Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1946, p. 7

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Tili'itSTiAY, MAY Dill, laid. ANGLICAN ADVANCE APPEAL MAY 12 -â€" 10 $4,300,000 To help Church in BRITAIN. EUROPE. MISSION FIELDS CANADA. RICHMOND HILL Our Share $3,400.00 All Anglicans served by St. Mary’s Church. Richmond Hill. urged to give generously. Chairmen of Appeal â€"- Wm. Charles. R. D. Little H t way A R.O.P. Sired White Leghorn Pullets or Mixed Chicks Available alter May 15 Day-Old Pullets . . . . . . . 26c. each Mixed Chicks . . . . . . . . 121/2c. each Cockerels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. 20. each These are big husky chicks, sired by R.O.P. males. Breeding stock is government handed and blood tested. Order now as we will soon be sold out for the season. 10": deposit will hold your order. Write for free catalogue: BEVANs POULTRY FARM Thornhill, Ontario SHOWING AT THE ‘ Masonic Hall RICHMOND l-llLL SATURDAY, MAY 11th 7.00 and 9.00 pm. “ CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK ” with Donald O'Connor. Peggy Ryan. Ann Blyth ADDED ATTRAC' ‘ION “ The Merry Madcaps ” CHAPTER Two or SERIAL “ OVERLAND MAIL ” With Lon Chaney. Helen Parish. Don Terry. Noah Beery Jr. Bob Baker. Noah Beery Sr. om “TAILORING We offer to the people of the district an unexcelled Tailoring, Cleaning & Press- ; ing service. We specialize in the most popular and approved styles of men’s and women’ mo 5 tailored garments, and guarantee satis- faction. We have an exceptionally fine stock of imported woollens. Make your garments look smart, just like new. by having them dry-cleaned expertly by us. (RUNNER TAELORINC CO. _ Telephone 292W Yonge Street Richmond Hill .0 l 6000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Social and Personal Mrs. Ernest Hancock ol‘ Kenmore. “turnip. X.\'.. is dating her sisters n. .. 51.». It. t. t‘attw. it? .\lill F.2I't". The Presbytetian Women‘s~ Assoâ€" ciation will hold their monthly met-tâ€" in: en ’l‘ltursday. May llith at Tile home of Mrs. Milton Savage. Kindly meet at post office at 2.43 pan. Mrs. Thomas Wood. Toronto. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (‘. A. llan. son. l-Ile‘in Mills. Mrs. Wood attend- ed the memorial service at St. John's (‘Imrt-h. tiak Ridges Mr. Stewart Tyndall has been ap- pointed to the staff of the Sales Dept. of (‘anadian General Electric ('ompany Head Office. Toronto. He completed his course for electric test technician in l’eterboro last week. The Primary and Nursery depart- ments of the United Church Sunday School will meet at 10.30 a.m_ next Sunday morning. May 12th and will also meet the main school in a Com- bined service in the church at it o'clock. The regular meeting of the Unitâ€" ed (‘hurch Women's Association will be held next Tuesday. May ch at 2.30 p.m. (‘anvassers for May Z-lth are required to tl_\' and have their reports ready for this meetinu'. All ladies of the congregation are ('otu dially invited to attend. The Music ('lub of' Richmond Hill silie'h School will present a prog‘ram of music on Friday. May 17th at 8 p.m. in the high school gym. Please keep this date in mind. Tickets will soon be available from club mem- bers. Watch for further announces ments. Prize winners at the Orange Ett- Chre of April 251h were as follows: Ladies. Mrs. J. Russell. Mrs. O'Neill. Mrs. A. Patton. Gents. S. Ransom. W. Cox. F. Clark. Travelling: prizes were won by Mrs. Allison and “2 Horner. Door prizes. Mrs. Malloy and Mrs. J. Cook. Next euchre will be on Friday. May 10. Everybody welcome. Rev. Rural Dean Wrixon. William Charles. R. D, Little and D. Boyd attended the dinner at the Royal York hotel on Tuesday of this week arranged by the Diocesan Laymen's Council. in co-operation with the Anglican Advance Appeal committee. About 1.200 were present. representâ€" ing- litany parishes. The chief speak- er was Leonard W. Brockington, Esq. K.(‘.. who spoke on the Anglis can Appeal. BIRTHS FOSTER~M12 and Mrs. Geo. Fost- er. Maple. are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Joyce. on Tuesday. April 30th at Mrs. Iloov- er's Nursingr Home~ Maple. TOMLINSONâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tomlinson. Richmond Hill are happy to announce the birth of twin boys on Sunday. May 5th at Newmarket hospital. URBENâ€"At Mrs. I-Ieeley's Nursing Home, Eight Mills. on Thursday, May 2 to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Urben. the gift of a son. Patti James. A inother for David. (‘ARD OF THANKS MrHTed (lrainger wishes to thank the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade and all who assisted in extinguishing the fire at his barber shop recently. CARD OF THANKS Leonard Baker wishes to extend his heartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion for the acts of kindness, mess- ages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from the many friends, during his bereaveâ€" ment in the death of his beloved wife. CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank our friends for their kindness, flowers and sincere. words of sympathy in our recent be- reavement of a dear daughter and sister. Mrs. Leonard Baker. Mother. Sister and Brothers. Before you buy new tires. re- member . voucan’t buy a bet tcr tire titan a Goodyear! i WHITE 2; YOUNG Yonge Street, Richmond Hill WWOW _ 4... â€" â€"-~.â€"â€"â€"-~._. Tun LILI'JILAL. tttLttttttuwu RV dhi' MeL,\l'GIlLIN-WATERS in St. Mary‘s Anglican t'lttirt-n. lichntond llill. on Saturday. May at. decked with palms and Slil'illu' t'lou- t-rs. lit-v. W. l". Wrixon ot't'it-iatt-d at the wedding.r of Mariorip (idling \Vztters. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ('_ O. Waters. formerly of lsltng» ton. Ontario. and Edward John McLaughlin. son of MI“. and Mt's. E. J. McLaughlin of Toronto. Mr, H. tall presided at the organ and dur- ing the signing- of the Iee'istev ac» companietl Miss Gloria Donal; old. isl. The bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a white s'tltn gown with finger tip emlnoidered veil caught to a halo headdress and wore a pearl necklace. lier flowers were a cascade of red roses and gar- denias. Her attendants: Gloria llu- c‘ill was maid of honour in blue with matching- lteaddress of flowers and tulle and carrying; cascade of pink Audrey Adlam. cousin of the bride, was gowned in pink with matching»; headdress of flowers and tulle and carrying: cascade of yellow roses. Mr. George nan-yer ot' X‘t,\l- mer was best man and Mr. \V. E. Waters and Mr. S. .1, Waters, broth- ers of the bride. were ushers. The reception was held at the Pony (‘rest l'OSCS. Lodge. the bride's mother receiving" in ntattve black and fuchsia hat with black accessories and corsae‘e of sweet peas. The groom’s mother were a black dress with sequins and «usage of red roses. The couple left on a tour of the southern states thediride wear- ing a navy blue suit with pink but and a pink Crepe dress. mink sweet aceessories of and scarf peas. DOV" with corsage BARRACLOL'GH-I‘II'RRY Rertba .lean Hurry became the bride of Arthur James Barraclough Saturday. May tst at. a quiet cere- mony Richmond 11111 United Church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Hurry and the late Mr. Au- gustus Hurry of West Royalty. }>.lu'.l.. and the groom is the younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney A. Barraâ€" clough. Richmond Hill. The Rever- end Claude B. Brethen officiated at the ceremony. The bride, attended by her sister. Miss Mildred Hurry. of Toronto. wore a period gown of white silk marquis- ette over satin. fashioned with bonf- fant skirt, tiny puff heart-shaped neckline. Her veil, caught to a Mary Queen of Scots bonnet was edged with old rosepoint in sleeves and lace and her only ornament was a‘ single strand of pearls. She carried a cascade of Calla lili’ies, Easter lily . buds and white sweet peas. Her sister. as bridesmaid wore a gown ot’ palest pink fashioned on lines similar to that of the bride and car- ried a cascade of full pink roses ‘with pansies. The groomsman was Mr. Patti Cle- ment of Kirkland Lake. Following the reception at which 7 guests were received by the ,‘II'OOm’S mother, the couple left. for a short \\'e(l(lliif.1' tr1p and on their return will live in Bradford. Ont. MASHINTERâ€"BOOTH On Wednesday evening, April 17 at 7.30 o’clock in Box Grove United Church the wedding; of Elsie May Booth. only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Booth of Cedar Grove. Mark- ham. Ont. to John Thomas Mashin- ter. eldest son of Mr. Samuel R. Mashinter and the late Mrs. Mash- inter of Maple was solemnized by Rev: George H. Dix. The bride, given in marriage by her father. looked lovely in a floor length gown of white satin and lace with fingerâ€" tip veil and bridal bouquet of roses, sweet peas and carnation petals. Hazel Booth, a cousin of the bride. was bridesmaid in pink lace and net gown with pink veil and bouquet of roses and sweet peas. Edward Mash- inter. brother of the groom, was :best man. The ushers were Harold Shorting'. cousin of the bride, and Jack Topp. cousin of the groom. Mrs. Dix played the wedding music. After the ceremony a reception was held tit the home of the bride when 90 g‘UESts were received Mrs. Albert Booth in a rose flow- ered silk dress with corsage of rose and carnation petals assisted by the sister of the groom, Mrs. Baker, in a figured blue silk dress. For going away the bride citese 11 suit of colonial blue with matching too coat. blue sailor hat and black accessories with corsage of roses and carnation petals. After a short trip to North Bay the happy couple wxli reside in Maple. MOORE-NOBLE Decorated with pink and white snapdrag'ons and palms. Maple Unit~ ed Church was the setting of the wedding of Dorothy Iris Noble. (laughter of Mn and Mrs. W. H. Noble and Alan Andrew Moore. DJ”. C.. son of Mr. anti Mrs. ll. J. Moore. lev. L'. E. Fockler officiated. (liven in marriage by her father. the bride wore blush ivory satin with long pointed sleeves and sweetheart neckline_ Her veil of matchingr lace and net was gathered in Mary Stu- art halo. The bridal bouquet was 0f deep red roses and bouvardia. Miss- Betty Moore. her only attendant. was gowned in Queen's blue net over taffeta with matching shoulder length veil, caught by a half bonnet headdress. She carried a nosegay of forget-me-nots. pink carnations and token roses. Mrs. Marion Demorest, L.T.C.M., aunt of the bride. played the wedding music. The groomsman was Mr. Karl O'Connor and the ush- ers were Mr. Keith Jennings and Mr_ Russell Noble. At the reception held at Maple Villa. the bride's mother received in an ensemble of beige figured silk. tan accessories and corsag'e of pink roses. The groom's mother assisted in an ensemble of powder blue fig- ured crepe. navy accessories and cor- sage of pink roses. For their trip to the US. the bride chose a dressmaker suit of hunter‘s green with brown at‘CC>SOl‘lt’S. R. KANE REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Telephone QZ-R Richmond Hill Farms and village property for sale and exchange. by .. /-.~â€"-z â€"- lttidi. UN tnRtt‘i RED CROSS NOTES Through contact made with the mayor of Richmond (which includes liltinnottti ililli Surrey. England. the president of llirhmund llill Red lta< received a list of 7m nnnes ll‘ that art-u \\llt' are e-l need of food and known to be Il\\\l deserving. To quote train the letter. “it is known that lit; on this list would be grateful indeed for any gift ltll'IliI l)(_‘ sent". A meeting of Richmond llill Red ‘A'td- (toss in tin great- persons very which no tnetl ('ioss Brant-h will be held on nesday. May 15th at 21 pm. in Lite Red Cross work room to discuss plans for giving immediate food help to these British people in Richmond. England. Everyone interested is in- vited to attend. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. (leorge Manning. Aurora. wish to announce the en- gagement of their elder daughter. Audrey Mae, to Francis Alvin Cook, eldest son of Mr. Asa Cook. Aurora. and the late Mrs. look. A quiet wedding will take place early in June at the home of the bride's par- (‘lll.\'. ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Hislop and the late Albert ilislop announce the en agentent of . tlzt tr daughter Nora Mih red to IIar- old Franklin. son of Mr. and Mrs. \tht‘red Keller of Maple. Oitt. The marriage to take place Saturday, June 8th at St. Clair United Church. Toronto. ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Mary Kathleen. daughter of Mrs. \l'in. Brazier and the late William lintzier to Wallace Thomas Moriarty sei- of the late Mr. and Mrs. John T. Moriarty. The marriage to take lilHtt‘ Saturday, May 25. St. Mary’s ill. Church, Richmond Hill. The teacher was trying»: to make Elsie understaan subtraction and she said: “You have ten fingers. now supposing there were three missing what would you have then?" “No music lessons." said Elsie promptly. gag " “Wrfitfitr‘lfirfimt peningDance i in the Wilcox Lake Community Hall Commencing SATURDAY, MAY 25 Bill Smith’s Merrymakers will provide the music. ROSS BLACK. Floor Manager Come and meet your friends. PARS . TOP OF MORNING Coffee . . LARGE M EATY Prunes . LIMITED QUANTITIES FLOWERDALE ‘TEA... CHOICE CALIFORNIA NAVEL FLORIDA Celery Hearts . CALIFORNIA Carrots SELECTED Ql'Ald'l‘Y Ground Fresh B. 8- 1% Rice, Salmon & Corn to lb. PKG. TOmatoes - - - Oranges . . Bundle .’ 3Bunc*‘”25c PACE SETTLN Lilia u‘u Ind)me .1; 4 E; FOR MOTHERs DAY it .8": ‘ t fill-‘31 Fresh Cut Flowers Snaps, Sweet Peas, Pansies, Etc. HANSON’S Eigin Mills VICTORIA SQUARE D a n C 6 COMMUNITY HALL Ken Rose’s Orchestra FRIDAY, MAY 17th MODERN AND OLDE ’l‘YME DANCING ADMISSION 35 Cents uomouomonomomomou “0.096000600m060”0000m00@66000000®6MOMOONO'fi iRRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Churches. Roofs, Barns, Houses a Specialty EXPERT WORKMANSHII’ Reasonable Rates Estimates Given Free PHONE sToUFFvn.i.E 7313 A. HEATON, Gormley WWW”OW06M00009090 0626.006 ‘3W0090’E i? 9 sesame WNW”NOWO “ 3909M TWO SHOWS DAILY â€".â€" 7.30 AND 9.30 I’.M. D.S.T. ‘ f. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 I’.M. (_ SATURDAY AND HOLIDAY'S SHOW STARTS 7 RM, THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY. MAY 9, 10. 11 ROBERT MONTGOMERY. JOHN WAYNE in “ THEY WERE EXPENDABLE ” MONDAY & TUESDAY, MAY 13. 14 HEDY LAMARR. ROBERT WALKER. JUNE ALLYSON in “ HER HIGHNESS AND THE BELLBOY ” WED. THURS” FRI., SAT., MAY 15. 16. 17. 18 JUDY GARLAND. JOHN HODIAK in “ THE HARVEY GIRLS ” 20 oz. TIN NABISCO 200 I ’ 35c ShreddethheatZ ' 23c Soups . L'NSWEETENED Grapefruit Juice " ISO _ ._. 15C ’5 8 450 28 oz. TIN SIZE 220’s DOZ. NEW GREEN C ' LB. Co- : Pineapples .Preserve Now Tomatoes 29c ._____.â€"â€"â€"_______

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