THURSDAY, APRIL 11th, 1946. Week of Prayer for ("hurt-hes at King Wan-f. \.. i‘, l‘nn‘ine‘ Ilci}. irclusive, l’iayer will be hciil The l’oliccmcn's t'iii'ri’inn Aswu' ation of 'I‘or-xxnio. will be held at the home of Mrs. C.‘ 0. WATERS SESONS Richmond Hill. Ontario the United Church W..\. if! in l., (lliii'l‘\ l'H"‘ ot' a Week of in churches a! 'l Kine comment-um a; nut. llm ll. Wilson. tcv. l-Z. \\'. ti. \VUl'ltlll. Itcv. M. R. ,Icnlï¬num :ini .‘vlt. lloy ltoak will ot't'ici.i.e. 'I'Lie It'll-miâ€: program is outlin'vl. vith :ienlt'i- cancc for ever-yon». _\ cordial invi- tatfon is extended to W in n~.- 1.1- ~ . - roundiucr district to attend. . Drink plenty 0f “hilk’ Monday. April i3 r.'\tl‘.1‘il ll (Hum-h. ‘ and be sure Of an The t'llOll' ut' (“in-ts, t xii-m, lit-e; ample supplyg ptn‘e l'ark, 'l‘orolnto. will preflc‘r; Tl).}'ll‘ v s ci's Sacl‘et -.'i\.=:i'.i. ltl‘ '-.n.~ ' and. “hOIChome' by fixion". with Hi. John Imiitl“. l ('(IlHIllt‘lOl' :lllll (1" 'illll‘i. day. Tuesday. Apri'. n'» linited ("hurt-h. (~ chocolate mï¬lk and \\'ednesday. ‘Ap :l 17- Presbyterian A†inr. ProductN ("hint-h. l'.\'ei'~'tny. .v\ \ctcrans' ‘ 3 “ Christian group. I. _ . ' Thins-day, April LAW Dani}; t‘hurch. Milk IS the .beSt fOOd The Melyic ('i: ‘2: cl' 'l‘onii‘ic lint“ you (fall DOSSlth serve list Church. Toronto. your family ii‘iiday. April 15'. Cold Friday â€"A In the Anglican (ThuL‘ch, 1.2111.» 100 . pm. “The Hour of 1n- crow ‘. EIn‘gO’d ‘ - g The United ('aurc’i. .s’ p.m «7 The 9 A ' ti'leous voï¬mMonm LL AIR n . _ . u flzq H _ On Thursday Illit‘l'l‘Ollll. April l\'. I , 1V afternoon tea and a sale of aprons .l. Morris. King. under 'he auspices of A Christian Endmvouz' group has ..._ been formed in the comnnmitv of Oak Ridges. einbntrine- all yonin: ORDER people. Mr. Charles Minty. Toronto d;striet leader, addressed a in}: explaining" the ninls aim pu pose of the Endeavour as tian movement and the idea met wit HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in NOrt'n Yonge St. District, 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyt’air 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett J. F Lynett patents. ter serving: overseas for four year Rev. E. W. (l. Wort-all, the recto found no activity the district. Under his the Endeavour will carry on. inspiratio W Elizabeth llughey was selected as president; (.‘arl Beynon. vice-pun~ ' dent; Anna Carlile. secretary: Peter Stcrmo. treasurer. Mr. Minty lan ' Toronto grouis gave an exempary JaCk walklngto'l program on illonday evening: GENERAL INSURANCE The Easter message for Laskay Life, Fire, Automobile. Liability, W.M.S. was given by Rev. M. R. Hail. Accident and Sickness Jenkinson on April 3rd at the home Farm Insurance a Specialty of Mrs. Leslie Glass. Mrs. Jes‘se King City Telephone 28 taken by Miss W. Boys. Miss Helc ‘ FRANK’S HXï¬AeEm AND MACHINE SHOP GENERAL TIRE AGENT WELDING. IGNITION WORK AND TOWING All Kinds of Electrical Motors Repaired Refrigeration Service and Repairs Domestic and Commercial â€" All Makes. Phone Richmond I YONGEHURST ROAD Hm 137_1._2 WWWWW “WO’VOOOOOMOOOOOOOOOOOOO I CEMENT BLOCKS We are pleased to announce that we now have the most modern type of power temper block machine, making lti" 3 core blocks. to city specification. Our patterns include plain and rock face. We also make silo. cistern and chimney blocks. Write or Phone GORMLEY CEMENT BLOCK CO. Gormley. Ont. Phone Stouffville 7304 WMMOW‘WOOMWWWOOMMOWOOM TINSMITH EAVESTROUGHING, ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs to - all makes of furnaces PAUL DUBOIS 33 Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 5.] mmwmom s -. -. who, . \:~ a: I. cposit your savings in an account with us. They will be ‘ S secure from theft or other torm 0t loss. and will he at your disposal when and as you wish. The assets of a strong lnnk are behind cy cry dollar you deposit. 70“ ‘ THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE RIt‘IlMO‘x’D HIE}. BRANCH F. HOOVER. Manager gatherâ€" t'or the young 01' Miss Richards presiding. Devotionals were ..I 'I a Chris-i h t‘avorr with both young: people and Returning- to his parish ul- 1‘. ll i. (I ll thanâ€... in Hunter and :‘ll>. ln'fll‘... .\l:i_\ lsl the I‘ slrt'lt'J li' t'i 'o c'i't-r- lniri lxiiie' le'tl 'l‘tston L'l‘llills whet. it i» t"\]it'«‘l(‘ll .\li's. liie't-r S pm mint-tit \\'.\l_.\‘. will inâ€, \i ll speak. Mrs. l'li'l'ic lizith cm iiziiiwi .l l(‘1l. in: to tile plou'lnrii. l‘l\'t'l1li"_ \\'..\. mc‘ :1: ‘ln- honit tV Mis. bred t’urtis lust \‘t‘t'ly and Miss Lillian Shiiilcworth euro at. uppinâ€" pi'inte l‘instcr reading. \lis cut» will c'llil‘lltllll liver-icy \\'..\l..\'_ :t‘. the Easter 'l‘lianltot'll-inzg iiitciiive'ni April 17. \ speaker may in- sciatic l'or thc mcctine‘. Mr. llert Woods has rcinovcd to the lib concessicn to the farm owned by lCal‘l Lloyd of Si'owball. The date set to] discussion ot‘ a public library here, as 'l‘ucsday. April ltith. cnnl‘licts with the hunt or pravcr service in the l'uitcd (‘hurch duiinrr the Week of l'l':i\<‘t‘. This airaneemcnt being: unintentional. those in chare'e wish to announce that the hour for the library mectine has been set l'niward to {I Apri? ltith in place of h the time set for the church service. The chane-c is- cxpei-led to allow for both events. “'ill (Il‘Tl'll'iS Illllll'll‘ll. pleasi- lltllt‘ the change and endeavour to hear Maior Ane‘us .\Iowat. lils‘pt-(‘lor of“ Public Libraries explain the advantâ€" ages and uses of a public library system. Meetinir will be held in King: Memorial llall. (‘one'ratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. I’olliott. Toronto. on the birth of their son on Apiil ,3. mother and baby doiue' well. Mrs. l'Ilixaheth l’olliott. Evcrsley. is now a proud grandmother. Bron n-Hunter Nulztials Wearing: the wedding \‘cil which was worn by her great grandmother. her grandmother and her mother. anti a lit) year old llcilloom gold coin locket. Edna Gladys Hunter. daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lluntei'. Kine". became the bride of Lester Watson Blown, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Brown of King. at the bride's heme on Saturday. April tith. Rev. Hairy Wilson officiating. The wedd- ing’ music was played by the bride's sister. Eunice Hunter. An evere'ieen arch and colored Iot- iag‘e plants. formed the setting- for the ceremony. Given away by her father. the youthful bride chose a floor length crown of white silk jer- sey fashioned on torso lines. sweetâ€" heart neckline. pannel bodice and shilred skirt. The train leue‘th lace edged net veil was held in place by flowers- and folded to shoulder length. Her flowers were a nosee'ay of red roses. The attendant was Elsie Annett ot' Alliston. attired in blue shear legowu flower headdress. and carrying a nosee‘ay of pink r-arnaiitms, l‘h groom was supported by his brothel Fred. For the reception the bride‘s moth- er was dressed in turquoise two piece dress. with corsae'e of pink roses. The groom's mother chose mauve and a corsue'e of rosebuds. The bride changed to a travelline costume of brown wool Q‘al'utl'tiilit suit, brown sequin hat and veil. brown accessories and mixed cor- sag‘e. After a trip to Buffalo and other points. the couple will reside here. Piesent at the wedding were the bride's grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter of Port Perry who celebiated their 51st wedding: anni» versary on March tith. Winter cuchies brought returns to Laskay Women's Institute. with a clearance of $48 after six prizes for each eucbre and other expenses weio mct. Eighteen tables played at the Kingr W.I. (’llt‘lll't- held on April 5th. Pro- ceeds went to library fuinishine-s. 'I‘wentyâ€"l'oui' neatly constructed tables were in use. made by Kine" Athletic Associatios. the material donated by Mr. E. M. Lee'e‘e. Miss Norma Lee‘e'e gave two pieces of kitchen equipment. acceptably reâ€" ceived. Mrs. Walter Monkman at Rest The death of Mrs. Walter Monk- man, Sr., came suddenly at her resiâ€" dence on Monday afternoon. April 8. Suffering from arthritis for many years and latterly from failing; eye- sight, Mrs. Monkman bore her afflic tion bravely. maintaining;~ cheerful- ness and continued interest in oth- ers. She was a member of St. An- drew’s Presbyterian Church. Strange. also the “7.31.3. She attended Evcrs< ley W..\I.S. when her health perâ€" mitted and often found pleasure in selecting the hymns for the meetâ€" ine's. Mrs. Monkman was foimerly Ellen Thompson. daughter of the late William Thompson. 2nd conces- sion of King: She was one of a fam- ily of 12 children of whom three now survive. John. Oak Ridges; George of Aurora and (‘harles of Weston. Fifty years ago she married Mr. Walter Monkman and they settled at Strange, tintil retirement a few years ago. Surviving are her hus- band. and two children. Jessie at home and Walter, on the farm. Mr Roy Beak conducted the funeral ser- vice held from the residence Thursâ€" day, April ll. interment in lune" Cemetery. Expressions of condol- ence are extended to the bereaved family in the loss ot a wife and mother. whose patience was endur- ing‘. The youne‘cr boys and girls of King: meet in Memorial Hall each Saturday evening to enjoy supervised entertainment and refreshments. Wool Crowers' Oi‘eani'zat ion . WOOL Ship Collect in Our Ree. Warehouse No. l WESTON. ONT \thl Reliable (trading Prompt Settlement ()btain saks and twine from WILRERT HADWEN. Maple or direct from (‘.\X.\l)l.\\' (‘O-‘il‘lCR \TIYE WOOL (iRO‘Vl’ltS LIMITED 2|? Bay- Street. Toronto. ('anada 'T‘IiiT: LIBERAL, RICHMOND il'ii,.L. ONTARIO King City District News *cmonvmn ll: riicultui'al Society i l l l'rg‘ent Call For H Boys And Girls 0 " PA GE SEVEN W: o=o==ouoz=xo=xom==xono===oflo A'I‘TENTION FARMERS a. “\‘izz. “I‘.~ ’i' 'i’..i'.llii‘ 's.- x 'x I] ll - t v . . v . w l“! at» ll;1"" 't‘i‘? ‘iwl l 5 O s - v v v v . v V y n H“ 2‘, .v ‘ V 1 ... opulent i p ‘ Ulilll'di \(It It I‘l'..\( l\(: .\l.\ l‘lulIlAI. NO‘V a lid} tin- Swim" l"l\\\c! Show “ l l~ r’ r. 1.x . g . * lt‘ .‘.‘> \‘l .ltlit .t‘l\t.t' . A l s I . .‘ . I V ‘ .' l .l _. _ . lit-n. .m moat-i will “Hm. I“ .H. m“ mm. Hm Mm 1.). .\ unupklt Illlt ol laitn .ind thitktn tuning. steel o it be. it IV We ‘l'i'zt‘t: Wu“ tilt‘ Ilillllliii I-‘mm sci-vice rot-c.- ml! posts autl lai‘m gates in stock. .\lsn cedar “"" 7' “3â€â€ ': 'l"““l“~ ‘>""‘ we . ‘t‘ilt'tl .\i»i"l Il’.ll l3. and a . .. nu .w “c- '."tt:i _ "hi; :ud. ‘1!“ :2“ Myâ€, flywd y“ ANN \Im 10 [MIN .N. .l sl/lh. “v1. ...- 1w 'lii' :ls )ut' l.l‘.. l. . . . ‘ ‘. .. ‘ -’. - - - .llil‘. ll)i“.l‘l ci l‘.lllit .\ci\uc . ~ . . . iii on but u. :llllvi‘lt‘t‘vy‘wli'tu'> st MNâ€. “V In“, In.“ W m] Wig l‘.|‘ecItUtI done on all types ol Icncing .titii‘: awn}; n lii‘lvwl :l’lil only.) |\‘t-l my. I} ‘mnlh EH \mm :b [WW Hwy 0 pencil for a cowl [Hue We haw :L‘ ‘ mum. tun...“ ghp “Hf [H i... m- t..- -._.h.._- n ‘l‘tf. ‘tllrtjltklllt'u†~l't'IItlvt‘l loam 1h" .PFHM! M “lum‘yilhn “mm.†“ml ' o \itll luloiic ‘t‘itltfll. .\li', \nn \~:'.[.IM,‘]. “an MN“ “m h“ ILA-41 4“ ll’dlll'Hiiv H" ‘1'“5‘" l “fl; “ ‘3""‘i<amp\ in operation :\]illl l3 :itI ' "Hal "tl"1"'!lil“=:‘ H“ I“ “11‘ h“ <li’lf'4i It lllllL‘dl‘ll, Harrow :ipd l.<‘*nmit‘:'r§ ( 1 '. G “‘“J W" 1h “WV-4" 3‘“ “ml 5“†“ill ion. The boys and girls are uccdeil‘o nukwantl‘lto lill\>“lll1\ lllt't'lliif. llt'u‘ at once for u’l't‘tflllitillsc woik. and,“ S""â€â€˜Â»â€™ ' 0W†MW“ “ l“ ‘t' I" ll"l'l\'Dl‘lllllll“ o" l“ll'l\‘ \eUi-“i‘ilc‘ It‘ltli I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘V‘ ’ " a .. ~ ‘ .o v .\ .»- l'l'N‘i‘tl I‘I‘ Ill“ l"<""l“â€l~ Mn rid!“ ‘\ I)\\lll2’ tn the incl that high school, 4‘ ( ( ()1 [1‘ 0 ‘1'" """l'l‘i I'l~“ l‘,‘ mm“ “ll “9V il‘f‘ll“ lit)_\< and girls cannot be I~lcnsetl I’IIOIIL‘ 339.] Iilt‘llnlOllII u “VI-‘3 Ill“ l“"â€l‘“lâ€â€˜ H!" 1“ "_‘ WET“ t'ioni <.-linol for liilllll service until? - o “t n... Hay shaman†nt, lllllifiilu‘ u... 3;; .1... .9... Wâ€. HM... ipuomouomouomomomono “I 'lll' WNW†\‘lW-‘i Hj‘t' li‘in‘: '_1|‘* my to fill up these early Camps" ‘lg‘ml "3' 11‘" "‘V"? "I ll‘“ ""di‘l' from othcr sources. and any t'vr- ‘ r W V w w»- â€"-.\â€".... ' ) i i . . ~ ~ A . . "(’ml “1 ll?" [mil]? T"l“""- Mill] and girls who can he made available ‘l memu-rs w to pan lti {I43 ill“ ~=i, {mm April ‘3 .m “H. “lg-mm. t1 ' ‘ fl )_ I 7‘ l ‘ {WWI "l’ “It’ml'm‘ Ill" “'1â€. ‘U l" .“l†quested to register at once. as .\li. SIJ l lave misplaced yoi'r r ’d w.» still l‘lur'l;i)(|n i.- mwiph ~,. [lâ€" )/ ') V I v v hill." 30â€" lllllnllm" KW'D I†li‘l'itl rinili: opened with :1 full quotaioï¬ ] Ill“ IIHU‘. Nll‘lltlill' (‘\"‘llln.‘»’.l -\!’i‘ll l7). \\'t|'l\'t'l'.\ in the alt-as whole I .. t at l -- -â€"v r â€"A- Lâ€" s o‘clock sharp at the Township Hall. Q-x-(Hlliy “Notwi- le mm». Wm 1.. it‘ll“ it’l'lfl'ï¬i _.\'““l' .‘Isf'ilf‘ll‘lll l“‘dl’l’~‘IH‘- down“ Zii‘drr supervision of I III‘lI‘IIILVIVOR â€"â€" 30 YEARS EXPERIENI'I‘T *‘mt’ IIIH ll'lHL" :I New. the \’.\\'.('.;\.. which will also be ieâ€" “ ,\-w . . ‘ . . juw. ()MH‘M “ml M“. DH“, m†S'H‘ngim“ rm. [hp fuming. (,1‘ [hp lmy: lkl-‘(ln‘ll attention II) J“ lH(I(‘I. son ale to be in our community for and girls. (iood rules of pay will be FIRST (TASS WORKMANSH ll’ m ' a “ ‘ i: . ~,MW_"_ the next three morths (kw-‘il i~ paid by the tanner and wit] 1 l I , r w ‘ . t s. 1 .ie p . . . . . :lilt‘lltllllfl' collce'c durine‘ that tinic’ so scarce this veal. the boys and t thl“ Ru'hmm‘d “I†9 or “Tile l)'()' “0‘ lbs licltorc taking ll})1illlil;('ti' llllllilxittil‘lzll girls who go to camp should t.- able‘ 1 or E. J. IIINSON. ‘1 Iillt‘tls‘ SI. tll ios. e are p 935" U He'c tent to earn and save srbstnntial amounts 1 ) i n ' ' ‘ Wk with U. “2...... 0.. mm,\._ 1 ll..\t r. torn onmcu now Welcome home to R. W. Perkin Mr. Maclaren also l‘vptii'ls ;\ tre- ___-r -_'.-;_*'s ;_;_'_~*~__-~- ~ H r 7 7 “WI (It‘h'l Tlll‘mll-“ml both. of‘ whom mentions demand for help for indi JD"? A I i†n aiiived on Sunday event's. This is vidunl farmers and noys and young - Johns first homecoming:~ :il'lr‘i' scvs men who are desirous of being placed (21 al .Vef‘ll‘s oversoil‘g. “villi ill“ KIWI". on farms for the whole H‘zlson arc 1 tee. has home last suninlui .o.- .1 also asked to lvu‘HtO)‘. t It 0 R leave betoic taking up dquL with Volunteers for this essential farm lhedlccupation Rt‘Al“, service work are asked to register “e are pleased to .l‘t‘liï¬i’t that Mr. with the Ontario Farm Service 3. Snowball has suiticicntly I'cciv» li‘urce. ll2 ('ollee'e Street. Toronto, - '- ei‘ed from his recent painful acci- either by mail or personal call. dent to return to his l'ormcr dutic». ' ‘ . ~ 7 He was working on a lilt'g'I bnler Adelaide tilifll. A' at .Iupp Construction Ya'ds. Toron- . - ‘r#flr *7 l . to. when the boiler exploded binning _,\ pmfit is lmnmwl in am. man's [{lChHIOHd H111, Out" R,R, N0. 1 his lace and arms severely. lie was Hmme ‘ V fortunate to hp \vcal'ine' e'l'isse: at ‘ ~ .; A .» .. .9. . ‘ ..= -. . “I. . . '~ ~- the moment which saVcd him from being- blinded by the impact, The Library Board are })l(‘:l.~'i-tl to acknowledge the gift: of a sum of money from the Lions (‘lub 'il- the community. This sum is to be [Hod for the purchase of juvenile books. We welcome the newcomers to our village and district. Mr. and Mrs. Dutt'icld and family of Toronto moved into their home last week. 1e- tently purchale l'iom Mr. R. tiay« man. A new lraiber has taken over ’he business fiiom Mr. Howard l’ind- 'ay. ‘Mi. Barrett bee-an hi; duties For particulars phone Floyd Perkins. ‘wo weeks ago. Richmond Hill le L Mi. an". Mrs. T. Marshall. loiinL-r (former sale cltrk for the late ‘ ‘esidents of L'nicnvillc anu now of Carl Saigcou) . Chaidon. Ohio, were visitors at the ‘ home of her biothcr. Mr. A. l.. Diown and family last week. Mr. W. McGillivi'ay of Scotland was a visitor at the hoop of Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell this week. or to telephone to Mr. Maclaren at‘ Auction Sale Service SALES CONDUCTED ANYIVHEREI i l I 25 Years Rills Prompt Service I Phone: A . S. Farmer 26 Years Experience York County. Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales Experience Sellers & Atkinson LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORS Specializing- in Farm StoJck, Furnl-i turc and Property Sales I Prepared and ~~~ Reasonable Ratesi Agni. :Ztl-yvfl Posted I Stouff. 29m TOITII OF H I~ MOR faults only Women ‘s Men are have two; Everything they say And everything- they a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7312 mun.“ Address: Gormley P.O. do. * ail fl PIPE Ken. Love ' AUCTIONEER Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally [listed ' and Advertised. Thistvletown - Phone \Veston Woodbridge NOWâ€"VITA-DINE S tren g t honed Blalchl‘ord‘s Feeds are, sl renal honed with VITA-BIKE I'm- Vitamin and Mineral conten lâ€"grcater nutrition Blaitcfotd TORO’NTO_ ~ ()nta -io Ttlflr l ‘2 (iill’L‘d gn-nlcl’ Clarke Prentice 1 ulcensed Auctioneer for the Counties; of York and Ontario ' Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of (‘.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. . Prentice. formerly (Prentice & Sold by l Prentice‘ S I I. , \ ‘ ,, Farm and Farm Stock 21 es a spe- ' ‘ _ _ \-\ IOBAcco -" i-ialtv at fair and reasonable rates. W R Phone ’lhornh'ill 01 i i v . ‘ Milliken, Ont.. phone Agincourt 52w?» 9 o \VE DELI‘ER 77h 71' a z i.’ ['i‘i ; [Vii/I) Hr": Arm) man/.111: for [cu/:- ingot/nu we. 510mm). Folks say. “don‘t count your chicks†but you can sure counl; on a high living rate when chicks are Blalcltl'ord I'cd. And to Inukc nlost prolll from thenl iâ€"licl lcl‘ Incallh for your L'IIICkSy‘ J 1000 Canadians die of cancer every month. Lancer Srctiulists are comiuccd that the Ill;l]0l'll_\' of tllcsc Ines could be saw-d Ii proper treatment were gixcn in the ch'ly stages of the disease. That is (lit: aim ol the campaign against anccr now being Gianni/ed in Ontaritr rrt) cut down this costly loss (it litc now being c\.utcd bx tdlkcl‘. ‘ It is proposed [0 Cslel‘llxll (.10ch clinics at suitable centres throughout the province when: all who suspect the\ nut. ham LJIILCZ may be cutiiiircd, and receive the prom: Il’cdtlllcllt it nctcsmi'}. Plans are also under \\.I\ to inn .1 portion of the tow ot lt‘c‘Jtlllelli oi talker, :1.» well as trawlliuu c‘\l\cll‘c~. for those llct‘xlllllj ï¬nancial hclt‘ The third ()lechHt: ot Flu: tuiiluiggn Is at. lithe majority of cases energetic program otcancer research in Ontario “Hit the aim of discovering a spccilic cure tor «anger, or for some llchllx of preventing the disuse. Canter research untried on to kid“: hJs been entirely inadequate, It is €‘itillldtrd til.†I...“ than $100,000 is being spent 1!] the whole in Canada on LJIIcL‘I‘ uni! lL‘I.tch Jlll‘l:\l (hunter c.1nbc conquered. ll science is able l-l organize sulilcicllt tone; against the scourge oi taint-r, the \Hlllrltnl \\ ill sooner or Luci‘ l‘c tound Your contribution is nccdcd ' to cut down the dcrtlli tune from cancer nowâ€"to Ldl'I\ (in [llc scuth tor a method oi riddich the world «it Illi> dread disease This appeal is for on obiective of $2,000,000 to provide for a three-year program of cancer leseorch, treatment and prevince-WIde :crvit‘c. l GIVE TO CONQUER CANCER ONTARIO CANCER This organized drive against cancer is a joint effort of The Ontario Cancer Treatment and Research FOUNDATION Foundation and The Canadian Cancer Society. LEAVE YOI'R DONATIONS AT YOI'R LOCAL