from the “Square†were able to attend the wedding of Miss Peggy Jean MacKay, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. H. J. MacKay to Suh-‘Lieut. Carl The nay supplemvnt for greater vitamin and nunenll contentâ€"greater nulrilion.’ VICTORIA SQUARE (VOWâ€" Strengtlmned with Vita-Dine And lhey’ll slay healthy too}- Blalchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes them grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays me bigger dividends! A. Reply.:â€"â€"We thank Old British Soldier for his remin- der. Stalky was a hero of the type everybody likes. His school adventures were of the kind that constituted ex- cellent preparation for the tight spots abroad in which many an English army officer was to find himself. Eng- land owes much of her prestige in Asia and India to the Stalky type of soldier. Editor The Liberal zâ€"Few books have more accurate- ly or sympathetically drawn the kind of boyhood the Brit- ish Embire builders had than Rudyard Kipling’s “Stalky & Co." The death at 80 of Major General Lionel Charles Dunsterville, the original Stalky. closed a career spent largely in central Asia and in China upholding the tradi- tions founded by many predecessors from English schools. I know you would not want his passing to occur Without some mention in your columns. Hence this letteinâ€"Old British Soldier. ‘. J. PRATT, Manager Telephone 139 Christians must make themselves aware of the ma that religion is not a passive or a negative conception of man's relationship to God. but it is itself Christ’s Church “militant upon the earth." No more outstanding example of the powerful truth of this statement is to be found to- day than has been revealed in the life of that heroic Chris- tian, Major John Foote. V.C.â€"the “Padre X" of Dieppe. Surely no one can sincerely doubt the divine origin of re- ligion when it can, through God’s grace, produce such a man. Rev. John Foote makes one proud to be a Canadian, but above all he makes one humbly thankful to have the opportunity of being a Christian. Padre John F‘oote A Fine Example. “T.N.T. Religion" writes The Liberal as follows in a vein that is genuinely inspirational: Sinâ€"Within recent years there has been an apparent increase in the number and in the strength of the accusa- tions of “decadence†which have been directed toward Christianity. ‘ Many of us who have been nurtured in Christianity realize that today too many so-called Christians fail to ap- preciate the pricelessness of their religious heritage â€" a heritage that has been given to us by men and women who have not counted the cost. but who could say with St. Paul: “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed unto us." Lead thou me on; The night is dark and I am far from home. Lead thou me on. . Keep thou my soul; I do not ask to see The distant scene; one step enough for me. But strength and confidence come to the poet when the wheel turns to its farthest extreme, and we have Browning ringing down the years with insight and with courage: God stand sure: What entered into thee, That was. is, and shall be: Time's wheel runs back or stops; Potter and clay endure. Fool! All that is, at all, Lasts ever. past recall; Earth changes, but thy soul and THE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO LIBERAL’S FORUM and A Special Meeting of the ratepay- ers‘of Union School Section No. 4 Markham and No. 21 Vaughan. will be held in the schoolâ€"house of the Section at eight o’clock in the even- ing of April 11th, 1946, for the pur- pose of selecting a site for a pro- posed new school building and for enacting any other school business which may arise. _ ~Dated at Jefferson, Ontario, this 28th day of March, 1946. Miss Bessie Hagerman is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Port Hope, this week. Ho hum! It seems you can cram most anything into the human head excep‘t reason. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Forster and famin _on Sunday were Mrs. M. Haig. Gorm- ley; Mrs. K. Summervale, Toronto: Mr. H. L. Kaiser, Woodbridge, and John Buchanan. A joint meeting of the J.W.I. and J.F.A. met in the Community Hall last Tuesday evening. The meeting was opened with a sing song led by Mr. Cockburn. Business was put be. fore the club members by President John Buchanan after which followed an interesting paper by Norman Tyndall. W. M. Cockburn, Agricul- tural Representative, spoke to those present and gave a brief outline as how to make a club a success. He then introduced the new Assistant Agricultural Representative, Oliver Dalrvmple, who spoke a few words tb those present. We welcome our new assistant. Miss Mabel Sanderâ€" son very a’bly conducted a few en.) joyable games with the assistance of Miss Helen Castator. The Young People’s meeting will be in charge of Miss Beverley Wat- son next Sunday night. There is some business to be taken care of so be present and keep our meetings alive. ' v Mrs. E. Klinck motored friends to Welland to visit her who has been ill. Miss Dorothy Oliver of Highland Creek was visiting with Mrs. \V. Brumwell on Saturday, March 30th. Mr. and Mrs. G. Mortson. Wayne and Bruce visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown on Sunday, March 315t. _ Miss Doreen Klinck of Toronto spent the week-end at her home. On Saturday, March 30, Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton celebrated their 25th Wedding anniversary. Relations from Toronto and neighbouring friends shared in the surprise party. The svmpathy of the community is extended to Mr. Ouimett, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis White and family on the loss of a wife and daughter. Velma Ouimett. (nee Velma White). This untimer death came as a shock to the whole connnunity., Mr. and Mrs. *F. R. Perkins and family, MrS. J. Lunau. and Miss Heise of RichmondHil] had tea on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Perkins and Coral. and Mrs. Bennett on Saturdav, Mar._ 30th, the occasion being 1V3. and Mrs. Boynton’s 25th weddina anni- versary. Notice of Special School Meeting C. BEYNON, GEORGE McNAIR Ti'ustees with aunt GENERAL INSURANCE Life. Fire, Aufomobile. Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance :1 Snecialty King City ' Telephone 2? Wm. S. Hodge left last Thursday evening for Winnipeg where he wi‘ take a position as a radio opel‘atO‘ with Transâ€"Canada Airways. Proth action on the part of the Maple Fire Brigade in putting put a grass fire at the rear of McGinnis store this week prevented what could easily have been a disastrous loss of property. Mrhand Mrs. Henry McDonald of TorOnto snent Sunday 'with Henry’s narents. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mc- Donald. ' Red Cross Canvass of Maple and ' District. for Members In order to aid canvassers._vou are asked to leave your membership fee of $1 and upwards at one of the local stores.- A canvass of those who have not joined will he made after Sat- urday, April. 13th. ' Maple Women’s Institute will hold their April meetng on Wednesdav April 10th at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Earl Palmer. The topic of ag- riculture will be taken by F‘. S. Rumble. 7 Miss Joanne Johnson had the mis- fortune to break a finger playing baseball at school recently. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs George Snider on the birth of a sor last Friday. March 29th. Mother-ant babe both doing well. The executive of Vaughan. Town- ship Red Cross Society having (19- cided to‘can‘y on peace time work, there will be no sale of work room. articles as had been arranged previ- ously. .The annual meeting. however will-take place on Monday afternoon, April 62th in Maple Masonic Hall as scheduled. All girls from 12 to 17 years of age interested in forming: a C.G.I.T. group are being asked to meet F1‘i« day at 7.30 p.m. in Maple United Church school room. France, whose father, a" veteran of world war II lies paralyzed in 11057 pital. The Sunday School is sending $8.00 a month for at least 6 month? for the supbort of this child, which is the sum asked for by the manag- ing board sponsoring. the scheme This is alvery commendable thin}: for a Sunday School group or any organization to have a share in. Thr secretary reports that the response to this appeal has been wonderful Miss Joanne Johnson had the 'mis- ‘forti‘lne to break a finger playing Dr. Archer Wallace will give his illustrated lecture on_the Canadian Rockies in St. Paul’s Church Vaughan on Friday eveningLApril 5th at 8 o‘clock. Dr. Wallace is a very entertaining, witty and inter- esting lectmer and his lectures are always enjoyed by those who have the opportunity to hear them. Maple United Church Sunda) School has “adopted†a child under the “Save the Children" scheme. She is an eleven year old French gig'l Solange Micalo’wa by name, in Pans Jack Wdlkington MAPLE Hydro's low-cos! dependable service enables you to use these modern servants in lhe full if you have provided forthem. In planning your new home, put adequule wiring at Ihe top of your list. Electrical home appliances increased rapidly in number and variety before the war. They are now reappearing and Will continue to multiply. Homes that were wired only for the needs of 20 years ago should now be rewired to suit the wonder- ful new "electrical servants" to come. Inadequate wiring limits the use of electricity. It leads only to inefficient opera- tion of lights and appliances. But adequate wiring . . . three wire service to the house, with proper size circuits in the home and plenty of outlets in every room . . : overcomes these difficulties, and gives you full use of these modern servants. SERVAHTS GALORE . . . BY WERE O The time to solve the servant problem once and for all is when you'are building or "modernizing" your home. The greatest modern domestic servant IS electricuiy. How well and to what extent electricity can serve you, now and m the future, depends on how well your "servant's entrance†is designed . . . how wisely your home is wired. if you are improving or building a home, as]: your Hydro for Me book- iei "Adequate Wiring for the Postwar Electric Homes of Canada†York Building Supply The House of a Million Parts If it is for car, truck, tractor or army vehicle, we have it. FIRESTONE & SEIBERLING TIRES The finest and the best. All sizes in stock. 50 Cars and Trucks wanted for wrecking Just Phone Zone 8-218 9) TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & G NEWTONBROOK, ONT. Stop 1213 Yonge St. Phone Zone 8-218 Order them today to secure your spring delivery. We can supply you with the finest blocks on the market. DISTRICT 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL T‘ 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto Concrete.Construction. Stone Work Considerable quantity of cedar and metal posts in stock WALTER BONE 8: SON Maple R.R. N0. 2 CONCRETE BLOCKS “TONY SAVES YOU MONEY†York Auto Parts WIRE FENCING HERBERT R. BUTT THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1946 Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 Telephone 25-R ARFAT, LTD REPRESENTATIVE