The Liquor Evil. Editor of The Liberal :â€"I think it is time that those of us who have the interest of the coming generation at heart do something about this new policy that has been introduced into the province by the Drew government. Liquor apparently is to flow freely for all who want it, but few of us, even those without children of their own. live so much within ourselves that we cannot find some young people to whom we can picture the use of liquor in its proper colors. Should we not start to tell them that drink is not for them. that it does nothing for them and everyâ€" thing against them, that it will spoil their beauty, their health, impair their mentality, weaken their will to resist other evils, etc? These are things we can’t afford to let go unsaid even at the risk of being sometimes called old fashioned, and who knows how many youngsters we may be able to help with the right word at the right time ?â€" Temperance. Home Ownership. Editor of The Liberal :â€"Veterans and others have been claiming that the buying of a home is too much for them under present conditions, and it seems to me that it would be helpful in this connection to set forth some sort of standard by which to enable them to decide the ques- tion. Authorities say that the average person should not buy a home to cost more than twice his annual income. Another way of figuring how much people can afford is multiply by 120 the amount of rent they can afford. There- fore, according to those who know something about the sound financing of the purchase of homes, the average family that can afford 830 a month rent could afford to pay $3,600 for a home. Such priced homes can be built. and let them be built unhindered by those interested in scarcity. or other in- terests, because if such a program is unable to fill the bill. then there is little hope of home ownership for the majority of veterans and non-veterans whose take-home aay if mostly less than $2.000 a yearnâ€"Veteran, World ar . Robins Go Vegetarian. Editor of The Liberal :â€"I asked a neighbor who does some gardening every year whether it’s true that the rob- ‘ns can't find enough worms to keep them going this year. . e wouldn’t commit himself definitely on the subject, but he did say such a condition wouldn’t surprise him. Then. of course, the question arises: How are the robins kept going? I see a writer in one of the dailies says they have gone vegetarian. She says the lack of rain has affected the birds’ food habits, and that robins have turned to sun- {lomir seeds. Do you know whether this is so? Bird over. Replyzâ€"Frankly, We don’t know whether or not it is true, and we don’t know how we can find out about it We suggested to The Liberal’s Inquiring Reporter that he try to obtain an anSWer to the question. “I’ll go out on almost any kind of fool stunt for you,†he said, “but I draw the line at trying to interview robins." . . . . . . . . the actions of the just, Smell sWeet, and bIOSSom in their dust. That, too, is the thought in the lines written by Thos. Hood, as he lay fatally ill in London. His poem had two verses, the first expressing his fear and helplessness:â€" Colder, colder, colder still Upwards steals a vapour chillâ€" Strong the earthy odour growsâ€" _ I smell the mould above the rose! But then he voices the ancient faith that the flower would grow over all its enemies :â€" O’er the earth there comes a bloomâ€" Sunny light for sullen gloom, Warm perfume for vapour coldâ€" I smell the rose above the mould! And Thomas Moore’s ’Tis the Last Rose of Summer Suggests something perhaps more vivid than any sermon of the human yearning inspired by contemplation of the season’s last lonely and faded flower:â€" I’ll not leave thee. thou lone one; To pine on the stem; Since the lovely are sleeping, Go sleep thou with them. So soon may I follow When friendships decay. And from love’s shining circle, The gems drop away! When true hearts lie wither’d And fond ones are flown, Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone? The use of flowers is the symbol of triumph over cruel adversity, a truth exemplified in our literature for more than three centuries. Thus three hundred years ago. James Shirley wrote :â€" A FLOWERS AS A SYMBOL It is with much pleasure that one recognizes how pub- lic- interest in floriculture is spreading in the Richmond Hill district. Not so many years ago. only a few persons tended their flower gardens well enough to enable them to exhibit their skill at the flower shows, and even now few, indeed, are the entries as compared with the num- ber there might and. we hope. will be made in the years ahead. “It's silly to worry about money,†he says, “and about what will happen to you when you get old and that kind of thing. Worry won’t show you any practical course to follow, and thinking about the need of money nine times out of ten won’t help you unless you grab off some tangible idea and go to work on it and make enough out of it to get together a good sized bank account. No, Sir, worry won’t help you, but worry will lay you low in double quick time, and the chances are, anyhow, things are not as bad as they seem and you’ll pull through whatever it is that makes you worry.†If 'you have-heard any more sensible View on the sub- ject we will be glad to publish _it.‘ _ DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT’ Our most difficult problem apparently is still finan- cial. It has to do with wages, the cost of living family expenses, etc., according to the Canadian Institute of Pub- lic Opinion which has just made a Dominion wide survey of the subject, and just as it was before the war and be- fore any of the thousand and one post-war remedies for it were proposed, it will continue to remain a problem until perhaps We can all of us have little printing presses in the cellar and turn out our own money as we need it. As for ourselves we incline favorably to the View of 3 Richmond Hill philosopher who frequents both of the barber shops and is often also to be found on one of the benches outside the radial station. ' An Independent Weekly â€" Established 1878 Subscription Rate, $1.50 per year; To the United States $2.00 Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher PAGE TW THURSDAY, MAY 9th. 1946 THE LIBERAL'S FORUM “THE LIBERAL†In the autumn of 1944 the council of Richmond Hill appointed a Post War Planning Committee to explore the whole picture of the future de- velopment of the village and to as- sist council in planning an orderly growth and healthful and altogether desirable living conditions. This committee of 35 which represents a complete. cross section of the com- munity has been divided into sub- committees and has already accomp- lished much. An architect has been em loyed, and after months of study an discussion a complete plan has been prepared for a community cenâ€" tre. to be located in the park area. which would serve the entertainment and cultural needs of the whole com- munity. One of the sub committees has arranged for the welcome recep- tion and assistance of 'members of the armed services as they are de- mobilized and return to their homes in the village. The committee has initiated a study of the hospital needs of Richmond Hill and vicinity, and three of its members haVe been appointed to act with representa- tives of the neighbouring townships of Markham and Vaughan in further exploring the need of and the feasi- bility of providing a small memorial hospital to _serve_the area. Perhaps the oldest institution in Richmond Hill, excepting the chur- ches is the Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Society. Its annual exhibition and horse show to be held on the twenty-fourth of May next will be its 97th annual exhibition without a break. Visitors who find it conven- ient to attend this show this year will enjoy an‘unusual display of dairy stock and heavy horses, with a light horse show and jumping com- petition and exhibition which has few equals, and children will find the usual midway and other enter- tainment for them. The society is now planning a unique centennial exhibition and celebration f0r May 24th, 1949. Richmond Hill Pictur- ed Over CHUM which are so well patronized that there are not enough days and nights in the week to provide ac- commodation for all who want to use them. We have an eight acre park area and two public play grounds. We boast a very active Lions Club of‘65 members which is somewhat of a record for a village of 1500 population, and an enterprising Hor- ticultural Society which directs and encourages home and public beauti- fication. We have a very active Youth Council which has been oper- ating now for about one year, and which should prove to be one of the most worth while organizations in our village, Sellers & A'ikiri‘son LICENSED AUCTIONEERS AND VALUATORJS Specializing in Farm Stock, Fumi ture and Property Sales Bills Prepared and Posted Prompt Service â€" Reasonable Rates Phone: Agin. 20-w2 Stouff. 290 For particulars phone Floyd Perkins, Richmond Hill 21w (former sale clerk for the late Carl Saigeon) Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentâ€"ice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice‘ Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Milliken, Ont†phone Agincourt 52w3 Auction Sale Service i SALES CONDUCTED ANYWHERE Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. 26 Years Experience ork County, Uxbridge and Picke: ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 9. Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7312 Address: Gormley P.0. CEMENT BLOCKS Phone 277J Richmond Hill PLAIN & ROCK FACED CORNERS Thistletown - Ont Phone Weston 703r12 Woodbridge 64rz3 Richmond Cement Blocks Farming, like all other businesses and professions, has advanced and will advance still more in the next few years. New Ways of doing things are being discovered constantly, and much progress has been and will be made in crop culâ€" tivation, the handling of livestock. etc. The urban indus- trialist goes to his convention yearly to learn what is go- ing on in his own sphere of endeavor. The agriculturist also must have a rendezvous with his neighbors and col- leagues where demonstration is possible and where notes can be compared on new ideas and improvements. The Richmond Hill Agricultural Society’s yearly show serves this purpose and serves it admirably. WILF. PORRILL An event of this month to which special attention mList be called is the show of the Richmond Hill Agricul- tural Society to be held May 24. Home town folks usually call it the horse show. but in reality it provides so many varied and worth while features that it has become one of the finest rural exhibitions in the Dominion. D. G. McAllistcr, the president, and his directors are striving to make this year’s show the best on record, and they are and should receive every encouragement. It will be the 97th annual Fair, and its predecessors may reasonably lay claim to the credit of having done more in this district than any other event or series of events towards the promotion'of agricultural aims and aspirations. (Continued fljom Pagg 1) Clarke Prentice g5 Yearg Expggiepce A. S. Farmer Ken Love AUCTIONEER THE SHOW ON MAY 24 Onta rio THIRDLY ‘ That 'part of the side road between Lots Numbers Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) in the Fourth Con- cession in the Township of Vaughan, described as follows: COMMENCING at the northâ€"wester- ly angle of Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Fourth Concession; THENCE north seventy-four degrees six minutes east (N. 74°~06’E.) along the northerly limit of the said Lot Number Twenty (20) a distance of four hundred and eighty-five feet ten inches (485’-10") to an iron pipe; THENCE north nine degrees four- teen minutes west (N. 9°-14’W.) a distance of sixty-six feet six inches (66’-6â€) more or less,-to a point in the southerly limit of Lot Number Twenty-one (21) in the Fourth Con- cession aforesaid; THENCE south seventy-four de- grees six minutes west (S. 74°-'06’ W.) along the southerly limit of the said Lot Number Twentyâ€"one (21) four hundred and eightyâ€"six feet four inches (486’4") to the south- west angle of Lot Twenty-one (21) in the Fourth Concession; THENCE south nine degrees four- teen minutes east (S; 9°â€"14’E.) six- ty-six feet (66’) to the place of ‘be- ginning. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to stop up and dis- pose of those parts of the side roads in the‘Township of Vaughan describ- ed as follows: That part of the side road between Lots Numbers Twenty (20) and Twenty-one (21) in the Fifth Con- cession of the Township of Vaughan, described as follows: COMMENCING at the south-easter- ly angle of Lot Number Twenty-one (21) in the Fifth Concession of the said Township; THENCE south seventy-four de- grees west (S. 74°-0’W.) along the southerly limit of the said Lot Num- ber Twenty~one (21) a distance of four hundred and thirty-three feet seven inches (433’-â€7’) to an iron pipe; THENCE south nine degrees four- teen minutes east (S,9°-14’E) a dist- ance of sixty-siv feet six inches (66’-6â€) more or less to a point in the northerly limit of Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Fifth Conces- sion; THENCE north seventy-four deâ€" grees east (N. 74°13.) along the northerly limit of the said Lot Num- ber Twenty (20) four hundred and thirty-four feet one inch (434'lâ€) to the north-easterly angle of Lot Num« rber"20 in the said Fifth Concession'k EH NGE north nine degreesâ€"Joyr- teen 'minutes west (N. 9°â€"14’W.) to the place of beginning. FIRSTLY That part of the road allowance be- tween Lots Numbers Five (5) and Six (6) in the Fourth Concession, bounded on the east by the producâ€" tion of the west limit of the Road Allowance ‘between Concessions Three and Four, and bounded on the west by the continuation south-West- erly of the southerly limit of King’s Highway as diverted through Lot Number Six (6) in the Fourth Con- cession of the said Township of Vaughan. That part of the side road between Lots Numbers Twenty (20) and Twentyâ€"one (21) in the Fifth Con- cession of the Township of Vaughan, described as follows: angle of Lot Twenty-one (21) in the Fgfth Concession of the said Town- 5 1p; THENCE easterly along the south- erly limit of Lot Number Twenty- one (21) in the Fifth Concession a distance of nine hundred and sixty- three feet two inches (963’2â€) to an iron _Qi_pe; THENCE southerly parallel to the westerly limit of the said Lot Num- ber Twenty-one (21) in the Fifth Concession a distance of sixtyâ€"six feet six inches (66’6") more or less to a point in the north limit of Lot Number Twenty (20) in the Fifth Concession aforesaid; THENCE westerly along the north- erly limit of the said Lot Number Twenty (20) nine hundred and sixty- three feet eight inches (963’8â€) to the north west angle of said Lot Twenty (20); THENCE northerly in a straight line to the point of commencement. A By-law for the said purpose will be considered by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan at its meeting on the Third day of June 1946 held in the Coun- cil Chambers at Maple, Ontario, at which time the Council will hear in person or by Counsel, Solicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially af- fected by the By-law and who ap- plies to be heard; A copy of the proposed By-Iaw and plan of roads affected is in the office of ï¬lm Clerk of the Township at hi= ~ffi(x>>. Maple. Omar}; 2.241 may be seen by any Derson inter- SECONDLY FOURTH LY COMMENCING at DATED this 30th ( AD. 1946. J. M.» MchNALD, 11115 Clerk, Townshif) of Vaughan NOTICE arm, arm‘xqrquflmrd, ommzo 0th day of April the south-west'} one (21) in the‘ the said Town-} per LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE Editor. '1‘ Richmond Dear Sir: Who said the young people not interested in and willing 1c the work of the church? As Campaign Chairman 01 Anglican Advance Appeal fm parish of St. Mary's Church, mond Hill. I have been 5.: touched by two letters end cheques received from young. 1 towards the Appeal. The first cheque to come from a teen-age boy away at S who writes, “Having a pal-haul; time. She'h'ad {Von sbme money a Poetry Contest. and wished it be used in this way. contr Yes Sir! The behind the church them. The new sufplement for greater vitamin and mineru contentâ€"groznlor nulrilionl Riéfl'Mé'N‘ï¬dflILL FARMERS SUPPLY NOWâ€" Strengthened with Vita-Dine And they’ll stay healthy too- Blalchford’s Chick Starter keeps ’em healthyâ€"makes 11mm grow fasterâ€"assures vitalityâ€"and pays lne bigger dividends! 3W Yours faithfully, Wm. Charles, Campaign Chairman St. Mary’s A. . F. J. PRATT, Manager Telephone 139 Thc Hill. Ont A'I‘he‘iroungr people are 9Y'VZ Richmon-l Hill, May 8th, 1946 THE MOST REVEREND DERWYN T. OWEN, D.D., D.C.' addressed to All Members of the Church of England in Canada by To-day we give thanks for a physical victory over forces opposed to every Christian principle. But these forces must still be fought in human minds and hearts. The only new order worth building is a Christian order. At home and abroad, the Christian Church faces a renewed challenge. That is why the Church of England in Canada is makingan appeal to her people for rededication, self-sacriï¬ce and constructive action. This movement seeks to make Anglicans more truly Christian; to make them conscious of the historic mission of their church; to strengthen the spiritual, educational and social work of the Church at home and abroad; and to provide funds for additional Clergy, for the pension fund, for helping the Mother Church in England and the Churches in Europe in their work of rehabilitation, for providing youth training and leadership, and for assisting all Dioceses in meeting their local needs. The Appeal was launched in our Churches on the Feast of the Epiphany, Sunday, January 6th, and Will continue till May 19th. In its lspiritual aspects it has already reached the homes of our people and its programme w' continue over years to come. During the week of May 12th to 19th, every member of the Church of England. in Canada, so far as possible, will be visited by a fellow member, authorized to receive contributions to the $4,300,000 fund needed to carry out the ï¬nancial program. I_bespeak_ from every one of our members and friends the earnest, prayerful considera- tion of this urgent need. I am conï¬dent that if every individual does his and her part. thiacontlibmed objective of spiritual enrichment and ï¬nancial support will be fully ac ucve . K\‘l'l ‘ pnivel rman of tin peal for tlm Chm-ch, Rich Campaign Chairmenâ€" Wm. Charles, R. D. Little greqtly enclosing Ig‘ people REDEDICATION AND THANK-OFFERING ANGLICAN ADVANCE APPEAL to! he the are elp the m NEVER has humanity been in greater need of the Christian Gospel, the inspiration and guidance of Christian teaching and the Christian spirit. Rev_ J. M. Macg‘illivray, D.D. Sarnia, Ontarb. Moderator of General ASSemhly To the Members and Adherents of the Presbyterian Church in Canadaâ€"â€" Dear Friends:â€" The great task of rebuilding a shattered world has begun. Indispensable 10 the achievement of that task is the ministry of a Church that is strong in faith, courage, and sacrificial service. The Church, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, 1:: mobilizing its forces to play its essen- tial part in world reconstruction; and the Presbyterian Advance for Christ and Peace Thankoffering represents our participation in that forward movement. When Nehemiah was called of God for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, he did not begin by lamenting the untoward circumstances with which he was faced, but by confessing his sin before Almighty God. Let us therefore go forward in repentance, humility and faith, believing that we Shan be blessed in our faith‘ ful obedience to God. in word, in deed and in substance. As we embark upon the vast enterprise to which God has called us in our day, shall We not do the same? There can be no real advance for Christ that does not originate in prayer. all to Action Published in the interest of the Presbyterian Advance for Christ and Peace Thankoffering, and ï¬ublication duly authol‘iZed. ‘ The Presbyterian Church In Canada Primate of all Canada ut‘uca’ri‘xinvmï¬ Z6 Faithfully yours, UURST) Rev. J Rev. T Clerks J. M. Macgillivray. W. \IacNamaru, DtD. W. Taylor. D.D.. PILD 01' General Assemhly May, 1946 PRIMATE M A 1 H11 Ho