Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1946, p. 10

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“09000009000006.0009...oooomooooooo«0000900099» REFRIGERATION SALES & SERVICE :BOflOEOEOEOmOUO 2=°=0=0=0=0==OEO Hall’s Service Station North 1'0th Street HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS A w . , . MODERN, EFFICIENT EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS PERSONAL SERVICE OUR NEW LARGE STORAGE TANKS, .ANl) MODERN DELIVERY TANK TRUCKS ENABLE US TO OFFER TO THE PEOPLE OF THIS DISTRICT AN UNEXCELLED ' SERVICE. ' .NEW MODERN DELIVERY, SERVICE FOR RICHMOND HILL AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT FOR USERS OF Fuel Oil, Gas, ANNOUNCING Commercial Units. Milk Coolers. Freezers Domestic Refrigerators for 5 week delivery ~ Electric Hot Water Heaters for immediate sale and installation Morgan Avenue 20 Years Experience Year round roofing of all kinds â€" asphalt shingles, ‘slatc, tile, built-up roofs, tar and gravel, siding. ri’AfiE TEN Thornhill '“OOOMWWW“OOOO¢O00000000060“ Your roof gives character to the appearance of your home. Viceroy Asphalt Shingles are made in colours and blends to meet all decorative schemes and architectural requirements. Toronto Asphalt Shingles are fortified against rain, wind, sun and fire. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES VICEROY LONDON ROOFINGS CARTAGE OF ALL KINDS “ SAND AND GRAVEL CEMENT MIXER FOR HIRE W. Geo. A. Kelson Co. We recommend Toronto Asphalt Shingles, Viceroy London Roofings. C. B. ROOFERS. VAUGHAN ELECTRIC YONGE AND STEELE’S, STOP 13 Telephone Thornhill 135r21 EAVESTROU GH IN G, (‘H IMN E YS GARNETT’S Telephone Richmond Hill 2-181‘11 ESTIMATES FREE ARE AGENTS FOR :et ()ppositc Orange Home Phone Richmond Hill 191 OOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOQOOO990.00 ETC., ETC; Phone 'l‘hornhill l‘lrl‘l H. HALL All Work Guaranteed Phone 177 Parents’ Night will be held in Thornhill Public School on Thursday evening, May 30th. There will be a display of the pupils’ work and a short programme. It is the inten- tion of the teachers to have a spe- cial speaker on that occasion, and all parents are urged to attend, Last Friday afternoon saw Cadet Inspection at Earl Haig Collegiate. Marion Ellacott was a marker, Yvonne Mackintosh was a lieutenant and Mary Kertland was a company sergeant major. Peter Wade was bugler and Lloyd and Doug Morton, Eric Neil and Ralph Hicks were in the first aid corps. Friday after- noon, Mayvlo, will be Field Day. A joint meeting of the- WA. and W.M.S. of Thornhill United Church was held at the ‘home of Mrs. Geo. Dean, John St., on Thursday last. There was a good attendance, and the devotional was taken by Mrs. P. Bone. It was decided that the W.A.. would give a donation to the Sunday School with which to purchase some extra chairs, as‘the attendance in the Sunday School has been growing steadily. Miss Baxter, Mrs. Russell and Miss Clubine were appointed _a committee to see about getting some kindergarten tables for the Primary Department, which would be a gift of the W.A. Mrs. 'Russell then gave a very interesting report on Centre Presbyterial which was held at Maple last week. Mrs, Richard Simpson, on behalf of the WM.S., in a few well-chosen words, presented Mrs. Wesley Sr. with a W.M.S. life mem- bership pin, and Mrs. Wesley thank- ed the ladies. At the close of the meeting Mrs. W_ Dean poured tea and Mrs. George Dean and Mrs. Heslop were hostesses. Mré. Harry Swabey of Steele’s Ave., left by plane for Detroit on ed again at the June meeting. It.‘ was also reported that two success- ful Scout hikes took place recently, during which some of the boys pass- ed further tests towards their First Class Scouter badge. With an act- ive membership in the Scout; Troop of seventeen, and in the Cubs 0. about thirty, these tVVO Thornhill units are going ahead in grand style” Mr. T. Jackson was also successful] in obtaining some extra equipment,l some of which will be sold to the Scouts and Cubs, the balance being turned over to become Scout Troop property. In the latter is included field telephone, ambulance stretcher, etc. tunatc as it was the intention of the Group Committee, if successful in their bid, to set the building up on the piece of land allotted to the Scouts in the Village Park. Several schemes were discussed along the lines of money-raising campaigns which the Scouts themselves would undertake during the Summer and Fall. These matters will be discuss- ed again at the June meeting. It. l Last week Mr. and Mrs. T. Emp- ringham moved from the residencc they occupied on Brock St., to the farm of Mr. Chas. Heintzman, which farm Mr. Empringham is now man- aging. The monthly meeting of the Boy Scouts Group Committee of the Is: Thornhill Troop was held on Mon- day, May 6th with a sufficient num- ber of members present to conduct general business. The secretary, Mr. ’1‘. Jackson, reported to the commu- tee that the bid made to the War Assets Corporation regarding an un- used building was too low, and con- sequently rejected, This is unfor- tunate as it was the intention of the Group Committee, if successful in Thornhill District News Mrs. T. Emp- the residence :k St., to the ntzman, which TIIE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO les, even e: Charles BI About 150 cious refre W. A.. am time. Indians, and elsewhere. On Friday evening, April 26, Trin- ity Anglican Church neld a .get-to- gether in the Parish Hall in order to become acquainted with the new- comers to the church. It was also held for the purpose of presenting Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ball, who re~ signed from being the Peoples’ War- den after a great number of years, with a radio. During the evening. there was old folk dancing and a sing-song. Mr_ Howard and the male members of his choir: sang “Finlan- dia” (in the metropolitan style) and then Mr. Whittamore and Mr. Styan dressed up as ladies, sang ‘No John’, Mr_ Styan in navy blue skirt, beau- tiful grey Sweater and red accessor- ies, even ear-rings. Peter Wade and Charles Blackburn gave violin solos. About 150 guests enjoyed the deli- cious refreshments ‘provided by the W. A., and everybody had a. grand _.._v.. "van Nounqu The 107th anniversary of the founding of the United Church Sun- day School will be observed on the last Sunday of the month. Arrangements are going- merrily forward for the United Church Sun- day School picnic which will be held just at the c10se of the school term. There is every indication that the United Church will reach its quota in the Pension Fund Campaign which is now in its second week. Trinity Anglican Parish Council met to discuss ways and means of utting necessary conveniences in anrence Memorial Hall, as by the looks of things it will be rented al- most every day next Winter. The W.A. of Trinity Anglican Church will meet at Lawrence Mc- morial Hall on Thursday afternoon, May 9th, to pack the bale for the Old Sun Indian School in Alberta, This will be the final meeting of the season, but the organization will re- open at the end of September. i Quite a number of the ladies of‘ the W.A. attended the Annual at St. Anne’s Parish on Dufferin St. in To- ronto last week. There was a grand display of the work done by all the different Women’s Associations which is sent to the Missionaries Indians. and elsewhere. mg‘ Mother’s Day will be observed by the' United Church Sunday School and congregation next Sunday. "1L, ' gv..\. uuu AAA. 1‘. C. Crosby will contact the authorit- ies, and a meeting of all people in Thornhlll area Wlll be called for Wednesday evening, May 15th at 8 o’clock. This is a subject of vital interest to all Thornhill 'area resiv dents. Be sure to mention it to your friends, and come out to the meet- Hm“- "WNW u we Parks Commission who will bring the matter before the next meeting; of the Commission. Because of the direct interest to the Village Park, the matter of water for Thcrnhill was discussed at length. A commit- tee of two, P_ Bone_and Mr. F. n n__,L,, 3C -, rr,,_..._., ~ vvvvv J, mu. 1- Bone;-Boy Scouts and Cubs, George Giles; Churches and Schools, Dr. R. Wesley; Women’s Institute and Thornhill Business Men’s Club, Mr. J. C. Smith. Letters have been sent to the various organizations advisâ€" ing: them that in future any dealings they might have with respect. to the use of the Village Park should be trhroughntheir Contact Member of the ,7. .._-.....VA.. u; “u, Parks Commissibn as listed below. Athletic Association, Mr. F, C. Cros- lgy; Horticglturg Sorcierty, Mr. P. Mrs. Sumner, as Historical Re- search Convenor for Thornhill Wo- men’s Institute, has received not a single phone call since the previous reminder in this column, regarding snapshots and information on the boys and girls of the community who have served in the armed forces. If Mrs. Sumner is unable to prepare a creditable record, then none Will be on display when the fiftieth anni- versary of Women’s Institutes takes place next year. Naturally, everyone is busy these days, 'but in all fair- ness to those who have served, an effort should be made to get this information to Mrs. Sumner at Thornhill 151 and just as soon as pOssible, Will you see to it? A meeting of the Thornhill Parks Commission was held on May 1 andl the following officers were nominat- ed and forthwith elected: Chairman, J. C. Smith; Vice-chairman, Dr. R. Wesley; Secretary, F. C. Crosby; Treasurer, P. Bone; Puolicity, G. Giles. It was decided, in the inter- est of greater efficiency, that the various village organizations might be better served if mey had a con- tact member of the Parks Commis- sion. A motion was passed that the. following organizations should deal. with the individual members of the. Thornhill Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting- on Thursday, May 16th, at the home ‘of Mrs_ K. Mackintosh, Centre St. The election of officers will hold the most prominent place in the pro- gram and a good attendance is ex- pected. If you have not yet com- pleted your ballot, will you please do so at once and mail it to the. conâ€" venor. For the benefit of those members who have been wondering about the absence of Mrs. Wells at recent meetings, she has been spend-1 ing the greater part of each week with a sister, Mrs. Wisener of Au- rora who has been laid up for some time as the result of a stroke. Your fellow members have missed you, Mrs. Wells, along with many of the older members who have been un- able to attend during the winter months. Ell‘ Ir. Percy Simpkins, caretaker of rl'nhill Public School, and Mr. T. (son, Chairman of the School m, were in Leaside and Toronto Friday visiting some schools and Miss Irene Chapman was the vic- tim of an unfortunate accident last .week when she fell down the base- ment steps of Thornhill Presbyterian Church. In addition to a broken wrist, she was badly bruiseJ and shaken up, but, managed to reach Dr. Wesley’s office where she collapsed. Miss Chapman is in Toronto General Hospital and is progressing nicely now. - Let ‘LaGrove Gifts and Handicrafts help you remember Sunday, May 12. Mrs, Blackburn has a nice assort- ment of Mother’s Day cards by Coutts, appropriate gifts, and a sup- ply of artificial waxed sweet peas which may be used as corsage, bu; tonhole, etc. Thursday morning to visit a former girl friend. She will be returning als?I by plane‘on Wednesday, May 15t . out to the nieet: Published in the interest of the Pros byterian Advance for Christ and Peace Thankoffering, and pub- lication duly authorized o 1875â€"The several branches of the Presbyterian com- munion united to form the Presbyterian Church in Canadaâ€"a single ef- fective instrument for the proclamation of the Reformed Church wit~ ness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 1946â€"It is of the mercy of our‘ God that the Church so formed more than seven- ty years ago has endured to this day, and that the Gospel of the salvation of men by grace alone is heard in our time. The Presbyterian Church in Canada 1875 71 Years 1946 The community was shoeked to hear last Fi‘idav of the sudden pass- ing of little Bruce Roy Kain. He was such a bonny bright little fellow and was so happy in his class at Sunday School. The funeral was held from Wright. & Tavlnr’s Fun- eral Parlour at Richmond Hill Mon- day, May 6th. Dr. M. H. Blandin of Langstaff was in charge of the service. We extend our sincerest sympathy to the bereaved families. “Safe in the arms of Jesus, Safe on His gentle breast". FUEL OIL SPACE The women from Willowdale Bap- tish Church and from Newtonbrook Mission are to meet with Lanzstaff Women‘s Fellowship on May 16th at Langstaff Baptist Church. We ex- tend a very special invitation to all women who are interested in prayer ang‘ missionary work, The church was filled to capacity last Friday when the second part of the series of pictures of the life of Paul were shown. Next Frinfiy. May 10th. a special group of musi- cal younp: people with their teacher will be in charge of the service. We extend a welcome to all. May 19th “Rev. G. Simpson of Ajax is to be with us all day and we ask that a good attendance will be presâ€" ent. V. W. GRIFFIN‘S Next Sunday, May 12th, Mother's Day. the Sunshine Group of Toronâ€" to will be in charge of the evening service. We have had this fine group of young: people before and can highly recommend them. The speak- er is to be a young man recently discharged from the R.C.A.F_ This is to be a special Mother’s Day ser- vice and it is requested that parâ€" ents and families will endeavour to beuthere t_og_ether. ' ‘ On Sunday. May 5 Rev. R. Jones of Toronto occupied the pulpit and tagght the Bible Class. ' Miss Rose Peachey of Regina is visiting with Mrs. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Peachey were here last year for a holiday and were so impressed wifh Thornhill that Mr. Peachey IS rc- tiring from his business in Regina and coming to Thornhill to live. “Family Sunday” will be observed on May 19th in Trinity Church. If. is hoped that many family groups will make a point of attending the mgriling_ service. NORGE The Altar Guild of Trinity Church held its final meeting for this sea- son at the Rectory on May 1. There was a large attendance and the sche- dule of duties was arranged up to the‘end _of September. Miss M_ Allendore, a teacher in Thornhill Public School. was absent for two days this week due to ill- ness. Mrs. Bishton taught her classes during Miss Allendore's ab- sence. observing how the pupils of file City are conducted across busy Intersec- tions. HEATER NOW SEE THE NEW ON DISPLAY AT Thornhill LANGSTAFF ooooooooocooo0000”.oooooomoooooooo00009000000000. QOOMOWOOOOOWWOWOWWO 03000000090000... OMOGO”.OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO”“OOOO~3 Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted F. L. LOWR‘IE, 11.0%.; OPTICAL REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Classes Fch For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Advertise in “The Liberal.” EYvESIGHT SPECIALIST WILL BE AT 'AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE WEDNESDAY, MAY 22nd and the Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month FROM 9.30 A.M. TO 12.00 NOON LA GROVE GIFTS & HANDICRAFTS HAIRDRESSING Perennials l’.(). Box Si WESTINGHOUSE SALES Al'Tllo DONCASTER Florist and Gardener DAVID M. McLEAN, I’rop. Yonge Street ROBT. PERRY Apply 12 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill or Telephone First door south of ILA. Service Station At 'FHORNHILL Full line of Gifts, Handicraft Products, Linens, W001 and Ribbons (BUTTS GREETING CARDS Yongc SL, Thornhill T( Flagstone Rock Garden Stone Pruning and Gardening :1 Specialty USED ARTICLES OF ALL KINDS A N T I Q U E S McLean Trading Co. At Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill WEDNESDAY, MAY 15th, 1946 Thornhill Cut Bloom. â€"â€" Vegetable Plants ance and Euchre ‘Sodding ~ Landscaping Shrubbery and Hedge Trees Loam â€"â€" Manure Sponsored by Thornhill Year-Up Club Ken Rose’s Orchestra ADMISSION 50c. PER PERSON LOUIS BERTA, l’rop. B116: 9.15. FERN? (A'l‘ SIDE OF HOTEL) COME TO THE .\ L'TIIORIZEI) DEALERS APPLIANCE AND SALES Telephone 63113 Bicnnials THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1946‘ THORN H ILL, ONT. Will. 2171 'l‘clcphune [02 MARCONI Thornhill SERVICE Annuals

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