Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1946, p. 4

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WOO”OOOOOOOOOOOO”OMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO“OO”OO; 9..OOOQOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOO09600000009666.0900090609‘: DDDDDDDD Mushroom Soup . . 10 oz. tin Mephisto Snacks . . . . 2 tins Pretzel Stix . 10 oz. pkg CLUB HOUSE Ground Rice . . . . 14 oz. pkg. 14c (‘LARK'S Tomato Soup . . . 3 10 oz. tins 25c Tomato Juice . 2 20 oz. tins 190 Pancake Flour . . . . reg. pkg. 14c )[0'IZHER‘S . . Chlcken Dmner .. 1;) oz. tln INGERSOLL OLD OXFORD Cheese 1/ AYLPIER . . Bmled Dmner 15 oz. tm Shino’la Wax ...... 1 lb. tin”3Tc FULL LINEpf BAKED GOODS â€"BREAD, CAKES, BUNS FULL LINE OF MEAT AND FISH CLARK'S WANT AN Ayrshire Caif? AL'N’I‘ JEMHIA New Patterns in Sunworthy Wallpapers arnation Milk . . 6 tall tins 57c » RALPH W. PARIS, Manager TELEPHONE IS WI PHONE 77 (PEARSON BROS.) Good calves from'good herds. ulrrying' some of the very host ~b|ood lines. Buy _them at your own price. Sale sponsored by Toronto District Ayrshire Breeders (‘lub For catalogue write Harry W. Boyes, Secretary, Pickering, Ont. Wheelbarrows and Wheel Cfififilators LADIES’ BICYCLES . . . . . . . . MEN’S BICYCLES . . . . . . . . . . WHITE SIDE WALL RIMS PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Sherwin. Williams Paints for interior I and exterior GARDEN TOOLS OF ALL KINDS PAGE FOUR FLOOR WAXES and POLISHES For your boy or girl or as the foundation of :In Ayrshire herd Paint Brushes and Roller Coaters Also several S'uung' hulls. will he sold by auction . Y. W. BRATHWAITE Friday, ‘May 17th Hardware FLITE, the Casein Water Paint ixUpNeeds BROOMS - MOPS - BRUSHES RICHMOND HILL ARENA PHONE RICHMOND HILL 86 OR 270 40 HEIFER CALVES . . . . . . . . per set of four 950 1/2 lb. pkg. 23c JUST IN â€"IN THE â€" Richmond Hill 39c 250 10c 210 23c WE DELIVER . $43.50 42.50 Cucumbers KELLOGG'S Bran Flakes Puffed Wheat . Baby Cereal . CALIFORNIA VALENCIA Oranges . . . . . . . . Baby Food All Purpose Flour, 7 lb. bag 27c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 lb. bag 750 PETER PAN Grapefruit Marmaladéi: . . . 24 ()2. jar NI'TRIM TEXAS . I Cookmg Omons HEINZ I’l'RITY PRIOR’S PINEAPPLE Wilcox Lake 006000000009 OONOOOOOOOOOO D A N C I N G Every Saturday Night To Bill Downing’s “Masters of Melody” Toronto’s 7-piece Novelty Band Round and Square Dancing; bec- out how farm surroundings (an he mnde more attractive in nianv ways. Mr. James Moore, a former ass . t.- ant agricultural representative in York County. now representative lll Brant County, gave a talk on “PI-CS» ent Problems in Local Junior Farm- er Organizations”. A banquet was held in the even-4 ing when Mr. Nobel Clark of the University of Wisconsin was guest speaker. A short play, “The Trial Scene from the Merchant. of Venice“ was given by the Wentworth County club. A very enjoyable (lance com- pleted the evening’s entertainment. On Friday morning; while the girls were addressed by Dr. J. H_ S. 'l‘rls- cott of the O.A.C. Horticultural Deâ€" partment on “Clothes and Foods"r the boys were given the opportunity of seeing a parade of College Live- stock which Prof. A. D. Runions, stated _was used for judging- Is Well The- highling of the T morning; session .wns an add “Supplementary Agricultural tion” by Mr. Norman Linds: ervisor of Rural Adult Ed He stressed the fan that use'shouldhe made of rural for this type of education. Miss Ethel Chapman, l Editor, Farmer’s Magazine. 5 “Home Improvement” and out how .falm surroundings made more attractive in man During tHe convention H Laidlaw of Norval, Juniol' 1‘ delegate to the World Youth ference at London. England year, gave 'his report. The election ,of officers was held Friday afternoon with' the following results: President, Warren Emmott. Brantford; Vice-President. Wesley Down, Hilton; Secretary-’l‘reasurer, A_ H. Martin, Department of Agri- culture, Toronto. Of the 15 direcâ€" tors Ross Beattie, Stayner was 1e- elected for Simcoe and York. County Jr. Farmers : At Prov. Eonventiom Willow Beach Pavilion Nightly except Saturday Enquire about our Skating (‘lub 1011 as seed stock in the provihce. Mr Fred Campbell. Agficultural Iepre sentative for Ontario County we sen‘ted the “Farm Management Pm ject" as it is being carried :m in On tario County. The Pavilion will be open night- ly until ’l‘hanksg‘iving. 09.90000990090900000000000 The gm! It. the Guelph April . Tounty ROLLER SKATING J ur Sh well (lele ‘tot WE DELIVER U01] 1n Ontario Junior F“ m Annual Mcetin Ontario Agricultu a! 01] 3th lclc us the county associ: attendance was 0V0! ates were present from Michigan States aml in] 112’s, 5 for 288’s, doz. 252’s, doz. 16 oz. tin )1 esente Th‘m )n Mia: an addl‘e y Agricultural If Norman Lindsay, 1'21] Adult Educ . . 3 tins 23c an .. pkg. 17c He 3 lbs 1W f approximate d the local ch: 6, Vandorf. VI pkg ,l rme l‘ The .unl Que Thm H0 \va rd 1“ a 1' mer 43c 250 23c 14c 25c 35c p01 rea rid 11c E1001 tLv) Vol :up- ion last 1E 300 all ay on when Springbank Snow Countess. owned by T. R. Dent, Woodstock. set the previous Canadian record of 979 lbs. fat. It is interesting“ to note that. “Colleen” combines with her three nearest maternal dams for the four-generation average yearly PFO‘ ducticn of 918 lbs, butterfat. The other two animals of the Glen. afton herd that have just completed 1,000 lb. records are Hilda Countess De Kol. with a mature production of 1,008 lbs. fat from 24,871 lbs. milk in 365 days. and Abbekerk Dutch‘land Monogram with 1,002 lbs. fat from 24,147 lbs. milk as a senior four-year-‘old in 365 days on three- times-a-day milking. “Monogram’s” record is third largest for fat of any yet completed in this class in Can- ada. “Hilda” has been graded “Ex- cellent”. the highest classification in Selective Registration and was secâ€" ond prize Aged Cow at the 1944 Oak- ville Regipnal Championship Show, and was nominated 'for All-Canad- ran. that have just performed this “hat trick". vMontvic Colleen Abbekexk has set a new Canadian record over all breeds and a North American re« cord for the Holstein breed for but- terfat production in the Senior threeâ€" yearâ€"old class of the yearly division On three-times-a-day milking with her production of 1,059 lbs. butterfat from 22,182 lbs. milk, average testv 4.77 percent butter-fat. She broke a record that has stood since 1924 when Springbank Snow Countess, owned ‘by T. R. Dent, Woodstock. set the previous Canadian record of 979 lbs. fat. It is interesting to note that “Colleen” combines with her very the ‘ I’LEAS.1\N.(‘Eâ€"-LAKE Rev. W. J. Johnston, D.D., off‘ici- ated at a quiet wedding in Eglinton United Church, Toronto on Thors- day, April 18th when Dorothy Lake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Lake, Pprtun, Newfoundland, be- came the bride of G. Howard Pleas- ance. Kettleby, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pleasance. The bride wore a street length dress of minuet blue silk jersey with brown accessories and corsag‘e of white and yellow roses. Her only attendant was Miss Winnifred Keep- ing in a street length dress of rose silk jersey with brown accessories and corsag‘e of pink roses. Wilbert Crane was best man. Following the ceremony 21 recep- tion was held at the home of the bride’s cousin_ Mr. and Mrs. William A. Currie, RoselaWn Aye, Toronto. E118 couple 'will reside near Kettle- .V- In loving 'memojr'y of >0111"d€fi‘_' fath er who passed away May_12, 1942. Hls smiling way and 10mm; face meat f( (lail'yme their lif able of‘ All persons having any claim against the late Bertha Lavina Smith who .died on or about the 15th day of March. 1946, or against her Es- tate, are required to send particu- lars of their claims t’o the undersign- ed on or before the 15th day of May, 1946. after which date the assets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. DATED at Toronto, this 15th day DATED at Toronto, this 15th day of April, 1946, by William Cook ,& Gibson, 912 Federal Bldg, Toronto 1. Solicitors for the Executors. Are pleasures to recall, He had a kindly word for each And died beloved 3y a‘ll. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day we know not when, To clasp his hand in the better land. Never to part again. â€"Sadly missed 'by sons and daugh- tel-s. In the matter of the estate of BER- THA LAVINA SMITH, late of the Township of North York, in the County of York, Office Clerk, De- ceased. “a THE H‘RERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO In the matter All persons having any claim gainst the late John Bessant who died on or about the 30th day of December, 1945, or against his Es- tate, are required to send particu- lars of their Claims to the under- signed on or before the 15th day of May, 1946, after which date the as- sets of the estate will be distributed, having regard only to those claims of which notice shall then have been received. All persons having claims against the late William Ashford Wright who died on or about the 14th day of October 1945, or against his Estate, are required to send particu- lars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 20th day of May 1946, after which date the as- sets of the Estate will be distribut- ed. having regard only to those have been received. DATED at Toronto this 20th day of April 1946 by William Cook & Gjbâ€" son. 912 Federal Building, Toronto 1, Solicitors' for the Executrix. DATED at Toronto, this 15th day of April, 1946, by William Cook & Gibson, 912 Federal Bldg., Toronto 1, Solicitors for the Executors. e ammnls com nerican recon note_ The G'lenaftm' ,gue, Alliston. the trio of at have just ck”. -Montvi‘ THREE GREAT RECORDS IN (‘ANADIAN “()LS'I‘EIN HERD ONE A NORTH AMERICAN (‘ll:\Ml’l()NSHH’ RI‘X‘ORD the matter of the estate of JOHN BESSANT, late of the Village of Maple, in the County of York, Re- tired, Deceased. the matter of the estate of WILL- IAM ASHFORD WRIGHT, late of the Village of Richmond Hill in the County of York, Retired, De- ceased. Tl t))c Notice Notice to Creditors Notice to Creditors ‘e mak butterf ‘doing- this. are repm‘m1 same month, utstanding‘ : ‘e Lime WEDDING IN MEMORIAM .vr to Creditors at Ana Ontario, is the home pmebred Holsteins performed this “hat Colleen Abbekelk Yanadian record over North American re- W k record st 99’»? of the haye newer in an animal cap- hcn three such t'h ree one 000 SLENDER TABLETS 2 weeks supply $1; 12 all (lrugg‘ists. QUANTITY OF MANGELS. Apply Geo. Good, Steele‘s Ave.V near Duff- erin. clw-Jfi CONCRETE BLOCKS. A. Valcourt, 248 Oak St Richvale. . LLOYD’S CORN' AND CALLOUS SALVE gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 500. at all druggists. 05w44 QUANTITY" GgQD MIXED my 5/16 ELECTRIC DRILL, heavy duty. Heavy wire McClary range with warming- compartment. Apply Yerex Electric. 4*1w45 THREE DRESSERS; three beds, complete with springs and mat- tresses, good condition. RusSell Stachiw, Rugg‘les Avenue, Lang‘- staff. c1w45 baled SADDLE HORSE, 5 years old, can be ridden 01' driven single or double. Phone Thornhill 181‘2.. “1w45 TEAM GOOD WORK HORSES, 4 ,SL 5 years old, will ekchange for cow coming; in. Apply Walter Paxton. 021k Ridges. "f1w45 100 CHICKENS, 10 weeks old, NH. x L.S_ hybrids. Apply A. Deciantis, RR. 1 Richmond Hill, corner Mark- ham Rd. and Bayview. REAL ESTATE, Yonge to Church Streets, domestic water mains laid and almost paid for. Last lot left. R. S. Mason, Yonge Street south, phone 236. “‘1w45 PIANO, Martin Orme, upright, ma- hogany, concert, $135; Duncan Phyfe Chesterfield, carved, rose rust rerp covering, $100. Apply Mrs. Trevas, lst house south on Bayview off No. 7 Highway. c1W45 FRAME BUILDING of 31 Chuxch St. Richmond St POLES and FENCE POSTS 30 ft. hydro poles delivered. Markham 74M. R.O.P. SIRED BARRED ROCKS. For profitable chicks from high pro- ducing large egg strain order Hillâ€" view Farm R.O.P. sired Barred Rocks. Price list on request. Start- ed pullets 4 weeks and up, Harold Hill, Gormley RR. 2, phone S,touff- Ville 1520. c10w44 MOM AND POP’S 50th Wedding Anniversary continued from Niagara Falls Parkâ€"Pop gets a wire from Jim’s wife at Timmins. Mom: What’s it say Pop? Pop: Jim’s awful sick, come at once_ Laura: Let’s all 2:0 i0 TON MIXED HAY. Apply Mashinter, RR. 2 Maple. come at once, Laura: Let’s all go (agreed). Mary and John drive via Welland Canal. Pop: Look big ships like city hall. Mom: Why they’re sinking- out of sight. 'Via St. Ann’s, Sniithville to Hamilton. Mary phones ahead and what a spread. Pop says grace. 1st course, chicken soup, fish. steak and omons, cold ham, Irish stew with lettuce, cold slaw, mashed potatoes. Dessert, ruhbarb, apple, cherry pie, rice and chocolate pudding, Jack Homer apples, pine- apple zrip, cup custard, ice cream, tea, coffee, cocoa, lemonade. orange juice. Laura: Say Mary, how do you do it? We use Baker’s Sweetner. Mary: You know Laura, $5.00 worth Baker’s Sweetner is as sweet as $14 worth of sugar and I won’t use any more sugar than I’m using now even if sugar gets plentiful again, Baker’s Sweetner is cheaper than sugar and easier to use. Laura: I’m going to take some home with me, this is a real blow out for me. Mom and Pop retire early and get up early next morning but break- fast is ready. Mary: Here’s a wire for you Pop. Mom: How’s Jim‘â€"a little better. Yes. Susan phones Toronto to have a good meal ready for noon. Rhubarb recipesâ€"4% lbs. rhubarb, 3.4 cup Baker’s Sweetner, 2” cinnamon stick, 1 orange and mint sprigs. Do not peel, just wash rnu- barb, cut in 4" pieces, put in baking dish. bake for 15 minutes in moder- ate oven. break cinnamon in small pieces. add to rhubarb along; with Baker’s Sweetner. stir and cook for about 10 or 15 minutes. Peel Dl‘ange and slice, chill and garnish \t‘ith mint. Baker’s Sweetner has sugar taste. no coupons, easy to use, 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 35c, 12 gal. G5c.. LOT 47 x 150 ft. at Lansing. A well built garage now stands on the prop- erty and would serve as a dwelling until house could be built. It is lo- cated at 325 Greenfield Avenue. This would be a good buy. Apply Annie Magee, RR. 1 King, Ont. c1w45 WE CAN STILL TAKE ORDERS for Kitchener Big-4 Chicks for deâ€" livery this month. These fast grow- ing chicks should pay good dividends on good fall and winter markets. Let’s have your order soon. Agent Wes. Clark, RR. 2 Gormley, phone Richmond Hill 4704. 1 gal. $1.25, 5 gals (containers extra) oz. 100., 1/2 gal cans 25c. each ex ordei more Bake LOADS GOOD LAWN SOII ed. Apply Kingridge con. 5 King. ' Classified Advertng ges up to 100 miles when n- r accompanies order fcr egallons. No cheques, Ge er, th.B., manufacturing 6 Stouffville, Ont. â€" n' each subscqmnt ilmerLion. Over ch insertion. 1F CHARGED NINE AT FOR SALE Richmond Hill tra). 25 02, 1C gal 15c., gal. .iu; tir and cook for 7 test Pee} orange d garnish with eetner has sugar A easy to use_ 25 2., 1/2 ga!. 65c., S5, 10 gals. $9.50 25 oz. 1c., 40 2 storey are effective weeks 85. A1 When afibne Apply Mr ., Stop_22 Farm, Lot; E5 and Phone 8w3wU c5w44 ipm "tfc27 1'! 1 \ 1w4 :11' CHICK BROODER STOVE pipe STRAWBERRY PLANTS taining‘ registration card’ val-1.1M pk tures, etc. Will finder please leav at Liberal Office 01‘ phone 241-)J. TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS LTD Dunlop, ford St ELECTRIC IRON; small 0‘ room rocker; l trunk; 1 set head phones; galvanized chi er fougts; chjqk _mr._sh hoppe er founts; chick m one-gallon self fee pers. Apply 1 W 78, Richmond Hill. WEEDANOL, guaranteed weed kill- er. harmless to grass .and soil. Wged- anol sprayed on lawn picks out and kills all weeds. Less than 100. sprays 100 squart feet. Harmless to human or animal skin. Ask for booklet. Scotchmer’s Drug; Store. Richmond Hill, phone 71. c1w45 Prices advanced on Beach Coal and Wood Ranges on April lst. We will sell our stock at the old prices while they last. Six models to choose f rom. 241 Yon R R Hill BROWN LEATHER WALLET We will sell 4â€"6-8 can Woods and Frigidaire Milk Coolers and DeLaval Milkers we have in stock at the old price but camith guarantee any de- finite delivery or price on further orders. Buy now and save money. 1 McCLARY RANGE. coal good condition, water att Apply 10 Centre St. W., LOVELY FURNISHED BEDROOM to rent from now till October lst, suitable for young women, situated on Yonge St., close to eating places, only clean and reliable person need apply. Apply at Liberal Office. TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS LTD 241 Yonge St., Toronto. tfc4£ 'l‘hmnhill 5h ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Sunday, May 12th, Mother's Day Opening- Day of Anglican Appeal 10 a.m.-â€"-Sunday School. 11 armâ€"Morning Service. Carl'villc Boy Scouts to attend. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Service. All mothers are invited to attend one or more of the services today. Anglican Advance Appeal May 12-19. We are asked for $3,400. Will you help us? Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, May 12, Mother’s Day 11 a.m.â€"The congregation and the Sunday School will worship togeth- er in the auditorium. 7. p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Mother’s Day service. All are welcome. MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. E. Focklel', B.A,. minister Sunday, May ‘2th RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister May 12th, Mother’s Day 11,30 a.m.â€"The Sabbath School will meet for roll call. 11.45 a.m.~Mother’s Day Service. The Sabbath School will worship with the congregation. Everybody welcome. Zion-Sherwood 10 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday Scht 7.30 p.m..â€"â€"The Servic Mother’s Day Sermon All are welcome. Sundayy‘May 12t 11 a.m.â€"Bible School. 7 p,m.â€"‘Gospe1 Service; shine Evangelistic Gror “Mother’s Day Service”. A Christian welcome *awai LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHl‘RCII ENGLISH GREY FLANNEI m 4 COLONIAI 10 Richm THE LUTHERAN CHURCH Sherwood-Unionville Parish S. Cooper, pastor HUNKS. Apply Ken M ! Todmorden_ phone Agix 'Dr n. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH NOTICE Apply Wilbert Elgin Mills. liLi T0 RENT NOTICE PER LINP LOST Th ornh ill Hill ia feeding pi)": Wl‘zgnt St Toronto 1‘0 and landin May School COMEâ€" - -â€" EMA}. LIB MATT. ILZB HT PIANO, in onublo. Phone *1w43 Iffillfffi 1D Ain 1‘ wood hmcnts chmum ('1 W45 vu-Kay. incourt clw-lf) raudes { wat- 5; two hop- phone *1w45 Phone )l‘ tfc43 1 will 1 W15 ('01' th TT‘II'RSDA M CAPAB TRANSPORT.-\_TION from Stop QUANTITY highest cash prices for Iiv We also custom pick at 8 bird. Sichomberg' Poultry ing Plant, phone Schomber Ont MIDDLE AGED WOMAN as helper in home, all conveniences, no‘ hard work, Christian preferred. Apply Box 404 The Liberal. . *1w45 FARM north of Steele’s Ave_, some frontage on Yonge, all cash, posses;- sion of house end of August. Mrs. Ness, 58 St. George St., Toronto. Kin 1-1vm,o; ab hill 281'41 GOOD CLEAN HOME for for a girl 10 years'and years. Apply Mrs. Tm Maple Villa. Maple, Ont. TRANSPORTATION from Stop 22A to downtown Toronto arriving- 9-9.15 a.m., returning 5.30 13.111. Apply phone Waverley 7891 and ask for Mr. D. Clarke. / clw45 POULTRY \VANTED hill suitable ture i'c HOUSE TO BUY, in good condition. on half acre 01' more under Veterans’ Land Act. W. G. Bailey, 69 Regal Rd., Toronto, phone Lloydbrook 2534. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G- VanDyke, 33 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc. WOMAN for domestic work, full or part time, small bungalow, 2 adfilts. Free time Saturdays, Sundays and all hell/(lays. No heavy work. Phone Richmond Hill 1951'23. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- prl. For free nick-uh phone RIGH- I‘AOND HILL 7 or KING 241‘4 Or MAPLE 2,937. We pay telephone MAPLE 2,937. We pay t charges. GORDON VOUNQ ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. I‘RANS 186 R GARDENS PLOUGHED SAND AND GRAVEL deliyered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yonge Street and Rrookside Road. Phone Richmond Hill 1021‘14. tfc. vatim rett. 2481-4 grading: and mo“ Smith, EIg‘in Mill Hill 1341'12. Spraying, welding, lett body repairing. For de; vice phone Thornhill 76 Fisher, Prop. FOR SERVICE. Percheron Stallion, Silver Laet’s Napier 2nd,‘standing at his stable, east half lot 7, con. 2 Vaughan, north of No. 7 Highway. Enrolment No. 2746. Fowler Bros., owners, phone Maple 871‘32. ""4w44 HYDRO LINES BUILT on private property complete. and wiring- done. Phone Markham 741'4. ‘ *8w36 WELL DIGG COMFORTABLE and warm accom- modation fqr eldelily people, senile persons andrchronlc invalids cared for. Phone Toronto Kingsdale 7976. *7w41 'ily Lim Apply W CUSTOM SPRAYING. Fruit trees and white wglshing stables. Hilliard Spray C0,, phone Bolton 2450. "‘1w45 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED & repaired. Joseph Winger, corner of Carrvillc Road and Duffel'in Street, phone Maple 621*21. tfc43 FISHER the cepte'd. VICTOR 1'6 .vh ASSENGERS to downtown '1‘ aving‘ Richmond Hill abou m.. returning: 5 p.111. Am ichmoml St. ATS (full apl MISCELLANEOUS Field tends H thav 161' undersigr n, Wedne the purch 16 1e {1 IN FORM ATION PLEASE (‘LASS SPRAY 1 Planned Kitclu NOTICE OF TENDERS 391' St. to about nel LE WOMAN helper in gm .11111 grown) zlnc siZPs) at Troy Servito, Oak Rid DIGGING, pipe concrete well cril R. 1 Richmond for n CHA RLES HOOVER WANTED T1 1' AUTO BODY repair shop. welding, lettering, truck wing. For dependable? s9}:- ROOM - storing month md Hill bt 1g United Churcl tender not necess tilil pl‘ (100D CINDERS -\TION mg‘smff M .-\Y Stop $1 lule 840 111 (“VI n Say lei-hum (1 up untll 12 o'clock lay_ May 15th, 1946, se of the shed at the HALL, Kil‘ 1.111 will be received by hle )1 n d ' 2 small rooms household furni- Apply phone c1w45 [ED, cellars dug‘, 9;. Apply Bert phone Richmond Adelaiclé ar- Phone Thorn clw-ll di nurch. High ecessarily ac minor lines, exca Hill ider ~mg‘, cult ,lllle rate Elmhur W. M. W. tfc Apply Markham We pay 3 poultry. cents per Process- UNTER ABBI'I‘S N :1 tu ral Phone M( 78. thO months boy 11. LIMIT tfc hval the o'clock and Apply Ont phone “‘1w45 1'0] culti l w «l 1w-15 5w-1I) from ' day 278J 1w45 \\‘ tfc f or DIN 44 I‘E

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