' “Wï¬y, dear, I’ve just hVirtï¬thVe “5511‘ for a hole in one,†exclaimed her husband. “But isn’t that what you’re sup- posed to try to do?†demanded the unimpre5sed wife. “What on earth-is the matter with you, Sam ?" asked his wife, who was getting her first introduction to golf. WHY THE EXCITEMENT? The golfer leaped up and down and let out triumphant yellsi and his drive dropped near the green and rolled into the cup. Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 12.30 noon D.S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts. Milliken, phone Agincourt 52w3. JAS. SMITH, Clerk. mattress 1 Hall Rack 2 Spool Beds 1 Antique Walnut Dresser 1 Chest of Drawers with separate mirror Number of Pictures 3 Hand Lamps 3 Hanging Lamys 1 Floor Lamp- 2 Ovens I Settee and 2 Chairs 1 Perfection Oil Stove, 3-burner 6 Oak Chairs 3 Rocking Chairs Box Stove 2 Toilet Sets Quebec Heater and Pipes Small Coal Stove Papering' Board and Straight Edge Flat Irons 1 Butter Scales Mantle Clock 1 Ironng Board 1 Medium Size Churn 1 Hand Washing Machine Number of Small Tables 1 Fall Leaf Table 3 Yds. White Oilcloth Dishes. Crooks, Cooking Utensils, etc. Number of Fruit Jars 1 Ironing Board and Flat Irons 3 Lounges 1 Lace Tablvcloth 2 Lawn Mowers Number of Pails 2 Goose Feather Bees- 1 N Hoarâ€"uâ€"IDâ€"‘H Pair Goose Feather Pillows umerous other articles ",9 7.. 7‘... bined 1 Serenader Battery Cabinet Radio 1 New Williams Sewing Machine Quantity of Velvet Carpet 1 Homemade Rug, 2% x 1% yds. 1 Red Ryg, Pe.sian design, new, HAY, GRAIN & POTATOES 200 Bushels Oats 200 Bushels Mixed Grain 3 Bags Potatoes About 130 tons G001 Timothy Hay, baled , Crowbars 2 Sling Ropes and Fork 2 Buck Saws 1 Iron Vice 4 Neckyokes 1 Jack 1 Stoneboat 1 Straw Knife 1 Steel Drum 4 Logging Chains 1 Step Ladder 1 Set Bob Sleighs 1 Set Sloop Sleighs, Bain, new Number of Pig: Troughs Number of Cedar Posts Number of Planks 1 Extension Ladder, 32 ft. Numerous other articles PIGS 16 Hampshire Ewes With lgrï¬bs 1 Ram ' 30 Light Sussex Young Hens 1 Sow, due time of sale 12 Little Pigs 1 Sow with pigs 1 Sow, due time of sale 1 Sow, bred April 18th W SHEEP AND POULTRY mHHHHHpâ€"AHHNMHHHHHHHHHbâ€"IHDâ€"I nearly new I Hay Tedder, Frost & Wood Ten Foot'Horse Rake 'M-H 13 Disc Drill M-H Cultivator, nearly new Land Roller 1 Disc Harrow Set of Harrows, 4 sections Set of Barrows, 3 sections Scuffler 1 Turnip Drill No. 21 Fleury Plow with wheels No. 21 Fleury Plow with wheels No. 12 Fleury Plow with wheels Speight Wagon, box and springs Sets Truck Wagons Flat Racks 2 Hay Racks Chatham Fanning Mill Root Pulper 1 Top Buggy Set Platform Scales, 2000 lbs. Cutter, good 1 Open Buggy Robe 2 Buggy Poles Emery Stone 1 Crosscut Saw Pair Horse Blankets DeLaval Cream Separator Sets Doubletrees Number of Grain Bags and Sacks Forks, Sliovels, Hoes, Hampers and new 1 Set Team Harness 1 Pair of Bridles 1 Set Single Harness Number of Collars Same Old Harness IMPLEMENTSV 1 McCormick Deering Binder, 7 ft. cut, new 1 Deering Mower, oil bath, 5 ft. cut, SATURDAY, MAY 8 At Lot 22, Con. 3, North York Twp., Two and ,half miles east of Yonge St. 7 . i , a 7 7 , "V", 5x4 ft. Oak Bedroom S.:ite, springs and mattress Dark Oak Bedroom Suite, springs and mattress Oak Bedroom Suites, springs and THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 19.4.6. F A R M s 0 L 1) Public Auction Sale of FURNITURE Oak Kitchen Cupboard Oak Dining Room Suite Bookcase and Writing Desk com- Including Percheron Horses. Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Harness, Hay, Grain, Furniture, Etc. The Pmpsgiyjt , FARM STOCK HARNESS Set Brass Mbunted Team Harness, Blue Cow, bred Nov. 9th Durham Cow, bred Nov_ 22nd lwlstein Cow, bred Aug. 11th Durham Cow, calf by side Holstein Cow, due time of sale Holstein Cow, due time of sale Holstein Heifer in calf Holstein Heifer in .calf Holstein Cow, due June 6th Holstein Cow, due June 15th Durham Bull, 9 months old J. W. JOHNSTON Grey Percheron H0158, 8 yrs. old Grey Percheron Mare, 9 yrs. old Brown Perchelon Mare, aged General Purpose Mare, aged DAIRY CATTLE HORSES . A gadget is coming on the market‘ which will keep automobile tires up to their proper pressure. Who said there was not such a think as con- trolled inflation? JAS. SMITH, A Clerk Terms Cash. No Reserve. Sale at 1.30 p.m. D.S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts. 1 Fernery 1 Morris Chair 1 Jardiniere 1 Veranda Couch 1 Rocking Chair 1 Small Table 1 Old Radio Cabinet Quantity of other useful articles ' 1 Beatty Electric hashing Machine 1 McClary Electric Rangette 1 Steamer Trunk, good Number of Home Made Rag Rugs Number of Oil Lamps 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Lawn Mower 1 Coffee Grinder ,7 Bench 1 Odd Arm Chair 1 Ladder 1 Step Ladder 100 it. Garden Hose and Reel Large Number of Real Good Garden Tools Quantity of Fire Wood 1 Banner Ash Sifter Number of Quart Sealers Number of Pirt Sealers 1 Cellar Table Number of Creeks 1 Set‘ of Scales 2 Feather Ticks Anyone in need of furniture would do well to attend this sale as the abovementioned furniture is all exceptionally good. Bookcase combined 1 Fumed Oak Library Table 1 Davis Sewing Machine Number of Pillows 1 Rocking Chair Number of Books Solid Walnut Bed, springs and spring mattress _ 1 Solid Walnut Dresser 1 Solid Walnut Chiffonier 1 Solid Walnut Dressing Table 1 Bedroom Chair Number of Woollen Blankets . Number of Quilts and other Bedding Large Number of Hand Made Linen Pillow Cases, Towels and Dress- er Scarves, etc. 1 Wooden Bed, springs and mattress 1 Floor Polisher, 20 lbs. 1 Sugar Barrel 5 Wooden Chests plush upholstered Above suite good as new 1 Day Bed with mattress 1 Iron Safe, Schwak make Large Number of Good Dishes and Glassware Quantity of Silverware such as Knives, Forks, etc. 1 Electric Hot Plate 1 Sparton Electric Refrigerator 1 Kitchen Table with drawer Number of Cooking Utensils Number of Kitchen Chairs 1 Paper Rack 1 Mirror 1 White Metal Steel Bed, single, springs and spring mattress 1 Bureau or Chest of Drawers 1 Filmed Oak writing Desk and ing‘ Chair 2 Clothes Hall Trees 1 Rug, 7 x 41/2 ft. 1 Upholstered Low Stool Number of Cushions 1 Solid Walnut Buffet 1 Solid Walnut China Cabinet 1 Solid Walnut Dining Room Table 6 Solid Walnut_Din1ng Room Chairs, SATURDAY, MAY 11 The Property of Estate of the'Late MRS. CHAS. CLARK tion Terms Cash. No Reserve Sale starts at 1.30 pm. D.S.T. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer stalled / 1 Quebec Heater 32-Piece Set of Dishes 2 Electric Table Lamps 2 Hot Plates 1 Pull-Out Couch 1 Pair Skis, Harness and Poles 1 Clothes Horse 2 Laundry Tubs PilloWs and Cushions Fruit Jars and Canned Fruit Wool Blankets 1 Lawn Mower Garden Tools Cooking Utensils 2 Screen Doors Other articles too numerous to men- SATURDAY, MAY 18 Richmond Hill Arena ton control, table model Radio Table with drawer Electric Floor Lamp Parlor Rug, 6 x 9 ft. Upright Piano, Heintzman & Co. Piano Stool Arm Chair Large ALeather Upholstered Rock- Household Furniture, Dishes and Glassware AUCTION SALE 0f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Chesterfield Suite, 3 pieces Living Room Table Rogers Maje_stic >Radio, push but- 20 Arnold St., Richmond Hill WILLIAM HARRIS AUCTION SALE 0f M31959}; phpm} Agincofn‘t 52w Oak Dining Room Chairs, Oak Quarter Cut Oak Hall Rack Settee and Chair, mahogany finish Oak Dresser Walnut Dresser Simmons Walnut bed and springs Marshall Spring Mattress, new Iron Bed, new Springs Iron Bed, springs and mattress Small Tables Kitcheï¬ Extension Table 2 Dozen Kitchen Chairs Kitchen Rocking Chair Verandah Rocker Kitchen Table with drawer Congoleum Rug, 9x10‘/2 ft., new Congoleum Rug, 9x15 ft. Square of Linoleum, 9x12 ft. Rug, 9x12 ft. Pieces Oilcloth, 9x12 ft. Mantle Clock, 8-day KitchenRange with oil burner in- Kroehler Chesterfield and Chair Buffet, Quarter Cut Oak Diping Room Table, Quarter Cut Sale will be held in the The Property of 1 Coffee Grinder 1 Odd Arm Chair 1 Step Ladder Hose and Reel of Real Good Garden Wooden Chests Morris Chair Veranda Couch Small Table The Real Estate consisting of a lot 60x138 feet on the south side of Hollywood Street, a solid brick dwelling, 6 rooms and bath, good garage. dwelling in exceptional good condition with all modern conven- iences, and if not sold before sale date will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms made known day of sale. Terms on Chattels Cash. It’s strange how many people for- get that they are taught, when bab- ies, to stand up for themselves. and mattresses Number Child’s Quilts and Blankets Smoker Stand Clothes Baskets Dresser with Mirror Writing Desk Cedar Chest Bookcase Table Pair Twin Beds, wooden Set Springs for same Electric Table Lamp Small Bedroom Rug Dresser Large Trunk About 8 doz. Good Pint Sealers Pair Curtain Stretchers Pair Quilting Frames Step Ladder Child’s Table Sprayer, pail 'size Number Good Garden Tools Coffield Electric Washing Machine Tubs and Two Pails Cellar Cupboard Numerous other articles All the above mentioned furniture and articles are in good condi- tion. (No Junk.) 2 Rabbit Hutches 28 Rock Hens, laying Sale at 2 o’clock D.S.T. Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts hole, oven, in excellent condition General Motors Frigidaire, medium size. in excellent condition Fall Leaf Kitchen Table Floor Polisher Small Mirror Pots and Pans Kitchen Cupboard Cooking Utensils 3 Kitchen Chairs Gate-Leg Table, Walnut Small Chest Drawers Set New Scales, 25 lb. cap. Bedroom Wagon 5 Children’s Steel Cribs with springs 2 Living Room Chairs, upholstered Occasional Arm Chair Cabinet Radio Antique Clock Electric Table Lamp with shade Large Mirror Radio Table Electric Floor Lamp Radio, Electric-Dominion Electro~ home Industric Table Model Fire Place Screen and Irons Buffet Small Rug 2 Axminster Rugs, 6x9 Quantity Good Dishes Glassware Studio Couch 2 Veranda Arm Chairs Round Oak Dining Room Table, dmp leaf 5 Dining Room Chairs Number Flower Baskets McClaryE Electric Kitqhen Range, 4 Miss Phyliss Blaine 249 Hollywood Ave., One half mile east of Yonge St. LANSING ' THURSDAY, MAY 16 REAL ESTATE Mrs. George Clayton and Mrs. Robert Giles attended the wedding of their niece Miss Myrtle Mary Whan, RN. to Buford Learn. at Queen St. Baptist Church. St. Cathâ€" arines. Miss Myrtle Whan is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. E. J. Whan, Peterboro. Plans are being made to charter a bus to go Ito the Young People’s Convention being- held this year at New Dundee. Everyone interested in attending the convention should con- tact Mr. Joseph Sider or Rev. F. G. Huson. Mr. énd Mrs. S. N. Doner, also Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Shupe of Be- thesda spent the week-end visiting friends in New Dundee. Mrs. Floyd Winger of Stevensville also Vernon and Larrv have return- ed home after spending two weeks at_ber payents’ horned, Electric Stove, Refrigerator, Washer â€"andâ€" Misses Betty and Harriet Schlicter of Toronto spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Schlicter and daughter. Mi: Albert Gooding and Isabel of Plattsville, also Mrs. Agnes Loker of Galt spent the week-end in the home of_Mr. A. T. Gooding. _ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moorby, Bert, Lois and Mrs. Sproule were en- tertained at dinner on Saturday ev- ening- at the Granite Club, Toronto, by Mr.. and Mrs. Hedley Brou’c, old friends of Mrs. Moorby in Chicago. Mr. Prout is a member of the Gran- ite Club on St. Clair Ave. (in Sunday Miss Marion Hunt and Miss Enid Doyle spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hunt and Ruth. Mrs. Laura Drummond returned last week from British Columbia where she sAppnthhe wiqteL‘mqnths. Miss Beulah Heise of Kitchener spent the week-end visiting among friends and relatives in this com‘ munity. A number of friends from here at- tended the wedding anniversary celeâ€" brations last Saturday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Conner of the sixth line. We are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson back to our community again after having spent the winter in Toronto. A number of friends gathered in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grove to shower their gifts and con- gratulations on Mr. and Mrs. Wesâ€" ley Grove last Saturday evening. Mrs. Grove recently arrived from England. _ Household Furniture, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sider on their weddin last Saturday in Avenue Road C urch, Toronto. -11 AUCTION SALE of Milliken, phone Agincoï¬rt 52w3 The Property 'of GORMLEY Richmond Hill Choral Society will meet for rehearsal on Monday, May 13th in the High School at 8.15 p.m. All-those interested in singing are invited to attend. Plans have been laid for public presentation in both October and December. Phone 10, The Elevator CHORAL REHEARSAL Not too late for clovers, meadows and pasture seeding Oats and Barley Chop. Feeds for the growing stock. Also a supply of Dairy Feeds for milk production. NO. 1 ONTARIO SEED CORN (Open Pollinated) HYBRID SEED OF VARIOUS DAYS MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED this year. Anyone who has a flock of well grown, fully developed pullets in production next fall is going to be “in the moneyâ€. How about your flock? Will you be “wishing†or “cashingâ€? It depends partly on the kind of chicks you start; partly on the way you start them; partly on the way you grow them. I We can supply Purina Chick Startena, the starter with “ingredient power†to get your chicks away to a flying start . . . Cher-R-Tabs to protect their health (drop one tablet in each quart of drinking water) . . and a good Purina growing feed to grow them out big and strong, once they’re past the starting period. Use these helps to better-\pullets and next fall you'll not be merely wishing â€" you’ll be cashing. Remember last fall’s egg market? Everything points the same way for I. D. Ramer 85 Son FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO, ONT. To the Farm Products Marketing Board THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD N 0 1' I c E TO Au HOG BUYERS m ONTARIO make(s) application to the Farm Products Marketing in the business of a buyer of hogs under the Farm Prod the period from April lst, 1946 to March 31., 1947. ' Dated at ...................... “No buyer other than a processor shall buy hogs except under the authority of a buyer’s licence.†Applicants for licences to buy hogs should complete the form below and return it, with the $1.00 licence fee, to IIE Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Scheme has been approved by the Ontario Government, and Became Effective on and after May 1, 1946. Under this scheme, all buyers of hogs for processing or for resale to processors are required to conlply with the following regulation:â€" Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario _ The lovely morning cat golfer to whistle cheerfully There is a c; course where Su ed, and where c an English playe stOod waiting: w ponent to arrive Ontario, this OUTRAGEOUS (Name of applicant) hired a baddie 1 him for his " ma mum “mmébmm Powm :ting Board for a licence to engage Products Marketing Act, 1946, for day of. “What’s the matter?†repeated Macpherson. “D’you expect me to carry for a man who whistles on the Sabbath?†sooner had he started than the cad- die threw down the clubs and walk- ed off. The golfer called to him: “HL Macpherson, what’s the mat- ter 9n Richmond Hi1 ................. ADDRESS ................. APPLICANT ............................... , 1946. PAGE