Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1946, p. 9

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fl Normâ€"53E. Bone GEO Give cohn'(d'oyvs,lnnr and drasx. Send ru>h ur n10n0y order h) ' (‘OLOR'I‘ONI‘L Elgin Mills l’.0.. Ont. i O 90.00.0000009.0000000000000000QOOOOOOQOOOQOOO0600090 0”...“0000000OOOQOOOQOOOOOOOOO”°OOOO00090000009” THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1946 JEAN’S BEAUTY SHOP 9 TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT, LTD colored. m( To accommodate patrons Thursday" starting); May Phillips in the village. F.) by phoning King .. Maple patrons will be provided for at Hadwen’s. phone 60r11 on all other days. and later the business will he established in Maple. ' Phone 259.] A life size 10x14 phot masterpiece done in tr Machine. machineless and cold wave permanents a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Your enlargement for 55¢. postpaid. ENSURANCE rom YOU! DISTRICT 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R © 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto A complete line of farm and chicken fencing. steel posts and farm gates in stock. Alsn cedar posts, all sizes. Erection done on all types of fencing; ORDER YOUR FENCING MATERIAL NOW They of’fer a chance for IMMEDIATE jOBSâ€" STEADY JOBS too. They also offer iobs for experienced farm workersâ€"for mechanically trained workersâ€" and any others able to help seasonally. Then, there is the challenge to fight off star- vation threatening many nations. 0 JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER o JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT Apply today for work on the farm to eitherâ€" YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 0’5 PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 7WOMWWM¢ W,,.ma¢éaiflw9e/ FENCING CONTRACTOR ATTENTION FARMERS HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour HERBERT R. BUTT I. . cements. up to 5x7, beautifully lmml colored in 0i ;tpuid. Up to 8x10, $1.00 postpaid. pet negative an 8x10 enlargement. beautifully ham .mted and framed for only £3.50 postpaid. LIVING PHOTOS nnspal‘ent and (hiss colore in King. service will be given 16. at the home of Mrs. J. Appointments may he made oils "10L! Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 nted and framed, a living: for only $5.50 postpahL nd cash or money order to A. MacNAMARA Depufy Minister 0:0 0:0 Richmond Hill REPRESENTATIVE which wa: tulip, daft They t1'aside of t to Laskay onions were rack dried to perfec- tion. With each llSe performing its peculiar service, the present conver- sion is a boost for King helping to turn the tide of home seekers to an attractive rural centre. Announce- ment of the opening will be made. Mrs. Dave Glass arrived in Toron- to and King late last week. She is the former Eileen King‘, of Norbury, Mr. and Mrs. John Ireland, Roy. Joe, Agnes, Ireland of Laska and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Dion, urox'a enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls on blossom Sunday. Acres of pink and white blossoms lining- two sides of the highway delighted the miles of spectators in cars. The Ireland party took supper in the Niagara park which was'equally ’I‘esplendent with” tulip, daffodil and hyacinth blooms. They travelled on to the American side of the Falls before returning Highly successful was the dance on May 3. sponsored by Laskay Old Boys’ Association, held in Institute Hall, with $76 realized for the Asso- ciation fund. Excellent prizes were given. The lucky spot was won by Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Coe, Ottawa, who were visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Webb, Toronto, captured the lucky waltz prize. Fred Baguley and Miss waltz prize. Fred Baguley and Miss Joan Coulter, Schomberg won the elimination award. Another dance will be held May 3lst. Mr. Gordon Wells, wife and three children, Barbara, Noxma and Eric have purchased the Carver home here. Mr. Wells is an electrician with C.G_E. firm at Toronto.‘ Mr. and Mrs. McNaughton, former occu- pants of the house, removed to the Scott cottage 5th concession. On Wedfi'es'day, May lst Va son was born to Mr. and Mrs. McNaugh- ton. Schpol Collects for the Blind Fund Thelma Gordon, Ellen Brown, Lois McBridex Joan Reid, John Lang'don, George Brown, Phillip Hobson, Don- nie Rawlings represented King school in the canvass for the Blind Fund, collecting- $42.12 on Saturday, May 4th. H 4 an] it! .1“. -- Helpers‘ (‘lub Holds Bazaar The Ontalio Junior Red Cross will benefit by $4.00, the sum raised by the Helpers’ Club at King- from bazaar and puppet show held in the club rooms in Dent’s garage on Sat- urday afternoon. May 4th. With Freda Dent as president, the project was carried throu h to a success- ful finish with t‘e assistance of Mary McBride. Shirley Rawlings, Janet Lang-don, Douglas Benness, Roger Rawlings and Bruce Parker. Five tables of merchandise, must of it the ingenius handcraft work of the members. Prices ranged from one cent to ei'g‘ht and the ages of the seven children ranged from 8 to 10 years, It required five weeks of diligent application to make the wide assortment of saleable articles. To top off the event a puppet show was given as entertainment. The girls designed the puppets from stockings and cleverly manipulated their move. ments with black threads from back stage. The attractive puppets en- acted a playlet, “Baby Annabelle Settles the Family Dispute". The milk of human kindness flows freer through the veins of the young and the club hope to demonstrate their purpose in the not too distant future: Roger purchasé’diviheâ€"ewavi; mond ring and 2 pairs of ear-rings so the future may even hold 1'0- New Industry for King _The opening of King City Cold Storage plant to be announced soon marks a convenience and service in the modern trend in the value of nutritive value of fresh frozen foods, unimpaired in flavor and vitamin content, and providing savings in gollllars and cents in the yearly food 1 . sold his fine er and has Hae, the pr Alice Fergus honored “R so the future may even hold fo- mance for the lucky lady friend. M1~_._H§r1‘y McBride of King has told his fine home to a Toront; buy- er and has purchased Scots Wha’ Iae, the property owned by Miss Uice Ferguson situated at the time lonored “Rafferty’s Corners”, 3rd *oncession corner and King sideroad. Mr. and Ms. Robert Benson have 'emoved to the Tinline house and he W. J. Badgers are comfortably ;ettled in their home, the former Willis _ property, Ol' iiforms of the Girls’ Auxiliary, Saints Church, are nearing com- m and the group are looking in the regulation outfits of blue King City District News THE LIBERAL, RICTIMOND HILL, ONTARIO King: Institute will be held on the evining of May 14th in Memorial Hall. Laskay in the afternoon May 14th with election of officers. Tem- peranceville Branch expect to enter- tain the Aurora Branch on May 15. Nobleton W.I. concluded a success. ful year’s activity with $1200 turn.- ed over to the community rink fund; $300 given for the- purchase of park site; $25 to Cancer Research fund; $45 toward Nobl'eton library fund; $10 to Sick Children’s Hospital, and other donations. Mrs. Howard Dobson was elected president; Mrs. Delbert Arlow, first vice-pres; Mri 'JOS. Boak, second vice-pres.; Mrs. Stanley Cain, sec- retary-treasurer; Mrs. Russell Snid- er, district director; Mrs. N. Robb, Mrs. W. Bishop. M15. N. Pringle. M15. F. Kaake, Mrs, M, Weller, Mrs. W. Hilliard, Mrs. R. J. McTag‘g'art, the directors; Mrs. Leslie Westbrook and Mrs. Stokes Chamberlain, nudi- tors. ‘ ' Several telephones have been in- stalled within the past fortnight in and about King. Some changes in party line hook-up have been made. Application list .is very heavy but being filled with considerable rapid- ity after long and patient waiting by many. -Mr. W. J_ Wells, King, continues to improve in health, being- allowed upr for a time eachddgy. The District Annual of North York Institutes will be held in the Presby- terian church roomS, Newmarket on May 23rd, morning and afternoon sessions. Branches are urged to avail themselves in large replesenta- tions of the excellent program and general business.- In attendance at‘ the annual dio- cesan meeting of the Anglican W.A‘ held ‘in Toronto last week were Mrs G. Hately. Mrs. D; Rzuvlings, Mrs From King‘ and Laskay United churches, present at the annual Spring rally of Toronto Centre Presâ€" bytelial of the W.M.S. held at Maple oh April 30th wef'e Mrs. M. R. Jenk- F. Gamblgill, Mrs. T. Pl'OCEOi‘ and Mrs. R. Burt. Other groups from Oak Ridggs and Maple were there, fmmpd here. the the library conn‘ :1" white. with ere Your help is needed on all types of farmsâ€"now! You can be accommodated in lnspecled Farm Homes or in ‘Y' Supervised Camps.”‘ If you are a high school sludenl, check with your teacher regarding the neces- sary permission to leave school early . . . then fill in attached coupon! at up to general The chil- e careful * This wmmer, Ihe Rabcrl Simpson Co. lld. will L‘ril a series of Farm Frolic; â€" featuring name bands leeve I his spring, hundreds of enihusiastic leen-agers will Mike to fhe country-side. For pleasureâ€"for profitâ€"for national service, Ihey'll go farming for the summer. ambitious young folks can earnâ€"not merely pocket moneyâ€"bu! a man's pay. They‘ll enioy good com- panionship and Inks of fun. They‘ll come back in the Fall radiant and happy. On! in ihe sunny fields and orchards of Ontario will be observed on Sunday, May 19 on daylight savin' time, at 11 a.m. with the pastor, fiev. M. R. Jenkim son pneaching'; at 7.30 p.111. with Rexfl Dr. Archer VVaIlace, Maple, speaking and music being supplied thr'o‘u hout by the church choir di- recte by the organist, Mrs. Ewart Patton. 0n the Monday evening- fol- lowing, on May 20th, Dr. Wallace will lecture on the subject “Acress Canada". showing 80 colored slides. Musical numbers will be offered. The annual meeting. Section Four, Toronto Presbyterial of the Women’s: Missionary Society will be. held at Tliornhill on Wednesday. May 29th in the‘ Presbyterian Church. Two sessions will be held. a str every races and noble vision 0 required of all. 1 of the president c Mrs. Jesse Richm- Boys acted as cha Choice flowers of pink and white‘ snapch'ag‘ons, enhanced the scene of the memorial servive held at St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges on May 5th when a Memorial Cross was unveiled and dedicated to the memory of the fallen heroes_ Doug'- las Snively, James Kerswill and Harry Chadwick. The service was very largely attended. people need gmn, 'J ister c groups iliaries King‘ Jack Walkington GENERAL INSURANCE Life. F‘qe, Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness Farm Insurance 21 Specialty King City Telephone 28 Richmond Hill 2712 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING New Wiring and Alterations Range. Radio, Motor, Washer and Small Appliance Service. cular th W.M.S. M 12¢ nson. Ml‘ zuine, Mr YEREX ELECTRIC lin Ml NI 1‘ of form and of people Lend A Hand DOMINION - PROVINCIAL COMMITTEE ON FARM lABOUR we .IC‘h United Church annive observed on Sunday. M; M u r nite old the advocau If n." as chairman. Mis: and Mrs. David 1‘ ‘ rendered vocal half of the visiting. ter guidance ion of g 3. O’Brien. Mrs ‘ Patton, Mrs. W Dem-Mrs. \\"._ t 211‘, Mrs. Jas. \‘ the Chux ltd. will bring In OFSF Camps ame band; and entertainers! the 11‘ AGRICULTURE Dui'ix )thel .Ild f ente D0 xp: 11 me at entir W sympathy breadth 1 the illnes .lltin H 1.). )‘I c San aux Ma All 193 Ct)’ ut .ll' W. R. DEAN _ Blatt‘h ford's I ‘ ITA-DIN E for grc: ..._I. LABOUR Electric and Acetylene Welding Truck Bodies and Trailers built to order 6167 YONGE ST., NEWTONBROOK TELEPHONE ZONE 3332 - Folks say, “don‘t count your chicks” but you can sure count on a high living rule when chicks are Blair'hford fed. And to Inzlke most prolil from lhom Personal attention to all orders FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP Phone Richmond Hill 9 or write P.0. ] or E. J. HINSON. 4 Lucas St. conten tâ€"grcater nu tri l innâ€"J Here‘s the oppoflunily for youth to pitch in and help a vital, worthwhile cause. Teen-09ers! Sign up for Ihe Farm Service Force today. Attractive Community Camps are waiting. Work i! guaranteed under skilled, pleasant supervision. So desperate is Europe’s need for food . . . and so urgent our furmers' need for labour that thousands of helpers are needed ihis spring. DECORATOR Finder Bros. HOUSE PAINTING AND PAPERHANGINGH ‘ 01‘ PI EDUCATION \(‘E YOUR ORDER NO“ 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE VITA-DIN]? Strengthened 5 Feeds: are sl ronglhcnml wilh ruler \ ilumin and Minrrul better hmlll h for your chicks. Hahpy Ch erry Picker- l’hone WE rile l’.0. Box 268 Lucas St. Sold by 'l‘hm'nhill 5-71 DELIVER PAGE NINE

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