Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Apr 1946, p. 8

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Langstafl'. Ontario Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Langstaff Feed Service F.L. LOWRIE, 12,0, AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. T0 12.00 NOON EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Bevan’s Poultry Farm Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 38 ififlES w SFEAMING 170’ WATER Fa? [ESS THAN 4¢A DAY! It isn‘t enough to know the analy- sis‘of a feedâ€"you must know how that analysis is made up. You must know how many pounds of the expensive ingredients like pow- dered milk, meat meal and cereal grass are in the feed. And you get this information, right down to the pound, of every in- gredient in CAFETERIA Chick Starter. We can‘t invite you to compare the ingredients of CAFETERIA Chick Starter with other chick starters for no other feed gives you full formula information. » We invite you to visit your nearest MONARCH and CAFE’I‘ERIA feed dealer to check over the complete list of ingredients in CAFETERIA CHICK STARTER. CAFETERIA POULTRY FEES MONARGH LIVESTOEK FEEDS The only "open formula” feeds on the market. Made by Maple Leaf Milling Company Limited and sold by ELIMINATE the feed hazard in chick rasing AUTHORIZED DEALERS CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE APPLIANCES CANADIAN MARCONI RADIOS PAGE EIGHT hfiâ€" m an SALES BLéSEEHEE’S \\3§\!\\x\x\§\\k.h.\\xx x ., 12.0.1). AND 110.1). SIRED WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS “d see the TELEPHONE THORNHILL 631‘13 DAY-OLD CHICKS. PULLT‘ES AND STARTED CHICKS WILL BE AT . GRIFFIN, T THORNHILL, ONT. Telephone Thornhill 14r13 DUO-THERM AUTOMATIC FUEL OIL WATER HEATER TODAY! Telephone Thornhill 172W SERVICE Thornhill, Phone 13 You‘re llwlys sure of having enough -stcaming hot water for everyone. day or nightâ€"plenty for the family wash, houseclelning. dishes and baths. Makes work mmy times easierâ€"no fuss. no dirt, no bother! And less than 4c 8 day for all the hot w-(er the Iver-3e family needs! Look It these advantages you get with Duo-Therm: That'l what you get with the modern Duo-Them: Automatic Fuel Oil Water Hutu! Completely AuOomalic Hum Wafer Faster Rev. S. A. R. Wood officiated at the lovely wedding of Marion Lor- raine Crush, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Crush, and William Ben Flook, Son of Dr. and Mrs. B. C. Flock, of Barrie, at Trinity Anglican Church on Saturday, March 30. The bride, given in marriage by her fathâ€" er, wore a gown of blush ivory satin fashioned with a yoke of net and bertha fitted bodice. The fingertip veil was caught with a Mary Stuart headdress, and she carried a cascade of pink roses. forget-me-nots and zardenias. The bride was attended by Mrs. John M. Lewis, matron of honor, and Miss Audrey Earnshaw, bridesmaid, who wore gowns of pale pink and pale blue crepe respective- ly. fashioned with fitted bodice and‘ full skirts, with matching half-bum nets and full-length gloves. They carried cascades of spring flowers. The groom was attended by A. M. Crush, brother of the bride. At the Just a reminder about the dance being held at Earl Haig Collegiate on Friday, April 5th, for all ex-stu- dents who were in the forces. “Flook-Crush L.A.W. Ethel Wice, daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. R. Wice of Yonge St., received her discharge three weeks ago. Ethel, served for three years, and while stationed at the east coast was a clerk’s sienographer in the X-Ray Department of the hospital at Dartmouth. The W.A. and W.M.S. of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Pattenden, Bayview Ave., on Thursday, April 11th. Mrs. Zuefelt of Richmond Hill is to be guest speaker. were guests of Sunnylea Horticul- tural Society last Monday, April lst. This is a new Society being formed in the \Kingsway District and Mr. ‘ Bone was guest speaker at the meet- ing. Both Mr. Koehler and Mr. Bone were asked to give hints on how their meetings were conducted, as well as the flower shows, member- ship, premiums, etc. On Monday evening, April 1, the Fortniters Club held a meeting‘in the Sunday School room of Thorn- hill Presbyterian Church to which all members and friends of the church were invited. Guest soloists were Mis's Phylllis Waterson and Miss Ada Mizen, and a bagpipe solo was rend- ered by Mr. Norman McCrimmon who is with the 48th Highlanders“ Guest speaker was Mr. Clayton Scott‘ who needed no introduction to the audience since all of his life had been spent here. Clayton was sta- tioned on the coast of Africa for 23 months, principally in Sierra Leone, and his experience there provided a very entertaining evening to his listeners. The meeting closed with a social half-hour. I Mr. P. Bone and Mr. E. Koehler Thornhill twice in her broadcasts in regard to the food drive, and it is hoped that a real donation may be segg Tzimblyn’s. Another son, Gordon. arrived home some time ago and he is living in Toronto and employed by the Robt. Simpson Co. Pte. Alan Woolley, son of Mrs. B. Woolley. Yonge St., is expected home some time this week. Alan has been in the army for four years, two years and five months being spent in Ber- muda. Thornhill District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND H'ILE, ONTARIO ‘ Sheppard & Gill ; Lumber Co. Bart Edwards has bought Thorn- hill butcher shop and has been mak- ing extensive alterations. An addi- ‘tion built at; the back has doubled the size of the store, besides provid- ing extra facilities at the rear. Mr. Edwards purchased all new equip- ment during the eight years that he rented the shop. Two interesting old chopping blOCks were replaced recently after more than four de- cades of hard service. One was of maple, and one of pine and both were cut from trees in Thornhill and in- stalled by the late Fred F. Farr when he established the business in 1900. ' The man who is accustomed to pmchmg hxg pennies is seldom caught m a fmanCIal pmch. A wedding of local'interest will take place on Saturday, 'April 6th, at King when Miss Edna" Hunter be- comes the bride of Lester Brown. Lester is a brother of Mrs. A. Rich- ardson of Centre St.. and a neohew of Mrs. A. Brillinrrer, Mrs. Wells, and the Misses Clubine. - At the regular meeting of the Young Peonle of Thornhill United Church on Monday evening, April 1, which was the Christian Culture meeting, a svnopsis of three books was given: “The Rogue” by Jean Morton; “The Anostle” by Dr. Dun- can; and “In His Steps” by Mrs. Denby. It was decided that a letter be sent through the Christian Citi- zenship Convenor, Ruth Hicks;,to the Member of the Legislature for North York. voicing an opinion-regarding the Ontario Liquor Bill; The' meetingyclo-sed with the serv- ing of a cup of tea, Mrs. Leyland assisting Lillian as hostess. It was decided that a shower of food for Britain be held at the next meeting. and that this food he sent; the Institute to be included in'their contribution which is to be sent thrqugh ‘Tarnblyn’s. The Evening Auxiliary of the W. M. S. of Thomhill United Church met at the home of Miss Lillian Francis on Tuesday evening, April 2nd. Mrs. John Purdy had charge of the devotional, assisted by Misses Geraldine Wesley, “Lillian Francis angi Betty _B0ne. Little (the District Director), of Richmond Hill, be guest speaker. Mr. Kohler, Mr. Mackintosh and Mr. Jaeger were appointed a committee to report on juvenile work. All- membervs of {he éééiety will be receiving a notice regarding the Ap_r_il meeting. THE. watsfioufla EVER. SPENT-~10 Tms ELUMBER‘IARD \s SENT It Was decidea'tfiatâ€""aâ€"t Ilié Xp'iii meeting, which will probably be held 9r}. Wedngsdayl _Ap1jil 24th, Mr. R. D. It was also suggested that 'two members be responsible for each 0f the special shows, except the Fall show. Options for the Spring meetâ€" ing were discussed, and suggestions were as follows: a flower book, tubâ€" erous ‘begonias, gladioli. annuals. to- mato plants and chrysanthemums. It was Mrs. Heslop's opinion that the Society should arrange a visit to the F'. T. James garden during the com- ing season, and Mrs. Heslop and Mr. E. Kohler were appointed to arrange the trip. The committee for the op- tions include: Mr. Kohler, Mr. Mack- int_osh, Mr._ Simpson and Mr. Bone. This is where the wise lum- ber money is spent. This is the yard that the experienced builder visits when he 'wants desirable lumber. Take a tip from his experience and avail yourselves of our stock of reliable woodsr Thornhill Horticultural Society held an executive meeting at the home of Mr. P. Bone on Wednesday, March 27th. After much discussion. it was suggested by Mr. Bone'that Mrs. McKean be asked to act as secretary to the society in place of Miss Simpson who had resigned. Mrs. McKean accepted the appoint- ment. Earl Haig Collegiate Home and School Association are holding their regular monthly meeting on Monday, April 8th at 8.15 pm. Speaker is to be Mr. E. Houston (Radio Station. CKEY) and his topic will be “Oper- ation of an Independent Radio Sta- tion". There will -be moving pic- tures also and solos by Miss Jean Scruby. All parents and friends are coldiallx invited to the meetings: Mr. Percy Bone will be the guest speaker at a meeting of the Women's Association of Trinity United Church in Toronto on Thursday, April 4th, in the evening.~ Mrs. Bone will ac- company her husband. ‘ Mrs. Blackburn of LaGrove'Gifts and Handicrafts has received a full selection of lovely Easter cards by Coutts, and will be having a smart assortment of Mother’s Day cards shortly. Earl Haig Home and School Club has sent out forms to be completed for the nomination of officers for 1946-1947. All paid-up members,are eligible to vote. reception the bride’s mother received in aqua faconne with black access- ories and corsage of red roses and white freesia. The groom’s mother, who assisted. wore'gold wool crepe with black accessories and corsage of violets and coral roses. For trav- elling, the bride chose a pale blue suit, black and white accessories and an orchid corsage. RICHMOND HILL ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING New Wiring and Alterations Range, Radio, Motor, Washer and Small Appliance Service. tSATURDAY. APRIL 13th â€" Auction sale of modern household furniture including electric refrigerator, rang- ette, radio, 'dishes, utensils, garden Stools, etc., the property of Wm. Cos- ,grosfe, {17 Harrison Avenue, Aurora. zTerms‘ cash.’ Sale .starts at 2 pm. No reserve. 'Also at same time and 'place the 6"room brick house and lot being the property of the William- son Estate will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid. Further par- ticulars, see bills. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. phone Agin- court 52w3. J. R. Smith, Clerk. SATURDAY. A‘PRIL 2r0thâ€"Auctlon sale of household furniture, property of N. J. Glass. 3 Arnold St., Rich- mond Hill. Terms cash, No re- serve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Alvin 8‘ Farmer, auctioneer. SATURDAY, APRIL 20thâ€"Auction sale of household, furniture, piano. dishes, utensils. garden tools, and other effects. etc.. the property of E. R. Sinclair, part of lot 35, con. 8 Markham Twp., at Ringwoon No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 2 pm. Property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. YEREX ELECTRIC SATURDAY, APRIL 13thâ€"Auction fsale of household furniture, including "piano, chesterfield, electric stove and washer. the property of Albert Ire- land, Wallace St., Woodbridge. Ken Love, auctioneer. Terms cash. No reserve, the property has been sold. \Sale starts, at 1 pm. THURSDAY, APR. ll â€" Important extensive auction sale of choice 100 acre farm, farm stock and imple- ments including thresher, tractor, milker, tractor and horse implements, choice Holstein cattle, hay, also the entire household of furniture, etc.. the property of Russell Cox, and the Estate of the Late Oscar Cox, lot 11. con. 5 Markham Twp., 11,4; miles west of Unionville on No. 7 highway. No reserve. Terms cash for chat- tels. Farm sold subject to reserve bid. Sale starts at 12.30 noon. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. Jas. R. Smith, Clerk. con. 3, North York Twp., 2 miles south of Oriole, off Lansing cut-off highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auction- eers. extensive auction sale of dairy cattle, 'horses, M-H Pacemaker tractor, late model, 400 Leghorn hens, Jamesway poultry equipment, hay, grain, har- ness. household furniture, etc., the property of Hartley Duncan, lot 11, D.D.T. Pest Dust SATURDAY, _APRIL Viiâ€"Important I’ARD Dog Food . ELGIN MILLS, 75 Yards West of Yonge Street Phone Richmond Hill 134-r-4 V OLD DUTCH Cleanser SUPER SAN Copper Sponges . . . . . . each 050 VANILLA . g . . . . . 8 oz. bt]. SUNSET Dyes, all shades . . . 2 pkgs. COLGATE'S A.B.C. Laundry Soap . . . . per bar E. D. SMITH'S Apple Jelly . . . . . 24 oz. jar HARRY HORNE'S NABISCO Shredded Wheat .. 2 pkgs. WEEK-END SPECIALS MONARCH Pastr‘y Flour . . . . . Phone 77-R Before purchasinga new milker write or phone fqr further particulars. We have on hand 1 used milking machine, M-H. Hinman Milkers Richmond Hill 242 J. A. ROSE We are Agents for Low Vacuum QUEE’S General Store Sale Register NOTICE Maple .. 7lbs per tin O””9OOQM”QOO”Q””WW”W E Attention O i Garden Lovers 2 for 290 0””WWWWW GUNNER TAILORING CO. Yonge Street Cleaning and Pressing We offer to the people of the district an unexcelled Cleaning and Pressing serv- ice. L V Make your garments look smart, just like new, by having them dry-cleanediby us. Expert, dependable service, backed. up by our many years in business in this community. CHOICE PERENNIALS, ROCKERY-g PLANTS, SHRUBS and- “ EVERGREENS Morgan Avenue It‘s high time that the woman who uses the kitchen should have more to say about what goes into it, and where. So Modern Planned Kitchens Ltd. will go into it with you. and design the kitchen with everything in it that you yourself want, where you want it. when you want it. and believe it or not, how you want it, and the cost. well ask some of our satisfied customers about that. we can give a whole list of them to choose from. right in your own district. Phone Gerr. 4616 or Richmond Hill 248r3l and one of our experienced planners will call on you at your convenience. CARTAGE OF ALL KINDS SAND AND GRAVEL CEMENT WORK OF ANY KIND 19c 090 29c 15c 23c 05c 31c 29c Elgin Mills Sideroad 'West Telephone Richmond Hill 134-r-3 JONES GARDENS GARNETT’S Oranges, size 288 .. . Oranges, size 252 Large Potatoes Green Celery . . Waxed Turnips . . . . . Carrots No. 1 Cooking Onions, 3 lbs. 20c BANANAS NEWPORT Fluffs, with tumbler .. 8 qt. 25c MOTH ER PA R K ER’S Tea, Orange Pekoe . . . . . lb. 39c Old English Wax . . . . . . lb. 49c DATES Telephone 292W THURSDAY. APRIL 4th. 1946. Phone Thornhill 1~1r14 . . . . . . . 2 lbs. 45c . 2 bunches 15c Richmond Hill . 10 lbs. 35c 2 stalks 23c We Deliver . lb. 14c doz. 37c

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