Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 May 1946, p. 8

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CONCRETE - MASONRY WORK PAGE EIGHT Repairs to tankS. lines, cylinder Concrete Construction, Stone Work Considerable quantity of cedar and metal posts in stock You get more for your money with any Swiffs feed.- Why? Because Swift's have bat/J the research facilities and a special reason for making feeds that give resuks. The reason? Swift's depend on the produce you grow! Yes, it‘s common sense to buy Swift‘s balanced feeds! More top-grade hogs faster with Swift’s Gro-mor Hog Concentrate Electric and ()xy Acetylene Welding Anything weldgd ‘urrrer’s Welding Service A. DECIANTIS Richmond Hill, Ont., RE. No. 1 Essex Ave., Richmond Hill, Ont. Telephone Richmond Hill 46r25 EMPIRE FEED MILLS, R.R. 1 York Mills M. PALMER and SON, Maple. Ont. lIOLINGSHEAD BROS, King, Ont. WALTER BONE & SON WIRE FENCING here Maple R.R. No. 2 ks, boilers. cracked auto heads. pipe ler blocks, machinery parts, etc. led anywhere (portable equipment) Estimates given free 03962939 NAT‘QNAe TO EVERYWHERE, INCANADLA 1;». NUTRITION IS OUR BUSINESS -AND YOURS! The pleasure begins before you set foot on the train. Any Canadian National ticket office will arrange itineraries, nml can also supply practically any information you need about anywhere in Canada. Make your holiday or business trip really worth-while; talk it over with Canadian National first. Sevéral Maple folk motored to the Niagara district on “Blossom Sun- day", May 5th. Special ‘IMuothei-‘gV’lVJâ€"éy" services will be held in St. Andrew’s Presby- terian and in the United Church next Sunday. initiation of the members. Maple United Church Sunday School anniversary will be held on June 2nd. Rev. Mr. Hunnisett or Fred Victor Mission and a part of his boys’ orchestra will be in charge of the service. Further announce- me’pt will b‘e_ given later. Maple C.G.I.T‘. group will meet on Friday evening, May 17th at 7.30 in the United Church school room. All the members are being asked to bring a name for the group from which the best one will be chosen. The executive will meet. on Friday evening of this week to plan for the initiation of the members, The last regular meeting of the Y.P.U. of Maple United Church for this season Will be held on Monday evening, May 13th at 8.15 pm, at the home of Miss Ada. Musselman- Dr. I“. W. Routley Will be the speak- or. ~All members are urged to at- tend and Iriemls are heartily wel- (romed. Friends and neighbours of the Frank P. Rumble family are very sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. Allan Rumble. Mrs. Rumble is suff- ering from an unusual malady which has caused paralysis of one side of her body and afieeted her eyes, She will be confined to bed for at least two months and is being cared for at. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burnett at Jefferson. Our sin- cere wishes for a speedy, and com- plete recovery are extended to Mrs. Rumble. MAPLE N EWSY NOTES LLBEBAL‘. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ST. JOHN’S. Oak Ridttcs 11.15 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. 11.40 a.m.â€"Sunday School. ST; $TEPHEN’S, Map]: COMBINED I'ARISHES Rorlol': ReV. E. \V. G. “'orl'aH Sunday, May 12. All sex-visas I).S.T .ALL SAINTS, King 10 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Prayer. 2,30 p.111._Sunda.v School. The May meeting of St. Andrew's W.M.S. took the form of an all-day quilting in the Sunday School room. There was a good attendance 110m morning and afternoon and the lad- ies enjoyed a box lunch at the noon hom. The congregation of the Maple United Church is arranging to hold a special service to which are being: invited the former members of His Majesty‘s forces whose names are on our Honor Roll. This service will be held on Sunday, May 19 at 700 p,m. The service will be delivered by Chaplain the Rev. Alfred C. Fort- est. B.A.. B.D., of Hamilton. Folâ€" lowing the service a fireside will be held in the Sunday School rooms with an informal reception and pro- gram to which everyone is cordially mvxtcd. A junior choir from the Sunday School will sing at the Mother? Day service in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning. These chiklron have been practising for some time and have a real treat in store for us. Luncheon was served at the Maple Villa. to about 260 by the local lad- ies with Mrs. Bigford in charge. During the meal musical numbers were provided by Mrs, Merritt, Mrs. Glegg and Miss M. Ramsey. Mrs. Archer Wallace and Mrs. Norman poured tea. The tables were decor- ated with spring flowers and light- cd candles. Mrs. H. Knight in her gracious way made everyone feel welcome. Many visitors cxprc5scd delight with the beauty of the church and the villa. The Toronto Centre Presbyterial Women's Missionary Society Spring Rally was held in the Maple United Church last Tuesday. The church was decorated with palms and flow- ers. The many visitors enjoyed the very fine program which was in charge of the President, Mrs. R. J, D. Simpson of Toronto. Mrs. Fock- lcr, the local President, gave the ad- dress 01 welcome and .urs. laylor, formerly of India, gave the principle address. Mrs. Routlcy and Mrs. namscy Note in charge of register- ing the guests. \â€" fl Broadcasts both services from The Peoples Church, 100 Bloor East, Toronto. each Sunday at 11 am. and 7 p.m. Dial 1050 or 105. Listen in 1hext Sunday. Dr. Oswald J. Smith, Pastor. ppmâ€"Holy Communion {HUM try Society Spring W.M.S. held their May meeting on the Maple United Wednesday. May 3 at the home of day. The church-Mrs. A. Newson. '1 «my members. h palms and flow- and friends were in attendance and isitors enjoyed the the president. Mrs. Newson, occupied m which was in the chair and read the call to nor- 3sident, Mrs. R. J, ship. It. was decided to hold an- ronto. Mrs, Fock- other quilting before the bale was ident, gave the ad- Shipped and Mrs. Russell offered her and mm. laylor, home for an afternoon quilting the gave the pl‘inClple last week in May, date to be agreul toutley and Mrs, on later. Miss M. Rodick and Mrs. :harge of rcgister- A. new thanked the members for E the lovely flowers sent to their )rved at, the Maple mothers at Easter. Bible reading l by the local lad. Wes by Mrs. Elmer lIill after which gfm-d in chargc_‘ MISS Ruth Gohn read a prayer on musical numbers Temperance by Dr. Stanley Russell. Mrs. Merritt, Mes. Following this ten of the members M. Ramsey. Mrs. Nod short papers on the roaring of ind Mrs. Norma“ Children in a Christian atmosphere tables were decor. by the force of example in the home. flowors and light,- . Mrs. Russell closed the meeting with H, Knight in her the benediction. The hostesses, [dc everyone fvel hrs. Newson and Mrs. Elmer Hill. visitors expressed served lunch and a social half hour eauty of the churchi “'35 much enjoyed. . WEDNESDAY, MAY 22â€"1111portant auction sale of choice 100 acre farm, farm stock. now milkcr and imple- ments. the property of Norman Groensidcs. east half lot 32. con. 4 King Twp. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. D.S.T. Fred N. Smith, auc- lionecr. SATURDAY. MAY 18â€"Auction sale of farm stock, implements, cattle. horses, sheep, pigs, furniture, etc., in lot 22. con. 3 North York Town- ship. 2% miles east of Yonge Street, property of J. W. Jolnudon. Terms cash. No reserve. farm sold. Sale at 12.80 noon D.S.T. James Smith. clerk. Ken and Clarke Prentice, Prentice, auctioneers. salc of household furniture. garden tools, etc.. on Church St.. Markham, property of Alex Boyd. Terms cash. No reserve as proprietor going west. Bake at 12 p.111. sham. Ken and Clarke Prentice. auctioneers.- W E I.) N ES DA Y. M A Y SATURDAY, MAY 18â€"Auction sale of McCormick Usering 28x46 thresh. er on rubber With clover recloaner attachment, I.lI.C. tractor. Popcc cutting box. furniture, real estate, etc., the propel-(v of Mrs. Isabella Stewart in the village of Goodwood. Property offered subject‘ to a reserve bid. Immediate possession. Owner moving to the cily. Terms on chat- tels cash, Sale at 1.30 p.111. Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers. SATURDAY. MAY 18â€"â€"Auctiou sale of household furniture, dishes. glass- ware. the property of \V. Harris, 20 Arnold St., Richmond Hill. Terms cash. Sale starts 1.30 p.m. No rc- servc. A. S, Farmer, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 ‘ Auction sale of household furniture, garden tools. farm implements, etc. on Main St., Markham, Ont, property of the estate of the late Dan Raymer. Sale at 1.30 p.111. sharp. Terms cash. N0 I'CbCTYC. property sold. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. of high grade household furlniurc. garden tools and other effects he- longlng‘ to the estate of the Iafe Mrs. Chas. Clark, Roscvicw Ave" Rich- mond Hill, Ont. Sale at. 1.30 pm- sharp. No reserve. Ken and Clarke prenticc, auctioneers. James Smith, clerk: FRIDAY. MAY 10â€"Aucfion sale of farm stock. implements, hay. grain, hogs, etc. on lot; 31. con. 1 Vaughan Twp. on No. 7 Highway 1/2 mile west of Thol‘nhill, property of Ed- ward Seagcr. Sale at. 1 pm. anms cash. No resorvo. Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SA TU RDAY. M A Y H The Davidsbfi Mission Band will hold their May meeting on Saturday aucrnoon at the home of Mrs. A Burns. You are cordially invited 16 attend. Mrs. A. Clondenhih "xvisitwc'd with Mrs. Stevens of Stout" vxllc over the week-end. DANCE Dance each Saturday night at Bol- ton Casino to Merrymakers 8-piecc orchestra. *6w41 Mrs_ G. Daltmhspent Tuesday af tcrjoon with Mrs. J. DcClara. Supper guests on Saturday at the home of Dr. and Mrs. G. Kelly were Mr. and Mrs. Shea, Mrs. Lucas and Muriel of Toronto, Mrs. Riséhroxlgl1 and Lillian of Willmvdale, Mrs. E. szlton an_<l_l§Iiss Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Gfbsbn Zhd of Newtonbrook were Sunday oerr. and Mrs. C. Burr. Mrs. W. Hood and baby \‘011 Jim are spcndmg a few days at the home of the farmer’s mother, Mrs. Secrelt of Willowdale. Sunday guests at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harding were Mrs. Ilemtv Harding, Mr. H. Hardin, Mrs. T. Co_c}<eri11 and Ruth of Millikcn. Mr. and Mrs’f'W. Cx'é-iE“;i'sit0(l with Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnston on Sunday: Miss Lois Clark spent ‘ end with her cousin. Franc Miss Marion Hood visitcl day at the home of Bax-bu We are sorry to report, that Mr. H. Hooper is still very ill, also the]; 311:._J. Coufiqrthwaite is sick. Miss Lois Clark spent ‘th week- end with her cousin. Franm-s Baker. Miss Marion Hood visited on Sun- day at the home of Barbara Bruce. Miss Betty Barber of Victoria Square was a week-end guest at, the home of Margaret Hood. The dance in aid 01' the Sea Cadets of Langstaff held in Buttonville Hal! on Friday last was well attended. The program consisted of old time square dances and modern fox trots. Mr. A. Fletcher acted as master of ceremonies. The Lcitchcroft cm- ployeesrserved lunch and everyone ployees served lunch and everyone reported a most enjoyable Pvemng. Authorized by - Exploswe _Dw1siou Toronto Slonc Phone 266w Inside or Out Brown’s DYNAMITING Sale Register BUTTONVILLE lumps. wen etc. Corners United Church Aurora, Ont Anywhere 115, bridges. 1. J, Morni Explosive Operator Auction sale )l'nm A uction family guests MM“MOWOM”O.O§OOO“MOO; 0:0 flAndy SEE: 0H0 WWOOOOOOOONOO“0”W W”m““WOWOOOMWO ’00....”“WO'OONO”...NOOOQOWOGOOOOOOQOOOOOOO Re-Roofing J. Carl Saigeon Agency Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5w Thornhill Newtonbrook l’.0. We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or As- phalt Shingles, Flat Roofing, and we in- vite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. MARKHAM ARENA, WED, MAY 22nd POWER & LIGHTING SPECIALISTS New wiring and alterations. Repairs to all electrical appliances. Phone Richmond Hill 195m ALTERATIONS and INSULATING PROMPT SERV ICE H. 1’. Matthews 33 Yonge St . Dancing â€"â€"- 9 to l BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Wishes to announce that he has moved his office In ‘10 Yonge St. at Arnold where he will carry on the general practice of Law. OPEN EVENINGS 8 ’1‘0 10 Telephone Richmond Hill 229 C. RIDDELL Will give service on yOur automobile, farm fire, liability and Personal Floater. INSURANCE BERT NIOSI All insurance matters will receive the usual prompt attention and service. EAVESTROUGI-IING, ROOFING NEW FINDLAY AND PEASE FURNACES Parts and Repairs for all makes of furnaces â€" ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! TINSMITH M. & G. Electric And His Famous lS-l'lECE ()lu‘lll'lS'l‘llA with lovely l’at Berry, Vocalist J. RABINOWITCH, B.A. PAUL DUBOIS ODD â€" 9 to l Admission $1.00 Mark this date on your calendar MAPLE, ONTARIO ERNIE BROCK LICENSED ELECTRICIANS VICE FREE ESTIMA'I'ES GUARANTEED WORK PHONE MAPLE Telephone Maple ll Richmond Hill 0:0 THURSDAY. MAY 91111. 1946 anemone 301:0 J~ F. Gardner Telephone 5.] 0:0 0:5!

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